Thinkpol vs. Amren

R.E.A.L. (an anti-White hate group) is claiming to have persuaded the Westin Washington Dulles Hotel to cancel the 2010 Amren Conference. They also claim to be contacting other hotels in the area to discourage them from hosting Jared Taylor’s bi-annual racialist gathering. In November 2009, R.E.A.L. got the Dulles Marriott to cancel the AR Conference. This is the same group that harassed the H.L. Mencken Club back in October. I’ve exchanged words with them in the past.

If you are wondering, the acronym “R.E.A.L.” stands for “Responsible for Equality and Liberty”: a perverse name for an anti-republican organization that attempts to disrupt the freedom of White men to assemble and organize. There wasn’t a single group like R.E.A.L. in the United States for over a hundred years following the ratification of the Constitution. Even the most radical fringes of abolitionism never went so far as to attack White men for entertaining certain thoughts or holding public meetings. That simply wasn’t considered part of the American natural rights tradition.

According to Merriam Webster Dictionary, “hate” is defined as “extreme dislike or antipathy” or “intense hostility and aversion usually deriving from fear, anger, or sense of injury.” By their actions, it is clear that R.E.A.L. “hates” Amren and White racialists. In fact, R.E.A.L. is such a fanatical organization that they claim racialists are outside the human family for disagreeing with their ideology. Jared Taylor has never claimed that blacks and Hispanics aren’t human beings. Their animus and aversion towards Whites warrants labeling R.E.A.L. an “anti-White hate group.”

If George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, and Theodore Roosevelt (the faces on Mount Rushmore) could be summoned from their graves, who do you suppose they would say is more American, Jared Taylor or Jeffrey Imm, Amren or R.E.A.L.? Would any of these men have called “diversity” an American value? Would they agree that “liberty” and “equality” requires denying White men the freedom to organize? Would they agree that White racialists are outside the human family? These are all rhetorical questions. Every historically literate person knows the answer.

R.E.A.L. isn’t rooted in the American natural rights tradition. You can get a better idea of the communist world these people are coming from by reading George Orwell’s 1984. Flipping through the Newspeak dictionary, we find the concepts like “goodthink” (orthodox political thought) and “unperson” (a person officially erased from existence) and “crimethink” (unorthodox thoughts). “Thinkpol,” of course, were the thought police of Oceania. They were in charge of the ritual shaming. The people behind R.E.A.L. have anointed themselves their totalitarian counterparts in the real world.

Fortunately, I found by all reports that R.E.A.L. is something of a joke. These kooks always turn out for our public events along with the suburban anarchist hoodlums. It wouldn’t be an AR conference without them.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Well – I am going to call Amren right now. I will go, even if I have to stay in a tent. (And I hate camping almost more than anything else in the world. Flourescent lighting, cheap panelling, polyester, Jews, instant coffee, camping – EWWWWW!)

    I hope Weston does not cave. I’m really looking forward to this. My CA cronies are flying in. I’m really looking forward to hearing Roodt, and Bodeker, who is a sweetie.

    Let’s find J. Imm’s house. He can host us.

  2. The right to free association is still officially enshrined in the Constitution. A well-publicized lawsuit against R.E.A.L might serve a couple of very good purposes; hampering this ‘organization’s ability to harass, along with bringing to the fore heightened perception of this so-called constitutional right.

    Similiar tactics were successfully tried against Billy Roper’s ‘White Revolution’ organization, this past summer, when members of the group attempted to rent out an American Legion hall for one of their gatherings. As nationalists, we should use the system where we can to hamper the efforts of our enemies.

  3. What we really need to do is own our own premises. In our own land.

    Aquiring a Homeland will be tricky. Buying property, at this point, ought not to be so difficult.

  4. I can’t help but imagine the poor hotel manager.

    You get a call from this remarkably refined and considerate Yale alumnus about hosting some sort of “Renaissance” conference featuring political and literary luminaries from around the world.

    Then you get a call from some guy on the Internet who tells you that you just agreed to host the most notorious racist hatemonger rally of all time, that there are going to be throngs of angry protesters struggling against police barricades, and that there will be another Holocaust if you don’t cancel the reservation.

  5. It’s relevant that the first time OD came in contact with this group, it was discovered that Jeffrey Imm was a former FBI employee and current FBI contractor; he is also married to a Jewish wife.

    At what point does this go from a private group exercising free speech to public intimidation by the government? Many parts of the government (and increasingly, large corporations as well) employ private groups like the ADL, and the ADL has been known to illegally spy and keep records on private individuals, and in some cases share info with governments, foreign and domestic.

    When Imm is calling up that hotel, is he acting as a private individual, or is this part of his work for the FBI? Seems like an important question.

  6. Responsible for Equality And Liberty (R.E.A.L.) is not an “anti-white” web site as described above. I and many of its members are white. It is a pro-freedom, pro-equality, and pro-liberty web site. In addition, we are not a pro-anarcho-communist site, but strongly object to Communist totalitarianism and violent anarchist movements. We also are focused on being against hate, which our group’s slogan reads “Love is more powerful than hate, Love Wins.” Our love for our fellow human beings includes respect for their diversity, and respect for their equality in America and around the world. Our love our fellow human beings is focused on supporting their universal human rights and dignity.

    This is in contrast to Occidental Dissent which states as its mission “Occidental Dissent is a White Nationalist website. We support the creation of a Jew-free, racially exclusive White ethnostate in North America.”

    We are not simply “angry protesters” as described above, but we are consistent and uncompromising in our defense of our universal human rights. In fact, we did not demand that the Westin cancel the American Renaissance event, but specifically made it clear to the Westin the racialist hate that was associated with the American Renaissance group, as well as its frequent supremacist members among the Stormfront and other hate groups. This is the same Stormfront whose members have been defending the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum terrorist Von Brunn’s terror attack 6 months ago in Washington DC. This is also the same American Renaissance group that is being watched by law enforcement agencies. We felt that the Westin had the right to know about this.

    Many of our supporters live in the Washington DC area. The attack by Von Brunn was an attack on our home, no different than Jihadist terrorism. We deserve to let our neighbors here in the DC area know what is going on. And just like we will oppose Jihadist hate, we will also oppose racial supremacist hate.

    What we planned at the Westin, and what we continue to plan wherever the American Renaissance ultimately holds its events is to pray for those who support its hate. Because we believe that Love Wins, and we will pray for those whose hearts are burdened by the hate of racial supremacism to lose the burden of that hate from their hearts. We are a secular group. However, in the interests of peace and love for our fellow human beings, we will pray for those who support white supremacism.

    To those who want to meet here, yes, you should know that I will also let others in the Washington DC area know about the hate associated with the American Renaissance group. White supremacist terrorist Von Brunn attended events with Nick Griffin (a scheduled 2010 AmRen speaker), and with David Duke. We have seen in our streets the influence such hate has.

    To those who want to meet with us, you are welcome to do so. We have numerous public events in support of our universal human rights, as we did at the National Press Club last month. We have events at the Lincoln Memorial, the Capitol, the Washington Monument, and in the streets of Washington DC. We have events in Chicago, in NYC, and soon in Philadelphia. We are not hiding, we are and will continue to be right out in public. We were at the National Press Club again today – opposing Communist hate.

    Not only will we continue to challenge racial supremacism, we will continue to challenge Nazism, we will continue to challenge Communism, we will continue to challenge oppression against religious freedom, we will continue to challenge hate against women, we will continue to challenge those who refuse to acknowledge “honor killings,” and we will continue to challenge Jihadists. I led a nationally televised protest against Hizb ut-Tahrir in Chicago. I spoke in front of Fort Hood terrorist Nidal Hasan and his fellow supremacists at George Washington University. We will continue to challenge those who promote terrorism and hate.

    As per Psalm 23, we will “fear no evil.” We do not believe the answer to hate is more hate. We do not hate those who hate, but we urge them to drop the burden of hate from their hearts and rejoin the brotherhood and sisterhood of humanity in shared defense of our universal human rights for all.

    To those of you who seek to meet me, I hope we do meet. Because I believe in our universal human rights for all of us, and I hope that someday you come to realize that is in your interest as well. Love Wins. You have my hopes and my prayers that you will find this to be true in your hearts.

  7. When I contact hotels and organizations, I always do so as a representative of Responsible for Equality And Liberty (R.E.A.L.). You are welcome to reach me at

    I have never made it a secret that I was a former employee of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (many years ago), whose motto is “fidelity, bravery, integrity.” I have stated it to FOX News and others in interviews, and I mentioned it at the George Washington University when I faced down the likes of Nidal Hasan and others committed to denial on Jihadist hate.

    The FBI’s commitment to America and its Constitution that led FBI efforts against white supremacist hate and terrorism that were key historical efforts in proving the courage of America’s convictions.

    But to answer your question, no I don’t represent myself as a member of the FBI, and I am not. I am only a person committed to defending our universal human rights…. unlike the writer here, who states himself that “We don’t share your liberal consensus that ‘liberty’ and ‘equality’ are the only or the highest goods. We certainly don’t believe in non-discrimination.”

    I “hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” That is the declaration of what it means to be an American.

    Love Wins.

  8. Jeffrey Imm:

    I would like your definition of “hate,” counted 19 times in 10 paragraphs; clearly a very important word to you. I’m unable to discern from the context, but the best I can come up with is anyone who is not color-blind (i.e. differences blind). Would a discussion of group differences constitute “hate?”

    Thanks, Mike

  9. We believe that you cannot love your fellow human beings and seek to deny their universal human rights, whether it is by religious oppression being done to Christians in Communist China, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Egypt, etc, or whether it is by racial supremacism that seeks to mock others intelligence, capabilities, and ability to live in an integrated society based on their race.

    We have also repeated challenged Louis Farrakhan on this, someone praised by Nick Griffin, the key scheduled speaker at the 2010 AmRen conference. I think the fact that the most famous speaker at the planned 2010 AmRen conference praises the views of Louis Farrakhan demonstrates precisely how color-blind that hate can be. Just as Farrakhan seeks to spread racial supemacist hate, so does Nick Griffin and other speakers scheduled for AmRen 2010. Hate seeks to undermine the dignity of our fellow human beings, and hate is the driver that is used to deny their universal human rights. Hate against people of any race is always nothing more than hate.

    But while hate can be color-blind, so we also believe that love can be color-blind in a positive way, respecting our fellow human beings’ universal human rights (that the writer here “there is no such thing as ‘universal human rights.'”) Those rights include respecting their dignity as human beings, not mocking and deriding them based on their race or their identity.

    Mike – I think you know very well what hate is. I urge those who do hate to reconsider. I urge those who do hate to drop the burden of hate from their hearts. Love Wins.

  10. Imm,

    When I contact hotels and organizations, I always do so as a representative of Responsible for Equality And Liberty (R.E.A.L.).

    But to answer your question, no I don’t represent myself as a member of the FBI, and I am not.

    My question is not what you represent yourself to be, it is your activism in R.E.A.L., your “anti-jihad” and presumably “anti-terrorist” activities contracted by the FBI, and do the FBI fund your activities directly or indirectly?

  11. I think you know very well what hate is.

    Indeed. I’m a white boy who basically lived in Oakland and I can say that I know hate all too well.

    Thankfully, creating living space for our people has nothing to do with hatred for others, but rather, a burning and intense love for my our own.

    Responsible for Equality And Liberty (R.E.A.L.) is not an “anti-white” web site as described above.

    Anybody that would deny white folks our collective identity and the ability to express it politically, economically and socially through our own institutions is anti-white by definition. You are also anti-black, anti-Jewish, anti-Indian, anti-Chinese, etc. You are anti-human.

    I and many of its members are white.

    So what? I imagine a majority of the members are white.

    It is a pro-freedom, pro-equality, and pro-liberty web site. In addition, we are not a pro-anarcho-communist site, but strongly object to Communist totalitarianism and violent anarchist movements.

    Freedom and equality are (almost) diametrically opposed ends. When people are free, they distinguish themselves and render themselves unequal. People are only equalized are intense pressure from above.

    What is anarcho-communism?

    Good that you recognize Communist totalitarianism for the monstrous form of “government” that it is. If only you would recognize that democracy itself leads to the tyranny under question.

    We also are focused on being against hate, which our group’s slogan reads “Love is more powerful than hate, Love Wins.”

    Love is definitely more powerful than hate and intelligence is more powerful than stupidity so our success is pretty much guaranteed.

    Our love for our fellow human beings includes respect for their diversity, and respect for their equality in America and around the world.

    No it doesn’t. You wanna snuff out all of the diversity in the world through equalization. You want to make the gray race.

    Our love our fellow human beings is focused on supporting their universal human rights and dignity.

    Well start by supporting the right of free association, enshrined in our constitution as the right of peaceful assembly, and work to extend and guarantee this right to White Nationalists.

    We are not simply “angry protesters” as described above, but we are consistent and uncompromising in our defense of our universal human rights.

    You are consistent in your denial of collective identity.

    We felt that the Westin had the right to know about this.

    What fucking business is it of yours?

    The attack by Von Brunn was an attack on our home, no different than Jihadist terrorism.

    It is very different. I would expect an agent of the FBI to be able to draw proper parallels.

    Because we believe that Love Wins, and we will pray for those whose hearts are burdened by the hate of racial supremacism to lose the burden of that hate from their hearts. We are a secular group. However, in the interests of peace and love for our fellow human beings, we will pray for those who support white supremacism.

    I’ll pray you will overcome your secularism.

    I “hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” That is the declaration of what it means to be an American.

    Do you even know who penned those words and what he meant by them?

    We believe that you cannot love your fellow human beings and seek to deny their universal human rights

    Territorial integrity is the basis of all other human rights and you would deny us that.

    I think you know very well what hate is. I urge those who do hate to reconsider. I urge those who do hate to drop the burden of hate from their hearts. Love Wins.

    You have the burden of defining your terms and we will not define them for you. You have an obligation to define specifically what hate is.

  12. Imm,

    Your posts are filled with religious ideology, you quote Psalms, talk about love, hate, and prayer, use language like “we believe” and sentiments such as “drop the burden of hate from their hearts. Love Wins.”

    I do not happen to share your spiritual beliefs and it would be a violation of the first amendment for you to take public funds to proselytize your religious views.

  13. To R.E.A.L. FBI – the answer is no. My research against jihad and terrorism is strictly my personal activities, with no government funding at all. I retired from the FBI over a decade ago.

    To my fellow Christians, what is Jesus’ commandment in John 13:34 and John 15:12? “A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.” “This is my commandment , That ye love one another as I have loved you.” And in Matthew 5:44? “But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you.”

    White supremacist Nazi terrorist James Von Brunn had another philosophy – he viewed hate as “natural, normal and necessary.”

    Know that I will pray for those who hate as fellow human beings, even as I defy your ideas and ideology.

    We support our unqualified, universal human rights for all. We urge Nazi, white supremacist, and “white nationalist” supporters to drop the burden of the hate of supremacism from their hearts, and to rejoin the family of humanity in support of our universal human rights. Choose love, not hate.

  14. Love is not merely a Christian or other religious ideology, it is the fundamental basis for our survival as a human race. As a private individual, I urge people to use any basis for promoting love.

    I use no “public funds” to promote human rights or love.

    Love Wins. Choose Love, Not Hate.

  15. JI:”Not only will we continue to challenge racial supremacism, we will continue to challenge Nazism, we will continue to challenge Communism, we will continue to challenge oppression against religious freedom, we will continue to challenge hate against women, we will continue to challenge those who refuse to acknowledge “honor killings,” and we will continue to challenge Jihadists.”

    Surprisingly, there is no mention of R.E.A.L. opposing and challenging the racist and imperialist ideology of Zionism nor the racist-supremacist blood-cult known as Judaism. I wonder why?

    This R.E.A.L. group is very likely directed and funded by the Jew-controlled American federal government or else by various Jewish donors. Why even waste your time debating with this scum, these anti-White racists? We know what they want…they want Whites to go extinct in the USA, that is what they want.

  16. The founding fathers couldn’t have anticipated their intemperate Masonic claptrap being taken entirely out of context and used as weapons against the very nation they devoted their lives to founding.

    Persecuting imminently peaceful and thoughtful organizations like AmRen radicalizes the movement, and his behavior merely raises the stakes, assuring that our legitimate grievances pile up rather than being absorbed through the regular political channels.

    I no longer bother attempting to persuade those who are openly opposed to my preservation of my family and ethnic nation that we have a right to exist. I encourage everybody here to take that energy you would waste on this guy and direct it at persuading a friend or loved one who is merely asleep to wake up.

  17. Says Jeffrey Imm, stooge of Jews who brutalize the Palestinian people, out of “love” no doubt. What a pathetic, squalid little excuse for a ‘man’.

  18. R.E.A.L. (an anti-White hate group) is claiming to have persuaded the Westin Washington Dulles Hotel to cancel the 2010 Amren Conference.

    They’re not too bright — they’re bragging about committing a tort (tortious interference with contract) and violating federal civil rights law.

  19. In real world rterms – lawsuits are heinously expensive, (Thank you Jew!) although I agree with the idea.

    A suit like this wouldn’t be expensive. I’d do it for next to nothing.

  20. The first thing that occurs to me is is this character Jewish? There are ways to smoke him out if he is, for example by casting the Palestinians as oppressed by the Jews and cornering him into answering questions about it, and keeping on doing that until you catch him displaying the trademark Jewish hypocrisy or not. One way or another, though, Jewish or not, you’re clearly dealing here with someone harboring his own veritable volcano of hatred more vast and intense than, probably, any of us here has ever imagined let alone personally encountered. I personally can summon up some pretty robust hatred but someone like me isn’t a patch on a specimen like this. The guy is positively frightening, sends a cold chill down my spine, makes the hair stand up on the back of my neck. This is the stuff your Joseph Stalins, Pol Pots, and Kim Il Sungs are made of if he were ever to get any kind of power. This goes way beyond ordinary psychiatry. You’re looking at the genuinely diabolical, staring you right in the face, right here.

  21. And, under section 204(b) of Title II, the plaintiff can recover attorney fees.

    At what point does this go from a private group exercising free speech to public intimidation by the government?

    Good question, but the private individual is already constrained by tort law and by sections 203 and 204 of Title II of Civil Rights Act of 1964.

  22. “This is also the same American Renaissance group that is being watched by law enforcement agencies. ”

    What a chilling comment towards those thinking of going in DC area. Want to work for a government contractor? Better not go he is saying. Immigration causes genetic replacement is a mathematical theorem, the Wright Island Model and is thus contrary to the laws against genocide. Why doesn’t the FBI enforce that law to stop non-white immigration? See the link at my name for info on the theorem and further links.

  23. We believe that you cannot love your fellow human beings and seek to deny their universal human rights….

    Then how is it that White folks don’t have any rights? That’s a rather glaring self-contradiction.

  24. That’s right guys, we’ll stall the simple little thugs of Jewry by beating them to their knees with claims of tortious interference and and informing them of the violation of some fundamental tenet of morality as expressed per a mathematical theorem.

  25. There is obviously something more to Jeffy boy, something more shrewd, something more sinister, than his vacant incantations of “love.”

  26. Immigration causes genetic replacement is a mathematical theorem, the Wright Island Model and is thus contrary to the laws against genocide. Why doesn’t the FBI enforce that law to stop non-white immigration?

    Good question. Proving “specific intent” can be tricky, but surely the DOJ can find lots of persons guilty under 18 U.S.C. § 1091:

    § 1091. Genocide
    (a) Basic Offense.— Whoever, whether in time of peace or in time of war, in a circumstance described in subsection (d) and with the specific intent to destroy, in whole or in substantial part, a national, ethnic, racial, or religious group as such—
    (1) kills members of that group;
    (2) causes serious bodily injury to members of that group;
    (3) causes the permanent impairment of the mental faculties of members of the group through drugs, torture, or similar techniques;
    (4) subjects the group to conditions of life that are intended to cause the physical destruction of the group in whole or in part;
    (5) imposes measures intended to prevent births within the group; or
    (6) transfers by force children of the group to another group;
    or attempts to do so, shall be punished as provided in subsection (b).
    (b) Punishment for Basic Offense.— The punishment for an offense under subsection (a) is—
    (1) in the case of an offense under subsection (a)(1), where death results, by death or imprisonment for life and a fine of not more than $1,000,000, or both; and
    (2) a fine of not more than $1,000,000 or imprisonment for not more than twenty years, or both, in any other case.
    (c) Incitement Offense.— Whoever in a circumstance described in subsection (d) directly and publicly incites another to violate subsection (a) shall be fined not more than $500,000 or imprisoned not more than five years, or both.
    (d) Required Circumstance for Offenses.— The circumstance referred to in subsections (a) and (c) is that—
    (1) the offense is committed in whole or in part within the United States;
    (2) the alleged offender is a national of the United States (as that term is defined in section 101 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1101));
    (3) the alleged offender is an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence in the United States (as that term is defined in section 101 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1101));
    (4) the alleged offender is a stateless person whose habitual residence is in the United States; or
    (5) after the conduct required for the offense occurs, the alleged offender is brought into, or found in, the United States, even if that conduct occurred outside the United States.
    (e) Nonapplicability of Certain Limitations.— Notwithstanding section 3282 of this title, in the case of an offense under subsection (a)(1), an indictment may be found, or information instituted, at any time without limitation.

  27. That’s right guys, we’ll stall the simple little thugs of Jewry by beating them to their knees with claims of tortious interference ….

    Such lawsuits will put money in our activists’ pockets.

  28. Who has the power is who ultimately, in effect, defines what is ‘legal’. Which is something I’m sure Jeffy boy is all too well aware of at a visceral level given those he chooses to grovel for. Funny thing, if you shoe were on the other foot, he would grovel with equal abandon.

  29. Responsible for Equality And Liberty (R.E.A.L.) is not an “anti-white” web site as described above. I and many of its members are white.

    Are you familiar with the term, “Uncle Tom”? If being black does not get black “Uncle Toms” off the hook from charges of being anti-black, why should being white get you off the hook from charges of being anti-white? It’s funny, you hear this “I’m white” response so often from liberals, as if their skin color gets them a free pass to be racist as long as their racism is politically correct. Liberal white supremacy?

    We also are focused on being against hate, which our group’s slogan reads “Love is more powerful than hate, Love Wins.” Our love for our fellow human beings includes respect for their diversity, and respect for their equality in America and around the world. Our love our fellow human beings is focused on supporting their universal human rights and dignity.

    I’m delighted to hear it! I’m sure you’re a busy man so I’ll keep this to the point:

    Do you acknowledge the right of all human beings, whatever their race, to free association? By that I mean, the right of all human beings to dispose of their property as they see fit, associate or disassociate with whomever they wish, the right to be free of impingements upon their right to free association (such as “hidden” penalties via differential (punitive) taxation for those who exercise their right to free association in politically incorrect ways), etc?

    E.g., do you support a black man’s right to form or join black communities, black schools, black businesses, black churches; decide to limit his customers or clients or associates to fellow blacks; etc?

    Stormfront and other hate groups.

    Stormfront is a message board, not a group, or a “hate group” (a group leftists hate). There are many “anti-racist” members at Stormfront; are they members of a “hate group” in your eyes? This is an ethnopatriotic blog; are you now a member of a “hate group” too, by dint of your having posted a comment here?

    This is the same Stormfront whose members have been defending the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum terrorist Von Brunn’s terror attack 6 months ago in Washington DC.

    This is why you guys get a reputation for dishonesty. I haven’t been on the Stormfront MESSAGE BOARD for years, but I’ll bet you, sight unseen, ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS I can find at least five Stormfront members who condemned Von Brunn’s behavior, not including “anti-racist” members. That’s simply how MESSAGE BOARDS work. I also find myself wondering how many of the members praising Von Brunn (another inevitability on a board with a liberal free speech policy, like Stormfront) get their checks from the Feds.

    This is also the same American Renaissance group that is being watched by law enforcement agencies. We felt that the Westin had the right to know about this.

    For all we know, Amren is RUN by law enforcement agencies. The Feds watched MLK too; do you advertise that fact as well?

    As per Psalm 23, we will “fear no evil.” We do not believe the answer to hate is more hate. We do not hate those who hate, but we urge them to drop the burden of hate from their hearts and rejoin the brotherhood and sisterhood of humanity in shared defense of our universal human rights for all.

    I commend you for your love-centric advocacy of universal human rights for all. Does your concept of human rights include the right of all men to form communities as they see fit? Or must we all conform to the hegemonic leftist vision of being mashed together regardless of our wishes, as seems to be the first commandment of western society?

  30. We believe that you cannot love your fellow human beings and seek to deny their universal human rights

    I concur. Do you assert that you can love your fellow human beings while denying them their right to free association, to their pursuit of happiness?

  31. Mike – I think you know very well what hate is. I urge those who do hate to reconsider. I urge those who do hate to drop the burden of hate from their hearts. Love Wins.

    I know what hate is. Hate is forcing together people who do not want to be together. Is that you, Jeffrey? Do you seek to force together those who do not wish to be together (or turn a blind eye when others do so)?

    It’s odd to me, how the “tolerant” say that whites are guilty of oppressing non-whites, right up to the present day (currently via phantom “racism” and “white privilege” and “institutional racism”), yet they work to force non-whites into close proximity with the moral lepers known as whites. Doesn’t seem very “loving” to me. Forcing an defenseless innocent into a room with a dangerous, potentially violent felon seems like a hateful act to me.

  32. Jeffrey, do you acknowledge the right of non-Jews (including whites, blacks, yellows, reds, and anyone else) to have for themselves what Jews have for themselves in Israel? A state, a land, a culture, for and by themselves?

  33. Jeffrey, thanks for stopping by. I can understand if you reconsider your tactic of posting here and decide to run with your tail between your legs. FYI, if you don’t, you’re going to have your ass handed to you (in a rhetorical sense of course). But I hope you stick around.

  34. The idea that Jeffrey is intellectually prepared to go nine rounds with ethnopatriots is laughable. I really hope he sticks around though. We so rarely get to have this kind of fun.

  35. So this latest round with FBI something or other Jeffrey Imm has been interesting.

    To those who want to meet here, yes, you should know that I will also let others in the Washington DC area know about the hate associated with the American Renaissance group. White supremacist terrorist Von Brunn attended events with Nick Griffin (a scheduled 2010 AmRen speaker), and with David Duke. We have seen in our streets the influence such hate has.

    1. Former FBI employee, DHS contractor, and now presumably getting a paycheck from the ADL.

    2. Specifically conflating Islamic terrorism/911 with the Holocaust Museum shootings, thus targeting the AmRen conference attendees as “terrorists” and liable, under current US policy, to be kidnapped along with their families and tortured until death with no due processes or even disclosure.

    I could make a stab at literate pretense and mention something about the banality of evil, but the practical implications of this Imm phenomenon may be more important. After all, this is simply the post-911 neo-con talking points against Arabs and Muslims, turned around onto whites. I could almost quote that holocaust poem about first they came for the somebodies, no one left to save me, etc.

    R.E.A.L. may simply be Imm and some staff with a small budget, as a contractor, “anti-hate” adviser to law enforcement, what might be called a diversicrat. Or Zionist fifth column, whatever. I’d assume they have some “anarchists” that will show up with signs. This is Jewish Al Sharpton stuff. Wasn’t there mention of a financial arrangement with the Department of Homeland Security? Perhaps they get paid to profile “white supremacists” who go to “terrorist conferences.”

    After all, they sent an FBI agent to hang out with some black ex-cons who turned “Muslim” in prison, gave them drugs and alcohol and pretended they were “Al Qaeda” setting up some “terrorist plot.” Didn’t the official FBI sign paychecks for Hal Turner to “inform” on “white supremacist” “potential terrorists”?

    So here’s how the system works, people, in simple terms. Somebody at the FBI or the Department of Homeland Security or the ADL pays white guys like Imms to be “anti-hate” and attack white people under the guise of “universal human rights.” They will call up hotels to get your meetings canceled. They will claim you are terrorists, with all that implies these days. They will give maudlin speeches about “love” and “hate” and say you’re a hater.

    Imm and R.E.A.L. aren’t fooling anybody with their silly crap obviously, the only question is when they start arresting the AmRen attendees. Who is the director of FBI now anyway?

  36. Drats, I see above I have needlessly repeated some words and included others inappropriately. That is what happens when I type in haste. Not a mistake I suspect Wintermute would make, who as always as done an excellent job of rearranging and condensing the perniciously intended and empty verbiage of our enemies, to have boiled it down to its essence with a satirical edge. Why not come out of retirement? Still some gas left in the tank I see.

  37. >To my fellow Christians, what is Jesus’ commandment in John 13:34 and John 15:12? “A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.” “This is my commandment , That ye love one another as I have loved you.”

    Jesus told twelve Jews mostly from the same small town to love each other. So what?

    And even more expansive interpretations of what Jesus said here would only apply to fellow Christians.

    >And in Matthew 5:44? “But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you.”

    If you believe this, why are you trying to do bad to the White Nationalists who hate you?

    Talk about the height of hypocrisy! If you really believed what Jesus said, instead of just believing it to be a doctrine useful for politically emasculating Whites, you’d try to win over Jared Taylor by doing good for him.

    But instead you persecute a Man who hasn’t even persecuted you!

    How much less would you be able to hold yourself back from “persecuting those who persecute you”.

    Stop pretending to be a Christian, it is highly offensive.

  38. Any other group in the West when confronted with Imm’s “love” would chase him away with nary a word. They’d rightly call him the hater and he’d be grovelling on the MSM asking forgiveness.

    If Imm has “realcourage” why does he pick on the one group that – as of yet – won’t fight back: Whites? If Imm really had “realcourage” he’d take on the unmentionable group that runs the show.

    Words like “supremacist”, “hater”, etc., describe them – not us – to most with minds that can still function and hearts that still beat.

    The funny thing is Von Brunn tried to take them on. He had real “realcourage” and to Imm he’s the nastiest bogeyman of all.

    Neo-liberalism is a cult of ugliness, stupidity, superstition, and death. If sanity reigned its adherents would live in their own world where they would be culled by reality and could no longer ride on the coattails of the progressive society they so despise.

    To Imm’s addled mind us desiring to live apart is evidence of supremacy and hate, while his wanting to forcefully integrate (i.e. obliterate) us with others against our will is love.

    Imm’s side has the money and the guns and even the “realcourage” so who are we to stand up to them?

  39. Love … is the fundamental basis for our survival as a human race.

    Imm obviously studied evolutionary biology under Bono.

  40. Why not come out of retirement?

    He is very busy painting right now. What till you get to the opening though before you judge. It is amazing work.

  41. “hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

    That’s right, Jeffrey, but you fail to recognize that White men, who wrote the Constitution and created this country, have those rights as well.

    Whites have the right to advocate for their own interests. I don’t see you protesting against Jewish advocacy groups, or non-White groups unless they conflict with Jewish interests. It’s really all too clear who you’re working for.

    Seriously, your obvious use of doublespeak and propaganda is tiring. There’s a saturation point where it will no longer work.

    BTW, the AmRen conference this year is integrated, featuring the intellectual stylings of the Bad Eagle himself, Dr. David Yeagley. Certainly you don’t want to deny him his “civil rights!”

  42. Jeffrey,

    1.) I insist that R.E.A.L. is an “anti-White hate group.” To my knowledge, your organization doesn’t hold demonstrations against the NAACP, Urban League, or Congressional Black Caucus. The level of racial consciousness in the black community dwarfs that which exists among Whites.

    Blacks define themselves as blacks. They are racial. In the mainstream, there are debates over whether Obama is “black enough” or whether he taking the “black community” for granted. Blacks have organized themselves politically to advance their racial interests. There is nothing controversial about “black pride.”

    Amren has done nothing more than propose Whites embrace the same racial perspective. Jared Taylor hasn’t said anywhere that Whites should lord over blacks. Your organization is motivated by an animus against White people. Pointing to your own whiteness is no defense. As other commentators have already pointed out, every race has its Uncle Toms.

    Likewise, it is fair to label R.E.A.L. a “hate group.” You are driven by an animus or strong aversion toward racialists. Back in October, you people literally stood outside in the rain in Baltimore to harass the H.L. Mencken club. You claim to be for “love,” but simultaneously make hateful comments like saying White racialists are not part of the human family. Your willingness to disrupt our events shows that your aversion toward White racialists goes far beyond any aversion on our part to non-White minorities.

    2.) Plainly, you are not motivated by “liberty” and “equality” either. If that were the case, you wouldn’t have any reason to attack Amren. Jared Taylor hasn’t proposed ridding America of republican government. So what’s the problem?

    A search of the republicanism of Thomas Jefferson, Alexander Hamilton, Benjamin Franklin, Abraham Lincoln, John Marshall, Joseph Story, Oliver Wendell Holmes and even William Lloyd Garrison doesn’t turn up anything that resembles R.E.A.L.’s agenda of trying to deny White men freedom of assembly and freedom of association.

    Martin Luther King, Jr. didn’t even deny that we have the constitutional right to organize and petition our government. What you are really doing here is attacking republicanism in the name of a republican facade. You are contesting the basic freedoms that White men in America have enjoyed since before the Revolution.

    3.) The form of “liberty” and “equality” you endorse isn’t rooted in orthodox Marxism. It is actually unfair to blame Marx and Engels for what you are proposing here. They didn’t even go that far. The roots of your version of “liberty” and “equality” can be traced back to the various revisionist strains of Marxism that emerged in the mid-twentieth century.

    4.) The idea that Amren is a terrorist group is absurd. Leonard Zeskind, Mark Potok, and Carol Swain would laugh at that one.

    5.) You claim that R.E.A.L. is a secular group, but go on to say you will pray for us. If you were a bonafide Christian, you wouldn’t be interested in what “fallen man” does with the rest of his time of Earth. That is nothing in comparison to accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and saving your eternal soul from hellfire. Christians are supposed to be strangers in this world, but you are as worldly as anyone else here.

    Jesus never condemned slavery in the Bible. He had nothing to say about “racism.” No one considered “racism” a social problem until the term came into circulation in the 1930s. You are exploiting Christianity like you are exploiting the republican tradition. In reality, you are neither a Christian or a republican, but have calculated it suits your interests to stay within the mainstream.

    6.) I don’t think you are as stupid or naive as you come across here. You have to know that Lincoln tried several times to deport blacks to Africa. Jefferson supported racial separatism until the end of his life. Madison was the president of the American Colonization Society. George Washington signed the Naturalization Act of 1790.

    The United States was created by white supremacists for their posterity. The very borders of the country reflect so-called “racism.” Cuba wasn’t acquired because of its black population. Northern Mexico wasn’t taken because there were too many mestizos. The Indians east of the Mississippi were deported to Oklahoma under Andrew Jackson engaged in ethnic cleansing in the Southeast.

  43. Ben Tillman good point on the genocide law.

    “(4) subjects the group to conditions of life that are intended to cause the physical destruction of the group in whole or in part;
    (5) imposes measures intended to prevent births within the group; or”

    The Wright Island Model theorem shows that immigration causes both of these.

    Genetics. 1979 January; 91(1): 163–176.

    PMCID: PMC1213928
    The Island Model with Stochastic Migration
    Thomas Nagylaki
    Department of Biophysics and Theoretical Biology, The University of Chicago, 920 East 58th Street, Chicago, Illinois 60637

    “We investigated various cases of the island model with stochastic migration. If the population is infinite, the immigrants have a fixed gene frequency and the alleles are neutral, the gene frequency on the island converges to that of the immigrants.”

    If the gene frequency is not fixed, it still wipes out those there.

  44. Jeffrey,

    Why are you quoting Jefferson out of context? In the same document, Jefferson describes your “Native Americans” as the “merciless Indian savages.” Jefferson emphatically did not believe in black equality. He did not put ideology above race. The United States didn’t give diplomatic recognition to Haiti until the Civil War.

  45. Jeffrey,

    When Jesus said “love your enemies,” he was talking about “private enemies” (neighbors/co-ethnics), not “public enemies” (outsiders). The original distinction that was clearly made in Greek and Latin was lost in the English translation. The Crusaders never suffered from the delusion that Jesus enjoined them to love Muslims.

  46. If they view White Nationalists outside of humanity the venerable international law principle of self-determination must really offend their sensibilities. Further, what’s to stop them from killing White Nationalists if they’re not fully human? This is how totalitarian ideologues think and behave. As America becomes browner, louder, poorer, more violent, and dumber you can expect more such groups popping up. One way to deal with the problem is to form self-defence militias.

  47. The greatest mass killings have always occurred when a group thinks that they’re stamping out evildoers for the greater benefit of humanity. Imm shows the character traits and psychological makeup of a Pol Pot.

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