TOQ Online: One Year Anniversary

TOQ Online is celebrating its first birthday today. The site went online on April 17, 2009 – exactly one year ago – at a time when nothing much was happening in the White Nationalist blogosphere. Over the past year, TOQ Online has published 700 posts, accumulated 2,910 comments, and built an audience of about 20,000 unique visitors a month. That’s a solid foundation to build upon.

Occidental Dissent has been online in various forms since mid-2006. We started out as a small vBulletin forum. I closed that down in early 2007 after it was overrun by European Neo-Nazis. In May 2007, I relaunched OD as a WordPress blog focused on “Racial and Cultural Preservation in North America.” The blog enjoyed a lot of success, but I stupidly abandoned the project after becoming embroiled in an internet feud with another forum. In January 2008, OD was reincarnated as “Odessa Syndicate.” The second blog (which aimed to fuse elements of the Far Right and Far Left) quickly built an audience, but fell apart after I suffered a collapse due to exhaustion.

The present incarnation of Occidental Dissent – actually, the fourth version – was launched in May 2008. From May 2008 to May 2009, a whole year, I was rarely on the internet. By the end of this period, I was close to abandoning the internet all together. I had grown worried about my own personal health, disillusioned with the vicious infighting that plagues the White Nationalist scene, and retreated into the mundane affairs of real life. On May 2, 2009, OD was a ghost town. My internet career was more or less over.

In this dark period, I vaguely remember stumbling upon TOQ Online, probably in May 2009. I started following the articles being published there and reacting to them. It was one of major reasons I started writing again. I thought to myself: if these guys are doing this, why can’t I throw in my own two cents?

That’s exactly what happened. The rest is history. In Summer 2009, I blogged up a storm, and TOQ Online was providing a lot of fodder for commentary. This attracted a lot of attention to OD. Many of the old commentators returned. Greg Johnson began syndicating my posts on TOQ Online. We initiated a correspondence which developed into a friendship. Eventually, we became co-conspirators in the grand project of creating a White ethnostate in North America.

The impact of TOQ Online goes far beyond the statistics. First, you have to take into consideration all the other pro-White media outlets (OD, TOO, Alt Right) that have been inspired by its example, and the sites that have been inspired by them, and so on. Second, you have to factor in the real world network of pro-White activists that TOQ Online has spawned (including those here at OD), and the sense of solidarity that has created which has emboldened the more cautious among us. Third, you have to consider the synergy and momentum that goes on largely offline and gauge the future impact of all this networking, collaboration, and pooling of talent.

I had known of The Occidental Quarterly for almost a decade, but I had never read or subscribed to the journal until last year. Like most people my age, print is not the medium I prefer. I don’t read local or national newspapers. When I want to catch up on current events or read political analysis, I come online to search my favorite websites for relevant material or add feeds to my RSS reader. The only print material I consume are hardcover books that attract my interest. In the age of social media, The Occidental Quarterly was all but invisible until last year. More people are reading TOQ Online every month now than read the print journal in all its previous years of existence.

A spark can ignite a fire. I can say without exaggeration that this past year has not only been my most fruitful year as an online racialist publisher, but the best year in memory for the pro-White movement as a whole. I can’t recall a time when I was more optimistic about our future prospects for success. It seems like we are really starting to get our act together. In light of all the previous disasters, I know that is true of this website.

What we absolutely cannot afford right now at this critical juncture is to take a step backwards. We cannot allow the infighting, personal acrimony, and private ambitions which have hobbled this movement from its earliest days to return to haunt us again and sink all that we have built. More than anything else, this is why the people we need within our inner circles have stayed aloof from the movement for so long. If we are to make progress, 2010 must be a better year for the White Nationalist movement than 2009, and every year thereafter.

Happy Birthday, TOQ Online

Note: Occidental Dissent’s one year anniversary will be May 21, 2010.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Beautiful.

    Last year was a turning point for me, too. I was in a debate with some East Indians and they were gloating over the decline of and increasingly homelessness of Whites in the urban center near me. They said in response to me making some pro-White comments, and I quote:

    “Your ancestors will be brown.

    It’s over.”

    I responded:

    “Just when you think it’s over is when the tide begins to turn.”

    And so it has.

    I found this blog last year, just a couple of months after its inception, and TOQ, and others.

    You’ve done an invaluable service here, Hunter. Your blog has mapped out a new and healthier approach for Whites. The prospect of the White ethnostate, the focus on White Nationalism instead of White Supremacy, the emphasis on racial and cultural preservation, and the many strong and well-researched arguments make this blog a powerful message machine.

    I’m glad you and others have persevered. These kinds of things do make a difference.

    May it keep on getting better.

  2. As far as OD goes, 2010 has already been a better year than 2009. In 2009, OD wasn’t updated on a daily basis until June, and I was the only one posting at the time. We had about 10,000 comments on January 1, 2010.

    Since January 2010, almost 15,000 comments have been posted. We have multiple contributors posting new material every day. Threads are averaging about 35 to 40 comments per article. Unique visitors have more than doubled since November. We are doing activism in the real world and getting into social media. New contributors and commentators are showing up all the time.

  3. Thanks for this very positive post. And I agree that TOQ is an excellent place. I have been in and out of the American WN “movement” for ~ 20 years. I have particularly enjoyed the very educated, well written WN magazines, zines, blogs like Instauration, American Renaissance on now the Occidental Quarterly.
    Yes, large parts of the world look very bad – South Africa going the way of Zimbabwe is very depressing. And Merry Old England isn’t very English these days. But there are so many good things happening in the world for our people and I note break through wins, successes by WN, populists on the Right, Left in virtually all European countries. I particularly enjoy seeing WN win from the Left in places like Holland.
    Our time is coming in America. Let’s build on our successes.
    14 Words.

  4. Congrats on the good work!
    The infighting and self-righteous “I’m more right than you” of the WN movement is our bane. This blog helps us to get beyond self-righteousness and move towards real team work.

  5. Jack,

    You made a point the other day that we need more positive content. I completely agree. Many racialist websites (this one included) often read like “the horror story of the day” and demoralize more than inspire.

    I had a lot to say about this in my internal social media report. A good way to counter this is to exploit photosharing websites like Flickr to change our image. We need lots of photos and videos of photogenic young activists doing productive things in the real world.

  6. We did have a thread about the whole ethnostate thing a while back, but if that is to be the central project and vision of OD I think it requires a lot more coverage than it gets.

    As I recall there was a vibrant discussion of whether the whole of the USA should be maintained, or a break off piece was a better choice.

    Still most details remain un-discussed here.

    I do think OD already is a more positive place than AmRen. One can only read so many stories of a gang of blacks ripping and rapeing before it becomes mind numbing.

  7. Ooops. I wasn’t meaning to criticize you. I though the wawgs were yakking like that. 🙂 “Brown like schitte,” I would have replied.

    I would have asked them why they are here. Why couldn’t they create the kind of society they enjoy living in, in their homeland?

  8. We did have a thread about the whole ethnostate thing a while back, but if that is to be the central project and vision of OD I think it requires a lot more coverage than it gets.

    As I recall there was a vibrant discussion of whether the whole of the USA should be maintained, or a break off piece was a better choice.

    Still most details remain un-discussed here.

    I’d like to discuss it more, too.

    I’m a big fan of the idea of re-establishing pro-White rule in the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and of course Europe; and/or forming smaller ethnostates in a racial Confederacy.

    This is under the About tab at the top of the page:

    We support the creation of a Jew-free, racially exclusive White ethnostate in North America.

    So it is right there, but more focus on it in future posts is always good. It’s a naturally positive and inspiring topic.

  9. Stronza,

    I recently debated again with East Indian supremacists. I’ll share their mythology at some point when it isn’t off-topic.

    I would have asked them why they are here. Why couldn’t they create the kind of society they enjoy living in, in their homeland?

    They blame everything on Whites, of course, for not having the societies they want. And they say they invented almost everything and Whites just stole it.

  10. I was in a debate with some East Indians and they were gloating over the decline of and increasingly homelessness of Whites in the urban center near me.

    Nothing awakens the White spirit more than non-White chauvinism and aggression. The more hostile and obnoxious they are the better. Most Whites are passive, complacent and empathetic by nature, we need a slap in the face to wake us up.

  11. Glad to know you hung in there, Hunter. Perseverance pays off. Your contributions definitely make White nationalism a better community.

  12. 11Lady Lurker

    I sorta miss the name Prozium. Perhaps it’s just because I love that movie.

    The name itself is kind of relaxing, isn’t it? 🙂

  13. Let’s all work very hard to find, true, positive stories about our people.
    We shouldn’t make stuff up, act “rah, rah” on things that are more “blah, blah”. But there are good, inspiring stories out there that will inspire our people.
    One good place to go for positive stories about sports (very important to our people) is:

    This site presents the truth about race and sports and takes our side.
    Lot’s of things that seem hard to understand, become easy to understand when you learn the racial caste system.
    Whites are supposed to be able to fight, jump, run fast. The White public and White women are supposed to worship Black sports stars as Gods.
    So when the US media doesn’t cover the sport of boxing anymore, what’s going on?
    What’s going on is that Whites are dominating boxing! And our White boys/girls/gals/men are doing well in so many sports. Let’s promote our heroes and inspire some White youth.

    Thanks again Hunter and everyone else who has contributed to this great web site.

    14 Words.

  14. Here’s something I’m sure you can make hay of:

    A whole family of psychopaths. A good case in support of forced sterilization.

  15. Nothing awakens the White spirit more than non-White chauvinism and aggression. The more hostile and obnoxious they are the better. Most Whites are passive, complacent and empathetic by nature, we need a slap in the face to wake us up. – Mark

    Almost anything written by ‘AsianofReason’, ‘The Undiscovered Jew’ (TUJ), and especially ‘recman1’, fits this bill rather nicely.

    You can always find these guys lurking around Sailer’s blog, as a rule.

  16. Almost anything written by ‘AsianofReason’, ‘The Undiscovered Jew’ (TUJ), and especially ‘recman1’, fits this bill rather nicely.

    You can always find these guys lurking around Sailer’s blog, as a rule.

    Absolutely right. The more obnoxious they are, the better. Hopefully their message of hate will help give the HBD nerds and Asiaphiles pause and push some of them to ethnonationalism.

  17. Almost anything written by ‘AsianofReason’, ‘The Undiscovered Jew’ (TUJ), and especially ‘recman1?, fits this bill rather nicely.

    You can always find these guys lurking around Sailer’s blog, as a rule.

    I don’t visit those sites often, but when I do I make it a habit to ruffle the feathers of those effeminate, autistic betas. They really go into hysterics when you talk about Jews and Asians.

  18. “I closed that down in early 2007 after it was overrun by European Neo-Nazis.”

    I missed that that. It sounds humorous.

  19. They really go into hysterics when you talk about Jews and Asians. – Mark

    I think you meant to say that they really go into hysterics when you talk about Jews and Asians in anything but a reverential and fawning manner…

  20. Last year was a turning point for me, too. I was in a debate with some East Indians and they were gloating over the decline of and increasingly homelessness of Whites in the urban center near me. They said in response to me making some pro-White comments, and I quote:

    “Your ancestors will be brown.

    It’s over.” – Lockeford #1

    Hmm, interesting that the Hajjies said ‘your ancestors’ (past tense) rather than your descendents — which would be the correct (future tense) term.

    So much for ‘smart Hindoos’ ;}

  21. I think you meant to say that they really go into hysterics when you talk about Jews and Asians in anything but a reverential and fawning manner…

    The context was implied, but yeah they practically have a nervous breakdown, they have really fragile egos. Even mild disapproval of mixing with Asians and they want your comments deleted and you banned, and they accuse you of being a tattooed, criminal neo-Nazi.

  22. I don’t visit those sites often, but when I do I make it a habit to ruffle the feathers of those effeminate, autistic betas. They really go into hysterics when you talk about Jews and Asians.


    We need you to make more forays like this into enemy territory — since you are excellent as a ‘hit-n-run commando’ when I have seen you on a ‘raid’ (lol) as a White Advocate — especially warning against Asiatic miscegenation.

    *Although I utterly loathe Roissy, he sums up the intra-psychological deadness of, as you call them, ‘those effeminate, autistic betas’ rather well –

    No non-fatty white girlfriend would tolerate such nauseating beta shit for long. His ass would be dumped as soon as the bartender winked at her. Is it any wonder guys like this hone in on Asian girls? I don’t blame them. With the Asian girlfriend, they get to be all the beta they can be, without fear of reprisal. And they don’t have to settle for a fat chick.

  23. TOQ is an interesting site, but it rarely has anything original. Seems to just be links back to your website Hunter, and YOUR work.

    Plus I haven’t got a new journal (print TOQ) in quite sometime!

  24. “I think you meant to say that they really go into hysterics when you talk about Jews and Asians in anything but a reverential and fawning manner…”

    That sounds like the Amren comments section too.

  25. “TOQ Online needs more original content. I don’t have any objection to them syndicating our material though. More eyeballs and backlinks are good for us.”

    Clearly, the more original content the better. But I rather like that TOQ Online, in addition to its original material, serves as something of an aggregator as well. We need that too. One of the great things about the internet is that, essentially, we get to choose our own editors. Now that the online white nationalist community is producing so much material, that’s an important function in and of itself. If Greg Johnson thinks something is worth a read, well, it probably is.

  26. Congradulations, Fade, Greg Johnson for having this blog or TOQ Online for a year.

    Now I think your problem, and your strength, has been in setting up forums in which you allowed relatively free speech on your forums.

    Now I do think that you presently have too many ‘intellectuals’ sans actual political and real-life experience on your blog. As a result they end up saying and ‘thinking’ the same things. Which is fine for what you want and who you are, and if it makes you happy, then fine.

    But I think you should open up your v-bulletin forum arm again, and allow posters to post from which you can then take differing opinions from others. I think you don’t wish to lose control over that which you really shouldn’t even try to control, namely the differing opinions of others in the bowel Movement.

    I think that by doing so you may well get differing opinions which you can mine for your blog in that way. It might not be comfortable for you to do so, but you will get over talking in an echo chamber to yourself and those like you.

    Hail Victory!!!

    Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
    Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

  27. But I think you should open up your v-bulletin forum arm again, and allow posters to post from which you can then take differing opinions from others.

    That will never happen, Good Pastor Lindstedt, because then you would post all your crazy CI stuff and I would post proof that Mossad Did 911:

    And that makes the credibility whores wince, because they aren’t afraid to write some articles against Jewish power, but they will *never* have the balls to publicly admit that Mossad kill 3000 people in New York and Washington and lied us into multiple wars for Greater Judea.

    They are even probably too afraid to point out the CURRENT bs going on – Jewish TV show South Park is actually using fake “Muslim” “Yousef al-Khattab, born Joseph Cohen” who runs a transparent false front “terrorist sympathizer” group in New York City called “Revolution Muslim” (offshoot of the JDO) and now South Park is using them for PR, see

    Some issues are too hot to handle for Occidental Dissent – anything that actually has real life and death consequences. Better to stick to pushy Asians and South African whites – you know, the white people far far away.

  28. 1,) The forum will be reopened at some point. We are going to focus on the blog and podcast for now.

    2.) That’s changing. Back in February, I showed up in Kenyon Park at Jeffrey Imm’s protest. In this month alone, I covered the Knob Creek Machine Gun Shoot in Kentucky, showed up at the Tea Party Express finale in DC, and today I went back to DC to cover the two gun rallies.

    3.) We’re doing stuff all the time in real life now.

  29. Almost anything written by ‘AsianofReason’, ‘The Undiscovered Jew’ (TUJ), and especially ‘recman1?, fits this bill rather nicely.

    You can always find these guys lurking around Sailer’s blog, as a rule.

    Absolutely right. The more obnoxious they are, the better. Hopefully their message of hate will help give the HBD nerds and Asiaphiles pause and push some of them to ethnonationalism.

    MGLS and Mark – Look at this gem from ‘Half Sigma’ –

    All the HBDers are Jews

    Just as Jews dominate libertarianism, Jews also dominate HBD:

    Arthur Jensen: half Jewish
    Richard Herrnstein: Jewish
    Steven Pinker: Jewish
    Hans J. Eysenck: had Jewish stepfather
    Steve Sailer: believes his natural parents have Jewish ancestry
    Half Sigma: Jewish
    Charles Murray: token gentile

    Despite being only 5% of the white population of the United States (and even less of post-war Europe), Jews are disproportionately leaders in the HBD movement.

    * * *

    Feminist X previously wrote a similar blog post, which I recall reading, so I was probably influenced by her contribution to this subject.

    I should also note that, in the blogosphere, a great many HBD blogs are written by both East and South Asians, including Gene Expression, Feminist X (don’t click, not work-safe, there’s a naked breast on her front page), and one of my favorites, The Asian of Reason.

    * * *

  30. Fade/Hunter, you could ‘reopen’ the forum within 30 seconds by simply switching it back on. I know, because I have my own v-bulletin forum which is really nothing more than a highly interactive blog. Stop pulling jewr own dick and telling us itz raining.

    So the problem is that you want to ‘control’ things and don’t have the power to really change things. Your associates suffer from the same outlook as ‘intellectuals.’ The end result is ‘caged nerds’ akin to the adolescent sterility of a wire cage full of around five or six white leghorn cockerels: Nothing much accomplished, not even laying an egg. No hen with an iota of self-preservationist sense is going to willingly get into that cage.

    Which goes to show the overall uselessness of this format, because of its inability to gain any traction amongst the doers. Like McClellan the engineer with the propensity for the stationary engine, your merry band of ‘intellecshuls’ have a propensity for navel-watching and inner-space cadet contemplation, and thus are ambushed and dispatched with ease by thuggish practical opponents, be they Linder and Giles, or whatever white nationalist psyche-monsters thar be out in the trackless Internut. Thus the endless steaming in circles at two knots per hour of this intellecshulmacated USS Tit-antic, barely getting out of port for fear of icebergs and sea monsters.

    Give up the illusion of control Fade/Hunter. You have only control over yourself, so ditch the training wheels for those outside this blog of yours. The forum should be the rumpus room and gladiator school for the benefit of the blog.

    Hail Victory!!!

    Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
    Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

  31. Martin,

    The problem is that my vBulletin license has expired. I need a vB license to login to download the CAPTCHA anti-spam filter. If I reopened the forum now, it would be overrun by spambots registering fake accounts trying to sell Viagra.

  32. The Mine/Blog Owner Needs The Town/Forum

    Fade, the dickens you say. The fact of the matter is that spambots have figured out how to get around CAPTCHA ‘protections’ for the past eighteen months. My old phpbb forum needs to be nuked of spambots every week or so, they pick up around fifty per day. My v-bulletin forum software is using 3.8.2 and the end result is that I set it up so that any new sign-on needs moderator approval as CAPTCHA catches nothing. Once a day or so I go to the admin panel and look at all of the addresses ending in .ru or and either delete them or if I need a new sockpuppet account simply take one over by changing the password and e-mail address.

    But you don’t need to have that problem in simply re-opening your v-bulletin forum at all. You could either give out invitations, or open up a window every Monday or whenever of when you are taking new registrations or anything which is suitable for yourself, then periodically nuke the spam registrations and everything that remains once per week or month or so.

    No Fade, you suffer from the typpycull vice of ‘intellecshuls’ which is moral and mental cowardice: What are you going to do if you find any one of a multitude smarter than you are? Like Voltaire remarked of frogs, if frogs were the dominate species then jumping abilities would be the dominant criterion of excellence. With you ‘intellectuals’ the pecking order is settled by the superficial matter of superficial intelligence, as character and will means nothing so much so that you whiggers define it as mere stubborn stupidity even while you are overwhelmed by those who possess these leadership characteristics in abundance and have more than enough shrewdness to more than get by.

    V-bulletin forums have taken over from the jewhoogruppen accounts and HTML websites simply because v-bulletin was the strongest and prettiest of the mysql database forums. Web pages and blogs are no longer HTML based, but rather based upon a common database format involving mysql.

    Now blog software such as WordPress and the various free blogging software like blogger/blogspot, etc. is also based upon mysql. But blogs are used in order to keep the blogger’s power under far more control than using the far more social forum software. I can post far more hyperlinks in order to prove my point using v-bulletin than using WordPress, and as for any commenters, they can use hyperlinks in order to prove their own points as well.

    So the reason you closed your forum, Fade/Hunter, is because you can’t control the debate as much as you can using WordPress and trusted moderators. In your older age you have decided not to take as many risks with dissent and want idolatry from the slightly younger. Thirty is much too young to have your original impulses for freedumb and risk-taking back from six or seven years ago when you set up phorafags/feebs; ossifying into not wanting to take a chance of dissent and possible ridicule in what is a free-speech forum format. But such is what seems to have happened to you. More to the point, you seem to have become risk adverse in something like White Nationalism which requires taking calculated and non-calculatable risks, and often diving into a sea of chaos with nothing but a knife clenched in your teeth and a will to kill.

    Like Dean Wormer’s wife said to the Mayor of Whiggerville in Animal House, “You can take your thumb out of my ass any time now, Carmine.” Or rather, you can stop pulling on jewr dick and telling me itz raining, Fade.

    You have the v-bulletin v3.7.2 series forum which is the easiest to use of any version of v-bulletin, Fade. You could have a free-wheeling forum as part of a combined-arms propaganda approach, but rather you choose to try to maintain an illusion of control which means that others will be mining the best nuggets from your blog as opposed to you efficiently mining your own publishing efforts. The moderator of StumbleInn has been dragging to his forum some of your blog’s better bones of contention and the jewkal Ixaberts and Kanes are unable to crack open the marrow. Free White Men speaking freely is something which is uncontrollable, and fruitlessly trying to do so makes of you a petty despot unable to ride the tiger of White Nationalism.

    Flip the switch back on to your v-bulletin forum and give up trying to control the chaos which will inevitably result. The forum is the Wild West community surrounding the mine of the blog. Often the forum becomes another Deadwood or Tombstone around the mine-blog, but what happens in the undisciplined community becomes a legend far more than a simple hole in the ground from which ore is derived. The mine owner owns the mine. The inhabitants own the town. You as a mine-owner need and want the town/community to make your mine relevant.

    You prefer to dither though, Fade/Hunter. Which is why you end up getting Whigger Nutsionalist ass-raped and look like a road-kilt possum that didn’t make it across the road. Rather than spend 500 ZOGbux driving a thousand miles for ‘free pussy’ simply stop taking matters into jewr own hand, open up the Occidental Dissent petty cash drawer, and hie thee down to the Charlotte Pilot truck stop and spend thirty-five dollars — a fifteen dollar premium — on a whigger lot-lizard to get your bilges pumped and ashes hauled. If you are discreet about it, it will be not only the cheapest pussy you ever got, but also a wise investment in setting your head on straight and grinding off the point.

    Hail Victory!!!

    Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
    Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

  33. 1.) I need to renew the vBulletin license.

    2.) There is a mod you can download from that fixes the spambot problem. I used to have it on the Odessa Syndicate forum. In my last post, I confused it with CAPTCHA. It asks you a question like 2 + 2 = 4 that the spambots can’t penetrate. If you can acquire this for me, I will reopen the forum.

    3.) How am I a coward? I’ve opened the forum three or four times now. Each time I closed it down because a.) no one was using it, b.) it was overrun by spambots, and c.) we didn’t have a large enough audience.

    4.) I think we have grown to the point where the forum can be reopened. There are so many posts and comments on the blog now that it is harder and harder to keep track of everything. When I open the forum though, I want it to be a success. It has to be ready to go: with a properly designed banner and spam filter.

    5.) I don’t have a problem with people who are smarter than me. We have several of them posting here on the blog!

    6.) The problem with vBulletin forums is that the market is already heavily saturated. There are more opportunities in blogging, podcasting, and video. Nevertheless, I will reopen the forum when I have the resources to properly maintain one.

Comments are closed.