Paleocons and White Nationalists

At Mansizedtarget, Chris Roach has some commentary on White Nationalism from a paleocon perspective that I suspect our readers will find interesting. I would have responded earlier, but I have experienced trouble loading his site. I’ve also been distracted by the whole escalating war with the agent provocateurs infesting our movement and haven’t had time to respond to his recent comments.

In an earlier post, I expressed interest in initiating a dialogue with paleocons and libertarians, and I asked Mr. Roach if he would be interested in a healthy exchange of views. I’ve been planning for months now to spend more time commenting on the mainstream and analyzing related political movements. In recent weeks, we have talked about two subjects, White Nationalism and the Jewish Question, and little else. I want to strike more of a balance in the year to come.

It would be fair to say that Mr. Roach’s perspective on White Nationalism and race relations is informed by a Christian perspective, conservative principles, and an attachment to America’s past. I completely agree when he argues that America was once a much better place, racially and culturally speaking, than it is today. Once upon a time, blacks and Whites shared a common culture, especially in the South. There are pockets of the rural South where that is still largely the case. Why can’t we just go back to that society? Why the need for separatism?

Like most paleoconservatives, Chris Roach is an intelligent, well educated man. I’m willing to bet he has anticipated our answer: that society (America, 1900-1960) contained the seeds of its own destruction.

1.) Jim Crow America was philosophically committed to liberalism, democracy, and capitalism. What happened from 1960 to 2010 that we find so objectionable? The United States became more liberal, more democratic, more capitalist.

The franchise was expanded to include disenfranchised negroes in the South, Hispanics in the Southwest, non-White immigrants, illegal aliens, and women. American culture became more licentious and permissive. America became more emeshed in international trade. These cultural and economic trends were nothing new; the Federalists were complaining about them in the 1790’s.

America’s founding principles have always been at war with a conservative view of social organization. White Nationalists are willing to question those principles. A few bold paleocons have ventured into this territory. The cultural and political mainstream, however, remains completely within the liberal tradition.

2.) Jim Crow America had a WASP ruling class. This was reflected in its tastes, mores, and self image. In the mid-twentieth century, that ruling class was overthrown by a coalition of upwardly mobile Jews and White ethnics. This new ruling class (which contained a WASP remnant) rewrote American history, redefined Americanism, waged war against Jim Crow, and set in motion the forces that are now leading to White dispossession.

We have a different set of people at the top of the social pyramid. They have no interest in going back to the old ways. They are set upon our destruction. They call it “progress” and “social justice.” We don’t have option but to overthrow them. That is a revolutionary task.

3.) This new ruling class, which is disproportionately Jewish, but not exclusively so, will not tolerate any healthy reassertion of White identity. It demonizes the slightest whiff of White ethnic identity. This can be seen in their reaction to the implicit Whites behind the Tea Party movement. They will not allow the White majority to resume its leading role in American society.

In sum, we cannot return to a prior historical period. That society has been utterly demolished. The ruling class which made it possible no longer exists. Social attitudes have been changed dramatically in the intervening years. The only thing we can do now is make intelligent use of our remaining rights and liberties to organize a counterattack. A successful counterattack will have to unite both wings of the dispossessed majority, Christian nationalist and racial nationalist, a seemingly impossible task at the moment.

In the new historical epoch unfolding before us, I think conservatives will eventually find themselves playing a new role: moderating and tempering an expanding White Nationalist movement. I predict more and more of them will be pushed out of the mainstream by changing demographics. The GOP and the conservative movement will be moving constantly to the left and purging ever more vast swathes of ordinary White people.

White Nationalists should welcome this influx of civility, morality, and normalcy. It can only strengthen us and make our movement more attractive.

About Hunter Wallace 12390 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. As an avowed White Nationalist I have always considered myself of the Paleo-Libertarian variety. I prefer Jeffersonian, but I am unconcerned with whatever labels become attached to me. I love the idea of engaging the Right consistently and assertively. Yet, I also like the idea of engaging the Left. I speak with many Racial Leftists (National Anarchists, National Bolsheviks, quasi-Fascists, Socialists, Hamiltonians, etc.) and I have no problem hearing what they have to say or even cooperating with them as long as they genuinely care about our people. That is my only demand. I think one of the biggest problems in the White Advocacy movement is all the “dealbreakers” floating around among the competing ideologies. For instance, Racialist Christians won’t work with Racialist Atheists or Pagans, Racialist Statists won’t work with Racialist anti-Statists and the list goes on and on. This petty bickering is ineffective and dishonorable. We used to view ourselves as a family—albeit sometimes dysfunctional—but now we view those of different opinions as the “other.” And once we make a fellow white person the dreaded “other” it becomes impossible to bridge that artificial gap that shouldn’t be there in the first place. I would never take this position among members of my own family. While I was raised Protestant (but very Deistic) and regularly go to a nearby Lutheran Church my family and friends are Catholics, atheists, Pagans, materialists, etc. My point is that I have NO “dealbreakers” with these people I love, admire and adore them. My loyalty to each and every one of them is total. It is the essence of our relational arrangement. We do argue and bicker sometimes pretty ferociously, but so what? If they need me I am there in full force as they are for me. We are indeed a family. It seems so simple. Yet, I can’t understand why we cannot stretch this “way of being,” this “mode of conduct,” this “moral standard” or whatever term one prefers to our people as a whole. The formula I have described above works so well at the micro level, why shouldn’t it work at the macro level?

    Thanks again and Merry Christmas!

  2. ” I predict more and more of them will be pushed out of the mainstream by changing demographics.”

    Heck this has already been happening for the last 15-20 years. It would be VERY difficult for Dr. David Duke to run for Governor today, yet not really that long ago it was at least feasible.

    Patrick Buchanan has gone from being a speech-writer for Tricky Dick (probably the last President really worth anything) to being Communications Director for President Reagan to being considered a fringe player during the jew-con W. Bush years!!!

    The change iz here!

    ” I think one of the biggest problems in the White Advocacy movement is all the “dealbreakers” floating around among the competing ideologies. ”

    Yeap. The Left are unified because they have a Universalistic Vision, Rightists of all varieties are Atomized by various Particularisms. The only way I see out of this is quagmire is to put RACE first and fore-most. Other things are just going to have to come in behind.

  3. Though I really appreciate his decent, respectful approach to WNism, Roach’s Christianism, reactionary views, and distorted take on US history really hit a sour note with me. In fact, I’m willing to bet his Christianism is a major factor in his opposition to racial natrionalism, which would bear out my comments on Christians yesterday. But I understand where he’s coming from, as I was once there more or less myself. I believe that like many paleocons, he’ll eventually come round to WNism.

  4. “7Hunter Wallace

    Christianity was able to coexist with racialism for centuries. We should try to recapture that ideal.”

    Then again so were Jews. We’re approaching the endgame, and certainly coexisting with Jews will lead to a checkmate against us. There are a lot of criticisms against Christianity, but I think it’s too ingrained in our culture now to remove, same with conservatism. Better to appropriate them than fight them.

  5. I reject Roach’s statement that America is a bi-racial nation (with blacks). If you want to think along those lines then we’re really a tri-racial nation, with blacks and Amerindians. We all know that all of the founding fathers were white, specifically Northern European, and non-whites were not considered citizens.

  6. Good point, Mark. I think it was HW who pointed out that the US was founded as an explicity white nation. White Nationalism (or what today we would call WNism) was the founding creed. He’s right. And in some sense the Left understands this too, which is why they have pushed demographic transformation, racial power grab, and anti-White cultural war since the 1960s. WNs celebrate it, liberals hate it.

  7. I want to thank De Deckert for a very eloquent comment on what is surely the main problem with the WN movement.

    Every WN should first and foremost have a deep feeling of connection to our extended racial family, because the preservation of that family is what we are all about. All other considerations — religious, philosophical, ideological, and political — have to be subordinated to that goal. Just as a healthy family is not torn apart by these sorts of differences, neither should our race.

    Feelings of connection to kin and community and race are, like all natural phenomena, distributed on a bell curve, and there are some people who just have weak sentiments. When families are broken over such issues, it is usually because some of the members lack the depth of feeling, which allows all the ideological “deal breakers” to loom large in their concerns.

    Those who have no such sentiments at all are called sociopaths or psychopaths, and they often make a point of seeking out such deal breakers because they feed on ill will and enjoy stirring up discord.

    Right now, WN is mostly a phenomenon of the political right. But increasingly, as our ideas penetrate the culture, we will be forced to recognize that there is no necessary connection between racial fellow feeling and many right wing political positions. My dream is a society united in racial consciousness, but still quarreling about religion and politics, like many families will quarrel around the dinner table today.

    In a white society, we will still be quarreling about religion, abortion, taxes, and the welfare state. But we will be quarreling among ourselves. There will be no aliens among us to exploit these divisions. There will be no aliens that the unscrupulous among us can use as allies to gain advantage over their own kin.

    This is why I am very excited about the emergence of racially conscious individuals and groups on the cultural and political left. Jews realized long ago that the way to dominate a democratic society is to divide their camp and colonize the entire political spectrum. When people can only choose between Jewish Democrats and Jewish Republicans, Jews can’t lose. Once WN is represented across the cultural and political spectrum, the foundations will be in place for a similar hegemony.

    The biggest thing standing in the way of the emergence of this sort of hegemony is the totalitarian “one party” model of White Nationalism, which treats white racial consciousness as one plank in a political platform, the rest of which consists of issues that are inevitable deal breakers for one person or another. The sooner we accept that a variety of different WN viewpoints is inevitable and healthy, the sooner we can learn how to make that a source of strength rather than weakness.

  8. The U.S. was considered a “White man’s country” from 1789 until 1954. The U.S. Army was segregated in WW2. Blacks were not considered 100% American until the Civil Rights Movement.

  9. Excellent post, Greg.

    As white nationalist memes spread into the broader culture, they will of course manifest themselves in different ways. This is fine. The point is to create as many sympathizers as possible all along the bell curve, from hardcore purists on one end to mild, “Well, those WN kind of have a point, but maybe they take it a bit too far” on the other. Hunter has discussed aspects of this before.

    For example, let’s take a hypothetical Leftist blogger. If we can get him to the point where he understands our positions fairly well, perhaps agreeing with some and disagreeing with others, I’d say that is worthwhile. It is worthwhile getting as many opinion leaders as possible, be they great or small, to the point where instead of foaming at the mouth and screaming “Nazi!!!,” they can instead at least give us a fair hearing. Not to mention getting them to the point where they can explain our positions to their own audience in terms that are accurate and reasonable. I’d say that’s pretty damn valuable.

    The goal, of course, is to alter the culture. To make it more understanding of White Nationalist memes, even if most people don’t accept every jot and tittle. Then, when the main WN drive comes, it will find a culture far more understanding and less hostile, and we will therefore experience much less of the Neptune Effect.

    To illustrate, I’m sure many people have, at some point or another, discussed race in a group situation. Remember how much easier it was if there were just a couple of other racially aware people in the room? They didn’t even have to agree with you all the way, but you’d get a far better hearing from the rest of the group than if you were entirely on your own. Last thing you want is the Neptune Effect.

    Point is, it doesn’t take that much to “soften up” the culture. It doesn’t take all that many people, given the nature of human dynamics.

    We’ve got a lot on our side. Reality is on our side. The facts are on our side. The evidence is on our side. One of the main things that we have to overcome is the Netpune Effect. Once we do, we should be able to build momentum quite rapidly. Remember, we aren’t trying to impose an unworkable utopia on people, or some sort of bizarre scheme. We just wish to live as whites, free from the murder, rape and dispossession that confronts us in a multiracial sewer. Hardly utopian or unworkable.

    Therefore, I see WN sniping at one another (not to mention the recent slaughterfest) as absurdly misplaced. We don’t all have to agree on everything. Wanna go the BNP route and drop the Jewish question? Fine, go for it. Hope it works. Nobody was more excited than I at the BNP’s electoral success this past summer. I think it’s fantastic. But does this mean that other WN groups can’t explore the Jewish issue and spread those memes accordingly? Does this mean that various groups of WN intellectuals should close up shop, just because they don’t walk the chalk of the BNP party platform? Of course not. The idea that they should is absolutely absurd.

    The BNP is important, but it is not the be all and end all of British White Nationalism. It is a particular vehicle, a particular movement. But in and of itself, it can’t do the job. It needs other groups softening up the culture, creating openings and sympathy…and reducing the Neptune Effect. This will create a fertile field for the BNP to develop upon.

    So the people who attack the BNP are just as absurd as those who demand that ALL people drop the Jewish question. We aren’t a monolith, and I think anyone that demands that all WN conform to the same mold is at best honestly mistaken or foolish, at worst suspect of something far more serious. Closer to home, if Braun can do something for White Nationalism without dealing with the Jewish question, I say fine. Go for it. But to demand that other people shut up and become deaf, dumb and blind to the Jewish question is completely misplaced.

    And, as a postscript, I’m not interested in the zero sum game argument. I know Linder pushes this, but I believe him to be mistaken. We aren’t in a zero sum situation, not at all. We are a fledgling movement with phenomenal growth potential. Our market is nowhere near saturated. Let the best school (or schools) win, and we shall know that school by the fruit that it bears. So, instead of stabbing neighbors in the back or hurling mud, how about prove yourself instead? If you show real gains, there is no doubt that you will draw more adherents to your school. We need to shed this monolith thinking and instead realize that we have a free market of sorts in White Nationalist ideas. You don’t have to mow down the other guy. You just need to demonstrate that your way is the most successful.

  10. We don’t all have to agree on everything. Wanna go the BNP route and drop the Jewish question? Fine, go for it. Hope it works. Nobody was more excited than I at the BNP’s electoral success this past summer. I think it’s fantastic. But does this mean that other WN groups can’t explore the Jewish issue and spread those memes accordingly? Does this mean that various groups of WN intellectuals should close up shop, just because they don’t walk the chalk of the BNP party platform? Of course not. The idea that they should is absolutely absurd.

    […] So the people who attack the BNP are just as absurd as those who demand that ALL people drop the Jewish question. […I]f Braun can do something for White Nationalism without dealing with the Jewish question, I say fine. Go for it. But to demand that other people shut up and become deaf, dumb and blind to the Jewish question is completely misplaced.

    ( — Trainspotter)

    Agree and well said.

  11. Conservatives crossing over into white nationalism can be a problem if we don’t re-educate them. Over on Stormfront, there has been a flood of new posters in the last few years that I would characterize as “racist fox news watchers.” These are people who accept all the premises of modern neo-conservatism, except that they hate blacks and/or Mexicans. Many of these people think that Muslims are the biggest threat to America and that GOP should be supported in every election, no matter who the candidate is. They tend to have a personality driven(ie non-ideological) fixation on Obama. They will obsess on trivial things like what color socks Obama wears. Most of these people have lower intelligence and education levels than those who typically discuss politics on the internet. They tend to be from the South too.

  12. ” The sooner we accept that a variety of different WN viewpoints is inevitable and healthy, the sooner we can learn how to make that a source of strength rather than weakness.”


    “Let a thousand flowers bloom!” – Chairman Mao

    (I find it interesting that hard-core National Socialist Hendrik Mobus often quotes Chairman Mao.)

  13. We’ve got a lot on our side. Reality is on our side. The facts are on our side. The evidence is on our side. One of the main things that we have to overcome is the Netpune Effect. Once we do, we should be able to build momentum quite rapidly. Remember, we aren’t trying to impose an unworkable utopia on people, or some sort of bizarre scheme. We just wish to live as whites, free from the murder, rape and dispossession that confronts us in a multiracial sewer. Hardly utopian or unworkable. (“Trainspotter”)

    [Question and comment for the Gallery:]

    Then how and why did up-to-spec 18th-Century North America, as above, become the 21st-Century version, if there is not some intrinsic deficiency in whites and/or a utopian obstacle to living as such?

    For most “whites,” proposals that fall into the category of “bizarre schemes” would include secession, re-segregation, “re-patriation,” etc. – some variation of which would be required to meet the specification, above.

  14. Greetings! I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and/or Yule.

    The BIGGEST problem with WN is the majority of Whites who ferociously cling to the false Jew-implanted ideology of Racial tolerance. THEY are the ones aiding and abetting the destruction of White Civilization.

    The sooner they meet the (well-deserved) fate of Eve Carson = the better for us.

    As far as Christianity – I really really really REEEEEEEEEEEAALLY wish people would actually READ THE BIBLE.

    Real Christianity is “racist” beyond description. Research the term “broken cisterns” folks.

  15. NN “Then how and why did up-to-spec 18th-Century North America, as above, become the 21st-Century version, if there is not some intrinsic deficiency in whites and/or a utopian obstacle to living as such?”

    You have been reading/trolling this blog enough to know that there are many, many explanations for the decline of whites in America. This subject has been explored in great depth. Review the innumerable entries that have been made on this topic.

    NN:”For most “whites,” proposals that fall into the category of “bizarre schemes” would include secession, re-segregation, “re-patriation,” etc. – some variation of which would be required to meet the specification, above.”

    Obfuscation. Of course any movement that seeks to upset the status quo will be seen by many as being “out there,” to one degree or another. That goes for any movement, not just ours. This does not alter the reality that there is nothing utopian (do you understand the definition of utopian?) or unworkable about white communities not being raped, murdered and destroyed by non-whites. Not having little white girls rape and tortured by non-whites is hardly “unworkable,” but rather a goal that any reasonably decent person can aspire to. Your attempt to confuse these separate issues is quite telling.

  16. “Then how and why did up-to-spec 18th-Century North America, as above, become the 21st-Century version, if there is not some intrinsic deficiency in whites and/or a utopian obstacle to living as such?”

    Waves of Jewish immigrants distorting the Young Culture of America.

    In Europe, the Old Aristocracy had developed many methods for keeping Jews in check, from Walled Ghettos, to keeping them out of the Catholic Church.

    Jews were shut out in Europe… not so in Young America.

    My source for this hypothesis are Francis Parker Yockey and Dr. Pierce:

    Here is an extended excerpt from Dr. Pierce:

    ” We had, of course, plenty of destructive undesirables of our own already here. Even before the Civil War psychopaths such as John Brown murdered their fellow Whites on behalf of Blacks and attempted to “equalize” the races. After the Civil War we had even more hate-crazed egalitarians attempting to punish Whites — mostly White Southerners — for being better than Blacks. Some, like John Brown, justified their murderous egalitarianism on Christian grounds, but after the Civil War and the shameful policies directed against Southerners during the Reconstruction period, there was no large-scale, systematic effort by Whites, Christian or otherwise, to mongrelize and degrade America. We still had an abundance of crazies and haters around, but without an organizing force
    behind them they were a potential rather than an actual danger.

    Such an organizing force appeared after the Jews had fastened their grip on America’s mass media of news and entertainment and brought the lemmings under their influence. In fact, it really wasn’t until after the Second World War that the Jews pulled out all the stops and made the destruction of White America their primary goal, enlisting our own worst elements for assistance in that purpose.”

  17. Waves of Jewish immigrants distorting the Young Culture of America.

    In Europe, the Old Aristocracy had developed many methods for keeping Jews in check, from Walled Ghettos, to keeping them out of the Catholic Church.

    Jews were shut out in Europe… not so in Young America.

    Elite Jewry became an integral part of the European power structure at the beginning of the Medieval Period as “Court Jews,” whose banking, intelligence, and advisory facilities were exploited by the nobility throughout Europe. Indeed, the eventual decline of The Church, which had served as another and prior trans-national entity with whom Faustian deals were compacted, left elite Jewry with the opportunity also to fill that “spiritual” void – a void that evidenced a significant deficiency in the aptitude for self-administration in and of the somewhat primitive and childish European peoples, who have long been given to fairy-tale theologies and simplistic ideologies that treacherously distort a clear-eyed conceptualization of reality.

    So, the New World colonists did not have much to be ashamed of – in terms of their vulnerability to trans-national entities with alien agendas – in comparison to their Old World ancestors and cousins, who were well-penetrated at the summit of their regimes by said alien elements from the very beginnings of the Culture.

    Thus the history of the European race, wherever located, is one that can be likened to that of a drug addict, whose physiology cannot resist indulgence, as offered, in easy but eventually destructive relief from internal conflicts. And I again pose the question, as to where the blame and the solution lie, as between the Pusher and the Junkie, in this historic relationship .

  18. You have been reading/trolling this blog enough to know that there are many, many explanations for the decline of whites in America. This subject has been explored in great depth. Review the innumerable entries that have been made on this topic. (“Trainspotter”)

    That will not be necessary, since a member of the Gallery, CG, managed to avoid your chronic troll-like resort to reformulating a question (so as to give the mere appearance of an patronizingly authoritative answer) by being good enough to simply and honestly respond to the question, as posed, as above, as you otherwise might have done.

    Of course any movement that seeks to upset the status quo will be seen by many as being “out there,” to one degree or another. That goes for any movement, not just ours. This does not alter the reality that there is nothing utopian (do you understand the definition of utopian?) or unworkable about white communities not being raped, murdered and destroyed by non-whites. Not having little white girls rape and tortured by non-whites is hardly “unworkable,” but rather a goal that any reasonably decent person can aspire to. Your attempt to confuse these separate issues is quite telling..

    You may make any point you wish by making counter-factual assumptions, as above. If you assume a white community free of its evident intrinsic inclination to eventually burden itself with dangerous and deceptive elements, your fantasy follows therefrom. But we must deal with the race as we find it, with its short-comings as evidenced by its history. I hope that I am redeemed by having clarified that point for you.

  19. NeoNietzsche
    Elite Jewry became an integral part of the European power structure at the beginning of the Medieval Period as “Court Jews,” whose banking, intelligence, and advisory facilities were exploited by the nobility throughout Europe. Indeed, the eventual decline of The Church, which had served as another and prior trans-national entity with whom Faustian deals were compacted, left elite Jewry with the opportunity also to fill that “spiritual” void – a void that evidenced a significant deficiency in the aptitude for self-administration in and of the somewhat primitive and childish European peoples, who have long been given to fairy-tale theologies and simplistic ideologies that treacherously distort a clear-eyed conceptualization of reality.

    Jews are born criminals. What whites lack isn’t an ability to administer their own societies. Rather they lack in ruthlessness when they discover that their societies have been robbed blind.

    Islam, which co-evolved with the jew parasites, is much better at keeping jews under control. The notorious Islamic law sentencing those who convert to Islam and then leave it to death is obviously aimed at Marranos. There are many other examples, the stronger rules against usury to name just one more. But Muslims are just as easily robbed as white Christians, as the theft of Palestine illustrates. It’s their powerful counterattack, which has no recent parallel in the white Christian world, that keeps their societies relatively jew free.

    European history shows that the only solution is expulsion. We can’t live with the jews because we don’t have the stomach for executing thousands of petty jew criminals a year (frequent application of capital punishment is another Islamic tactic for keeping jews in check) or for imposing collective punishments on their colonies often enough to keep them in check.

  20. Thanks for writing. I won’t purport to resolve this thorny debate in toto, but just have a few thoughts at this time.

    On the first issue, I believe a misunderstanding of our founding principles, which chiefly were principles of liberty and the rule of law, have been distorted by an excessive focus in our public rhetoric on democracy and equality. Properly understanding those founding principles is necessary for restoring the claims of true conservatives to the right to rule because we, unlike the left and the neocon right, actually understand and revere those principles and those founders rather than a distorted pretender to their legacy. In other words, much of the left’s views depends on a distorted and demostrably false misreading of our past, and much of any conservative restoration requires undermining that consensus.

    Two, I agree that Jews and white ethnics have largely displaced WASPs or at least have coequal power with them (along with blacks in black-majority cities, much of the old cotton belt, and in the federal government civil service) and WASPs, especially outside of the South, have lost all confidence and have not defended their right to rule on the basis of education, culture, numbers, or their earlier successes. This discrediting too is partially based on a misunderstanding of the past, whining about WASP discrimination by both Jews and white ethnics, and possibly some internal factors having to do with the inherent disorganization of protestantism and the sentimental leftism of the mainline protestant churches.

    That said, I think white ethnics, particularly Catholics, have to some extent been at war with the Jews ever since the days of the lower east side. These Catholics were pro-Franco and anti-Hollywood smut and felt their lives were being controlled by shadowy forces on Wall Street. (Nothing changes!) Post FDR, these are the Reagan Democrats, and these are people today that “work with their hands,” serve in the military, hate affirmative action, go to Church, and generally dislike the cultural rot caused by leftists of all types. These are my people literally–Irish and Italian Catholic mix, born in NYC but moved to Florida as a kid, two brothers in USMC, first generation to go to college, parents still married, gun-owners, all Republican and conservative to some degree or another etc.
    This group tends to be very patriotic and is a natural constituency of far-right and even white nationalist views, though they might reject any white nationalism that was called “white nationalism” thought hey would probably endorse 99% of the substantive goals of such a movement. (This is a paradox: whites above all are fair and don’t want to think of themselves as hateful racists, even though they are willing to endorse the same policies if framed as essential for self-defense, social stability, crime reduction, meritocracy, and national flourishing.)

    It’s true the new globalist/cosmpolitan elite is very hostile to any assertion of the least whiff of tribalism, even self-defensive tribalism, by whites. That said, there is a principle that is hard for them to argue against and that principle is majority rule. So long as we have the majority, framing our right to have a preeminent role in society and in politics has some hope. But so long as education, particularly at the college level, fills young minds with poisonous self-hatred and multiculturalism, this will remain difficult. We need to reassert control of our schools, school boards, and childrens’ education. We need to create art, music, schools, books, and TV Shows (on things like youtube) that upset the apple cart of multiculti hegemony. We need to show the various evils–fiscal, demographic, quality of life, environmental–that mass immigration and forced integration have caused. (Of course, people know this implicitly based on where they send their kids to school and buy their homes). I agree the uncensored and unfiltered world of the internet allows this reeducation to occur to some extent. You see this especially in the anonymous comments sections of newspapers, which always mock the papers refusal to identify black suspects.

    On a final point, I think even if the WASP rule of the past was de facto white nationalism or white rule, it was not framed or defended as such, and part of WASP self-respect and values is meritocracy and a certain broad-mindedness. It’s part of the American ethos: people come from elsewhere, often downtrodden or at least constrained, and can reinvent themselves and succeed on their merits with little regard to birth. White ethnics in particular embrace this part of our identity and are uneasy with WASPy snobbishness and formality, such as you see at country clubs and in certain professions like law. Consider Teddy Roosevelt’s invitation of Booker T. Washington to the White House. In other words, one can care for one’s group, believe in majority rule, reject minority rule (which is what we have now), create certain formal and informal limits to disproportionate influence of minorities of all kinds, and still believe there is a place in that society for patriotic people of talent, so long as they reassure the majority they mean them no harm, understand that majority’s right to rule, and are not pursuing a parochial tribal interest at the expense of the common good. In other words, when we lock up a third of black people, the rest better be cheering or they’ll be locked up too.

    Part of this meritocracy-coupled-with-pride requires a self-confident willingness to say things like, “Well, how can a Jew (or black or Mormon) be an appropriate American president; he is not a Christian white, and this country is overwhelmingly Christian and white?” Or, “Well, we all know Jews want America to do certain extreme things for Israel, because those in Israel are their coreligionists and co-ethnics. It’s obvious.” Most people in fact think these things but are afraid to say them. The idea of people “being afraid to say things” that offend Jews and blacks is a fatal problem for the leftist hegemony, because that fear and those secret conversations among close friends remind people that the current order depends on lies and distortions and retaliation of various kinds.

    Anyway, thanks again for the link and Merry Christmas.

  21. Jews are born criminals. What whites lack isn’t an ability to administer their own societies. Rather they lack in ruthlessness when they discover that their societies have been robbed blind.

    Islam, which co-evolved with the jew parasites, is much better at keeping jews under control.

    Seems that you avoid conceding the point by failing to recognize a “lack in ruthlessness” as an administrative failure, which it clearly would be in the Islamic context you tout in remedy. I take that Mohammedan example not to involve the lynchings, massacres, and general anti-Semitic vigilantism, such as would be the informal, *non-administrative* resort to which “free(-range) White Men” such as yourself would otherwise be inclined.

    So you fail to counter the point that Whites are incompetent in self-administration and condemn them by your own contrasting example of a successful alternative.

  22. NeoNietzsche
    Seems that you avoid conceding the point by failing to recognize a “lack in ruthlessness” as an administrative failure, which it clearly would be in the Islamic context you tout in remedy.

    An administrative concept of the world is jewish. Indeed, that is the very concept they are trying to sell the human biodiversity movement. That they are master administrators and rule by virtue of their talent. This, like almost everything any jew has ever said on any subject, is a lie. Jews aren’t master administrators, they’re master criminals. They don’t take over and manage organizations highly efficiently, they take over and run things into the ground. You have absolutely no idea what jews are or what they do. I can only conclude that you have no experience with jews. Most jews produce nothing and damage any organization they are part of. Idle bloodsuckers don’t administer, they kill.

    By the way, Islam does make use of free range enforcement tactics.

  23. De Deckert and Greg Johnson – could not agree more with the both of you.

    no necessary connection between racial fellow feeling and many right wing political positions. … emergence of racially conscious individuals and groups on the cultural and political left

    Greg, count me in that group. I have virtually zero interest in “conservatism” or “right-wing” politics (aside from a Christian distaste for baby-killing, sodomy and usury) My ideal White Nation would be something along the lines of Scandinavia, monoracial, monocultural socialism.

    Wait … does that make me a National Socialist? 😉

  24. An administrative concept of the world is jewish.

    And here I thought “Anthony” (all mastery is “Jewish”) was an idiot without peer on the point. Or perhaps you meant something else than this suggests. Feel free to retract this little Dummheit.

    They don’t take over and manage organizations highly efficiently, they take over and run things into the ground.

    As has been my thesis, which serves to condemn, does it not, those who deal with them out of their own administrative incompetence.

  25. An administrative concept of the world is jewish.

    I suspect that you mean to write that the unilateral administration of the world by a single governing entity is a distinctively Jewish aspiration.

    And that may well be, but it is not the point. Which point is that resort to Jewry for administrative assistance is itself evidence of such incompetence, in the foreseeable eventual consequences to which you refer. Thus, and again, the issue arises as to the shortcomings of White society in its repetitive engagement in the historic Faustian Pacts that I have listed.

  26. By the way, Islam does make use of free-range enforcement tactics.

    My impression is that such tactics are in remedial response to Western/Zionist imperial/colonial cultural intrusion and are not traditional administrative measures beyond some liberties granted to the police.

    Perhaps an Islamist could “enlighten” us on the point.

  27. As has been my thesis, which serves to condemn, does it not, those who deal with them out of their own administrative incompetence. – NN

    It isn’t just incompetence. Laziness and or carelessness plays a part. It reminds me of James Price, “don’t bother me with details, just tell me when they’re done.” Administrative competence requires not just intelligence but dedication to mastering complexities which is a tedious pursuit most leaders don’t care to bother with. There was no leader, perhaps, who cared to act as the synthesis of warrior and intellect as some could in, say, the Classical/Apollonian era, hence reliance upon others and the Faustian bargains with them which came to characterize the Germanic Hochkultur.

  28. There was no leader, perhaps, who cared to act as the synthesis of warrior and intellect as some could in, say, the Classical/Apollonian era, hence reliance upon others and the Faustian bargains with them which came to characterize the Germanic Hochkultur.

    What more need be said?

  29. When I say the “administrative concept of the world is jewish” I mean that the centrally planned, Talmudically regulated state is jewish. It is also Oriental, which is to be expected since jews are more eastern than western in character. When someone is demanding that food be regulated by the central state more often than not it’s a meddling jew. These are, after all, the nutcases that have to watch every bite and keep multiple sets of dishes to comply with the nightmare of administration they imposed on themselves.

    When it isn’t a jew it’s a judaized white protestant, the same types who brought us Prohibition.

    I oppose the jew mostly because I oppose that kind of central administration of human life. While I admire Hitler and the National Socialists as men I disagree with them on regulating cigarette smoking, something it took the United States another fifty years to get around to.

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