Machete Armed Gangs Looting Haiti

In the Daily Mail, a lynch mob beats a looter to death (see here and here) and drags his body through the streets of Port-au-Prince. More on this in the Times Online. A Haitian looter wearing an Obama t-shirt.

According to CNN, a “frenzy of looting” has broken out in Haiti. In the WSJ, a detailed account of this. Survivors are fleeing the capital to escape the violence. Meanwhile, troops are fighting the looters. As in New Orleans, the looters are hampering the rescue effort.

About Hunter Wallace 12409 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I believe the worse Haitian behave (a) the more compassion for them will decrease, though that compassion may remain for the children and (b) the more such stories will be suppressed.

    Because the earthquake was so bad and the basic necessities of life are so scarce, though, I think this says as much about the ordinary human response to disaster as it does anything about Haiti. Civilization is always a thin veneer, it’s just thinner with some groups than others.

  2. Why bring thousands of even potentially millions of Haitian refugees to the USA when they are being offered land back to their African motherland (Senegal) by an African head of state? –

    The best new idea thus far in 2010:

    “Senegal offers land to Haitians that want to come”

    DAKAR, Senegal – Senegal is offering free land to Haitians wishing to “return to their origins” following this week’s devastating earthquake, which has destroyed the capital and buried thousands of people beneath rubble.

    Senegal’s octogenarian President Abdoulaye Wade told a meeting of his advisers that Haitians are the sons and daughters of Africa, because the country was founded by slaves, including some believed to have come from Senegal.

    The president is offering voluntary repatriation to any Haitian that wants to return to their origin,” said Wade’s spokesman Mamadou Bemba Ndiaye late Saturday following the president’s announcement.

    “Senegal is ready to offer them parcels of land — even an entire region. It all depends on how many Haitians come. If it’s just a few individuals, then we will likely offer them housing or small pieces of land. If they come en masse we are ready to give them a region,” he said.

    He stressed that Wade had insisted that if a region is handed over it should be in a fertile area — not in the country’s parched deserts.

    Senegal, a nation of 14 million roughly the size of South Dakota, is considered one of the most stable and developed in the sub-region. Still nearly half of working-age adults are unemployed and the country has been burdened by high food prices, frequent blackouts and spiraling energy costs.”

  3. As the great white philosopher Hobbes said “In true nature, there is no mine and thine distinct. Everyone has a right to everything, Including to one another’s body.”

    From the argument: As self defense is a natural right. A man has a right to anything that can further his self defense.

    That is why we enter the compact called society, and the progressive type of society known as civilization.

    The Hatians and their ancestors never voluntarily entered civilization, it was forced upon them, and it was a bad fit, an unnatural fit.

  4. Senegal’s octogenarian President Abdoulaye Wade told a meeting of his advisers that Haitians are the sons and daughters of Africa, because the country was founded by slaves, including some believed to have come from Senegal.

    The president is offering voluntary repatriation to any Haitian that wants to return to their origin,” said Wade’s spokesman Mamadou Bemba Ndiaye late Saturday following the president’s announcement.

    “Senegal is ready to offer them parcels of land — even an entire region. It all depends on how many Haitians come. If it’s just a few individuals, then we will likely offer them housing or small pieces of land. If they come en masse we are ready to give them a region,” he said.

    The best idea put forth so far. Yes indeed, you see, repatriation is doable, it is the best thing. More repatriation and less immigration to our countries, brilliant. As NumbersUSA illustrates, the best thing we can do to help non-Whites is to help them in their own countries.

  5. When the blacks took over Haiti they murdered every White on the island, then murdered every black that had White blood. Every White should read the history of Haiti. It might be a wake up call for most Whites.

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