The Democratic Dilemma

I have bled for our cause.

Well, actually… I was licking envelopes for my chapter’s monthly newsletter a couple months ago and cut my tongue. There are definitely more romantic ways to be injured in pursuit of an ideal, but I’m tired of romance. I’m tired of armchair strategists, charismatic visionaries, and masters of rhetoric. I’m impressed by something that’s very rare in our movement: a man who patiently and consistently works on practical activism.

There are several obstacles in the way of a man who’s attempting to inspire others to join him in practical activist initiatives. The threat of job loss or public censure is a very real one, one which each person has to weigh against his own conscience. There’s little if any monetary or social reinforcement for doing good work. The incessant insults and accusations from within our movement are a strong headwind that can knock back those without a thick skin.

The “leaders” within the “movement” are greater obstacles to progress than the ADL, the SPLC, and the threat of job loss combined. But in addition to these things lies the concern about whether or not peaceful and mainstream activism is a worthwhile investment of time in the first place. Several times, while attempting to cajole people into activism, the racially aware person has confided that he believes conventional political activity is useless.

While some of them were probably just throwing up another excuse to avoid doing useful work, some of them struck me as sincere. I’ve also struggled with this concern. I’ve wondered if the alien elites occupying our government, media, and academic institutions would hand it over if we voted them out, boycotted them, and stood for what’s right. I’ve asked if a democratic solution is possible or desirable in light of the sweeping demographic changes.

The answers are obvious: No and no. They won’t hand it over without a fight and the democratic ideal is complete nonsense. “Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch”, as Benjamin Franklin put it. Within a couple decades, the wolves will outnumber the lambs in America. Since most of us lambs have been gulled into siding with the wolves, the Western ideal of democracy is already an instrument in the service of those who wish to annihilate our Western ideals altogether.

But the democratic dilemma is a false dilemma. To engage in local political activism doesn’t require having faith in the fidelity of the American political system. It doesn’t require the belief that our opponents are going to react with fairness and honor to our political progress. All that it requires is a belief that we need to start organizing into united groups with a united voice to channel and guide the growing restlessness in White American communities.

I wouldn’t stand in anybody’s way, but I won’t be establishing a political party, running for office, or investing my time in anybody else’s run for office. Dr. David Duke’s successful bid for state representative was definitely a victory, but his time in office was largely invested in being a competent representative. While this is an admirable goal, it was also a distraction from the work of direct White Advocacy. I hesitate to pour cold water on the BNP’s amazing progress, but I can’t help but wonder if Nick Griffin’s new job will distract him from his original objective.

White Advocacy has several dimensions, and the political dimension is just one of many that a practical activist can pursue. Even if the game is rigged, taking a stand on our issues has rewards beyond merely succeeding at the task at hand. It’s a first step in establishing our reputation as competent and committed advocates. It’s an opportunity for networking. It’s an opportunity to learn how to do all the little things that we’ll need to do, like using a sponge rather than a tongue when sealing hundreds of envelopes.

About Matt Parrott 98 Articles
Matt Parrott is a low IQ wignat LARPing costume clown.


  1. @Tom Watson
    Money talks. Bullshit walks!

    I’m sorry, but what are you trying to say?

    […] More like wolves on tranquilizer darts.

    That’s probably more apt.

  2. Good post.

    In the Deep South, I think local activism could have a real impact. I estimate that 50% of Whites in Alabama are pro-White racialists. We need to be getting these people involved in the movement. Of course the movement has to grow up before that happens.

  3. “The “leaders” within the “movement” are greater obstacles to progress than the ADL, the SPLC.”

    The problem with the “movement” and its “leaders” is that there is no movement to have leaders. The ADL and SPLC are examples of organizations (or movements if you will) that have a structure that enables leadership. This WN movement you elude to is nothing more than internet ramblings that have produced nothing of substance that has effected any real change or progress. Even if you stretch the influence of any WN movement to include the TEA PARTY protests as some manifestation of its influence it still has not made any significant impact. Until a BNP type party is organized or a competitor to the NAACP exists in the US, White people will continue to lose power, control, and freedom along with our majority.

  4. @Hunter Wallace
    I appreciate the support.

    @Another Wallace
    Well, the tea party movement has yet to be tested by an election, so it’s a bit early to dismiss that grassroots expression of implicit Whiteness. The game theory underlying American politics prohibits the rise of a BNP-style third party challenge to the present regime. The ACORN machine, the MoveOn machine, and the grassroots organizations that propelled Obama to power existed before Obama even considered running for office.

    In some ways, this work to be done is in preparation for a “redeemer”, so the grassroots foundation exists for him to utilize when he comes along. You’re putting the cart before the horse when you contend that we need a powerful national organization to coordinate the movement’s activities. These things start when patient people start doing boring work.

  5. @Wikitopian

    True, not enough time has passed to test the TEA party, but seeing the attempts by high profile “conservatives” to ride those coat tails tells me it is likely that any votes they may have produced will most likely go for the established parties because there is not a current political party it is connected with.

    What “preparation” do you speak of? Unless I am completely unaware of it, or it has been completely clandestine, I have yet to see any real world effects. Unless the election of Barry is part of the secret master plan of the great White awakening I fail to see what the point of any of this is. If there does not exist some form of a real world foundation for any “redeemer” to utilize, he will just be treading water in this WWW of ineffectiveness.

  6. @Another Wallace

    Quantifiable real world effects take time. The ACORN and MoveOn folks flailed around for years before coalescing into a powerful machine behind Barack Obama’s candidacy. My point is that decentralized advocacy groups and movements have a proven record of effectiveness while neither the NAACP nor the NAAWP have accomplished anything in decades. Third parties have an even more dismal record.

    Many of us are organizing local groups, hosting rallies, reaching out to persuadables, and lobbying state legislatures on specific legislation. If you haven’t heard of a group near you doing that, then try to find it. Start your own if nobody else is doing it. If you want something to happen in the real world, go outside and make it happen.

  7. I agree with you about romance. Screw being romantic, I’m a realist. A romantic is going to get eaten alive by the sharks on the internet. I feel the sharks. What needs to be broken is this guilt by association crap. Just because the internet brings together a lot of people with “racialist viewpoints” doesn’t mean that all racialists on the internet deserve scorn.

    And while racialists tear each other to shreds, it’s unlikely for the average person to emphasize. So they’ll tear you to shreds too.

  8. The grassroots movement can support potential “redeemer” who can then prove himself as head of an organization or even as governor of or senator from a southern state. Once one white nationalist gets elected more will follow. Then at least we’ll have some tested leaders to assume the presidency of the Confederacy.

  9. Another advantage of a strong grassroots movement is preparing the followers for the more radical stage of the conflict. A person who’s never attended a rally or helped with a mailing isn’t going to join us in the streets when the feds make their move to, for example, confiscate all firearms from “rebel” states or cities. Someone who’s already committed at some level is going to be less able to ignore us when real sacrifice is called for. For one thing going public as part of a white racial movement is irreversible. If the bad guys win you’re going to be targeted. The grassroots movement creates new recruits for the white resistance.

  10. @Wikitopian

    I guess I am just not patient enough. 10 years of perusing the net have netted little result. I have been more successful keeping those I know aware and on board so to speak. Hosting rallies and having get togethers is good and all but at some point it needs to move forward. You can only give people so much lip service before you lose your influence. I am saying the time is now or soon at worst. ACORN and MOVE ON are heavily funded, connected and protected groups, they are not your garden variety grass roots groups. Any WN movement will require the same.

    Lobbying State Governments is also good, but that requires large amounts of time and money that produces little result for your middle and working class brethren.

    Speaking as someone from the working class, I am sick of seeing my kids futures being pissed away while the people with the social, financial, and educational ability to organize piss and moan about the WN image. It certainly is easy to counter with the “Well why don’t YOU do something about it” instead of saying “Hey, go here, check this out, call them, do this.”

  11. Thanks for another outstanding post. I am from Mississippi and am in Conservative politics and feel your pain about getting people to join the cause. They always give an excuse as to why they can’t get involved but many of them agree with us. They are just afraid or cowards or both I guess you could say.

    I agree that politics is only part of our activism but is very important. We have to get in control of our government in order to have permanent change and I agree that it will take a Civil War to get there. We don’t want another Civil War but our enemies wont give up power without a fight. I still believe that we should work in politics to get our people elected from the local level and then work our way up to the top.

    The thing about politics is that we don’t have to really worry about what group a person is a member of or if they are even in an organization. All that matters is they turn out to vote for our candidates. All we need them to do is show up and vote for us. This is even a hard task for 50% of the population. Many of them are turned off by politics because it is corrupt. Others just don’t care about the political system.

    I feel that we need our people working in every part of society. Politics is just one part. We need our people working in private charities and churches. We need to take over every single aspect of society in order to change the culture and the people. I believe that just handing somebody a membership application is the wrong way to go because we have to work for their membership and the popular support of the people. I have been working on issues like “Rural Poverty” or “White Poverty” to show people that we care about them. Issues like that are the future of the movement and will land us either members or votes. Both are needed for our movement to be a winner!

    People think with their pocketbooks and focusing on the economy is a good way to get their support. We should continue to work to start our own businesses and hire our own people. That will make them less dependent on the aliens that run our government and society as a whole. Less excuses as well.

  12. @Another Wallace

    Our work is focused on the state of Indiana. I’m not flippantly throwing blame on you or attempting to guilt trip you. I’m proposing that you start doing what we’re doing here. It appears to be working relatively well. There’s obviously a long way to go, and I’m not claiming to have actually accomplished anything. But I stand behind my belief that the boring and patient work we’re doing at a local level will eventually bear fruit.

  13. Great article. Very thoughtful. I disagree entirely. Only Romance can break your heart Wikitopian.

    You are unconsoled, and you’ve taken to heart the impression established politics is only a commercial enterprise. As a commercial enterprise, Nationalism is doomed.

    As a political movement outside of economics and commercialism, this is Racial Nationalisms only chance. Only with Romance, it is within the realm of the possible to fight, and to win.

    Unless Race Nationalism begets Romance, the power of the idea, the image, it has nothing to offer people but strife. Reason and logic are debatable issues, endlessly shifting on the people’s shifting interests. Inapplicable to ordinary life. Romance, myths, image and color, here you will have everyone’s attention.

    The mass of men care nothing about reason and logic, and are powerless to hold any opinion but those imposed on them. Reason and logic may gain their attention for a moment, but will fail to make any lasting impression. And it has always been this way. This is how the world actually works.
    But Romance, the idea expressed in images, the sentiments, religion. affections and antipathies, this is seduction. This is the area where all men are equal, where you speak to all men. For in the realm of Romance, the heart and the gut….. all men are equal.
    Politics is sex. You have two accepted ways to procure it, money or romance. If by money, then politics is a transaction, nothing changes – commercialism thrives on continuity. With Romance, politics as an affair is drama, the senses are thrilled. extreme emotion is stirred….. skillfully handled it begets love, passion and attachment.

    This is the goal of politics.

  14. @Wikitopian

    I commend you for your work and I do hope it does bear fruit. When it does bear it needs to be harvested, and when we do harvest the fruit we will need to bring it to the central market along with everyone else. Internet sites and the Cofcc (as good as it is) are not central markets. I would hate to see your work wither on a vine. We need to prepare the market.

    @Brian Pace

    Great post.

  15. Grimioire
    Unless Race Nationalism begets Romance, the power of the idea, the image, it has nothing to offer people but strife. Reason and logic are debatable issues, endlessly shifting on the people’s shifting interests. Inapplicable to ordinary life. Romance, myths, image and color, here you will have everyone’s attention.

    That’s the stage that transforms the envelope stuffers into crusaders. But you need the grassroots organization to create the myth. You can’t organize a massive rally on romance alone. You need people to make sure the spotlights, flags, sound system and speakers are ready.

    To use the romance analogy, you’re not going to make much of an impression on a woman if you show up an hour late for your first date in a dirty sweatshirt stinking of stale beer.

    That is the impression that most white nationalist groups make on their audience.

    That’s why we need to recruit white people for activism. That provides the experienced activists needed to organize the events that recruit the masses.

  16. @Brian Pace
    We had this conversation IRL last month. Nice to see you here. Your “white poverty” initiative is truly creative and I plan to adapt the general idea up here.

    I may have overstated my case, since I don’t really disagree with you. There does have to be a mythic vision, a romantic one. But there must also be patient sacrifice. While that Roman soldier in Pompeii may have died a romantic death true to his ideal, his actual daily routine up until that fateful eruption was a boring and monotonous one, no?

    @Another Wallace
    I would hate for my work to be wasted, as well. Though I hope my grandchildren will consider the devotion I had to the cause before they piss on my grave. Of course, they may piss on my grave for having been a big “racist”…

  17. Grimioire
    Agreed. So then, things are proceeding as they should

    Are you talking to me?

    And no, things are not proceeding as they should, they’re proceeding to our doom. Hunter has the right idea, we need to organize in the south where most whites are still racially aware. That’s going to take a lot of boring work. Only then will we be in a position to create a movement, a crusade, that people can put their faith in.

    Five guys in neo-nazi costumes holding signs won’t cut it.

  18. So many here focus on being disappointed about not being able to get others to join the “Cause”. Yes, disappointing.

    That approach is asking too much, too early.

    People must be approached with a “localized solution” to their feelings of uneasiness about “their America” disappearing.

    That “Locality” can start with the individual, but must be put in the context of what for him/her is a “relevant collective”.

    This means leading them to start THINKING of themselves as an extension of a mutual-aid society, starting at the level of the family, moving to the extended family, to a “village” of several extended families who “get it”, and then to levels of clan / tribe / race. But there’s no need to go beyond the extended family level for a start.

    Addressing the anomie and feeling of helplessness requires a shift in the “framing of what it’s all about” from the individual to tribe-think. Once a small group of people, even just a nuclear family, gets on board with that, they can proceed to “hollow out” space for themselves inside the belly of the beast.

    How to hollow out this space? Rob Freeman over at commented,

    “I want Whites to become feral economic survivors, masters of the underground economy, and tribally networked.”

    Good advice! Yet there is not (yet) any sort of “instruction manual” for the second of his three points, for obvious reasons. Our “competitors” have evolved traditions which embed the traits Rob describes, as a part of their culture. We have (potentially) these same traits: our survival in the past required them.

    At this stage in the game, so many young Whites have been so separated from the “feral” element of their own traditions, and taught that it’s “bad” to be that way …. they will be needing some EXPLICIT guidelines on just how to get to “there” from “here”, and why their very lives will be depending on it.

    I’m beginning a project which will add a brick to that structure.

  19. Unless Race Nationalism begets Romance, the power of the idea, the image, it has nothing to offer people but strife. Reason and logic are debatable issues, endlessly shifting on the people’s shifting interests. Inapplicable to ordinary life. Romance, myths, image and color, here you will have everyone’s attention. (“Grimioire”)

    But everything Greater Judean for the patriotarded goyim seems stupidly proletarian and thus anti-romantic or ludicrous.

    Washington, Lincoln, Audie Murphy, and the “Dirty Dozen,” seem childish and contemptible, saccharine or repellent, when contrasted (and may these Valhallans have mercy on me for so soiling them) with Erich Hartmann, Michel Wittman, Adolf Hitler, and Heinz Guderian.

    One returns to the Heimatland for Romance. Stay where you are for Nausea.

  20. But the democratic dilemma is a false dilemma. To engage in local political activism doesn’t require having faith in the fidelity of the American political system. It doesn’t require the belief that our opponents are going to react with fairness and honor to our political progress. All that it requires is a belief that we need to start organizing into united groups with a united voice to channel and guide the growing restlessness in White American communities.

    Precisely. Lack of intellect is one thing, but I find a lack of imagination to be unforgivable. It doesn’t take a genius to fight his way out of this particular wet cardboard box. A million serious white men, each contributing 1000 dollars a year, could totally change the political landscape of America. Politicians are for sale, and right now they go for fire sale prices. Why let “them” get away with that? We should at least bid them up. The INTEREST on a billion dollars would outspend our enemies in the presidential race, every year.

    Several times, while attempting to cajole people into activism, the racially aware person has confided that he believes conventional political activity is useless.

    While some of them were probably just throwing up another excuse to avoid doing useful work, some of them struck me as sincere.

    Poor wording aside (how much of the kind of political work we need to do can really be described as “conventional political activity”?) How can this be sincere? I mean, sincere as in actually thought through? What kind of serious effort has been put forward? Given the obvious answer, how can something that has not been tried be characterized as “useless”?

    “Sincere”? Maybe. Serious? No.

    The idea with the “vanguardists” (a too-flattering term I think) that violence is the only option is simply retarded. It’s a way for them to sit on their asses, accompanied by a nice, cozy excuse. Seen ’em cook up much violence lately?

    Useless indeed.

  21. Awesome post. Well said Wikitopian. This is pretty much my thinking.

    In recent months I’ve reached out and started networking with local WN activists, and in the process, have met with nationally-known WNs who are in town. No nazi costumes, no foaming-at-the mouth delinquents. I’m actually a very private person, as far as my non-professional life is concerned, so this is a big step for me.

    Although I plan to keep a back office role, I don’t give a shit if the antifas discover my identity. I’ve neither said nor done anything illegal. Standing up for your family, your people, and your civilization is the most moral thing a man can do.

    Never forget: White Nationalists occupy the moral high ground in this fight.

    The power elites will not hand the thing over if we vote them out of office. Indeed some kind of domestic conflict is in the offing, IMO. And yet, ground level political activism is useful, for when the SHTF, as it provides a network of friendship, support, and resources. For example I’ve already met two guys who are proficient in handguns and will be holding seminars for the inexperienced in our WN group.


  22. #20 OldRight

    There is more happening than meets the eye.

    #22 NeoNietzsche
    My GrandFather was konsular repraesentativ of the Hilfsgemeinschaft auf Gegenseitigkeit der Angehörigen der ehemaligen Waffen-SS (Group representative in the legal action to gain war pensions for Waffen SS veterans) and though I never met the persons you mention, I’ve met Men of the type. Quite different from the popular view, these Oaks. I remember our family friend, Victor Hagensheimer, as typical. A Panzergenadier unit commander who served on three fronts, decorated in each, he possessed a type of intellectual open mindedness impossible to convey. There was nothing and no-one he could not talk to and be at terms with. Fluent in Sanskrit, ancient Greek. Latin, as well as good at English, French, Italian and Russian. He was at home with children, dogs and horses as he was with books and men of his age.. He was always the greatest fun to be around, continually teasing and pulling pranks on us.
    I remember a court case in the 80’s on the veterans issue, a huge rally had gathered of Neo Nazi’s, skinheads and punks, against them the socom de, hippies, the whole city was ready to be put to the torch. ‘Bundesprüfstelle für jugendgefährdende Medien’ everywhere making notes, taking pictures (official censors of everyone and everything). There was fighting, throwing molotov’s, burning cars, smashed windows. It was not good publicity. My GrandFather and Victor went out from the court building and walked right up to the mob of NeoNazi skinheads with lead pipes and molotov’s in their hands, fighting everywhere, on the other side communists and anarchists – straight into the melee of chaos. They mob went silent, you could almost hear a pin drop……he said to them ‘You go home, wash, a haircut, and put on a clean suit – or you are no good to us.” Just like that. The battling crowd was completely quiet, and looked at them with awe. I was there and I remember thinking that not even the birds were singing. The entire mob turned around and went home, not just the neo’s – everyone. This was in the news and papers, about two old veteran who sent the mob home like schoolchildren… my GrandFather received thousands of cards and letters. They eventually won their case, but the kamaredeshaft was officially disbanded. Which was normal because they were all too old anyway.

  23. That’s an interesting story, Grimoire, and I see the point you are making by citing it. I’ll briefly mention that a good friend of mine, a retired US Air Force officer, who while stationed at Ramstein, had coffee with Erich Hartmann, and showed me the pictures of them together. Hartmann, as some here may not know, was the all time highest scoring Luftwaffe fighter ace, ever. His total ‘score’ was something like 350 or so enemy aircraft destroyed. He also shot down 5 P-51 Mustangs in one day over Romania. Too bad he didn’t get a crack at FDR or ‘Winnie’.

  24. Junghans
    Hartman was a uncommon man. I’ve listened to many veteran pilots talk. They all say in the end there was no possibility of survival. Every time they stepped into their mount and closed the canopy, it was the same as closing the coffin lid. They were outnumbered 50/1. Pilots as decorated as Hartman could rotate out, because to lose them would be a great loss to the fighters spirit. But he never left the field. They went up every day. Many of them were only saved by shortages of fuel. Hartman shot down one of the last soviet planes of the war.

  25. @Grimioire und Junghans

    Vielen Dank for the recollections.

    I have one of my own, about which a question remains in my mind.

    Several decades ago, Generalleutnant Adolf Galland was invited to speak at a venue in my own area of the country, appearing on the dais with General Chuck Yeager for their remarks and recollections regarding jet-fighter combat (involving the Me262) in the closing stages of what we understand to have been anglo-goyische stoogery for the Judeo-Communist agenda in the ETO.

    I was able to observe the Expert at first hand, having brought my own copy of The First and the Last for his signature. And I was able to contrast his evident refinement of appearance and manner with that of the Good Old Boy, General Yeager, when remarks and answers to questions were offered during the program itself. (Basically, Galland maintained the familiar thesis that the more timely introduction of the turbo interceptors would have permitted the recovery of air superiority over the nation – Yeager felt that counter-measures would have been found. They did not explore, perhaps for lack of knowledge, the technical issues with the turbos.) But more telling and curious, perhaps, was the evident magnetic attraction that Galland had for the audience. He was mobbed for the balance of the evening, leaving poor Yeager essentially alone in the hall. And this was an audience of “American” patriotards, (the late) Congressman Larry MacDonald of the Birch Society foremost among them in seeking Galland’s attention. And had there been any NS sympathizers in the vicinity, I would have recognized them – and there were none to be seen there, on that evening.

    Perhaps one could say that Galland’s attractiveness was his “exotic-ness” (if you will). But I dare say that the audience was no more personally familiar with Yeager than with Galland, and that Yeager was a figure celebrated in the media as a hero on multiple counts of his own. And, after all, Galland was a familiar of the-most-evil-man-who-ever-lived, Adolf Hitler, upon whose memory all good little goyim spit as they do the when the Devil comes to mind.

    So that episode still causes me to wonder.

  26. Good post Wikitopian, but there is no “dilemma” when it comes to “democracy” — to be brutally frank, democracy is going to have to be dismantled and replaced (hopefully in an orderly and peaceful fashion) by a superior Western governmental system, one which is more fitting of the 21st Century and beyond.

    The future survival of The West and her people demands it: there really is no other choice.

  27. @White Preservationist

    Personally, I believe that “democracy” is a prototypical example of how a good practice can be twisted into a monstrosity by elevating it into an abstract ideal. The “thing” assemblies of tribal Europe were good. The active engagement of the entire community in shaping public policy is generally good. Integration of democratic elements is part of even the most fascist political systems. Another example would be European individualism’s contortion into the monstrosity of “libertarianism”.

  28. @ Old Raven

    At this stage in the game, so many young Whites have been so separated from the “feral” element of their own traditions, and taught that it’s “bad” to be that way …. they will be needing some EXPLICIT guidelines on just how to get to “there” from “here”, and why their very lives will be depending on it.

    I’m beginning a project which will add a brick to that structure.

    Get in touch about that project if you want, if you think I can help.

    robwinfield35 and I’m at Google’s gmail dot com.

  29. Old Raven,

    Your project sounds interesting. Good luck.

    “We cannot possibly get beyond our present level of culture unless we receive a powerful impetus from our primitive roots. But we shall receive it only if we go back behind our cultural level, thus giving the suppressed primitive man in ourselves a chance to develop. How this is to be done is a problem I have been trying to solve for years… The existing edifice is rotten. We need some new foundations. We must dig down to the primitive in us, for only out of the conflict between civilised man and the Germanic barbarian will there come what we need: a new experience of God.” – Jung

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