Robert Lindsay, Again

Robert Lindsay is on a tear this morning against White Nationalism. I’m starting to think he does this to reflexively reassert his leftist bonafides. For some reason, Lindsay feels compelled to convince himself he is still a leftist, even as he continues to wander farther off the plantation into uncharted territory. Leftists don’t cotton to race realism, honest discussions about Jewish influence, White advocates and so on. Their implacable hostility to Lindsay makes that clear.

The canard that White Nationalists are “White Supremacists” can easily be dealt with. A hundred years ago, the typical White Supremacist believed in a vertical hierarchy of races. He didn’t object to living amongst “darkies” provided they were kept in their place. In the Jim Crow South, there was a strong sense of paternalism; White men talked fondly of “their negroes” as if they were their own wards or children. This is not at all the world that 21st century White Nationalists wish to return to. William Pierce wasn’t William Lowndes Yancey.

White Nationalism has a long pedigree in America. In the nineteenth century, it was derided as “free soilism” by the real White Supremacists who supported the expansion of slavery. The roots of White Nationalism can be traced back to the Borderland that separated North and South. In this region, there was always a strong sentiment amongst common whites that the separatism which threatened to destroy the Union would disappear if the negro could be deported to some faraway land.

White Nationalists and White Supremacists clashed repeatedly over slavery, immigration, internal improvements, the tariff, Catholicism, federalism, interpretation of the Constitution, and a number of other issues. The distinction between the two has been lost in mainstream discourse only because America has moved so far to the left on racial issues. Today, the Klan is lumped in with Neo-Nazis, even though the original Ku Klux were inveterate enemies of national consolidation.

White Nationalists aren’t proposing anything more radical than a Japan for Whites. The Japanese seem to be getting ahead in the world without resorting to apartheid, expulsion or extermination. Racial separatism is infinitely preferable to a slow descent into the Third World, a fate which Lindsay says he wouldn’t wish on anyone, but is ideologically resigned to.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. As for California, I have never been there, and I don’t plan on visiting any time soon. You don’t have to go to California to meet Californians these days. Whites have been fleeing the state for over a decade now.

    Robert himself has admitted that being a minority sucks. In his own words, it is a fate that he would not wish on his worst enemy. Progressives got their way in California and ruined the state. California is bankrupt. Los Angeles might as well be the capital of Mexico. What do Californians have to look forward to aside from sinking further into the Third World?

    The PC that is apparently so endemic in California is a source of ridicule in Alabama and Georgia. Almost everyone here is already a racialist to some extent. I meet new people all the time and their racial views are never far from the surface. There is just no organization on the ground trying to recruit them to White Nationalism.

    Hispanic immigration doesn’t affect all states equally. The vast majority of Hispanics are concentrated in a handful of states. In 2042, America might have a non-White majority, but Whites will still be a majority in places like Alabama, Mississippi, and Georgia. They have already shown they are willing to vote down Barack Hussein Obama.

    It will be interesting to see how Whites in these states will react to permanent minority status once it arrives. They’re content to work within the system for now, but conservative politics will soon be unviable. The system will only become more anti-White over time.

    I’m willing to bet that millions of Whites will radicalize under the right conditions. It is far too early in the game for progressive anti-racists to declare victory and go home.

  2. We’ve been giving the worthless conservatives a hard time for months now. Maybe it is time to turn our guns on the “progressives.”

  3. “I like women all the way down to 25-30 and I can still get them. ”

    What R U, a ‘dirty old man’ (LOL).

    In all seriousness, what do you have to offer a [sic] ‘normal’ women half your age, buddy?

    And I think you chase non-White women because that is what you primarily can attract, and try to justify your cognitive dissonance by – constantly – attacking the WN ‘boogeymen’.

    I mean really, I have seen Asian and Mestiza women with the weirdest of ‘White’ guys — there really is no challenge to it.

    Consider –

    “When most people see whites dating non-whites, the immediate assumption is that there is something wrong with the white. Usually the defects are obvious. We know why a homely or obese white woman is sleeping with blacks or Mexicans: they are willing to overlook her faults because she is white. We know why a geeky, acne-scarred white man gravitates towards Asians: they are willing to overlook his faults because he is white (and of course the aliens are angling for green cards and money as well).

    “And you know what, if you are serious about being with all the girls you claim to have been with (which I seriously doubt), then you very likely must be a very manipulative narcissist, since it is impossible to have normal, healthy relations in quantity, for this selfishness absolutely destroys QUALITY ones! …”


    “But even though everyone believes that white race-mixers are defective, nobody really talks about it. Even the diversity police who obsessively try to expose every other instance of hidden racism, real or imagined, remain silent. I suspect they are silent because they know that a widespread discussion of this attitude would inhibit race-mixing, and they don’t want to do that.

    “White race-mixers may know they are defective, but they think that others do not divine this fact when they parade their non-white paramours in public . If they knew that others saw them as defective, they might not be so enthusiastic about race-mixing. This is especially true of otherwise attractive and normal-looking white race-mixers, who would not be suspected of having hidden flaws if they did not advertise them by pursuing non-white sexual partners.”

    I don’t mean any of this to be overly, or even primarily, personal, but since you always like to critique US, especially with liberal psychobabble; well, I think it is fair that you hear another valid perspective.


  4. Falieocons, trolls, dogmatic antis, “useful idiot” libs & libertardians–all should be butchered, rhetorically speaking. It’s a waste of time to argue in good faith with those who are dumb and/or mendacious.

    “Cast ye not your pearls before swine” and stuff.

  5. Yeah I’m a dirty old man. It’s a problem, and people are even complaining sometimes in the past few years. But living around Hispanics is great because there’s no feminism and they don’t care about stuff like that as they assume that all men are pigs.

    I don’t care if people think I’m a loser if I’m with a non-White chick. Actually, there’s an upside to this place turning into Northern Mexico. I have green eyes and White skin, and a lot of these Latinas will kill for that.

    Yeah, it’s true about my life and the numbers. It’s not that hard to do, and being narcissistic helps. You see some guy walking around like he’s the King of the World and you think, “Wow, what an asshole!” but what you don’t think is that half the chicks in the room are checking that guy out. Women actually like cocky, strutting pricks. That’s why Black guys do so well with chicks. I will say that it’s not the paradise a lot of guys think it’s going to be. I’ve caught VD several times already. Goes with the territory.

  6. Thx for that link. At least OQ is honest. You guys are going to need to *amend the Constitution* in order to get your White State! Why no discussion of this obvious game-changer on your sites?

  7. I think the national government will become increasingly dysfunctional as America becomes a circus of squabbling races and nationalities. Progressives will benefit from changing racial demographics, at least initially, and will control the national government for a long period of time. Minorities will become more brazen as their numbers increase.

    White taxpayers will tire of being fleeced to subsidize the poor Third World majority. Conservative anti-government rhetoric will enjoy a major renaissance. I predict Whites will lose their national majority, but will retain their majority in most of the states. I wouldn’t be surprised to see state secessionist movements emerge in the absence of a national political outlet.

  8. “—Actually, there’s an upside to this place turning into Northern Mexico. I have green eyes and White skin, and a lot of these Latinas will kill for that.—”

    Dude, obviously from the way your speaking, you don’t for a minute believe in racial or genetic ‘equality’, and are additionally admitting — no proclaiming — your belief in racial superiority and hierarchy, albeit in a rather sanctimonious, hypocritical way. Don’t kid yourself.

    “But the ugly truth is that race-mixing usually presupposes racism and racial hierarchies. The whites feel that they are dating or marrying down, and the non-whites feel that they are dating or marrying up.”

    The most SALIENT point of all!!

  9. Additionally, you, Mr. Race Egalitarian, don’t mind taking advantage of self-hating, low self-esteem “Latinas” (actually Mestizas and ‘Inditas’ — yet another clue of their low quality and value).

  10. Oh good grief. This one doesn’t know when to stay dead. Robert’s zombie is shambling around again, annoying the living. It’s like something from a bad Hymiewood movie: “Night of the Living Dork.”

  11. Dasein,

    I don’t understand why Prozium takes Robert Lindsay seriously.

    I suppose it’s interesting to hear what a commie grabbed by the lapels and headbutted by reality (his town’s some 70% spanic) might have to say when forced to confront racialists.

    He obviously understands the issues but for him there is a higher set of priorities — his communist ideals etc. It’s important to understand this because many of the people you hope to influence aren’t as blind to reality as you might think. It’s just that they don’t respond to it as you’d like because other priorities take precedence (getting rich, church, etc), which is an easy ‘trap’ to fall into if you’ve been convinced racism is wrong (be it hatred or merely noting ‘racial events’).

    The fundamental divide isn’t between people with racial feelings and those without; it’s between those who demand a racial solution and those who don’t. You only need to get people to the point of demanding a political solution. You might think hatred of the other precedes demanding a political solution that’s not necessarily true. People ultimately undertake courses of action because they believe they’ll be better off for it. You’re going to have a very hard to time convincing people they’ll be better off in a society soaked in hatred. You’ll have a much easier time highlighting how racialism can improve their lives. Calling people pieces of shit for failing to agree with you pieces of shit only convinces them WN is all about hatred and rancor. Even worse, you’ve taken a neutral and not only failed to convert him, you’ve made him an anti (of sorts). That’s truly dumb.


    Let’s call it a miscommunication and move on, shall we?

    Water under the bridge.


    A review of the history of Europe in the past 2000 years shows this very well. A review even of my own genetic line shows this. The French went to England and massively bred in. So did the Danes. So did the Anglo-Saxons. Germanic tribes, Normans, Greeks, Spaniards, Arabs and Albanians all went to Italy and bred in hugely with the locals. We could go on and on here but why?

    Yes it occurred but that doesn’t mean it was beneficial. There is good reason to suppose that it wasn’t. In any case, the fact of being mixed isn’t itself an argument for further mixing.

    I referred to the wealthy nations of the Gulf.

    The fundamental difference between them and the poorer Arab countries is oil wealth, not any putative benefit they’ve managed to derive from their mixed genetic constitution. They’ll quickly regress to the mean once the oil is gone.

    The notion that “race-mixing” results in dysfunctional societies is bizarre.

    Multiracialism is socially dysfunctional. Whatever the occasional, transitory delights, they are outweighed by consistent negatives. That alone is excellent and completely sufficient reason to undo multiracialism wherever it obtains. (Even “anti-racists” understand this, in their own muddle-headed way, promising that “all these problems” will go away once everyone’s sufficiently mixed.)


    These threads are Exhibits A through Z as to why the establishment cannot allow our views a fair airing or honest debate in front of the broad white public. What you are seeing above really is the best that they’ve got.

    Actually, no.

    As Linder is fond of pointing out, they demonize, smear and suppress us because they HAVE to. In anything resembling an equal playing field, they get wiped out.

    You’ve got to be kidding. I’d welcome the chance to debate him — or any of you — on an equal playing field (in front of a mixed audience: WNs, aracials, antis, non-whites).

  12. “You’ve got to be kidding. I’d welcome the chance to debate him — or any of you — on an equal playing field (in front of a mixed audience: WNs, aracials, antis, non-whites).”

    Bah, David Duke did a good job on Donahue. Jared Taylor used to do such a good job on TV that the Jews don’t let him on TV anymore and now whenever Taylor tries to go to some Jew-niversity to debate Radical Leftists try and shut it down (showing their hypocrisy over Freedom of Speech Issues as well)

    The facts are that censorship HAS to be employed to keep our type of ideas out of the mainstream. Also a load of ‘misdirection’ has to be applied as well, in the form of Faileo-conservatism, to keep people who might, just might be interested in such things swimming in a sea of neo-con talk radio and Free Republic lemming-dom.

  13. Also would add that this is changing as Blogging is coming to the fore! The message is getting out!!!

  14. No one seems to give a damn about genetic extinction. Why don’t they care? Because none of these groups think their genes are better than everyone else’s genes. Only Whites do. Only WN’s think that their genes are better that the genes of all other humans. This is the impetus behind all WN, White separatism, neo-Nazism and all that.

    You want to argue with me about that?
    You are conflating “thinks they are better than others” with “wants to dominate and rule over them”. Only the later is “supremacy”. Supremacy means more than simply believing you are better.

    Does it really matter if WNs believe they are genetically superior to non-Whites if they don’t support a policy of political domination of non-White groups? As an individual I think myself genetically superior in many respects to most other people. After 31 years of life it’s just something I take for granted and I couldn’t stop believing it even if I wanted to. Does that make me a bad person? Is it wrong to think you are better than other people? Am I not allowed to think that for fear that it might motivate me to mistreat them?

    In any case, I don’t think you need to think that your genes or culture are superior in order to think them worth preserving (unless you are a strict materialist/utilitarian).

  15. >>>”You’ve got to be kidding. I’d welcome the chance to debate him — or any of you — on an equal playing field (in front of a mixed audience: WNs, aracials, antis, non-whites).”

    Actually, Silver, I’d like to see you debate professional uberlibs such as Keith Olbermann, Rachel Maddow, or Chris Matthews. Now that might be instructive and well worth watching.

  16. “I’ve caught VD several times already”

    Ewww. I hope this diseased vermin has not knocked up any of those silly White girls and abandoned them and left his defective spawn for me to support with my tax dollars.

    I’ve got a question for the rest of you guys.

    Are the offspring of White male race-mixing degenerates like Lindsay, having been mixed with the genes of the non-White women they’re breeding, worse for White society’s future, or LESS bad, than those women’s offspring would be if she were bred to a member of her own race?
    In other words, are WE, the Whites, better off if her womb gets occupied by defective White males’ offspring, rather than by the seed of men of her own race?

    I ask, because it seems to me the IQ of that kid (if it’s a Mestizo or Black he’s impregnated) will be higher than if pureblood Black or Mestizo, BUT does the rage of the spawn for finding himself unwelcome by both halves lead him to actually be a bigger problem to the rest of us Whites than a pureblood would have been?

  17. What Silver and Lindsay have in common is a strong desire to punish white people for having an unfavorable opinion of Turd Worlders (the presence of said unfavorable opinion being, for Lindsay, an automatic given, and for Silver, all too common though not automatically assumed to be present in all cases). The Jews also want to punish white people for this, because they feel the same unfavorable opinion applies to Jews — so, in this specific regard they identify with the Turd World: “Whites are the enemy; they’re oppressing us and they won’t stop. They’re oppressing us by not liking us.” The punishment to be meted out to whites consists of forcing them to live their worst nightmare: white women becoming nothing but the sex slaves of Negroes; full-scale race-replacement of the white race; etc. Now, Silver relents as long as he can convince himself there are whites who don’t have a low opinion of Turd Worlders, but the instant he suspects any whites of having such an opinion, he reverts back to Lindsay’s position of punishing whites by hitting them with the full monte of race-replacement demography for their countries, sex slavery in the service of Negroes for all white women and girls ages 8 to 98, castration of all white males preferably at the hands of the same Negroes who are the slave masters of their white women; and so on. The Jews take the hardest Lindsay position.

  18. If Lindsay had a button that could blow up the universe he’d press it the instant he saw a white person expressing an unfavorable opinion of a Turd Worlder. That’s how much he hates when whites do that — he’d blow up the universe. Hating when whites do that is Lindsay’s main schtick.

  19. It’s sort of Silver’s too but, as explained above, Silver sometimes relents under certain circumstances.

  20. I like women all the way down to 25-30 and I can still get them.

    I call bullshit. Robert, seriously, when was the last time you got laid? And what age and caliber of chick are we talking about here?

  21. I think Lindsay just wants attention. He’s like a three-year-old screaming and throwing his food on the floor. He puts up pretty much anything on his site that will generate hits (Nazi beheading videos, dead Michael Jackson jokes, etc.) and especially anything controversial that will piss people off. The thing is, he does usually succeed at being at least entertaining, which is a characteristic racialists could use more of.

  22. “—I like women all the way down to 25-30 and I can still get them.—”

    “I call bullshit. Robert, seriously, when was the last time you got laid? And what age and caliber of chick are we talking about here?”


    Here is your answer –

    “—I’ve caught VD several times already—”

    Gee, what class of ‘women’ have the highest rates of VD???

  23. “—I like women all the way down to 25-30 and I can still get them.—”
    “—I’ve caught VD several times already—”

    Combine those two confessions, and it sounds to me like Robert “Slimebert” Lindsey is a frequent customer of street-hookers.

  24. “Combine those two confessions, and it sounds to me like Robert “Slimebert” Lindsey is a frequent customer of street-hookers.”

    (He he he…)

    Um, anyway… Don’t be so insensitively un-Pee Cee about this bro!

    A proper and kinder term for them would be ‘industrial sex workers’.

    There, that’s more genteel, and polite.

  25. I don’t mess with street whores. It’s true, I’ve had sex with whores a few times, but those were in massage parlors and a couple of times high class call girls in Hollywood. I think I’ve done it 5 times in my life. I’m not really into prostitutes. I’d rather be celibate than buy them.

    The women who gave me those presents were regular women, so-called “non-whores’ (twice form Black women! Watch out for Black chicks! A lot have VD.) Since you always have to pay for sex in one way or another anyway, I consider the distinction between so-called “whores” and so-called “non-whores” to be sort of silly. If she’s making me pay for it, she’s pretty much of a whore.

    I’m saying that if you have sex with say over 100 women, or God forbid 100’s of women, you’re going to get some medical presents along the way. A lot of young guys think they want to screw tons of chicks, but that’s a reality they don’t often consider.

    My sex life? None of your business. But it’s not nearly as active as when I was a younger man. Actually, in middle age, I’ve turned into sort of a hermit. But I had so much fun in my 20’s and 30’s with so many beautiful women that I don’t care if I never have sex again. At my age probably 25% of the guys can’t even get it up anymore anyway. The ones that still do, I figure a lot are in barely sexless marriages.

    It’s really hard to get young women at my age. One you hit about 47 or so, young women start getting pissed at you for even looking at them. Reality is young women don’t want us. All the way into your 40’s until about mid 40’s, you can still get really young women if you try, and I had gf’s 18, 20 etc yrs old back then. But after age 47 or so, the ages you can get go up to about 25-30 and under 26 or so is almost hopeless.

    To get a young woman at my age, you really need money. If not money, then power. If neither, prestige (university professors can sometimes do this). If none of those, then fame (think aging former rock stars with no money).

    If none of those, that’s where I am. Then you need to be good-looking for your age. And/or you need charisma, killer personality, charm, etc. If you’re an older guy who thinks he’s God on Earth and still looks good, you can get young chicks based on that alone.

    I pretty much only date good looking women, but that gets harder too as you get older.

    One great thing about Latinas and Asians is that the young women still like older guys. The more recently they are over the border, FOB, the more they have that mindset. If you have some money, you can also fly to Latin America or SE Asia and probably do ok, even if you don’t buy whores.

  26. OMG. L…O…L

    You don’t have to flagellate yourself like this for our entertainment, Robert. You don’t have to do this.

    “O ye gods! Have ye no mercy for the likes of men?” [Said while shaking my head in disbelief, and with genuine pathos.]

  27. Silver: “Actually, no.”

    Um…no what? Where are the great multiracial arguments that are so persuasive? I don’t see them. Lindsay’s lame platitudes are pretty much the same crap we always hear, it doesn’t really get any better. If the pro-mixers have great arguments, they are doing a bang up job of keeping them secret. And if they had such great arguments, they would be happy to debate us in the full light of day, and show us up in front of the American people. Funny how they don’t do that. Instead they lie, smear and misrepresent. They do this because they HAVE to. If they could win legitimately, they wouldn’t need to do that.

    Silver: “You’ve got to be kidding. I’d welcome the chance to debate him — or any of you — on an equal playing field (in front of a mixed audience: WNs, aracials, antis, non-whites).”

    Kidding about what? You deny that white nationalism is a demonized, suppressed viewpoint? What planet are you living on?
    As to your welcoming the chance to debate, well, what is it that you want to debate?

  28. Wade Williams – your comment @ #93 was absolutely hilarious. Thank you for those deep belly-laughs!

  29. Robert Lindsay: “We’ve won here (and in the US as a whole), and you guys have lost. Not only that, but we keep winning more and more every day, and you guys keep getting further behind.”

    Congratulations. You’ve won control of the Titanic. You’ve won control of a system that loses legitimacy by the day. You control failed institutions and a failing system. Of course, it was your very own ideas that destroyed this country. You’ve taken a perfectly good ship and run it horribly aground, and now it is doomed. Your day is passing. You bemoan a lost California of your youth, and yet you advocate the very philosophy that destroyed it. You continue to attack and smear those people and attitudes that would have preserved it. (As an aside, it’s really the elites that control things, not people like you. The system doesn’t care about people like you, doesn’t respect you, doesn’t give a shit about you. Yet you seek to prop it up. Ah, unrequited love! Your type are in essence system pawns, providing covering philosophy)

    Even the things that you gloat about will prove to be double edged swords. You people love to see white women with non-whites, but for every example of that you see, there is a white male out there who no longer has a meaningful stake in the society that you control. A man who doesn’t have a family, a career, or a real future. A man with very little to lose. Historically, are you aware of any correlation between revolution, social instability and unattached males? You should be. Just remember that, Robert. Every example of white women race mixing is creating its own bit of payback. It hasn’t manifested itself yet, but when it does…

    That’s the fascinating paradox of modern leftism/liberalism. It undermines and destroys the fabric that makes a society stable. This worked in their favor as long as they were the revolutionaries. They benefited from upsetting the settled order of things – screwing people up, confusing people, seeing to it that they don’t know up from down. But their philosophy doesn’t allow them to stop, even though they now control things. They just keep destroying, damaging, ruining, even when it is not necessary. Again, it’s a failed and unsustainable philosophy that you offer, and your day is coming to a close. It will still take some more time, but it is now inevitable.

    We come next. Count on it!

  30. “Robert Lindsay: “We’ve won here (and in the US as a whole), and you guys have lost. Not only that, but we keep winning more and more every day, and you guys keep getting further behind.”

    “We come next. Count on it!”

    Well said.

    Anybody who trades stocks understands that trends continue. And continue. And continue long past the time when most people are saying, “This can’t continue.”
    And then the trend reverses.
    And it always, ALWAYS, happens at the the time when the smug ones are SURE the trend will continue forever and, oh, boy, are they SO smart, so much smarter than all those naysaying losers.

    And WHEN (not if) the trend changes, the oh-so-smug lose their a**.

    There is much wisdom applicable to many, many things in the little phrase, “Anthing that can’t continue forever….won’t.”

    And WHEN the trend changes, Robert, remember your smug assurance about how smart and winning you are. Especially when you find yourself being drawn and quartered — and most likely, by a member of the very non-Whites you are so busy championing and making common cause with, today.

  31. Robert’s life story is so edifying. Little did we all know that he was once a real ladies man who bedded over 100 women. He should be writing books advising men how to get laid but fortunately for us all he became a liberal race realist even though that’s a bit of a contradiction in terms.

    The end result of the ideas Robert professes is the mayhem and dysfunction of California. I don’t think any of us want that, so let’s hope he and those like him stay there.

  32. Harsh Henry,

    Bah, David Duke did a good job on Donahue.

    The point is he could have done a lot better. That’s so obvious I can’t believe it needs to be pointed out. He’s also done far worse than that in other interviews. Youtube some of them: you can’t tell me that’s an effective advocate.

    Jared Taylor used to do such a good job on TV that the Jews don’t let him on TV anymore and now whenever Taylor tries to go to some Jew-niversity to debate Radical Leftists try and shut it down (showing their hypocrisy over Freedom of Speech Issues as well)

    Jared Taylor could be better too.

    The facts are that censorship HAS to be employed to keep our type of ideas out of the mainstream. Also a load of ‘misdirection’ has to be applied as well, in the form of Faileo-conservatism, to keep people who might, just might be interested in such things swimming in a sea of neo-con talk radio and Free Republic lemming-dom.

    Thanks for the groundbreaking info, Henry. Sadly, I am forced to agree there are good reasons for sidelining pyschos like the posters on this board.


    What Silver and Lindsay have in common is a strong desire to punish white people for having an unfavorable opinion of Turd Worlders

    I support geographic separation and a white ethnostate (as well as separation and ethnostates for other races). Technically, I’m not even opposed to your white ethnostate encompassing all of N. America. There’s plenty of room in this world for people of racial goodwill to find accommodation for all elsewhere (for you this is a punitive measure; I see it as a positive rearrangement). It’s just that territorial partition within the lower 48 would be a much easier sell. If this is “punishing” white people, well, okay then.

    My problem is with assholes like you who insist that the above can only be accomplished with massive amounts of hatred for the rest of humanity (the “turd worlders”). If things were different, if different people really were all the same underneath, if we all did experience other positively (so positively, for example, that we routinely preferred the company of people racially different to ourselves), you’d still be a whining asshole who insisted on calling people names for the sake of it. For example, poor Brazilians (living in Brazil), who have done you no wrong (except exist on planet earth) get no respite from you, you follow them all the way down there to call them names. The stench of your assholism is incredible. I don’t need to punish you, Scrooby. The anguish you cause yourself by your narrow-mindedness is punishment enough for you.


    Um…no what? Where are the great multiracial arguments that are so persuasive? I don’t see them. Lindsay’s lame platitudes are pretty much the same crap we always hear, it doesn’t really get any better.

    Lindsay isn’t the best that multiracialism has to offer. I could put up a far more formidable case for diversity and multiracialism. If you doubt it, I’ll start a thread on it in the forum (or if I’m banned from that, on my blog).

    Kidding about what? You deny that white nationalism is a demonized, suppressed viewpoint? What planet are you living on?

    Kidding that on anything like an even playing field your opponents would be wiped out.

  33. “you’d still be a whining asshole who insisted on calling people names for the sake of it.” ( — Silver)

    No, not “for the sake of it,” only when they push genocide of my race too far, then the gloves come off, sorry. And they stay off. I didn’t start this. I didn’t ask for it. The Jews shoved it down my throat.

    My side’s going to finish it.

  34. You want “polite”? Trust me, I can out-polite you any day in the week, Silver, and in 3½ languages. When genocide’s what’s on offer the rules have a funny way of changing, sorry about that but I’m not calling the shots.

  35. No, not “for the sake of it,” only when they push genocide of my race too far, then the gloves come off, sorry. And they stay off. I didn’t start this. I didn’t ask for it. The Jews shoved it down my throat.

    According to WN historians, the race-replacement of Europe commenced over two thousand years ago. So I guess the gloves have been off since then, long before you took yours off.

    When genocide’s what’s on offer the rules have a funny way of changing, sorry about that but I’m not calling the shots.

    You are in control of your own reaction to events, Scrooby, not anybody else. You’ve chosen to abide by the worst possible interpretation of those events and to react thusly (darkness closing in…airways constricting…can’t breath…non-white slime everywhere…aargh) and you want to force everyone else to feel the same way. No thanks.

  36. “According to WN historians,”

    I’m not a WN. I’m a progressive. I have no idea what “WN historians” say.

  37. “You’ve chosen to abide by the worst possible interpretation of those events” ( — Silver)

    What’s the best possible interpretation — that we’re not being genocided?

  38. Silver: “Lindsay isn’t the best that multiracialism has to offer. I could put up a far more formidable case for diversity and multiracialism. If you doubt it, I’ll start a thread on it in the forum (or if I’m banned from that, on my blog).”

    LOL!! Do what you want, dude. I could do the same thing, but so what? You are sidestepping the point: the point is not what you claim to be able to do, but rather the quality of the arguments that the Left actually puts out. They suck, and yes, Lindsay is respresentative of their first rate arguments. Go over to Daily Kos, you’ll find nothing better there than what Lindsay parrots. Go to any left leaning/anti-white blog – same thing. Talk to anti-white college professors – ditto. It’s all crap. They’ve got nothing. When confronted with white nationalist counterarguments, they collapse into contradictions, wailing and hysterics. Lots of gnashing of teeth and rending of garments. Throw in some pulling of hair. They suppress white nationalism because they HAVE to.

    Silver: “Kidding that on anything like an even playing field your opponents would be wiped out.”

    The proof is in the pudding, Silver. If they would do well in open debate, then they would have no fear about debating us. They would have no fear about having our position honestly aired. Then they could show us up for the fools they claim we are. Do they do that? Of course not – though by your “logic” it would be in their interest to do so. They instead suppress, censor, stifle, misrepresent, infiltrate, fire, and anything else under the sun to prevent us from airing our message to the broad white public. They can’t afford to give us a fair hearing, so they don’t. I’d say they are a better judge of their own interests than you are. They are right. You are wrong.

    Again, the proof is in the pudding, Silver. If things were the way you say they are, the system would respond differently than it does. They don’t need to suppress the Flat Earth Society, or pretty much any movement out there – OTHER than white nationalism. White nationalism is unique in their eyes, and they are right about that too. It is indeed unique, in that it offers a singular challenge to their power in a way that no other movement does. To them, the Lindsays and the Monitors of the world are no threat at all. White nationalism, on the other hand, is a very different matter. The system responds accordingly, and desperately seeks to stifle even the mildest whiff of white racial consciousness. It has to strangle this baby in the cradle, because if it grows…

    That should tell you something, but apparently it goes straight over your head.

  39. Trainspotter, your post #132 is excellent. I’ve long had those same thoughts but lacked the ability to put them in such a concise form. Great job!

  40. Lindsay looks like a dead ringer for David Koresch. It’s possible they were separated at birth.

  41. “Lindsay looks like a dead ringer for David Koresch. It’s possible they were separated at birth.”

    OMG, your sooo right! I was wondering why he looked so familiar.

  42. I think Lindsay just wants attention. He’s like a three-year-old screaming and throwing his food on the floor. He puts up pretty much anything on his site that will generate hits (Nazi beheading videos, dead Michael Jackson jokes, etc.) and especially anything controversial that will piss people off.

    If you don’t have a website, Reader, then maybe you should not talk about how easy it is to generate traffic easy as that, just find that hit-generating stuff, and throw it up there. There were 90 million blogs on the Net; now there are more. There are 100’s of millions of other websites out there. Many of them are trying to get high traffic. That’s probably 100’s of millions of websites all trying to generate high traffic. It should be obvious to you that not all of them are going to get high traffic. So please don’t tell us how simple it all is.

    Creating a high-traffic website is generally a full-time job for at least one person, and generally for more than one. If one person, you may get high traffic, but then the high traffic will start to place demands on the site to produce lots of new material. You often need help to generate new material. You also start needing site upgrades, hosts, servers, forums, all sorts of crap. Bottom line is it starts costing you $. Money that the site is typically not generating at all. So most sites just start funding themselves out of pocket. Most even high traffic sites are big money losers. That’s why they are always going down. They don’t bring in enough to keep the site going.

    The whole game is pretty much a money loser, but I live off a trust fund, don’t work and have nothing better to do. So I’m dedicated to building a high traffic site. One of the things I want to do is build a “brand” or “brand name.”

    You do this by generating enough traffic that the site starts to get known. Then you should auto-generate more. True, most don’t come to read my political stuff, but some do. Anyway, if I can build a high enough traffic site, at least some will read my political stuff.

  43. Frederich Braun is a Jew.
    Do not trust this person.
    I am not going to exlain you all the details of why I think he is a Jew.
    Look through his posts on occidentaldissent and vvnforum, he is constantly trying to lead the conversation awat from Jews and onto someother group or the Jews’ favorite trick, onto an ideology.
    Ideologies are tools of men.

    Most gentiles who defend the Jews do so out of ignorance, Braun is not ignorant, he is a liar, he lies to protect his tribe like all Jews do.
    Avoid Braun and all Jews like the plague because the problem is the Jews.

  44. Well, gee, Robert. maybe you’d have more traffic to your website if it wasn’t a cesspool of lies and propaganda run by a sollipsistic idiot with a hard-on for totalitarianism.

  45. So you do know about Robert Lindsay. As far as I’m concerned, he’s a total hypocrite in these ways:

    1. He claims that his website isn’t racist when it actually has racism in it.

    2. He seemed to criticize sociopaths when he seems to be one himself.

    3. He doesn’t want other people spamming his site when he seems to spam the Internet with shitty lies like legalizing theft and cops sucking.

    4. He demands that either everyone else agrees with him or get banned.

    5. He refuses to admit how wrong he is.

    6. He seems to be brainwash others into believing his lies.

    7. He forbids anyone to be hostile to him when he’s hostile himself.

    If I didn’t know better, I’d say that Robert/Bob can’t handle the problems of the world. And so, he takes his displeasure out on the Web by ranting about them like the whiny attention whore he is.

    I have more than one problem with the world. But I don’t deal with them like how Bob does. Since he’s a man, he should act his age instead behaving like a spoiled brat over things that he should learn to handle.

    Honestly, why Rob want theft legalized when there’s nothing good about it? And why does he think that cops suck when there are good police in this world. Sure, there are bad ones. But not all of them are corrupt.

    If Bob’s terrorized by one or more criminals and he can’t defend himself from him, her, or then, then he can turn to police. But if they defend him and he refuses to appreciate it, then they can likely leave his ass for many criminals kick. That’s what he gets for being a crybaby who can’t appreciate the good things in is life.

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