Thinkpol vs. Amren

R.E.A.L. (an anti-White hate group) is claiming to have persuaded the Westin Washington Dulles Hotel to cancel the 2010 Amren Conference. They also claim to be contacting other hotels in the area to discourage them from hosting Jared Taylor’s bi-annual racialist gathering. In November 2009, R.E.A.L. got the Dulles Marriott to cancel the AR Conference. This is the same group that harassed the H.L. Mencken Club back in October. I’ve exchanged words with them in the past.

If you are wondering, the acronym “R.E.A.L.” stands for “Responsible for Equality and Liberty”: a perverse name for an anti-republican organization that attempts to disrupt the freedom of White men to assemble and organize. There wasn’t a single group like R.E.A.L. in the United States for over a hundred years following the ratification of the Constitution. Even the most radical fringes of abolitionism never went so far as to attack White men for entertaining certain thoughts or holding public meetings. That simply wasn’t considered part of the American natural rights tradition.

According to Merriam Webster Dictionary, “hate” is defined as “extreme dislike or antipathy” or “intense hostility and aversion usually deriving from fear, anger, or sense of injury.” By their actions, it is clear that R.E.A.L. “hates” Amren and White racialists. In fact, R.E.A.L. is such a fanatical organization that they claim racialists are outside the human family for disagreeing with their ideology. Jared Taylor has never claimed that blacks and Hispanics aren’t human beings. Their animus and aversion towards Whites warrants labeling R.E.A.L. an “anti-White hate group.”

If George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, and Theodore Roosevelt (the faces on Mount Rushmore) could be summoned from their graves, who do you suppose they would say is more American, Jared Taylor or Jeffrey Imm, Amren or R.E.A.L.? Would any of these men have called “diversity” an American value? Would they agree that “liberty” and “equality” requires denying White men the freedom to organize? Would they agree that White racialists are outside the human family? These are all rhetorical questions. Every historically literate person knows the answer.

R.E.A.L. isn’t rooted in the American natural rights tradition. You can get a better idea of the communist world these people are coming from by reading George Orwell’s 1984. Flipping through the Newspeak dictionary, we find the concepts like “goodthink” (orthodox political thought) and “unperson” (a person officially erased from existence) and “crimethink” (unorthodox thoughts). “Thinkpol,” of course, were the thought police of Oceania. They were in charge of the ritual shaming. The people behind R.E.A.L. have anointed themselves their totalitarian counterparts in the real world.

Fortunately, I found by all reports that R.E.A.L. is something of a joke. These kooks always turn out for our public events along with the suburban anarchist hoodlums. It wouldn’t be an AR conference without them.

About Hunter Wallace 12409 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Imm,

    You are the FBI’s answer to Blackwater — a contractor. You are doing dirty Cointelpro work as a “former” FBI agent. Uh huh. Like we’re going to believe that one.

    Everybody knows that government and private mercenary groups are a revolving door. You still have your contacts. I bet you have an FBI “handler,” and info passes back and forth.

  2. “Imm shows the character traits and psychological makeup of a Pol Pot.” ( — FB)

    So does Robert Lindsay, his cultivated sort of dissheveled laid-backness notwithstanding: both Imm and Lindsay would murder millions if in power, the only difference being Lindsay would be utterly cold and indifferent to it the way Trotsky was when Sverdlov told him the Tsar and his whole family had been shot, while this Imm character would break out into sweats of ecstasy from it, literally getting orgasms from doing it.

  3. Another possibility is that Imm is secretly on our side and creating a ridiculous front group to attack a perfectly respectable organization, headed by a man who is perfectly capable of defending himself legally AND rhetorically.

    If you’re going to pick a fight with White nationalists that you intend to win, you pick it with tattooed meth-head outlaws, not with a buttoned down, bilingual Yale grad with a squeaky clean life and the means to hire lawyers.

    I see what “REAL”‘s stated goals are, and they are either hopelessly naive (e.g. “LOVE WINS”) or perhaps a bit of Reverse Psy-Ops to make a heroic political dissident out of Jared Taylor.

    At any rate, it’s a good bit of political theater. Jared Taylor will win either way, whether he wins by winning, or “wins by losing” as Global Guerillas talk about.

  4. Yaaaawn. I see Mr. Imm did the usual leftist “hit and run” tactic. What’s the matter, can’t be bothered to rebut all those racists’ arguments (after they duly refuted your nonsense)?

  5. The greatest mass killings have always occurred when a group thinks that they’re stamping out evildoers for the greater benefit of humanity. Imm shows the character traits and psychological makeup of a Pol Pot. (FB)

    Beat me to it.

    Talk of “universal human rights” and of “love” for all humanity designates, with a laser, a delusional fanatic whose governance of any sizable population would be megacidally incompetent, savagely brutal, and ultimately self-destructive. Such a regime would not be allowed to evanesce, of course, because international Jewry would see to its perpetual subsidization and defense, where possible, per the example of the past century as it concerns precedent Communist regimes.

    Well done, FB.

  6. Further, what’s to stop them from killing White Nationalists if they’re not fully human? This is how totalitarian ideologues think and behave. As America becomes browner, louder, poorer, more violent, and dumber you can expect more such groups popping up. One way to deal with the problem is to form self-defence militias.


    “Love Wins” — I shivered.

  7. Such a regime would not be allowed to evanesce, of course, because international Jewry would see to its perpetual subsidization and defense, where possible, per the example of the past century as it concerns precedent Communist regimes.

    Our own, more importantly.

  8. Yaaaawn. I see Mr. Imm did the usual leftist “hit and run” tactic. What’s the matter, can’t be bothered to rebut all those racists’ arguments (after they duly refuted your nonsense)?

    Can’t blame him. He’s got nothing to come back with. He’s probably kinda a noob, or maybe not too bright, so he didn’t know better than to come here and engage us on the merits. Generally, the pros know better. Ever seen Tim Wise in an open, text-based debate? I think Wise will go his whole life having never engaged in such.

  9. Gentlemen,
    I am in awe. Reading your evisceration (all rhetorically of course, as Svigor notes) of the foul “anti-racist” was to enjoy a tour de force by the Masters. What a delight!

  10. And by many accounts, Wise is the best they’ve got. He’s the best they’ve got, and he ducks us the way hens duck foxes. He’ll go real-time, where his fast vocals and utter contempt for honesty can carry him long enough to get through a radio segment, but when it comes to a format where he can be held to account and has no excuse for heading for the exits, he ducks us like Bill ducks Hillary.

    So what should we expect from Mr. Bush League Jeffrey Imm?

  11. Maybe we should keep a page somewhere to record the invitations to debate we send to these duckers, and links to debates should any of them grow a pair. Then we could just link to it whenever someone quotes Wise or Imm or one of the others, and mock and belittle the duckers.

  12. Ben Tillman has it right, these ‘antis’ and/or Zog operatives need to be held to account legally for basic tort infractions, as well as ethnic intimidation and violation of civil rights laws. A vigorous White Legal Defense Foundation is what we need at this stage, as much as anything.

  13. The Reply Sent to Jared Taylor –
    Mr. Jared Taylor of the American Renaissance organization –
    Thank you for taking the time to write to me. R.E.A.L. and our supporters have frequent public events. For example, yesterday I was busy with a Chinese freedom group opposing Communist totalitarian hate. Our organization focuses on numerous threats to our universal human rights, including our promotion of racial harmony and our defiance of racial supremacism. But I wanted to take time to reply to you today.

    I believe that you confuse the idea that your freedom of speech to promote “white nationalism,” does not give me the freedom of speech to tell others, including hotels and commercial organizations, what your ideology represents and share what your own website says with others. Our freedoms are not mutually exclusive, however inconvenient that may be for your efforts at planning secret conferences.

    You believe that human diversity as a strength should be mocked; this is a point that you made in your VDARE announcement of your planned American Renaissance conference. American Renaissance has a history of articles that belittle the innate intelligence and human dignity of black Americans. These are choices that you and your supporters at American Renaissance have made. These are positions that you publicly espouse and promote. Our rights and our positions also come with consequences. The reason that your events were canceled at the Dulles Marriott and the Washington Dulles Westin have nothing to do with me, and everything to do with you and your American Renaissance’s publicly stated positions. They weren’t assessing what I told them, they were assessing what you and your supporters have told the world. They found your views so hateful that they could not accept your money.

    You want to have it both ways. You want to say that you are seeking to promote your ideas with the public, just until companies where you seek to host events find out about the same ideas that you claim you want to promote. In fact, if AmRen had been successful, the hotels you booked conferences at would already know your positions. The truth is you don’t want them to know. The fact is that it is only by concealing the racial supremacist hate that is represented at your conferences that you even have a chance of holding them.

    Even now, you are afraid to state where you will move the AmRen 2010 event to. This is because the truth is you really don’t have the courage of your convictions. You claim to seek a public debate even while you doggedly seek to keep your planned location of the AmRen 2010 event a secret. What are you afraid of?

    As for Responsible for Equality And Liberty (R.E.A.L.), we stand by the courage of our convictions. We have public events and we announce the location to the world. We don’t hide in secret conference rooms, or sulk around with pseudonyms or as you say on your website “nom de guerre.” We don’t fight a war of ideas in the shadows, but in struggle for universal human rights in broad daylight with our own names and in the public.

    That is what it means to be responsible for equality and liberty.

    Therefore, we have public events, where we announce our location and provide directions. We fear no evil. That too is what it means to be responsible for equality and liberty. In fact, while we have attended and held events at the Press Club, our preference is to have direct contact with the American public. This is why the overwhelming majority of our events have been on the public streets, in Georgetown, at the Lincoln Memorial, at the Capitol, at the Washington Monument, and in street corners and sidewalks around the United States and in Europe.

    One of those public events will be held on the street at 1355 Kenyon Street, NW, Washington DC on February 19 at 12 noon, at a park area on the corner of 14th Street NW, Park Avenue NW, and Kenyon Street NW. It is a few blocks away from the Capitol Heights metro stop. I have provided you with our public notice on this to the world below. R.E.A.L. will be addressing the challenge of racial supremacism and why we must choose love, not hate. We will also be urging the public to protest your American Renaissance conference. The public is invited to participate in all of our public events.

    So if you have something that you want to say to the American public, you are welcome to meet me on February 19 at 12 noon at the R.E.A.L. public awareness event below.

    In addition, you can be certain we will also have an event on April 4, 2010 (like we did last year) which will likely be at the Lincoln Memorial Reflecting Pool Steps where Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, gave his speech “I Have A Dream.”

    While Dr. King had a dream, R.E.A.L. understands that we have a responsibility. That is why we are – Responsible for Equality And Liberty.

    Choose Love, Not Hate. Love Wins.

    Yours in Equality and Liberty,

    Jeffrey Imm

  14. Jeffrey,

    If you hate Jared Taylor and Amren, you would have really hated the Constitutional Convention (slavery, the slave trade, fugitive slave clause). You would have hated the First Congress (Naturalization Act of 1790) even more. We’ve already seen the racist Thomas Jefferson refer to the “merciless Indian savages” in the Declaration of Independence.

  15. I wonder how he’ll feel about these snarky little excuses for persecution when the tables are turned and the world is a dangerous place for his beliefs. Every one of his arguments could have been just as easily used against a Jew by the Nazi regime to excuse their persecution.

    He asks us what we’re afraid of while playing a direct role in enabling a system which deprives us of our most basic freedoms of assembly and association. He asks us why we use pseudonyms when he and his friends engage in blatant intimidation campaigns. As for me, I’ll just make a mental note of all these arguments to use against dissidents. They may come in handy some day.

  16. Jeffrey,

    I was just wondering: why do you hold your events at the Lincoln Memorial? Do you think Abraham Lincoln would have agreed with you that White men should not be allowed to organize and petition their government?

    “I will say then that I am not, nor ever have been in favor of bringing about in anyway the social and political equality of the white and black races – that I am not nor ever have been in favor of making voters or jurors of negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people; and I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will forever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality. And inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together there must be the position of superior and inferior, and I as much as any other man am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race. I say upon this occasion I do not perceive that because the white man is to have the superior position the negro should be denied everything.”

    — Abraham Lincoln

  17. Jeffrey,

    Again, why do you hold events at the Lincoln Memorial, especially those that are supposedly against White Nationalists?

    “See our present condition—the country engaged in war! Our White men cutting one another’s throats! And then consider what we know to be the truth. But for your race among us there could not be war, although many men engaged on either side do not care for you one way or another.

    “Why should the people of your race be colonized, and where? Why should they leave this country? This is, perhaps, the first question for proper consideration. You and we are different races. We have between us a broader difference than exists between almost any other two races. Whether it is right or wrong I need not discuss, but this physical difference is a great disadvantage to us both, as I think your race suffer very greatly, many of them by living among us, while ours suffer from your presence. In a word, we suffer on each side. If this be admitted, it affords a reason at least why we should be separated. It is better for both, therefore, to be separated.”

    — Spoken at the White House to a group of black community leaders, August 14th, 1862, from COLLECTED WORKS OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN, Vol 5, page 371

  18. Hunter Wallace and Occidental Dissent posters – since you obviously have a line to Jared Taylor, let me know when he decides to reply regarding our February 19 event on noon at DC Columbia Heights. The majority of Americans who support our universal human rights are not afraid of those who promote racial hate and bigotry.

    “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” That is our declaration. That is why we are Responsible for Equality And Liberty.

    For those who hate, and those who seek to spit on others, and even worse. I pray for you to lose the hatred from your heart. We urge you to choose love, not hate.

    Unlike Jared Taylor and American Renaissance, we don’t have to HIDE where we plan to hold our public events and make them “secret.” We tell you. We give you directions. We invite the world. We are not afraid. Our universal human rights are everyone’s human rights – even those who would seek to deny them for their brothers and sisters in humanity.

    While there may be a handful, even hundreds or thousands of those who seek to promote racial supremacism, there are hundreds of millions who believe in the TRUTH that “all men are created equal.” It is what makes America a great nation. If I were gone, there would be another to replace me, and another, and another, and another. This is why the cause of hate is so hopeless.

    Find Hope in your hearts. Join your brothers and sisters in defending equality and our universal human rights.

    Love Wins.

  19. Jeffery, I’m most interested in how you can live with yourself being such a lying, dissimulating sack of shit.

    R.E.A.L. will be addressing the challenge of racial supremacism and why we must choose love, not hate.

    What about addressing the challenge of diversity and race-replacement? What about addressing the documented fact that mass diversity leads to distrust, anomie and chaos? What about addressing that it ultimately leads to the race-replacement of the founding stock of the country being diversified?

    As for choosing love, that’s fine, but shouldn’t your message be directed to the black animals whose crime rate is through the roof and who make life all but unlivable for other races wherever they congregate in numbers? Let’s face it, they’ve been judged by the content of their character and found severely wanting. Or what of the would be Aztlaners who make a mockery of established law and seek to remake as much of America in their image as they’re able by sneaking their endless masses into the country? Surely you’d agree they’re distinctly lacking in love.

    Finally, choosing reality over fiction is at least as equally important as choosing love over hate. Reality, in this case, is what remains even after you denounce it as ‘hateful.’

  20. “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” That is our declaration. That is why we are Responsible for Equality And Liberty.


    I know Jeff, what were those deluded and slave-holding Founding Fathers of ‘ours’ thinking when they put this Free Masonic propaganda in to the Declaration of Independence — for the Republic of free White men that they wished to secure for their posterity??

    Anyway Jeff, you really don’t want to quote and take seriously, or even dignify, the meanderings of those ‘White Supremacists’ like Washington, Adams and Jefferson anyway now — do you???

  21. We don’t fight a war of ideas in the shadows, but in struggle for universal human rights in broad daylight with our own names and in the public.

    Hmmm… Does he realize how stupid he is? People are driven into the shadows by oppressive forces.

  22. Imm,

    I’ll pretend for the moment that you are sincere in your beliefs.

    With that said it is YOU who are the hater and supremacist. You are working hard to prevent those very few white men who have awakened to our ongoing genocide (and yes we are in the midst of a genocide following the United Nations’ own definition) from organizing to stop it.

    As opposed to the thousands and thousands of race advocacy organizations for preferred groups within the USA there are currently next to none for Whites; and those few (like Amren) are small, marginalized, and under attack from the System which you are assisting.

    Don’t flatter yourself into thinking you are some sort of David going against the evil, racist Goliath. No, Whites have been beaten, shamed, bled, and taxed such that not only are our numbers plummeting but even among most of those left our wills and spirits have been sapped. We are currently a beaten people.

    If you relish kicking a lame dog and feeling you are the doer of great deeds then wallow in it while you can. Either groups like Amren will succeed in playing a role in the reawakening of White Man as an equal member of the peoples of the world or – with your help – we’ll disappear. This may or may not help bring about the “love” you promote but it is genocide.

  23. **A Question for Jeffrey Imm**

    Mr Imm,

    Since you say you and your organization stand for International Human Rights, as, for example, you state you are against ‘Communist Chinese totalitarianism’ and against ‘Jihadist violence’…



    CBS 60 Minutes Exposing Israeli Apartheid


    Again Mr. Imm, I, or no one else here, will relent until we get a straight and honest answer from you. If you do not in good faith respond to this reasonable proposal, then you have ZERO CREDIBILITY AS ANY KIND OF “HUMAN RIGHTS” ACTIVIST — AND YOUR CREDIBILITY WILL BE UTTERLY WORTHLESS.


    Thank you.

  24. Reality Check – we have Muslim supporters, and frequently communicate with those Muslim leaders in support of our universal human rights such as Mohamed Yahya, Dr. Zhudi Jasser, and others. In fact, we are promoting Mohamed Yahya’s Damanga event on Wednesday February 3 at the White House for human rights in the Sudan at Mohamed Yahya was a part of our December 10 Human Rights Day events, and the leader of the British Muslims for Secular Democracy (BMSD) joined our European R.E.A.L. Human Rights Day event on December 10.

    Regarding Israel, we do point out human rights challenges there and all other parts of the world, whenever egregious violations occur. Our human rights are universal to all parts of the world.

    Choose Love, Not Hate.

  25. Personally, Jeffrey, I wonder why you are stalling. Why don’t you answer these questions: What about addressing the challenge of diversity and race-replacement? What about addressing the documented fact that mass diversity leads to distrust, anomie and chaos? What about addressing that it ultimately leads to the race-replacement of the founding stock of the country being diversified? Aren’t these real issues, despite the fact that they’re “racist”? You can’t seriously imagine silly platitudes like “choose love” will help anyone avoid the consequences of the looming demographic disaster.

  26. Diversity is a human condition that is innate in our very identities as human beings. We cannot defend universal human rights without respecting such diversity.

    Moreover, to religious individuals, they should recognize that Diversity is God-given. If God has created humanity in his image (Genesis 1:27), then God has created all human beings in his image – white people, black people, Asian people, and all people.

    Choose love, not hate.

  27. Diversity is a human condition that is innate in our very identities as human beings.

    And that’s why the emergence of Homo sapiens sapiens was accompanied by the elimination of all competing hominids from the planet, boys and girls.

    We cannot defend universal human rights without respecting such diversity.

    Whereas the lesson of pre-history is that we cannot retain our humanity by indulging the sub-human.

  28. Diversity is a human condition that is innate in our very identities as human beings.

    Prove it.

    We cannot defend universal human rights without respecting such diversity.

    What are “universal human rights” and where do they come from?

    If God has created humanity in his image (Genesis 1:27), then God has created all human beings in his image – white people, black people, Asian people, and all people.

    So? How does one go from “we’re all created in God’s image” to “we must accept all people”?

  29. Clearly this character is either Jewish and merely manifesting his JN (Jewish Nationalism) by doing his best to aid in the extirpation of Euros — whom Jews see as their worst enemies, or he’s funded/backed by the Jews who use him for the same ends. The commenter signing as Reality Check, #84, had the right approach to take with this guy: pin him down on monstrous Jewish and Israeli treatment of Palestinians. Reality Check tried to pin him down but he evaded being pinned down. He shifted questions about Palestinian abuse by Jews to questions about “human rights abuses in Moslem society.” That wasn’t the question, Jeffrey. The question was where do you stand on the monstrous abuse of the Palestinians by Israel enabled by Israel’s supporters in diaspora Jewry mainly in the U.S.? You stated,

    “R.E.A.L. will be addressing the challenge of racial supremacism and why we must choose love, not hate.” “Love wins.”

    What are the dates and locations of your planned demonstrations against Israel’s racial supremacism vis-à-vis the Palestinians and in fact vis-à-vis anyone not Jewish? Do Christians and Moslems enjoy the same civil rights in Israel as Jews, and are they protected from discrimination there? When will your demonstrations take place protesting Israel’s and Jewry’s failure to “choose love not hate” in regard to the Palestinians and the occupied territories? You admonish us that “love wins” — when do you plan on taking Israel, specifically, to task — not Somalia to task, not Arab countries, not Islam, but Israel specifically — for its failure to adopt a “love wins” strategy in dealing with the Palestinians by, among other things, implementing a Right of Return for displaced Palestinians, granting Palestinians civil rights in Israel that are fully equal to those the Jews enjoy, etc.?

  30. Again, I would say what’s going on here is, very simply, this is a Jew doing what Jews have done since coming out of the Pale of Settlement in the aftermath of the French Revolution and Bonaparte: savagely attacking the fact of Eurochristian existence which they cannot stand and refuse to tolerate. Nothing new going on here: this is their modus operandi of two-centuries’ standing.

  31. What are the dates and locations of your planned demonstrations against Israel’s racial supremacism vis-à-vis the Palestinians and in fact vis-à-vis anyone not Jewish?

    For some reason I doubt REAL would hold such a demonstration, but they did promote a rally “in support of the State of Israel and Prime Minister Netanyahu across the street from the White House” to “address the Islamic supremacist threat to Israel.”

  32. NN,

    we cannot retain our humanity by indulging the sub-human.

    Is that original or a lift? If so, from where?

  33. And yes, as FB and others have noted, this guy is a kind of Pol Pot Junior: let him get any power and you’ll see the genocides begin exactly as they began in 1917. It’ll be Lazar Kaganovich redux or, as Yogi Berra might have phrased it, déjà-Jew all over again.

  34. For some reason I doubt REAL would hold such a demonstration, but they did promote a rally “in support of the State of Israel and Prime Minister Netanyahu across the street from the White House” to “address the Islamic supremacist threat to Israel.” ( — MGLS, #93)

    Well, you’ve got your answer then — the guy’s simply a Jew doing what Jews do, that’s it. He’s viciously, genocidally attacking Eurochristians because that’s what Jews do. Simple. They hate Eurochristians. No mystery. It’s what the Jewish Revolt known as “the Sixties” was all about. They’ll never stop doing it, which is why Jews and Eurochristians need to live in separate countries.

  35. Are you Jewish or of Jewish family background, Jeffrey Imm? I ask because if you are, that would explain everything about you that anyone needs to know.

  36. Jeffrey,

    Why are you misquoting Thomas Jefferson? In the same document, Jefferson refers to the “merciless Indian savages” who sided with Britain in the American Revolution and massacared White settlers along the frontier. Jefferson did not believe in racial equality. He clung to the belief that blacks should be repatriated to Africa until the end of his life.

    Jefferson explicitly assigned this glorious task to “posterity.” By that he clearly meant his White descendants. If Thomas Jefferson were here today, he would feel more comfortable at an Amren conference than just about anywhere else, and your organization would undoubtedly be harassing him too.

  37. Jeffrey,

    No one considered “diversity” an American value on par with “liberty” and “equality” until the aftermath of the Bakke decision when Justice Powell invoked it as a rationale to justify affirmative action.

  38. The traditional American ideal has always been “unity,” not “diversity.” E pluribus unum – out of many, one.

    The “many” here referred to the states, not races. If the Founding Fathers had wanted America to be a multiracial society, they would have opened our borders to immigrants from all over the world. That idea was quickly rejected by the First Congress which established whiteness as the basis of citizenship.

  39. “we cannot retain our humanity by indulging the sub-human.”

    Is that original or a lift? If so, from where?

    Original – the implication of the prior observation.

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