
Tiger Woods and his disgusting affairs with white women happens to be the racial story of the moment. The popularity of this multiracial icon has taken a nosedive. In the black community, it has collapsed. Key sponsers have withdrawn their support.

Black women are using the scandal to air their racial grievances. If Whites had reacted to Tigergate by deploring miscegenation, the MSM and “anti-racism activists” would have exorciated them with charges of “racism.” This incident is the latest reminder of the racial double standards White Americans live under:

– Blacks are allowed a positive racial identity.
– Blacks are encouraged to nurse racial grievances.
– Blacks are encouraged to have racial pride.
– Blacks are allowed to engage in racial politics.
– Blacks are allowed to advocate racial discrimination.
– Blacks are allowed to deplore miscegenation.

Whites are denied all of these things. We are supposed to pretend that “race doesn’t exist.” We give lip service to the myth that “race doesn’t matter.” It is all PC/MC bullshit.

About Hunter Wallace 12413 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Ok, off topic but relevant to this site I feel, particularly from a UK perspective, and in response to an earlier post:

    In the UK in 2004 approximately 200,000 human fetal abortions were carried out.


    an interesting graph…. births rose to 3 per family in the 60’s until the advent of the contraceptive pill and the abortion act of 1967 when births dropped to a low of 1.65 in 1977.

    ‘The overwhelming majority of abortions (95% in 2004 for England and Wales) were certified under the statutory ground of risk of injury to the mental or physical health of the pregant woman’.

    If we believe the excuses made up by the abortionists to justify such figures and each termination, if it was not for their good work we would have approximately 190,000 women each year either physically or mentally scarred just by having a child! How ridiculous! And when you check out the stats for 2008, ‘live’ births – at a total of 710,000 would indicate that somewhere in the region of 20% (less as you have to consider immigration since 2004) of all ‘live children’ are ‘terminated’ due to these unfit mothers.
    It is not the threat of immigrants taking control of birth rates in the UK which is the issue …. it seems white men are very capable of producing babies.. but the ease of which young, white, vulnerable women are able to kill the very things that they were born to produce all in the name of being… a decent responsible woman.

    Have a look at some of the stats…. scary


  2. If anything, it is worse when white men do it (see the post linked to above).

    (from a comment I linked to, in a previous post that’s awaiting moderation)

    I have to disagree with that. If anything, it’s worse when white women do it. Women are the cradle of a race, not men. Women have strict limits on lifetime fertility, not men. Largely theoretical, since modern white men rarely exceed a woman’s limits on fertility, but he did say “if anything.”

  3. I have to disagree with that. If anything, it’s worse when white women do it. Women are the cradle of a race, not men.

    Not to mention there is more genetic drift on the Y chromosome and, women tend to bring their little half-niglets into the broader white culture after daddy bounces and stick em with us.

  4. Hunter: “Let’s keep this thread civil.”

    Agreed, but when a liar like NN is involved, civility only benefits the troll/liar. This guy trashes thread after thread, to the detriment of newbies and interested readers. I kept my first response to him devoid of any insult whatsoever, a civil status quo that he quickly remedied with lies, insult and misrepresentation. It’s certainly true that my patience was exhausted more quickly due to his behavior on other threads, so I could see early on what he was up to. What follows is yet another lie/misrepresentation:

    NN: “uh… no – you didn’t – not even implicitly [recall your improper use of “murderers,” at the last of your remarks]. But I’ll take this as a grudging and formally dishonest concession of my point in substance [regarding which, of course, I made no claims as to originality].”

    LOL! I did no such thing, and in no way concede your “point.” Might makes right – wow, that’s great, NN. Powerful stuff, thanks for sharing. Here is the problem: might makes right can justify Johnny taking Timmy’s lunch money, merely because he is stronger than Timmy. I’m not justifying that at all. I speak of something entirely different. Because you are a cretin, you are incapable of making the relevant distinctions. And your claim that I used the term murderers “incorrectly” is simply absurd. Really scraping the bottom of the barrel in Trollville, aren’t we?

    It’s not important that you understand, I couldn’t care less. However, you are not entitled to lie about and misrepresent my position without being called on it, and to have what you really are pointed out. That I do care about.

  5. “The reason liberal whites give blacks a pass on this sort of thing it because it shows that whites are superior. Crude anti-black statements are considered as classless as making fun of a retarded person. As said above “everyone knows this” and it proves your status by ignoring it, or even better, actively denying it.

    It works the same with immigration, only those so low in status as to actually have to compete with or live around immigrants would be worried about immigration. If you are a white macho conservative libertarian type, it’s because you are so amazingly talented you have no fear of competition with immigrants.

    Money buys segregation and the only blacks or mestizos in the gated community are doing yard work, so the only possible reason to complain about blacks is because you’re poor.”

    Very lucid analysis,Parler.

  6. Parler, I think your analysis is sound, as far as it goes. The status yearnings of whites have been discussed by many, including Sailer and Yggdrasil. It has also been parodied by some, as in Stuff White People Like.

    But this particular brand of status yearning is woefully short sighted. The demographic changes are now affecting public policy in a big way, something the status yearners always denied would happen. The demographic shift is also grinding under it many of our formerly cherished institutions, from public schools (that the rich can buy out of) to health care (which even most of the status yearners can’t buy out of, excepting the truly well to do. Status yearners, for the most part, go to the same hospitals as everybody else. This might be less true in New York City or similar environs, but in most of the country it seems to be the case).

    As I understand it, McCain would have won the presidency if America had the same demographic balance in 2008 that it had in 1992 – if you hold everything else equal. Now, there might not be many differences between the two major parties, but there are some. Somehow, I don’t believe the status yearners quite counted on the demographic change altering the occupant of the White House, not to mention numerous other important offices…but it has. At the end of the day, the status yearners didn’t believe that immigration could effect them personally. They were wrong, and we’re just getting started. The party has barely begun, as only the first round of drinks has been served.

    For the liberal status yearners, they at least have the benefit that the demographic changes are pulling the country in their prefered direction. But for the “macho libertarian?” LOL! What a maroon! The demographic trends push the nation further and further away from the libertarian’s stated political objectives, but macho boy still can’t figure it out. The liberals laugh at these clowns, and rightfully so. We should too. They should be treated as mangy dogs to be kicked around.

    Point is, the status yearners are, fundamentally, short sighted jackasses. This is ironic, because such types love to look down on the lower orders…as being short sighted jackasses. I suspect the delicous irony here is lost upon them, as the typical status yearner is not nearly so bright or learned as he may imagine himself. His talent for making money may far exceed his talent at understanding the big picture.

    Furthermore, the status yearnings of the modern day jackass can’t explain why elites in other times and places resisted immigration so vociferously. What changed? It doesn’t occur to him to ask this question. Apparently, the status yearning jackass is as ignorant of the past as he is short sighted about the future.

  7. The hypocrisy and double standards on race by the mainstream media is evident in a case like this. Black women blame white women for “stealing” their men. Successful black men are portrayed as innocent and unwitting victims being set upon by opportunistic white women. Blacks are using this incident to air their racial grievances and the media is willingly obliging them.

    If whites want to talk about the lack of taste and racial loyalty of white women who cavort with Tiger Woods or other black men then we’re racist ignoramuses who should sit down, shut up and know our place in Barack’s new America.

  8. Lots of interesting conversations occurring lately on the blog “The Thinking Housewife” – http://www.thinkinghousewife.com/wp/

    Here is a good recent comment from over there:

    Commenter ‘M’ — “At one level we are biological beings, animals, motivated by our survival and sexual drives. At a higher, related but distinct level, we are social beings, motivated by a need to be accepted, to gain fame and wealth and status. At yet a higher level, we are intellectual beings, motivated by a drive for truth, nobility, and idealism. And at yet an even higher level, we are spiritual beings, with eternal souls, living here to learn ineffable lessons and grow towards God. Each higher level is dependent on the lower levels for existence, but the values of each of the levels can be in conflict.

    But what the spiritual and intellectual idealists ignore at their (and our) peril is that the lower levels of human reality – the social and biological – cannot be ignored. You will die if you ignore the biological and social imperatives, and your fine intellectual and spiritual ideals will be supplanted by those of the competing people. Perhaps a Christian saint could ignore these considerations, choosing to be martyred for their beliefs. I am not a Christian saint and I do not believe God ordered the world in such a way that I am required to lay down quietly and see my people dispossessed and perhaps, in a worst case scenario, oppressed or even exterminated, by other competing peoples acting according to their biological and social drives.

    My comments about white women and non-white men were written from the perspective of my biological and social identity and are valid and universal concerns. The great experiment that liberals have thrust upon us is whether we whites can unilaterally abandon our racial/biological identity (and, in reality, our cultural/social identity, since we are not “assimilating” these immigrants, but are in fact being colonized) in the name of intellectual idealism and have as good a life as we would otherwise.

    The beauty of traditionalist, race-realist conservatism is that it offers a vision that harmonizes these different sorts of Excellence on all the levels of human existence. It recognizes biological and social realities by respecting the need for peaceful separation of different racial/cultural/religious identity groups and traditional restraints on sexual behavior and encouragement of marriage. It recognizes the need for intellectual exploration and striving without automatically ignoring the biological/social in favor of the intellectual, as liberals tend to do. And it recognizes the spiritual dimension of man’s existence and gives it a proper place in the organization of the biological, social, and intellectual framework of society.

    I accept that part of the battle here is that the spiritual and intellectual idealists see any discussion of biological and social realities as immoral. What they are missing is the need for balance, and “balance,” in this sense, does not mean, “White men, sit down and shut up while we take your women and your territory from you in the name of our intellectual ideals.” – http://www.thinkinghousewife.com/wp/2009/12/love-and-race-spirit-and-matter/#more-5452

  9. Not to spam this thread, but the recent comments and threads on this blog are well worth reading; for instance, read the comments in the post “The Golfer’s Wife” – http://www.thinkinghousewife.com/wp/2009/12/the-golfers-wife/ – “In the entry on Mrs. Tiger Woods, M., a male reader, states that he is indifferent to the personal sufferings of the famous golfer’s wife. Her choice of a husband was a form of betrayal that angers him “on a very deep, existential level.” The reader’s comment illustrates something that many white women refuse to acknowledge: Miscegenation offends white men at the core of their being.”

    On that comment thread an all-too-common ‘Christian perspective’ is expressed by Rita:

    “I feel like your blog has taken a turn for the worse. For the record I’m a white woman and I can’t believe what I’m reading. As a Christian, my only goal is to further God’s Kingdom. I don’t feel compelled to save the “white race.” I’m sure the enemy of our souls loves when Christians and others focus on things like this. It’s a distraction from what really matters. What really matters is the afterlife….
    I just don’t see a strong Biblical mandate to keep the white race pure. There’s no mention of racial purity in the Ten Commandments or the Sermon on the Mount. … I don’t take “pollution” to mean racial impurity, I believe it means polluted from sin. If you can show me new testament commands to keep our bloodlines pure, I’ll be all over it but I suspect anything you come up with will be vague at best.

    I’ll take being a weepy sentimentalist (pro-lifer-speaking out against the hundreds of thousands of abortions performed in the US every year) any day over being angry about mixed bloodlines. Sorry, I respectfully believe your focus is wrong, my friends. We have much bigger fish to fry.

  10. WP,

    Why are SO MANY NW Euro women such proverbial dipsh-ts on any social issue that has even a whiff of controversy to it,


    requires a modicum of courage to recognize and attempt to understand and deal with it???

    Would appreciate your feedback.

  11. “I’m not sure about this. The Jew has neither. Superiority and dominance are all that is required. Hell, group consciousness is enough.” – Danielj

    I agree with you completely here. MacDonald would have us believe that the Jew has become what he is today by consciously directing his evolution throughout history. If that is the case, why should it be impossible for us if the Jews themselves were capable of it? Whites are now a diaspora people, we might as well begin acting accordingly. One flaw in the gringos is their general tendency not to stick together but who says we cannot remedy that by ourselves, eh? Has it ever been tried? No. We don’t do ourselves any damage by attempting it.

  12. I don’t take “pollution” to mean racial impurity, I believe it means polluted from sin.

    A deliberate misreading, or at least, willfully ignorant reception thereof.

    Yahweh doesn’t say “kill the sinning Amaleks,” he says “kill the Amaleks.” It’s possible he meant that all the Amaleks were wicked, but that means the distinction between Amalek and “wicked” is gone, and we’re back to racial judgement.

  13. MacDonald would have us believe that the Jew has become what he is today by consciously directing his evolution throughout history.


    If that is the case, why should it be impossible for us if the Jews themselves were capable of it? Whites are now a diaspora people, we might as well begin acting accordingly. One flaw in the gringos is their general tendency not to stick together but who says we cannot remedy that by ourselves, eh? Has it ever been tried? No. We don’t do ourselves any damage by attempting it.

    This I agree with. It’s always been my position that we should be working toward this as our worst-case fall back plan, regardless of whatever else we’re doing. Jews were created by a specific environment, an environment that is being replicated on a global level.

  14. Re:#62 Commenter ‘Z’ — I believe that organized Jewry has been consciously and deliberately targeting White women because women (of all races) are by and large more gullible and open to be influenced by degenerate Jewish ideas, ideas which they become enamored with and then attempt to pass on to White men; organized Jewry uses their controlled mass-media (TV, Hollywood movies, magazines, etc), Marxist university environments, and so on to influence or even ‘brainwash’ White women as an attempt to weaken and ultimately subvert White racial cohesion and ideals; I recently wrote a blurb on this topic on my blog:

    “White men should keep their White women and White children completely away from cable and satellite TV, Hollywood movies, superficial ‘fashion’ magazines, the malls, large (Marxist) colleges and universities in big cities, and the Jewish controlled mass-media as much as possible because it incessantly fills their heads with all kinds of degenerate ideas: pro-Jewish, pro-consumerism, pro-cosmopolitan/pro-internationalism, pro race-mixing/pro-diversity, pro-feminist/anti-male, pro-homosexual, and of course constant anti-White ideas — mass-media Jewry is consciously barraging White women with all of this anti-White filth, targeting them first in order to undermine White men through their women.” – http://whitesurvival.wordpress.com/2009/12/09/im-still-around-plus-a-list-of-future-topics-i-will-hopefully-write-about-here/

    Notice how many White women these days are TV-addicts, shopaholics, regular moviegoers, far-leftist feminists after returning from their Marxist colleges, pro race-mixing, pro-homosexual, pro-immigration, and so on? This isn’t a coincidence — organized Jewry is undermining White women in order to easier subvert White men through them. As an old Cheyenne saying goes: “A nation is never defeated until the hearts of its women are on the ground.”

  15. Re:#63 – Kasimir – “Whites are now a diaspora people, we might as well begin acting accordingly. One flaw in the gringos is their general tendency not to stick together but who says we cannot remedy that by ourselves, eh? Has it ever been tried? No. We don’t do ourselves any damage by attempting it.”

    + White Kinism, White Cooperationism, White Collectivism, White Nationalism: the next steps in White racial evolution – http://whitesurvival.wordpress.com/2009/12/09/im-still-around-plus-a-list-of-future-topics-i-will-hopefully-write-about-here/

  16. Greeting All!,

    I wil toss in a few comments on that blog – but I can guarantee you all the Rita has NEVER EVER EVER had ot deal with living AS a White woman, in a Non-White majority.

  17. “It is just often exaggerated the total amount of SS and AA gene flow into southern Italy (and southern Europe in general, with the exception of Portugal).” – Z

    Why don’t you historians and stats experts pass along some verifiable data for the rest of us to analyze before you make finite conclusions. The Iberian nations suffered Moorish invasion that altered some of the racial mix in Spain and only a tad of southern Portugal. Black immigration to Portugal was kept pretty low in most of Portugal. The problem is that the native Celtic/Portuguese population still remains small because it’s a tiny country that was heavily degraded by catholic universalism and a poor ability to shift from an agrarian to industrial economy. Some of you confuse poverty with racial type. The home of the great Celt Viriathus from Central to Northern Portugal is entirely populated with a white stock and the only image of blacks is what is seen on american television channels…

    As for pure nordics, you were easily conquered by the romans and I really can’t think of any significant empires built by your kind. The greatest european empires remain those built by mediterranean and medo/alpine racial profiles. Most of the nordic and anglo-saxon immigrants to america are still misfits who could not conquer europe and have now been conquered by jews and mongrels. As far as I can tell the nordic race is way too weak to survive. It saddens me, but it’s true…..

  18. JoeG:”As for pure nordics, you were easily conquered by the romans…”

    Nah man, go back and learn the history — the Romans never managed to conquer Germanic and/or Nordic Northern, Central, or Eastern Europe; see the map of the greatest extent of the Roman Empire – http://armenian-history.com/Nyuter/HISTORY/ArmeniaBC/Roman_Empire_map.png

    The Germanic tribes of Central Europe, tribes who were primarily (but not totally) Nordic, actually played a main part in bringing down the Roman Empire, especially raids by Germanics and Nordics from the foggy sylvan north and central areas of Europe, regions which proved impossible for the Romans to ever conquer or even subdue; an excerpt from Cochran & Harpending’s book THE 10,000 YEAR EXPLOSION: from Chapter 5 “Gene Flow,” section of that chapter ‘Blue Eyes’ —

    “A strong state fosters gene flow within itself through trade, free movement, and sometimes forced movement. At the same time, it tends to limit gene flow from outside, particularly when it upholds its border with military force. When such a state disintegrates, there can be a massive movement of peoples–in part because the borders are no longer defended, but even more in those cases in which the inhabitants have lost their military habits over the course of a long imperial peace. …

    The fall of the Roman Empire followed this pattern. As the state weakened, many ethnic groups entered. In the early days they were often mercenary soldiers, but eventually some came as plundering bands. Those invaders also carried new alleles. We will discuss the Vandals, one of the most spectacular of these groups. We think they may have played a part in spreading a particular far-flung new allele, the one responsible for blue and green eyes.

    Barbarians came first. During the twilight of the Roman Empire, whole tribes, mostly some flavor of German, began wandering across the borders. The Vandals were among the most troublesome. They are thought to have originated in southern Sweden and had moved to Silesia (now eastern Poland) by 120 BC. By the third century, they had moved on to western Romania and Hungary, then into Roman territory. Around 400 AD they began moving westward (along with their allies, the Alans and Suebians), crossing the frozen Rhine on the last day of 406. They went on the devastate France, plundering their way through Aquitaine and crossing the Pyrenees in late AD 409. The Alans (an Iranian-speaking people off the steppe) set up a kingdom in Portugal, while the Suebians settled down in Galicia.

    Facing pressure from the Visigoths (yet another medieval gang, which had already crushed the Alan kingdom), the Vandals and the surviving Alans, some 80,000 souls together, crossed from Spain to Africa in 429. This Vandal kingdom dominated the western Mediterranean with its stolen fleet, extorting tribute from seaports and sending out raiding parties every year. The Vandals sacked Rome in 435, ensuring that their name would live in infamy. …(continued)

    Thus the spread of blue, green, and gray eyes from the area surrounding the Baltic Sea all across Europe, to North Africa, and even as far east as modern Afghanistan, Pakistan, and India.

  19. “As for pure nordics, you were easily conquered by the romans and I really can’t think of any significant empires built by your kind. The greatest european empires remain those built by mediterranean and medo/alpine racial profiles. Most of the nordic and anglo-saxon immigrants to america are still misfits who could not conquer europe and have now been conquered by jews and mongrels. As far as I can tell the nordic race is way too weak to survive. It saddens me, but it’s true…..”


    Yeah, I think most of the guys here are right regarding the history of the northern Europeans, particularly the Germanic peoples and their offshoots, like the ‘Angel-Sachsiche’ — Anglo-Saxons.

    Tell ya the truth, for full disclosure, I myself am a WOP, but I have absolute love and respect for my northern European brothers, cause they are good men who created beautiful, orderly civilizations that makes me proud of being an American (aside from the current generation of Judeo-Bolshevik ugliness that has desecrated this magnificent country).

    But we as White men will recover, and I am honored to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with these fine, to put it into blogger Old Atlantic’s termonology, ‘Founding Stock Americans’ (FSA’s).

    I was all over this great country Joe, and served in the Army with these guys, and they are in so many ways the ‘salt of the earth’, particularly the Southern guys.

    They deserve our respect.

    Glad to have you aboard here Joe! Benvenuto!

  20. Here’s the quote about the Roman patricians straight from Carleton Coon’s classic work The Races of Europe:

    “[T]he movements from the north introduced Nordics of two varieties; the classic Hallstatt type, and the Keltic Iron Age type which was later to form the basic racial element among the Roman patricians. Further invasions from the north, of Kelts and of Germans, had only local influence.”


    Carleton Coon was one of the greatest anthropologists of the 20th century.

  21. But the fact of the matter is that Southern Italy has received Afro-Asiatic and even sub-Saharan African admixture over time. Documented historically, corroborated by genetics.

    Eh, this is a bit misleading. I feel lame doing a disembodied match-up with this thing, but let’s go back to the distribution map:


    It’s obvious there’s plenty of J and E3b, the Arab and Berber genes, going around Italy. We see western, central, southern Africa dominated by ExE3b; close enough, but neither is really “sub-Saharan”. “Afro-Asiatic” is grandfathered in from old school racialism. “African” would be just fine, or to preserve what I assume you mean by “Asiatic”, à la Leese, go with Hamito-Semitic, what the hell.

    Of course it’s fine to point this stuff out, but it’s as much obfuscation to put these people down, Italians or Maghrebis, as partial “sub-Saharans”, i.e. niggers. That said, I feel like a white nigger in any case.

    Remember, of course, that a good deal of this was due to the Empirio Romano (Roman Empire),
    The Iberian nations suffered Moorish invasion that altered some of the racial mix in Spain and only a tad of southern Portugal.

    And that’s how the leopard got his spots.

  22. “The Germanic tribes of Central Europe, tribes who were primarily (but not totally) Nordic, actually played a main part in bringing down the Roman Empire, “ – WP

    It is worth noting that what was called the Roman Empire by the 5th cent. was Roman in name only. It had been overrun by migrant Levantines and Hamito-Semites (to please Uh) by the 3rd cent. who turned it into a plutocratic oligarchy, by those days the Imperial dynasty was Syrian and a large segment of Rome’s Senate was drawn from North Africa and the Levant. Ultimately the Aryan Romans had been too inclusive in their social policies (and didn’t have enough children) during the later empire, one of the reasons for their downfall to be sure. To blame Germanic tribes for “destroying” it is not accurate, by those days it was a rotting carcass anyway.

  23. Hunter: “Let’s keep this thread civil.”

    Agreed, but when a liar like NN is involved, civility only benefits the troll/liar. This guy trashes thread after thread, to the detriment of newbies and interested readers. I kept my first response to him devoid of any insult whatsoever, a civil status quo that he quickly remedied with lies, insult and misrepresentation. It’s certainly true that my patience was exhausted more quickly due to his behavior on other threads, so I could see early on what he was up to. What follows is yet another lie/misrepresentation: …

    It is now evident that there are serious problems with the exercise of intellect and the maintenance of composure in Trainspotter’s responses, to which there seems to be no palliative. Since correction of Trainspotter simply evokes progressively more intemperate and radical inversions or conversions or self-contradiction of and in the cases involved, I will not bother further with his instruction.

    I have judged his correction important in view of his dogmatic and mistaken formulation of objectives and perspectives regarding which he preempts objection (“that’s it,” in multiple instances). Thus he betrays what appears to be a mini-fuhrer complex mixed with more mundane difficulties, if I am permitted a small portion of the license in ad hominem that he has already appropriated to himself, above.

    If others in the venue would like to defend or amend his remarks, I would be pleased to pursue the issue. Otherwise, I will regard the gallery as satisfied with my own. One never quite knows the status of Trainspotter’s lesson-learning, given his habit of eventually conceding the point and then denying having done so.

    So, as to the point at issue, I reproduce a brief exchange from “superhuman”:

    [Mark I.:]

    Sometimes I think the bulk of pro-whites are not different from the “liberte, egalite, fraternite” crowd.


    Thus the journalistic cultivation of reaction to the “unfairness” of it all in whites who have “rights” merely reinforces the (unrealistic) shared liberal premises of any such implicit controversy. Just as “denying” the Holocaust, in an attempt directed at denying victim status to international Jewry, implicitly concedes the victimological argument that “victims” have (nonsensical) transcendent moral claims on all others. The result: more proto-anarchistic liberal fatuity endorsed and the maintenance of the present general ideological regime.

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