The Virginia Network

When I showed up in Kenyon Park, Jeffrey Imm was handing out a flier that said OD was based in Virginia and was seeking to spread its “message of hate” in the Old Dominion, DC, Maryland and neighboring states. Actually, that wasn’t my intention in moving here, but it struck me as a good idea and I plan to pursue it.

I’m setting up a Virginia based social network for White Nationalists and likeminded racialist sympathizers in the area. My experience at these conferences has convinced me that we need to get off the internet and start meeting in real life. There is nothing quite like engaging in casual conversation with people who share your ideas and aspirations. It is a necessary corrective to the cynicism and demoralization that overwhelms those racialists whose involvement is limited to the online realm.

In the future, OD will be hosting private meetings at restaurants across the state. I’ve considered holding meetings at Civil War battlefields and historic sites across Virginia. We can tour these areas, shoot some video, and snap some pictures while getting to know each other.  I already have at least one activist project in mind. It should be a load of fun.

We have to crawl before we can walk. A thriving state based social network is the necessary precursor of a regional activist organization.

Update: The OD Virginia Facebook group is up and running. If you haven’t already done so, join the main OD Facebook group. I’ve been updating it daily.

About Hunter Wallace 12409 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. The “lunatic fringe” (most of VNN, Lindstedt, Turner, Hollywood clowns, etc…) might be a bit of fun on the internet, but, in RL? Avoid them, kick them out if they show up.

    They mean nothing but trouble. Ignore this warning and you will find out the hard way….

    I repeat:
    Ignore this warning and you will find out the hard way….

  2. People secretly want to drive long distances to hang out among their own, but they can’t excuse the investment of time and money without a belief (however tenuous) that they’re going there to participate in targeted activist work. If you don’t start out with a coherent vision and roadmap, you risk devolving into a social club.

    I’ve even decided to call them monthly “workshops”. This month, a full hour was devoted to people providing updates on individual assignments and offering brainstorm proposals while I was taking notes. The best thing about keeping the “active” in activism is that it bores out the monomaniacal creepers and favors the doers over the talkers.

    Another thing I would recommend is to make it explicitly family-friendly. Not only does this sound warm ‘n fuzzy, it’s a solid reason to cut off any raving creepers. I’ve been doing this for over a year and only had one awkward situation, so it’s not as big of a problem as you may be assuming.

    When you screen, don’t be too quick to blow somebody off based solely on a group they’ve been involved with. Some of the best people are refugees from creeper clubs. There’s no real substitute for instincts here.

  3. Heed Lowland’s advice, but sometimes the nicest and most respected activists turn out to be the trouble makers:

    Aaron Kilner, known by Peace Fresno activists as Aaron Stokes, attended several Peace Fresno meetings. Peace Fresno activist Nicholas DeGraff remembers him taking voluminous notes and several members say they saw him at peace vigils held at Shaw and Blackstone. He was also on the bus local anti-globalization activists took to attend the WTO ministerial-level conference on Agricultural Science and Technology demonstration in Sacramento in June 2003. Aaron Kilner died in a motorcycle accident on August 30, 2003. In his obituary in The Fresno Bee he was identified as a member of the Fresno County Sheriffs department. The obituary went on to say that he was assigned to the anti-terrorist team. Local activists believe that this anti-terrorist team is, in fact, the Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF) that has recently been formed in the area. When members of Peace Fresno saw the picture and read of Kilners association with law enforcement they began piecing the story together.

    Activists groups, right or left or otherwise, keep making the same mistakes over and over again, either out of ignorance or just preferring to keep their heads in the sand and pretend it doesn’t matter.

    Sorry if I harp on this issue but closing your eyes doesn’t make it go away. It’s not irrelevant and it matters greatly. Can anyone offer a suggestion for dealing with such problems?

  4. Yes. By “lunatic fringe” – you all must mean secret agents, right? Unfortunately, this corrupt system is propped up by taxes, and unless money power is put in shackles, there is just no way to know. I guess the best solution is to have a lawyers involved.

  5. Wikitopian,

    The idea is not to have people drive long distances. I believe it was Harold Covington who said the revolution will be carried out by people who are within driving distance of each other. DC to Charlottesville is about 115 miles.

    At the moment, I don’t even think we have social clubs in the area. We haven’t even got to that level of organizing yet! It’s pathetic. What exists are isolated people scattered across Virginia who know each other only through the internet. That’s our starting point.

  6. Everyone should be left to determine their own level of involvement. Greg has made that point several times. We can’t expect everyone who posts online to become an activist. If they don’t want to do activism, they can contribute in other ways.

  7. Hunter,

    Don’t let these commenters discourage you or frighten you. I have vetted a lot of newbies to the WN movement, hosting them at my own house. It’s no big deal. The rules are not talking or even joking about violence or illegal acts, and you’ll quickly see how the defectives and losers are, and who are the worthwhile people.

    The worthwhile people in the WN movement are well worth sifting out the freaks and defectives. There’s a very high average IQ among us.

  8. When I showed up in Kenyon Park, Jeffrey Imm was handing out a flier that said OD was based in Virginia and was seeking to spread its “message of hate” in the Old Dominion, DC, Maryland and neighboring states. Actually, that wasn’t my intention in moving here, but it struck me as a good idea and I plan to pursue it. — Hunter

    **Thanks Jeff!!!**


    This is for you and all our brothers


    The Bonnie Blue Flag

    We are a band of brothers and native to the soil
    Fighting for our Liberty, With treasure, blood and toil
    And when our rights were threatened, the cry rose near and far
    Hurrah for the Bonnie Blue Flag that bears a single star!

    Hurrah! Hurrah!
    For Southern rights, hurrah!
    Hurrah for the Bonnie Blue Flag that bears a single star.

    2. As long as the Union was faithful to her trust
    Like friends and like brethren, kind were we, and just

    But now, when Northern treachery attempts our rights to mar
    We hoist on high the Bonnie Blue Flag that bears a single star.


    3. First gallant South Carolina nobly made the stand
    Then came Alabama and took her by the hand
    Next, quickly Mississippi, Georgia, and Florida
    All raised on high the Bonnie Blue Flag that bears a single star.


    4. Ye men of valor gather round the banner of the right
    Texas and fair Louisiana join us in the fight
    Davis, our loved President, and Stephens statesmen rare
    Now rally round the Bonnie Blue Flag that bears a single star.


    5. Now here’s to brave Virginia, the old Dominion State,
    With the young Confederacy at last has sealed her fate,
    And spurred by her example, now other states prepare
    To hoist high the bonnie blue flag that bears a single star.


    6. Then cheer, boys, cheer, raise a joyous shout
    For Arkansas and North Carolina now have both gone out,
    And let another rousing cheer for Tennessee be given,
    The single star of the Bonnie Blue Flag has grown to be eleven.


    7. Then here’s to our Confederacy, strong we are and brave,
    Like patriots of old we’ll fight, our heritage to save;
    And rather than submit to shame, to die we would prefer
    So cheer for the Bonnie Blue Flag that bears a single star

  9. Hunter, when you chit-chat with people around Charlottsville, tell them to take a peek at your website, and give you their opinion of it. That should get you started. You might even want to get some business cards made up. Editor & Publisher. 😉

  10. I’d like to be doing this as well but live in a major urban area (Chicago) and have concerns for safety of my family. While doing activism against illegal immigration we received targeted death threats by people who knew where we lived. I have to assume that specifically race based activism would ratchet the hate up at least a notch.

    Any practical thoughts on screening and such would be appreciated.

  11. #15

    I am in touch with them and have attended two of their meetings. I asked at the last meeting and they are not interested in pursuing any activism apart from holding infrequent meetings.

    I think more is needed.

  12. Tanstaafl,

    You’ll get past my freak/defective filter if I get the impression that you are a practical, results oriented person.

  13. “Update: The OD Virginia Facebook group is up and running. If you haven’t already done so, join the main OD Facebook group. I’ve been updating it daily.”

    The Facebook thing strikes me as a bad idea.

    Facebook is owned and ran entirely by the Judeoplutocracy. I think it is an info-gathering mechanism for organized Jewry to find out nearly everything about people with a few clicks of the mouse: their education, friends, jobs, general social network, hobbies/interests, numerous pictures, etc. You know how narcissistic freaks like to load down their Fakebook pages with nearly everything about themselves to make them seem hip and important.

    Need proof that Facebook is owned and run by Jewish plutocrats? Here are the main people who run Facebook, minus all of the devious office-drone underlings who are likely disproportionately Jewish too:
    – Mark Zuckerberg (co-founder) [JEW]
    – Dustin Moskovitz (co-founder) [JEW]
    – Eduardo Saverin (co-founder) [HISPANIC JEW]
    – Sheryl Sandberg (COO) [JEW] – “Prior to Facebook, Sheryl was Vice President of Global Online Sales and Operations at Google. She also helped launch Google’s philanthropic arm Prior to Google, Sandberg served as Chief of Staff for the United States Department of the Treasury.”
    – Peter Thiel (major investor) [JEW] – Jew or part-Jew international billionaire
    – Matt Cohler (VP of Product Management) [JEW]
    – Chris Hughes (co-founder) [?]
    – Ted Ullyot (general counsel) [?] – Former government lawyer

    + FROM:

    That is just the tip of the iceberg folks. Facebook has increasing ties to the ZOGed U.S. Federal Government and the Jew-owned company internet monopolizer Google.

    Facebook is amassing the world’s largest database of personal data on people. Facebook is owned and ran by Jews…is this a coincidence? Jews controlling the world’s largest database of human info?

    I would strongly recommend against racially-aware Whites using Facebook unless it is a completely innocuous sense, that you do not invoke racialist ideas over there and use it strictly for business and basic networking – do you really want the Jewish mafia who runs Facebook to know virtually everything about you?

  14. Facebook is a useful tool. I’ve met a lot of people on there who aren’t regular OD readers. The sensible thing to do is to use Facebook to get people reading and posting over here. As for personal information, I am using a pseudonym and haven’t disclosed any sensitive information like my phone number or mailing address.

  15. Racial-political socializing and networking is the way to go. Good luck to all, in old Virginny. Don’t miss the Fiddler’s Convention in Galax, HW, its great.

  16. Hunter Wallace
    Facebook is a useful tool. I’ve met a lot of people on there who aren’t regular OD readers. The sensible thing to do is to use Facebook to get people reading and posting over here.

    Would you let the ADL copy your address book? Would you give them an update whenever you jotted down a new phone number?

    That’s what you’re doing by using Facebook.

  17. OR, HW,

    Everything online is traceable one way or another. If I had enough money I could buy every IP address from wordpress (who owns wordpress anyway?)

    I don’t use Facebook myself, but HW is probably doing this sort of networking in an acceptable way. Just understand OR’s point that everything on Facebook – and all their partners, Google, Yahoo, Twitter, etc., etc., – is up for sale. They have leaked the prices they charge the government.

    Accept the reality.

  18. I use Facebook and have found it to be very useful for meeting like minded folk. I find this very important in my particular situation, my locale is small and backwoods – although, considering the area, I’m hoping it will be good grounds for activism, however small the activism may be. Facebook allows me an outlet of communication that I would otherwise miss out on.
    I think anyone that uses the internet runs the risk of being monitered, even those using this site. Unless you live completely off the grid, your personal information is out there.

    Off topic –
    Junghans, the locals have a different opinion about the Fiddlers Convention (Galax is my home town), this small area gets so overwhelmed, that many people camp out in the Walmart parking lot. I’m actually amazed how much attention this small area receives over this event, I know one year we had French film crews videotaping.

  19. Krista, the locals need to ‘cash in’ on this exceptional cultural/musical event, since I assume, not having been there for a while, that the local furniture industry has now been ‘outsourced’, along with the jobs. The Scots-Irish-Celtic Appalachian musical tradition is, in essence, ‘White soul music’. This is a heritage that we should embrace and promote.

  20. Junghans, personally, I’m not a fan of bluegrass, not because of the music, but because of the poor musicians/singers. If done well, with it’s celtic roots, it is indeed ‘White soul music’. And your right, this area is headed down the tubes, Vaughn’s Furniture is the only one left and every year around the holiday’s, we are invaded by the thousands because of the tree farming industries.
    Thats why I still hold hope for this area and some activism, a lot of these people still hold onto their ‘roots’, they’ve just forgotten how deep those ‘roots’ run!

  21. Perhaps it would be a good idea for people on the West Coast to support the A3P party? They are based in California I believe.

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