The SPLC and Jim Giles

I just noticed that Jim Giles used his broadcast this morning to attack David Duke. He claimed to have received an email from someone named “Larry” that made various allegations against Duke. Giles has copy and pasted this “email” on his website. I ran a Google search on this “email” that Jim Giles is relying upon. Parts of it are lifted directly from the SPLC Intelligence Report.


This is from RFM:

“David Duke has been a professional racist for his entire adult life,” wrote Tyler Bridges, author of The Rise of David Duke, a biography of Duke’s early years. “He deeply believes his anti-Semitic political philosophy, but it has also been a way for him to get money from his followers. It is how he makes a living.”

 This is from the SPLC:

 “David Duke has been a professional racist for his entire adult life,” said Tyler Bridges, author of The Rise of David Duke, the definitive biography of Duke’s early years. “He deeply believes his anti-Semitic political philosophy, but it has also been a way for him to get money from his followers. It is how he makes a living.”

This is from RFM:

Duke has spent virtually his entire career living off the kindness of strangers-people who mistakenly thought he was championing their cause for no other reason than a desire to help whites. He sold and resold supposedly secret mailing lists, raised money under false pretenses, and lived off the proceeds of fund-raising for at least 10 different political campaigns. He womanized shamelessly and spent thousands on cosmetic surgery for himself, including liposuction to his buttocks. From his formative years as a supposed National Socialist right up to the present, David Duke’s foremost concern always has been David Duke. For 30 years now, America’s best-known white supremacist has engaged in a striking pattern of financial chicanery and self-serving rip-offs.

This is from the SPLC:

As it turns out, Duke, 52, has spent virtually his entire career living off the kindness of strangers — people who mistakenly thought he was championing their cause for no other reason than a desire to help whites. He sold and resold supposedly secret mailing lists, raised money under false pretenses, and lived off the proceeds of fund-raising for at least 10 different political campaigns. He womanized shamelessly and spent thousands on cosmetic surgery for himself.

From his formative years as a university neo-Nazi right up to the present, David Duke’s foremost concern always has been David Duke. For 30 years now, America’s best-known white supremacist has engaged in a striking pattern of financial chicanery and self-serving rip-offs.

It is the same message, but it is presented in a slightly different way by two websites, one being a leading anti-racist organization, the other being a vanguardist radio show based in Mississippi. Interesting, no?

About Hunter Wallace 12392 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “John Mason
    Everyone having fun chattering about movementard drama?”

    Yes, of course! Cant you tell?
    See the “lemmings “or “unAwakened” ones, get caught up in the rumor mill life of a HollyWood stars; but, see, we are better than the lemmings, so we don’t follow the gossip of Jewish made stars, but rather we make our own. So we spend times on forums and blogs…”so and so is a Jew”,” hes a fed”…etc It keeps us busy in our inactive complacency, and gives us excuse to turn away from our own shortcomings.

  2. Whew! I called Jim Giles last night to discuss a couple of things with him, trying to be helpful, pointing out some disinformation he was unwittingly spreading from The SPLC. I also explained the difference to him between physical courage and moral courage. He told me there is no difference after I had tried to explain the simple distinction. Jim’s mind is closed on that particular subject. Our phone call was then cut off mid-sentence.

    Jim isn’t a very good listener, apparently. Today he did his “We need to build something new: based on that ol’ time religion” RadioFreeMississippi show (listening to it now) and Jim mischaracterizes almost entirely what I said to him in our phone call. He even comments he thought he may have detected alcohol in my voice with his “Blue Tick fuckin’ nose,” but conceded it may have just been my advanced age (62). It must be my advanced age because I certainly had a 0.00% alcohol level when I called him. But who am I to question a “Blue Tick fuckin’ nose?”

    Jim’s “show” went downhill from there. He played some Gospel music (from what sounded like the Elmer Gantry movie soundrack?) then read some long, convoluted smear of the National Alliance from 2002, revealing that the Alliance was modeled after AMWAY, in cahoots with the ADL in a symbiotic relationship, and other nonsense like that Alex Linder and Bill White were much more honest than Dr. Pierce could ever be.

    Giles misstated early on, for example, that I had told him I lived in a 90% White county when I know full well I told him, verbatim, “I live in a 97-98% White county.” He then “corrected” me by going online to discover that I actually live in a 97.5% White county. Duh! I guess I should have recorded my phone call with Jim for my own protection, but I don’t record phone conversations unless it is with the enemy.

    The 1/3/10 RFM show is so full of distortions, half-truths and outright lies about Jim’s so-called “White Money Movement” that it’s not worth addressing any of it. That was done seven years ago. Jim is reading a long smear “on air” of the National Alliance for the first time without even having read it through before. He has no idea of what he is talking about and is not interested in hearing from those who do know and could enlighten him. Everybody is a “pussy” but Jim, especially anyone who was in the “National Alliance/ADL ZOG false flag” organization.

    Sheesh! I can’t listen to this anymore…or ever again.

    Good luck, Jimmy. It must be tough being the only principled White man.

  3. It’s too bad about Giles. I had high hopes for him. He really had something there with the interviews. Too bad he’s just another unstable Johnny-come-lately. I hope this becomes more rare in the future, it’s really getting to be disheartening and tiresome.

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