Jews and The American Conservative

I got an email this morning from a conservative reader. The headline was “Amconmag Goes Neocon.” It appears that someone has signed me up on a conservative email list. I don’t think the author will mind me sharing its contents:

It’s official

Ron Unz, the Jewish owner of the American Conservative, has become a mestizo apologist.

American Conservative now reads like the neocon Weekly Standard in support of open borders

This is not surprising, considering:

Buchanan and Taki no longer have anything to do at all with the American Conservative

Ron Unz opposed Prop. 187 in California (a 1994 ballot initiative designed to prohibit illegal immigrants from using social services)

A link was provided to a new article by Ron Unz, the Jewish owner of The American Conservative, called “His-Panic: The Myth of Immigrant Crime.” Razib Khan of Gene Expression assisted Unz with the technical data. After visiting the site, I noticed that it is the cover story of the March issue. Personally, I’ve never written a single word about Hispanic crime at this website. VDARE and Amren have addressed the issue and should respond to Unz in some fashion.

In addition to “His-Panic,” there is another headline article called “Open Arms, Open Doors” from The Washington Post that argues U.S. immigration policy is killing Haitians and that the best way to help them is to let millions of starving refugees flood into the United States. What’s that doing in a paleoconservative magazine? Some of you might recall that last month Unz published Peter Hitchen’s “Far Wrong” hit piece on the BNP. You don’t need a crystal ball to see where this is going.

The choice of “His-Panic” as the title of the headline article in the new TAC is revealing. Geraldo Rivera (the Jewish/Puerto Rican liberal journalist) has a book called His-Panic: Why Americans Fear Hispanics in the U.S. I knew the term sounded familar. I want to say that the neocon Linda Chavez has also written something under that label.

After hearing this, I think most White Nationalists will have the same reaction. A cardinal belief of White Nationalism is that Jews control the media and that their collective influence has pushed America in a more liberal, anti-racist direction. An important corollary is that Jews should be totally excluded from our media and organizations. This is why Amren’s inclusion of Jews has stirred so much controversy within the racialist community.

As The American Conservative goes the way of National Review, a few chastened paleos might learn something from this experience. Even if you disagree with White Nationalism, you can’t build viable conservative institutions with Jews in leading positions of influence. It never pans out. The idea that Jews could be relied upon to restore a healthy White Christian America was always absurd. 

Unfortunately, I doubt this episode will put an end to that fanciful notion on the Alternative Right.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Why the f-ck did Taki and Buchanan let this happen to the magazine that they started…??


  2. It’s great that this is being covered. The only thing odd about this is how tactless and clumsy Unz has proven to be in his subversive efforts. Did he really think that he could retain the target audience while being this ham-fisted in his attempts to inject universalist and multicult messages into the far right? What a waste of his money.

    He’s a disgrace to all those hardworking Jews like Paul Gottfried, Ilana Mercer, and Nicholas Stix who are doing an intelligent job of infiltrating our movement.

    It’s almost too ridiculously overt to be illustrative.

  3. Ron Unz is publisher of The American Conservative. He thanks Razib Khan for his assistance in obtaining the crime and ethnicity data from several public websites and for running the cross correlations of the data.

    The putrid subcon Razib Khan redirects incoming links from pro-white sites (e.g. American Renaissance, Majority Rights, Stormfront, race/history/evolution notes) to an interracial pornography site. He is a fitting partner for Ron Unz and The American Conservative.

  4. What’s interesting is that they are battling to win over White conservatives, and consistently losing. I’m sure Amconmag’s subscription numbers are way down now. I’ll have to warn my aunt and uncle to unsubscribe to this gefilte fished rag now.

  5. Wow, Unz defintely has a lot to learn from his co-tribalists when it comes to subversion. The upside here is that it should drive a few more paleos in our direction.

  6. Yeah, even the cover is poorly done from a propaganda perspective.

    Nothing says Law-Abidingness like a picture of a spic with Tattoos all over his face and neck!

    Anyway, one wonders what American Conservative readers are expected to think in terms of why Whites are fleeing California like Jews fleeing a Czarist Pogrom.

    Is it that they can’t stand all the Peace and Quiet brought into the State by Hispanic Immigrants?

  7. Speaking of subversion, macacas like Razib Khan are actively working to darken the West through immigration and miscegenation.

  8. I see the myth of mestizo crime every week in the local paper where half the DUI’s and drug arrests are for Nacho Sanchez Mendoza and his partners. No worries folks, they can keep spending their money and resources on respectable but dying media outlets. Things are changing too fast for them to manage this way. The controlled media is getting bum rushed.

    AMCON was never explicitly white, which made it an easy target for subverting. A cover like that could never appear on a magazine with an explicitly white charter. Say it with me now…is this good for white people? That’s it!

  9. “Nothing says Law-Abidingness like a picture of a spic with Tattoos all over his face and neck!”

    Ha! I was thinking the same thing. That guy on the front cover looks like the epitome of Mexican crime. These Jews are getting real sloppy. Their propaganda is terrible. In the old days it would have been some clean cut, good looking Mexican family that they would try and push on us.

  10. He’s a disgrace to all those hardworking Jews like Paul Gottfried, Ilana Mercer, and Nicholas Stix who are doing an intelligent job of infiltrating our movement.

    Bolshoe LOLz.

  11. I just read the article. It would have been better if there was also a reubttal article, especially from the point of view of respecting TAC’s readership, who are likely to have strong restrictionist sympathies. McConnell or Unz could have solicited Peter Brimelow for the task. Fortunately, this is still mainly a free country, and I look forward to reading such a rebuttal elsewhere, probably on VDARE or American Renaissance I would suppose.

    That said, Unz raises some compelling questions. For instance, why does El Paso have such a low crime rate? And given the well known fact that people of all races in their teens and twenties commit crimes at much higher rate than older people, doesn’t the higher rate of Hispanic vs. white crime have something to do with the different median ages of the respective groups (27 vs. 40, according to the article).

    But I guess if you’re a vulgar anti-Semite, you don’t have actually deal with the facts and the arguments. You know everything you need to know before he opens his mouth or picks up his pen.

  12. “That said, Unz raises some compelling questions. For instance, why does El Paso have such a low crime rate?”

    Because Mexican Drug Gangs paid off all the Police?

  13. My favorite part was at the end of the article when he had the magnanimity to offer us a sandbox of “completely legitimate” arguments for existing, all of which are vacuous circumlocutions.

    Restrictionists can provide numerous completely legitimate arguments in favor of their position, ranging from economic competition and cultural conflict to national overpopulation and environmental degradation.

    How about identity? How about race?

    If somebody breaks into my house and refuses to leave, the onus isn’t on me to sit down and try to think of a “legitimate argument” that would persuade the man to leave my home. It is my home, not his. It is our country, not theirs. That is a timeless and legitimate argument in the eyes of God and nature alike.

    Crypto-Aryan is correct in one regard, that we who aren’t statisticians should be patient and not be too quick to dismiss the data that’s been presented. I’m suspicious, but I’ll wait for things to shake out.

    But the whole thing is just pathetic. An international Jew and an Indian technocrat write an article critical of restrictionism which dictates patently liberal and modern terms of debate…on a magazine ostensibly serving traditional conservative Americans.

    It’s as if Bill White owned and edited Forward.

  14. doesn’t the higher rate of Hispanic vs. white crime have something to do with the different median ages of the respective groups (27 vs. 40, according to the article).

    It would be simple enough to compare crime rates for 20-something whites to crime rates for 20-something mestizos, wouldn’t it?

  15. A MAJOR problem with the article is that it indulges in the Insanity of not counting Hispanics as Criminals if they are in Prison for breaking the Immigration Laws.

    For one thing, this is crazy because people who break the Immigration Laws are Criminals and should be counted as such, with crimes that have flesh and blood victims as surely as other forms of crime do.

    And for another thing, it’s as if Unz is unaware that it is almost impossible to get arrested for breaking the Immigration Laws in this Country unless you are involved in breaking other laws; though oftentimes the Judicial System will only charge you with the Immigration crime.

    Therefore throwing Hispanics in jail for Immigration related offenses out of the study makes the entire article a meaningless piece of Propaganda for which the authors should be imprisoned, and thereupon torture-raped by Hispanic Gang Members.

  16. “How about identity? How about race?”

    This is the problem with the conservatives and libertarians. They create these strawman arguments when they repeat over and over how they love immigration and they love the melting pot, they just oppose illegal immigration. Or they say that they oppose immigration based on A, B, or C problem it causes. What Unz and our enemies are trying to do is destroy these strawmen. If these strawmen are destroyed (which is going to be hard to do since most of them are true) than they can say we have no reason to oppose immigration any longer.

    White nationalists are the only ones who come on the battlefield with the correct premise. What is going on is race replacement. If you come into the battle using that as your main argument while using the strawmen arguments for backup, then that is something they cannot create a rebuttal for. They cannot create a scholarly piece of work refuting the idea that race replacement is happening.

    They already brag that this it is inevitable that Whites will be a minority by 2050. With this, Whites do not need to look at long lists of statistics or read long journal entries that are nothing but a damn snare. They simply have to decide if they think it is good that their children and grandchildren will be a minority by 2050. The only response our enemies can give us is to call us racists which means they are on the defense.

  17. I lived for years in L.A. and actually (because of what I did there) got to know a lot of Hispanics (unlike Unz who is sheltered up there in Silicon Valley), most of them immigrants or at most first generation. The ones I knew were mostly Mexican or Salvadoran, but also other Central Americans and even some Cubans.

    Now, I don’t know about these crime statistics — maybe they’re right (but I’m with Reginald — why not include immigration law breakers?!) — but I can tell Unz aaaaaall about Hispanic culture. What I’m thinking of is primarily the cheating aspect of Hispanic culture. All of the Hispanics I knew save one (a third-generation Mexican) cheated or swindled or whatever you want to call it in their daily lives. All. The. Time.

    One guy I knew worked for an optician. He regularly circumvented the procedures for procuring glasses for fellow Hispanics. Rather than just ordering frames or lenses from the distributor, he would get a hold of his (again, fellow Hispanic) contact at the distributor’s, get the frames/lenses at wholesale price, and sell them on to the customer at a cheaper rate than the retail price. Of course, this guy I knew and his connection at the distributor’s pocketed the extra cash they made from the transaction.

    I also knew an Hispanic mechanic who regularly got second-hand or cheap car parts for his (usually Hispanic) customers, but then gave his customers receipts for new parts so that the customer could submit that to his insurance company. Again, profits all around.

    Even the Whitest Hispanic I knew — a guy who’s father was from Cuba, but grandfather had come from Spain — I was with him once and I happened to find a bracelet on the floor of the restaurant we were in. I, of course, picked it up and turned it in to the manager of the place. And the Spanish/Cuban guy I was with wanted to know why I would do that?! Wouldn’t I just keep it?! Uh … no. :-/

    Those years were a BIG eye-opener for me — a really White girl from the Midwest who had, of course, never experienced anything like that. Never even dreamt of behaviors like that!

    Ok. So maybe they don’t commit a lot of crimes for which they end up in jail, but what about all the cheating (which is clearly fraud and, in many cases, IS a crime)? Who would want to live in an environment like that?! How functional is THAT going to be over the long term?

  18. I’m thinking of dropping Unz a line, and suggesting he change the name of the publication to the “American Conservative Jew”. LOL.

  19. Most Mexican immigrant’s I’ve known were a decent sort of people. They wanted to work, earn money, and have a better life. They come to the United States and stay under the radar so they don’t get caught and deported. Their American-born kids, however, are the total opposite.

    The second and third generation Mexicans-in-America are typically little hoodlums and wannabe-niggers. They have none of the good qualities of the parents like discipline and delayed gratification. Basically, removed from the possibility of being immediately deported for breaking any law, they become niggers.

    It’s incredibly disappointing because I find it very hard to dislike the immigrants who come into this country.

  20. Some interesting statistics from the Color of Crime report (taken from FBI data in 2005):

    •Hispanics commit violent crimes at roughly three times the white rate,
    •The single best indicator of violent crime levels in an area is the percentage of the population that is black and Hispanic
    •Blacks are seven times more likely to be in prison than whites.
    Hispanics are three times more likely.
    •Hispanics are 19 times more likely than whites to be members of youth gangs.

    It will be interesting to see if Ron Unz would allow a rebuttal to his article in the magazine, somehow I am dubious of the possibility. There is a single word that is the best argument against Hispanic immigration, a single word that by itself annihilates any counter-argument that suggests Hispanic immigration is a good thing. This one, short utterance of 3 syllables can instantly prove the case that Hispanics should be kept out of any Western nation. That word is, “Mexico”. Mexico has always been, and always will be, the prototypical example of the kind of civilization that Mestizos produce. A corrupt, poorly managed state, where the Mexicans themselves will flee from if they have the opportunity. Hispanics recreate this anywhere they go, and bits of Mexico can be seen today in most of our major cities.

  21. Openly Jew-critical white nationalism is the only viable path for asserting white interests. Anything else will be subverted.

    Anyway, since Ron Unz and Razib Khan have determined that Hispanic immigrants don’t commit crime, I’m sure we can expect them to soon move to a neighborhood populated by such people, or even just walk through one at night.

    Crypto-Aryan’s snide way of talking about the 99% of racially conscious whites who object to Jews attacking us shows that he is not on our side. That’s the way Lawrence Auster talks: he can’t contain himself from lashing out at us for even noticing that his tribe is attacking our tribe. People like that can’t be accepted into our movement.

  22. ATBOTL, Unz is not attacking “racially conscious whites who object to Jews…” He’s bringing up counterfactual information opposed to assertions made in “The Color of Crime” and elsewhere. He’s doing a favor to the white nationalist or immigration restrictionist side. You’re gonna need facts on your side if you want to persuade more than a small group of people.

    I certainly hope Unz allows a rebuttal. That is, if someone can be found to write an intelligent (i.e. fact-based) one.

  23. Another Jewish guy (Jason Richwine of AEI) has already written a
    “rebuttal” before the fact:

    Hispanic immigrants are institutionalized (usually that means in prison) at only about half the rate of white natives, but Hispanic natives are in institutions at about three times the white rate. As I said, this is the “conventional” view of immigration and crime supported by most academics.


    increased crime in the second generation is consistent with an increase in several other underclass behaviors. As the chart above indicates, labor force dropout, illegitimacy, and welfare usage are all much higher among Hispanic natives than among Hispanic immigrants. (Those data come from reliable interviews of normal people outside of prison.) It makes sense that crime would increase if all of those other underclass problems are increasing as well.


  24. Sailer’s response to Richwine:

    I suspect that the 1996 legislation to restrict immigrants from getting welfare has had a good effect, in contrast to immigrants to Europe. Also, the horrific rise in gang crime in Mexico has provided a more exciting alternative for criminally inclined Mexicans than immigrating to the U.S. Why go through all the hassle of going to the U.S. and becoming a roofer when you can be a Big Man with a Gun for a salary on the Mexican side of the border. So, we may have been getting in recent years the better sort of poor young Mexican.


  25. Because Mexican Drug Gangs paid off all the Police?

    That is what I was gonna say. They’ve probably infiltrated the police and the honest cops are too overworked and stressed out to do anything.

  26. They’ve probably infiltrated the police and the honest cops are too overworked and stressed out to do anything.

    The scale of the Hispanic invasion is enough to occupy a police force logistically even without infiltration (which I’m sure there is). The encroachment of Aztlan is a problem that would have to be solved by military. Local constabularies eventually just say “damn it all” because they know they couldn’t budge the problem if they tried.

    What’s amazing is that most Americans do not seem to understand what’s going on, just how much of a tidal wave is occurring before our very eyes.

  27. “What’s amazing is that most Americans do not seem to understand what’s going on”

    It would be more amazing if they understood, considering the thought control involved.

  28. icr,

    I see those statistics happening in real life every day. Hardworking Mexican immigrant has kids with a Mexican-American woman, and their progeny is a lazy hoodlum who aspires to sell drugs for a living. It’s very sad.

  29. The Mexican cartels will cut your head off, not in the name of Allah, but because cash is king, and that they can. I wonder how anti-Muslim Jewish extended phenotypes will assimilate that crack in their cosmic egg.

  30. Hardworking Mexican immigrant has kids with a Mexican-American woman, and their progeny is a lazy hoodlum who aspires to sell drugs for a living.

    America’s pop culture glamorizes the gangster lifestyle and people act like “oh it’s not a big deal.” There is no societal proscription anymore. Being a criminal/hoodlum/thug is cool and it’s also easy money.

  31. Mestizos are not from “Hispania”. The whole premise for this piece is ludicrous. Only a jew could create a slanderous piece of lying trash like this that people would even give the time of day.

  32. I’m not going to waste my time reading the article but Unz was very selective with crime data in an attempt to prove his preposterous claim that mestizos are no more violent than whites. So El Paso, TX has a low crime rate. So what? For every El Paso there’s 10-15 majority mestizo locales that have astronomical violent crime rates. Most of us are witness to the deleterious effect mestizos have on a community when they arrive in sizable numbers.

    Since contemporary conservatism refuses to name the Jew it therefore has no weapon in its arsenal to deal with Unz, Hitchens and the like now that they’ve muscled their way into Amcon Mag. They should drop the charade and rename the mag “Judeophile Weekly”. Or consider merging with the National Review.

  33. And…sadly, despite all the other bullshit, many of these muds are die-hard catholics that are FAR AND ABOVE more jew-aware than any of you keyboard commandos. So what does that say about you?

    The kike understands this, you do not (yet). It’s Chess not Checkers boys.

  34. that are FAR AND ABOVE more jew-aware than any of you keyboard commandos.

    Nonsense. Here, at least, we are quite Jew-aware and more effective at that than a mass of IQ 90 semi-indians.

  35. ”What is going on is race replacement. If you come into the battle using that as your main argument […], that is something they cannot create a rebuttal for. They cannot create a scholarly piece of work refuting the idea that race replacement is happening. […] The only response our enemies can give is to call us racists […].” ( — Millirone, #20)

    Correct. They can get around any immigration-restrictionist argument but that. If you cite race-replacement their only recourse will be either to deny race or, as Millirone says there, to start calling you “racist.” But there is no way they can argue against you.

  36. I thought this was a great article. These subversive jews are doing more then I could to shatter faith in modernity! They are real “groovy” rebels! And the cover photo of “The American Conservative,” well, that’s HOT.

  37. Hispanics clearly are not as violent as blacks. But their rate of crime is 3X that of Whites. Why import more? And what statistical sleight of hand does he use to come up with this nonsense? Just look at the most wanted or sex offenders in your area; Hispanics and Blacks are totally dominant.

  38. Even the Whitest Hispanic I knew — a guy who’s father was from Cuba, but grandfather had come from Spain — I was with him once and I happened to find a bracelet on the floor of the restaurant we were in. I, of course, picked it up and turned it in to the manager of the place. And the Spanish/Cuban guy I was with wanted to know why I would do that?! Wouldn’t I just keep it?! Uh … no. :-/


    Wow, what a total sleazbag!

    We are North West Europeans, not simply ‘Whites’, and it is obvious Our Kultur and Our Heritage really is different from all others the world over, including some other Whites.

  39. On TOO Blog, a commenter named Andrew asked me to take a closer look at this Study.

    I’ve come to the conclusion that much like a magician sawing a lady in half, Ron Unz and Razib Khan have created an illusion by making it so we only see a misrepresentative part of what is actually there.

    The basic issue is that because Hispanics are much more likely to be in the Country Illegally, an offense that falls under the purview of Federal Law Enforcement, they are far more likely to have the crimes they commit go to a Federal Court.

    And this applies even for those of their crimes that aren’t immigration related.

    So often, an Illegal Immigrant will only be taken into custody by the Feds because he committed a Violent or Drug Related Crime, as opposed to being taken in by the Feds just because he was in the Country illegally.

    So guess what Unz does in his study?

    He deliberately excludes people incarcerated for Crimes they were convicted of in Federal Court, instead only looking at people incarcerated for Crimes they were convicted of in State Courts.

    Thus he rejects the far more valid technique used in The Color of Crime, which involved combining those convicted in State Court with those convicted in Federal Court to get a comprehensive and unbiased sample.

    For this reason the American Conservative Article can be described as nothing more than a damned lie, carefully designed to dupe the gullible and weak minded.

    There is not a single particle of validity in the Unz Study, it is nothing less than a perversion of Statistics, and it demonstrates with sickening clarity how motivated Anti-Whites can be in their quest to create something that looks reality based, but is in fact no such thing.

  40. The Color of Crime found that in the overall prison population in 2001, Hispanics were overrepresented relative to Whites by +190%.

    Ron Unz found that in the State prison population in 2005, Hispanics were overrepresented relative to Whites by only 80%.

    The reason for the disparity is that Ron Unz’s sample only looked at a part of the prison population that is disproportionately Non-Hispanic. It isn’t that for some bizarre reason there was a massive decline in the Hispanic Crime Rate.

    Really, you don’t have to be very smart to see that if you have two studies saying very different things, you should believe the study based on a comprehensive and representative sample.

    In other words, you should believe The Color of Crime, and its finding that Hispanics are nearly 3 times as Crime Prone as Whites, while discarding Unz’s study into the trash bin like the worthless piece of garbage that it is.

  41. I am surprised it hasn’t been mentioned, as far as I could see, that there is a strong tendency to classifiy Hispanics as Whites, even when it is obvious they are not. Maybe Unz deals with it, I haven’t read his article yet. Naturally, this has the effect of misrepresenting the true crime figures of Latinos.

  42. What’s amazing is that most Americans do not seem to understand what’s going on, just how much of a tidal wave is occurring before our very eyes.

    That is truly fascinating.

    I know that non-whites and jews will consistently over-reach and make themselves unbearably obnoxious. They will not be graceful in the victory of Aztlan.

    What I am interested to see is if the average White starts thinking racially when America loses a chunk of real estate to Aztlan, or if they retreat into the hermit crab argument of “the Indians were here first!” LOL. I always tell them, “Why don’t you give up the whole planet then, how do you deserve to be on the planet at all, when someone else was here first?”

    “Oh it’s so terrible that we’re here, somebody else was here first! We are so undeserving of existence, because someone else was here first!””

    I find when I get people to laugh at their ideas, they become former ideas.

  43. “I am surprised it hasn’t been mentioned, as far as I could see, that there is a strong tendency to classifiy Hispanics as Whites, even when it is obvious they are not. …”

    As you probably know Van, “Hispanics” (Mestizos) are classified ‘White’ as the perpetrators… and as ‘non-white’ as the ‘victims’ (of crime).

    One of the biggest con jobs on our people going today.

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