Fed-mandated Holocaust curriculum is worth fighting

Some commenters have said that going after the federally mandated Holocaust curriculum “is not worth fighting.” No?

The Jews themselves have been very active in making a bright line between Church and State. Why should we let them get away with sneaking their own version of a religion across that bright line?

Calling the Holocaust a religion is not “denying” it, whatever that means. It’s putting it in its correct context. It is a religion. People get really offended if you don’t share their feelings about it. I saw Elie Wiesel tell an auditorium of college students back in 1990 in New London Connecticut “don’t study the Holocaust, just accept it. Don’t try to understand the Holocaust. It is something beyond understanding.”

I’m calling a spade a spade — that’s a religion. The Holocaust IS A RELIGION. There’s a bright line between not offending somebody’s religion, and having a right to refuse forced (state mandated) proselytization of one’s own children.

Those of you who see this debate as merely two poles — deniers versus believers, aren’t thinking like the Jews. The Jews have always attacked an idea they didn’t like by changing the context altogether, it’s not just about deniers versus believers, the whole debate is not X, it’s Y. That is, it’s not a historical debate, it’s a religious debate. And of course it’s impolite to debate religion.

Why should we cower at this fight? Did the Jews ever shrink from attacking us? They don’t like Christmas concerts; we don’t like government-mandated Holocaust curricula.

Get some chutzpah, dudes.


  1. I think once the younger Holocaust survivors start dying, the Holocaust will fade as a major issue. It will certainly be taught to a significant degree for at least another generation. But, it will start to lose much of its status when the survivors can no longer tell their stories and the US faces bankruptcy.

  2. I don’t know, Steve. The Jews are freaking out about intermarriage with the filthy goyim, and they use the Holocaust to try to maintain some cohesion.

    And if they want to teach the Holocaust in their privately funded yeshivas, it’s their right.

    It’s not their right to teach the Holocaust at government schools.

  3. TRADING ON GUILT: Holocaust Education in the Public Schools (Paperback) by Philip Eugene Glidden

    1 Reader’s Comment
    By Richard D. Fuerle (New York)
    This book describes the many tribulations and short lawsuit of a well-educated man who refused to buckle under to the political power of Jews in Florida. In reading the book, one quickly picks up on his anger at the way Jews were able to have a law passed that required school children to be taught about the Holocaust. (It is now required in most states.) His objections are many; here are a few of them:

    (1) The law was passed hurriedly, without notice to the public and without consideration of any opposing views, and the same was done during implementation of the law.

    (2) The law benefits a religious group, Jews, by creating guilt and sympathy for their suffering, thereby inducing non-Jews to “protect and venerate” Jews.

    (3) While the Jews benefit, the children of the rest of us may suffer life-changing trauma from the pictures and stories that are told. (Jews present the teaching of the Holocaust as a benefit to humanity as it supposedly instills tolerance, but the author sees it as only for the benefit of Jews.)

    (4) Not only are the Germans in WWII cast as the bad guys, but so are the Germans today, who somehow “inherited” their guilt, and all European and American white people as well for not intervening and saving the Jews.

    (5) Students are taught only about Jewish suffering, although other groups have also suffered, many much more than the Jews did. Even today, the author describes how whites are often attacked or raped by blacks with little or no cry of racial hatred from Jewish “anti-hate” groups, though if the victim was Jewish and the perpetrator was white there would be a hell-of-a-ruckus. (As a black gang initiation that required bashing a whitey, the author was smashed in the face with a table leg while riding a bicycle.) It is this “speciality” of the Jews, that they are not the same as everyone else, but are more important because they were chosen by God, that is deeply resented by the author and fuels his anger.

    (6) Students are told only the version of the Holocaust that the Jews believe, which is that Jews were wholly innocent victims, in no way responsible for what happened to them; those who believe that the Jews were not entirely innocent, or that the Holocaust has been exaggerated or did not occur as described by the Jews, cannot present their views to the legislature, the implementation committee, and certainly not to the students.

    (7) Healing and normalcy cannot be achieved when there are constant reminders of the Holocaust; “a kind of statute of limitations on being reminded of the Holocaust” is needed.

    more here:

  4. This isn’t about whether we have the effrontery to say what needs to be said. The strategy is a needlessly incendiary one which implies that the Holocaust is mythic and therefore false. It will lead the persuadable to believe (correctly) that you’re a political radical who is indifferent to the systematic slaughter of Jewish civilians.

    A better slogan might be “Holocaust hysteria is blood libel”.

    The implied message is that the obsessive focus on the event is a politically motivated attack on contemporary people who are innocent of the crime. Additionally, it puts Jews on the defensive against one of their favorite charges: blood libel. It accomplishes all of this while never even addressing specifics of the event, which is a tar baby.

  5. The holocaust is a myth created by Semite exaggeration. Anyone who has ever had an encounter with a Jew trying to sell them something can relate to that.

    Btw, have you ever met a Jew who isn’t an asshole? You have to admit that even Jews who you like are amusing assholes. You over look their “assholish” nature, because you like them.

  6. Wiki, agreed “holocaust hysteria is blood libel” is just the way to put it. Then again, I think the Jews did kill Jesus and they did 911 too. It’s not libel if it’s true!

  7. TW:”Btw, have you ever met a Jew who isn’t an asshole? You have to admit that even Jews who you like are amusing assholes. You over look their “assholish” nature, because you like them.”

    Jews are assholes because of the defensive posture they have to take around non-Jews, especially Whites. The blood pressure of Jews also shoots up merely from being in the presence of non-Jews, especially amongst those Whites who they don’t know well or do not have economic and/or political power over. Their blood pressure shoots up because they are stressed out from being around Whites who are not under their thumb.

    Jews have major blood pressure issues; every time I’ve ever argued with Jews, even over the most innocuous of issues, you can see the veins start appearing in their forehead and their eyes start to bug out of their sockets; when you disagree with them and start winning in an argument they look and act like they want to scream at you and shout you down saying “HOW DARE YOU QUESTION ME YOU STUPID LITTLE GOY?!”

  8. Some commenters have said that going after the federally mandated Holocaust curriculum “is not worth fighting.”

    I’m ready to fight it. I relish the thought.

  9. Jews are so ridiculously dishonest it’s amazing to me, they often don’t even try to make their lies plausible. I went to go sell a gold coin recently at a Jew shop, and the Izzy literally put the coin on a scale, typed in the price he wanted to give me (lowballing by hundreds of course) showed me what he typed in, then lied to me about the coin assuming I was ignorant. I didn’t even know what to say. I went to walk out and he quickly gets another Max Sweinstein to offer me a bit more, but still low-balling, so I left.

    Chutzpuh I guess. I don’t know much about the holocaust nor do I care, but I agree that they are pushing it into the schools like a religion.

  10. Similarly, Jews are often mean and spiteful assholes because they are some the most high-strung and irritable people on Earth — anyone who has spent enough time around them soon comes to realize how irritable and high-strung they are. This is partially rooted in biology, as many centuries of intense Jewish inbreeding has seemingly blown a fuse in their nervous system, and many Jewish genetic disorders specifically effect the physiology of their brains and nervous systems; but again, it is also related to the insane nervousness they feel when around non-Jews (especially Whites) who they cannot order around and/or control with the strings of their purse.

  11. Thanks for the book recommendation, whodareswings!


    Are you going to sue over the Holocaust curriculum? I guess you’ll need to find a plaintiff. Are you a litigating type lawyer?

    Keep it real narrow. Don’t let them drag you into the factual/non-factual unless they really really really want to claim that their Holocaust claims are 100% unassailably factual and therefore are real history and not religion.

    Good luck!

  12. Kievsky: I agree, the Jews have no right to force the Holocaust down our schoolchildren’s throats, especially when it happened more than two generations ago. I also wish and optimistically hope it will at least partially fade as an issue when the younger Holocaust Survivors start dying.

    I think one possibility is they will eventually have to make it a second-tier issue, no longer the Number #1 issue. I think they will need to replace it with having the main focus on common persecution until the Blacks and Hispanics destroy the Jewish communities of New York City and South Florida, respectively.

  13. Check out stand-up comedian Doug Stanholpe on the Jews. He’s spot on about everything except their recruiting and record of atrocities. They don’t recruit because they’re a race AND a religion (and a floor wax and a dessert topping). Someone ought to sit Doug down and explain the history of Communism to him.
    Same for Dennis Miller who peppers his palaver with a lot of Yiddish slang words on his talk radio show. He’s been on an Ayn Rand tear lately yet he can’t seem to make the connection between Objectivism and Judeo-Suprematism, publicly anyway.

  14. Are you going to sue over the Holocaust curriculum? I guess you’ll need to find a plaintiff.

    Right. I need a plaintiff.

    Keep it real narrow. Don’t let them drag you into the factual/non-factual unless they really really really want to claim that their Holocaust claims are 100% unassailably factual and therefore are real history and not religion.

    Totally irrelevant. The truth or falsity of Christian doctrine was never at issue in all the “separation of church and state” cases. The only question was whether the government was promoting a particular religious viewpoint.

  15. HW is right, our position should be that the Holocaust is completely irrelevant to the political situation of White Americans in the 21st century. At most we should say that the post-war narrative built around the Holocaust was constructed for the purposes of shaming our people into denying their heritage and identity.

  16. Totally irrelevant. The truth or falsity of Christian doctrine was never at issue in all the “separation of church and state” cases. The only question was whether the government was promoting a particular religious viewpoint.

    Ha, good. I’ll leave the lawyering to the lawyer!

    Maybe April in Montana can be your plaintiff. She has kids in high school.

  17. I never bring it up unless I’m dealing with people who are already somewhat Jew-wise or headed in that direction but are unaware of the full scope of Jewry’s deception on this issue. By design, Jews have made questioning the holocaust the ultimate taboo because they know if the truth ever comes out they will lose the benefit of 60 years of propaganda.

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