State of Der Movement

I’m borrowing the phrase “Der Movement” from Ted Sallis.

I’ve found that I am more productive and in better spirits the less that I think about and the less that I engage with all the various factions which comprise Der Movement.

Let’s run through a short list of these factions:

1. National Socialists and Fascists – As the history of this blog shows, I have never had any interest in classical fascism or National Socialism. There have been people who have been trying to build a fascist or National Socialist movement in America as far back as the 1930s and they have never had any success with it for a variety reasons. The most important reason is that it is a foreign ideology and American culture has Anglo-Saxon roots. Americans are individualistic and dislike being organized. They don’t have a fascist temperament or even a strong and pervasive sense of ethnic identity. When Americans try to do fascism, they come across less as the historical National Socialists than as Americans.

It is true that I supported the Nationalist Front in 2017. I said at the time that I was worried about what I called the “Nazi Dike.” I was extremely worried in the spring of 2017 that the “punch a Nazi” meme which was then fashionable on the Left which was growing increasingly violent and censorious was going to spiral out of control. I saw that it wouldn’t just lead to violent attacks on Richard Spencer or classic Neo-Nazi groups like the NSM. It would lead to violent attacks on anyone branded as “far right” and would spiral from there to violent attacks on law enforcement and ICE officers and Trump supporters in general. This had already begun during the Trump campaign in 2016 over a year before the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville. Antifa had attacked Trump supporters during Trump’s own inauguration.

2. Violent Accelerationists – Fortunately, we have heard less from them after the FBI crackdown that followed the El Paso shooting. The Biden administration is salivating at the thought of another accelerationist mass shooting which can be used as a pretext to attack the filibuster in the Senate, push through gun control and to mobilize public support for the broader crackdown on “domestic violent extremism” that DHS is already planning. There have been dozens of mass shootings by accelerationists which have thoroughly discredited the idea that this “strategy” will spark a “race war.” The result of every mass shooting that I have observed over the course of twenty years is that they invariably disgust the public and it dominates the news cycle for a short while and the shooter either ends up dead or in prison. It justifies attacks by our political enemies on our monuments and civil liberties.

3. White Nationalism 1.0 – These are generally older people who want to build a White ethnostate in North America, but they strongly disagree with the violent accelerationists and reject their tactics. Instead, WN 1.0s are typically Trump supporters who are engaged in politics and tend to vote for Republican candidates. Ultimately, they “circle back” to the mainstream and vote in elections, which is a strange political strategy for people who marginalize themselves by openly embracing the goal of a White ethnostate. At the end of the day, most of them are Republicans when it matters. If you are ultimately going to vote for Republicans, wouldn’t it be easier for you to just become one?

4. Alt-Right 2.0 – The Alt-Right destroyed itself in the wake of Charlottesville in the event which was known as the Optics War. It disintegrated and never recovered its former momentum. There isn’t a coherent movement now so much as cliques and factions. Strangely enough, the internal infighting that swept the movement after Charlottesville was wildly out of proportion to the extent that the public ever cared about the Unite the Right rally. In the wake of Charlottesville, the polls showed there was no discernable change in public sympathy or support for the movement or Confederate statues.

5. Southern Nationalism – Southern Nationalism is plagued by many of the same issues as the Alt-Right and White Nationalism because it is driven by many of the same currents. The main division in this camp is over racial or ethnic nationalism as well as differences in strategy. As with White Nationalism, the major problem confronting Southern Nationalists is that White identity and Southern identity have been so weakened in the post-World War II era. White Nationalists and Southern Nationalists also face the same deplatforming issue because both are lumped together as “far right domestic extremism.”

6. America First/Groypers – Nick Fuentes and the Groypers enjoyed a lot of success in 2018 and 2019, but ran into the same deplatforming issue. In the wake of the Capitol Siege, the America First movement is facing harassment by state intelligence agencies and possibly lawsuits. The movement is also centered on a cult of personality like TWP and previous White Nationalist and Alt-Right groups.

7. Immigration Restriction – VDARE is chugging along and the cause of nativism and immigration restriction is stronger than ever on the Right.

8. Race Realism – Amren is also chugging along as a specialized site that has been around for almost thirty years now. White identity is on the rise and new findings in genetics continue to whittle away at the notion that “race is a social construct.” Both Amren and VDARE have experienced the same deplatforming issues as everyone else that is lumped together by our enemies as the “far right.”

9. Wignats – I always used the term “wignat” in jest to make fun of people who defined themselves as “American Nationalists” who were slavishly uncritical of the Trump presidency and who I thought were aesthetes who were overly obsessed with “optics.” Donald Trump is gone now though. Joe Biden is the president now and we have to move on and figure out where to go from here.

As a “movement,” we all experienced severe damage in the Trump years. No one was really left unscathed. In particular, the censorship has impacted all of us no matter how much some “far right” personalities may hate each other. There are larger problems though that need to be addressed.

Is there anything that can be done to fix this pitiful situation and turn it around? I’m optimistic that it can be done. I also have some suggestions which I will be addressing in a series of articles on the topic.

About Hunter Wallace 12390 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. For the record…I have always hated Jared Taylor…intensely.

    At the very time that White Tech workers were being racially replaced by Chinese and Hindus…Taylor felt very good about boasting in public about Asian intellectual superiority. An opportunity was blown. Taylor did this on the Phil Donahue special on immigration. On a show where a 40 year White Guy Tech Audience Member described in great detail how he was displaced by Hindus at an Engineering Company…and immediately Jared Taylor starts blathering about IQ test score psychometric….this was the show which Dave Chappell was on…

    There is something serious wrong with freaks such as Jared Taylor who are obsessed with IQ test score psychometric jibber-jabber.

    • This was also the reason Jared was thrown out from Eastern Europe. All those intellectuals derailing every effective movement and turn it to boring abstract discussion without relevance to real world whatsoever.

      In my opinion, those wise great thinkers are the main culprits for Western Civilization demise. They
      thought most simplest things to absurd until word constructs replaced reality.

      My personal favorite is Pat Buchanan. Every time when I read him I think, on what planet this gentleman lives.

    • The racial realist are controlled opposition. |Their purpose is to frame the argument and mislead you into thinking the hatred directed at white Christians is racial instead of religious. The goal of the Jews is the destruction of Christ and Christianity. Then only then will the world be prepared for the Jew messiah, the Moshiach the anti-Christ.

      • “When this book was first published fifteen years ago [1922], the things it had to say were new to the English public. The Jewish question had never been properly discussed or understood. For most people it did not exist.

        “This was less true of the English-speaking world as a whole. In the United States, and particularly in the town of New York, the Jewish question was ever present and at times acute; but it had not reached either in scope or intensity the position it has achieved to-day. Being on a new subject and one, in England at least, so unfamiliar, it is remarkable that a new edition was called for in half a dozen years. …

        “Now that a third edition is called for, nine years later, we are in a different world so far as the Jewish question is concerned. Three things of first-class magnitude have changed everything and have aroused universal interest on the subject here discussed. That interest may increase until it breeds something much graver than mere debate.

        “These three things which have of late accentuated the Jewish question are, first, the advance of the European Revolution by the recent great and definite stage it has taken since it was launched with the enormous massacres in Russia twenty years ago. The Revolution has obtained power in Spain, holds nearly half that country and is there fighting desperately to extend its power. … Moscow is in power at Valencia, at Barcelona, and (though precariously) at Madrid.

        “The second thing is the violent reaction against the European Revolution of the government of Berlin, with the consequent exile and persecution of Jews throughout the German Reich. …

        “The third thing is the maturing of the Zionist experiment in Palestine.

        “At this point let it be carefully noted and fixed in the reader’s mind that the Spanish conflict is essentially a religious war. It does not call itself such. The superficial foreign observer, especially if he be from a country where Catholicism is virtually unknown to the mass of men, may well think the other elements in the struggle to be of greater importance, and particularly the struggle between Capital and Labour. But in all its manifestations of active hatred, especially its organizing of murder, Communism in Spain since the outbreak of the revolution has been specially and particularly anti-Christian.”

        –Hilaire Belloc, Introductory Chapter to the Third Edition, “The Jews,” London, Constable and Company Limited, 1937

        • John. Grazie.

          Belloc knew his Enemy, and knew His Church back when it still WAS a semblance of the O,H,C, and A, Church. And the two (Church and jew) are engaged in an eternal struggle, that will end in however you term, ‘Armageddon.’ Of course, some of us (a-hem!) believe that occurred in AD 70, and if the Church would only show some ‘cojones’ in ‘the present year,’ we could ‘mop up’ the antichrists, tomorrow, and usher in a SECOND millennium…. but there you are. Men prefer to be cowards, rather than bloody their hands with a little ‘collateral damage.’

          The emasculated Male hierarchy of Rome are all now ‘celibate’ sodomites, and no one is lifting a finger to publicly stone them, and rid the Church (of the West) from this disgusting evil.

          Meanwhile, the Prots are all feminized by letting women do a man’s job, and/or mired in a rock concert/don’t polish brass on a sinking ship eschatological dead-end, so they’re USELESS.

          Elizabeth the Useless has destroyed (effing DESTROYED) the C of E, helped along by Juden scum Welby….. and Anglicans are all over the map, from a state Church and nation who once gave us Empire over the ‘lesser races without the law’ – and music like Elgar’s and poetry like Kipling’s. Misericordie, Domine!

          Only the Russians and their renascent Orthodoxy seem poised to restore/regain Christendom from the Antichrist Jews…. but the West hates the Bus with a passion, so there’s no ‘communication,’ there. Oh, and the fact that Die Juden ‘cunt-rol’ the Media and Social Media, don’t help matters.

          • Prego, D. I’m glad you found Belloc’s remarks worth reading.

            “Elizabeth the Use—“—boy, I can’t even bring myself to repeat that characterization of yours. She was crowned nearly the day that her subject Edmund Hillary and the Sherpa Tenzing Norgay attained the summit of Everest. That was just three months after Crick and (American) Watson’s discovery, in the Cavendish Laboratory, at Cambridge, of DNA’s structure—which discovery, incidentally, occurred a month before my own DNA was formed, if we assume a nine-month gestation.

            How great was that breed.

        • @Il Signore Medio Irlandesi…

          “The Jewish question had never been properly discussed or understood. For most people it did not exist.”

          In Dixie it still does not rank as one of the top 300 questions.

          Nope, ye olde Jewish Question, in The South, runs several country miles after questions like : ‘Where’s my duct tape?’ ‘How many weeks left in deer season?’ ‘If I take another blood pressure pill, can I eat so more extra crispy chicken?’ ‘Who is giving the sermons at revival this year?’

  2. American culture has anglo-saxon roots, but doesn’t fascism and marxism, as well??? All those ideologies came from Germany and festered in paris, which spread like a parasite to the rest of the world. Hegel comes to mind.

    • No. Fascism is illiberal/anti-Liberal. Marxism is Liberalism taken further (freedom, democracy, individualism, anti-state, materialism, anti-spiritualism, anti-collectivism [a collectivized group of individuals wanting to improve wellbeing in a liberalized way is not collectivism which demands sacrifice of the individual for something more transcendent], etc, etc).

      I have heard arguments that Fascism still has some liberal proclivities still embedded, but I’m not of that camp (I mean I guess I guess where I see where they’re coming from).

      • Marxism is not liberal at all. In fact, it is even more illiberal than fascism. Marx despised liberals, especially the classical variety, and associated liberalism with capitalism.

        • Marxism (and Anarchism/Communism, Communism, Socialism is Liberal in the grand sense of what Liberal means). It believes in freedom, expansion of democracy (into the workforce whereas earlier “classical” [reactionary] liberals do not), individualism (and a collectivized group of individuals to elevate the person’s material conditions unlike what I mentioned before about true collectivism), materialism, economic reductionism and goal, class centric world view, egalitarianism, internationalism, anti-state/distrust in the state, anti-authoritarian/absolute liberation for utopia, etc. All this is Liberalism on steroids.

          In no way is Marxism illiberal. It’s critique of Liberalism is that Liberalism failed to bring about what it was promised to do, and Marxism will bring about this liberation, with its critique of Capitalism. Liberalism/Capitalism doesn’t go far enough in its egalitarianism (hierarchy in the workforce of employer vs employee etc], material wellbeing for everyone, etc.

          Marxism (and what comes from it Anarchism, Communism etc), was an EVOLUTION OUT of Capitalism and Liberalism from a further Liberal position- NOT in opposition to it (that “capitalism has stalled democracy from reaching its true goal of liberation of workers,” etc, etc).

          The best analogy I can use is the difference between Catholics and Lutherans. They’re both Christians. One sees the other as having failed its mission of the Christian faith. They’re not different religions like Hinduism and Buddhism.

          If I was a Liberal, I’d be Communist, as it takes Liberalism further, without the more reactionary contractions like “I believe in democracy but not when it comes to the economy/means of production” that earlier liberals like Sargon of Akkad likes to say.

          I’d like to hear your rebuttal as to why this isn’t the case, MGR.

          • >In no way is Marxism illiberal

            Stars, this is right on the money. Marxism is like someone who becomes an atheist because they feel Christianity isn’t Christian enough.


            A big-brained centrist could reply that liberalism fundamentally exists in an Emersonian sense. It is about the how and not the what or the who — the readiness to entertain different ideas, the willingness to extend charity to new arguments, the embrace of tentative and piecemeal solutions, the ability to compromise, etc.

            Postmodern conservatives, as much as they deserve critique, have refuted this. Leo Strauss would say that the value-neutrality of liberalism relativizes its own basis. Schmitt would say something about the mystification of liberal sovereignty. The events from last summer bear all of this out.

          • @Some dude

            Wasn’t [Carl] Schmitt a person who believed that Liberalism (and the ideological factions therein) has it’s own form of [lower case] totalitarianism? That groups will take over different organs of society (whether it be media culture academia military etc) and attempt to realign society around their beliefs? And that Liberalism just pretends its something that it’s not? All groups seek will to power and to formalize their ideology in various institutions to enact their will on the larger populace to push society in the direction the desire. All societies have governing Orders that enforce an ideological will on the populace.

            I only watched a quick video of him. But, I agree with him and came to the conclusion myself a little before finding out who is was.

            Piecemealing works if you’re wise enough to see the validity and truths found in different ideas, be the raging storm in the teacup to constantly challenge yourself, and others, to higher truths and become something more. And most do not do that. That energetic dynamism to explore all worlds to cultivate truth and wisdom is only a few have and not the bulk of society. Most times compromise doesn’t come from actual actual cultivation of truths within one’s self from searching everywhere, but rather from either cowardice of conflict or exasperation to find a quick resolution and move on. The latter of dozen-a-many. The former are a dime-a-few. That would be my off-the-cuff stupid rebuttal to Emersonian sense of Liberalism.

          • “The best analogy I can use is the difference between Catholics and Lutherans. They’re both Christians. One sees the other as having failed its mission of the Christian faith. They’re not different religions like Hinduism and Buddhism.”

            Aspire. You’re wrong on ALL counts.

            Marxism isn’t LIBERAL. It is satanic Jewish statism run amok. It is ANTICHRIST. Evil. DEATH. 100 million Bolshevik corpses can’t be wrong….

            Same with your skewed view of Xtianity. NEITHER filioquist Romanism or Luther’s nominalist cult are authentic Christianity.

            Look up Dr. Farrell’s “God, History, and Dialectic” and learn something…. Just sayin’

  3. White Nationalism is a cope. It’s a subconscious recognition that we have no elites, and that we were sold out long ago. To date, only small cults of personality have ever arisen, nothing national. The last truly large national movement to save WASP America was the Klan marches on DC in the 1920’s.

    There is no way to stop America becoming like Mexico. Our ancestors failed to stop liberalism. The only viable action is local collectivism, but this isn’t a long term strategy, as the empire and all of the immigrants are hunting us.

    We can flee to more nationalistic countries, but this entails taking on a second-class citizen status, even if the overall demographics and government are better.

    We can become like jews in the worst ways, but most Whites are not up for that level of moral depravity.

    One thing is for sure though, there will be no federal solution, and every institution will remain blatantly anti-White well after we are a minority.

    It will be a genocide, and I think that will turn hot faster than anyone predicted. The cat is out of the bag now.

    Unfortunately, there is no way that Whites can stop this as we are without elites, and too individualistic.

    • “White Nationalism is a cope. It’s a subconscious recognition that we have no elites, and that we were sold out long ago. To date, only small cults of personality have ever arisen, nothing national. The last truly large national movement to save WASP America was the Klan marches on DC in the 1920’s.”

      Don’t agree with all of what you wrote. But there’s a lot of truth here.

      “There is no way to stop America becoming like Mexico. Our ancestors failed to stop liberalism. The only viable action is local collectivism, but this isn’t a long term strategy, as the empire and all of the immigrants are hunting us.”

      America was always a liberal state from its conception. Why would avert from its trajectory?

    • >genocide

      Blormf got over 560000+ Americans killed. Do warnings about white genocide even resonate after that?

      Unlike the Republican base, the Democratic coalition is unstable. One, whites are more united than voting shows. Despite being a shitty conman, Trump would have won in 2020 if he wasn’t inciting grugs to oppose public health measures during a pandemic for his greatest allies on Wall Street. Secondly, when we cut police budgets, what happens when blacks attack hispanics and asians? The system isn’t going to be able to scapegoat whites indefinitely, and this will create openings for opportunist Republicans.

      The problem is, what happens if the Republicans win? And consider this: what if all of the Lauren Witzke’s of the world become white nationalists? Ben Shapiro wins again if they all think white nationalism means freedumb: corporate inversions and cutting taxes for hedge fund managers and right to work laws.

      >The only viable action is local collectivism
      A better strategy is economic collectivism.

      The woke stuff isn’t just anti-white. Under woke dogma everyone is privileged in some respect — man, heterosexual, Christian, ageist, ableist… Corporations and their woke lackeys say they’re making their spaces inclusive and welcoming, but they function to make them as unwelcoming as possible, since wokeism means anyone can be fired on the flimsiest basis. There are socialist solutions for this. Conservatives are only despairing because their Burgerland laissez-faire policies are bogus.

      • For more in-depth than the typic WN responses on here.

        It’s about every aspect of the majority vs minority. Not just race. The tearing down of the dominant group for the “fringed ‘other.'” The worship of the “other” and saviorism. Extreme xenophilia.

  4. The fundamental mistake of the authentic Alt-Right-White Nationaliss is they didn’t understand how advanced Corporate billionaires and their Democratic Party Politicians were in their agenda to exterminate the Native White Working Class…And this was the blunder of Charlottesville…should stayed away from Charlottesville….should have cancelled the event….it was a fucking trap…

    Trump’s White Voting Bloc made and continues to make the same mistake:they still don’t understand that the policy of WHITE GENOCIDE is very real…and that you can’t vote against it every 4 years..POTUS election time….

    Our side needed to come with a framework in 2000..not an esoteric framework debated by Alt Right intellectuals……and posing as James Bond….There should have been an intense focus on nonwhite LEGAL IMMIGRANTS and their US born nonwhite geneline as a growing and very powerful Democratic Party Voting Bloc…unrelentingly…..

    In 2000…the focus on the nullification of the Native White Vote by nonwhite LEGAL IMMIGRANTS and their nonwhite US born Children should have been incessant…instead, there was a nitwit obsession with IQ test scores….and 9/11-JFK was bump off by Presscot Bush conspiracies…

    As far as Richard Spencer goes… back in the day, he recognized the danger of nonwhite LEGAL IMMIGRANTS…but it was always in the background.

    Larger point: In the larger Ideological war with the Democratic Party…The Clinton’s were way ahead of us…..Pepe the Frog was teenage foolishness…Unrelenting focus on Asian Scab Legal Immigrant Labor much better….and it should have been done in 2000….

  5. Most people consume content à la carte.

    There is much higher quality content now than there was five years ago. Aris Roussinos is a big upgrade over Milo Yiannopoulos. Pedro L. Gonzalez has better takes than Nick Fuentes. Guide to Kulchur’s Decameron Festival has had higher quality Millenniyule. Josh Neal outclasses Jordan Peterson. Keith Woods has been bringing more insight than Richard Spencer, and without the cringe. Who talks about Lauren Southern, Matt Forney, or Andrew Anglin anymore?

    Now that the orange man is gone it will be more difficult for grifters left and right. Buzzfeed, Huffpost, Bloomberg, etc. are laying off journalists, Molymeme is whining to his drastically reduced following that humanity can’t be trusted — strange take for an anarcho-capitalist. The Supreme Dark Lord Vox Day now tells his Legion of Evil that if you don’t believe President Biden is a hologram, you’re a gamma.

    I’m confident the cream will rise to the top now that Trump is gone. A great reset was long overdue.

    • I like Pedro L. Gonzalez. He gets some things wrong, but for a Conservative/Nationalist, I think he’s smart and ahead of the curve. I do like Richard Spencer. Keith Woods gets certain things wrong, but he’s very knowledgeable. Never heard of Aris Roussinos. I’m going to check him out. Thanks.

    • The only thing that rises to the top in the good ol’ USA is scum. That is why we are where we are; why we will be the next Brazil.

  6. “Americans are individualistic and dislike being organized. When Americans try to do fascism, they come across less as the historical National Socialists [Fascism] than as Americans.”


  7. Answer to Bob

    Before that can happen…something in the mind of White America has to die……on this point I believe that Richard Spencer and Brad probably agree…and I would agree…

    Certainly Modernism has to expire and bury it in a Utah Salt Mine with radioactive waste..

    So what exactly has to die?

    Answer:shit like this….

    USA…USA…USA…USA….this gave us Ronald Reagan…

    Cornball Uncle Sam….Yankee Doodle Dandle…..

    All forms of Protestantism…This is not Christianity….

    You can name other shit…..such as Negro Ball…..

    Another one:HYPERINDIVIDUALISM…no one gave a shit when my late father was replaced by the Hindus at Grumman Corp……Happened to a lot of White Men at Grumman Corp-literally the White Men who designed the LEM and the F-14( my father on the team that designed the retractable wing)The White Folks who were indifferent to what happened to my large Irish Catholic Family are now contemplating suicide…epidemic of White Male suicide in America-all age groups…USA USA..RONNIE REAGAN didn’t do shit for you fuckers….


  8. There was a whole lot of racial spiritual rot among White Male Boomers…the ones who voted for Ronnie Reagan. In 2021 they are very nervous and reduced to making sarcastic comments on Steve Sailer’s website…yes very clever sarcastic comments with the creative use of Monty Python references…But who gives a fuck?…You are now facing White Male Suicide and WHITE GENOCIDE….and Pakistani Muslim Americans taunting you on twitter…and this is 20 years after 9/11!!!

    Were the circle jerk-off group(go look this up) the Beatles worth it? Albert Goldman was right about the Beatles and Elvis….

    JFK WAS NOT OUR FRIEND!!!…He was anti-white to the wick of his being….that’s for sure..

  9. There is no movement. All progress we perceive ourselves to have made recently has been a result of providence, and the cosmic sense of humor belonging to whatever agency pulls the strings in this universe, as well as some dumb luck and the sheer hubris and incompetence of our enemies.

    If it weren’t for them pulling the mask off too fast and overextending themselves to try and suppress/censor the entire spectrum of dissidents and conservatives, we wouldn’t even be relevant. Arguably we still aren’t because we don’t steer this wild hayride of disaffected Whites from all backgrounds (except the entrenched upper class).

    I’m done with ideology and I think we all need to get past the limitations imposed by rigid worldviews.

    Its enough to just be White and understand that its ok to be White. That the coalition of takers and rentseekers hate us because we are White and prosperous, with some residual dignity and honor even after all they have done. And so we must understand to survive as we are, we must secure the existence of our people and a future for White children.

    Its that simple. Our ideology such as it is needs to be no more complicated than “Its ok to be White”. Our MO is summarized in the 14 words.

    This is a positive worldview. One we have been missing up to this point, mostly because we have been stuck on the JQ, Reaganism, intellectual bullshit, and our share of grifters and egos trying to build their own cults of personality around such dysfunctional characters as Andrew Anglin, Mike Enoch, Chris Cantwell or even Richard Spencer.

    All of this baggage can and should be shed. I dont want a collective identity. I am what I am, and it so hapoens I’m not the only one of my flavor.

    What I want. What we all seem to want is our personal sovereignty. To speak our minds, live our lives and raise our kids how we choose without interference.

    This is the gooey core of all populist impulses.

  10. Great article!

    All political movements need a banner to rally around.

    Now is the time to cast a wide net, broaden our appeal and think big.

    Not just for the sake of Whites, but for all Humanity.

    We need to simplify our message, make it easier to express and claim the moral high ground.

    I believe the answer is clear:

    Join us.

    • A cause for the interests of all humanity is utopian by definition because it ignores the reality that not all of humanity shares common interests and never has.

      Quit spreading poorly thought out sloganeering, and stop to think for yourself instead.

      Look at how things ARE, and stop fighting with that nature.

      My people have been fighting against an oppressive (usually foreign) elite of some kind for almost two thousand years. Its the nature of humanity to be fractious, because of the REALITY of the scarcity of resources, the REALITY of personal ambitions, and the innate differences in different ethnic groups leading to disparate strategic advantages, like the British Empire with rifles subjugating barely clothed Indian savages with sticks.

      I have distinct interests in common with a certain demographic. I am at peace with the reality that those interests have to be served at times at the expense of other distinct groups.

      This is the way of nature and in keeping with the design of whatever agency pulls the strings in this universe.

      If for some limited amount of time my interests and those of people like me align with other distinct groups in this undeclared war of us versus them, then so be it. But I’m not going to be snowed into some notion of a grand coalition. It won’t last.

    • If natural conservatism isn’t grounded in organic reality, its just another flavor of bullshit like Reagan’s shining city on a hill of beans.

      Whitey should be too cynical to buy this crap by now anyway.

      I dont have the capacity to care for all of humanity, naturalist. “Humanity” is as much of an abstraction as White Privilege.

      Abstractions don’t serve our interests. They serve theirs.

    • The moral highground is a matter of perspective. As for simple messages, they won’t resonate unless they are intuitively true.

      “Its ok to be White” is such a message.

      Common sense is the product of organic truth which manifests itself in the mundane such that its obvious to those that aren’t self deluded. This is as egalitarian as nature gets, as this information that we understand as common sense is by definition exoteric.

      If you need a manifesto to explain it, its probably grounded in bullshit, hence not “organic”.

      • First let me say thanks for the replies (3!?!). I will answer them all in this one post for simplicity and clarity. All your critiques are answered by natural conservatism and it probably would have been easier to just read the philosophy (its short – 3000 words – they even provide a pdf) than to spend so much time writing out your replies. Lets begin.

        “A cause for the interests of all humanity is utopian by definition because it ignores the reality that not all of humanity shares common interests and never has.”

        All human beings (humanity) share simple interests in common, like food for example. A utopian claim would be – do what I say and you will never be hungry. Natural Conservatism rejects utopian claims and specifically states that Disorder and Conflict are inherent and necessary. They do claim to be “A path for humanity”, notice they don’t say “The only path” or the “best” path.

        “Quit spreading poorly thought out sloganeering, and stop to think for yourself instead.”

        Natural Conservatism rejects the preoccupation with the self. Let me phrase it such – Stop to think for yourself, instead think for your family. You’re “sloganeering” liberalism is the antithesis of conservatism which idealizes the family over the individual.

        “My people have been fighting against an oppressive (usually foreign) elite of some kind for almost two thousand years. Its the nature of humanity to be fractious, because of the REALITY of the scarcity of resources, the REALITY of personal ambitions, and the innate differences in different ethnic groups leading to disparate strategic advantages, like the British Empire with rifles subjugating barely clothed Indian savages with sticks.”

        Scarcity of resources is the Malthusian lie which liberals slew (credit where credit is due) with free market capitalism. The other issue you brought up is very important and is at the heart of natural conservatism. I’ll quote specifically from the race laws:

        No Race can rule over another Race.

        No Race can parasite another Race.

        Mans tyranny against other men is probably inevitable and to some degree necessary. Therefore not all conflict is equal, some conflict is worse than others. Violent, inter-racial conflict is the worst of all. If Whites fight Whites no matter who wins, Whites still exist. If Browns fight Whites there is a chance that one race will cease to exist. Natural conservatism obviously seeks to conserve and preserve the human races.

        In hindsight did colonialism serve the interests of the White race? Not in the long term, definitely not now and arguable not then either, it just opened the door to ever greater conflict amongst Whites.

        This is how we seize the moral high ground; by rejecting colonialism, including its spoils and laying out rules that every race can easily agree too.

        Do you really believe only Whites don’t like having an oppressive foreign elite ruling over them?

        “This is the way of nature and in keeping with the design of whatever agency pulls the strings in this universe.”

        Natural conservatism rejects supernatural explanations and looks instead to history and evolution.

        “I dont have the capacity to care for all of humanity, naturalist. “Humanity” is as much of an abstraction as White Privilege.
        Abstractions don’t serve our interests. They serve theirs.”

        You do have the capacity to care for all of humanity, you just choose not to. You care about yourself because you are suffering from too much liberalism. Humanity (the sum total of Human Beings) is not an abstraction it measurable and knowable. Race is arguably an abstraction because of “where do you draw the line”? You use the word White, what do you mean? Who are you talking about? Natural conservatism recognizes the need for some abstraction, usually to simplify and explain the obvious. Again I quote directly from the race laws.

        Race is determined by DNA.

        There are seven Races.

        Natural Conservatism critiques “abstractions” as a function of Law, a main component of liberalism, and a frequent tool of oppression.

        Abstractions just need to be named as such, natural conservatives have no wish to get rid of such useful ones like hate and love.

        “The moral highground is a matter of perspective. As for simple messages, they won’t resonate unless they are intuitively true.
        “Its ok to be White” is such a message.”

        “Its ok to be White” is a great retort to “Black Lives Matter” but that is about it. Both of those statements are inherently self limiting, though still true. Why not embrace an equally simple message like:

        Every Race has a right to self determination.

        I don’t know about you, but for me personally, that speaks to me on a deep level. I believe it might not speak to every human being, but probably most.

        “Common sense is the product of organic truth which manifests itself in the mundane such that its obvious to those that aren’t self deluded. This is as egalitarian as nature gets, as this information that we understand as common sense is by definition exoteric.”

        This speaks to the heart of what natural conservatism is about, you are selling it without even realizing it! You probably should have read it before the rant, oh well live and learn.

        “If you need a manifesto to explain it, its probably grounded in bullshit, hence not “organic”.”

        What is needed is focus and order. The ideas need to be simplified and ordered so people can focus their energies appropriately to specifically avoid the “bullshit”.

  11. I’m actually hopeful for the future. The winnowing out of the self loathing whites will only make the remainder more ethnocentric, especially as we grow closer to North American Haiti.
    I also think it’s very smart all of the various factions have gone back underground to wait. We all jumped the gun in 2016, got beaten & learned lessons.
    I also don’t care for the various faction infighting. Never have. It’s extremely unproductive & tbh, kinda feminine to gossip & bitch fight online.

  12. You’re surly not going to vote you way out of this insanity and passiveness never works either. I don’t see any major changes coming for White America. In fact, I see it getting worse before it gets better. It may change one day in the distant future but not in our lifetimes or while the states are “united”.

  13. Uniting the clans will make no difference, when the Republicans collaborated with Democrats in the censorship of nationalists, and their jailing after Charlottesville.

    Oh but an heir to a 9 billion dollar fortune, Tucker Carlson, tells us the Republicans care about working class people now, and the next time we vote them in will be different.


  14. @Mr. Griffin…

    “I’ve found that I am more productive and in better spirits the less that I think about and the less that I engage with all the various factions which comprise Der Movement.’

    #1. You’ve gone through a change. You’re still you, but, the process of loving a good woman, and being loved by her has profoundly changed you. No, your concern for our people and your bravery in confronting our problems in a very public way has not changed, but how you do that has changed, because you coming much more from a loving stance now, than some years back.

    There is a loving quality in your dimeanour, nowadays that, before, simply was not there.

    #2. As to misanthropic people, I have found them everywhere – from The Sierra Club, The League of The South, to synagogues and churches (both Protestant, Orthodox, and Roman Catholic) – and some of these negative people were actually clericks!

    Hell, I’ve found profoundly negative people in cocktail bars, bridge and chess clubs, classical music recitals, work, bingo parlors, grocery stores, and gas stations.

    This negativity thing is a problem for all of us because, as we go through life, like a duck swimming in water, we are always affected by that water.

    That is a big reason why the Catholic Church, both East & West, emphasizes that the path to heaven not only goes with repenting and accepting Chryst, it involves the sacraments, of which marriage is a very important one.

    Sacraments, like marriage, are vital because, as the negativity we pick up on in life sticks to us, these processes either dispell that or crowd it out.

    As to ‘Der Movement’, it is my profound conviction that a high proportion of these people started out with some good intentions but, because of problems in their homelife, usually long before they become political) they have become so overcome by negativity that the Devil has crept in and they can no longer tell what is heaven or hell, good from bad.

    Even though they do not see this in themselves, these kinds of people are so easy to spot, either Left or Right, because there statements leave a firm impression that they have no regard any humans on the planet, that dare to disagree with them.

    They joke about mass deportations, play down mass-murder, and constantly talk about saving ‘their own kind’ in the context of committing heinous crimes against humanity.

    So, yes, why would you not feel better the less you in proximity to these kinds of people?

  15. There is a movement, it has a leader, he is articulate, intelligent and a motivator with the written word. He is someone who can look out on the political horizon and see the shifts and currents of the people’s attitudes and needs. He knows what doesn’t work and is hammering away at an idea not yet conceived.

    We all know this man, a great man, a father and husband. Hopefully, dedication and fate will guide his actions to give rise to political movement to engage the best of men for nation and state.

    Mr.Griffin, we are honored to have you amongst us.

    • Mark Saint…

      Great comment, My Friend, and true, indeed!

      Mr. Griffin is very brave and skillful, and his presence only augers what is good for us,. in the not to distant future.

  16. Paleoconservatives of the Buchanan and Francis variety, minus the obsolete low-taxes-for-the-rich laissez-faire economics. One is tempted to include William Pierce. Really, once you’ve read and heard Pierce, what’s more to add? I agree that babbling about IQ scores like Taylor is unsatisfactory and far too abstract. Not that it’s without any value, but Taylor is too focused on that to the detriment of other questions. I don’t want to be surrounded with high IQ Japanese, Han Chinese, Ashkenazi Jews, or Hindu Brahmans. It’s still a multiracial nightmare, perhaps even more so since now you’ve got to compete for resources on a grand scale. I want to be among people who look and talk like me…who are my extended family. As to the appeal of German National Socialism, I can understand it since it’s the only society in history that put race front and center and the only society that closely approaches our ideal. It’s the only model we have of a polity that even comes near a sort of Paradise-Lost. If asked, I can’t think of a time and place where I’d rather live than Germany from 1933 to 1939. It’s still a dream world and it’s appeal totally understandable…where else to look for inspiration? This is a problem that we will continue to have: there is no other model. It’s exclusion of hostile racial aliens and banishment of subversive forces of internal degeneracy is to be admired. If you subtract the Third Reich’s foreign policy and genocide of the Jews (provoked to a significant degree by the savage and brutalizing last years of the war), it’s an incredibly successful template.

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