Guy White and Lawrence Auster will love this one.
(Who says we can’t do film? – ed. note)
Guy White and Lawrence Auster will love this one.
(Who says we can’t do film? – ed. note)
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I thought the Protocols were fake? Would it even make a difference if they were?
A clear illustration of my point: in terms of media, there is nothing stopping White Nationalists from exploiting any medium, aside from their own lack of talent and initiative.
That’s an informative and well crafted video.
Here’s one on Haiti by the same fellow:
Snazzy video. Really well-done, and stylish,
Of course – it’s all wrong. Re: the dubjecys of that video – it’s not their fault. Blaming other people is really stupid, and very, very unsophisticated. That ethnic group does not control anything. It’s just crazy to think that this so-called group does.
Snazzy video. Really well-done, and stylish,
Of course – it’s all wrong. Re: the dubjecys of that video – it’s not their fault. Blaming other people is really stupid, and very, very unsophisticated. That ethnic group does not control anything. It’s just crazy to think that this so-called group does.
Yikes. Sorry about the double post.
The only historian at Oxford named “Goldwin Smith” I can find is this one:
Died in 1910, and he was in fact pretty antisemitic and not of Jewish descent.
I find it hard to believe in the stunning coincidence of the appearance of another “Goldwin Smith” a century later, this time “Jewish Professor of Modern History at Oxford University, October, 1981″….
This seems to be one of those typically embarrassing mistake made by ludicrous propaganda pieces like that…
That really is well made. If anyone knows or has contact with the filmmaker you should suggest he recut it and make several shorter videos a couple of minutes in length. I can tell you from experience that on the interwebs anything over 5 minutes is considered to be of epic length!
We need to hire this guy to make propaganda for the movement.
And “Israel Cohen’s” 1912 book is a notorious hoax compiled by the late kooky Eustace Mullins.
This kind of shit is really damaging. Accuracy is the most important weapon while addressing the JQ.
Factual inaccuracies can always be edited. What matters is identifying the individuals who have the talent to create effective propaganda.
“This seems to be one of those typically embarrassing mistake made by ludicrous propaganda pieces like that…” that delegitimize the entire message. Agreed. I also don’t believe in the thesis of this film or that it is useful propaganda but what do I know?
Good stuff. Best I’ve seen on the Joos in quite some time. This is going on my twitter.
When it comes to antisemitic cartoons. Venezuela is now trying to catch up to the Arabs. Goebbels would be proud.
The only reason to go to the ADL website is to see all the top quality Joo Cartoons in one location. The cartoons get better by the week.
Kikes. Sorry about the double post.
For $600 OD could similar videos. Not to denigrate the creator at all, but it takes about an hour to do something like this.
If you’re on a Mac, you can get Final Cut from anywhere between $200-$2000. Making video has become really cheap and really easy in the last decade or so.
Also agreed about the accuracy thing. There really is a lot of stupid crap written about Jews that seems simply made up.
A little editorial control / creative control separation seems to work quite well in media organizations. That said, those interested in media outreach might do well to see through a couple historically inaccurate quotes to the potential of professional multimedia messaging (as Hunter stated previously).
I have two friends who teach video arts, and this video rivals their best stuff (national commercials) in quality.
On the Race/History/Evolution blog I recently saw a quote that was featured in that video – are you sure it is inaccurate? It says that it’s in the Congressional Record:
“We must realize that our party’s most powerful weapon is racial tensions. By propounding into the consciousness of the dark races that for centuries they have been oppressed by whites, we can mold them to the program of the Communist Party. In America we will aim for subtle victory. While inflaming the Negro minority against the whites, we will endeavor to instill in the whites a guilt complex for their exploitation of the Negros. We will aid the Negroes to rise in prominence in every walk of life, in the professions and in the world of sports and entertainment. With this prestige, the Negro will be able to intermarry with the whites and begin a process which will deliver America to our cause.”
Israel Cohen, A Racial Program for the Twentieth Century, 1912. Also in the Congressional Record, Vol. 103, p. 8559, June 7, 1957
The original, and superior, film can be viewed here in its entirety:
Not bad, though the rock-video style flash-editing is bloody irritating. I like to get a good long look at some of those Jew-faces, and their destructive, bloody doings. While one or two of the quotes may be false, the general statement is unassailable. 20th Century Communist revolution was the first great Jewish attempt to Universalize humanity and bring the world under totalitarian Jewish control. That failed, and new we are seeing the second (and final) such attempt via half-corporate,half-socialist Finance Capitalist globalization. This too will fail. Not because the “anti-semites” oppose it. It will fail because the Greatest Enemy of the Jews…will come from within their own ranks.
>>>>>Veni Vidi Dixi says:
June 18, 2010 at 10:30 pm
For $600 OD could similar videos. Not to denigrate the creator at all, but it takes about an hour to do something like this.
Really? Let’s see you do a video that good in one hour. Let’s see you collect all the photos and information, type up all the templates, find the music, edit that in the audio editor, and then edit the entire video, with all the effects, that clean in one hour.
The reason there hasn’t been any WN videos is because there hasn’t been any WNs really capable of doing this type of pro work. And even if there were, you still need that creative spark. I actually like this video a lot. I like how it’s fast paced, yet not so fast paced that you can’t get the message. It sort of seems like a trailer for a horror movie.
Most WN videos consist of Hitler slideshows with Slayer music in the background.
This report is online, with a photo of Prof. Ratajczak, here:
Opole, Poland, June 16, 2010 — The body of a former Polish history professor, Dariusz Ratajczak, convicted by a Polish court in 2002 of claiming that mass gassings of human beings in Auschwitz-Birkenau was impossible, has been found dead in a shopping center parking lot in the western Polish city of Opole.
Prof. Ratajczak was suspended in April 1999 from his teaching post at Opole University’s Historical Institute after state prosecutors opened an investigation into the publication of his book Tematy niebezpieczne
(“Dangerous Themes”).
“The body, which was severely decomposed, has been identified by Ratajczak’s family, so additional DNA tests will not have to be carried out,” says Lidia Sieradzka from the Prosecutor’s Office in Opole.
Judging by the state of the body and recent high temperatures, the man has been dead for up to two weeks, say police. Security guards at the Karolinka shopping centre claim, however, that the historian’s Renault Kangoo was left at the car park on the same day, June 11, that it was discovered. In the car police found documents which belonged to 48-year-old revisionist historian Ratajczak. Recordings from CCTV are being examined.
The cause of Ratajczak’s death remains uncertain. Police think it is unlikely that he was murdered because it is alleged that no injuries were found on the body during the autopsy.
Police established that the historian, who had problems finding employment in Poland, planned to go to Holland or Belgium to work in a company to do menial labor. For that purpose he acquired a Renault Kangoo automobile, in which his body was found stuffed between the front and rear seats. It is reported that he may have been living in his car. He worked at odd jobs for food.
In 2000, Dariusz Ratajczak was fired from the University of Opole, where he worked for eleven years, and banned from teaching at other universities for three years after the publication of Tematy niebezpieczne, in which he claimed that it was not scientifically possible to kill millions of people in alleged Auschwitz death camp gas
Earlier in 1999, a Polish court found Ratajczak guilty of “public denial” of German war crimes – which is against the law in Poland – but because the book was self-published with a print run of only 260 copies it was not thought to be able to create a “social annoyance” and he was not punished. In his defense, Prof. Ratajczak told the court that his book was merely a survey of many dissenting views on the “Holocaust,” including revisionist works by British historian David Irving and others. ”Holocaust denial” is a crime in Poland, Germany, Hungary, France, Switzerland and Austria.
Mr. Ratajczak is survived by a son and a daughter.
That was fucking amazing.
It is certainly the right idea but I would like to be able to read the events and people sited. It’s “found in the bunker” type style is effective but limits the info you can gain. An ending with the items cited in large, large type face slowly, slowly moving by would be an improvement.
There are so many topics that would yield powerful works. For example the history of what they call “immigration reform.”
“And “Israel Cohen’s” 1912 book is a notorious hoax compiled by the late kooky Eustace Mullins.
This kind of shit is really damaging. Accuracy is the most important weapon while addressing the JQ.”
Well actually, in regards to propaganda, accuracy means very little. The most effective propaganda has been historically “very inaccurate”.
Write or wrong, the inaccuracies in the Arab Media in regards to the Jews………has NOT stopped the effectiveness.
I am by no means saying you don’t have a point. We should strive for accuracy….somewhat. However, propaganda has not historically been known for accuracy. Nor is it judged by accuracy ……..Propaganda is judged by how effective it is in achieving an objective.
Neocons do NOT sit around and debate the accuracy of their propaganda. For one simple reason…………..NO ONE judges propaganda by those standards.
Petronius, we must not mix our racial tendency to strive for “objective truth” with effective propaganda. You have to be aware that your ability to do what you just did above… RACIAL.
The ONLY ones on earth interested in objective truth are European non Jews. And most of those Europeans interested in objective truth………are reading OD right this minute.
“Well actually, in regards to propaganda, accuracy means very little. The most effective propaganda has been historically “very inaccurate”. ”
In terms of achieving eventual success i think we need both. On the one hand ultra-solid academic-type studies with citations to satisfy the intellect condition and on the other hand visceral stuff that appeals to the emotions – whether negative or positive.
That video is awesome and true.
One or two trivial errors don’t matter, it’s not some academic essay.
What’s it’s title on youtube?
That is a damned shame about Prof. Ratajczak.
There’s a few people on here criticizing this video, but where is theirs? One thing I’m finding about “WNism” is that there seems to be an abundance of “WNs” who do nothing other than criticize other WNs for their work but never offer any of their own, other than these silly blogs that only a small handful of their own close associates read. This is why WNism has no support. And the worthwhile support we do have – like the above video – is constantly criticized and run off by this small handful of egg-headed bloggers who think they are so much smarter than everyone else, yet never seem to produce anything worthwhile themselves.
This guy is not even actively promoting his video and he is well on his way to 10,000 + views (it’s at about 6,000 now but YouTube updates slowly). He’s got nearly 200 comments already, and most are positive. That’s the type of talent we need. Imagine if his video was being promoted everywhere. A few short videos like this could really do wonders on the public perception of the Jews.
If you egg heads are so smart, then you should have figured out by now that it is this type of talent that we need. It’s much better to spend more of your time encouraging newcomers and creative talent in this movement instead of constantly criticizing them because you find one or two things that might not be 100% accurate.
Regarding Truth in Propaganda. As one of the greatest propagandists of the 20th century, Elie Wiesel, said:
“Yes, about things that happened or could have happened. … Some events do take place but are not true; others are, although they never occurred.”
We are lovers of objective truth. Objective truth is the Milk of God. But let’s face it, it don’t sell books. We need a big, giant MYTH to push forward on. We have to give each other the benefit of the doubt (the presumption of innocence) that we can live objectively and seek objective truth in our daily lives. Hate to say it but the Catholic Church at one time provided everything we needed. And could again.
“Petronius, we must not mix our racial tendency to strive for “objective truth” with effective propaganda. You have to be aware that your ability to do what you just did above… RACIAL.”
So, you mean I need to get more “jewified” for the good cause? Racial or not: Lies and manipulation are even more outrageous, if they are presented this way (“not to shock, but to inform you…” “these quotes are from the Jews themselves” etc). I cant force myself to see this in a Macchiavellian way, bring myself to accept Goebbels-style ruthlessness “because it might serve the cause”. That is essentially bolshewist thinking that opens the gates to barbarism, which always swallows the one that opened them.
Not only will you give the enemy an easy time of dismissing your point. Once you indulge on this road, you will corrupt yourself and lose any self-respect, and you will attract quite a lot of people you’d rather not want to hang around with or who you’d rather not want to see running things and taking charge. You will end up like Goethe’s “Sorcerer’s Apprentice”: “Die ich rief, die Geister, werd’ ich nun nicht los.” : “The spirits that I called upon will not let me go!”
I say this also, because I think primarily the clever and intelligent people must be won over, not the masses that can be easily triggered off and influenced. In the final assessment it is always the clever minorities that rule – a point which one cannot miss when studying the JQ.
Good point, Petronius. However, I think coming at it from a cautious perspective ultimately leads to understating the threat. In my belief it is almost impossible to overstate the threat. If the South had realized the nature of the threat and not been so gentlemanly about stating it, they may have won. And I would give them the benefit of the doubt about cleaning up the mess. I think we need to be less concerned about the type of weapons we use at this point and more concerned about the battle at hand. I trust those that follow will give us the benefit of the doubt, and create something we might have created. Otherwise, why bother with the fight at all? We need to trust ourselves.
What is the name of that intro music? Seems like I’ve heard it a million times (bad 70’s films), but I can’t place it. Reminds me of childhood in the 70’s…groovy stuff.
Yes…..What Spooky said…”I would that you were hot or cold, but because you are neither I will vomit you out of my mouth, BE ZEALOUS THEREFORE….”
Petronius does have a point. There is a moral high and low road and considering the situation is one where a people who came to our lands as refugees have spent 60 years plotting to destroy us we can take the moral high road if we wish – and that would include being sticklers for accuracy.
I’m 50/50 on it myself.
Either way everyone should have their own personal rules and stick to them, as guilt even over minor things can be corrosive.
Clearly, we are not doing something right. We agonize over how many angels can dance on the head of a pin. There is something selfish about it. I doubt those who won what little positive remains of our culture were so delicate. Leave the Truth to the Church Fathers, leave the facts to those in the field – whatever gets you to your next meal. Because if you don’t win, Truth, facts or meals won’t be falling your way at all. And when was the last time one fell in our direction? One tiny, little thing? People who know how to wage war, cultural or otherwise, know not to wear their psychological tutu on their sleave. Yes, I speak in broad generalizations on the battlefield. Fine distinctions are best left for the office, after the smoke has cleared. After all, if it hurts the enemy, the Truth will be attacked even more vigorously that lies at every turn. The Truth is meaningless to the enemy. Let’s win, then ease our consciences. Ours is to take, theirs is to release. That is Truth on the battlefield.
That video was technically sophisticated but undermined it’s own effectiveness with fake quotes. Take the following example. Which is more effective? Creating a fake quote to “prove” that a conspiracy changed the wording of our constitution to include birthright citizenship… or using real quotes to prove that we never had birthright citizenship and our current judicial “interpretation” is false?
A false quote:
“We have, by nefarious means, destroyed all original copies of the constitution and replaced them with those that grant birthright citizenship to illegal aliens.”
A real quote:
“[The 14th amendment] will not, of course, include persons born in the United States who are foreigners, aliens, who belong to the families of ambassadors or foreign ministers accredited to the government of the United States, but will include every other class of person.”
The great thing about using the truth is that we can back it up with facts and evidence. So, when someone smart comes along they won’t find giant holes in our arguments! Brilliant!
You really think somebody who believes in birthright citizenship gives a flying F who said what when? You think they’re going to say, “Oh, I didn’t realize that, well then, by all means you’re bloody right!” Facts are only relevant to those who share your worldview to begin with, and those that already share your worldview generally don’t need facts to be convinced. Common sense works well enough.
Nevertheless, this has been an interesting exercise. I wish I could say I had more hope now than when I began.
The only way to pull off a lie successfully is to have a monopoly on the means of communication so that those people with brainpower, the ones who really matter, can’t hear the truth.
How can we pull that off when the mass media is against us?
We won’t be saved by brilliance. We’ll be saved by people that don’t know any better.
RE: Sam Davidson says:
June 20, 2010 at 12:43 am
That video was technically sophisticated but undermined it’s own effectiveness with fake quotes.
Which quote in that video was fake? You, like everyone else on this blog who keeps calling them fake, never gave an example. Every quote in that video is sourced. Some even list a book with the exact page number. And the sources vary from the World Zionist Organization, to Saul Alinsky, to Israeli newspapers. They are not from the Protocols or something of the like. So where is the fake quote?
And if you think you can do better, then let’s see it. Quit whining about the same old worn out cliche about how ‘we don’t have control of the mass media’ and stop criticizing those who are trying to do something about it.
Which quote in that video was fake?
Petronius already pointed out that the Goldwin Smith quote is fake due to the fact that Goldwin Smith was not a Jew and died in 1910. That is, he died 71 years before he supposedly made the statement in the video. I stopped watching the video when I saw an undated quotation attributed simply to “The Jew”.
You, like everyone else on this blog who keeps calling them fake, never gave an example.
Obviously you didn’t read the whole thread.
And if you think you can do better, then let’s see it.
There’s a few more articles I haven’t put on this site yet.
The use of the bogus Israel Cohen quote was unfortunate and the choice of font was poor, making the text somewhat difficult to read. That said, the “music video” style is awesome. Having a video that looks COOL counts for a lot.
For $600 OD could similar videos.
*cough* *cough*
Very good post Rock.
I do agree with those saying the truth must be absolute. We have it on our side so we don’t need propaganda, let’s leave that to the reds.
To Denise, Yeoman and the other jews, here’s a post about the “suicide meme” by Tanstaafl. Might want to read the whole site to inform yourselves a bit, altough i’m sure all of you have known this info for a long time.
RE: Sam Davidson says:
June 20, 2010 at 2:08 am
Which quote in that video was fake?
Petronius already pointed out that the Goldwin Smith quote is fake due to the fact that Goldwin Smith was not a Jew and died in 1910. That is, he died 71 years before he supposedly made the statement in the video. I stopped watching the video when I saw an undated quotation attributed simply to “The Jew”.
You, like everyone else on this blog who keeps calling them fake, never gave an example.
Obviously you didn’t read the whole thread.
And if you think you can do better, then let’s see it.
There’s a few more articles I haven’t put on this site yet.
Well since you didn’t notice, no one but you and a few of your close associates on here are reading your blog. However, that video was out on YouTube about 5 days ago and it’s already got more views than all of your blogs combined, and the responses have all been overwhelmingly positive.
The quotes are not necessarily fake. Some of them are not necessarily verifiable either (it doesn’t meet Wikipedia’s standards, boo-hoo), but that doesn’t mean they’re fake. There are all kinds of quotes attributed to people in the past that are not necessarily verifiable, yet are consistently used, even by professionals.
And you say I should have read this whole thread. Ok you should have watched the whole video, because you would have seen, this is not a “Protocols” type video full of made up quotes. Most of the sources come from American and Israeli newspapers, Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals,” the World Zionist Organization, Israeli PMs, and so on.
So one or two quotes are not “verifiable.” Boo-hoo. Let’s discard the whole video then. [[rolls eyes]]
Well anyways, keep writing your cool blogs. I’m sure 10-15 people might read them.
“There’s a few people on here criticizing this video, but where is theirs?”
Just in case i’m included in that i don’t want to be. I think the video’s great.
Where i agree with Petronius is that people need to stick to their own standards whatever those standards are or it will cause problems down the line.
For instance many years ago i was involved with a gonzo political magazine and one month we put a drawing on the cover that i thought was sick but i didn’t say anything and went along with it because of the group. It bothered me so much that over time i gradually started doing less and less for the group and started provoking stupid arguments over nothing with the person who drew it.
That’s why it matters that, if you have personal rules, you stick to them. You become less useful if your conscience is bugging you.
OK, I’ll put in half, $300, to buy a license for this program for OD, if OD raises the other half. Alternately, we can commission this guy (and agree with above separate creative control from fact-checking, etc.)
Just in case I wasn’t clear, I thought the video was awesome and the guy who made it has obvious talent. Hire him.
WWII was fight between jews and christians for control of western civilization. Guess who won?
“Well actually, in regards to propaganda, accuracy means very little. The most effective propaganda has been historically “very inaccurate”. ”
When you’re up against anti-defamation groups, and lawyers trained to poke holes in evidence, and media working to amplify their message, you sure as hell better have truth, rather than lies, on your side.
I’m going to cast my vote for historical accuracy here. Why stretch the truth when verifiable facts make your case? Why give our enemies cracks to stick their pry bars into? We need credibility if we wish to persuade thinking people, the people that are most valuable to any enterprise. I have no computer skills, and my efforts are limited to one on one discourse, sometimes with other listeners. If I am objectively incorrect, or worse, lying, the person I’m talking to has me by the neck. I don’t see that being wrong online is any less damaging to our interests. Why bare our throats?