California: Polarization and Proposition 8

Activist Strikes Down Proposition 8

In California, an openly homosexual federal judge has struck down Proposition 8, the California Marriage Protection Act which reaffirmed the traditional definition of marriage. This comes in the wake of another federal judge striking down the Defense of Marriage Act last month.

In 2008, Proposition 8 was passed with the support of 52.24% of California voters. Barack Obama carried California with 60.9% of the popular vote to John McCain’s 37.3%.

Obama voters crossed over to support a flagship issue of social conservatism, but rejected the social moderate John McCain. California banned affirmative action over a decade ago.

We’ve seen this happen before.

In 2006, Michigan voters banned affirmative action, 58% to 42%. The Republicans were wiped out that year and lost control of Congress, but affirmative action went down to defeat.

Illegal immigration is another one of these issues. American voters regularly tell pollsters how much they dislike the Republican Party, but most of the same people strongly dislike illegal immigration, affirmative action, and gay marriage.

Judge Bolton gutted Arizona’s SB 1070 in July. There you have another recent example of an activist judge cavalierly tossing out a popular state law.

Combine this with the Justice Department refusing to prosecute the New Black Panthers for anti-White voter intimidation and the Department of Homeland Security looking for ways to pass a “stealth amnesty” without congressional authorization.

If that were not enough, as the cherry on top, build a mosque on Ground Zero as a monument to multiculturalism and political correctness. Crow about your moral superiority over the masses. Create a situation where even the most clueless conservative is frothing with rage at the establishment.

If Americans were convinced they were “losing their country” a year ago, what do you suppose they are thinking now?

If 62% of Americans thought the United States was in decline and 11% had “a lot” or “a great deal” of confidence in Congress before this happened, what do you suppose their reaction will be to this?

The utter contempt of the political class is being shown like never before. The sheer weight of oppression is now so heavy that millions of Americans are finally starting to realize that freedom and self government itself are at stake.

Which is great news.

The natural tendency of all human societies is social inertia. It is only when human societies are confronted with some existential crisis, emergency, or insoluble problem that “auto-pilot” disengages and the people wake up from their long slumber to notice and pay attention to what is going on.

That’s about where we are today. It is analogous to being rudely awakened in the morning, squinting your eyes, and trying to see clearly what is going on.

We’re not on “auto-pilot” anymore.

– 21% of Americans believe the federal government is operating with the consent of the governed, and 68% say no.

– 57% of Americans say the federal government is a “direct and immediate threat” to their own freedom.

The apolitical are becoming politicized.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. This sort of thing is why I think some sort of upheaval outside the political process is coming. Any result of the political process that the Rulers don’t like is simply invalidated. All those activists who work within the system get crapped on when they win, fair and square. This is how radicals are created.
    Some posters write of an uprising as a WN fantasy, mere wishful thinking. Which of them predicted the collapse of the Soviet Union? I know, the new bosses over there look a lot like the old ones, and many Communists became capitalists overnight, but I think it’s our job to prevent that revolving door from spinning here.

  2. The political process is useful: not for producing actual substantial legal change, which is no longer an option, but solely for the polarization and radicalization that exploiting it can generate.

    Look at Arizona’s SB 1070: Arizona passes a moderate law against illegal immigration, the Left goes beserk, the Obama administration sues, the law is struck down, people start using terminology like “political class” and “ruling class” and “the enemy” to describe the status quo.

    It raises awareness of the problem. For the first time in their lives, the apolitical become politicized. That’s an important step forward.

    The people need to see that “consent of the governed” is a thing of the past.

  3. The upheaval is being channeled through the political process.

    This is a good thing. There have been two revolutions in American history: the American Revolution and the War Between the States.

    What both of these revolutions have in common is that the revolutionaries captured control of legitimate institutions – the colonies, the states – and used them to polarize the situation and precipitate secession from the centralized authority.

  4. I clicked on the “monument” link and it led to the NY Times. 12 out of the 13 comments I read were blatherings about our glorious Constitution and claptrap about diversity. Maybe Al Queda ought pay a visit to the Times’ building in Manhattan to make sure they get the message.

  5. “Some posters write of an uprising as a WN fantasy, mere wishful thinking”

    -Yes, an “uprising” could happen here, when enough whites are unemployed and starving and fed up with having their lives micromanaged by the gov’t to the point of accepting homosexuality, forced association with blacks and other “people of color”, etc, etc. But what would that “uprising” look like? Look at all the disparate groups in the WN “movement” that disagree on everything imaginable- for the Kinist, for example, you must be from a certain region in the US and a “Christian”- just being white doesn’t cut it for them. But I am not picking on Kinists- only giving an example. Pagans won’t want to cooperate with Christians, the Polish won’t cooperate with Germans or anyone who is non-Catholic and the list goes on and on. NO UNITY. (I don’t have italics, so I use caps for emphasis, and I apologize- I am not shouting).
    I don’t doubt for a second that I could be wrong, but I see such an uprising as being a damned bloody, unorganized, chaotic mess in which an awful lot of white people will die for lack of a “governing body” of some sort to guide them, and a lack of unity based on nationality (as the Irish had with the Sein Fein or the Germans had under Hitler). Whites simply do not have the ethnic loyalty that the Jews have. For whites it is always “I am a Polish-American”! or; ” I am an Irish-American” (the dual national loyalty is actually a laughable joke). When was the last time that you heard an American say ; “I am a White-American”? Or simply “I am White and proud of it”?
    Whites will also not be the only ones with guns in that scenario and the blacks, the Puerto-Ricans, the Mexicans and all the others “coloreds of the rainbow” will group along racial lines – against us of course. And who will the government be siding with? I think you know. Such a scenario might break down into newborn “warlords” (ala Afghanistan and Somalia) claiming territory rights and large gangs of Darks shooting any white on site or any white “entering their territory”. And our government would likely look the other way (for them, but any violence on our part would be met with swift , bloody punishment from their hired goons). Ah, you say: our soldiers would not fire on us! Maybe.Or maybe then they would hire Blackwater to do the job for them. They most certainly would take the job.
    You mention the Soviet Union. I do not know that much about how that event took its course, but you described it accurately from what I have read about it- it was a collapse. Was it a revolution? Everything that I have read about that event has emphasized that it was nearly bloodless. A different culture with a different racial make-up and used to totalitarian government. Things will not work out that way here.
    If that kind of breakdown comes our way, then it would be fortuitous for any WN movement to have an effective organization-not rampant chaos. For me, that is where my doubts about armed struggle are centered.

  6. There have been two revolutions in American history: the American Revolution and the War Between the States…the revolutionaries captured control of legitimate institutions – the colonies, the states [i.e., governments]
    In the past century, a different brand “revolutionaries” started gaining control over cultural-institutions and the opinion-shaping mediums.
    The wildly-successful cultural “Revolution” had was nothing to do with government. Not at first. Government fell in line with the changing Weltanschauung, not vice-versa.

    The aim should be to change the popular-discourse, away from “Diversity is Great; Whites are Evil”. However that can be done. The first paragraph of the post dated “August 6, 2010 at 5:33 am” is perfectly said towards that end. Still, it’s hard to see how things like “judges arbitrarily mandating Gay Marriage against popular wishes” could change the discourse in favor of -Racialism- as such. Better are things like the James Edwards book, “Racism Schmacism”.

  7. Biased Observer: There are many forms of uprising. States nullifying national policies, cities refusing to cooperate with Federal agencies, local ad hoc groups of Whites suppressing rioting Darks, cyber attacks on government computer networks. These different forms of resistance will all work to weaken central authority. These things do not follow a linear progression, the different acts of tyranny and resistance feed each other. I was on vacation twenty years ago, and saw a headline on a newsstand saying that Janos Kadar, Commie Boss of Hungary, had quit. Hmm…, says I. Next thing I know, all these Reds in Eastern Europe are being thrown out. Success in one “red” state will bring more of them on board quickly.
    As for large scale violence, I don’t worry about the Blacks and Mexicans. They hate each other, and both hate the Orientals. The Orientals will not be joining the gangstas to attack Whitey, and the Darks are too stupid to be a plausible military threat. A lot of chaotic violence for a while perhaps, but we’d win pretty handily once the gloves were off. And in a country that is dissolving, what military commander is going to bet his future on shooting the Whites? Every General knows which race provides his best troops, his weapons, his salary.

  8. 9 Whites were just murdered specifically because they were White. The MSM was not only successful in vilifying the victims but neutered whites in the process. Hell the story has all but disappeared already. Uprising? I used to think and hope for such but as far as I can tell white people are non entities.

  9. A comment on the confusing style of the article, at least in the parts the reader sees before they click on “continue reading”.

    The article is developing the idea of judges overruling what the voters wanted.

    The confusion for me started with the two paragraphs in a row “Michigan voters banned …” and “illegal immigration is another one of those issues.” Most people think of affirmative action as the opposite of conservative and of Republicans as being conservative. So I couldn’t make sense of the “Michigan voters” paragraph. Then the next paragraph compounded one confusion with another. The paragraph may be true in states where Democrats dominate, but not in Republican states. I didn’t figure all this out till later when I went back and carefully studied it. All I knew during the first reading was that I was lost.

    And the last part before you click on “read more”, is the youtube “vote clears path for mosque near ground zero.” I thought it was referring to the public voting for the mosque. And in the context of the rest of the article, I was really lost then. As the reader finds out, but only if they click on the youtube, it is the politicians who voted for the mosque.

    Still, even at the beginning, the material carries the article anyway, and it was a very good article.

  10. The one sided race war such as was carried out in CT this week and amplified into South African racial justice comes due by the media.

    I have a sense that those that engage the present day’s public politics are scared to death of mentioning this since they know it is the equivalent of lighting a sparkler in a poorly managed gun powder factory.

    Millions of borderline retarded blacks taking up what they were trained to do by the radical white libs are about to start Civil War II.

  11. To clarify:

    – California outlawed affirmative action years ago.

    – In 2006, Michigan outlawed affirmative action in a similar ballot initiative.

    – In 2008, California passed Proposition 8.

    Moral: Even in Blue States like Michigan and California, opposition to affirmative action, illegal immigration, and gay marriage is far more popular than the Republican Party.

    Gay marriage went down in California, but Obama carried the state in a landslide. Affirmative action went down in Michigan, but the Republicans were wiped out in 2006.

    – Part of the federal Defense of Marriage Act was struck down in July.

    – Proposition 8 in California was struck down by a federal judge.

    – Arizona’s SB 1070 was gutted by a federal judge in Phoenix.

    Moral: Federal judges are throwing out popular laws. We’ve reached the point where 21% of the American people believe the federal government has the “consent of the governed.” An incredible 68% of Americans disagree.

    The percentage of Whites is undoubtedly higher. The U.S. federal government hasn’t suffered such a crisis of legitimacy since the Civil War when 11 states seceded from the Union.

    – Building the Cordoba Mosque on Ground Zero.

    – Refusing to prosecute the New Black Panthers for voter intimidation.

    – Bypassing Congress and implementing a “stealth amnesty.”

    Moral: All these recent stories demonstrate the contempt the “political class” has for the people. The slap in the face is fueling the snowballing anger and resentment against Washington.

    The overall point of the article was that anger toward the federal government has now evolved to the point where it arguably “pre-revolutionary.” It is a mistake to write off these people as Joe Six Pack patriotards; with the same crowd, the GOP is more unpopular than Barack Obama and the Democrats.

    The unthinkable has finally happened: White people who were formerly apolitical, who were content to work their jobs, pay their taxes, and enjoy their own liberty, who never bothered with the political process (i.e., Joe Six Pack), have now been pushed to the point where they have become politicized.

  12. Not only that Hunter, J6P has to go to work if he has a job and have eyes in the back of his head to keep an eye on the mentally/emotionally retarded black AA hire doesn’t start doing what they advocate at Kos “craKKKa whackin.”

  13. Discard:
    All quite valid points, and I could not argue with any of them. After reading your initial post I jumped to the conclusion (a very bad habit) that you were referring to an all-out “Katy bar the doors” style “chaos reigns supreme” physical uprising. In my mind (since I am an older guy still somewhat stuck in the pre- personal computer era) I don’t immediately think of resistance in terms of such things as “cyber attacks on government computer networks. These different forms of resistance will all work to weaken central authority.” Excellent tactics those! Imagine the possibilities…..

  14. Regarding the whole Ground Zero Mosque issue, it seems that no one has pointed out something that is glaringly obvious to me. The name of the mosque includes “Cordoba”, which was the main Moorish center of power (de facto if not de jure) during their occupation of Iberia. To me, this indicates a sort of dog whistle Islamic supremacism on the part of the group who wish to build this facility. Blacks are often fond of denouncing the Confederate flag as a painful reminder of America’s past (and I agree that it is, though for different reasons), but I have yet to see anyone point out the painful reminder of White subjugation represented by this mosque’s name. It’s shameful how little American Whites know of their own heritage.

  15. “It raises awareness of the problem. For the first time in their lives, the apolitical become politicized. That’s an important step forward.”

    – Yes it does raise awareness – and I am seeing resentment of Darks growing around me. Especially where favoritism in hiring them over whites is concerned. At one local company, a Jamaican (married to a US citizen, naturally) woman applied for a job, was hired, and the white coworkers are giving her a very hard way to go, even urging the execs to fire her. She can fight it and most likely win, but who wants to work in an atmosphere like that? I know this seems like a trivial example, but I believe that just a few years ago whites in this area would not have contemplated that much assertiveness. (By the way; apparently her job performance is not an issue; the white coworkers resent her racial presence and want to know why a white couldn’t have been hired!). The pot is indeed boiling….

  16. I found some references on Judge Walker’s orientation. He’s gay.

    Note that Elena Kagan is a lesbian, and untouchable on that point. One question she was not asked (but could have been) was “Do you intend or aspire to marry another woman?” That has direct bearing on pending cases.


  17. Not to forget (Hunter Wallace) that California voters passed Prop 187 back in 1994, barring illegal immigrants from getting state aid. The law was routinely challenged in court, and a temporary restraining order was issued until higher courts could adjudicate it. Since it was a state law, the state government needed to file an appeal. Well, they never made any filings, and did not show up in court. After a while, a deadline for appeals expired, and the law died. It did not matter to Gray Davis or the legislature that 59% of their constituents had voted for it.

    Had that law been in effect since 1994 when it passed, California would be a different place today.

    In Arizona, we have a situation in which the Governor and the legislature endorsed the bill in question, and will vigorously defend it at the bar. To trash this one, they need to corrupt the judiciary. Appointed Sonia Sotomayor to the Court is an obvious step in that direction.


  18. Biased Observer says: “Pagans won’t want to cooperate with Christians, the Polish won’t cooperate with Germans or anyone who is non-Catholic and the list goes on and on. NO UNITY. ”

    This the principal reason we emphasize that the white American peoples have a lot of variety. It’s true, and it will make organization much simpler when we understand that and allow for all that variety (I dare not say “diversity”) within the WL (white liberation) or WN movements.

    There is an emphasis on “unity” in these circles, but the best organizational emphasis will be around recognizing all these differences and allowing caucuses of pagans, for example, and caucuses of Polish and Italians. That’s who we are, and those differences will not be papered over.

  19. Hunter Wallace. Thanks for the clarification.

    I think part of the confusion is stuff like, in Idaho, as far as I can see, 1. there is no such thing as a “Patriotard”. Everyone is a patriot, and to down play being a patriot is likely to invite some kind of unpleasant suicide. 2. There are no doubt Joe 6 pack’s. 3. The state may be the most Republican of all states. Yet I was amazed to find people in terror to voice any anti-illegal-immigration sentiment. Instead everywhere was the idea of open and equal help and hospitality to all, most of all to different ethnicities. 4. Sometimes you could overhear a group of people talking carefully among themselves, emotionally, about such and such is a Mexican who has just moved here. 5. I suspect this openness to all ethnicities is getting a big push from some kind of pro-woman’s group that is extensive but not too public, and hopefully maybe the group is not monolithic on the issue. 6. A crack has appeared, with even some candidates like in the tea party movement coming out in the open and saying a law like in Arizona would be a good thing, and strong applause breaking out in the audience. Such a reaction is totally different from before.

  20. Discard-

    When people talk down about revolutionary fantasies we’re objecting to the idea that favorable revolution is inevitable, and that ‘business as usual’ within the WN community necessarily results in this. If Washington and every federal authority across the nation were obliterated by pin-point comet strikes tomorrow, what would the country look like when the dust settled? Would it necessarily be in our favor? How would we guide it there? We have no influence – no political infrastructure, no public voice, no nothing.

    You’re very right in thinking that little can be accomplished directly through established political means, but achieving white sovereignty directly through normal political channels is not the point. You say: ‘All those activists who work within the system get crapped on when they win, fair and square. This is how radicals are created.’ Exactly. The point is to make an issue over policies, ideas, and values that fall in are both 1) favorable to us and 2) already supported by the bulk of the white ‘conservative’ base. As explicitly white advocates we cannot currently do this on our own . We necessarily do this through legitimate channels because they exist where ours do not. The idea is to polarize, agitate, and radicalize our target population. Make public, political issues over positions that we might favor, guiding populist sentiment and public discourse closer to our way of thinking.

    Can you propose another means by which we might harness the populist, anti-fed sentiments toward our own ends? Another means by which we might stir up even more anti-establishment sentiment? What explicitly white advocacy organization, existing or hypothetical, might we use as a vehicle otherwise? I’m not being snarky BTW, I’m asking seriously. If a revolution beyond established politics is coming, how can we best establish ourselves and prepare the population for a favorable outcome?

  21. Jimsome:
    – That was a part of a comment that I had made on the topic of “Birthright Citizenship” as part of an answer to “Jupiter” trying to explain to him why I felt that the formation of a WN attempt to “throw the asians out of the country” would be impossible and not even an aim of any credible WN movement (our aim is the establishment of a separate ethonostate-not “retaking America”).
    Your comment: “This the principal reason we emphasize that the white American peoples have a lot of variety. It’s true, and it will make organization much simpler when we understand that and allow for all that variety (I dare not say “diversity”) within the WL (white liberation) or WN movements.” We all understand that there is variety among white people, and no one is suggesting that we not allow for it, the point is to come together around the fact that we are all white. There is quite a bit of variety among Jews; some are Orthodox, some reformed, some of Turkish origin, quite a few are atheists- but when it comes down to Jewish people standing in opposition to the goyim, they align themselves shoulder to shoulder in perfect unison (a trait that we should emulate, if possible). You will always find the Jews putting their “Jewishness” first. They owe no alliegence to anything else (for the Jews, they themselves are God!). This is our enemy. As long as we allow nonsensical divisions like “nationality” (artificial borders that appear nowhere except on a paper map) to stand between us, they will have the upper hand. I cannot speak for others here, but for myself, I envision this future white ethnostate as a home for ALL white people. For me, our race comes first and most of the non-racial mental constructs like nationality are , well…. not important.

  22. Americans you are not white, you are mongrels, you and the Brits have killed the white race and empowered the Negro to a godlike status.

    ‘White America ‘ that never was more than an illusion is finished, good riddence, you are hated by most East European nations for destroying our countries.

    You were never a nation, you don’t have any culture(except afroculture), history(except killing white people), you are the biggest threat to the white race.

    You are a negro nation.

  23. There will actually be more philosophical discussions here in the future. I just haven’t found the time to write about the topic. There is so much important stuff going on in the news right now.

    Only 21% of Americans now believe the U.S. federal government operates with the “consent of the governed” – that is an astonishing figure. We’ve talked about the system losing its legitimacy for years. It is hard to believe that is actually happening.

  24. Oats And Honey: I am in agreement with everything you wrote about using politics to force the issues, not to resolve them, and at one time or another in other posts on other threads, I have said much the same. I try to limit myself to two or three paragraph posts, so I necessarily leave things out.
    Other means to harness populist sentiments to White purposes? We all bring different talents to the party, so not every means will suit every one of us. Personally, I like to “poison discourse”, as it is sometimes called here. When there is a racial angle to a news story, I will comment on it, from a moderate point of view, of course. But I suppose my strongest, and sometimes least welcome, suggestion, is to be a full member of your community. It is sometimes written of WN that they lack social skills, and live on the internet. I don’t know if that is so, but if it is, we ought to change it. I participate in local events, and I contribute my time and labor. I am a member of a few local organizations, hobby clubs, things like that. These are small things, but they add up. David Hackett Fischer wrote that Paul Revere was a much more successful courier than William Dawes on the night of April 18, 1775, because he was a member of 6 out of the 7 revolutionary clubs in the Boston area. He had personal credibility, as a local metalsmith respected for his skill, and as a man who knew the score. So, if I show up at my local tea party or bridge club and start talking about the Jews or something, I’m just a nut that nobody will admit to knowing. But if I’m known as a good bridge partner who knows how to follow a lead, or as someone who provides good refreshments for the quilting club when it’s my turn, I have a lot more credibility when I drop a word about Chinese evasion of our laws and regulations.
    I’m just an aging man with a humble job, but I don’t have to be a star to make a difference.

  25. Bob,

    Arizona’s SB 1070 is a good example of the polarization strategy: a moderate law is passed, the opposition goes crazy and overreacts, moderates are pushed in a more radical direction.

  26. A 10% increase in the border enforcement budget would never have been voted on in the senate without 1070 stirring the pot.

    Idaho Bob – its good go hear people are unaffected there, but you better wake up. The illegal issue is one small piece – Idaho has a growing refugee population that im sure everyone is tickled to help out. Until of course your social services cant afford them and your taxes start going up and your school districts start failing, etc, etc. There’s no reason you cant still be patriotic and charitable – lets just get on board with being charitable towards our fellow Americans here and the foreign nationals there.

  27. Look at Arizona’s SB 1070: Arizona passes a moderate law against illegal immigration, the Left goes beserk, the Obama administration sues, the law is struck down, people start using terminology like “political class” and “ruling class” and “the enemy” to describe the status quo.

    It raises awareness of the problem. For the first time in their lives, the apolitical become politicized. That’s an important step forward.

    Couldn’t agree more. SB 1070, Proposition 8 and the like are extremely valuable. Not because they have much chance of making it past a federal judge, but because they force the ruling class to leave its fingerprints on something very unpopular. The ruling class is happiest, and most unreachable, when no one is aware of their existence.

    The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist.

    We’re coming for ya, Keyser.

  28. Hunter Wallace writes Bob,
    Arizona’s SB 1070 is a good example of the polarization strategy: a moderate law is passed, the opposition goes crazy and overreacts, moderates are pushed in a more radical direction.

    I can’t tell if you know the standard meaning of the word strategy. To test if you do, I would ask you whose strategy? A strategy always has a whose.

  29. Flippityfloppity writes Idaho Bob – its good g[t]o hear people are unaffected there, but you better wake up. The illegal issue is one small piece – Idaho has a growing refugee population that im sure everyone is tickled to help out.
    I’m not. I’m not tickled to help out. And many people aren’t. In my post I said everywhere here is the idea of being hospitable and helping people out, especially if they are of a different ethnicity. To be ultra-precise I should have said that just about everywhere I looked – maybe absolutely everywhere I looked in public and also in many but not all places when talking just with an individual – was the idea idea of helping and and of hospitality to the refugees or different ethnicities or however to phrase it. I found it quite a barrier. I’ll also state again that sometimes I would overhear a group of people talking carefully to themselves, but with intense energy, that so and so a person had just come here from Mexico. What awed me was their honest and un-covered-up implicit whiteness , completely innocently expressed. It wasn’t at all negative to the Mexicans. But nevertheless there was this intense energy around our people’s implicit whiteness – of course they didn’t use such a term – they didn’t even know of such a term. It was so different than other parts of the US I was acquainted with. It was mind bending, this innocent, honest, non-negative, non-prejudiced, strong energy.
    lets just get on board with being charitable towards our fellow Americans here and the foreign nationals there.
    Excellently stated.
    There’s no reason you cant still be patriotic and charitable
    That phrasing would not be the best here in Idaho. It carries the idea that there is such a thing as not being patriotic.

    Do you have any sources for numbers on refugees? In my larger area, there are starting to be a few people from Africa – directly from seemingly the most tribal areas of Africa – they wear their tribal clothes in the streets, they seem to walk and herd differently (not to mention speech), I guess like Africans would. It’s really international criminality for the immigration agencies (or emigration agencies or migration agencies – whatever is the latest term they are currently switching to) to do this to us, and to do this to the Africans. These agencies show how an idea can be used to blind one to all other ideas and become an insane force of appalling irrationality, destructiveness, savagery, and cruelty.

  30. Any rightist group that wants attention all they would have to do is link to the nutter left sites and their anti-white pro white genocide threads. Everyday the white liberal radicals call for blood on their little threads of hate whites., Kos, DU and a host of of other lessers post tributes to mayhem and murder, but we never make the left pay for their radicalism we instead want “philosophy” (see upthread “ack”), or we see how we can fit into what Peggy Noonan calls “political correctness radicalism.”

  31. The ‘Cordoba’ mosque in NY is allowed to move forward by the powers-that-be. Why? The Jewish power elites in NY are creating another flashpoint between non-jewish tribes. They hate the muslims and the mosque. But it may be useful to their political agenda. It makes them look good to have a mosque near Ground Zero. It reinforces their image of eternal victimhood…..It’s just a ploy.

  32. @EEuro: Hey, I grew up in Germany and recently visited East Germany. I love the Eastern part; it’s more ‘German’. You’re right about US culture as exported to the world. It is a mongrel culture glorifying negro rap music and diva whores like ‘madonna’. But, you don’t recognize how many white Americans are waking up from this bad dream.

  33. Discard- I definitely agree with you there. Not everyone is going to be hitting the street with petitions and connecting with political organizers to force publicity for favorable issues.

    The more involved and respected we are within our communities, the harder it is for those we associate with to think of us as genocidal, anti-social wackos if/when we get ‘outed’, or happen to make certain impolitic observations about the world around us.

    It is surprising how much other normal folks might confide in you their own private un-PC feelings, if they know that you are 1) an OK guy and not a social leper and 2) observant and reasonable in your own borderline non-Kosher comments. Every little bit helps, and this is much more effective in its own small way than what most explicitly white ‘activists’ ever accomplish.

  34. Bob,

    You ask: whose strategy?

    I’ve always been in favor of the polarization strategy. The idea is to exacerbate “anti-government sentiment” and tension between the states and federal government until it reaches a breaking point and moderates are forced to become radicals.

    That’s what happened in 1776. It happened again in 1861. It almost happened in the 1960s.

  35. @Biased Observer: good comment on building our future ethno-state for all white people. This is the unique contribution of the USA to the cause of white solidarity world-wide. Out of many European peoples we have now one white people. This is harder for Europeans because of their long history of inter-ethnic strife. But they are moving in that direction. The invasion of non-whites is leading to the creation of a truly world-wide white consciousness.

  36. EuroMike:

    “The invasion of non-whites is leading to the creation of a truly world-wide white consciousness.”
    – Yes Mike, unwittingly our Jewish overlords may have implanted into white consciousness the seed of unity. I surely do hope so. The situation has bought about a “get it together now or go the way of the dinosaur” kind of urgency. We really have no time to lose.

  37. Well, hopefully the constuction site will be plagued with unending accidents, fires and destruction of equipment. lol

  38. Bob
    If Idahoans wake and realize when charity is unpatriotic they may be in a better position to understand the plight we face and not speak in huddled voices. Illegal immigration, for that matter ALL immigration and foreign migration into this country should be halted regardless of the consequences. The quota should be ZERO. I dont care about the race, religion or ethnicity – keep ’em out until we appropriately assimilate or expel the ones on this side of the fence.

    The government sponsored (and taxpayer financed) refugee resettlement program mentioned in the article is one of many being promoted and operated by the same religious organizations who are promoting peace & justice programs, multi-culturalism/anti-racism and white (largely christian) guilt. We cannot continue to allow our leaders (political, educational and religious) to promote America as a leader in the globalization insanity that belittles American culture and values in favor of a salad bowl society.

    As Hunter points out, this begins at the local level. Family-town-county-state-…

  39. Cynewulf says on August 6, 2010, at 4:37 pm: “Regarding the whole Ground Zero Mosque issue, it seems that no one has pointed out something that is glaringly obvious to me. The name of the mosque includes “Cordoba”, which was the main Moorish center of power (de facto if not de jure) during their occupation of Iberia. To me, this indicates a sort of dog whistle Islamic supremacism on the part of the group who wish to build this facility…”

    The Cordoba name cuts both ways, and may be easily taken as a symbol of white Spanish Christian victory over the Arab invaders in 1236 which has since stood as an rebuke to Arab overreach in Western Europe.

  40. Flippityfloppity, thanks for the link to article on refugees in Idaho! That’s stuff I really wanted to know, to get closer to how is this stuff happening. We’re making progress. These days we are in a much better situation that in the past. People generally are getting more tolerant and humane to letting others question this migration refugee stuff (invasion stuff). While we are learning more about how to phrase things. We are understanding things more than we used to when we simply didn’t understand much. Kevin MacDonald, Ron Paul, David Duke, Enoch Powell, and many many others have carved out ground, and they did it in difficult circumstances.

    Wonder if the following might be a way to go with the refugee groups in Idaho. Get specific info about who brought these groups into existence, who supports them in what ways. Also generate more ways for people to phrase and question them (in the article, even the refugees questioned the agencies, and one agency worker even said something a little like the comment I made – and maybe like the comment you made – though she phrased it in an ultra-mellow way, she wondered if we were taking these people out of bad times in their own country and putting them into bad jobless situations in the US. Some of us in OD threads can get at deeper phrasings and conceptualizations (truth) of the issues, which will help others march from there, and they in turn can re-inspire us. I even have some ideas for comments in the thread on the refugee article you furnished, but the comments there ended 4 months ago. Do you live in Idaho? I realize given the character of the state and the small number of people, we are reluctant to say where in Idaho. But just curious.

  41. Hunter Wallace, yes, polarization can wake up the non-political whites. Though I always suspected forces in the Jewish group as encouraging polarization between white groups as a way of weakening and better controlling whites. I think I now see that polarization can be used in both ways and it depends on the specific situation. Maybe even forces in the Jewish group can end up slipping up.

  42. Oats and Honey says It is surprising how much other normal folks might confide in you their own private un-PC feelings, if they know that you are 1) an OK guy and not a social leper and 2) observant and reasonable in your own borderline non-Kosher comments.

    Social leper is a pretty broad term and to some struggling people if you use the term, it can be a turn off. But you’re exactly right on both points. That’s why statements like Jew this and Jew that and Jew everything else is a non-starter with the big majority of people. In fact such an approach hurts the rest of who are trying to get some of the truth across to others, because others hear one or two words from us and think, oh no, one of those crazies. In fact, I myself would like more solid logic backing up negative statements about the Jewish group. (By the way, I don’t think that can happen until one starts to look at the communicational internal interactional structure of the Jewish group, which is like this: only some Jewish people (leaders or whatever) start negative stuff going toward our people, but the rest of the Jewish group overwhelmingly is silent or often will participate in group phone callings, letters, and the like, to support the individuals and individual Jewish groups which initiate the negative stuff. An exceedingly small number of Jewish people try to question their people. Also maybe a very small number who are partially Jewish may become tremendous helps to our people.)

    The more solid the logic, the more you can bring other people into questioning certain issues, and the more you yourself can surprise yourself in being more certain and confident in your negativity.

    But yes, in the last 9 yards of actually getting to the people, you can’t go ranting your emotions.

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