Guy Whine

I had no intention of mentioning this nobody for quite a while, but I logged on this afternoon to discover that Guy White is citing my blog entries (without linking to them) and tossing stones in our direction. He’s rambling on now about how “anti-Semitism” is a mental illness. Because of the presence of “anti-Semites” in the debate, White is claiming that it is impossible to discuss the Jewish Question. The claims we are making about the Jews are “so out there” that we leave the impression that we are “mentally ill.” Hence, the need to censor all discussion of the topic.

In my previous blog entry, I stated that Jews seem bent on destroying us; that Jews think of us (white racialists) as their enemy; that anti-Semitism is a defensive reaction to Jewish hostility towards racially conscious Whites. I made these comments after eight years of observation of the American Jewish community. I’m hardly alone in my conclusions. The vast majority of white racialists are familar with Jewish hostility to our organizations and interests. This has been going on continuously since the days of Henry Ford and Madison Grant.

We don’t require peer reviewed studies to take the temperature of Organized Jewry. They are in our face every other day. The ADL, SPLC, AJC and the like state openly they are dedicated to fighting “white racism.” Just visit their websites. The SPLC has spent decades trying to disrupt White Nationalist organizations. The ADL and AJC are constantly lobbying Congress for anti-White legislation like comprehensive immigration reform, federal hate crime laws, and expansion of existing “civil rights” protections. Anyone who doubts the attitude of Organized Jewry toward White Nationalists can always find out through a simple email or phone call. Ask Kevin MacDonald and other pro-White scholars about the workplace harassment they have received from Jewish activsts.

Jewish publications are full of animus and invective against “racists,” “white supremacists,” and “white nationalists.” Any content analysis would reveal that white racialists are negatively perceived by the overwhelming majority of Jewish columnists and academics. In their political behavior, Jews congregate on the far left of the political spectrum, which is the vanguard of full throated anti-racism. This is true of America and all other Western countries. Kevin MacDonald, Eric Kaufmann, and other scholars have shown that Jews played a pivotal role in stripping Americanism of its racial component and replacing it with cosmopolitanism in the 1930s and 1940s. They have been prominently involved in any number of subversive movements.

These facts are disputed by no one but a handful of people who call themselves “race realists.” The White Nationalist community states openly its position on the Jewish Question. Likewise, the Jewish community is crystal clear (there is no ambiguity) on its stance against white racism. It is only the race realists who have deluded themselves into believing that there can be a modus vivendi between Whites and Jews. The only evidence presented in support of this preposterous fantasy is the existence of a handful of Jewish HBD and race realist bloggers. If all of them were to congregate in a single place, these Jews couldn’t fill up half of an Applebee’s restaurant. They are statistically insignificant, but irrational conclusions are drawn from them.

A double standard is at the heart of “race realism.” When it comes to negroes, Muslims, Hispanics, and Asians, the race realists don’t hesitate to paint with a broad brush or to make group judgements. Although the vast majority of negroes are law abiding citizens, the race realists harp endlessly about negro criminality. Ian Jobling makes YouTube videos like “Islam: A Religion of Injustice” which defames all Muslims based on the actions of a few terrorists. Lawrence Auster gives presentations about the need to deport and exclude all Muslims from the United States.

When it comes to the Jews though, the race realists conveniently throw group judgments out the window. They insist that every Jew must be judged as an individual, not as a representative of his ethnicity. When Jewish behavior is judged in the aggregate, and found to be anti-White, Guy White dishonestly screams this is “insanity” and “mental illness” and “so out there” and “embarrassing” that the Jewish Question cannot even be discussed.

I won’t accuse Guy White of being insane. He’s guilty of a much worse crime.

n/a summed him up quite nicely: “Guy White is a little bitch with no integrity who likes to pretend he is a master debater but censors comments that point out his errors of fact and reasoning. He prefers to argue against straw men and only allows posts by the dumbest proponents of ideas he disagrees with.”

Guy Whine is simply a liar. He argues in bad faith. Like Jobling, White knows full well what the attitude of the Jewish community is towards White Nationalists, but that doesn’t stop him from smearing people who are only trying to defend themselves. Jews hated people like us before we were even born. That’s our fault?

If White wants to shill for Jewish interests, that’s his perogative (join the likes of Sean Hannity and Bill O’Reilly), but please, he shouldn’t try to pass himself off as one of us. Like Auster and Jobling, Whites clearly come in second place in his heart.

On a final note, it should be pointed out that Ian Jobling huffed and puffed and stormed out of Amren after Jared Taylor refused to take his side in quarrel with the anti-Semites at the AR conferences. Jared Taylor is a friend of Mark Weber and Don Black. Taylor avoids the Jewish Question, but he doesn’t bash anti-Semites or accuse them of insanity, so invoking his name here is another example of White’s dishonesty.

A few years ago, Jobling went on record saying Taylor’s refusal to condemn “anti-Semitism” had hamstrung American Renaissance from influencing the mainstream. He boldly ventured out on his own and founded The Inverted World which was later renamed White America. For all of his philo-Semitic noise, White America doesn’t receive a fraction of the traffic that Amren does or a tenth of the comments that Occidental Dissent generates.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. If it’s politeness Silver demands, call off and fully reverse forced race-replacement and I’ll be politer than Miss Manners — I guarantee it’ll be “Negroes” this and “Negroes” that and never a “mystery meat” uttered. Not even behind anyone’s back, I’ll even throw that in. But while genocide is being rammed down my thoat? F*ck you.

  2. Fred Scrooby:
    “If it’s politeness Silver demands, call off and fully reverse forced race-replacement and I’ll be politer than Miss Manners — I guarantee it’ll be “Negroes” this and “Negroes” that and never a “mystery meat” uttered. Not even behind anyone’s back, I’ll even throw that in. But while genocide is being rammed down my thoat? F*ck you.”

    Spot on!

  3. Felim has a good point in #30, echoing Friedrich Braun. Truth be told, while it’s fun to trash dorks and dweebs like R.L. and Gay Whine, it’s not particularly productive. It makes sense to set our sights on bigger targets like Larry Austard and Ian “Cupcake” Jobling. At the end of the day, Lindsay and Gay Whine are third-stringers at best–mediocre regurgitators and gossip-fairies who rehash the output of brighter “talents” like Austard, Fjordman, and Thomas “sticky keys” Fleming.

    Strategically-speaking, we shouldn’t even acknowledge “Cupcake” Jobling. The free market forces of the Internet have already sent his project on a nose-dive down the memory hole. “Dynamic silence” will keep further traffic away from an already moribund enterprise. The way things are going, Ian’s coming to a mall near you–to work at ‘Hot Dog on a Stick.’

  4. Trainspotter,

    (you exhibit a particularly noxious habit of writing/responding in such a way that it is unclear as to whether you are speaking of/attacking a particular person, or a general group. Maybe you do it for some sort of “spillover” effect, I don’t know. Let’s strive for a little more clarity next time. No need to cheap shot and play it slippery.)

    If you re-read the paragraph in question (note the first sentence) I think it’s clear I was referring to a general “you.” Ambiguity is annoying but it’s a little much to call it a “noxious” habit. And a mistaken view of your (your side’s, which in many ways is my side, but call it your side for now) position is a mistaken view, not a cheap shot.

    As for me personally, I don’t have that take at all. As I’ve discussed on this board before, I have quite a few non-whites in my social circle. I don’t detest non-whites (or loathe them out of hand), I just recognize that in order for whites to survive and prosper we need our own lands and to control our own institutions. So, if you are referring to me in particular, you are being extremely dishonest.

    I wasn’t referring to you at all. In fact, I’m aware of that you’ve stated the above before and that’s one reason I find you (you, personally) rather perplexing. Because here, in me, you have a guy who not only clearly understands your predicament but is willing to take your side, despite certain personal difficulties implied for him — which is more than what 90% of what the chroniclers and the takimagers are prepared to do — and I’m treated like a mere annoyance with no addition to make to the body of racialist thought or political positioning worth mentioning . It’s like, on the one hand you (you guys) say you’re open to working with others, and you occasionally question how such cooperation might be won (and all of you’ve come up with is — dishonestly, imo — broadening the definition of “white” to include people you don’t really like — not necessarily hate, just not really like), and then when such a person comes along he’s told to get lost, and any disagreement with him isn’t mere disagreement — which reasonable people might work through — it’s an attempt by him to sabotage your whole project. And why? Well, I’ll speculate here, because you don’t want to be seen “yielding” by your colleagues? That you might be considered “suspect” in some way? Again, just speculation, but sheesh, something has to account for this hostility.

    Either our argument is sound, or it isn’t. It IS sound. That’s what matters, not the real or imagined flaws of some of its advocates. Even if a particular WN fit your bill, it would not change by the tiniest iota the right of whites to survive as a people. You seem to be very interested in obfuscating this simple but critical point. Why?

    Obfuscated the right to survive? Me? I haven’t even questioned it. I’ve taken it as a given. Try reading my blog if you doubt it. Start from the beginning. It’s an attempt to deal with certain issues that I see as preventing racialism enjoying a wider following. This stuff is just a click on my moniker away. (Honestly, if I was going to debate a guy, I’d want to know what sorts of positions he’s taken and if I had access to his own words I’d make sure to familiarize myself with them at least somewhat.)

    When have I resorted to “white makes right?” When has the typical poster here done so?

    Trainspotter, it’s an attitude, not a line. I count two posters on this very thread who’ve exhibited that attitude. And it’s widespread on WN forums.

    And you don’t “know anyone else” who reacts contemptuously in political debates? LOL!!! What planet are you living on?

    I don’t know anyone else whose attitude is “I’m a this, therefore I don’t need to reply to your point.” WNs do it all the time. Oh, he’s just a jew, or he’s just a piece of parasitic non-white filth, or he’s just a nigger. (Well, I admit I’ve occasionally done that with the last, but it’s wrong, and I regret it.)

    That’s Silver. For Silver and Lindsay the worst evil in the universe is when a white person holds a low opinion of mystery meat.

    No it isn’t. My problem with it is does nothing to dispel the view that racialism is all about hating other people. People don’t want to be hated (and generally prefer not to hate others) so they resist racialism because of its close association with mindless hatred. And really, if racialism doesn’t require hatred (and it doesn’t), then why saddle it with such an unnecessary burden?

    If it’s politeness Silver demands, call off and fully reverse forced race-replacement and I’ll be politer than Miss Manners — I guarantee it’ll be “Negroes” this and “Negroes” that and never a “mystery meat” uttered. Not even behind anyone’s back, I’ll even throw that in. But while genocide is being rammed down my thoat? F*ck you.”

    Okay then, you’ve convinced me. I’m now opening the casing and about to depress the red button that will commence reversing rr… in t-minus…

  5. I understand the “waste of time” argument vis a vis Lindsay, Monitor, et al. But really, it is more than fun for the whole family- though it is certainly that!

    For one thing, we need to stay in practice demolishing leftist/fake rightest bullshit. It’s good training.

    But also, there are undoubtedly lurkers here, and many may be fairly new to white nationalism. I don’t doubt that many of them get a real benefit from seeing the anti-white arguments demolished. Where else are they going to get it? Since the anti-white blogs of left or fake right generally censor our comments (they get rolled over if they don’t), we don’t have the opportunity to engage and demolish – unless they show up here. We don’t censor – we skewer. Personally, I love the smell of skewered Lindsay/Monitor in the morning. And napalm.

    In that way, Lindsay and Monitor are providing a valuable public service. Swell fellows, both of them. Really fine chaps. LOL!

  6. ” What I’d really like to see is Occidental Dissent partially link up with The Occidental Quarterly Online along with Majority Rights (among other collaborative pro-White websites). We should all still maintain separate webspace, but the more we collaborate the better in my opinion. We need to start partly collaborating and consolidating ‘the best of the best’ of the pro-White web so that we can start offering a real socio-intellectual challenge to Jew-infested academia and the Jew-wrecked mass-media in the USA, among elsewhere.”


    The creation of a Racialist Blogosphere, to take the word to the people, is in order!

    It is already sort of happening organically, lots of Bloggers are linking to each other, but it has not yet become what I would term a ‘conscious Racialist Blogosphere’ where Whites have an alternative to the blogs of the anti-racist Left and neo-coned Right.

    Indeed some of the Hostile Elites are worried that Blogging might become too White and are working to make it more Diverse! Laugh out loud, I highly doubt that low IQ types named Jose and Tyrone want to spend their time debating/ reading about issues on blogs… if they can even read!!!!!

    Check out this quote:

    ” Whereas the mainstream media have gotten to “the point of inclusion,” Jenkins wrote, the “overwhelmingly white and male American blogosphere [might] return us to a day where the dialogue about issues was a predominantly white-only one.””

  7. Silver, I asked this question on another thread and I don’t think you replied to it. Perhaps there’s not a simple answer and you would prefer discussing it in main posts at your blog, but I’m putting it out there again because I’d like you to address it. Correct me if I’m wrong, but you seem to think that Whites (and perhaps Nords/Meds/Slavs separately) should come to some amicable arrangement with non-Whites in order to separate. Your assumption, though, is that non-Whites can be persuaded to separate. Why would Jews want to separate from Whites? They’ve done incredibly well in the US. Same for Negroes. How many of them would rather live in a Negro-run country? They might talk a lot, but when it comes time to make a decision, these people know who’s going to suffer from separation. This, then, brings up the element that you find distateful in WN. I think many people find it distateful. But, without some visible animus and perhaps violence (and I’m not saying I condone any of this- I would be very happy to know that there is a better way), how are you going to convince these groups that they should separate? Maybe the key is partial separation, with a multiracial state for those who want it. But this obviously just shifts the problem, albeit within a smaller country. What is your solution?

  8. Silver uses the language of moral superiority, equating Nordicism with “hate”, so as to shame Nordics into submission, so that they will not pursue the course of genetic survival, which he has said here they should not pursue. Though he has clear disdain for Muslims and Negroes. It is about advancing his own EGI.

  9. Anyone who actually thinks that negroes and Jews are going to agree to Racial Separation needs to get their head checked!

    Negroes know, deep down, that being by themselves creates Haiti-like conditions. They have it alot better in the USA around Whites and they know it. Also many just want the chance to have ‘relations’ with White Women, to sully the Purity of our White Race.

    Jews themselves are parasites who can not survive on their own! They MUST have a host. Look at all the money Israel gets from the USA and Germany! Jews once tried farming in Israel and it was a disaster! Much of the menial labor that Jews just can not due is done by Arabs or even Asians… brought from thousands of miles away.

    I would add the example of Henry Ford in here as well. Many wonder where the heck Henry Ford actually met any Jews growing up. The most reasonable explanation (and I draw it from reading ‘Henry Ford and the Jews: The Mass Production of Hate’) is that there was a Jewish farming community in Michigan, and since we all know Jews can’t farm, it failed very quickly and the Jews fled for the city that Ford was living in and started acting Jewishly the moment they got there! The rest is History!

    Jews need us!

    Blacks need us!

    But we sure the heck DO NOT need them!

  10. Let’s try this question one more time –

    “Is Silver a KRYPTO-KHAZAR, by any chance?”

    Anyone there, MCFLY???

  11. To “Truth”: I would say it’s 99% certain Silver isn’t Jewish. I wondered about that briefly a couple of years ago and quickly ruled it out. Since then I’ve only seen my conclusion confirmed many times over. He’s not Jewish.

  12. Jews themselves are parasites who cannot survive on their own! They MUST have a host. Look at all the money Israel gets from the USA and Germany! Jews once tried farming in Israel and it was a disaster! Much of the menial labor that Jews just cannot do is done by Arabs or even Asians… brought from thousands of miles away. […] Jews need us! […] But we sure the heck DO NOT need them! ( — Harsh Henry)

    That stark, unforgiving assessment is harsh (to be expected, considering the name of the commenter) and sounds simplistic and exaggerated but is, unfortunately, essentially true. Five years ago I would have been shocked to read a statement like that, shocked and angered. Since then certain scales have fallen from mine eyes.

    Actually, the word “unfortunately” which I used there is misplaced: if Jews and Euros will get together and discuss this problem openly and honestly with one another, a way will be found to make the best of it to everyone’s satisfaction. So it’s not necessarily “unfortunate.” In fact, a way might be found to cure the problem. But facing it openly and honestly is the necessary first step. That, of course, the Jews are a gazillion light years from doing.

  13. I don’t know about the “farming was a disaster” part, but the rest of it is essentially true (the farming part sounds likely true as well but I don’t know that for sure; whether it’s true or false doesn’t change the essential truth of the rest).

  14. Well Mr. Scroob I did cite that book about Henry Ford (‘Henry Ford and the Jews: The Mass Production of Hate’). It is an anti-racist tome, written by a Jew, but nonetheless was invaluable to my awakening process to the Jewish Question.

    There are some pictures in there of some of the Jewish Farming Communities that failed in the mid-west.

    I also found Dr. Kevin Macdonald review of Henry Fords actual writings to be very helpful! Here is a link to an abridged version:

    Also I was just checking out guywhines blog and he doesn’t want any of ‘our type’ over there and he was writing of his dad shooting Nazis in World War 2… uh like Nazis have been the only people to have issues with Jews?!?!??!?! Whatever!

  15. —To “Truth”: I would say it’s 99% certain Silver isn’t Jewish.—

    Thanks Fred!

    He does seem to have a Talmudic sophistry to him, though, don’t ya think?

  16. “Also I was just checking out guywhines blog and he doesn’t want any of ‘our type’ over there and he was writing of his dad shooting Nazis in World War 2… uh like Nazis have been the only people to have issues with Jews?!?!??!?! Whatever!”

    What a self-righteous jerk!

    Yeah, it really takes mucho cajones to be anti-“Nazi” in America and the West today, doesn’t it???

    *I am still wondering if his father or grandfather was in the Soviet army, rather than the American one, since this was a far more prevalent attitude amongst the Reds than among our boys, many of whom were of German descent. Probably another reason he refuses to divulge his ethnic background.

    And don’t anyone be fooled, “Guy” is anti-German, or ‘anti’ whatever or whomever else the Jews are against.

  17. Dasein, Silver of course will answer your question himself but if I might, I think I see what prompted you to ask it: curiosity as to whether or not Silver may actually possess insights into this question of how best to convince others to accept separation, etc. This intrusion is just to say he doesn’t, all appearances to the contrary notwithstanding. He does talk a good game though. But no, his knowledge of how to get this thing solved is not only no greater than ours but considerably less, no matter how much he yaps. He hasn’t the slightest clue what approach will work and it’s clear the ones he tends toward are no less dead-ends than many he derides as already failures. I view him as on our side but just barely – he’s a tenth of a millimeter over the dividing line. Let him step back a tenth of a millimeter and he’s standing shoulder-to-shoulder with Tim Wise, Arianna Huffington, and the Daily Kos. To get there we’d have to step back … well, the universe isn’t big enough to encompass the distance we’d have to step back, so it’s theoretical. You’d be talking alternate universe territory with us; with him, a strong sneeze will put him back over the borderline. Exactly as with Robert Lindsay, Silver’s main preoccupation is aggressively rooting out from the brains of those who question forced race-replacement any negativity in regard to mystery meat. He’ll put everything else on hold until that’s accomplished. The most important thing in life for Silver and Robert Lindsay, and I also suspect for Christopher Hitchens, is whether or not white people harbor negative thoughts about mystery meat (and in Lindsay’s and Hitchens’ cases, about lower-class whites). It’s those negative thoughts supposedly in our brains that torture these three and determine their approach to politics, even their whole life trajectories. They’re forever playing a game of GOTCHA! YOU JUST HAD A BAD THOUGHT ABOUT NEGROES! I CAUGHT THAT! THAT WON’T DO AT ALL! THAT’S GOING TO HAVE TO BE ROOTED OUT OF YOUR BRAIN, NO MATTER THE COST! GUARDS! ARREST THIS MAN! HE’S JUST BEEN CAUGHT HAVING A NEGATIVE THOUGHT ABOUT NEGROES! YOU KNOW WHAT HAPPENS NEXT – WE’LL SEE HOW LONG THOSE NEGATIVE THOUGHTS LAST ONCE WE GET THIS CRIMINAL HOOKED UP TO THESE INSTRUMENTS OVER HERE – BRING THIS PIECE OF RACIST SHIT RIGHT THIS WAY! That’s basically their whole lives, patrolling, in their minds, the minds of others, to make sure no unflattering thoughts about Negroes are thought by anyone. Why did I bring Christopher Hitchens into this? I truly believe he specifically may have this life-controlling obsession with whether or not upper-class people look down on lower-class, or white people look down on Negroes. These people, including Silver, don’t understand that what I privately think of mystery meat or what anyone else does is none of their business.

  18. “That’s basically their whole lives, patrolling, in their minds, the minds of others, to make sure no unflattering thoughts about Negroes are thought by anyone. Why did I bring Christopher Hitchens into this? I truly believe he specifically may have this life-controlling obsession with whether or not upper-class people look down on lower-class, or white people look down on Negroes.”


    If “Silver” really isn’t a Khazar, what would motivate him to think and act so self-righteously as this then???

  19. Look what hypocritical cant I found regarding our friend “Silver” stein –

    July 20, 2009 at 9:06 pm
    This is a gigantic lie. I did absolutely no analysis at all in this piece. All I did was quote your people!

    It’s not so much a lie as it is typical reactionary hispanic dumbfuckery. That’s what hispanics are, basically: a pack of dumbfucks, even the ostensibly smart ones; resentful little dumbfucks.


    I think I got Silver figured out: He just doesn’t want anyone, especially ‘Nordicists’, looking down ON HIM!

  20. “Truth,” I don’t see this particular characteristic of Silver’s, Lindsay’s, or (I suspect) Hitchens’s as self-righteousness but as something else which I wouldn’t know how to name. I guess we all are aware of things in this life that really, really, really torture us in the extreme when we encounter them — or, in some cases, not even encounter them but merely think about them. For Silver and Robert Lindsay, one such is a white person having less than flattering thoughts about people of other races or people of other species. In Lindsay’s case it would also encompass having less than fully complimentary thoughts about people of our own race and species who are in a lower social class than we. What has to be understood is in order for Silver or Lindsay to feel tortured no one has to actually do anything bad to a human of another race or species, it is enough that he have a negative thought about that other race or species in his brain. This pair, Lindsay and Silver, are natural-born thought-police. One hears it said from time to time that men who want to become policemen have a natural desire to control others. They like the feeling of getting others under their control. Well, Silver and Lindsay are natural lovers of thought control. They’d jump at the chance to go to work for the interrogation-and-torture division of some lunatic dictatorship, torturing thought criminals all day till the criminals are either tortured to death or get their minds right.

  21. Silver: “I wasn’t referring to you at all. In fact, I’m aware of that you’ve stated the above before and that’s one reason I find you (you, personally) rather perplexing.”

    See, this is what I’m talking about. A mild cheap shot, but cheap nevertheless. What, specifically, have I written that is perplexing? You offer no substantive criticism, just an implication of wrongdoing. And as to the ambiguity of your writing, it has happened before, not just this time.

    Silver: “Because here, in me, you have a guy who not only clearly understands your predicament but is willing to take your side, despite certain personal difficulties implied for him — which is more than what 90% of what the chroniclers and the takimagers are prepared to do — and I’m treated like a mere annoyance with no addition to make to the body of racialist thought or political positioning worth mentioning .”

    Um, Silver, I haven’t made substantive criticisms of your position. I’m not even sure exactly how your position differs from mine. Yet you imply that I’ve attacked you. I haven’t. I have only responded, out of morbid curiosity, to a number of strange statements that you’ve made recently. For example, you recently stated that you’d be happy to debate me on a level playing field. Um, debate about what? It’s as if you imagine there to be a grand disagreement between us, and yet I have no idea what that disagreement is.

    Silver: “Well, I’ll speculate here, because you don’t want to be seen “yielding” by your colleagues? That you might be considered “suspect” in some way? Again, just speculation, but sheesh, something has to account for this hostility”

    Again, dude, what hostility?? I’ve never had a cross word with you until the last couple of days. And even with my recent postings, it wasn’t attacking anything substantive (you’ve offered none), just responding to rather strange comments on your part, comments that imply some sort of hostility or fundamental disagreement – again this is all news to me. Frankly, I thought we made a good team over at Rotten Tomatoes, me playing bad cop to your good cop. I got tons of good feedback on that, and there is no doubt that we turned that thread from an anti-white celebration into something very, very different. Those people really believed that pro-white types were 80 IQ inbred morons. We certainly disabused them of that, and fast.

    That’s the first obstacle to overcome with overt hostiles like that- they had to learn to take us seriously. Maybe your take on it is different, but I’m very happy with how that went down. This makes your recent comments all the more baffling.

  22. Correction for Silver: Just for full disclosure, on the “Robert Lindsay, Again” thread I do indeed take substantive issue with one of your positions. Other than that, I’m not aware of any substantive issue on which we have debated – and I don’t even know that you truly disagree with my position on that thread.

  23. Intellectuals Must Achieve Aestheticalist, Anti-Semitic EPIPHANY
    (Apollonian, 25 July 09)

    If Guy White is so loyal to Jews, it rather indicates he is Jew, and he must simply prove, first of all, he’s not Jew. For a Jew is a Talmudist (anti-human–see,, and for best Talmudic expo)–or racially related, hence loyal thereto–why otherwise would anyone be willing to admit they’re “Jew” (hence Talmudist, or sympathetic thereto, hence a sub-human monster).

    And isn’t it simply de rigueur for psychopathic Jews (a redundancy) to accuse anti-semites (hence rational humans) of being “mentally ill,” etc.?

    So anti-semites and patriots need a PLAN, thus an ANALYSIS (socio-biologic, etc.), and hence, in short, they/we need a practical Christianity (or other aesthetic) by which to rally, organize, and integrate the people and anti-semitic resistance. For note sustained intellectuality is only appropriate/applicable for small fraction of volk–say 5 percent or even less.

    Note Christian aesthetic has a record of anti-semitic success as practically all Jew-expulsions have been only as result of Christian inspiration–though it is true Jews come back no less than human sinfulness and hubris. Nonetheless we must heed the CYCLIC nature of reality and plan accordingly. Time is evermore ripe for Jew-expulsion.

    Hence Christianity must be understood properly and successfully–especially in view of it’s present deliberately corrupted form as Jews have captured establishment Christianity by means of their sublime COUNTERFEIT (see,, and for expo/ref. on US Federal Reserve Bank [Fed] fraud) scam and related financing.

    Thus note how Jews and accomplices have succeeded in mystifying Christianity–which must now be made understandable to a great many people–this is the real task for patriots. Occidental Dissent must do it’s share for this aestheticalist task.

    So our task, my good comrades, is much that of Jew-disease management within CYCLIC conditions according to “Decline of the West,” by Oswald Spengler. We anti-semitic physicians must thus affect conditions by way of attacking the PLAGUE. Thus I say (again) it’s much and mostly matter of explaining to volk how Christianity must be understood and then practiced as way and means of anti-semitism.

    Thus Christianity is anti-semitism first and most (anti-Talmud, according to Gosp. MARK 7:1-13). Anti-semitism is primary PURPOSE, as much as anything, of Christianity–note Christianity is reverence of TRUTH against Jew lies (Talmudism), according to Gosp. JOHN. Hence Christianity is rational, properly understood–Jews and accomplices are responsible for making it, Christianity, seem the mystic opposite. And remember then, only anti-semitism is rational; non-antisemitism is what’s irrational and positively suicidal, as we see.

    CONCLUSION: Thus remember this otherwise excellent intellectualism at Occidental Dissent is only effective as it contributes to productive AESTHETICS, hence rationalist Christianity–which then activates and energizes the people to life-giving Jew-Expulsion–much as happened for the original Christian apostles who achieved anti-semitic EPIPHANY on Pentecost Sunday (or thereabouts, with those little flames arising at tops of their heads), having lost that debilitating, paralyzing “fear of the Jews.” Honest elections and death to the Fed. Apollonian

  24. “What has to be understood is in order for Silver or Lindsay to feel tortured no one has to actually do anything bad to a human of another race or species, it is enough that he have a negative thought about that other race or species in his brain. This pair, Lindsay and Silver, are natural-born thought-police. One hears it said from time to time that men who want to become policemen have a natural desire to control others.”

    Excellent response Fred!

    My suspicions EXACTLY! These types are NOT motivated by a genuine belief in ‘Equality’ between groups and individuals — no, they are motivated by their vile, self-righteous narcissism.

    If you are a sincere believer in ‘Equality’, or even equity, you simply CANNOT be an egotistical narcissist,

    …since this implies ‘superiority’ and ‘inferiority’, doesn’t it??

    Again, I stand by my previous comment regarding having Silver (and Lindsay) figured out: He/they just doesn’t want anyone, especially ‘Nordicists’, looking down ON HIM/them!

  25. Well Fred, in response to comment 31, it seems Prozium gets a lot more comments when he makes posts about other bloggers.

  26. @The Admiral and Friedrich Braun

    1.) In this case, I was responding to an attack by Guy White. I had no intention of writing anything more about him until I ran across that blog entry.

    2.) In spite of his schizophrenia on racial issues, I have some respect for Robert Lindsay. He has written a number of blog entries that I have found insightful.

    3.) Auster is much more well known than we are.

    4.) I enjoy analyzing the moderate/radical and mainstreamer/vanguardist dynamics within the movement.

  27. Fred, thanks for that analysis. As Al Ross said the other day, your verbal firepower is nearly unmatched. I don’t think Silver can be put into the same category as Lindsay or (especially) Hitchens. Silver understands the science behind the WN position. A lot of what he writes about WNs, and what people object too, is part of his building a niche for himself as a voice of moderation and reason in WN (though I don’t understand the intention behind his repeated use of ‘nigger’ and ‘kike’). Overall, I consider him an ally and I think he often has good insight.

  28. “—I wasn’t philo-Semitic originally, but the Nazis convinced me that my grandfather was right when he told me as a child about the evil he was fighting.—”

    The ‘evil’ he was fighting??? “Nazis” ‘convinced’ you granpappy was ‘right’ ’bout this?

    For that matter, who was this illustrious “Nazi killer” grandfather of yours, … a 1930’s Red Front street brawler in Berlin; a member of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade fighting in the Spanish ‘civil’ war; an NKVD or SMERSH agent. … ?

    Most likely, he was just an American soldier doing a job fighting German soldiers, who also were doing their job, most of whom were not “Nazis”, and neither are WE, your arrogance!

    Boy, what an incredulous patriotard you really are!

    I wonder why “Guy Wimp” can’t come here and defend himself, if ‘he’ thinks himself justified in his girly attacks on us “Nazis”?

    Your a little BITCH, “Girl White”! Robert Lindsay has more courage and integrity in his finger than you have in your whole ‘shabbas goy’ body!!

  29. If Robert Lindsay and ‘Gay White’ were to go a few rounds in a slap-fight, my money would be on Lindsay.

  30. Dasein, try this link:

    If that doesn’t work, it was back in early May.

    Here is the backstory: some politically correct Rotten Tomato punk discovered VNN. That’s how the thread starts. Some of them then launched an “invasion” of VNN, and then yucked it up on the RT thread. They thought it was the most hilarious thing ever, bragging about how they were creating an “epic” thread. Really full of themselves, and just spewing venom left and right.

    So, even though I’ve never posted at VNN, at a certain point I took an interest. Basically, I thought they needed to get schooled. I came in to mock them, denigrate them, and shatter their delusions about pro-whites being low IQ morons. At some point Silver also came in and played it cool, calm and collected. Basically, I mocked while he presented facts and figures. The combination worked very, very well. Without planning it, we did an effective good cop/bad cop routine.

    Anyway, the thread was ultimately locked down, as it became more and more apparent that the anti-whites were getting crushed. (Hi Silver! See? They let the thread go on until it was clear that they were getting their ass kicked. Once they realized that the tide had turned, it got locked down)

    A few more things about the thread: it’s VERY long, and apparently got tens of thousands of views. Silver and I only got involved deep in the thread. If we hadn’t got involved, I seriously doubt the thread would have been locked.

    Lord only knows how many lemmings saw it, but we can safely say a lot. Rotten Tomatoes is a big forum, and this thread was a big deal on that forum. Further, not all that many people really attacked us. Enough, but not that many. Literally thousands of lemmings saw the thread, and had nothing to lose by attacking us. And yet, most didn’t. The cost of attacking us, or at least putting in a good word for one of their friends, was about ten seconds. They didn’t even pay that meager cost (“You go Lindsay!!” – something like that – that would have been all it would have taken). I think that is telling. The opposition to us is vicious, but not nearly as broad or deep as some would believe.

    Of the anti crew that really fought the battle, I definitely got the impression that most were not white, and some of the white ones were clearly homosexual (there was a strange homo vibe going on there – hard to explain). We certainly didn’t make any converts amongst the dozen or two antis that were really fighting us, but again, how could we? Most were obviously not white anyway, and any who remotely sided with us would have only brought problems upon themselves. And our job was certainly not made any easier by some of the inflammatory postings at VNN that they were able to quote – comments that, in all fairness, would offend most people even if they were somewhat sympathetic to us. Let’s face it, VNN ain’t for the faint of heart. I like it, but it’s not exactly an outreach tool for lemmings. I certainly never apologized for VNN, instead it was just attack, attack, attack, mock, mock, mock. And then attack some more. It worked fine.

    Again, I got lots of good feedback, including PMs. We definitely made an impression on the lurkers. Politically correct lemmings are so used to being able to mock pro-whites “Jerry Springer” style, it was valuable to turn the tables on them.

    These people really were Exhibit A of the brainwashed Kwan. They simply could not accept any reality beyond what Hollywood tells them. For example, they could not even accept the census projections showing that whites are becoming a minority. They just flat denied it. You can say, “Hey dude, these aren’t even our figures. They are commonly accepted by the establishment that you support, and we oppose.” It makes no difference to committed antis – they will deny any aspect of reality, no matter how obvious. If you read this thing, you will see that they are, in essence, cultists. Extremely ignorant cultists. Reality for them simply doesn’t exist. To them, Star Trek is real. Reality is optional. Trust me, you don’t want these people on your side. But again, there were clearly thousands of lurkers, so it was a net plus for our side.

    Some at VNN despaired over the hostility and ignorance of these morons, but I think that is the wrong take away lesson. Number one, I talk to people all the time, whether it be professionals with advance degrees or 7-11 clerks, always testing the waters. The typical white out there is not nearly as hostile to white racial identity as these RT punks were. The RT antis are definitely a minority, not a majority. Further, most of the people who really fought us were not white, or had some other bone to pick with traditional society. Finally, and most telling, of all of the thousands of RT people who took the time to check out the thread, only a relative handful really fought us, even though doing so offered no downside for them. Again, telling. I came away with the impression that, while the media masters have indeed spread their destructive memes, it has only taken full root in a relative minority of whites, and these guys can clearly be defeated. Our problem is not lack of support per se, but rather a system boot on our necks.

  31. Heather McDonald, quoted by Harsh_Henry14W : ” the overwhelmingly white and male American blogosphere ”

    I agreed with H.McDonald when I read her article a few years ago. Then I discovered the Jewish Question and the Neocons, and I no longer agree completely with her. McDonald wrote that “the elite blogging world is far less ‘diverse’ than the mainstream media”, which suggests that women and non-whites are not discriminated against in the media. The truth is they have less talent. But what about Jewish bloggers? Even on the Net, where Jews are less overrepresented than on TV and in newspapers, I think a lot of their success can be explained by their stronger ethnic awareness. For example, they will link mainly to other Jewish websites, and a lot of their presence on the Net is derived from their control of TV and newspapers.

  32. ” If Robert Lindsay and ‘Gay White’ were to go a few rounds in a slap-fight, my money would be on Lindsay.”

    Internet Celebrity death-match, Occidental Dissent edition! Laugh out loud. (my money would also be on Lindsay, he is hardened from being around so many mestizos in his town, he could probably fit in here: )

    “But what about Jewish bloggers?”

    Darn’t I forget about those Jews! Still a explicit White Racialist Blogosphere is a good idea to counter all the neo-con blogs.

  33. I thought I saw Guy’s post where one fine day grand pappy White told Guy the only way to deal with a knatsee is to kill him. Sounds like the hateful, diseased mind of a Jew but I digress.

    Guy is ever so objective and dispassionate when discussing Jews and always reminds us that without their innate genius and selflessness white Europeans would still be dragging their knuckles, wearing animal skins and chanting “Ugh”. We’re just bringing up the rear and anyone who doesn’t think Jews are a light unto the benighted gentiles and the world must have a mental disorder. Typical Jewish reasoning if you can call it that but again I digress.

    According to Guy Wacko, the only way to deal with a knatsee is to kill him. Period. No debate and no discussion. Every lurid tale about the evil National Socialists is true and needs no further examination. But dare believe lurid tales about Jews and you are insane and an anti-seeeeeeemite.

    Guy is obviously ignorant of history. The so called German holocaust of Jews is the worst crime in history, but someone needs to remind him that Jewish commissars, principally Lazar Kaganovich, deliberately starved to death 7-10 million Ukrainians. I wonder why this atrocity doesn’t register with him? Anyway, any time a Jew commits a crime it’s nothing more than anecdotal evidence.

    Guys tries to pass himself off as just some ordinary, average white Joe who, in addition to being pro-white, thinks Jews haven’t been given a fair trial and are more friends than enemies. His agenda and bias shines through on every post. He isn’t fooling anyone except maybe a few of his dimwitted followers. If he had an ounce of courage he would admit to being a Jew.

  34. Prozium, I gotta say, I think your strategy of doing blog posts about other racialist and semi-racialist bloggers is a smart one. It builds up a sense of community and generates some pretty interesting discussions. This thread in particular is a gold mine of good stuff (I particularly agreed with Comment #29 by White Preservationist).

  35. Good post.

    I remember getting an email from Guy White about a year ago inviting me to post on his blog. He said I had posted there before, though I had no recollection of it.

    I went and posted a few comments, but quickly stopped after I saw his position on the JQ. It’s not that I expect people to always be 100% in agreement with me; what bugs me is people who won’t allow me to express my views. If I’m required to self-censor in order to post somewhere, I usually don’t bother, and I was definitely getting that vibe from Guy White’s blog.

  36. IA:”I remember getting an email from Guy White about a year ago inviting me to post on his blog…”

    Hearing that from Igor, it’s a possibility that Guy White’s blog could be some kind of ‘Trojan horse’ website set up to gather the IP addresses of various pro-White commenters, bloggers, and web-surfers – I say that because in the WordPress blogging software which GW uses ALL IP addresses of commenters are made fully available to the person/people who run a WordPress blog (unless the commenters use Tor, which not many people do).

  37. “—Hearing that from Igor, it’s a possibility that Guy White’s blog could be some kind of ‘Trojan horse’ website set up to gather the IP addresses of various pro-White commenters, bloggers, and web-surfers – I say that because in the WordPress blogging software which GW uses ALL IP addresses of commenters are made fully available to the person/people who run a WordPress blog (unless the commenters use Tor, which not many people do).—”

    White Preservationist –

    You are a truly smart man! These were my suspicions EXACTLY!!!

    “Guy Bitch” seems a little too ‘inconsistently consistent’ with his schizoid approach to the JQ: One minute he’s screaming “Nazi Exterminationists” leave-me-alone-and-don’t-post-here; the next minute he’s ‘debating’ with one of those “Sturm Abteilungs Mann”??

    Nottice the “AS’s” (as he refers to the jew-wise) that he engages with are a mere handful of seeming regulars, and no one else for the most part? (And many WN’s and RR’s have complained that they have a hard time getting their comments posted!)

    Your discernment is always spot on.

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