Do Tank

It is a widely known that White Nationalism has an abundance of thinkers. We don’t have enough doers. The activists we do have on the ground tend to lack professional training and experience. A good idea without follow up action remains an abstraction. That has to change.

Unfortunately, I don’t have time to elaborate at the moment. I’m extremely busy and have been working a tough schedule for a week now. I plan to return to the subject when I get home later tonight. In the meantime, I want to leave everyone with that parting thought and generate some interesting and productive feedback.

About Hunter Wallace 12409 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I’m actually going to invert that. There are demonstrably people out there prepared to do the grunt work. For instance, NatAll had a million-dollar revenue stream on the boots of motivated local activists. We have a lot of people thinking, but we’re all thinking about the wrong stuff. We’re fighting lost wars. We’re opposing invisible forces. We’re projecting messages that don’t resonate.

    All we have to do is competently throw ourselves out there as the foremost uncompromising defenders of ordinary White Americans. It’s that simple. That’s it. Be competent. Be an advocate. Fight the enemy until others are inspired to join you.

    A lot of it’s boring. The CRM work, the newsletter publishing, the website maintenance, and the accounting aren’t the kinds of things that Aryan Warrior types envision. But it’s no coincident that the David and Goliath of this struggle, Morris Dees and David Duke, have both been accused of being direct-mail marketing weasels.

  2. I think Duke has been working a lot harder since he was put away by the federal government on tax charges. As far as Dee’s goes he is low life lawyer no matter how you look at it.

  3. Yes, Wiki, organizing is a difficult task, and I applaud your tireless efforts. A belief in our White purpose, tenacity and racial motivation are essential in this struggle, but only key catalysts. We need to harness White discontent, resentment and even raw envy, as these negative emotions are powerful, dynamic psychological forces, and hence, opportunities. Appeals to ‘Freedom, Work and Bread’ are going to be the tickets to winning over the ‘implicit’ Whites, who are sliding into dispossession. Because of their current confusion, they will have to be dragged, kicking and screaming into a racial revolution, but, on the contrary, they will more likely be motivated to act by appeals to economic self interest, emotionalism, and moral certitude. Saving a people form themselves (i.e., their genetic and internalized foibles) is going to be a battle royale, but we have no choice.

  4. Wait. Did Watson make a relevant and constructive comment? Surely I’m confused. 😀

    I agree about the value of negative emotions. What I’m suggesting is that you have to have a positive foundation, a defined rallying point. You can’t run it on frustration alone. Think of rage as the nitrous booster in a racecar that runs on self-interest, advocacy, and pursuit of ideals.

  5. The first step is to build a base among the 10% to 20% of White Americans who already agree with our explicit racial views. That will require recruiting activists and training them in political technology.

  6. Hunter, you need a good printer, and a good mailer. Sometimes they are the same business, sometimes they are not.

    A good post office, with a good postmaster is a big help too.

    The key to a good mailing is sending people information they can use, and presenting that information in an easy to understand, and, use format.

    1) Here are the facts.
    2) Here is what we need to do.
    3) Here is how you can help.

  7. I actually am a bit skeptical of the utility of direct mail in today’s world. Based on my single attempt at it, either direct mail really sucks or Wikitopian really sucks at direct mail. I was actually referring more generally to any kind of mind-numbing database-driven secretarial work that true visionaries find insufficiently glorious.

  8. For every 100 pieces of mail you can expect 3 or 4 responses. Unless you really hit a nerve. Then you might get 7 or 8. Like anything else persistence pays off.

  9. “For every 100 pieces of mail you can expect 3 or 4 responses. Unless you really hit a nerve. Then you might get 7 or 8. Like anything else persistence pays off.”

    Tom Watson: This is very true! Persistence is a key. Unfortunately, many White Nationalists need the lesson in patience and not giving up.

  10. Assuming that this effort were to “get off the ground”, what is your final goal? The name “WN” or “White Nationalist” seems to indicate the attempt to establish a “White Nation”, no? (surely no one here really believes that time can be reversed to the early 1900’s and the entire US brought “back to the fold”?). Since we are an ever diminishing “majority”, and the “people of color” are everywhere in this nation at this point, where would this new white nation be established? If this is not the goal, then what change is being hoped for here? “:
    Vote the bastards out”? That has been tried ad nauseum over the past 4 decades (probably longer, that is as far back as I can recall though). Whatever the final goal is, I wish everyone involved luck with it, but I am wondering, where are the funds for any kind of drive to get whites motivated going to come from? I have been unemployed for over a year with no hope or prospect of finding a job (though I am constantly looking) and I see that many of the whites I know are in the same situation. As a matter of fact, a new phenomenon has emerged from this economic ruin, see here:
    These are not “traditional RV people”, these are people trying to survive by taking up residence in their vans, trucks, and sadly, even their automobiles. There is a severe shortage of well-heeled white philanthropists willing to give to any “white cause” and any sort of revolution requires funds, lots of funds. So how will this movement be funded? I am just curious.

  11. Why not start a not-for-profit and collect money for implicitly-white charity projects? Like small no-interest loans to humble white folk for mortgages, small businesses etc. Or a food co-op that purchases good wholesome food wholesale and passes the savings on to worthy participants. Or a headquarters to coordinate a bartering network amongst and between Euro-Americans; bartering goods and services with one another.

    One major proviso however: WASPS NEED NOT APPLY!!!!!!

  12. Euro,

    Would you and MGLS just ‘kiss and make-up’, er, shake hands, for goodness sake! (LOL)

    Just goofing around with you guys a little. 🙂

  13. That was very funny, Euro. Take a bow. I hope none of your relatives ever are in that situation, evidently all they would get from you is some stale attempt at humor. My point was that most whites do not have the funds to donate to a political cause, and those who do have the money to spare ,would most likely not do so.

  14. What would you like to see get done? I don’t see a lot of battles out there that openly racialist Whites are realistically going to win at this stage. There are causes worth supporting but you need not be an avowed WN in order to lend a hand.

    Best to keep the explicitly racialist activity to spreading information via the web until our numbers are greater.

  15. I’ve had this idea in my head for a while…

    We need a ‘Continental Congress’ for Whites. Invite every White Nationalist to a convention and allow a 3-day debate on issues surrounding our movement. Once we form a broad consensus we can begin organizing into a real political force.

  16. Real politics would be a useful step in the right direction.

    I’d like to see more focus on what actually works.

  17. Three simple political issues that white advocates (or their front groups) should be able to make hay with:

    Illegal immigration
    Interracial crime
    Resisting the absurdities and excesses of multiculturalism

  18. Politics:
    Politics will only change when the social and religious structure back of it changes. Conservatives have never learned this simple lesson.

    “What We Need”:
    People do not need more information; they are drowing in that. There are now many awakened men and women waiting around, burning up productive energy fretting and worrying. They have enough knowledge to give them ulcers and headaches for a lifetime. What they need are all new social and religious structures to give them support and a chance to contribute. They need face time. The “brains” need to meet with the “middle managers” and the “blue collars.”

    We obviously have no shortage of ideas, forums, news, speeches, et cetera. What is lacking is serious planning, assignments to and organization of projects, charismatic leadership, and accountability and regular, in person meetings.

  19. Why not start a not-for-profit and collect money for implicitly-white charity projects? Like small no-interest loans to humble white folk for mortgages, small businesses etc. Or a food co-op that purchases good wholesome food wholesale and passes the savings on to worthy participants. Or a headquarters to coordinate a bartering network amongst and between Euro-Americans; bartering goods and services with one another.

    Actually Euro, this is an excellent idea.

    Props to you, brother.

  20. Thanks, Kulak. Maybe we can even get Mr. Miggles to serve spaghetti at one of our not-for-profit dinning halls for plain white folk.


    Sorry to be off topic. The post above and comments deserves the equivalent of a WN Drudge siren. You will see Chechar @ West’s Darkest Hour has “evolved,” and the gas is seeping through all the cracks. He even got his own dart board post at VFR. Oh baby, get the popcorn, and behold. Some people clearly do not read their critics, or rather do not care if they absolutely, astoundingly reaffirm all that has been made critical. It is like theater!


  22. I agree with Rusty wholeheartedly and have stated as much on several posts several times, but it doesn’t seem anyone wants to go down this road. Maybe Hunter does somewhat, with this post and a few others he seems to be understanding more and more that action is needed now. The WNists need a platform. This platform will be the vechicle to base the new institutions upon that Rusty is referring to. Remember that their are plenty of white leaders for sometime that have gotten us into the mess we are in. I don’t think race is enough. Just one example. Develop as part of your platform an alternative to the current Jew banking system based on fiat money and fractional reserve practices, things that are in line with true traditionalism or conservatism, things that will really allow people to be able to relate and believe that there will be a viable alternative that will be workable, not just “White Power!” or “Africans are violent!” A very good model as an alternative to a monetary system not based upon monetized debt is outlined by G. Edward Griffin in “The Creature from Jykell Island”. And of course, this won’t be just rethoric, this will be a workable sustainable plan that must be developed as an alternative to the current foreign (Jew) monetary slave state that we are subject to today.

    The point is, define some good solid values that represent the glory of European culture that we can sell to attract the disenfranchised back to our traditional roots. Put them out there to instill confidence among our people that there are some true leaders out there that will address their grievances. It could almost be an “add-on” somewhere half way down a flyer that mentions something to the effect of, “BTW, did we mention this is the platform of a White Ethnostate to be formed in the American Heartland?” BOOM!!!!
    Now they have something to sink their teeth into!

  23. Aservant,

    Exactly. There is in fact much intellectual work yet to be done.

    To “the glory of European culture”, aye!

  24. I wonder whether a webpage can be created that lists policies. The policies could then be voted on.

    Also it would be useful to have a list of policies that do and do not work based on the facts.

  25. Anyone who thinks we have too many thinkers has not been on Stormfront or listened to Radio Free Mississippi in a while. It challenges one’s belief in white supremacy.

  26. Given the existence of the CofCC, the A3P, and BANA, I have a hard time understanding how people excuse their inaction as being due to the lack of a basic framework within which to act. I’m not getting up in anybody’s grill; I sincerely don’t get it. It seems that A3P’s Mission Statement, “The American Third Position exists to represent the political interests of White Americans.”, is just about as straight as it gets.

    Personally, I believe it comes down to seriousness. A large and growing number of White Americans have known the basic facts, but still recognize it as an academic exercise. America’s rural and independent nature has allowed the problem to remain abstract for millions of “supporters”. Those who can escape it do so and those who can’t aren’t typically vanguard material.

    I believe it will come down to Hispanic migration to suburbs and small towns. At the point ordinary educated Whites feel truly cornered by the problem, they’ll begin gravitating toward our message and they’ll begin volunteering to help. But they’ll only gravitate toward our message if we show ourselves in our ideals and our actions to be focused advocates for them.

    I emphasize that because I don’t believe everybody here is a focused advocate for White Americans. What I mean is that there’s a distinction that ought to be made between those with radical visions and focused advocates.

    I’m not dismissing radical visions. Maybe disproving the Holocaust will cause a domino-effect of White liberation. Maybe the pagan rites of yore will unleash an Aryan warrior spirit. I’m not capable of offering the radical visions a fair treatment, but their theoretical soundness is beside the point in this particular context. They cause a B-movie panic in the people I’m trying to help.

  27. Wikitopian
    It seems that A3P’s Mission Statement, “The American Third Position exists to represent the political interests of White Americans.”, is just about as straight as it gets.

    A3P’s mission statement isn’t what Aservant is looking for. What we need is a platform, something that most white people will rally to support because it powerfully appeals to their interests as whites. Something that the establishment can’t offer without abandoning their war against whites. My rough draft for a platform which incorporated a few of Matamoros’s ideas was posted to the Arthur Kemp post in December.

    – A halt to legal immigration for 400 years

    – Replacement of the income tax with heavy tariffs.

    – Default on the national debt. Universal debt forgiveness.

    – Laws against economic treason. Aiding our competitors by educating their people or selling them high technology will be punished with long prison sentences for both the CEOs and the board of directors. This also means no more educating asians in our universities.

    – All tax supported education will be for citizens only.

    – Heavy tax penalties on corporations that outsource.

    – An immediate jobs program putting men to work rebuilding our infrastructure, the goal being the reduction of real unemployment to under 5% within six months of the nationalist party taking power.

    – An absolute end to illegal immigration and the prosecution of illegal immigration profiteers.

    – The establishment of Puerto Rican independence.

  28. Wikitopian wrote, “Given the existence of the CofCC, the A3P, and BANA, I have a hard time understanding how people excuse their inaction as being due to the lack of a basic framework within which to act.”

    Wikitopian, those are necessary but are wholly inadequate for the daily practical and emotional needs of the vast majority of regular folk. They are physically distant, way too thinly populated, and meetings are too infrequent. For most people, they are too theoretical and highly charged politically, and therefore offputting. They are not a reasonable alternative to the many social and religious institutions we have lost over the last 50 years, things such as Scouting, Church, Rotary, Exchange, various lodges, sports, and good schools. The groups you mentioned do not organize any of this, nor do they organize or even advocate viable alternatives to the old corrupted organizations.

    Regular folk will not be changed into deep thinkers or strategists, regardless of how much information they receive. But that’s not necessary. Most people at places like SF understand the basic problems, even if they cannot articulate them clearly or understand how to fix them. Most of them are not natural leaders, either, but many will make fine, loyal followers. We have plenty of fine thinkers and many willing doers. If the strategists and the tacticians will begin moving the troops in a viable direction, more leaders, doers, and followers will emerge pretty quickly.

    Nothing radical is required. Sites such as Solari and Lewrockwell have sound ideas on new money. Other sites have ideas on improving small, local legal matters and on alternatives to the current system. Homeschooling is still growing. All these ideas can be used by regular people right now where they are.

    Homeschooling is such an incredibly powerful way to improve and rebuild not only our own education, but also our societies, religious foundations and other cultural concerns. It’s much more than just scholastic knowledge gathering or vocational training, it’s real community-building that every adult and child can enjoy and contribute to. Families come together to share not only educational resources and tips, but to share their expertise in hunting, fishing, fighting, car repair, legal matters, college entrance tips and tricks, gardening, raising livestock, robotics, you name it. And they do this every day in a normal, non-threatening environment.

  29. Oldright,
    Good ideas, but you are still talking about politics.

    IMHO, politics will continue going nowhere until there is social, religious, and cultural improvement back of it. Also, 95% of the folk do not care a fig about WN politics; they want practical solutions to their own problems while building up their little corner of the universe. They have nowhere to turn for their daily societal and religious concerns, and no one leading them toward long-term cultural restoration.

    The vast confusion and poor political results come from this societal, religious, and cultural wasteland. Conservatives continue losing because they spend 99% of their energy on politics. The Jews and other radical liberals first captured — and continue to dissolve — our social, religious and cultural institutions, and then moved in with their radical politics for the kill. Political platforms and strategizing are fine. But at this time, and for the next hundred or so years, they are the cart — culture is the horse.

  30. Rusty
    Good ideas, but you are still talking about politics.

    Of course I’m talking about politics. A3P is a political party so it should have a political platform.

    If you can get a cultural restoration going having a good pro-white platform and a party to advocate for it will come in handy.

  31. Rusty,
    What I’m selling here is a political organization which hosts regular meetings and works to integrate into community life. You may disagree with the direction I took, but I’ve definitely accounted for the primacy of religious and social engagement. I reject your assertion that they oughtn’t be pursued in parallel.

  32. OldRight,
    You are completely missing my point.

    I said no such thing about politics.

    I said politics are fine but that an effective politic will only come after culture has been restored, or at least reorganized for growth; and that this almost total lack of attention to culture is why traditionals/conservatives have been beaten so badly in politics for so long. You want to integrate politics into community life. Great idea. But you and almost every other strategizer on every blog from here to Vladivostock ignores one crucial fact: there is no community. We no longer have a white social order of any consequence, no religious or community life, no social instititions, and practically no culture at all, zippo. This is why every political seed you drop, no matter how fecund, will not sprout — it falls on barren cultural soil. Even if you came up with the greatest political ideas and political organization in the world, our current cultural organization would not allow it to be recognized or fertilized.

  33. The Ron Paul revolution and the Tea Parties will go nowhere even though the political and economic situation is right because our societal, religious, and other cultural underpinnings are rotten. The people are easily corrupted, bought off, or divided because they have nothing else to hold them together and keep them from straying.

    Germany in the early 1900’s retained a stronger moral and social foundation than the Western countries it was attempting to capture and convert. We do not have that, far from it. All our best political efforts will be corrupted by our lack of a healthy culture. In our current state of decay we are far more likely to suffer a Bolshevik type revolution than a Jeffersonian, Jacksonian or National Socialist one.

  34. Why do you hope I’m wrong? Wrong about what? Am I wrong to insist that effective, grass-roots politics only comes from a healthy culture? I am wrong that all of our cultural institutions are rotten from steeping hundreds of years in liberalism?

    Cultural change could only come from politics when imposed from the top down. When do you think you will be in such a position of total domination where you can effect such a top-down change? Even when imposed, the effects are unpredictably dangerous. How will your royal decrees avert the unintented social problems of the past?

  35. Rusty and Wikitopian,

    It is true that we have plenty of people who want to be “doers” and “activists.” The problem is that their efforts are almost entirely amateur. Most don’t have the training and experience to engage in successful grassroots organizing.

  36. The long term goal for this website is to continue to build the “media arm” while beginning to test the waters with the “activist arm.” The precursor of the “activist arm” is building state based racialist social networks.

  37. My policy idea:

    School vouchers for everyone, including for home schoolers, equal to the amount that the state pays for each student to be educated in a public school.

    This amount is about $5,000. A small group of homeschoolers could pool their funds received via vouchers and create a mini-classroom with multiple students.

    As long as grades are maintained equal to the average percentage of public schools the funds keep flowing to homeschoolers.

    Feedback welcome.

  38. Re: activism.

    You may wish to consider recruiting activists to work on media first. The media is largely an untapped market. This approach would work as a relatively safe testing and training ground for future real-world activism.

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