Guy Whine

I had no intention of mentioning this nobody for quite a while, but I logged on this afternoon to discover that Guy White is citing my blog entries (without linking to them) and tossing stones in our direction. He’s rambling on now about how “anti-Semitism” is a mental illness. Because of the presence of “anti-Semites” in the debate, White is claiming that it is impossible to discuss the Jewish Question. The claims we are making about the Jews are “so out there” that we leave the impression that we are “mentally ill.” Hence, the need to censor all discussion of the topic.

In my previous blog entry, I stated that Jews seem bent on destroying us; that Jews think of us (white racialists) as their enemy; that anti-Semitism is a defensive reaction to Jewish hostility towards racially conscious Whites. I made these comments after eight years of observation of the American Jewish community. I’m hardly alone in my conclusions. The vast majority of white racialists are familar with Jewish hostility to our organizations and interests. This has been going on continuously since the days of Henry Ford and Madison Grant.

We don’t require peer reviewed studies to take the temperature of Organized Jewry. They are in our face every other day. The ADL, SPLC, AJC and the like state openly they are dedicated to fighting “white racism.” Just visit their websites. The SPLC has spent decades trying to disrupt White Nationalist organizations. The ADL and AJC are constantly lobbying Congress for anti-White legislation like comprehensive immigration reform, federal hate crime laws, and expansion of existing “civil rights” protections. Anyone who doubts the attitude of Organized Jewry toward White Nationalists can always find out through a simple email or phone call. Ask Kevin MacDonald and other pro-White scholars about the workplace harassment they have received from Jewish activsts.

Jewish publications are full of animus and invective against “racists,” “white supremacists,” and “white nationalists.” Any content analysis would reveal that white racialists are negatively perceived by the overwhelming majority of Jewish columnists and academics. In their political behavior, Jews congregate on the far left of the political spectrum, which is the vanguard of full throated anti-racism. This is true of America and all other Western countries. Kevin MacDonald, Eric Kaufmann, and other scholars have shown that Jews played a pivotal role in stripping Americanism of its racial component and replacing it with cosmopolitanism in the 1930s and 1940s. They have been prominently involved in any number of subversive movements.

These facts are disputed by no one but a handful of people who call themselves “race realists.” The White Nationalist community states openly its position on the Jewish Question. Likewise, the Jewish community is crystal clear (there is no ambiguity) on its stance against white racism. It is only the race realists who have deluded themselves into believing that there can be a modus vivendi between Whites and Jews. The only evidence presented in support of this preposterous fantasy is the existence of a handful of Jewish HBD and race realist bloggers. If all of them were to congregate in a single place, these Jews couldn’t fill up half of an Applebee’s restaurant. They are statistically insignificant, but irrational conclusions are drawn from them.

A double standard is at the heart of “race realism.” When it comes to negroes, Muslims, Hispanics, and Asians, the race realists don’t hesitate to paint with a broad brush or to make group judgements. Although the vast majority of negroes are law abiding citizens, the race realists harp endlessly about negro criminality. Ian Jobling makes YouTube videos like “Islam: A Religion of Injustice” which defames all Muslims based on the actions of a few terrorists. Lawrence Auster gives presentations about the need to deport and exclude all Muslims from the United States.

When it comes to the Jews though, the race realists conveniently throw group judgments out the window. They insist that every Jew must be judged as an individual, not as a representative of his ethnicity. When Jewish behavior is judged in the aggregate, and found to be anti-White, Guy White dishonestly screams this is “insanity” and “mental illness” and “so out there” and “embarrassing” that the Jewish Question cannot even be discussed.

I won’t accuse Guy White of being insane. He’s guilty of a much worse crime.

n/a summed him up quite nicely: “Guy White is a little bitch with no integrity who likes to pretend he is a master debater but censors comments that point out his errors of fact and reasoning. He prefers to argue against straw men and only allows posts by the dumbest proponents of ideas he disagrees with.”

Guy Whine is simply a liar. He argues in bad faith. Like Jobling, White knows full well what the attitude of the Jewish community is towards White Nationalists, but that doesn’t stop him from smearing people who are only trying to defend themselves. Jews hated people like us before we were even born. That’s our fault?

If White wants to shill for Jewish interests, that’s his perogative (join the likes of Sean Hannity and Bill O’Reilly), but please, he shouldn’t try to pass himself off as one of us. Like Auster and Jobling, Whites clearly come in second place in his heart.

On a final note, it should be pointed out that Ian Jobling huffed and puffed and stormed out of Amren after Jared Taylor refused to take his side in quarrel with the anti-Semites at the AR conferences. Jared Taylor is a friend of Mark Weber and Don Black. Taylor avoids the Jewish Question, but he doesn’t bash anti-Semites or accuse them of insanity, so invoking his name here is another example of White’s dishonesty.

A few years ago, Jobling went on record saying Taylor’s refusal to condemn “anti-Semitism” had hamstrung American Renaissance from influencing the mainstream. He boldly ventured out on his own and founded The Inverted World which was later renamed White America. For all of his philo-Semitic noise, White America doesn’t receive a fraction of the traffic that Amren does or a tenth of the comments that Occidental Dissent generates.

About Hunter Wallace 12410 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. A side-note on focusing on Jewish involvement in the green shoots of future defensive white political identity organizations is (a) to identify such discourse as judeo-centric, (b) to identify one’s own discourse as euro-centric, and (c) to just say that Jews can decide for themselves what they are, that it is none of our business, but we get to decide for ourselves whom we choose as our leaders — and put a line under it. And then, of course, pick our leaders very, very carefully.

  2. White is rummaging through my VNN posts and responding with straw man arguments:

    Here’s another comment from VNN:

    “I have yet to see a pro-white Jew who would support the exclusion of his destructive co-ethnics. When push comes to shove, the pro-white Jew will side with his own tribe against the Gentile, even if he shares the ideology of the Gentile. He’s more pro-Jew than pro-white.”

    That’s hardly ethnocentricism. If you came to my house and told me that you want me out of the country, I would oppose you. That doesn’t make me anti-white or anti-anything. It just makes me not want to thrown out, especially when you don’t want to allow me another place in the world to live in. The Jewish logic here would have to be the same.

    If you sought to do the same to, say, baseball fans, they would oppose you. If you did the same to carpenters, they would oppose you. Nobody wants to be exterminated.

    Why would you expect the Jews to be suicidal

    How so? Of course it is ethnocentrism: Jewish ethnic solidarity completely trumps ideology. The “pro-White Jews” are Jews First; they side with the “anti-White Jews,” who are ostensibly committed to everything they oppose, not their fellow pro-White racialists. Their concern for White America or Western civilization is secondary compared to their devotion to the broader Jewish community.

    In the above example, I didn’t say that the “pro-White Jews” should be deported. I’m not “coming to your house” and telling you that I want you “out of the country.” Remember you are supposed to be one of us.

    It is like telling Lawrence Auster that his anti-White co-ethnic Tim Wise will be deported. I’m talking about getting rid of just the “bad Jews”; the one’s who are anti-White, which is to say the lot of them.

    In this scenario, the “pro-White Jews” reveal their true loyalty is to their fellow Jews, not to the health of White America. Lawrence Auster rushes to the defense of Tim Wise.

    Show me a “pro-White Jew” who supports the deportation of all the “anti-White Jews,” not your run of the mill anti-racist, but the hardcore activists. I have yet to find a single one.

    As for us, I wouldn’t care in the slightest if James Loewen, David Neiwert, or Morris Dees were kicked out of America. I’m pro-White first, ethnocentric second, as I imagine everyone is here.

  3. There are other reasons that explain the lack of activity of inverted world. Success is all about networking and jobling discarded his network. Analogously, If the ceo of a major company left and started his own family business, it wouldn’t be expected that the family business would have the same amount of traffic as the major company.

    Jobling’s strategy of finding a philosemitic niche was a good one, but then he adopted so much neo-con ideology that he lost any momentum he had.

    It was also obvious that Taylor was more critical of Duke than of Hart, though he didn’t go so far as to ban all antisemites. He just banned Duke.

  4. Another great post Prozium. Please keep up the good work.

    The claim that people who are anti-Jewish are “mentally ill” is very common and tired tactic of Jewry and their pathetic philo-Semitic underlings. I’m fully willing to admit that some (not all, not the majority) of people who are anti-Jewish become quite compulsive about such ideas and beliefs, ascribing nearly all ills in White nations to organized Jewry. This is of course the ‘Single Jewish Cause’ theory that we have discussed here and that the majority of rational and reasonable people totally reject. That being said, everyone who has objectively and thoroughly examined the very often negative role that Jews have played in many White societies eventually comes to the conclusion that it is Jewry who is mentally ill, not the so-called “anti-Semites.”

    As stated, Jewry is clearly the group that is mentally ill. They have been expelled from many dozens of countries, cities, regions, territories, and so on during the last 2,000+ years – see the PARTIAL list [NOTE: not a complete list!] of Jewish expulsions throughout history by Thus the Jewish problem clearly is the fault of the sickeningly criminal behavior or Jewry themselves, and not the many differing peoples which have persecuted/expelled them numerous times throughout history because of the voluminous wrongdoings (often economic) of organized Jewry. Or are we to ridiculously claim that ALL of the groups, peoples, and nations that expelled and persecuted Jews are also “mentally ill” because they chose to persecute and/or expel the nation-wrecking Jews in their midst? No, not at all. As you state Prozium, “anti-Semitism” is a very natural and healthy defensive reaction by racially-conscious Whites (as well as some non-Whites) who seek to cease the often Jew-led destruction of White nations, White economies, and White cultures. Organized Jewry which becomes too powerful in any given nation can be compared to a cancerous tumor that will eventually kill the person (nation) is it is not excised…as stated, attempting to ‘operate’ against the terminal ‘Jewish cancer’ has been common throughout history, with Jews (as stated) being expelled many dozens (if not hundreds) of times from various countries, cities/towns, regions, territories, etc. Thus “anti-Semitism” is obviously a very healthy, natural, and instinctive reaction undertaken by people which seek to prevent their racial/ethnic/cultural life from being obliterated by the Jewish destroyers; the unnatural, unhealthy, instinctive, and suicidal thing to do would be to let the cancer continue to ravage and eventually kill you.

    Persecution or expulsion of Jews (excision of the cancerous Jewish tumor) is not all “inhumane” or “barbaric” any more than treating cancer is, so please let us put away such biased and unscientific terms…if you had a cancerous tumor that was slowly killing you, wouldn’t you want it sliced out of your body so that you could continue to live?

  5. In terms of mental illness, it’s been proven time and time again that ethnic Jews are much more prone to various mental illnesses – this is mostly because their fanatical inbreeding has led to concentration of various ‘mentally-ill genes’ in the Jewish gene pool, some of which clearly correlate with high verbal/literate intelligence. This most especially applies to the heavily inbred Ashkenazim. The same Jewish inbreeding has also led to other ills like the general physical ugliness and unattractiveness of Jews (again, especially the Ashkenazi Jews). I commented on the high-rates of literal Jewish mental illness recently on Lindsay’s blog; I’ll go ahead and repost those comments here for future reference:

    DK:”Knowing my people like I do, I really wouldn’t eliminate bonkers from the equation. ”

    Jews actually have higher rates of general mental illness than most other races and ethnic groups worldwide. They are also more commonly afflicted by serious mental disorders like bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, horrible OCD, major depression, etc.

    Jews back in the day used to write about the higher rate of mental illness amongst Jews – – but for some reason they don’t do much of that much anymore.

    I blame the high rates of Jewish mental illness and insanity on way too much Jewish inbreeding along with the crushing insecurity and stress caused by widespread anti-Jewish persecution and their near-permanent diasporic/wandering/rootless existence in which barely squeaked by for so long at the margins of a hostile Europe which didn’t want them around at all.

    One of the major causative factors of schizophrenia is urban-living, and Jews are quintessential urban-dwelling cosmopolitans – thus, they are very likely have much higher rates of urban-induced schizophrenia than average.

    Jews are also much more likely to be schizoaffectives, AKA “fairly functional schizophrenics.”

    If Jews aren’t more prone to all of the various affective and their related schizo disorders, why are they closely studying Jewish genetics in an attempt to track down potential genetic markers for those disorders? –

    Also, the second paragraph of the following PDF states that: “Two separate epidemiological studies in Israel have demonstrated at least 50% higher rates of schizophrenia among European Jews (Ashkenazi) compared to their non-European Jewish counterparts.” –

    Related to Jewish insanity, I of course forgot to include the most telling link –

    They sure were more blunt back then! The first sentence from that link reads: “Among the Jews the proportion of insane has been observed to be very large. From statistics collected by Buschan he concludes that they are four to six times more liable to mental disease than are non-Jews.”

    LOL! So why do Whites continue to let these Jewish basket-cases disproportionately run and control their economies and banks, their political systems, their mass-media, their hospitals, their legal systems, their elite universities, and so on? Now THAT’S insane!

    The very high rates of severe OCD amongst Jews is likely related to Jewry’s very insecure/marginal existence for so long – the Jewish obsessive-compulsives likely engage in highly repetitive OC behavior patterns in order to make themselves feel ‘safe’ and ‘in control.’

    I think that Jews also suffer from high rates of mania/hypomania (plus its often associated major depressive episodes). But if a person’s mania/hypomania is manageable and not too severe and out-of-control, it can often result in success because it often translates in to ambition and ‘drive’ – see John Gartner’s recent book THE HYPOMANIC EDGE:

    – from

  6. Iceman,

    The philo-Semites can never get around the fact that Organized Jewry in America is anti-White. They are out competed by anti-Semitic pro-Whites who don’t hesitate to call a spade a spade.

  7. Just a quick note – in the comments to GW’s blog post which Prozium is responding to here, I came across a commenter who has a good pro-White website @

    Just thought I’d pass that info along.

    Also, in GW’s post I commented under the handle ‘OBVIOUS’ because GW very often censors commenters who are openly Judeoskeptical.

  8. But the specific critiques used are insane. “They are controlling the world and out to get us” type.

    Hear that? We’re “insane” for believing that Jews are hostile to White Nationalism. Mark Potok and Leonard Zeskind are really on our side!

  9. White Pres, relative to your post #6, I just typed out a whole comment defending GW (Guessedworker) and was getting ready to post it when I realized your comment was talking about Guy White. Gotta watch that particular abbreviation, it can lead to confusion.

    Speaking of GW (the real one), the other day by chance I posted something à propos of the current log entry in a comment over there (

    […] Ian Jobling [thinks] the “anti-Semitism” of some commenters is what keeps Jews from coming to sites like his. The well-documented anti-Semitism and anti-Israel feelings of Negroes, Mexican Aztlan types, hard leftists, and the Moslems who are currently flooding into Europe hasn’t kept the Jews from worshipping Negroes, supporting the Mexican take-over of the U.S. to the hilt, saturating the hard left with Jewish leadership, Jewish foot-soldiers at every level, and fortunes in Jewish cash, and going into hysteria at the slightest suggestion that the flood of Moslems innundating Europe be even partly stanched. What keeps Jews from flocking to Jobling’s site […] is: WN. Jews don’t like it […]. Jews don’t like it because it’s not their race that’s being defended but their racial rival […].

  10. Jobling alienates the neocons with his race realism and repulses pro-Whites with his neoconservatism. Then he sits around and wonders why no one shows up.

  11. I just posted a good long comment on Guy White’s blog trying to explain to him a few basic things regarding the Jewish problem – we’ll see how long he allows my comment to stick around:

    Prozium – earlier I posted a long comment here regarding the high rates of ethnic Jewish mental illness as it relates to the supposed “anti-Semites are mentally ill” issue; it contained a lot of links and is probably stuck in the comment queue…do you notice it there? If so, could you please approve it?

  12. “bitch with no integrity who likes to pretend he is a master debater but censors comments that point out his errors of fact and reasoning. ”

    Quick note: It can be hard for anyone to debate a radically different viewpoint. Very often the opposing sides simply do not have enough common ground to support communication, much less debate.

    I find it hard to run a website that both shows hospitality to like-minded visitors and enforces courtesy on like-minded visitors. It takes rare dedication to be a fair-minded moderator as well as a passionate advocate of a point of view.

    Personally I find Guy White’s “mental illness” rhetoric so infuriating that I couldn’t possibly moderate such a debate. I would have to take a side. About the most objective course of action I could take would be to list factual claims Guy White made and list corresponding reasons why I dispute such claims. Beyond that I wouldn’t trust myself to avoid inflammatory rhetoric.

  13. “I find it hard to run a website that both shows hospitality to like-minded visitors and enforces courtesy on like-minded visitors.”

    That should read “enforces courtesy on hostile visitors.”

  14. I think deporting Muslims from White lands is a wonderful idea. I won’t object to it just because Jews favor it.

  15. More unconstitutional drivel from that “bastion of civil rights.” Apparently, Free Speech is not one of those rights. What a hate-filled, deranged letter. The Jewish are such a hysterical, nervous, high-strung people. I’ve noticed that a long time ago when David Irving posted one of my letters on his Web site where I just congratulated him for his very good book. Nothing more. You should see the crazed letter I got from this psycho Jew. These people are completely bonkers.

    Southern Poverty Law Center
    July 24, 2009

    Dear Friend,

    Lou Dobbs is at it again.

    We’ve told you about how the CNN host has used his platform to spread hateful propaganda that demonizes Latinos.

    Now, Dobbs is supporting the bizarre claims of so-called “birthers” who insist that President Obama isn’t really a citizen of the United States and that his presidency, therefore, is not legitimate.

    The truth about Obama’s birth in Hawaii is not in dispute. It has been verified by many reputable journalists, including CNN legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin, who called the claims “a joke,” and even a reporter on Dobbs’ own show.. Yet Dobbs continues to fan the flames.

    It’s important to note that this conspiracy theory was concocted by an anti-Semite and circulated by racist extremists who cannot accept the fact that a black man has been elected president. Among those who helped disseminate the lie was the neo-Nazi who killed a security guard at the Holocaust Memorial Museum in June.

    Respectable news organizations should not be peddling propaganda that supports the agenda of radical extremists who are only interested in stirring up hate and fomenting violence. But Dobbs continues to do just that. And it’s irresponsible for CNN to let him continue trading in falsehoods.

    Enough is enough. Today, I’ve written to the president of CNN urging that Dobbs be removed from the air.

    I encourage you to contact CNN yourself. If enough of us speak up, the network will listen.

    Thank you for standing strong against hate.

    Richard Cohen

  16. Sunic has told me that Taylor was very angry with Duke – after Duke’s altercation with Hart – and that he can’t come to his conferences anymore.

  17. Another good article by Kevin MacDonald printed yesterday at the Occidental Observer:

    Frank Rich (Jew) at the NYT is at it again–taking a dump on the soon-to-be-dispossessed rubes out in flyover country who dare to complain about the transformation of their country by massive 3rd World immigration and neoliberal economics. Rich rejoices over the fact that non-urban whites are a rapidly-dwindling political force, and smugly looks down his nose at whites who would pursue their own ethnic interests, even as he reflexively promotes a liberal world view that, -coincidentally-, dovetails with what’s good for the Jews. What are the odds?

  18. Hear that? We’re “insane” for believing that Jews are hostile to White Nationalism. Mark Potok and Leonard Zeskind are really on our side!

    Being hostile to WN is not the same as being “out to get you.” It would be simplicity to dredge up deranged “Jews control everything” comments. Your own esteemed Fred Scrooby has speculated that Jews possess a Eurochristian-genociding gene which makes them want to genocide Eurochristians on sight. Whatever the rightness of your cause you’re clearly not normal people. Normal people simply don’t react the way you do.

  19. Silver: “Whatever the rightness of your cause you’re clearly not normal people. Normal people simply don’t react the way you do.”

    Prozium simply stated that Jews, as a group, are hostile to white nationalism. They clearly are. Do you seriously disagree with this statement?

    And if not, why the cheap shots and misrepresentation? The only thing abnormal about white nationalists is their willingness to speak the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth in an age where such honesty is discouraged – or just plain suppressed. Give me that sort of *abnormality* any day of the week. Now, if you believe that Prozium’s statement is incorrect, then pray tell. But cheap shots do not a rational explanation make.

  20. You’re painting us with a rather broad brush, Silver. Don’t you complain when people on our side do the same thing to individuals exhibiting varying degrees of swarthiness? I’ll be the first to admit–without naming names–that there are some commentators and contributors on WN sites that are of dubious ‘social adjustment.’ But blanket-stating that we’re all “not normal people?” Methinks you exaggerate a bit much…

    Although–on second thought–many if not most WNs are indeed “not normal” in the sense they have above-average IQs and greater-than-average capacities for independent thought. In which case, what is the value of being “normal?”

  21. I recently started reading OD. It’s unsurpassed in the Internets. One thing I don’t get, though, is the focus on more or less obscure opponents, trouble-makers, and gadflies. I don’t really give a shit what people like Silver and Lindsay think. Maybe others do, I’m willing to admit.

    I’m surprised Jobling is still around. There was fanfare surrounding his new website when first announced, but now several months later it all seems to have fizzled out. What a disappointment. Perhaps his take on the JQ has derailed him.

  22. Jobling’s once ambitious project has indeed turned out to be an embarrassing belly-flop. I won’t even name it for fear of jinxing this site with the same obscurity-hex that’s befallen him. Prozium diagnosed Jobling’s unique brand of failure above:

    “Jobling alienates the neocons with his race realism and repulses pro-Whites with his neoconservatism. Then he sits around and wonders why no one shows up.”

  23. You’re correct, The Admiral, paying so much attention to inconsequential nobodies like Silver, Lindsay, and White is a gigantic waste of time. Who gives a flying fuck? I don’t give a shit what they scribble. If at least they were erudite and had a following I could understand. But they’re cyphers. If you want to deconstruct somebody do it to the likes of Christopher Hitchens, for example. Picking on Lilliputians diminishes you, Fade.

  24. The thing about Lilliputians and small-fry in general is that they will come to our sites and engage us directly. Invariably, they underestimate our resourcefulness. We then proceed to dissect and dismantle them, laying bare their inchoate philosophies and stillborn assumptions. Mercilessly, we expose their personal flaws and secret vanities. As in the case of Robert Lindsay, psychological deconstruction can proceed to the point of total meltdown. In this way, we achieve devastating victories over our opponents, who typify antis and libtards in general, and thus function as stand-ins for the broader liberal establishment.

    Basically, we P’OWN tards.

    In so doing, we expose the shabby and threadbare condition of liberalism.

  25. The Admiral:”I don’t really give a shit what people like Silver and Lindsay think. Maybe others do, I’m willing to admit.”

    The Admiral – welcome to the site.

    In varying degrees, bloggers like Silver, Lindsay, Jobling, and Guy White (among others) are our unwitting allies in the pro-White cause. It is my personal view that it’s better to try to bring them partially within to the pro-White fold (not too far, but still in to the fold) than continue to needlessly insult them, push them totally away, and eventually turn them in to our enemies. We already have enough enemies and we surely need all of the decent allies we can get.

    – Silver is a very intelligent fellow; he claims to be a Nordicist and wants to fully preserve Northern Europeans genes and culture, both of which are currently being ‘swamped’ and are in danger of eventually going semi-extinct, especially in the USA and other White nations. Silver is also an ardent opponent of all forms of multiracialism/multiculturalism (he’s a racial/ethnic separatist). I also agree with him that many internet pro-White activists must cease being so ‘trollish’ and drop the fanatically seething hate of ALL non-Nordic Whites if we truly want our views to get a fair hearing. Despite his general standoffishness, Silver is surely an ally to our cause.

    – Lindsay is kind of a jackass, but a useful and intelligent one nonetheless. According to the ‘ABOUT’ section on his blog, he is an ‘anti-racist’ though still espouses moderate pro-White views. He is also often skeptical of many Jewish motives, and quite learned regarding Jewish issues in general. Though he’s got lots of personal quirks (what kind of trust-funder is also a Commie?) he’s a minor ally too, especially in terms of general race-realism. He’s also a great example or test-case of a White ‘liberal’ male driven semi-insane by the multiracial sewer that his home state (California) has morphed in to because of the Hispanic + Jewish triumph (and thus the White defeat) that has occurred in Cali.

    – Jobling is also obviously intelligent, but his neoconservatism and philo-Semitism is of course a major problem. Nevertheless, he has some useful ideas and eventually he may come around to the sad truths regarding Jewry as well as the general futility of modern aracial American ‘conservatism.’

    – Guy White is the dimmest of the aforementioned lot, but he is still a pro-White activist/race-realist and as such is at least a nominal ally. He is at least partially Judeoskeptical, but he definitely isn’t intelligent or well-read enough to have learned the brutal truth about Jewry’s sickening anti-White machinations throughout history.

    Even though I’m fervently anti-Jewish, I’m even somewhat sympathetic to the Jewish/part-Jewish ‘race realists’ like Auster, Hart, Gottfried, Levin, and so on. As Jews they must NEVER be allowed to gain leading positions in the pro-White movement (because Jews corrupt and ruin nearly EVERYTHING they manage to become too involved in), they are still allies in some sense and the articles they write and/or websites they keep generally further our cause. However, it must always be remembered that they are Jews and as such we must remain forever vigilant about their motives and NEVER allow them to gain undue influence over us or the pro-White movement so that we’ll start to soften our hard-line, common-sense views on the Jewish problem.

    What I’d really like to see is Occidental Dissent partially link up with The Occidental Quarterly Online along with Majority Rights (among other collaborative pro-White websites). We should all still maintain separate webspace, but the more we collaborate the better in my opinion. We need to start partly collaborating and consolidating ‘the best of the best’ of the pro-White web so that we can start offering a real socio-intellectual challenge to Jew-infested academia and the Jew-wrecked mass-media in the USA, among elsewhere. As Jobling has written about, we should also start putting together a workable platform for the pro-White political party that will necessarily arise in the USA as the Republicrats continue their slow death march. As the Republicrats continue to decline, the American pro-White movement MUST be there to pick up their mantle – that might be our only chance to gain electoral success. If we pro-White activists miss that golden opportunity, then as Prozium mentioned in a recent post the USA truly is fucked.

    Also, I hope you all remember here that we’re only in the beginning stages of the pro-White movement that will in all likelihood continue to gain traction as Whites become more and more marginalized, aged, and fewer in numbers in the USA, Europe, Australia, Latin America, and so on – the amazing communicatory power of the internet is integral in the coming revival of White nationalism, which is entirely appropriate considering Whites of course invented the internet (just like nearly all advanced technology/science in the past five centuries). We are currently re-laying the foundation(s) of the the eventual revival of White racialism that will inevitably come sometime in the future. Thus our foremost goal on all of these pro-White websites should be to continually refine and perfect our ideas and theories in to truly workable and feasible policies that will eventually become possible in the real world.

  26. I second the Admiral and FB. You’re a smart person Fade, why do you waste your time with these internet losers (Guy Whine, Robert Lindsay, Silver, etc)? Arguing with these people is a huge waste of time that could be spent doing more productive things. Don’t let Occidental Dissent turn into Majority Rights with all those annoying philosemites and shit-stirrers like Silver and other anti-racist trolls dragging the place down. ‘Free Speech’ is like Open Borders, it attracts all kinds of undesirables and other assorted trash.

  27. I thought you finally concluded that debating nobodies likes of Sulla and Petr was a waste of time and brought you nothing. Why repeat that mistake here?

  28. Trainspotter,

    Prozium simply stated that Jews, as a group, are hostile to white nationalism. They clearly are. Do you seriously disagree with this statement?

    No, I don’t disagree with that statement at all. But that’s not what he “simply stated.” He distorted the meaning of the passage he quoted to make it sound as though the “insanity” referred to believing Jews are hostile to WN when in fact it referred to believing Jews control the world and are out to get you (a la Scrooby’s “Eurochristian-genociding gene”). Being hostile to WN doesn’t imply a desire to “get you.”

    And if not, why the cheap shots and misrepresentation? The only thing abnormal about white nationalists is their willingness to speak the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth in an age where such honesty is discouraged – or just plain suppressed.

    That is one way WNs differ from the general populace, but it’s not the only way. No one else loathes other people as much as you do or in the “existential” sort of way you do — a loathing that amounts to a belief that non-white lives are not worth living. This loathing routinely manifests itself in your contemptuous replies to those you challenge you, often expressed in terms of “white makes right”: I’m white so I don’t care what you have to say or feel any need to respond to it. I don’t know anyone else who reacts that way in philosophical or political debates, do you?


    You’re painting us with a rather broad brush, Silver. Don’t you complain when people on our side do the same thing to individuals exhibiting varying degrees of swarthiness?

    No, actually, I don’t. I complain about your implied insistence that WN requires loathing racial others. I don’t care whether you hate non-whites or not. I care that you think everyone else has to in order to be adjudged on your side. (Please note, I don’t regard mere epithets as evidence of loathing. I make liberal use of them myself, and I don’t them being directed my way.)

  29. “Fred Scrooby has speculated that Jews possess a Eurochristian-genociding gene which makes them want to genocide Eurochristians on sight.” ( — Silver)

    That’s pretty close to what I said. What I said was something like the following: it does not seem impossible that three-thousand-odd years of intense Jewish goy-hatred together with an array of behaviors associated with that hatred (such as viewing Euros as prey fit for Jewish predation), has actually left Jews with a Euro-hatred gene. This inborn loathing of Euro-race peoples would partly explain the otherwise puzzling observation of widespread repeated, completely unprovoked efforts by Jews to harm Euros right in Euros’ own societies and territories. In dog breeding such traits can become inborn in far less than three thousand years, so I don’t see why they couldn’t in Jews. I’m wondering if the Jews don’t actually have an inborn trait making them hate, attack, and try to harm Euros on sight. It’s the way a dog, for example, has an inborn hatred of snakes, so that when you make a hissing sound around your dog he’ll get agitated and aggressive and run around looking for a snake to attack. The Jews may have an inborn tendency to react to Euros the way dogs have an inborn tendency to react to hissing snakes: fear it, attack it, try to harm it as soon as you see it — so, “fear Euros, attack Euros, try to harm Euros as soon as you see them.” Yes, don’t laugh, I’m wondering if the Jews don’t have that as an inborn reaction to Euros. I see no reason whatsoever why it couldn’t be the case. It would certainly explain this otherwise mysterious, totally unprovoked, in fact inexplicable, constant, never-ending Abe-Foxman-type Jewish anti-Euro aggression and attempts to harm. Euros are standing there doing nothing to Jews, zilch, not a thing, the Euros are often so dense they don’t even know Jews exist, and are just harmlessly going about their business trying to get along, when out of nowhere, completely out of the blue come these relentless organized Jewish attacks on the Euros, on their society, on their moral framework, on their race, on their demographics, on their family structure, on their marriages, on their wallets, everything suddenly comes under attack by Jews and for what? For NOTHING. These elaborate Jewish attacks are utterly unprovoked and they happen ceaselessly wherever Jews are in proximity to Euros. It’s exactly like a dog hearing a hissing sound and instantly getting angry and trotting around looking for a snake to attack: inborn enmity. The Jews may have it toward Euros.

  30. “I complain about your implied insistence that WN requires loathing racial others. I don’t care whether you hate non-whites or not. I care that you think everyone else has to in order to be adjudged on your side.” ( — Silver)

    What Silver and Lindsay are too dense to appreciate is: whether or not someone hates members of the Turd World is none of their business. People have tastes in people. Period. My private tastes in people don’t concern you, RL or Silver. Stick your nose out of my business please. Want me to stop calling it the Turd World? All right, first stop and reverse forced race-replacement.

  31. What Silver and Lindsay are too dense to appreciate is: whether or not someone hates members of the Turd World is none of their business. People have tastes in people. Period. My private tastes in people don’t concern you, RL or Silver. Stick your nose out of my business please. Want me to stop calling it the Turd World? All right, first stop and reverse forced race-replacement.

    No, Scrooby, what you are too dense to appreciate is that your way is not the only or the best way.

    Apparently you’re also too dense to comprehend that I don’t care what your tastes in people are — even though I just said precisely that: “ I don’t care whether you hate non-whites or not.” If that doesn’t get the point across I don’t know what will.

    Now, look, what kind of a moron do you have to be to believe that WN has failed to gain traction for lack of hatred? (Oh, if only we’d hated more our movement might have come to something. Alas… )

    What kind of a moron do you have to be to fail to appreciate that distaste of racial hatred motivates the majority of non-WN whites (be they neutrals or antis)? If you insist that your movement requires hating others or if you fail to provide a model of it that doesn’t require (or disavows) hating others you’re not going to get these people . It’s that simple.

  32. Oh, I think I see. By Eurochristians I mean Euro-race peoples as opposed to Jews, a race that can resemble Euros and seem “Euro” but are different.

  33. “Now, look, what kind of a moron do you have to be to believe that WN has failed to gain traction for lack of hatred?”

    You can’t seem to get it. Whether or not I have an unflattering opinion of mystery meat doesn’t concern you.

  34. I don’t get Silver’s comment #35.

    You just posted a defense of your hypothesis. I simply pointed out that your original described the objects of putative Jewish genocidal tendencies as Eurochristians, meaning that their religious beliefs had something to do with it, and that this is the part of your hypothesis that strikes people as ridiculous. (Although the bit about “genocide,” since it is not at all obvious, also seems ridiculous, at least at first glance.)

  35. You can’t seem to get it. Whether or not I have an unflattering opinion of mystery meat doesn’t concern you.

    Your opi… oh forget it. I give up.

  36. Getting back to “what I speculated on in regard to Jewish genes,” I also said,

    1) Jews have a nation-destroying gene which pushes heterozygotes to destroy the nation they live in and all nations except Israel and homozygotes to destroy all nations including Israel.

    2) regarding locating Jewish genes on the Jewish chromosome: the Jewish money-making gene is located right next to the Jewish nationalism gene on the same chromosome, while the Euro-race money-making gene is located as far away as it’s possible to get from the Euro-race nationalism gene. We know this from observing the proportion of super-wealthy Jews who donate vast sums in furtherance of Jewish nationalism (100% of them do) as compared to the proportion of super-wealthy Euro-race individuals who donate in furtherance of Euro-race nationalism (0% of them do). This tells us these two genes in the Jewish race are always inherited together and in the Euro race are never inherited together.

  37. I use “Eurochristians” to designate the Euro races exclusive of the Jews who may resemble them so strongly as to appear the same. I use “Euros” for the same purpose. I don’t get the rest of your nitpicking.

  38. “the bit about ‘genocide,’ since it is not at all obvious, also seems ridiculous, at least at first glance.)”

    The Jews are attempting to genocide Euro-race peoples. (I also call these peoples Eurochristians whether or not they’re actually Christians — I use Eurochristians as a racial designation.) That may seem ridiculous but it’ll seem even more ridiculous when they pull it off — ridiculous that the Euros never caught on.

  39. It isn’t purely the Euro race that Jews loathe and want to exterminate: it’s the combination of Euro race and Christian religion of cultural heritage in the same person. If all Euro-race peoples were Jews, Jews would have nothing against them. It’s Euro plus Christian in the same person that the Jews will not tolerate and will attempt to annihilate. Christian alone also doesn’t bother them: Jews get orgasms from Mexicans for example, who are Christians. But they’re not Eurochristians. If they were that, they’d give the Jews nightmares instead of wet dreams.

  40. “Euro race and Christian religion of cultural heritage in the same person.”

    Euro race and Christian religion or cultural heritage in the same person.

  41. “If all Euro-race peoples were Jews, Jews would have nothing against them.” ( — from my comment)

    Here, Silver will say, “So it is the christianity part.” No, because Euro-race peoples aren’t Jews by and large, they’re by and large Christian or of Christian cultural heritage. So the Christian “marker” is fairly co-extensive with a difference of race.

  42. Silver: “That is one way WNs differ from the general populace, but it’s not the only way. No one else loathes other people as much as you do or in the “existential” sort of way you do — a loathing that amounts to a belief that non-white lives are not worth living.”

    Perhaps you’re speaking of the generic “you” here, as opposed to me in particular. The way you write it’s not entirely clear. (you exhibit a particularly noxious habit of writing/responding in such a way that it is unclear as to whether you are speaking of/attacking a particular person, or a general group. Maybe you do it for some sort of “spillover” effect, I don’t know. Let’s strive for a little more clarity next time. No need to cheap shot and play it slippery.)

    As for me personally, I don’t have that take at all. As I’ve discussed on this board before, I have quite a few non-whites in my social circle. I don’t detest non-whites (or loathe them out of hand), I just recognize that in order for whites to survive and prosper we need our own lands and to control our own institutions. So, if you are referring to me in particular, you are being extremely dishonest. In fact, you are flat out lying. I don’t think that most reasonable people who have read my posts would draw the conclusions that you have, unless they are hysterical types who equate white survival with evilguywhowantstokillsixmillionjews. I can’t control their irrational reactions…or yours. I can, however, point out the absurdity of it.

    And if you are not referencing me in particular, but rather WN in general, you are also being unreasonable and innaccurate. Sure, you can find SOME white nationalists who more or less fit your bill, but you can find SOME of virtually any anti-white group that meets a similar profile. Big deal. Plenty of people out there hate whites and consider white lives not worth living. Pretending that the flip side of this attitude is something unique to white nationalism is ridiculous. All you are doing is trotting out the old canard that because we have the temerity to want to exist, that somehow we are awful people. Pure rubbish, and really tired stuff. Get some new material, as we can get plenty of this tripe in the controlled media.

    Either our argument is sound, or it isn’t. It IS sound. That’s what matters, not the real or imagined flaws of some of its advocates. Even if a particular WN fit your bill, it would not change by the tiniest iota the right of whites to survive as a people. You seem to be very interested in obfuscating this simple but critical point. Why?

    Silver: “This loathing routinely manifests itself in your contemptuous replies to those you challenge you, often expressed in terms of “white makes right”: I’m white so I don’t care what you have to say or feel any need to respond to it. I don’t know anyone else who reacts that way in philosophical or political debates, do you?”

    You complain of contemptuous replies…when all you offer are cheap shots, insults, misrepresentations and no substance. How exactly are people supposed to respond to that? With courtly love?

    When have I resorted to “white makes right?” When has the typical poster here done so? Silver, provide some substance if you expect to be treated seriously. As it is, you are just trolling, cheap shotting and making unsubstantiated allegations. And then complaining of “contemptuous” replies. That’s really rich.

    And you don’t “know anyone else” who reacts contemptuously in political debates? LOL!!! What planet are you living on? To say that the establishment is contemptuous of white nationalism is, well, putting it mildly. I might also say that Bill Gates is worth a buck or two.

    The things that you claim are unique to white nationalism are a) not unique at all and b) are very, very common attributes of the anti-whites who attack white nationalism and c) absolutely irrelevant to the justness of our cause. You aren’t just misrepresenting things here, but are rather turning the truth on its head. What gives?

  43. Here’s Silver (and Lindsay too — they both do exactly the same thing): a guy comes along and complains he’s being race-replaced. Silver looks into his eyes searching for any sign that he privately holds an unflattering opinion of at least some kinds of mystery meat. If Silver, after the most careful scrutiny, satisfies himself the guy privately holds no unflattering opinions of any variety of mystery meat, he openly sympathizes with the guy. If on the other hand he thinks, after gazing deeply into the guy’s eyes and trying to read his thoughts, that he holds unflattering opinions of any variety of mystery meat whatsoever, even just one variety, he furiously tells the guy that he’s filth and scum and richly deserves race-replacement.

    That’s Silver. For Silver and Lindsay the worst evil in the universe is when a white person holds a low opinion of mystery meat.

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