Here’s the face behind the name.
In the name of “human rights,” Jeffrey Imm attacks our constitutional rights of freedom of speech, freedom of association, and freedom of assembly. His sinister thought police is far more of a threat to White liberty and equality than trivialities like the Stamp Act which provoked our ancestors to rebellion against Great Britain.
Just for giggles I just ran a records search on our friend Imm, obviously I’m not going to post anything in great detail but if I have the right guy, and I think I do, amusingly and typically he doesn’t subject himself to the same “diversity” he demands of us in any real or meaningful way as his county is well over 80% White! Heh!
The Republican and Democratic parties-allegiance to Israel- are ought to physically anihilate the NATIVE BORN WHITE CHRSTIAN AMERICAN MALE population of America. This is the obvious END GAME. Jeffrey Imm is one of the genocidal foot soldiers.
@The Man Post 152
Don’t post any addresses or anything like that. That is verboten. We don’t care where our opponents lay their heads at night. We are winning the hearts and minds of the White public, and Imm is fueling our fanaticism.
Good point that he’s a hypocrite though.
Denise – you and your friends are welcome to join our public awareness event in Washington DC. I have made certain to coordinate with the Washington DC police to ensure the protection of any members of the public. By the way, if you had actually done any research on me, you would also see that far from being a “Red,” that I am anti-Communist activist. Many of R.E.A.L.’s event challenge Communist hate and totalitarianism around the world both in Communist China and North Korea. You can see more at
Denise – I also plan to be outside the AmRen conference wherever it happens to be. As you can see, I had no fear confronting 700 Hizb ut-Tahrir jihad supporters in Chicago last July… I certainly will have no fear in challenging white supremacists at AmRen.
Denise – you state that “Jewfrey – like a Juden – you are a coward. Come to Amren. (I’ll bet Talyor and Webster will let you in, for free).” What evidence do you have that I am a “coward”? Because I am willing (unlike Jared Taylor) to debate in public? Just like I went into Hizb ut-Tahrir’s conference in Chicago and confronted their ideological hate, I will be more than willing to confront the ideological hate at AmRen. I am so sorry that you feel the need to call people “a Juden.” I extend that pity to the others here who feel the need to extend ethnic slurs. While I object to supremacist ideologies of hate, I want you to know that I don’t offer hate to hate. R.E.A.L. does not offer an upraised fist, but an outstretched hand. Our protests do not mean that we have given up on you as human beings. In fact, our struggle is also for you, for your family, and for your future. We defend our universal human rights from all ideologies of supremacism because equality is essential for our liberty. Choose Love, Not Hate. Love Wins.
Mr. Jupiter – I have no desire to endanger Mr. Taylor or anyone else. This is why I always work with the DC police. In fact, I would personally defend Mr. Taylor from any physical attacks myself if necessary. I believe that the answer to a civilized dialogue in public starts with treating people with human dignity, which is also one of our universal human rights. The problem is that supremacist ideologies based are based on hating others, and therefore they seek to promote hatred in turn. R.E.A.L. understands this and that is why we reject hate as an answer to hate. We urge others to choose love, not hate. Love Wins.
Mr. Kulaks – I approach religious issues from a Christian perspective, because that is my faith. My Lord Jesus Christ gave us the commandment to love one another, and to love our enemies.
This is why the ideology of supremacism, based on the hate that some are inherently superior to others, even though all were made in the image of God, contradicts with the message of love of Christianity.
Jesus tells those who believe in him:
John 13:34 “A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.” Luke 6:27-28: “But I say unto you which hear, Love your enemies, do good to them which hate you, Bless them that curse you, and pray for them which despitefully use you.”
Choose Love, Not Hate. Love Wins.
You are calling the traditional communist position on race “human rights” and “human dignity.” The difference between the communists and yourself on this topic is a mere word. You both embrace the same substantial vision of race relations.
Why do you refuse to give credit where it is due? It was the communists who formulated the vision of a multiracial utopian society where racial differences and racial consciousness would fade away.
What do you mean by “challenging White Supremacists at AmRen?” Challenging them to what, exactly? Are you openly stating your intention to abridge the inalienable constitutional rights (free speech and assembly) of the participants?
Jared Taylor has publicly offered to debate you, but you won’t accept that debate because you know that you cannot win on a level playing field. The truth is on our side, period.
If people were gathering in a conference hall to discuss truly discredited pseudo-science, you wouldn’t give a damn (no one protests the flat earth society, for example), but you are absolutely desperate to stop Jared and his guests from assembly because you know that race realism is scientifically, morally, and ethically justifiable.
People like Mr. Imm know full well that their very existence depends on a dearth of White racial consciousness, and yet they are seeing more and more implicit (Ron Paul, Town Hall, Tea parties, etc.) and explicit (the rise of the “New White Nationalism” as documented by researchers like Dr. Swain) Whiteness taking shape. To use Kievsky’s metaphor, Whitenet is becoming self aware, and there is absolutely nothing that our opponents can do about it.
We are reaching the climax of a world-historical struggle (Rome vs. Israel, to use Nietzsche’s formulation), and only one of these two parties shall emerge from this eschatological drama. This time, we shall not telegraph our punches. The hostile, alien elite responsible for our plight will not know what is coming until they join Rosa Luxemburg in the sewer of history.
Billions will die. We will win!
Jesus doesn’t condemn “racism” anywhere in the New Testament. He doesn’t even condemn slavery. For almost two thousand years, “racism” wasn’t considered a social problem in Christendom.
Jesus and his followers were concerned with the salvation of immortal souls. This world was an afterthought for them. A true Christian is a stranger in this world.
To those who ask if oppose those who call for killing or the death of other races, or similar hate comments. Of course, I oppose this. Moreover, we have posted frequently on comments by Louis Farrakhan and others. Notably the primary speaker at the American Renaissance 2010 convention Nick Griffin praises Louis Farrakhan. To those who what our universal human rights are – you can them listed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights at Of course they apply to people of all races. To those who ask about our views on Israelis who commit human rights violations, we oppose those like we oppose all who defy our universal human rights. We have recently reported on Israelis linked to attacks on a mosque in the West Bank. You will see these reports at under the “Islamophobia” category.
Mr. KZ – I will be challenging the supremacist hate at AmRen with our love for humanity’s universal human rights and dignity. I will do that however I can, outside on the street, or inside the conference room. In July 2009, I did both when challenging the supremacist hate of Hizb ut-Tahrir.
Mr. Hunter Wallace – a true Christian tries to follow the words of Jesus Christ. Choose Love, Not Hate. Love Wins.
One “Universal Human Right” (there is no such thing as natural rights, but I’ll accept your premise for this instance) is the right to self-determination. Why do you attempt to deny us that?
Kievsky @154
I agree 100% and wasn’t aware I had, all I saw was the county? So if I did I apologize. Just wanted to point out his hypocrisy not threaten in any way.
Mr. KZ – certainly the dramatic increase of white supremacist terrorism around the country this year, including the attack on the Washington DC U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, by a terrorist who is praised and promoted on the Stormfront group, which is also actively promoting the AmRen conference makes it a special priority to reject the white supremacist hate at AmRen in 2010. The fact that the terrorist Von Brunn also attended an earlier white supremacist event with scheduled AmRen 2010 speaker Nick Griffin is also certainly of concern. I have no doubt the authorities are also concerned about this and will be watchful on this. But R.E.A.L.’s mission recognizes that counterterrorism tactics are never enough – without a willingness to defy the ideologies of hatred that are behind such them.
Please show me where Jesus Christ condemned racism or slavery in the New Testament. If Jesus condemned racism, explain the history of the Presbyterian Church in the United States.
Robert Campbell – I don’t deny you any rights. I seek to urge others to reject ideologies of supremacist hate. The reason why hotels canceled the AmRen conference was because AmRen was not candid as to who and what they are as New Century Foundation. Those businesses felt that they were deceived and misled by AmRen. Certainly given that the June 2009 DC white supremacist terrorist attack has recently been praised by members of groups that are actively promoting the AmRen conference, I wouldn’t be surprised that any hotel that finds out who and what AmRen is will cancel eventually on them. AmRen is therefore totally reliant on subterfuge, and misleading businesses to hold such an event. I would not dismiss the opportunity to debate R.E.A.L. at our public awareness event on February 19 too readily. I would not at all be surprised if you find no takers for AmRen this year once they find out who they are.
I don’t remember the Baptists, Presbyterians, or the Methodists calling “racism” a sin in the nineteenth century. The word “racism” didn’t come into circulation until the 1930s.
If those of you who support the ideology of white supremacist hate find it too cold to debate us on February 19, we will be likely planning an event on April 4 as well. Last year it was at the Lincoln Memorial reflecting pool steps.
Jewfrey – You are a Jew. You are married to one. Your serve their goals. You are a Shabbos Goy. You are NOT a Christian. You are their beeyich. You are a Race Traitor. You HATE Whites.
FYI – many, many, many people claim to be Christians – but they NEVER seem to read the actual Bible. The Bible is completely “racist”. Helloooooo! Tower of Babylon, blasted apart by God, Hisself – to SEPARATE people……any thoughts?
In additon – references to “broken cisterns” abound. “Broken cisterns” cannot hold the “water”Whaddya ya think that means, Jewfrey?
Finally – John 8:44. You married one of the Children of the Devil. You serve Lucifer, Jewfrey.
I’ll see ya later this month. I’ll be travelling when you are holding your little dog and pony show. So you MUST reschedule, of you want me to show. I will see you at the conference, then? Excellent. I intend to query you on your opinions of what the Satan Seed Israelis are doing to the actual Semites, in Gaza. Flooding them, gunning down defenseless kiddies, and women, now cutting off power…..they must be moving in for the final kill.
I believe in the right, of Sovereign Nations (and Race is Nation, Jewfrey. Not just for Die Judenraus). I believe in seperation of the Races, in order for each Nation to pursue their righteous destinies.
Why don’t you, Jewfrey?
And citing poor old Von Brunn? Tsk tsk tsk…..Is that the best you got? He was a bitter, bitter very old man. He was probably pumped on all kinds of meds, and absolutely destroyed by what Die Judenraus have done to his Race. Why aren’t you citing Black on White crime stats, when there are so many more truly ghastly atrocities being committed, almost every day, in the name of racial hatred?
Why, Jewfrey? Why don’t you mention these things? We White Nationalists do…..
Imm says…
“I am no more afraid of white supremacists than I am of any other group of individuals opposed to human equality and liberty.”
There’s more cowshit in that sentence than at the world’s biggest CAFO.
For one, most of us are not supremacist in the sense of wanting to lord over little colored people to do our work for us at slave wages. The archives of this site will clearly point this out as will most White Nationalist forums. We are Separatists. We want our own living space where we are free from genocide through amalgamation. We may not “love” everyone the way you do which means we have no interests in destroying them as anything other than labor and consumption commodities.
Supremacist perfectly describes the people who YOU work for. They/you are the ones who want to crush all human racial/cultural diversity under the wheel of democracy and judeo-capitalism/communism/xtianity. You hate all your masters have trained you to hate all in the name of “love”. For now the kulaks are confined to White Separatists and Muslims. Who’s next?
Face down your masters – the ones with all the power – and then tell us of your courage.
Hunter – I was talking about the words of Jesus to love one another. Once that basic commandment is followed, it is clear how Christians should view racist hate.
Its funny how a supposed anti-communist parrots the phrases (racism, hate, supremacy) of communists. What a loon.
Denise – I am white. I don’t hate whites. Also yes, I love people of all religions, as Jesus (a Jew) told us to love one another. That is a lesson that you could learn from the Bible. I will try to bring one to the AmRen conference if you need me to. I will pray for you to lose the hate from heart. Choose love, not hate. Love Wins.
Jeffrey Imm, supporting white genocide isn’t love.
It is not at all clear: Jesus himself did not condemn either “racism” or “slavery” in the Bible. “Racism” wasn’t considered a social problem in Christendom for almost two thousand years.
The Southern Baptist Convention finally got around to condemning “racism” … in 1995.
The United Methodist Church condemned racism … in 1996 and 2000.
The Presbyterian Church USA condemned racism … in 1999.
If the Bible is so unequivocal in its condemnation of “racism,” why did it take the Protestant churches hundreds of years to figure this out?
Jewfrey – you are UnWhite. You have betrayed your genes. You serve the most geniunely hateful, mostrous racists the world has ever known. You are Shabbos Goy.
The Christ rebuked and denounced Jewry. That why Jews hate Him so, and say such NASTY things about him, and His Momma, in the Talmud. The NEW Testament is a renunciation and repudiation, and a correction OF the evils of Judaism. What does John 8:44 say, Jewfrey?
Shall we talk about the Talmud, Jewfrey?
Also – racial exclusivity and separation is one of the 10 Commandments. Which one is THAT, Jewfrey? Come on. You ought to know.
To my knowledge, the Catholic Church, the mainline Protestant churches, and the evangelical Protestants all concluded that “racism” was a sin between the 1930s and the 1990s.
It also appears that all versions of Christianity lagged behind the secular mainstream in condemning “racism.” They adapted to a new cultural environment.
“If the Bible is so unequivocal in its condemnation of “racism,” why did it take the Protestant churches hundreds of years to figure this out?”
Because the Gospel of Lev Bronstein wasn’t written until the 20th Century?
If Imm isn’t a Jew he is the poster boy of a good Goy.
Jeffrey IMM, you do hate Native Born White Americans. This is why you support an open borders immigration that will over time reduce Native Born White Americans to an ever dwindling racial minority within the borders of America. Your intent is race-replacement.
Your are also a sneaky little bastard. By linking Jared Taylor to the Holocaust museum shooter. The intent of this is of course to bring the Feds down on Jared Taylor and American Renassaince.
Now, back to my original question: would you protest a LA RAZA-THE RACE- confference at this hotel where the main topic of discusion is the enthusastic support of the race-replacement of NATIVE BORN WHITE AMERICANS via post 1965 immigration policy
Mr. Imm,
This is my FOURTH ATTEMPT in asking what is your opinion on the State of Israel’s position in maintaining itself as a “Jewish State”… and using nearly any and all means in achieving this goal?
I ask this in the least controversial manner possible: Are you for or against their policies regarding the SEGREGATION of Jews and Arabs in the public sphere, on how Jewish Israeli’s are given complete preference over all matters in national life.
As you also may well know, this discrimination extends not only to that country’s non-Jews, it affects even Jewish Israeli’s as well — most notably the mid-and near Eastern Sephardim and Mishrahi as well, to the ultimate benefit of the ‘White’ Jews, those of eastern European descent — the Ashkenazim. (Quick joke to highlight Israel’s racial and color hierarchy: What will they call the last Ashkenazi in Israel? Answer – Prime Minister.) LOL (Well I thought it was funny)
At any rate, all kidding aside, I think it is, with all due respect, really despicable on your part to endlessly bemoan how you say you are for International Human Rights, yet you have not a single word to say on behalf of the Palestinians and other Muslims and Christians who just as rightfully inhabit the Holy Land as does their Jewish neighbors.
As a Christian it is unconscionable that you devote contless articles decrying Islamic and Christian so-called supremacism, and have not a thing meaningfully to say about Jewish religious bigotry, or Ashkenazi Racist Supremacism.
Why Jeff, why the DOUBLE STANDARD?
Now I, and many other commentators (hat tip to Fred Scrooby) have kindly asked you what is your position on these very, very important issues, and all that you respond with is neo-Com-munist cliches (sorry, but you do), absolutely NONE OF WHICH have to do with our question to you on your perspective on Israel and it’s racial policies.
Additionally Jeff, we really don’t care either way what your opinion on Israel or Zionism is, we’ll respect it on way or the other… it is just that with your dissimulating behavior on this issue, it show that YOU YOURSELF ARE ASHAMED OF YOUR FEELINGS TOWARD ISRAEL AND JEWRY — WHATEVER THOSE FEELINGS ARE.
Maybe you are experiencing Cognitive Dissonance on this extremely controversial issue, which is actually a GOOD THING, because it shows that you have a CONSCIENCE — THAT YOU ARE DISTURBED by the gratuitous and wanton cruelty that the Jewish Zionist Fundamentalists and Israeli extremists show towards ‘The Other’ for often the slightest and poorest of justifications.
These are extremely serious violations of the Rights, both Human and Civil, that the Israeli government consistently has shown towards the most helpless of people, especially towards women, children and the elderly, such as the GASTLY *White Phosphorus* attacks on Gaza last year that left THE WHOLE WORLD (with the pathetic overall exception of America and Great Britain) absolutely having the vilest feelings of disgust towards the Jewish State.
We live in the Age of the Internet and the INSTANT FREE FLOW OF IDEAS, and it is SUPER-EASY for ANYONE to do a fast and easy Google search on you and SEE THE EVIL IDEAS THAT YOU STAND FOR and the HATEFUL COMPANY THAT YOU KEEP.
So if you are not merely a government agent (of ‘our’ government or someone else’s) and are serious about being a GENUINE Human Rights activist (even if only for protective cover for your future prospects) then you must answer honestly what your position is on everything addressed in this post.
You simply must, or else your character and reputation is utterly and completely worthless, and any and all reading this should foward your responses, or lack thereof, to any and all SINCERE Human Rights activists that you deal or may deal with in any capacity.
The choice is yours Jeffrey. Please choose wisely.
The reason why hotels canceled the AmRen conference was because AmRen was not candid as to who and what they are as New Century Foundation.
No. It was because they don’t want a filthy rabble outside with stupid signs.
Jeffrey Imm,
Bill Gates actively discriminates against young men and women of European descent through his Gates Millennium Scholars program. Whites are ineligible for these scholarships and there is plenty of poor whites who could use a helping hand but Bill Gates hates white people.
We urge you to fly to Seattle, hold a protest outside of Microsoft, and urge Bill Gates to choose love, not hate. Love wins.
Amren has never advocated the discrimination of non-whites in theory or in practice, therefore, your time and efforts would be better served at Microsoft on Feb. 19 through the 21st. Bill Gates must be discouraged from discriminating against whites and encouraged to choose love, not hate. Remember, love wins.
You are just the man to do it. Be a sport Jeffrey.
Jeffrey plays an old trick on us, if we don’t agree with his worldview is because we’re hateful. Why are Jeffrey’s values better than those of White Nationalists? In what sense are they superior? What criteria is Jeffrey using to establish his moral hierarchy? Those of Western liberalism. Since we reject Western liberalism, we don’t share Jeffrey’s moral narrative. Since Western liberalism is detrimental to our genetic interests, our ultimate interests, if we hold fast to Jeffrey’s moral precepts, we won’t survive as a people. And there’s no higher morality than the morality of survival. Jeffry has his decadent liberal Christianity, we have Darwinism. Jeffrey has pie in the sky gobbledygook, we have reality.
Jeffery Imm,
You’re not fooling anyone. If you truly believed in your motto: “Choose Love, Not hate.” Then you would have no problem with some folks gathering for a conference.
Instead, you chose to invest your time, effort and money into preventing this conference from taking place.
This reflects an absolute lack of confidence in your beliefs.
“Censorship reflects a society’s lack of confidence in itself.” — Potter Stewart
You wrote the following:
“Apparently speaking to the American people is not as important to Jared Taylor as “preparing” for an event starting February 20 that he is afraid to even say where it will be located. Maybe he doesn’t know yet.”
You’re doing everything in your power to prevent this conference taking place and then you have the nerve to say that Mr. Taylor is “afraid” of publishing the location?
How big of you to use words like “afraid” and “fear” when it is your fear of a group of individuals gathering for a meeting that started this whole thing.
If you have nothing to fear, why not let the conference take place?
Don’t be so insecure.
Why not attend the event yourself? Listen to what your opposition has to say and then prove us wrong afterwards?
Surely it wouldn’t be difficult for you to do that, right Mr. Imm?
And it is another great day to be Responsible for Equality And Liberty…
We want to be equal to the Jews (your tribe, Imm? I suspect so). Too much equality for you? Some more equal than others?
We want to be equal to the Jews, Imm. We want a homeland for ourselves, the way Jews have a homeland for ourselves. Being less equal than Jews just isn’t going to be good enough.
Why can’t we be equal to the Jews, Jeffrey?
We urge those who feel the need to hide behind pseudonyms and secret conferences that promote hate and supremacism, to release the heavy burden of hate from their hearts, and rejoin the brotherhood and sisterhood of humanity that celebrates our universal human rights.
Sounds like the foremen who held the whips over the slaves in the fields; “now, in the name of love and God I say those of you who feel the need to keep your rebellious feelings secret, release the heavy burden of hate from your hearts, and rejoin your fellow slaves contentment.”
Whip-crackers and Jeffrey Imm – partners in love. We can feel the love from here, Imm.
In the Soviet Union, dissidents also hid behind pseudonyms and held secret conferences because the ridiculous charge of being labeled “anti-Soviet” could destroy a man’s career and often cost him his life.
Another good one. Yep, all those Soviet citizens, hiding their rebellious thoughts behind facades of conformity, what a bunch of cravens. They should have marched right up to KGB headquarters and made their feelings known.
George Orwell famously lampooned this sort of nonsense: WAR IS PEACE, FREEDOM IS SLAVERY, IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH.
Jeffrey’s doing a pretty good job of lampooning it too. “Hate is Love, War is Peace, Equality is Racism, Liberty is Slavery”; the Imm mantra.
The weakness of Jared Taylor…inherent weakness of racial supremacist hate… supremacist hate…lie of supremacism…drop the lie of hate.
Feel the love, baby.
Doubtless the System may find you useful in promoting their agenda amongst defenseless children
That’s about where Imm belongs – in some low-level bureaucrat’s chair. I know – guidance counselor.
Regarding Israel, we do point out human rights challenges there and all other parts of the world, whenever egregious violations occur. Our human rights are universal to all parts of the world. — Jeff Imm
This is the throwaway tactic Jews like Tim Wise hide behind to pretend they aren’t anti-white. It’s like saying you’re against nuke proliferation, then pretending Israel doesn’t have nukes and going ballistic about Iran trying to make nukes. It just doesn’t wash – it makes it obvious that there is a second, implicit agenda present (anti-white-ism and Israel-first-ism, respectively).
It’s like saying you’re a fire fighter and then chasing kids with matches in their pockets past a burning building. It just doesn’t wash – you’re obviously more interested in chasing kids than anything having to do with firefighting.
Israel is an ethnostate, perhaps the only true ethnostate in the world. Israel is dispossessing, ethnic-cleansing the Palestinians. But Imm and Tim Wise are waaaaaay more interested in powerless white ethnocentrists than Israel, the Israel lobby, or Israelis.
This is a powerful suggestion of Imm and Wise’s priorities. They’re anti-white, not anti-racist.
The guy is in all likelihood Jewish.
He’s got the needle on my Jewdar well into the red.
It’s pretty funny that he invited Jared Taylor to attend his pow-wow and is crowing about how that means something. Jared was supposed to stand in the crowd until Imm decided to have a spotlight pointed at him, so the four minute hate could commence I suppose. Hilarious. But of course Taylor’s a hate-filled coward so he has no time to play pinata for leftist kooks.
afraid to meet
Imm’s such a coward he won’t even debate us on an open blog, but we’re supposed to believe we’ll get answers from him in person. It is to laff. It’s like the kid who’s running away talking about how we’re going to get ours.
Yes [Mr. Goebbels], [the Jewish leader] is afraid to meet and speak to the [German] public on a public street corner. So what?!
Lol, best analogy yet. Commissar-Soviet citizen is good, Master-Slave is better, but Nazi-Jew is the best.
Why choose X? Because it wins.
Presumably, he would choose Y if it were winning.
Just like any good little woman would.
I am anti-Communist activist
How many times has he answered the accusation that he’s a commie? Twice? Thrice? So he can and will answer when he has an answer. But when he has no answer, he just whistles past the graveyard.
(Yeah, he’s anti-communist, the same way the Trotskyists were anti-Communist when they were anti-Stalinists)
What evidence do you have that I am a “coward”? Because I am willing to debate in public?
No you aren’t. You’re a coward because you’ve been ducking the argument right in front of you, for 150+ posts now. Hey, if you don’t want to fight a swarm, tell us. We can understand that. You can just debate HW or whomever. The rest of us can watch.
Mr. Kulaks – I approach religious issues from a Christian perspective, because that is my faith. My Lord Jesus Christ gave us the commandment to love one another, and to love our enemies.
This is why the ideology of supremacism, based on the hate that some are inherently superior to others, even though all were made in the image of God, contradicts with the message of love of Christianity.
Do you have any understanding of the notion of proportionality? Do you understand that anyone who does simply cannot find your behavior consistent with your stated beliefs?
If you’re against gunshot wounds, you do your work in Afghanistan, Iraq, Colombia, Mexico, etc. You don’t go to Martha’s Vinyard. If you’re against Voodoo you do your work in Haiti or Africa. You don’t worry about Japan.
If you’re against racism, apartheid, inequality, ethnic strife, ethnic cleansing, supremacism, etc., you do your work in Israel. You don’t go to the white burbs.
Israel’s so overflowing with everything you claim to oppose that you could find a lifetime of work there, if your claims were genuine. You simply wouldn’t have any time left over for anyone else.
“But I say unto you which hear, Love your enemies, do good to them which hate you, Bless them that curse you, and pray for them which despitefully use you.”
So you think Jesus wants you to go around whipping up righteous “anti-racist” resentment against whites who just want for themselves what Jews have for themselves in Israel?
Jesus said something about the beams and motes in people’s eyes too, Imm. What about the beam in Israel’s eye, Imm? What about the beam in Jewry’s eye? Why are you worried about the mote in Taylor’s eye? Why are you more worried about the mote in our eye than the beam in Israel’s?
Jesus doesn’t condemn “racism” anywhere in the New Testament. He doesn’t even condemn slavery. For almost two thousand years, “racism” wasn’t considered a social problem in Christendom.
On the contrary, if anything, Jesus was a racist. A woman from a non-Jewish but racially similar population came to him begging that he heal her child. He said “nah, my mojo’s for Jews only.” Only after she begged him like a dog (equating her own people to dogs begging for scraps from the master’s table) did he agree to heal her child. “Racism.” Imagine what a black guy would’ve had to do to get Jesus to assent!
Moreover, we have posted frequently on comments by Louis Farrakhan and others.
Well yeah, because that fits with the Jewish agenda. But where do you oppose “racist” “haters” and “supremacists” when it isn’t kosher? Why is Israel not at the top of your list? Why do you keep dodging the question? Do you know what proportionality is? Do you know how hard it is to believe a guy who says he’s fighting obesity when all he’s concerned with is northeast Africa, and no one can get him to pay attention to America?
Mr. KZ – I will be challenging the supremacist hate at AmRen with our love for humanity’s universal human rights and dignity. I will do that however I can, outside on the street, or inside the conference room.
But not here, right?
Mr. KZ – certainly the dramatic increase of white supremacist terrorism around the country this year, including the attack on the Washington DC U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, by a terrorist who is praised and promoted on the Stormfront group
Lying must be the most addictive behavior of all, if liars are any indication, because they just do not seem to be able to stop lying, even when their (ostensible) errors are pointed out as such.
E.g., for the second time, I will point out that Stormfront is a message board, not an organization.
Robert Campbell – I don’t deny you any rights.
At the very least you are complicit in their denial. You refuse to acknowledge our rights (free association and self-determination), and you work hand-in-glove with those who deny them. You do not condemn the denial of our rights (free association and self-determination), so you are at least helping to deny them.
You are complicit in denying human rights to whites every bit as much as a white man in 1860 was complicit in denying human rights to slaves if he refused to acknowledge the black man’s right to freedom, or refused to condemn slavery, or worked hand-in-glove with pro-slavery forces.
Admit the Truth, abandon the Lies. Truth Wins.
Hunter – I was talking about the words of Jesus to love one another. Once that basic commandment is followed, it is clear how Christians should view racist hate.
We can love them from afar. That does not violate Jesus’ teaching, but it does violate yours.
Denise – I am white. I don’t hate whites.
Uncle Tom: I am black – I don’t hate blacks!
Everyone remember – by Jeffrey Imm’s definition, all of your ancestors were hate-filled supremacist maniacs. He wants to defame millions of your ancestors, who can’t defend themselves from his perfidy.
Admit the Truth, Jeffrey. Abandon the Lies. Truth wins.
Jeffrey, can you explain why a white ethnopatriot is better at opposing the things you claim to oppose than you are? I mean, you haven’t really thought things through, have you? All that tough work in Israel, and you’re here laying about bothering a few marginalized ethopatriots?
For shame, Jeffrey. Shame on you.
Admit the Truth. Abandon lies. Truth wins.
Btw, Israel has been at the crossroads of the world for thousands of years. The southern branch of the Silk Road went right up the Israeli coast, which was also obviously the main artery for trade from Africa.
So Jesus and all the other Hebrews undoubtedly knew perfectly well about blacks of all kinds, Indians, Europeans, and probably even Chinese.
That he had nothing explicit whatever to say on race tells me he didn’t give a fig about anyone but his co-tribalists. He didn’t choose a sub-Saharan African or an Iranian or an Arab or a Hindu for his story, he chose a Samaritan, one of a group that is salient because of it’s near-perfect similarity to the Hebrews (some Hebrews argued that the Samaritans were Hebrews, coreligionists, which was the real point of the Good Samaritan; it was analogous to a white ethnopatriot arguing that Armenians are white, or a Nordicist arguing Sicilians are white).
Abandon Hate, Jeffrey. Stop working to force different peoples into the same territory against their will. White racists can only hurt innocent non-whites when the two groups are forced together.
Do you force nuns into cells with rapists, too? Calling it love on top of everything would just be sick. Why do you hate non-white people? Hell, you hate whites, you hate non-whites – I guess that makes you a misanthrope.
Stop the hate Jeffrey. Embrace love.
Stop the Lies. Embrace the truth. Truth wins.
Headstrong Against The Elite
According to Imm:
Hate = White Advocacy
Love = Anti-White Advocacy
Well said by Svi, as usual.
Svigor – rocking posts!
Truth WINS!
The Headsman, Svigor, swings into action:
(Yeah, he’s anti-communist, the same way the Trotskyists were anti-Communist when they were anti-Stalinists)
If you’re against gunshot wounds, you do your work in Afghanistan, Iraq, Colombia, Mexico, etc. You don’t go to Martha’s Vinyard. If you’re against Voodoo you do your work in Haiti or Africa. You don’t worry about Japan.
If you’re against racism, apartheid, inequality, ethnic strife, ethnic cleansing, supremacism, etc., you do your work in Israel. You don’t go to the white burbs.
[The Imp wasn’t using it anyway.]
Svigor’s post #193 deftly takes a scalpel to the pus-filled abscess and drains it dry.