Re: Charlotte Parker

No, I had never heard of Charlotte Parker before. There is a probably a good reason for that. We’re about the same age. Charlotte Parker died in 1990. I was born in 1980. She was murdered when I was 10 years old. I was in middle school at the time … apparently losing my manhood and honor … because I was unaware of this.

Note: “On September 19, 1990, Carr was convicted and sentenced to death on four counts of capital murder. … Carr was convicted on all four counts of capital murder and sentenced to death by lethal injection for each count.”

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I’ve reopened this thread. It can be used to discuss whether or not the Charlotte Parker rape and murder warrants genocide of the Jews and negroes.

    In my view, it does not. The murderer was prosecuted and received the death penalty. Justice was carried out.

  2. It’s additional reason, among so many other reasons, that warrants the separation of the races. That is your position, as it is mine, and I think it is the position of any rational white person that cares about their heritage.

    The people responsible for the crime are the ones who should suffer the consequences, which should be the death penalty.

    Those who created the policies that have allowed this situation should be held accountable, however since they will be excluded from our ethnostate, they would no longer be a threat.

  3. It is clear that Giles is using these murders to foment hatred against an entire race of people. If the murderers had been White, he would not be in the least bit concerned about Charlotte Parker.

    Giles could have argued that black-on-white crime is an unnecessary cost of a multiracial society. He could have argued that integration has a dark side. He could have made a plausible argument that White children would be safer in a White ethnostate.

  4. Sam Davidson recently wrote a worthless essay about black-on-white crime. He drew attention to number of recent murders. Giles didn’t mention that on his radio show though.

  5. It’s additional reason, among so many other reasons, that warrants the separation of the races. That is your position, as it is mine, and I think it is the position of any rational white person that cares about their heritage.

    We could simply extend the principle and argue that we should separate poor, backwards, hicks from the rest of us high-grossing, educated and urbane city folk.

  6. It’s not based on intellectual elitism, but on racial survival. Modern elitism in many ways is part of the problem.

  7. 6Hunter Wallace

    Sam Davidson recently wrote a worthless essay about black-on-white crime. He drew attention to number of recent murders. Giles didn’t mention that on his radio show though.

    Maybe Giles has some other axe to grind and just used that as an excuse. Perhaps he’s just fickle, and if you don’t respond the way he wants you to at any given time he has a meltdown.

  8. Daniel, for instance Derbyshire is part of this multiracial elitism masquerading as pro-Western conservatism. I don’t get the appeal he has, but apparently he’s regarded as a saint in HBD circles and to disprove of someone’s person choice to miscegenate is outrageous to them.

  9. danielj
    We could simply extend the principle and argue that we should separate poor, backwards, hicks from the rest of us high-grossing, educated and urbane city folk.

    The point of the ethnostate is not to protect the rich from non-whites. The rich can afford to live so far away from non-whites in areas so far beyond what any dangerous non-white can afford that it’s not even a concern for them, which explains why the white elite was so quick to sell us out to the jews. The point of a white ethnostate is to protect the poor and middle class from non-white crime and from having their neighborhoods invaded and ruined by non-whites.

  10. The point of a white ethnostate is to protect the poor and middle class from non-white crime and from having their neighborhoods invaded and ruined by non-whites.

    I personally think that’s a weak argument, however emotionally it has appeal. It can easily be countered by Asians, who are less criminal than whites. This is the platform the HBDers run on, Asians and Jews good, NAMs bad.

  11. Hunter Wallace
    I’ve reopened this thread. It can be used to discuss whether or not the Charlotte Parker rape and murder warrants genocide of the Jews and negroes.

    Nothing warrants genocide. My ideas on solving the jewish problem may have been misunderstood so I’ll state them unambiguously. The goal is a jew-free white ethnostate. If all the jews leave it’s mission accomplished. Since the founding of Israel many Muslim countries have in retaliation expelled or persecuted their jewish populations until only a small handful remain and most of those nations have not been invaded by the jewish occupied countries (the exception is Iraq which very brutally expelled most of its jews, and jewish revenge played a large part in motivating the invasion, but Saddam Hussein had to give them some excuses by invading Kuwait to set the plan in motion), so it’s wrong to claim that expulsion can’t work in the modern post-World War II era. A white ethnostate will easily be able to defend itself against jewish retaliation as long as the United States government has fallen. Jews in asia or the middle east won’t have host populations strong enough to do to us what the United States, England and the Soviet Union did to Germany after they started expelling jews.

    As far as motivating the jews to leave I won’t rule out some necessary roughness. But that’s a far cry from the sort of thing the insane Giles is calling for.

  12. Mark
    I personally think that’s a weak argument, however emotionally it has appeal. It can easily be countered by Asians, who are less criminal than whites. This is the platform the HBDers run on, Asians and Jews good, NAMs bad.

    Jews let the blacks loose and caused the Mexican invasion. They’re not good neighbors. We could probably coexist with the better Asians (not Hmong) provided miscegenation laws were restored.

  13. I take from Giles’ extrusions that the manly subtext of the WN platform should be the Linder-esque direction of the military and police forces toward “legal” (and I emphasize that term on his behalf) extermination of the “domestic enemies,” the Jewish and Negro residents of the continent, in order to requite the imputed reciprocal collective intention of said enemies and the various atrocities that have exercised Giles as significant thereof. The criteria for qualifying as a “Jew” and as a “Negro,” and the precise legal pretext for genocide, a’la lex talionis in Giles’ perspective, and the details as to the means for seeing some of our fellow citizens off to glory seemly have yet to emerge from Giles’ ruminations on the point.

    Or do I do him an injustice with a misapprehension of his intent and/or his specifications?

  14. Jews let the blacks loose and caused the Mexican invasion. They’re not good neighbors. We could probably coexist with the better Asians (not Hmong) provided miscegenation laws were restored.

    But that begs the question, why should we let them live in our nation. Is there a benefit? Other than Chinese food and martial arts. 🙂 I despise anime.

    Well, Yankees let the blacks loose first. 🙂 The Jews finished the job.

  15. NN, you should be a guest on Giles’ show. It would be funny to listen to you talk and Giles not understand anything you say.

  16. Mark
    But that begs the question, why should we let them live in our nation. Is there a benefit? Other than Chinese food and martial arts. 🙂 I despise anime.

    Well, Yankees let the blacks loose first. 🙂 The Jews finished the job.

    In an ideal world I would deport all Asians. As a practical matter they would not be my top priority.

    In a white ethnostate Yankees would probably deport themselves.

    Giles, et al., think otherwise, Señor Torquemada.

    Still burned up about my little plan, I see. Good.

  17. NN, you should be a guest on Giles’ show. It would be funny to listen to you talk and Giles not understand anything you say.

    That would be a hoot.

    But I wouldn’t do a show until the host had passed my quiz on a thorough reading of “superhuman,” and had submitted his interview questions in advance. I don’t know how Giles would do and whether he would comply.

    What do you think?

  18. But I wouldn’t do a show until the host had passed my quiz on a thorough reading of “superhuman,” and had submitted his interview questions in advance. I don’t know how Giles would do and whether he would comply.

    What do you think?

    He’d say, Superman, yeah I read that comic.

  19. 21Hunter Wallace

    Jim Giles doesn’t have the requisite intelligence to conduct a proper interview with NN.

    That hasn’t stopped him so far.

  20. There are more unmixed white people on the planet today than there were a hundred years ago, the height of white domination of the planet. So, whatever it is that is happening to white people, we (or, if you insist, “they”) are not becoming extinct. And, as Hunter pointed out on the Giles show, the Jewish enemies of the white people are not calling for killing whites.

    What IS happening, and what the Jewish enemies of the white people are calling for, is a reduction in the relative power of white Americans of European descent, in political, cultural and economic senses, compared to other peoples. This may not be good, but its different in both intent and result than a criminal gang out to kill your family. Ought to require a different response as well.

    Hunter is also correct in saying that proposing that all blacks or Jews be given the ultimate punishment for the crimes of a few of them is immoral. Yes, and 99.999% of white people seem to feel this viscerally, at least in peacetime. I think the percentage is likely lower among other races. Another good reason to feel some white pride — and to get a little curious about the Holocaust and Holocaust revisionism. Just what the hell happened in Poland? Did Hitler turn into a real, not just pretend, Alex Lindner? If so, why? Just what makes someone turn genocidal?

  21. “But that begs the question, why should we let [Asians] live in our nation. Is there a benefit?”

    Jared Taylor made the same statement I think, and I used to often use it when discussing the national question with my liberal friends. I will say that I did finally hear a rebuttal that gave me some pause. What someone said was that high-functioning immigrants play a useful role in keeping white people on our toes. Otherwise, growing up in affluence occasioned by economic prosperity, unthreatened by any potential challenges on the horizon, brings complacency. In practical terms, we start raising fat kids who don’t want to study.

    I’m not saying there isn’t a good rejoinder one can make, but the argument is somewhat compelling at least to me.

  22. He’d say, Superman, yeah I read that comic. (Mark)

    And then I’d have to quiz him on the preamble to the George Reeves version of the TV show, usw:

    1) Recite the balance of the following:

    “Yes, it’s Superman, strange visitor from another planet, with…”

  23. There are more unmixed white people on the planet today than there were a hundred years ago

    There are also more mixed “white” people, more non-white people, and more degradation of the white standard.

  24. Otherwise, growing up in affluence occasioned by economic prosperity, unthreatened by any potential challenges on the horizon, brings complacency. In practical terms, we start raising fat kids who don’t want to study.

    I think that happens regardless of a diverse society, in fact that would actually be more of an argument for the strength of diversity. The best way to avoid that is to not spoil your children. Do like Bill Gates is going to do and give all of your away, to hell with your kids. 🙂

  25. You see, people, Jim Giles is not your regular radio host. He has this unique ability to discover in a flesh if his guest has backbone or not. And that’s all what he wants to know. He wants to know if his guest is a real item or a phony. He is looking for a genuine item which is very hard to come by. HW didn’t pass his test and he knows it. Don’t be upset too much about it, HW, there aren’t many people out there who can pass it. In my view, only 5 people so far have passed Giles’ test: Lady Renouf, Alex Linder, Dr. MacDonald, Dr Faurisson, Dr Töben and maybe couple of others. HW should be thankful, not resentful, to Giles because Jim helped him to decide at last on which side of the isle he is. It is very clear by now that HW is on the side of Marks and FBs. That’s the value of Giles – he helps people to better understand who they are. Good job, Jim.

  26. Is Giles going to give shit to Derbyshire about his Asian wife, or is he going to suck up to him? I predict he’ll mention it once or twice. He’s not going to harp on it, because he knows Derbyshire is a big shot and will hang up on him in a second. Interesting how “honor” for Jim Giles doesn’t preclude him from sucking up to big shots.

  27. I love this sort of statement. It’s just so cosmically wrong. No, rants and threats of violence don’t scare “the Jews”. (-Svigor)

    Ok, Svigor, why don’t you educate us and tell us what the Jews are scared of. Maybe they are scared of Hunter Wallace or maybe they are scared of Svigor. Please don’t hold back that important information from us, b/c we need to know what the Jews are scared of.

    The Jews know and they feel in their guts there is only one little step from rants and threats of violence to real physical harm as soon as the situation deteriorates beyond endurance and the patience of Americans runs out.

    In Russia the beating of Jews is happening even in the TV studious today whenever the Jewish hutzpah reaches certain point. In this youtube video Jew Borovoy gets what he richly deserved when he called the Russian host a “Russian fascist” simply for stating that Russians in Baltic states are reduced to second class residents. Please pay close attention that Borovoy have had the not-so-wise effrontery to initiate the fight: Kike Borovoy gets his ass kicked.

  28. In my view, only 5 people so far have passed Giles’ test: Lady Renouf, Alex Linder, Dr. MacDonald, Dr Faurisson, Dr Töben and maybe couple of others. HW should be thankful, not resentful, to Giles because Jim helped him to decide at last on which side of the isle he is. It is very clear by now that HW is on the side of Marks and FBs.

    Did you miss the part where he said fuck all the intellectuals?

    I suppose Mark Potok and Tim Wise passed Giles’ test as well by how he treated them.

    There is no test, Giles’ doesn’t have any credentials to make a test for others to pass, other than a bat-shit-crazy test. Linder definitely passed that one with flying colors.

    I think Hunter has improved his standing definitely. He’s willing to continue to learn and evolve, unlike most.

  29. Don’t be so linear, HW. Leave the sophistry to the Jews – they are good at it, you are not. I don’t want to insult you, I still believe that you are a descent man. I’ll tell you what I believe. The Jews are waging a WAR on white race. It doesn’t matter if you see it or not, that is the fact. In the WAR you defeat the enemy by whatever means necessary or it defeats you. There is no other choice. Don’t be too hard to Gim Giles. Listen closely to what he is saying. I believe that you are honest enough person to be able to do that.

  30. Is Giles going to give shit to Derbyshire about his Asian wife, or is he going to suck up to him? I predict he’ll mention it once or twice.

    I doubt he’ll mention it at all.

    Maybe he’ll scream in the mic at Derby for not talking about black crime enough.

  31. I do think that Jews are committing genocide against us as defined by the United Nations, namely creating conditions in which our long term survival is impossible.

    I also think that the Jewish leadership and a good number of the rank and file Jews are intentionally promoting genocide against us, since Jews are the people most aware of genocide, both overt and stealth, and they most aware of the necessary conditions of of long-term collective survival, namely an ethnostate, and, in the absence of that, strong group identity and boundaries: ethic identity, ethnic pride, ethnic education, taboos against exogamy, etc.

    They deliberately promote these for themselves in the name of collective survival, and they deliberately undermine these for us knowing full well that doing so would destroy their group and will therefore destroy ours.

    Jews are trying to exterminate us. On that we should be clear. Linder’s views therefore have an elementary moral logic to them. Whether they are politic is a completely different question. Questions of costs (broadly interpreted) and feasibility are also entirely different matters. Given the nature of whites, including our hypertrophied consciences, expulsion is a far more feasible solution.

    Machiavelli argued that it is always best to leave the enemy an avenue of escape, since if their backs are to the wall, they will fight light cornered rats, which increases the cost of defeating them. They will resist less fanatically if they know they have some place to retreat.

    The trouble with Jews is that they have a cornered rat psychology even when they are on top. It is the product of thousands of years of committing genocide against other peoples and fearing that they will get the same treatment some day.

    But Jews are most fierce as verbal warriors, inciting others to die for them. When actually faced with a physical fight, they tend to prefer dishonor to death. Give them a place to retreat to, and they will take the option, if forced. That is why as I white nationalist, I am glad the state of Israel exists. I want the Jews to leave white nations entirely and go there. That is the only way we can ensure our collective survival.

  32. The point of the ethnostate is not to protect the rich from non-whites… …The point of a white ethnostate is to protect the poor and middle class from non-white crime and from having their neighborhoods invaded and ruined by non-whites.

    Who will protect the rich and upper middle classes from the poor in a white ethnostate? Why do misbehaving poor whites deserve protection in the first place?

  33. The elementary moral logic of Linder’s position is: an eye for an eye. Maybe a better word for it is “primitive.”

  34. Interesting. Greg Johnson thinks that Alex Lindner’s extermination proposal is impolitic and unnecessary — Jews are extremely powerful and destructive “verbal warriors,” but they’re also cowards and its not necessary to kill them since they would probably be willing to run to Israel if whites stood up for themselves. Unlike Hunter, however, he has no problem with the MORALITY of the proposal. In fact, he says it has a certain “elementary moral logic.”

  35. I think “an eye for an eye” is an elementary or primitive notion of justice, but yes, it is a form of justice.

    The main problem with it is that it only really applies to killing people and punishing out-group members.

    Anything short of that, and you have a problem: how do two one-eyed men go on living on the same community, given that a gnawing resentment is inevitable?

    For the lex talionis may satisfy the primitive and immediate sadism of the hurt animal to hurt back (or hurt someone else, even if it is not the aggressor), but it does not take into consideration the long term necessity of continued social existence.

    Now, realistically speaking, Jews and whites are going to have to learn to live on the same planet. Neither race is going to go away, despite the worst efforts of the others.

    And so mature people have to set aside the lex talionis and think in terms of establishing conditions of long term community. To my mind, that means complete separation. Jews must be removed from any influence over the destinies of white nations and go to Israel.

  36. It’s not an eye for an eye. Jews beat you in an argument, and then you want to kill them. Not the same. An eye for an eye would be we impose integration and advocate miscegenation for Israelis. But I think they have a better defense for it.

    Greg, do you care what Alex says about you? It seems he can do no wrong by you. I mean, if you don’t care what he says about you why should we.

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