
Here’s the face behind the name.

In the name of “human rights,” Jeffrey Imm attacks our constitutional rights of freedom of speech, freedom of association, and freedom of assembly. His sinister thought police is far more of a threat to White liberty and equality than trivialities like the Stamp Act which provoked our ancestors to rebellion against Great Britain.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. And it is another great day to be Responsible for Equality And Liberty…

    We urge those who feel the need to hide behind pseudonyms and secret conferences that promote hate and supremacism, to release the heavy burden of hate from their hearts, and rejoin the brotherhood and sisterhood of humanity that celebrates our universal human rights.

    Choose Love, Not Hate. Love Wins.

  2. In the Soviet Union, dissidents also hid behind pseudonyms and held secret conferences because the ridiculous charge of being labeled “anti-Soviet” could destroy a man’s career and often cost him his life.

  3. This little twerp is not the man with power. The people with the power are the company that owns the hotel, and people in the media who might right an unfavorable article drawing unwelcome publicity to the hotel.

    What is the deal with the hotel? I don’t remember the name of the hotel in 2008, but the manager seemed to have a great relationship with Jared, and with American Renaissance attendees.

  4. Jeffrey,

    That’s an easy one. Communists HAVE ALWAYS used front groups in the Western democracies to undermine free societies from within. George Orwell famously lampooned this sort of nonsense: WAR IS PEACE, FREEDOM IS SLAVERY, IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH.

    That’s what you are doing here. In the name of “liberty” and “equality,” you are actually trying to undermine liberty and equality by contesting basic freedoms that Americans have enjoyed for over two centuries. The roots of your ideology are within the Marxist tradition, not in republicanism or Christianity.

  5. Hunter Wallace you state that because R.E.A.L. actively protests against and focuses on defying Communism as a totalitarian ideology of hate, therefore we must be Communists.

    I can see why you would be quoting George Orwell’s 1984.

    I urge those who promote anti-freedom ideologies of hate to release the burden of hate from their hearts. Choose Love, Not Hate.

  6. Jeffrey,

    You have only disavowed a word because of its unpopularity in the American context. Communists learned long ago to use other labels to describe their views: progressive, civil rights activist, human rights activist, environmentalist and so forth.

    The substance of what you are proposing is clearly derived from the Marxist tradition. PC is Cultural Marxism. The ritual shaming that you use to pressure hotels to cancel the AR Conference was perfected by the Bolsheviks in the USSR. The use of terms like “racist” and “anti-Semite” to demonize a whole class of people is modeled on the use of “anti-Soviet” in the Soviet Union.

  7. Jeffrey,

    I’m not the one attacking freedom of speech, freedom of association, or freedom of assembly. I have not proposed to overthrow ancient republican freedoms in the name of “human rights” or balderdash like “diversity.”

  8. MLK’s dream of a colorblind multiracial utopia was derived from Communism. In the 1920s, the only people in America agitating for that ideal were the Communists.

    Glenda Elizabeth Gilmore has an interesting book called Defying Dixie: The Radical Roots of Civil Rights, 1919-1950 which I happen to own. It tells the story of how American Communists reinvented themselves as “civil rights activists” and pushed “anti-racism” into the mainstream.

  9. No doubt Imm demands of us all the total repression of any natural and effervescent impulse, the acceptance of our slavery to the innermost chambers of our being, consistent with what the Judeo-Bolsheviks referred to as “self-criticism.”

  10. Follow the example of Jeffrey Imp: Choose your mental and physical slavery to Jewry, not “hate.” Because, you see, that which serves Jewish interests is “love,” and that which does not is “hate.” As with Bolshevism, when it ceased to be a viable vehicle for Jewish interests only then was it “supremacist” as the only power before all knees must bow is Jewish power. The Jews, G-d’s Chosen People, for whom at the end of time all the wealth of the world will be laid at their feet by all the kings of all the nations. Of course that is not a “supremacist” vision. Makes perfect sense to me.

    Imp, you jagoff.

  11. Jared Taylor backs down:

    American Renaissance’s Jared Taylor has backed down on his “challenge” to debate us on human rights, and is apparently unwilling to meet in the public arena. Apparently, Jared Taylor did not expect that we would take him up on his challenge.

    We have invited Mr. Taylor and the general public to our outdoor public event at Columbia Heights in Washington DC. The R.E.A.L. public event is on Friday, February 19 at 12 noon.

    The American Renaissance conference begins on Saturday February 20; according to the AmRen website, “the program will begin promptly at 9:00 a.m” on Saturday February 20. But American Renaissance’s Jared Taylor states that because there will be hotel registration on Friday night, beginning at 5 PM, he is now unable to speak at 12 noon on February 19, and his other excuse is that “Your event will not be an opportunity to have a proper debate, as you well know.”

    Those of us with Responsible for Equality And Liberty have the courage of our convictions, and we demonstrate that courage publicly.

    We support our unqualified, universal human rights for all. We urge white supremacist and “white nationalist” supporters to drop the burden of the hate of supremacism from their hearts, and to rejoin the family of humanity in support of our universal human rights.

    Choose Love, Not Hate.

  12. The loaded words that Imp so deftlessly wields and places as ornaments to pretty up the dung heap of his ill concealed motivations are as the pistols in the hands of the NKVD butchers who planted small conifers atop the mountain of corpses rendered such at Katyn.

  13. Dips like Imm who repeat the same slogan over and over are annoying, not persuasive.

    Repetition is for children and the mentally retarded. So, while the repetition may be effective on his usual targets (drooling lefty followers) it only annoys us adults here.

    Since you, Imm, are clearly about a mental age of 7, then you must like storybooks. So, as Glinda said, You don’t have any magic powers here. Begone.

  14. The weakness of Jared Taylor to be unwilling to show up in public for a debate that he himself issued a “challenge” is a demonstration of the inherent weakness of racial supremacist hate. Such supremacist hate is based on the lie of supremacism, rather than the truth of human equality, our universal human rights, and shared human dignity. Find the truth and drop the lie of hate. Choose Love.

    AmRen’s Jared Taylor backs down:

  15. Jeffrey Imm:

    Michael Smith here. Since you won’t give me your definition for the word “hate,” (You use it quite broadly, by context. My favorite usage is, “We do not believe the answer to hate is more hate. We do not hate those who hate, but we urge them to drop the burden of hate from their hearts.”) would it be possible for you to reply, or make any statement without using the word “hate”? Why? I could convey love in prose quite eloquently, if necessary. Hate would be even easier; however I have no idea what it means to you – you swing it around like bludgeon.

    Thanks for your consideration.

  16. Jeffrey,

    1.) Jared Taylor hasn’t denied that blacks are human beings.

    2.) Jared Taylor hasn’t said anywhere that Whites are a superior race.

    3.) Jared Taylor hasn’t said that blacks should be stripped of their constitutional rights.

    So what do you mean by “the truth of human equality” and “the lie of supremacism”? You are obviously denying that biological differences exist between human beings. That’s absurd.

  17. “Such supremacist hate is based on the lie of supremacism, rather than the truth of human equality, our universal human rights, and shared human dignity.”

    Your mind is a monument to the human intellect, Imp. To state with quantifiable certitude that all people(s) are not in fact equal is “hate,” and to aver that all in fact are equal by virtue of nebulous romantic drivel is “love.”

    Imp, you jagoff.

    P.S. And I mean it this time, tell your buddy Robert Spencer that he is a piece of shit for me. Won’t you? I know you’ll do the right thing, in the name of “love.”

  18. “Human equality” is a Darwinian absurdity. Like every other species on Earth, humans vary at the genetic level. This genetic diversity is the fuel that drives natural selection. The formation of races plays a key role in speciation.

  19. Hunter,

    I suggest you put your powers of persuasion to work at convincing Imp’s masters to do as the great Wintermute’s sockpuppet suggested they should, that is, fire Imp, hire me, so I can take one for the team by pocketing the money (no shame in it, we are capitalists here), call off the protest and disband the organization. It’s the right thing to do.

  20. It looks like he’s a sort of Fred Phelps of the Intolerant Religious Left. I’ll be interested to see him with his “The Family” cult followers. Will they repeat his slogans perfectly?

  21. Mr. “Hunter Wallace” – as you call me a “Bolshevik,” perhaps you could explain R.E.A.L.’s extensive opposition to Communist Totalitarianism:

    Communism, in its aspiration and ultimate consequence, is anarchistic and thus radically anti-totalitarian – anticipating and facilitating the ultimate withering away and destruction of the State that allegedly serves only the evil suppression of the lower orders.

    The Communist police states of the past were the tools and weapons that militants learned were necessary from the failure of straightforward anarchist measures against the traditional militaristic regimes and races that they wished to bring down and exterminate.

    But the intrinsic administrative incompetence and ideologically-based delusions of egalitarian utopians have always meant the gross exaggeration of brutality, surveillance, and indoctrination of subject populations, on the way to the global millenarian stateless arcadia.

    Thus the predictable irony of the seemingly most humane aspirations leading (temporarily) to the most horrid of administrative arrangements, for lack of a mature confrontation with the intractable aspects of human governance judged in terms of “justice” and “fairness” and “rights” and “equality”.

  22. Imm,

    Your hatred of white people has been revealed for all to see who read this blog. In your twisted mind we can only “love” if we give up all efforts of self-defense in a world that has clearly targeted us for extinction.

    You support a system run by diversity destroyers yet you are either too witless to see it or do see it and crassly still serve them since they have the power and wealth. You prattle about your courage as if being a commissar in the Soviet Union also demonstrated such. It is groups like Amren who are the dissidents and men like Taylor who have courage. He is the Solzhenitsyn to your Khrushchev. It is your masters who are guilty of the very things you project onto those few whites who are standing up for their own people.

    Doubtless the System may find you useful in promoting their agenda amongst defenseless children through the boob hatcheries called schools but here you are exposed as an imbecile, a hypocrite, and a proponent of genocide.

    In some sense I hope you succeed in shutting down this effort at free assembly by Amren. It will only serve to radicalize us all the more and reveal to a lot more of our people the true character of the enemy we face.

  23. People like this is why it’s good for our side to know NLP. Anytime he makes a reference to “today” or “on this day” it’s a hypnotic technique called “pacing,” or stating the obvious.

    Obama does the same thing. When he says, “As I stand before you now” your subconscious is forced to say “yes” because he is saying something that is obvious.

    That said, Imm is a crude practitioner. But the whole “human rights” is a trigger phrase for a lot of people who have already been brainwashed. Just as the brain has receptors for heroin, people who have lived in front of the TV and movies all their lives have implanted receptors for trigger phrases like “human rights.”

    I suspect it will end in some kind of Kool-Aid party. Worship of equality is a death cult, because only in death, do we become equal, but it is of course an equality of nothingness.

    Forced equality can only come about via murder. As living beings, we’ll Live and Revel in our Inequality!

    Those who have the Will to Power, both the Will to external domination, and inner dominion over oneself, say Yes to life and Yes to upward striving and yes to hegemony and dominance.

    We’re going to say Yes to all these things, and there’s not a gosh darn thing Imp will ever do about it.

  24. And of course I was remiss not to add, that, as Farrakhan said, Judaism is a gutter religion, as its adherents are gutter dwellers.

    Oh yeah, and the effort to converse with Imp in ‘reasonable’ and ‘respectable’ fashion is farcical in light of the utter contempt and disrespect he gives as thanks in the form of his opaque though all too transparent rhetoric.

    Imp, I’m afraid I must insist that you deliver the message I require of you to your swarthy, hook-nosed handler, the inimitable Robert Spencer I mean, to wit: that he is a piece of shit. Yes, I really must insist. Thanks much, jagoff.

  25. CC, is there some relationship between Imm and Spencer? I don’t follow. (Forgive me if you’re just making a joke I’m not getting.)

  26. Fred,

    “Those of you who follow Robert Spencer’s Jihad Watch know that Jeffrey Im[p] frequently provides news items for that site.”


    Other than that, I am not aware of the depths of Imp’s relationship with Spencer, though it is not hard to imagine that there is a substantial collaboration beyond that mentioned above. I confess to some hyperbole and crudity in way of humor, though, of course. I further confess that Imp is indeed a jagoff, but that it were not so.

  27. And, as commensurate with MY rhetoric, it is my contention that there should be nothing offered to Jews except a policy of scorched earth at the end of which lies their total expulsion from White countries. I do not care any longer if some accommodation can be had with them, they will – and history is the best indicator of this – stab us in the back later.

    Any White man who would even make a show at groveling before the Jews has forfeited his manhood. He is then a eunuch, a house slave, a shabbos goy. Funny that Imp gets himself worked into such a lather at the prospect of protesting one of said in the person of Jared Taylor.

  28. (*Reposting this question for Mr. Imm from the other thread*)

    Regarding Israel, we do point out human rights challenges there and all other parts of the world, whenever egregious violations occur. Our human rights are universal to all parts of the world. — Jeff Imm

    Appreciate the reply, but I must respectfully say that this is not an honest and direct answer on your part, Mr. Imm.

    You are clearly obfuscating, and saying that you have ‘Muslim supporters’ (in Africa, no less) means nothing in relation to the question posed to you about murderous Jewish Supremacism and hegemonic Zionist Imperialism (backed up by ‘racist America’) in the Middle East.

    So Jeffrey, do you have any Palestinian or any other Arab Muslim/Christian members or supporters of your organization who are indeed also pro-Palestianian Human and Civil Rights leaders as well??

    Does your organization highlight and address the State of Israel’s Crimes against Humanity(?), or, as commenter MGLS says, was your organization – “in support of the State of Israel and Prime Minister Netanyahu across the street from the White House” to “address the Islamic supremacist threat to Israel.”(?)

    I will be politely asking (and encouraging others as well) for you to frankly answer this very reasonable question.

    Thank you again.

  29. (Just to let you all know, this was my original question for Mr. Imm, of which we are still waiting for a straight answer) –

    **A Question for Jeffrey Imm**

    Mr Imm,

    Since you say you and your organization stand for International Human Rights, as, for example, you state that you are against ‘Communist Chinese totalitarianism’ and against ‘Jihadist violence’…



    CBS 60 Minutes Exposing Israeli Apartheid



    Again Mr. Imm, I, or no one else here, will relent until we get a straight and honest answer from you. If you do not in good faith respond to this reasonable proposal, then you have ZERO CREDIBILITY AS ANY KIND OF “HUMAN RIGHTS” ACTIVIST — AND YOUR REPUTATION WILL BE UTTERLY WORTHLESS.


    Thank you.

  30. Keep after him on Israel, RealityCheck — don’t let him get away with being evasive on that. Smoke him out.

  31. This clown looks like he just stepped out of Mexican soap opera, ridiculously dramatic and terrible acting. You… must… have… a terrible… memory… Jeff… rey. Learn your lines and work on your delivery, it’s horribly fragmented.

  32. The guy is in all likelihood Jewish. In saying he was a Christian he evaded my question about his family background and will continue to evade it. His whole thing amounts to JN. There’s nothing more elevated or objective in it than that.

  33. Jeffrey Imm’s constant invoking of “love” is quite apt, though not for the reason he thinks. In Orwell’s 1984, the Ministry of Love’s purpose was to enforce loyalty to and love of Big Brother through fear, torture, and brainwashing. Thoughtcriminals were punished and tortured in the Ministry of Love in order to instill love of Big Brother.

  34. More Excuses from American Renaissance’s Jared Taylor via email and REAL’s Reply – I notice how Taylor won’t tell you about this…

    —–Original Message—–
    From: “R.E.A.L. Organization”
    Sent: Jan 31, 2010 9:19 PM
    To: Jared Taylor
    Subject: Re: Message from Jared Taylor

    Mr. Taylor –
    Once again, you are focused on making excuses rather than meeting a challenge that YOU made.
    I have provided you a venue, a date, a time, a place, and even a map. Unlike you, I am willing to “submit my views to public criticism.”
    Clearly you thought I wouldn’t reply. Clearly you don’t understand our commitment to being Responsible for Equality and Liberty.
    Specifically, your challenge was for “So long as the meeting takes place before the American Renaissance conference is scheduled to begin — a date with which you are familiar — it can be at a time of your choosing.” Those are your words.
    Your conference begins on Saturday, February 20 at 9 AM, as you are well aware.

    But now you are too busy “preparing” at noon on February 19?

    This means of course that it could be any day between now and February 20, and you would still be too busy “preparing.”
    Apparently it can be a “time of my choosing,” as long as you didn’t think I would take you up on the challenge. You weren’t “prepared” for that.

    What you are not “prepared” for is to honestly address the American people – neither the American public, nor the hotels that you seek to do business with.
    What you are not “prepared” for is to meet me in broad daylight on the street, and under the scrutiny of the public.
    What you are not “prepared” for is letting the public see the weakness of the lie of racial supremacism.
    You can preach to your “choir” of those who already agree with that lie, but you are not “prepared” to face the American public who know the truth of human equality.

    If an American public street corner is not a “proper, public” setting for you to address the American public, then it is not just me that American Renaissance is afraid of – it is America itself that you are afraid of. How ironic – the very thing you claim to seek to be a “Renaissance” of – is the one thing you fear the most: America.

    That is the real point. It is no different than your efforts towards finding a “secret” location for your AmRen 2010 conference that you don’t have the courage to tell the public. It is no different than blaming me and R.E.A.L. when the hotels that you sought to do business found out the truth about what you and your organization claim to be promoting, and they could not stomach such an association.

    The real reason why Jared Taylor cannot meet with us is the same reason why American Renaissance seeks to hide in the shadows.
    American Renaissance fears the honest reaction of the American people to racial supremacist hate and to its practicing of belittling others based on their race.

    R.E.A.L.’s February 19, 12 Noon event at Columbia Heights will continue to stand.

    We don’t expect the American Renaissance members to be willing to show up. We expect that they know exactly how the American people will reject such hate.

    However, you should know that while R.E.A.L. may seek the rejection of your ideology, but we don’t reject you as human beings. Our universal human rights are also your universal human rights. There is always a path back to rejoining those who stand in support of our shared human rights.

    Choose Love, Not Hate. Love Wins.
    Yours in Equality and Liberty,
    Jeffrey Imm, Responsible for Equality And Liberty

    —–Original Message—–
    From: Jared Taylor
    Sent: Jan 31, 2010 5:46 PM
    To: “REAL Organization”
    Subject: Re: Message from Jared Taylor

    We will be preparing for our conference on Feb. 19, and you know very well that you do not plan to give me equal time to defend my point of view. The only fair venue would be one that is a proper public debate with equal time for both sides.

    Your proposal that I come be part of your audience is laughable.

    Clearly, you do not wish to submit your views to public criticism.

  35. Freaking loser. Hey, why don’t you just show up at the Amren conference and debate there? Because you’d get your ass handed to you, probably in more ways than one, that’s why.

    People like you aren’t called the slippery ones for nothing.

  36. Imm,

    I don’t care about your definition of “Hate”. I want to know what your definition of “Universal Human Rights” is.

    Well, what is it?

    Does it include the right for a White to care more about the future of his own race than the future of other races?

    Does it include the right of a Man to care more about the future of his own family than the future of other families?

    In conclusion, I think this is another great day for you to reject Hating Jared Taylor, and embrace Loving Him.

    It is another great day for your wife to make love to me.

    It is another great day for your daughters to make love to me, both at the same time, that the blessed blessings of loving love can be doubled, while my lovical satisfaction is exponentially lovecreased.

    Reject the Hatred in your hearts, Ladies, that stops you from unleashing the Love of God that lurks in your comely Loins, and wait, your heart beating so hard in your chests that its painful, for the hard thrusting consummation of God’s loving plan.

  37. The guy is in all likelihood Jewish. In saying he was a Christian he evaded my question about his family background and will continue to evade it.

    He could very well be a JudeoXtian, seeing as how he’s both a moral and physical coward. Probably learned the fine art of obfuscation from the visting seminary rabbi.

  38. Orion14: “why don’t you just show up at the Amren conference and debate there?”

    I plan to. It is just that Jared Taylor is afraid to tell me where it is going to be at. Just like he is apparently afraid to debate me in public.

    But you let me know where it will be (that is if you can summon the courage to do so), and I will be there, right out on the sidewalk to speak on behalf of equality and liberty, where the world can see it.

    Of course you don’t know where it will be either. Jared Taylor is afraid to tell you as well. The American Renaissance is so afraid of America, it is afraid to be honest with you as well.

  39. “I plan to. It is just that Jared Taylor is afraid to tell me where it is going to be at.”

    Yeah, totally unreasonable not to tell the guy who got the first location cancelled where the second location will be.

  40. From the universal declaration of human rights:

    Article 28.
    Everyone is entitled to a social and international order in which the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration can be fully realized.

    Article 29.
    (1) Everyone has duties to the community in which alone the free and full development of his personality is possible.

    (2) In the exercise of his rights and freedoms, everyone shall be subject only to such limitations as are determined by law solely for the purpose of securing due recognition and respect for the rights and freedoms of others and of meeting the just requirements of morality, public order and the general welfare in a democratic society.

    (3) These rights and freedoms may in no case be exercised contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations.

    Article 30.
    Nothing in this Declaration may be interpreted as implying for any State, group or person any right to engage in any activity or to perform any act aimed at the destruction of any of the rights and freedoms set forth herein.

    Read the entire POS here:

  41. Reginald – I didn’t get anything canceled. AmRen did. Even in this tough economy, AmRen’s own statements were so full of hate that the Dulles Marriott and the Dulles Westin refused to take their money. If AmRen had been honest with them, they never would have done business with them in the first place. But AmRen was afraid of them. Just like AmRen is afraid to tell us the next company it plans to deceive.

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