
Here’s the face behind the name.

In the name of “human rights,” Jeffrey Imm attacks our constitutional rights of freedom of speech, freedom of association, and freedom of assembly. His sinister thought police is far more of a threat to White liberty and equality than trivialities like the Stamp Act which provoked our ancestors to rebellion against Great Britain.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. RE: Wrong Again, Mr. Taylor

    Sorry chump. I’ve been to/seen ‘public debates’ such as the one you describe. Attendees of your smarmy ilk are noisy and mob-ish. The cops will do nothing as long as there is no violence, letting the mob howl to its hearts’ content. And you know it.

    Mr. Taylor has more class than that.

    Since you are so adept at setting up functions, and you appear to be on a high octane anti-hate crusade with serious backers, set up a televised studio debate with Mr. Taylor and have it beamed across the country. He’ll be there.

  2. Jeffrey, why should one not feel “hate” towards some modern historico-cultural developments one finds objectionable? Hate is a normal, often healthy, feeling and part of the human condition. If you didn’t feel hate on 9/11 or while reading about the brutal murder of Shannon Christian and Christopher Newsome, you are not normal. Despite your shtick about “love”, it’s plain to see that in reality you’re motivated by obsessive, relentless hatred of certain people and their ideas. Since you’re being very selective in your “love” campaign (only White people deserve your attention), one has to come to the conclusion that for reasons known to you, you hate racially conscious Whites (and only Whites) who want to safeguard their interests.

    Above all else, Jeffrey, hate, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder.

    Come clean with your hatred, Jeffrey.

  3. Imm doesn’t love. He hates. — Jupiter


    Isaiah 5:20 – Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.

  4. CA:”The people with the power are the company that owns the hotel, and people in the media who might right an unfavorable article drawing unwelcome publicity to the hotel.”

    Not too many know that Jews own most of America’s hotels (the hotel and ‘hospitality’ industry is extremely consolidated/centralized nowadays). However, many people know that Jews disproportionately control America’s mass-media.

    The USA has become a Judeoplutocratic dictatorship, and unless Whites turn the tide White America will continue to slowly decline and it will eventually be overrun by hundreds of millions of Mestizos, Asiatics, Blacks, and assorted other non-Whites.

  5. To Jeffrey Imm: You continue to lie about your interaction with Jared Taylor. Even though the American Renaissance website clearly states the AR Conference starts on February 19th, you continue to falsely state that it starts on February 20th.

    Furthermore, even though Jared Taylor specifically asked you to choose a date prior to the AR Conference for your debate, you deliberately picked February 19th in order to force Taylor to choose between his gig and your gig. Thus, when Taylor turned you down because of the conflict, you were then able to falsely portray Taylor as having “backed down”.

    The bottom line, Imm, is that you are both a liar and a coward, attributes that obviously served you well when you worked for the FBI. I have documented and exposed your lies and smears on White Reference.

  6. Jeffrey, you know as well as Jared Taylor and anyone else that Jared Taylor would just be shouted down by antifas if he tried to speak at a street corner. I don’t know what you think the fact that he’s not interested in being shouted down on a street corner implies about him, or why you think anybody is so impressed by this that you feel the need to comment about it repeatedly.

    Cause ‘Jeff Imm’ is a little cowardly twerp who needs a large posse of Negro and Mestizo thugs for him to feel ‘safe’.

    Weasily, feminine status seeking is what truly motivates the likes of Imm, since I doubt that he is an ‘undercover agent’ (way too dangerous for cowardly asperger-challenged nerds) or having even once ‘worked’ for the FBI (LMFAO – that’s a good one!:D).


    White anti-white racism is a broadly fashionable attitude that extends far beyond loonies like Ignatiev. I don’t believe I’ve ever seen it formally explained, although Tom Wolfe’s novels show it in action.

    The usual explanations of what drives whites like Ignatiev are “white guilt” or “self-loathing.” But does Ignatiev appear as if he personally feels guilt or self-loathing?

    No—he sounds like he’s having the time of his life arguing that you should feel guilt etc. He comes across as an arrogant, hostile jerk who thinks the world of himself.

    He wants to feel that he’s better than other whites and to rub their faces in it. The bad guys in his book are Irish Catholics and Anglo-Saxon Protestants. Ignatiev himself is neither.

    And this is typical, in my experience: whites who proclaim their anti-white feelings don’t really care much about blacks or other minorities, pro or con. What they care about is achieving social superiority over other whites by demonstrating their exquisite racial sensitivity and their aristocratic insouciance about any competitive threats posed by racial preferences.

    To these whites, minorities are just useful pawns in the great game of clawing your way to the top of the white status heap. Which, when you come right down to it, is the only game in town.


  7. Well, Jeffrey has no answers to the many questions posed to him but then again I didn’t expect him to respond candidly. That would be too white. Slimy anti-racists like Imm only resort to spin tactics and employ ad hominem personal attacks as much as possible while wearing a false face of love and tolerance for the television cameras.

    Is it just me or does Imm resemble Church of Satan High Priest Anton Lavey but with a mop top?

  8. It certainly is a financially fortunate coincidence that Mr. Imm’s strong moral convictions perfectly align with the imperatives of wealthy corporate and government interests.

    The upside of all this is that the FBI mole is probably racking up piles of data on the antifa weasels he networks with. Anarchosyndicalist scalps please Jeff’s handlers almost as much as White Nationalist scalps.

  9. To those of you with lots of questions, feel free to ask them in person – you know where I will be and when. Jared Taylor says he won’t be there.

    Anchorage Activist – I have not lied. The AmRen website says its conference “will begin promptly at 9:00 a.m” on Saturday February 20. They have hotel reservations for out of town individuals starting at 5 PM on February 19. That is their publicly stated schedule.

    Our event is at 12 noon on February 19 in Washington DC – 5 hours before people are supposed to register at the hotel, which Taylor claims will be in the Washington DC area.

    Apparently speaking to the American people is not as important to Jared Taylor as “preparing” for an event starting February 20 that he is afraid to even say where it will be located. Maybe he doesn’t know yet.

    In the event that you will end up meeting in the parking lot somewhere anyways, at least I have arranged for a public location where you can debate on February 19 at 12 noon.

  10. Ted and SPQR – Mr. Taylor and I both live in the Washington DC area. I have no ownership of a public street corner, or the number of “supporters” who would turn out a street corner any more than Mr. Taylor has. That is the point of a fully open public forum. There is no “advantage.” Unlike the reported AmRen conference, I “won’t have a room full of my supporters,” but will only have an area in the public where everyone has rights to be there. In fact, this is not a “rally,” but a “public awareness event” and I will have less of our supporters there than at a rally for the express purpose of having the physical space available to reach out the American public. I am not afraid of the American public’s criticism of my views. I am not afraid of boos. Mr. Hunter Wallace, the fact that your white supremacist website promotes such views does mean that love will lose over hate. Even here, I urge you to Choose Love, Not Hate. Love Wins.

  11. Mr. Hunter Wallace, the fact that your white supremacist website promotes such views does not mean that love will lose over hate. Even here, I urge you to Choose Love, Not Hate. Love Wins.

  12. Anchorage Activist – I have not lied. The AmRen website says its conference “will begin promptly at 9:00 a.m” on Saturday February 20. They have hotel reservations for out of town individuals starting at 5 PM on February 19. That is their publicly stated schedule.

    From the Amren website:


    Conference Schedule

    The conference will begin on Friday, Feb. 19, 2010, with registration from 5:00 to 6:00 p.m. The American Renaissance staff will give opening remarks followed by a reception. Latecomer registration is at 8:30 a.m. on Saturday, Feb. 20, and the program will begin promptly at 9:00 a.m.

    Jeffrey Imm, you are indeed a dishonest liar. You quoted from that paragraph so you know full well that it says “The conference will begin on Fri., Feb. 19, 2010.”

  13. Mr. Hunter Wallace, the fact that your white supremacist website promotes such views does not mean that love will lose over hate.

    Imm, you need to try reading more carefully if your comment is a response to Hunter in Comment 88 saying “Jeffrey’s cliche that ‘Love Wins’ is facile. He knows it too. That is why the AR Conference must be stopped at all costs. PC leftists can’t win on a fair playing field. If ‘Love Wins’ is inevitable, why bother harassing Jared Taylor?”

    Hunter is not saying that “love will lose over hate” because of this website. He is pointing out a contradiction between your stated beliefs and your actions. You keep saying that so-called “hate” will inevitably lose and so-called “love” will win. If you believed that, why would you be working so feverishly to stop the American Renaissance conference? Why would you be concerned about this website if you are sure to win?

  14. To those of you with lots of questions, feel free to ask them in person – you know where I will be and when.

    So coward Jeffrey Imm refuses to debate us or even answer questions unless we travel to Washington, DC and meet him on a street corner to do so. Imm is clearly afraid to debate racialists. Imm has backed down and refused to answer our questions because he knows he has no answers for our arguments. Yet again Imm has revealed himself to be a disingenuous coward.

  15. You are one supremely arrogant individual, Imm.

    You repeatedly lie and slander against good men like Jared Taylor who have more genuine love and character and in their pinky finger than you do in your whole, envy-riddled body and ‘mind’.

    If you are a Christian as you claim (and that is a big IF), then you should know how the Old and New Testament alike is against the calumnious bearing of false witness:

    Proverbs 14: 5-7

    5 — A truthful witness does not deceive,
    but a false witness pours out lies.

    6 — The mocker seeks wisdom and finds none,
    but knowledge comes easily to the discerning.

    7 — Stay away from a foolish man,
    for you will not find knowledge on his lips.

    ‘Love’ means absolutely NOTHING without the TRUTH, not the ‘egalitarian lies’ that envious malcontents WISH WERE TRUE.

  16. I am no more afraid of white supremacists than I am of any other group of individuals opposed to human equality and liberty.

    Ah, but you are deathly afraid of Jewish racial supremacists, aren’t you, Imm?

    Obviously, since you have not a stinking word to say about those monsters, do you?

    DO YOU??

  17. MGLS says “PC leftists can’t win on a fair playing field.” I don’t represent so-called “PC leftists.” I represent those responsible for equality and liberty. We have invited Jared Taylor to speak on a public street corner, and he is afraid to meet the American public and do so. The fact is that the lie of racial supremacist hate can’t meet the truth of human equality in broad daylight.

  18. No actually you don’t get it, do you? No actually you don’t get it, do you?
    I am no more afraid of white supremacists than I am of any other group of individuals opposed to human equality and liberty.

    No, you don’t get it, coward. If you weren’t afraid to debate us, you would do it right here and answer the questions posed to you. Instead, you tell us to buy a plane ticket to Washington, DC to meet you on a street corner to “debate” (i.e. get shouted down and assaulted by your antifa scum comrades).

  19. http://www.realcourage.org/2010/02/wrong-again-mr-taylor/
    This lying coward Imm claims he wants to meet on a street corner in order to “directly reach the American public.” He doesn’t want to “get an expensive room in the Press Club and hire a moderator” to debate. No, he only wants to speak at the National Press Club when he gets to drone on about “human rights day” and “love wins” without anyone to challenge him.

  20. I faced down 700 Hizb ut-Tahrir supporters in Chicago.

    Now I know your a weasel, since you didn’t ‘face down’ anyone… you show, in your very pictures, that you hid amongst the posse of overwight, imbecilic ‘Patriotards’ (probably along with your Israeli handlers), just like you’ll be hiding behind the Black and Mestizo thugs you will have assembled at your “spontaneous” gathering in DC.

    *Check out the link above to see the sorry specimen of prole humanity at that faux-‘rally’ of Imp’s.

  21. By the way Imp, just in case you didn’t know –


    Just like your favorite country, Israel, does to safeguard and protect that land for it’s Jewish progeny. Where are the empty platitudes like “human rights day” and “love wins” when it comes to this ‘kosher reality’?

    You stinkin’ hypocrite.

  22. Jeffrey Imm

    Would you protest a La Raza conference-The Race in English-at the Hotel?

    How many NATIVE BORN WHITE CHRISTIAN AMERICAN teenagers do you want to see slaughtered in Isaraeli wars of aggression against its muslim neighbors?

    You are not an expert on terrorism. Like all neocons,you are the terrorist. You are every Iraqi and Afghani child’s worst nightmare.

  23. “Jeffrey, why should one not feel “hate” towards some modern historico-cultural developments one finds objectionable? Hate is a normal, often healthy, feeling and part of the human condition. If you didn’t feel hate on 9/11 or while reading about the brutal murder of Shannon Christian and Christopher Newsome, you are not normal. Despite your shtick about “love”, it’s plain to see that in reality you’re motivated by obsessive, relentless hatred of certain people and their ideas. Since you’re being very selective in your “love” campaign (only White people deserve your attention), one has to come to the conclusion that for reasons known to you, you hate racially conscious Whites (and only Whites) who want to safeguard their interests.

    Above all else, Jeffrey, hate, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder.

    Come clean with your hatred, Jeffrey.”

    Charges of “hate” require no answer other than “non-sequitur” and “red herring”.

  24. “on 31 Jan 2010 at 7:00 pm5Jeffrey Imm
    Mr. “Hunter Wallace” – as you call me a “Bolshevik,” perhaps you could explain R.E.A.L.’s extensive opposition to Communist Totalitarianism.

    Once again I urge those who promote racial supremacism to release the burden of hate from their hearts. Choose Love, Not Hate.

    The following used to be at Wiki hate article but is gone now, it was accessed around Sep 18, 2007

    “According to evolutionary psychologists, hate is a reaction to people whose interests consistently conflict with one’s own. People whose behavior threatens one’s own survival interests are to be hated, while people whose behavior enhances one’s survival prospects are to be liked or even loved (as in the case of offspring and other genetic kin).”

    Something similar is at the Nov 2007 version


    REAL wants a monopoly of hate. Liberalism and Leftism are not a war on hate, they are a war to own the monopoly of hate. What is the name of the emotion that rallies a group to fight a threat? Or even an individual to fight a threat? If the name, is hate, then having a monopoly on hate is a monopoly on survival and the right to destroy the defenseless groups not permitted to have an emotion to organize against a threat.

    Destroying rivals is not love. The constant proclaiming of love while engaged in genocide shows its hate. The Wright Island Model shows immigration is genocide and race replacement. Non-Jewish whites are about 20 percent of undergrads at Harvard, Stanford, UCLA and Berkeley. Obviously with some variation.

    Leftism is a license to hate. It gives its followers the right to hate whites in all circumstances and to act on that hate. That includes denying an education, a job, or a school or workplace focused on education or work instead of race replacement agendas.

    Leftism uses hate to rally its forces. Calling whites bigot, etc. when they defend their racial interests is automatic in Leftists. Moderate whites are paralyzed by fear and call their own fighting for them racist and bigot as well. This is the monopoly of hate by the Leftist state. It itself is part of generalized genocide.

    Vanishing American discusses hate in this more rational way and my comments are influenced by those discussions.

  25. Jeffrey, I urge you not to hate the folks you call “White supremacists”, “White racists”, “White separatists”, “White bigots”, etc.

    Before you come to lecture us, do a thorough examination of conscience and purge your own heart of hatred, Jeffrey.

    Choose love, Jeffrey. Not hate.

  26. ”I am no more afraid of white supremacists than I am of any other group of individuals opposed to human equality and liberty. I faced down 700 Hizb ut-Tahrir supporters in Chicago.
    http://www.realcourage.org/2009/07/chicagos-moment-of-freedom/ . What makes you think that I would do any less with American Renaissance in Washington DC?”
    ( — Jeffrey Imm, #118)

    I’m waiting till you face down 700 Jewish Israel-supporters in Chicago, then I’ll be impressed. Why do I get the feeling I’ll have a long wait?

    ”MGLS says ‘PC leftists can’t win on a fair playing field.’ I don’t represent so-called ‘PC leftists.’ I represent those responsible for equality and liberty.” ( — Jeffrey Imm, #121)

    Do you get any significant funding from Jewish individuals or groups, or from Jewish-controlled NGOs? (Fat chance he’ll answer that one.)

    ”Non-Jewish whites are about 20 percent of undergrads at Harvard, Stanford, UCLA and Berkeley.” ( — Old Atlantic, #128)

    Jeffrey, do you suppose in Israel only 20% of undergrads at elite universities are Jews, with the remaining 80% a big multiculti mishmash of non-Jewish Israelis plus non-Jewish non-Israelis from all over the world? Do you approve of such a racist Jewish-supremacist set-up in a country we back to the hilt? And I’m not even talking about Israel’s monstrous treatment of 1) the Palestinians and 2) all non-Jewish Israeli citizens who do not benefit from equal civil rights but are second-class citizens there. So, my question and that of a number of commenters here which you’ve consistently refused to answer: When do you plan on demonstrating against U.S. support for Israel, a racist Jewish supremacist country? (My guess: never. Reason: you are a puppet whose strings are pulled by Jewish puppeteers. How do I know that? Because every pattern you manifest points in that and only that direction.)

  27. Imm, where do you come off trying to base the ‘moral’ authority of your (front) group on Christian grounds?

    You constantly, like a robotic nerd, prattle on about ‘liberty and equality’, yet in your satanic envy, you cannot see that they are two mutually exclusive terms — you can have one or the other, not both.

    Most importantly, “Equality” is a Free Masonic (and Marxist) construct – and lie – NOT A CHRISTIAN ONE!

    I dare you, or anyone else, to find a single reference to ‘Equality’ in the Bible, either in the ‘New’ Testament or the ‘Old’.


    2 Corinthians 11: 13-15

    13 — For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ.

    14 — And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.

    15 — Therefore, it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness, whose end shall be according to their works.

    Remember the first ‘equalitarian’ was Satan himself – who wished to be God’s “equal” – hence the liar and Great Deceiver’s banishment from Heaven into Hell and the Eternal Abyss (where ALL of his followers will join him for Eternity) 😉

    So it would behoove you to save your deceitful soul Jeff before selling yourself as an agent of a foreign government, further HUMILIATING YOURSELF by endlessly sprouting stupid, abstract Masonic and Marxist lies and clichés like a PAVLOVIAN DOG.

    Be a man my friend, be a man.

  28. “We have invited Jared Taylor to speak on a public street corner, and he is afraid to meet the American public and do so. The fact is that the lie of racial supremacist hate can’t meet the truth of human equality in broad daylight.”

    Yes [Mr. Goebbels], [the Jewish leader] is afraid to meet and speak to the [German] public on a public street corner. So what?!

    BTW, in what sense do you mean “supremacist”. If you mean wanting to rule over other races, that’s kind of hard to do if there’s no other races in your land to rule over. If you merely mean “superior”, you could state it that way but of course it wouldn’t have the obfuscating impact of “supremacist”. And I believe Mr. Taylor has stated that he admires the Japanese and holds in terms of mean IQ and level of criminality, that they’re better than Europeans. So you’re wrong on that count as well.

  29. I think Jeff’s slogan says it all.

    “Choose Love, Not Hate. Love Wins.”

    Choose X, not Y. X Wins.

    Why choose X? Because it wins.

    Presumably, he would choose Y if it were winning.

  30. Presumably, he would choose Y if it were winning.

    Just like any good little woman would.

    Greatness is absent from the nature of the woman and the Jew, the greatness of morality, or the greatness of evil. In the Aryan man, the good and bad principles of Kant’s religious philosophy are ever present, ever in strife. In the Jew and the woman, good and evil are not distinct from one another … It would not be difficult to make a case for the view that the Jew is more saturated with femininity than the Aryan, to such an extent that the most manly Jew is more feminine than the least manly Aryan. ~ Otto Weininger — Austrian-Jewish Philosopher


  31. Jeffrey,

    I am not a “white supremacist.” OD is not a “white supremacist” website. I do not think that Whites should rule non-Whites. I do not subscribe to a vertical hierarchy of races with my own race on top.

    I’m an ethnonationalist. I want to create an ethnostate (like Japan or Israel) in North America for American Whites.

  32. Jeffrey,

    Let’s debate the “truth of human equality” right here. We can start with Thomas Jefferson’s interpretation of the phrase. He explicitly said on multiple occasions that HE WAS NOT SAYING that all human beings were equal in the biological, political, or social sense.

    Jefferson believed to the end of his life that negroes should be free to enjoy their rights – in Africa. The deportation of Africans from America was a grand task that he assigned to posterity. By posterity he meant the White descendents of the original settlers.

    Do you dispute any of this? Do you deny that a white supremacist wrote the Declaration of Independence? Do you deny that Jefferson had racial separatist inclinations?

  33. So – I take it Imp’s a Hebe. Are you still checking in. Jewfrey? Taylor TOLD you he would debare you BEFORE the Conference. Hey Jewfreey Imm – you will put me up in your HOUSE, and FEED me, and host the conference, if you get this cancelled. Got that, Jewfrey?

  34. You are not an expert on terrorism. Like all neocons,you are the terrorist. You are every Iraqi and Afghani child’s worst nightmare.

    Maybe we should notify Palestinian Human Rights Organizations of the vile racist hypocrisy of ‘The Imp’ and ask them to attend his February 19th ‘rally’ in Columbia Heights, DC?

    Oh, that would be an absolute blast!

  35. I hate people that are out to destroy me, and the things I love. I HATE the people that HATE me. This is logical, natural, and profoundly HEALTHY,

    I DO hate Jewfrey, and his Ilk. They have been attacking my brilliant Race for thousands of years. Why should I love my killers? That’s insane. That is JEW.

    Hate is a primary emotion. It’s a warnng of danger. Hate provides the ENERGY to ward off fatal danger. Hate is cleansing energy.

    I HATE you, Jewfrey. I HATE you because of what you DO.

    I love what I love. I love White. Oh – there have been, and are, bad evil Whites. Overall, in the arc of History – White People are the Creators, the Originators, the Planters of Seed, the Founders of one brilliant Civilization after another. Whites ARE Civilization. All else are parasites.

    We Whites have been undone by our kindness, fairness, tolerance of those that are not White, again and again and again. We always allow Non-White in, to our wonderful worlds – and The Other devours us. Why should we welcome this treachery, once again, to the point of your own annihilation?

    I will NOT. I will NOT love my enemies. I HATE that. This wicked, evil, hate-filled pattern of destruction must end. Once and for ALL.

    I love my White Race – so, logically, lovingly, I MUST HATE those that seek the destruction of my Beloved Race. My Hatred is born of profound Love.

    I choose HATE – in order to preserve that which I LOVE.

    I HATE you, Imm. I HATE you.

  36. Jewfrey Imp is Cowardly – DO invite Palestinians. The JEWS have shown NOTHING but the VERY sickest, basest, most EVIL hatred to the indigenous Semites – the Palestinians.

    Invite the Palestinians. Do it.

  37. Mr. Imm:

    It seems Hunter has provided you with a perfect venue to debate those with whom you disagree, those you continue to slander and libel as ‘White Supremacists’ and ‘Haters.’ You have a platform, right here, to state your positions, to answer the reasonable questions posed to you–without anyone shouting you down, challenging you, harassing you or preventing you from speaking. Feel free to take all the time you need to foment your answers.

    What that being written, I would like you to answer, however briefly, the following questions that have been posed to you on this thread:

    From Reality Check:

    1.) Does your organization highlight and address the State of Israel’s Crimes against Humanity?

    From Reginald:

    2.) I want to know what your definition of “Universal Human Rights” is. Does it include the same rights for Whites?

    From Mr. Dithers:

    “We have an aging white America … They are dying …We have got to eliminate the gringo, and what I mean by that is if the worst comes to the worst, we have got to kill him.”
    – Jose Angel Gutierrez, professor, University of Texas, Arlington and founder of the La Raza Unida political party.

    Does this qualify as hate Jeffrey? Explain yourself.

    From Bon:

    4.) Do you protest against, confront and publicize anti-White Hate Speech and actions from organizations such as LaRaza, MALDEF, LULAC The New Black Panthers (who were allowed by the government to bring weapons to voting venue and intimidate White voters)?


    5.) Do you object to other races openly advocating ONLY for their own race? Why is it when Whites demand the same ‘equality’ we are axiomatically labeled by you as Neo-Nazis and Haters?

    I’ll be awaiting your reply, although I expect you’ll answer with the same old tired ad hominem arguments and pat Marxist slogans instead of reasoned, thought-out discourse.

    You, sir, are a fascist:

    “Free Speech is only what I say it is!”
    “Those who disagree with my views are haters and Nazis!”
    “All organizations created by White advocates are hate groups with the goal of fomenting a Fourth Reich or New KKK!”

    According to you, White advocates have no right to speak, to organize to advocate for White interests and therefore must be destroyed!


  38. God Bless You Denise – Bless You for your Righteous Anger born of the Truest Love.

    Just as the Lord God Himself said that “Jacob I love and Esau I Hate”, we also have every right, and duty, to HATE those who wish Our destruction as a People and as a nation.

    We especially MUST feel this way toward SORCERERS and OCCULTISTS like Jeff ‘The Imp’ Imm who is consumed with envious rage towards Our People, whom he himself feels massively inferior to.

    All of these anti-White sub-humans will be UTTERLY CONSUMED BY THE HEAVY BURDEN OF THE RESENTMENT AND ENVY that they carry in their BLACK HEARTS towards the White man and the beautiful civilizations that he – and his women – created.

    As God says about these false apostles among us — “…whose end shall be according to their works.”

  39. Jeffrey Imm is knowigly inviting Jared Taylor into a situation where Jared Taylor’s physical well-being and possibly life could be at risk. Jared Taylor would be surrounded by the one people’s project psychos.

    How about a neutral site for a debate like a VFW hall, a fire house or a public library? If Jeffrey Imm had confidence in his debating abilities he would debate Jared Taylor at the American Renassaince where he could mop the floor up with Jared in front of White Nationalists.

    Imm is patently a screw ball.

    It is only a matter of time before a very large population of NATIVE BORN WHITE AMERICANS revolt-full-blown-against their race-replacement at the hands of post-1965 non-whites. ..and there is nothing you and the other pile of excrement Daryl Jenkins can do about it. There is not a snowballs chance in hell that I would put my fate, my family’s fate and my race’s fate-NATIVE BORN WHITE AMERICANS- in your hands,Daryl Jenkin’s-worthless negro-hands,LaRaza’s hands,AIPACS hand’s and the India policy group’s hands,the ADL’s hands

  40. I know plenty of willing, very-able bodied young White men. that would be more than happy to defend Taylor, against the Reds. For White Rights, and for fun.

    Robert knows who I am referring to.

  41. Jewfrey – like a Juden – you are a coward. Come to Amren. (I’ll bet Talyor and Webster will let you in, for free) We pose NO physical threat to you. None. We will listen to what you say, and listen politely. We already know what you will say – but we allow YOU ro say it.

    The element that terrifies you, and cannot bear to endure, are the questions we will ask you, after you speak.

    That’s the heart of the matter – ain’t it?

  42. I hope Jared manages to work things out and this doesn’t turn into the sort of public spectacle that plagued Duke during his last EURO conference in Memphis.

    I will be sitting it out this year, for numerous reasons, but I hope the conference goes well and I wish its attendees (many of whom are friends that I have not seen in a while) the best.

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