About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I don’t think Nords should breed just because they are Nords or Meds by virture of being Meds.

    I’m for marital, conjugal and political freedom within our cultural and genetic boundaries.

    You’re just an inch away from not caring about race at all. Should Whites not breed with Whites just because they’re White?

    Daniel, you married a blonde Nordish woman, so why wouldn’t you want to preserve Nordish peoples?

    I’m not opposed to preserving Nords. Read my comments again.

    Read my comment again, I didn’t say you were opposed, but you are indifferent. You do seem to be opposed to Nordicism or Nords asserting their identity however.

    Which is strange considering it seems you and your wife are Nordish. Why the disagreeableness, is it like Matt’s position, you don’t think it’s politically viable?

    I don’t really care who founded the country. It doesn’t really concern me. Nobody put the “center” in Southern Europe. It is a former English colony. Everybody knows that.

    I have family that stretches back to the founding of Canada. It is irrelevant.

    Considering we want to preserve our traditions and people, I don’t see how this is irrelevant.

    Not being upfront with the minority Europeans that you plan on breeding them out is dishonest.

    How would we breed them out without their knowledge and consent? They are the ones who want to be assimilated, it’s their choice.

    That is probably true. They don’t think of bright blonde Danes or any other kind of Scandinavian either.

    Sure they do, they fit right in. Certainly much more than a swarthy Levantine.

    I’m not ok with a bunch of ridiculous miscegenation laws. If the remaining pure English want to breed with the remaining pure Italians then let them. If blonde goes the way of the dodo, I don’t really care.

    Why would a White nationalist have such strong objections to anti-miscegenation laws and be so apathetic to genocide?

    I did not say that. I emphatically deny that. I’m against political Nordicism in America. If you wanna withhold your daughter from a Med, that is your business. I might do the same thing. I appreciate a culture where parents are more involved with setting up marriages.

    Even in NS Germany they didn’t have laws that strict. Nordicism and eugenics didn’t create second-class citizens out of non-Nordics or peasants. Why would you expect it to be so oppressive?

    I think it could be a little more explicit. If White Nationalism is simply Nordicism light, then I don’t wanna be a part of it.

    Racial nationalism protects the founding population. For America that is Northwest Europeans. Yet you don’t care if they are replaced. Would you advocate the same thing for European countries? If not, why does America not have the same rights?

    Daniel, I think you’re overreacting, not sure why considering your own ancestry and your wife’s. I write this in a joking manner, it’s like when a Jew goes into a fit comparing things to evil Nazis and Mengele. Why do you act as if you’re going to be sterilized?

    Nordish preservation is sensible and isn’t some totalitarian nightmare that you imagine it to be.

  2. You’re just an inch away from not caring about race at all. Should Whites not breed with Whites just because they’re White?

    I’d prefer to not think about it. I’d prefer it to be the default position so we can just move on to the much more important business of religion and building culture and civilization.

    I don’t want to have to care. I’m only forced to care. So yes, you are correct in a sense.

    Read my comment again, I didn’t say you were opposed, but you are indifferent. You do seem to be opposed to Nordicism or Nords asserting their identity however.

    I am mostly indifferent. I just don’t see it as a “big” part of the plan. It will happen under the White Nationalist politic.

    Which is strange considering it seems you and your wife are Nordish. Why the disagreeableness, is it like Matt’s position, you don’t think it’s politically viable?

    I’m not sure. It is usually just gut reaction. Perhaps I sense that it is a political non-starter.

    Maybe it is the fact that I’m scattered genetically. How does one preserve Nordish? I think the tendency will be for all of us mixed Europeans to eventually have descendants that revert back to what remains of the local ethnic “mean” that we end up settling near.

    I’m not disagreeable to Nordicism as a subset of WN but the two do not equate. I wouldn’t be satisfied with just Nordicism I guess.

    Considering we want to preserve our traditions and people, I don’t see how this is irrelevant.

    Determining which traditions and people is the tricky part.

    How would we breed them out without their knowledge and consent? They are the ones who want to be assimilated, it’s their choice.

    I guess I’m getting at the different types of assimilation. There is assimilation with exchange and assimilation that breeds out. I welcome the genetic and cultural exchange in certain amounts. I don’t think it detracts from, but adds to, the health of the American race. I think there is a bit of truth to “hybrid vigor” but obviously within the aforementioned boundaries.

    Why would a White nationalist have such strong objections to anti-miscegenation laws and be so apathetic to genocide?

    I’m opposed to sweeping, grandiose “federal” laws that dictate certain proportions of ethnic balance must be maintained, even if it required extremely restrictive and invasive interventions.

    I think that parents should really be the final arbiters after proper courtship has regained its rightful place.

    Even in NS Germany they didn’t have laws that strict. Nordicism and eugenics didn’t create second-class citizens out of non-Nordics or peasants. Why would you expect it to be so oppressive?

    Not expecting it. I’m just interested in what everybody thinks. We need to eventually reach general consensus as well.

    Racial nationalism protects the founding population. For America that is Northwest Europeans. Yet you don’t care if they are replaced. Would you advocate the same thing for European countries? If not, why does America not have the same rights?

    Not “replaced.” If WN’s establish a government and the English are incapable of breeding fast enough, I won’t feel sorry or encourage state intervention.

    Nordish preservation is sensible and isn’t some totalitarian nightmare that you imagine it to be.

    I don’t imagine that it will have to be that way.

  3. How does one preserve Nordish?

    I suppose it’s like how does one separate Southern Europe from North Africa or the Middle East. There is some overlap, race is clinal.

    Even though they tell us race doesn’t exist, we can perceive it with our own eyes and other senses. The same goes for subrace.

    I’m opposed to sweeping, grandiose “federal” laws that dictate certain proportions of ethnic balance must be maintained, even if it required extremely restrictive and invasive interventions.

    Would you be opposed to reenacting the Immigration Act of 1924 then?

    Are you for racial separation and a White ethnostate? That requires force and laws.

    I agree about parental influence and enforcement. Until we can regain our country, family unity is crucial.

  4. Mehmet Oz, a famous surgeon, is he a non-White Turk or a White(ish) man? If he’s White, should Turks then be considered White and equal to you, to Europeans?

  5. Are you for racial separation and a White ethnostate? That requires force and laws.

    Of course. I’m talking about between members of the future ethnostate.

    I’m with Brimelow. Complete moratorium now.

  6. Mehmet Oz, a famous surgeon, is he a non-White Turk or a White(ish) man? If he’s White, should Turks then be considered White and equal to you, to Europeans?

    No. However, in cases like that we need to encourage repatriation. We must be aware of the possibly effect on our own infrastructure as well.

  7. Until we can regain our country, family unity is crucial.

    If we have family unity the country will have already been regained.

  8. “I would hope they would generally be in control in the Michigan/Minnesota/Dakota corridor!”

    The Midwest can be reconstituted as a Nordic ethnostate. Problem solved. And no, I don’t want to “sterilize” you (LOL!).

  9. And no, I don’t want to “sterilize” you (LOL!).

    That was jest 🙂 I figure you are on my wavelength.

    Meds can have the Jersey Shore. We’ll even throw in some bread sticks.

    Nords aren’t in real control of any major urban areas or ports. White Nationalism in America will require compromise and neutral areas.

  10. This thread kinda begs the question: which is the greater threat to northwest European racial preservation? Is it the swarthy Mediterranean man lusting after Nordish women? Or is it the Eastern European hotties (like these Latvian blondes) who lure NW Euro men away from their native females?

  11. Nords aren’t in real control of any major urban areas or ports. White Nationalism in America will require compromise and neutral areas.

    The bulk of the soldiers, hunters, sportsmen, and gun owners in this country are Nordish men. We’re the best natural warriors. IF it ever came down to it, we would handily dispatch any hordes of mexcrement, bantus or guidos in the cities. Our only credible challengers are the Nordish mercenaries in ZOG’s military and police force.

  12. “We’re the best natural warriors.”
    That is foolishness. Many different peoples at different times have excelled at war. Did the men of the Wehrmacht sleep better at night, knowing that they were going to be facing a bunch of runty Ghurkas in the morning? Did U.S. Marines leave their extra ammo behind, knowing that the squinty-eyed Japanese on Saipan would be a pushover? It took us decades to defeat the Indians, literally a stone age people, in the Ohio Valley.
    All these non-white peoples, Indians, Japanese, Ghurkas, and others, have matched Northwest Europeans in courage and fighting skill. It does us no credit to look down on men who have proven to have exceptional martial aptitude, and even beaten us at times.

  13. The bulk of the soldiers, hunters, sportsmen, and gun owners in this country are Nordish men. We’re the best natural warriors. IF it ever came down to it, we would handily dispatch any hordes of mexcrement, bantus or guidos in the cities. Our only credible challengers are the Nordish mercenaries in ZOG’s military and police force.

    I’m talking about intra-European compromise after we’ve regained control of the state.

  14. Did the men of the Wehrmacht sleep better at night, knowing that they were going to be facing a bunch of runty Ghurkas in the morning?

    The Ghurkas were only deployed in the PTO, not the ETO.

    Generally speaking, I think Mad Madsen’s point stands.

  15. Templar: Ghurkas served in North Africa and Italy during WW2, as well as the China-Burma-India theater.

  16. Ghurkas served in North Africa and Italy during WW2, as well as the China-Burma-India theater.

    Ah yes, another instance of the lovely “Allied” practice of sicking indigenous colonial troops on their fellow Whites…

    But no, I don’t think “sleeping better at night” is much a gauge for determining overall combat effectiveness. German troops were, after all, recognized as being appreciably better soldiers than their opponents, save for the example of elite units like the 101st Airborne and so forth.

  17. Templar: I suppose the British preferred having Imperial troops die than Britons, just as Union commanders were willing to use Blacks as cannon fodder. In any case, Ghurkas were, and still are, elite troops, a match for the best German units.

    I agree that German were generally better troops than Americans or British or Russians, but I attribute that largely to superior doctrine, training, and leadership. Most of Rommel’s Afrika Korps was Italian, and they kept the British at bay for two years until the weight of American production finally beat them.

  18. There’s an easy way for Nordicists/White Nationalists to increase the number of blonds in this world: make babies with Nordic blond women. There are plenty of fat or otherwise ‘more obtainable’ women of Scandinavian ancestry who would be happy to settle for a WN beta like Dennis Mangan. But WN betas all seem to be holding out for honeys who are out of their league.

    If you want to see the number of blonds decline, keep holding out for hotties like these Latvians. The irony is that a typical New York Jew would have better shot at scoring honeys like these than most of you guys would.

  19. Rico: You’re right about the beta blondes. I can remember a couple nice, intelligent blonde women who I might have pursued and married, one a little chubby, one with heavy acne scars. Young men are such asses to obsess on trivia when making the most important decisions of their lives.

  20. There are plenty of fat or otherwise ‘more obtainable’ women of Scandinavian ancestry who would be happy to settle for a WN beta like Dennis Mangan. But WN betas all seem to be holding out for honeys who are out of their league.

    The irony is that a typical New York Jew would have better shot at scoring honeys like these than most of you guys would.

    Some commenter named “Rico” comes here and denigrates Mangan, a fairly philo-semitic guy who nevertheless has been taking some heat lately from jews and philo-semites for supposedly being anti-semitic.

    This commenter “Rico” also puffs up jews, specifically jewish men, and denigrates us Nordicist/White Nationalist men in general.

    Anybody else’s radar going off?

  21. I suppose the British preferred having Imperial troops die than Britons, just as Union commanders were willing to use Blacks as cannon fodder.

    And the “Free French”.

    In any case, Ghurkas were, and still are, elite troops, a match for the best German units.

    Gurkhas are crazy, but generally speaking you’re damning the Whites with faint praise.

    I agree that German were generally better troops than Americans or British or Russians, but I attribute that largely to superior doctrine, training, and leadership.

    I attribute that to large numbers of British and American (and Canadian, and so forth) troops coming from the same general gene-pool as the Germans.

    Most of Rommel’s Afrika Korps was Italian, and they kept the British at bay for two years until the weight of American production finally beat them.

    What comments I’ve read regarding the relative superiourity of the individual German soldier versus his adversaries were made in the context of the Normandy campaign, and certainly do not refer to the non-German ad-hoc units the Wehrmacht had present.

  22. Discard: A few weeks ago I saw a Nordic woman at a local coffee shop. She had an absolutely beautiful face (and a beautiful voice), but she was pear-shaped and about 40 or 50lbs overweight (by our contemporary standards. She would have probably been considered a prize of a wife for a Bavarian farmer a hundred years ago). She was pregnant, I gathered from the conversation she was having with her antsy, distressed boyfriend. Her boyfriend was African American.

  23. “This commenter “Rico” also puffs up jews, specifically jewish men, and denigrates us Nordicist/White Nationalist men in general.

    Anybody else’s radar going off?”

    Substitute Italian for Jew if you want, but Jew is probably more realistic for this example as I believe there are more Jewish men married to Nordic women than there are Italian men married to them.

    The reason I used Mangan as an example is because he is most obviously a beta. Other WNs may not be. I could care less what he thinks about Jews or Israel. My point is that some of the men whining the most about the white race (however narrowly you want to define it) aren’t using their penises to address the situation, because they are holding out for 20-something hotties like these Latvian girls. In fact, a skinny white guy like Mangan could most likely impregnate a fat Nordic woman and end up with a daughter who is a thin, beautiful Nordic woman.

    But how many WNs are willing to take one for the team? How many are willing to marry the fat Nordic girl instead of the best-looking non-Nordic girl they can score?

  24. Templar: If Germans were generally better soldiers than British or Americans or Canadians, why attribute it to their all having a common gene pool, rather than superior doctrine, training, and leadership? That makes no sense. If there is a difference in the quality of German and Allied soldiers, it would be due to some kind of difference, not their similarities.

    I do not damn White soldiers with faint praise by pointing out that other races produce soldiers that equal ours. It is simply a fact, and dismissing the Ghurkas as “crazy” doesn’t change it. Are the Ghurkas any more crazy than the paratroopers who jumped into Normandy, at night? What I do damn are baseless assertions that Whites, or Nords, or Japanese or Sioux for that matter, are naturally better soldiers than other peoples. Many of the greatest defeats in history were the result of good but arrogant soldiers having contempt for their opponents. Some brave and capable commanders are forever remembered as blunderers and fools, because the enemies they despised really knew how to fight.

    You are not alone in being unfamiliar with the role of Italians in the North African Campaign. Neither the British press nor the high command wanted to embarrass their country by pointing out that the Army was being chased around by a bunch of Dagos, and their deliberate oversight has become the standard story. But it was only when Americans landed in Algeria did Hitler begin to send heavy German reinforcements. Before that, it was regular Italian Army units with a couple German divisions added, and a German in overall command. I wouldn’t say that the Italians were better soldiers than the British, but they were apparently just as good, since they beat them often enough.

  25. from the American Heritage Dictonary of Indo-European Roots (1985 revision):

    ‘aryo-. Lord, ruler; self-designation of teh Indo-Iranians and perhaps of the Indo-Europeans. Lengthened-grade form *aryo- in Sanskrit arya-, noble, Aryan: ARYAN.
    [Pok. ario- 67.]

    one of the ways this root came down to us is NE ‘aristocracy/crat’ >F. aristocratie >Greek aristokratia with aristo meaning ‘best’ ie. ‘rule by the best’ referring to nobility.

    other possible cognates:
    arios title of nobility for Medes, Persians

    earl, eorl, jarl, herr, etc. in GMC languages referring to command/war/nobility in some form or another

    arhu, aire etc all meaning command/commander/chief etc from C. tongues.

    Aryan sure sounds better than the clumsy nerdish ‘indo-european’

  26. If Germans were generally better soldiers than British or Americans or Canadians, why attribute it to their all having a common gene pool, rather than superior doctrine, training, and leadership? That makes no sense. If there is a difference in the quality of German and Allied soldiers, it would be due to some kind of difference, not their similarities.

    You misunderstand me. My point was that the Germans were indeed better due to doctrine, training, leadership, equipment and so on, while their British, American (etc) counterparts possessed the same potential due to their being largely from the same ethnic ancestry in many cases.

    I do not damn White soldiers with faint praise by pointing out that other races produce soldiers that equal ours.

    That would be “assert”, not “point out”. This is a debate, not a lecture, and the military history of the last 1,000 years or so would suggest that calling White soldiers merely “equal” to non-Whites is indeed damning with faint praise.

    It is simply a fact, and dismissing the Ghurkas as “crazy” doesn’t change it.

    Calling the Gurkhas “crazy” is not dismissal, not for soldiers who consider jumping out of the back of a C-130 at 100mph 50 feet above the ground as a valid means of insertion, but that doesn’t necessarily make them the “best most natural warriors” either.

    What I do damn are baseless assertions that Whites, or Nords, or Japanese or Sioux for that matter, are naturally better soldiers than other peoples.

    See, that’s where I have a problem with your argument.

    You are not alone in being unfamiliar with the role of Italians in the North African Campaign.

    That’s “uninterested”, not unfamiliar. The North Afrika campaign has never captured my imagination.

  27. Euro: There is a trilogy of books that cover the North African campaign from 1940 to 1943 by Alan Moorehead, “The Mediterranean Front”, “A year of Battle”, and “The End in Africa”. They are wartime journalism and therefore both throughly biased and subject to wartime censorship. They are limited as well as the author’s ignorance of code breaking and every other sort of military secret, but you get a good overview of the conflict.

    The three books were republished ten years ago in one volume as “Desert War”, running to 633 pages. You might find the same thing under the title “The Road to Tunis”, published in 1965, or in a British edition as “African trilogy”.

    Moorehead was an Australian who was on the spot, and he reads easily, as you would expect of a news reporter. His take on the Italian soldier is that he wasn’t very interested in fighting for Fascism, but that he often did well in small unit actions. He was astonished at the extravagant living of the Italian commanders, and pretty much saw the troops as victims of Mussolini’s imperial pretensions and of abysmal leadership and training.

    My views on Italian soldiers are drawn from other reading here and there over the decades, and from the fact that the Italians were the bulk of Rommel’s forces for a couple years. They were a convenient whipping boy for the Germans, who blamed them for their defeat, but they were there, holding the line, advancing, or withdrawing, doing what soldiers do, against a capable opponent. That merits respect.

  28. Templar: I did not misunderstand you, you must have put your thoughts down hastily. I attributed the superiority of German troops over American and British to superior training and doctrine, and you, in response, “attribute THAT to large numbers of British and American troops coming from the same general gene pool as the Germans”.

    You are correct regarding my choice of words. If we are debating whether or not Whites (or Nords) are naturally superior soldiers than other peoples, then I would be “asserting”, not “pointing out” that other races produce soldiers that equal ours.
    So, do you challenge my assertion that some non-White soldiers are equal to ours, for example, the Japanese? My uncle, an infantryman with the 77th Infantry Division, didn’t think so. We beat them because we were able to bring overwhelming fire down on them, not because we were braver or had better discipline or greater tactical skill. May I point out the casualties they inflicted on us while taking Tarawa or Iwo Jima compared to what we did to them when they took Corregidor? Who put up the better fight?
    There are many instances when Whites have been defeated, or very nearly so, by non-Whites, particularly Orientals. Generally, our victories have been aided by the work of men at desks, non-fighters who gave our forces material and technological superiority. When we have been beaten by non-Whites, it has generally been due to the fighting ability of opponents with inferior weapons, and to our failure to recognize their worth. Our advantage in war is that our troops have been backed up by greater White creativity in the laboratories, factories, and in military organization.

    I never said that the Ghurkas are “the best, most natural warriors”, only that they were equal to the Germans, or anyone else. I have never heard that they jumped out of airplanes doing 100 mph at 50 feet, and, having seen motorcycle wrecks, I don’t believe it. But however bizarre the tactics they might use, that doesn’t make them crazy. If they are successful, it makes them excellent soldiers.

  29. ‘aryo-. Lord, ruler; self-designation of teh Indo-Iranians and perhaps of the Indo-Europeans. Lengthened-grade form *aryo- in Sanskrit arya-, noble, Aryan: ARYAN.


    Arya is an ancient South Asian Hindu (vedic and upanishadic) word. The Swastika is our symbol for auspiciousness. Both are used in India widely from village to city to country and seaside.

    Both have been misappropriated by other peoples and cultures.

    Imitation is a form of flattery but later, newer cultures and peoples can invent their own phraseology and symbols. No need to borrow from Asians.

  30. Error: My uncle, the 77th Division infantryman, DID think the Japanese soldiers were equal to ours. I phrased that poorly.

  31. So, do you challenge my assertion that some non-White soldiers are equal to ours, for example, the Japanese?

    Of course. I’m fully aware of the interplay of the various factors mentioned, particularly the danger of underestimating one’s enemy, but I would still assert that, all things considered, there is still an edge to be attributed to White warriors. If you wish to explain that as nothing more than possession of the best and most armour and weapons, I can hardly stop you (though having the best and most advanced kit seems to be long-standing White trait regardless).

    I never said that the Ghurkas are “the best, most natural warriors”, only that they were equal to the Germans, or anyone else.

    As you said it in response to someone else’s argument as to whom the “best, most natural warriors” are, it was to be logically assumed.

    I have never heard that they jumped out of airplanes doing 100 mph at 50 feet, and, having seen motorcycle wrecks, I don’t believe it.

    I may be misremembering the exact figures, as numbers rarely stick in my head very well, but there was apparently such an incident.

    But however bizarre the tactics they might use, that doesn’t make them crazy.

    That’s somewhat debatable, but in any event, I’ve been using “crazy” in its contemporary positive sense.

  32. What is the difference between a Northwestern European who denigrates his own people, exalts Southern Europeans, and tells his fellow Northwestern Europeans not to be “exclusionary” or “discriminatory” toward white ethnics and a white who denigrates his own race, exalts non-whites, and tells his fellow whites not to be “exclusionary” or “discriminatory” toward non-whites?

    What is the difference between a Southern European who hysterically attacks “Nordicist,” “exclusionist” Northwestern Europeans who wish to preserve themselves and are not “inclusive” of Southern Europeans and a non-white who hysterically attacks “racist,” “exclusionist” whites who wish to preserve themselves and are not “inclusive” of non-whites?

  33. “I agree that German were generally better troops than Americans or British or Russians, but I attribute that largely to superior doctrine, training, and leadership. Most of Rommel’s Afrika Korps was Italian, and they kept the British at bay for two years until the weight of American production finally beat them.”

    Something like this occurred during WWI under Gen. Paul Emil von Lettow-Vorbeck. With about 300 German officers and 14,000 native black African troops, he held off at least 45,000 British troops for years in German East Africa. The Barnes Review ran an article on this man years ago, which is where I first read about him. Here’s a wiki entry:


    I tend to think white military advantage has more to do with technological superiority, tactics, and strategy. I doubt whites have any innate temperamental edge or greater courage than other peoples. Turks, Moors, Huns, Mongols, – we’ve taken our licks in the past.

  34. Templar: I agree that, all things considered, Whites have the edge on other races militarily, but I don’t think the edge comes from the superiority of individual White soldiers, but from our collective strength. There’s a book by Victor Davis Hansen called “Carnage and Culture”. To quote the back: “…Hanson argues that it is in fact Western culture and values-the tradition of dissent, the importance placed on inventiveness and adaptation, the concept of citizenship-which have consistently produced superior arms and soldiers”. Maybe, so, I haven’t read the book yet.

    Guest Lurker: I’ve always understood that nobody beats the Germans at forming officers. In the last years of WW2, they were running short of company grade officers, but refused to lower standards or skimp on training. A company might go into battle with a single lieutenant in command, but his men could expect that he was competent.

  35. It’s a trade-off though ain’t it?

    The more talent we push out onto the field, the more possible it becomes that the war becomes massively dysgenic. Overall strategy needs to be considered (i.e. overall population health) and the implications of any strategy worked out since martial policy works its way through broader society.

  36. I agree that, all things considered, Whites have the edge on other races militarily, but I don’t think the edge comes from the superiority of individual White soldiers, but from our collective strength. There’s a book by Victor Davis Hansen called “Carnage and Culture”. To quote the back: “…Hanson argues that it is in fact Western culture and values-the tradition of dissent, the importance placed on inventiveness and adaptation, the concept of citizenship-which have consistently produced superior arms and soldiers”. Maybe, so, I haven’t read the book yet.

    Perhaps. It’s certainly an important factor regardless.

  37. Soft n Sweet:

    Aryan has been in use since etymologists first noticed the similarities between ‘indoeuropean’ languages, and the linguistic paleontologists, archaeologists, biologists, comparative religionists, etc have expanded upon that connection quite nicely, severing us even more from a middle-east/biblically biased center of gravity for ‘history’…it’s a nice word, with many cognates and also has a nice ring to it…i don’t see a problem with it’s use and is thusfar better (or at least more aesthetically pleasing) than any alternative to which i’ve been exposed.
    The ‘swastika’ has as venerable a history in Europe as anywhere in asia…the greeks, the hittites, the ancient teutons, the kelts, the slavs all used in numerous variations…i have a good survey (from the era of pre-political correctness in scholarship) of it’s use in ancient cultures the world over somewhere on my old computer and can forward it to you if i can get the finicky bastard to work right…lemme know.
    Plus, I think we are still bearing the torch of Aryanity and the ‘Swastika’ (fylfot), whereas India is pretty much just a museum of Vedic civilization run by brown curators and tour guides…

  38. i hope at least one of these imbed:


    Vin?a symbols (5500?4000 BC), neolithic Europe

  39. But how many WNs are willing to take one for the team? How many are willing to marry the fat Nordic girl instead of the best-looking non-Nordic girl they can score?

    Regardless of whether this is meant to be well-intentioned or not, you still seem to be coming off as though you’re gloating.

    My point is that some of the men whining the most about the white race (however narrowly you want to define it) aren’t using their penises to address the situation, because they are holding out for 20-something hotties like these Latvian girls. In fact, a skinny white guy like Mangan could most likely impregnate a fat Nordic woman and end up with a daughter who is a thin, beautiful Nordic woman.

    That’s only part if the problem though. Another is that, at least in North America, White women, blonde and otherwise, have been raised on a steady diet of media programming, beginning with Disney movies and their imitators, encouraging them to think of themselves as princesses worthy, not of an honourable, hard-working man, but of a “Prince Charming”, and then moving on as they get older to romantic comedies, whereby Jewish or Jew-like males are often as not promoted as romantic prospects, and the likes of Sex in the City, wherein Jew York City is glamourized as some sort of Grrl Power Never-Never-Land, where one may indulge in endless shopping and casual sexual encounters whilst pursuing “Mr. Big”.

  40. Yer right, Templar…
    Jewbags and homos have been sculpting popular opinion about how men and women should look/dress/think for so many decades now…nothing but toxic, unrealistic expectations and shallow values: the pursuit of an unobtainable ‘perfection’ invented by Gay-run fashion and magazines. By today’s conceptions, a Jayne Mansfield or even a Claudia Schiffer are considered ‘fat’… people wonder why there are white women that go to the darkside? Because a mouli doesn’t really care if a girl has stretchmarks from having babies or a rounder posterior (I like big butts, myself!) or if she doesn’t do 700 crunches/day and religiously puke up her salad after every meal. And then these self-same judgmental white dudes wanna whine because the ‘hot’ (and what does that mean? ultra-skinny, narrow-hipped and needing a C-section to even do her natural duty of popping out kids, caked in makeup, hairdye and slut clothes?) women they pursue judge them if they don’t have much money or fancy duds…you young single white guys better come to your senses and learn to appreciate real white women very soon or you’ll wind up just another dead-end curiosity in a museum.

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