When leftist students attack Jewish speakers, liberalism and tolerance goes out the door

I found this video infuriating because of the double standards of Jewish speech versus White speech:

Leftists shout down Israeli ambassador

When the bratz shut down Tom Tancredo or Jared Taylor, no problem, the authorities don’t care.

But heaven forbid an important, powerful Jew is up there getting heckled, the hecklers GET ARRESTED.

At 4:06 the kwallege administrator tries to get all tough and act as though he’s some kind of authority deserving respect. This high paid piece of filth has presided over multiculturalism/diversity and the subsidized, pampered anarchy of a typical college campus. Now he tries to get all tough and actually orders the arrest of the hecklers.

This is really a beautiful, poetic revenge example of how liberals get trampled by the diversity they have allied themselves with. This creep would never have ordered the arrests of people attacking Tom Tancredo, but he bends over backwards for a representative of a foreign power.

Lots of head scarves and frightened Jews, who brought this on themselves to spite people who didn’t let their great-grandfather into a tennis club.

Edmund Connelly wrote an excellent article at TOQ online about how the Jews were adept at seizing power from the former White Anglo-Saxon Protestant ruling class, but they are not so good at wielding this power:

The old elite had a sense of civic responsibility and national interest. As Sailer notes, the new elite seems to care nothing about the long term success of the society as a whole:

The unspoken implication of Brooks’ analysis is that American Jews should start thinking of themselves less as oppressed outcasts who need to go for whatever they can get while the getting is good, and start thinking of themselves more realistically as the core of the New American Establishment. Thus, American Jews should realize that, like the Protestant Establishment of yore, their privileged position as a de facto leadership caste bestows upon them corresponding duties to conserve the long-term well-being of the overall nation rather than to indulge in personal and ethnic profit and power maximization.

But the terrifying reality is that the Jewish ascendancy remains hostile to the traditional people and culture of America. Jews continue to earn like Episcopalians (actually more than Episcopalians) and vote like Puerto Ricans. They are the financial backbone of the Democratic Party and its coalition of non-White ethnic groups. (83% voted for Obama.) The organized Jewish community is a major pillar of support for massive, non-White immigration that will add 100 million non-Whites to the US in the next few decades.

The new elite is definitely not about conserving America for the long term success of the society as a whole. It’s about ethnic paranoia, ancient hatreds, and the desire to completely transform the society at the expense of its traditional people–elite and non-elite alike—at whatever the cost to the society as a whole. Hey, when it falls apart, just take the money and run to Israel.


  1. Hunter Wallace used to have a quote that said, “If you want to find who controls society, find those whom you can’t criticize.”

    It’s absolutely true.

  2. Even a big shot like Ann Coulter got a pie in her face at a University, with no repercussions for the Liberals behind it.

    But some no account worm from Israel gets his lines stepped on, and they bring out the SWAT team!

    Next time Muslims won’t make the mistake of leaving the Jew alive to make a complaint.

  3. The source of Antisemitism sure is mysterious-yes indeed. I recall the footage of the donnybrook at Columbia-when the Minutemen were prevented from speaking a single intelligible word and protesters
    were allowed to storm the stage.

    Too bad no Americans showed up to denounce Israel for murdering US sailors.

  4. Universities like Columbia have been churning out indoctrinated minions for decades. It’s not a coincidence that America is becoming a failure. Hey, we had a good run.

  5. Yes, there’s so many examples of the State allowing anarchy and violence against us, but cracking down hard to protect the free speech of powerful, favored types like Michael Oren.

    It’s interesting that the leftists are basically “naming the Jew,” albeit calling it Israel. They are attacking the phenomenon of Organized Jewry frontally.

    It’s all the more interesting because leftists are the bastard children of Organized Jewry, and they have turned against their mommy, daddy and financial patron. Organized Jewry created a middle class of “equality and diversity enforcers.”

    The Paychecked Up Left Wing is a completely unproductive and socially destructive force among us, created by O.J. and represented by the college professors and administrators shown in that youtube video. They are the ones who run the institutions for these “diverse” college students, and created the very environment conducive to the social anarchy shown in the video.

    This youtube video should go down in history as “a legendary example of poetic justice.”

  6. Unlike our Jewish oligarchy, the old Ango-Saxon elite formed a majority of the population along with anglocized Catholics, Italians and other European groups. The Jewish hold on the country is unstable because two percent of the population can’t control everyone else without throwing around a lot of money. Immigration becomes a useless weapon in destroying the White population when the groups coming over have just as much contempt for Jews as anyone else. It’s going to come down to saving our country or expelling these Jewish parasites just as they’ve been expelled from every other country they’ve lived in.

  7. Kiev

    It’s interesting that the leftists are basically “naming the Jew,” albeit calling it Israel. They are attacking the phenomenon of Organized Jewry frontally.

    Yeah, wars for Israel tend to do that. The neo-conservative movement really put it out there for everyone to see, don’t you think?

    btw, Kiev, saw the post before it was pulled – you said “false flag” – glad to see people finally coming around 🙂

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