
Here’s the face behind the name.

In the name of “human rights,” Jeffrey Imm attacks our constitutional rights of freedom of speech, freedom of association, and freedom of assembly. His sinister thought police is far more of a threat to White liberty and equality than trivialities like the Stamp Act which provoked our ancestors to rebellion against Great Britain.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “statements were so full of hate”

    Jesus, Imp, the mask may slip, but it never comes completely off, now does it? What do you say when Jews congregate in a place to discuss what is – and this is pretty well the whole of Jewish ‘morality’ – ‘good for the Jews’? Wait, don’t say it, I already know, “love.”

  2. I have my differences with Jared Taylor, but he would no doubt mop the floor with Jeffrey Imm in an honest debate forum. Imm and his flunkies would simply pack the debate hall full of leftist troublemakers for the purpose of heckling Jared every time he attempted to speak.

    I am not very familiar with Imm and his neo-Marxist organization but I can’t find where they have ever harassed the Nation of Islam, La Raza, MEcha or any other radical non-white group that preaches hatred and intolerance of white people? Why is that Jeffrey? Look up the word hypocrite in the dictionary and you just might find your picture.

    Admit to all that you harbor a pathological hatred of white people who wish to defend their racial and cultural heritage. Any of us would be happy to serve as your instructor in a remedial U.S. Constitution course that you so desperately need. That is, when you complete your serious study of Karl Marx and Vladimir Lenin.

  3. Like pus rising to the tip of a festering carbuncle, Imm graces the world with cliche, hypocrisy, platitudes and a brand of self importance that is greasy and familiar.

    From what I can see its more than a good thing that Mr. Taylor objects to the debate venue and has other things to consider–for now. I suspect the bloodbath will eventually take place and Mr. Imm will take a sound spanking like some insolent brat at a WalMart checkout line.

  4. “I can’t find where they have ever harassed the Nation of Islam, La Raza, MEcha or any other radical non-white group that preaches hatred and intolerance of white people” ( — Mr. Dithers)

    Or where they have ever harrassed Israel for its barbaric treatment of the Palestinians.

    Very strange ….

  5. “We have an aging white America … They are dying …We have got to eliminate the gringo, and what I mean by that is if the worst comes to the worst, we have got to kill him.”
    – Jose Angel Gutierrez, professor, University of Texas, Arlington and founder of the La Raza Unida political party.

    The above comment doesn’t promote love, tolerance and interracial brotherhood but upon perusal of Jeffrey Imm’s site I can find no condemnation of Jose Angel Gutierrez or of Mexican racial hatred and chauvinism. This is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to non-white hatred of whites. Does this qualify as hate Jeffrey? Explain yourself.

  6. >I am not very familiar with Imm and his neo-Marxist organization but I can’t find where they have ever harassed the Nation of Islam, La Raza, MEcha or any other radical non-white group that preaches hatred and intolerance of white people? Why is that Jeffrey?<

    Because a beating of epic proportions is not on his honey-do list.

  7. To Jeffrey Imm:

    One reason I seek your definition of “hate” is that reading any paragraph from you and omitting that word, renders everything you write, meaningless. Please look for yourself. But I suspect that you have, since you are now lightening up on the rhetoric, and have written your first empty paragraph without the word.

    Without the word, do you have anything to say? Unlike you, not a single poster here would be rendered impotent by omitting a single word. Please engage or define.

    If you see yourself as a champion of a universal, you must be ashamed to be rendered flaccid by the striking of a single word from your vocabulary. More so, from lofty rhetoric to the squeak of a mouse, this is how you are seen by those with intellect above the easily swayed of your sloganeering.

    Why can a single word be both the alpha and omega of your explicit worldview? No serious scholar or believer could reduce Christ to one word, such as Love. Why is “hate” your lynch-pin? Where do you go from that – how many steps back, before you can go forward? If you are sincere, which many here would doubt, how you must ache in your soul. You’ve defined yourself by “hate,” … you hate it. It has consumed you. You have nothing without this foe.

    This is the true definition of hate… and you should really let it go. Nobody here “hates” you. I’ve been here long enough to know that the majority would sneer at you (before forgetting you), and a minority would pity you. Nobody wishes ill upon you, just that you remain another forgettable 90% until reality actually straightens you out, and you can add a dimension to your understanding of where we have been (and will be going).

    I love the Psalms, but hit the Gospels — Christ calls you for now. Let the dead bury the dead.

    Good luck, Mike

  8. Whether Imm’s reluctance to pursue militant Blacks, Mestizos, and Jews is because he agrees with the genocidal double standard that is prevalent (only Whites can’t organize) or because he fears them and not us reveals him as either a hypocrite, coward or both. He’s simply a ubiquitous reflection of the zeitgeist: like a fly on shit.

    This case also exposes the continued weakness of our situation. We are not yet feared. There’s a lot of “love” that will stop being shared once we have some big stick backing our cause.

  9. The guy is in all likelihood Jewish. In saying he was a Christian he evaded my question about his family background and will continue to evade it. His whole thing amounts to JN. There’s nothing more elevated or objective in it than that.

    On that thread a link to a 2004 news article was posted. The article stated that Imm has a Jewish wife, is a former FBI employee, as of 2004 was working as a consultant for the Department of Homeland Security, and is a member of the Simon Wiesenthal Center.

  10. http://www.clevelandjewishnews.com/articles/2004/03/11/news/local/bcover0312.txt

    Jeffrey Imm, who lives in Baltimore, read the CJN article on a terrorist and hate crime watch Web site where it had been posted. Imm, a former FBI employee who does outsourcing work for Homeland Security, thought the incident was nothing less than reprehensible.

    Imm’s wife, Karen (nee Heiser), a former Clevelander who is Jewish, recalls asking her husband, “Are you sure you want to put your phone number on those?” He assured her he did, adding, “I know what I believe, and I believe it firmly.”

    Reverend Eberts made a point of indicating to me in his correspondence that being anti-Israel is not the same as being antisemitic,” says Imm. In reply, Imm, a member of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, sent both Shull and Eberts a complimentary copy of the Wiesenthal publication, Dismantling the Big Lie.

  11. That article was about “an antisemitic incident that occurred at the College of Wooster” and “antisemitism masquerading as anti-Zionism.”

    In that article Imm is quoted expressing his desire for a college professor to suppress “antisemitic speech.”

    “Ever since the attack against our country in New York and Washington, there has been such a bonding in our country,” Imm says. “I can’t imagine why, when Makhlouf brought up the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, Gordon didn’t stand up right then and say, ‘Stop right there. This speech is now over.’ We all lose when hate is fostered, whether it’s through a cross burning at a KuKluxKlan rally, or an antisemitic speech on a college campus.” Imm has taken the first steps to creating a new Web site to fight antisemitism: http://www.againstnazi.com.

  12. SPQR says:

    >>I am not very familiar with Imm and his neo-Marxist organization but I can’t find where they have ever harassed the Nation of Islam, La Raza, MEcha or any other radical non-white group that preaches hatred and intolerance of white people? Why is that Jeffrey?Because a beating of epic proportions is not on his honey-do list.

    Something like that.


  13. You know, it’s exactly because Homeland Security is the kind of operation that would hire someone like Imp, that they will lose.

    Get ready for the Ash Heap of History, America.

  14. “We all lose when hate is fostered, whether it’s through a cross burning at a KuKluxKlan rally, or an antisemitic speech on a college campus.”

    Those two examples of hate are both extremely rare in modern America as well as relatively harmless but are clearly props meant to convey hostility to Whites. They are boilerplate parts of the Orwellian definition of hate that Imm simply parrots.

    Why doesn’t Imm mention inter-racial murder and rape as evidence of hate? They occur on the order of thousands of times to one compare to his examples of hate. Why doesn’t Imm mention unjustified war by the US government as evidence of hate? How about the torching of the Branch Davidians or the Ruby Ridge murders by his own precious FBI?

    No “hate” isn’t killing innocent people. “Hate” is when those same people try to oppose these evils and “love” is when they are stopped so that the killing and theft can continue.

    This is the perverse morality of the modern USA/West. Imm simply reveals it in all its ugliness without the slightly more subtle delivery of the MSM.

  15. Dang, I fell asleep listening to that crap. Whatever was he droning on about again? I think he said, human rights, human rights, human rights, over and over for about 5 minutes.

  16. Jeffrey Imm reports himself to be a Presbyterian and has a Jewish wife according to this article in the Cleveland Jewish News.


    1. A man concerned about our nation’s security: “Jeffrey Imm. . .lives in Baltimore. . .Imm, a former FBI employee who does outsourcing work for Homeland Security. . .”

    2. A man of faith: “As a Presbyterian, it was a gross insult to me personally.”

    3. Blessed with a Jewish wife: “Imm’s wife, Karen (nee Heiser), a former Clevelander who is Jewish, recalls asking her husband, “Are you sure you want to put your phone number on those?”

  17. Jeffrey, you know as well as Jared Taylor and anyone else that Jared Taylor would just be shouted down by antifas if he tried to speak at a street corner. I don’t know what you think the fact that he’s not interested in being shouted down on a street corner implies about him, or why you think anybody is so impressed by this that you feel the need to comment about it repeatedly.

  18. A more pointed question regarding human rights and Israel. Never mind their treatment of the Palestinians (which you dismiss with a hand wave and aspersions (valid or not) cast on Muslims). Their immigration policies make the policies proposed by AMREN look like they could have come from Teddy Kennedy. Not only is Israel a “Jews only” state when it comes to who can get residence and citizenship there, she is a “whites only” state as well. Falasha Jews from Ethiopia need no longer apply since 2007. Does that meet your definition of a “racist state”? Additionally, guest workers (men only) are required to sign a contract that they will not have sexual relationships with Jewish women. I take it you have no plans to call hotels hosting Zionist conferences any time soon.

  19. Don’t get me wrong — imo, the Israelis have sensible reasons to exclude Falashas: avoiding the law enforcement, welfare and ward costs of allowing into their land largely unemployed and unemployable people with average 70 IQ who bring with them severe social pathologies (for the ones already there and fortunately for the “natives”, land covenants keep them out of nice Ashkenazi neighborhoods) and among other things, coarsen the social tone of the nation. If it weren’t for the hypocrisy and duplicity of Israel-loving “anti-racists” like Imm, Israel’s immigration policies would be unremarkable to me. Just the way normal people protect their extended families and their territories.

    BTW, you might consider as your next haranguing target the Dalai Lama, as some of his rhetoric sounds similar to Taylor’s:
    “I have made it clear that negotiations must centre around ways to end Chinas population transfer policy which threatens the survival of the Tibetan people; …the restoration of control to the Tibetan people of all matters affecting their own affairs…. While repeating the position that China is prepared to negotiate, the Chinese Government continues to seek a final solution to the question of Tibet: the flooding of Tibet with Chinese settlers so as to entirely overpower and assimilate the Tibetan people.”

  20. FeminizedWesternMale
    Nobody wishes ill upon you

    Speak for yourself. I wish the worst on anyone plotting white genocide.

  21. coldequation is absolutely right. It is absurd that Imm thinks it implies anything about Jared Taylor that he refuses to go listen to Imm whip a mob into a frenzy against the Amren conference and get shouted down or assaulted by antifa scum on a street corner in Washington, DC five hours before registration for the conference begins. In making such a disingenuous invitation, Imm is the one who has been revealed as a coward.

    Additionally, Jeffrey Imm is truly an idiot if he genuinely believes that in today’s America it takes courage to attack “racists,” be against “hate,” and repetitively chant the phrases “Choose love not hate” and “Love wins.”

  22. Why doesn’t Imm mention unjustified war by the US government as evidence of hate?

    No kidding. It’s Imm’s (former) employer that’s been killing non-White Iraqis by the hundreds of thousands for the last two decades. White Nationalists uniformly oppose the slaughter, much as their forebears (such as Senator Ben Tillman) opposed US imperialism in the Phillippines 100 years ago.

  23. If I were paid to rack up convictions against “right-wing extremists”, I would troll around all their forums and blogs, whipping them into an impotent rage, then fishing around for those who are provoked into suggesting violence or implying anti-government activity. I would be deliberately provocative, parroting the most vacuous innanities cognizable until somebody finally popped off with a threat.

    I would get paid, REAL paid, to sit in my pajamas all day and troll people. It would be a good life. I would be a hero in the fight against “racism” and I would get that thrill going up my leg that comes with being a secret agent. When the pickings got slim, I could use my deep connections among ARA types to turn in some leftist and anarchist radicals.

    I’m not accusin’ or implyin’. I’m just sayin’.

  24. The Dalai Lama’s last visit to my city on behalf of Seeds of Compassion http://www.seedsofcompassion.org/who/ was a five day orgy of multiculturalism and diversity like I’ve never seen before or since. We were bombarded by the local media with coming together coverage of the presence of representatives of every minority community in the state. European-Americans (like the Mayor, the police and the stadium management) participated as civic functionaries not as members of any race, religion, or ethnic enclave. Of course, the deracinated white public presence outnumbered the others, but the emphasis at all the events was on the the costumes and the causes of the minorities. It was a frightening and abject spectacle of anti-racism in action.

  25. Jeffrey Imm

    How are your thoughts about Israeli Prime Minster Netanyahu’s recent remarks about Israel’s enthnocentric immigration policy?

    Also, would you protest a hotel chain hositng a conference by La Raza-that’s The Race in English?

    Also, can you explain why the Majority White American Christian population should tolerate an immigration policy that would reduce them to an ever dwindling racial population within the borders of America surrounded by a hostile post-1965 nonwhite population?

    Also, what is your position on Native Born White Christian American fertility whuich has been quite low since 1973. What you like to see this demographc group increase its fertility level-surpassing hispanic and asian fertilty levels- so that Native Born White Christian Americans can reclaim its 90 percent demographic majority prior to the passage of the 1965 act? Awaiting your reply.

  26. Mr. Imm,
    You have apparently invited Jared Taylor to debate you in a forum full of your own supporters. Mr. Taylor would be debating in an arena full of people extremely biased against him with no interest whatsoever in allowing him to express his viewpoints. I have seen this sort of thing before. The following is my belief. You would get cheers and he would get booed. Then at some point, perhaps due to impatience, one or more of your more radical supporter(s) would engage in some sort of stunt thus ending the dabate. There is no question about it. If you were serious about engaging in a true debate you would be willing to reach a mutual agreement with Jared Taylor to meet in an unbiased forum, or at least a less biased one than a room full of your supporters. You are clearly not serious about having a true debate but rather appearing as though you are.

    Ted Morris

  27. This Imm guy reminds me of Mark Potok of the SPLC. Gaunt and droning on with these flaccid scripted lines. It’s like they don’t really believe what they’re saying but instead have to force themselves to do so. (“Pete”)

    Indeed – but I suspect the truth is that there is nothing there to “believe” or disbelieve. His robotic repetition of magical incantations reminds one of Church ritual, alchemical experiments, and formulaic propaganda.

    The words are empty, but their mere vocalization is held to have effect.

    “Hocus-Pocus,” and the bread and wine are transformed.

    Thus, no point in “debating” the Imp. He is not involved in such a transaction. He is a magician, propagandist, and hypnotist, as Kievsky has insightfully explained.

  28. Jeffrey’s cliche that “Love Wins” is facile. He knows it too. That is why the AR Conference must be stopped at all costs. PC leftists can’t win on a fair playing field. If “Love Wins” is inevitable, why bother harassing Jared Taylor?

    If you closely examine American history, the long term trend has always been short bursts of war induced egalitarianism followed by long term retrenchment. The Revolution was followed by the Antebellum era. Reconstruction was followed by the Jim Crow South. By the mid-1970s, the Civil Rights Movement ebbed into “Benign Neglect.”

    In each case, egalitarianism flourished because Whites were fighting Whites. In the Revolution, it was Britain. In the Civil War, it was the Confederacy. In the Second World War and Cold War, it was Germany and the Soviet Union. Each time the expansion of so-called “civil rights” depended on White men cutting each others throats.

    War on the pacified European continent is now almost unthinkable. No one in Western Europe lives in fear of Russian tanks anymore. If White Nationalists could operate unmolested, we would quickly conquer a lot of political ground.



    CBS 60 Minutes Exposing Israeli Apartheid



  30. Mr Imm,

    We in the UK saw what happened when Nick Griffin of the BNP was invited onto BBC TV’s “Question Time” to “debate”. There were violent protests in the streets outside the BBC studios by so-called “anti-fascists”, both before and after the programme. They tried to prevent Mr Griffin gaining access to the studios. Several police officers and members of the public were injured. The programme format was changed especially to allow Mr Griffin to be continually heckled, abused, insulted, interrupted, ridiculed and shouted down. The audience was hostile, the panel host was hostile, the other panel members were hostile. This was on a well established, well respected, supposedly politically unbiased TV programme, that has been a political debating platform for around 30 years. If a man like Nick Griffin cannot be allowed to speak freely in a regulated situation like that, watched by millions on TV, then what hope would there be for Jared Taylor on a street corner, facing a hostile crowd? It would be a recipe for riot and murder. If you truly want to debate Mr Taylor, how about just the two of you, no live audience, just a TV camera?

  31. This Imm guy reminds me of Mark Potok of the SPLC. Gaunt and droning on with these flaccid scripted lines. It’s like they don’t really believe what they’re saying but instead have to force themselves to do so. (”Pete”)

    OMG, you are so right, this guy Imm is an actor — and a horrible one at that.

    He can’t even properly read the script that his Israeli handlers gives him.

    *Actually, I think he is also just trying to hold back the laughs and snickers from reading such ‘seseme-street’ level childish inanity.

  32. On YouTube, this video is set up by REAL with comments disabled. What more needs to be said in support of the position that REAL fears open debate?

  33. Here is Jeffrey Imm’s definition of a racist:A Native Born White Christian American who opposes a legal immigration policy that will reduce, over time, reduce Native Born White Christian Americans to an ever dwindling racial minority within the borders of American. Nonracist:a hispanic,asian,african or muslim-a bunch of foriegners and their “American” born children who fanatically support the continuation of post-1965 legal immigration policy with the intent of reducing the Native Born White Christian America population to a very small demographic percentage of the United Staes.

    This is just another way of saying that Jeffrey Imm and post-1965 nonwhites harbor very nasty intentions towards the majority NATIVE BORN WHITE AMERICAN population. These intentions are very likely to be genocidal.

    Native Born White Christian Americans would have to be insane to put their fate in the hands of Jeffrey Imm,Mark Potok, La Raza-that is:THE RACE-Noam Chomsky and post-1965 nonwhites and their “America” born children. This what Jared Taylor and Peter Brimelow should harp on over and over again in public debates.

    Any thoughts Jeff?

  34. Indeed – but I suspect the truth is that there is nothing there to “believe” or disbelieve. His robotic repetition of magical incantations reminds one of Church ritual, alchemical experiments, and formulaic propaganda. — NeoNietzsche

    An even better explanation of the intra-psychological deadness of the ‘Imp’!

    Well, that’s what happens with these passive-agressive nerds in– they are so consumed with hostility and envy, that they become these robotic automatons who will sell their soul to the highest bidder (in this case, the Israeli government), just so they can strike and lash out at those they know are their natural betters, especially towards the aristocratic gentleman Jared Taylor?

    *Damn, just look where all that philo-semitism has gotten Jared Taylor and his AmericanRenaissance!?!

    Jews can be so darn ingrateful!

  35. I sincerely hope Mr. Imm that you will scroll up to number 84 and read my suggestion at the end of my letter to you. I’ll go ahead and simplify things and repost it here.

    “If you were serious about engaging in a true debate you would be willing to reach a mutual agreement with Jared Taylor to meet in an unbiased forum, or at least a less biased one than a room full of your supporters.”

  36. I’ve always said our biggest enemies are white. Imm is a perfect example. There is nothing lower than a race traitor!

    What are all the Imms of this country going to do when the government implodes?

  37. Mr. Imm, I have a simple question for you. A hypothetical one – which I really don’t expect you to answer:

    What if, hypothetically speaking, there were an organization that had no stance on racial differences, did not belittle anybody, showed no signs of hatred at all and respected everybody for what they are – and this organization specifically promoted the interests of whites. Just a civil rights group for white people. Would you have a problem with such a group holding a conference? I await your reply…

  38. Imm doesn’t love. He hates. And the oblect of his hate is the majority Native Born White American Christian population. His intent is to harm this group very severely economically; and at the same time, rapidly race-replace Whites with a hostile and very large post-1965 nonwhites who will have the power to discrminate against Native Born White Americans. And if Native Born White American Christians rebell against their oppresion ..they will be slaughtered by the post-1965 nonwhite majority….who will be armed to the teeth.

    Jeffrey Imm has declared war against our people. He is a disgusting invade the world -invite the world neocon. His allegiance is completetly to the ehnocentric state of Israel.

    When the full-blown revolt of the NATIVE BORN WHITE CHRISTIAN AMERICANS majority occurs, Jeffrey Imm should seriously think about migrating to his favorate nation state-Israel. I have Jeffrey Imm peggged for what he is:a goddam race traitor. And he knows it.

  39. Wrong Again, Mr. Taylor


    From: “R.E.A.L. Organization”

    To: Jared Taylor

    Subject: Wrong Again, Mr. Taylor

    Date: Feb 1, 2010 7:58 PM

    Mr. Taylor –
    Once again your facts are all wrong. I deleted the web page stating the Westin was going to host the AmRen conference simply because they were no longer hosting it. The reason the date on that deleted post was January 4, was because I needed to bury the story (not promote it) once the Westin started talking to me. The only way to do that with my blog software was to change the date backwards in time. In fact, I was not promoting Westin’s involvement in the planned AmRen conference. After I initially posted the report to our website to get the Westin’s attention, I then buried the posting as much as possible while talking to them.

    Once they agreed to assess the information on your organization, I agreed not to further publicize their involvement or go to the media. Ask them yourself. I had no desire to embarrass the Westin. As the general manager’s letter showed, I talked to them, then waited patiently for weeks, with one or two follow-up telephone calls. I had nothing to do with the other organizations’ actions that you claim, and I gave the Westin only one small folder of information of readily available information on AmRen (including from your web site) in one meeting I had with the Westin managers. Clearly I didn’t need to give them much information, all of which was from public sources.

    Moreover, you seem to have concocted some conspiracy theory that I have chosen to speak on a public street corner to ensure that those who disagree with me will be harassed. In fact, I have chosen a public street corner to directly reach the American public, not just a filtered version by selected media.

    I have given you a public place on a public street corner, where you are free to challenge me, and it is before the start of your event on February 20. I have no advantage on the sidewalk over you. It is a public place, where you can be certain I have contacted the DC police on my planned assembly, and I am certain they will be watching. If you choose to show up and debate, I will turn off my microphone. I will debate you face-to-face, just like I would debate any other person who meets us in public. When others who disagree with us debate us, I don’t stop them and demand that we go to get an expensive room in the Press Club and hire a moderator, I have the willingness and courage to debate them in public on the spot. Every time we have a public event, I am always willing to face public criticism of my ideas. This is something apparently that you and the American Renaissance cannot do and will not do, despite your alleged “challenge.”

    The truth that we hold self-evident that all men are created equal, will always defeat the lie of racial supremacism. It is this truth that the American Renaissance is unwilling to face, just as it is unwilling to face the scrutiny of the American people in broad daylight.

    We urge you to find peace in your heart, by rejecting the hate of racial supremacism, and find love for your fellow human beings by accepting such universal human rights of equality.

    Choose Love, Not Hate. Love Wins.

    Yours in Equality and Liberty,

    Jeffrey Imm
    Responsible for Equality And Liberty

  40. How about replying to post #89, Jeff? Afraid to jeopardize something if you do? (your Jewish funding?)

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