The Ground Zero Mosque

The Ground Zero Mosque

The Ground Zero Mosque is without a doubt the most outrageous surrender to political correctness and multiculturalism that I have ever seen in my lifetime.

It is a 13-story monument to Islamic terrorism that will be built as a tribute to 9/11 victims on a national graveyard. The groundbreaking ceremony is scheduled to take place on September 11th. The Ground Zero Mosque will open its doors on the tenth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks.

The audacity of these people and their calculated symbolism is breathtaking. I’ve never seen a bigger slap across the face of White America.

This represents a historical milestone in our collective national decline. It is one of those moments that White Americans will look back on in old age and vividly recall as a point when the downward spiral began to accelerate.

Before anyone points out the obvious, I don’t agree with everything that Pat Condell says above, especially twaddle about “Islamonazism” in the middle of the video. Islamic triumphalism isn’t the real issue. As everyone here knows, it is only a symptom of the larger problem.

In a healthy society, one ruled by a self confident elite, such a national insult would never be tolerated. Instead, Michael Bloomberg*, the Mayor of New York City, went on national television to accuse his critics of surrendering to terrorism.

Unfashionable Observations

1.) The Ground Zero Mosque exposes the true nature of multiculturalism and political correctness. White Americans are told they must police their language and walk on eggshells in order not to give offense to minority groups. As we recently saw with Mel Gibson, we live in a world where uttering an offensive racial slur in the privacy of your own home can end careers.

It is hard to imagine a more provocative and insensitive act designed to offend White America than building a monument to the 9/11 terrorists on Ground Zero.

The critical point to be made here is that liberals who insist on “diversity training” in the workplace and an elaborate code of racial etiquette designed to avoid giving offense to “people of color” do not hesitate for a second to defend the insensitivity of this calculated insult to the White majority.

2.) Lawrence Auster once made the acute observation that every time the “protected classes” misbehave, as Muslims did on 9/11, those Americans who are infected with multiculturalism and political correctness will redouble their efforts to make excuses for the atrocity and redirect their criticism at the victims.

3.) The fight over the Ground Zero Mosque must be seen in the proper historical context: as the latest clash between the Blues and Reds over the future of America.

The Blues are using the Ground Zero Mosque as an opportunity to flaunt their moral superiority and social status over the Reds. It is just another example of twisting their nose and waving the flag in front of the bull.

They are deploying all their usual insincere rhetoric about nativism, racism, xenophobia, hate, bigotry, and intolerance. The Blues preach inclusiveness and universalism, but only as a boundry marker, as a way to exclude and distinguish themselves from the Reds.

The Blues see themselves as towering above the Reds whom they consider their social inferiors. As their social inferiors, it is perfectly acceptable to show gross insensitivity, offense, and disrespect toward the Reds, which is why all the Blues are defending the Ground Zero Mosque.

Flying the Confederate Flag in South Carolina? That’s offensive to African-Americans. Haul it down.

Naming a building at the University of Texas after a Klansman? That’s insensitive to African-Americans. Rename the building.

Indulging Strom Thurmond on his 100th birthday? That’s insensitive to African-Americans. Trent Lott must resign.

Building the Ground Zero Mosque at the World Trade Center site and opening it up on the tenth anniversary of 9/11? That’s offensive to White Americans. Proceed.

Spit in their face.


I’ve spent a lot of time lately writing about how White America is stirring and waking up from its slumber. The alarm clock is going off after forty years of multiculturalism and political correctness. In the previous thread, I pointed to recent polls which show a collapse in the legitimacy of major institutions.

The budding anti-mosque movement is another side of the same coin. It is becoming increasingly commonplace for the Reds to protest mosques in the name of the “Real America.”

Granted, this is retarded and kosher, and misses the real enemy by miles, but there is a larger significant point being made here which is not lost on our enemies: a cultural identity is being asserted and another identity is being declared incompatible with that identity.

The message being sent is that America is more than “freedom of religion” and “property rights.” It is not a mere geographic space where anyone can do business and no one cares who will live here a hundred years from now.

Like black criminals and illegal aliens, Muslim terrorists are highly visible soft targets. They are the thin edge of the wedge or the tip of the iceberg which can lead to a greater understanding of more important issues, namely, the impending demise of White America and the tyranny that will be established over our descendants.

The Ground Zero Mosque is stirring a polarizing debate over American identity. A blunder of this magnitude shouldn’t be allowed to go to waste.

* Michael Bloomberg is a Jew.

About Hunter Wallace 12414 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I am curious. Who is building this mosque? Are the unionized working class hard hats of NYC doing it, or are their religious exemptions to labor laws? Will they import sand people to do the work or will they let infidels touch the phrophet’s own I-beams?

    Regarding the requirement that Whites be sensitive to others who insult us with impunity, I remember the “piss christ” controversy of a couple decades ago. Some faggoty “artist”, Andre Serrano I believe was his name, took a photo of a crucifix in a jar of what he claimed was urine. The photo was then exhibited in museums. In Cincinnati the locals tried to shut the exhibit down, and all the right-thinking vermin around the nation joined in ridiculing the good people of that town. I engaged in a civil exchange of letters with a third string syndicated columnist, which ended when I politely asked him if he would defend an exhibit of the following works: Puke Ghandi, Cum the Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King, and Shit Holocaust.
    Always put the shoe on the other foot with these people, and expose their “principles” for the sham they are.

  2. Hunter:

    While I thoroughly agree this mosque should never be built for a variety of reasons, am I to understand from what you wrote above that you believe the official finding i.e., ‘The Arabs/Islam did it’?

  3. I refuse to be outraged about the mosque at ground zero until construction is completed and they hold their first gay marraige there.

  4. We should outraged at the millions of Arabs given residence and citizenship (Christian, Muslim, atheist, New Agers or whatever). The mosque is a red herring, imo. Something PP (politically prescribed) to be pissed off at.

  5. As I said above, the Ground Zero Mosque is only a symptom of the larger issue. America is like a fish that rots from the head down. In this case, the stench is bad enough for ordinary people to take notice and ask some of the right questions.

  6. New York City is my vision of hell—complete with Jews and other pagans. The mosque fits right in.

    Let’s not forget that according to the Bible, both Abraham, and Moses were Jewish pimps. LOL.

  7. Illegal aliens are another “politically prescribed” target. It is safe to attack the illegals. It is important not to lose sight of the fact that “soft targets” are the road most people take out of the mainstream.

    In 2001, I was concerned about issues like “illegal immigration” and “reparations for slavery.” As I got to the bottom of those issues, I learned about other more serious problems like the Jewish Question. The other day someone left a comment here about how they started off as a “counter-jihadist.”

  8. Lower Manhattan is represented by Jerrold Nadler* in Congress. Nadler supports building the Ground Zero Mosque.* He attacks the opposition as “shameless” and “divisive.”

    *Jerrold Nadler is a Jew.
    **The ADL opposes the Ground Zero Mosque.

  9. What I do when people talk about Muslims is say, “Both Muslims and Jews have strategies built into their religions to conquer non-Muslim or non-Jewish countries.”

    (here it is important to talk about Muslims FIRST)

    The fear about the Muslims is that they will institute sharia law. Do you know what that is? Yes, women will have to wear veils, everyone who is not a Muslim will have to pay a “dhimmi tax” and you can forget about the good ol’ US constitution. Islam is a religion of conquest . . .

    but so is Judaism. Ever notice the yearly scandals about nativity scenes in town squares? First they get rid of the nativity scene, THEN they put in a menorah — a Jewish symbol There’s a menorah in front of the White House in December! Jews want everyone else to know whose boss. Also, they are the richest religious group in the USA, YET, Israel gets more foreign aid than all the other countries put together. Even Mel Gibson said that Jews control the US and forced us into the Iraq war. Who you gonna believe, Braveheart, or some oy veying guy with a beanie on his head who wants to sell you a used car? Such a deal!

    So Muslims are the enemy within, but Jews even moreso. The problem is Semites in general. Yes, Jews help the Muslims, because they see White Christians as the greater enemy. Don’t be fooled by the Israel-Palestine conflict. They hate you more than they hate Muslim terrorists. Why else would Jews be in favor of open borders to destroy America with illegal immigration? Not just in the US, but Europe too — every White country must be “multiculturized” and its Jews that push this.

    That’s how you can use Muslims as a “teachable moment” to bring up the JQ.

  10. “New York City is my vision of hell—complete with Jews and other pagans. The mosque fits right in.”

    Speaking as a Pagan, I detest minarets and mosques as much as any Christian. And I was at first insulted by your association of Jews with Pagans as we are in most ways different (we don’t believe in Jehovah (the Christian Father), for example). But Pagans do have this in common with Jews: they don’t go to Africa or Haiti looking for souls to save. Both religions are tied to blood. Not a bad thing, imo.

  11. This sounds like a bullsh*t story to rise the hatred of muslims even more. Who owns or has rights to that land? Does Larry Silverstein still control the rights to that land? I know he leased the WTC for 99 years does the land come with that? I am no big fan of muslims, but the Jews weather they are called zionist,marxist,communist or whatever are the problem that the world faces today. Yes I am an anti-semite for I am against all that is evil and destructive to my people and the world.
    You talk about muslim terrorist, what a joke. Who is the only country in the mideast to attack America? Israel of course, the USS Liberty in 1967 and the Lavron Affair in 1954 and I would bet my last dime they were behind 911,Bombay and just about every other act of Terror. The real conspiracy is that some guys in a cave pulled off 911, that’s the craziest story I ever heard.
    Starting with the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia, every rock you un-cover, all sources of wrong and evil weather it be in Rhodesia,South Africa,Kosovo,Immigration,NAACP,Civil Rights,Wall Street,Hollywood degeneracy and about 6 million other events all have a Jewish flavor to it. Read for yourself people, find out what a Parasite and how deadly the Jew is to us and to the world.

  12. Apropos the previous comment, in October 2001, a former IDF Colonel who had entered Mexico illegally and a Mexican Jew were caught red-handed in the Mexican Parliament with plastic explosives, detonating devices and Pakistani passports. They were quietly deported to Israel.

  13. @ Brother Reginald (hmmm.)

    Why do you think the Black folks like the Old Testament sooo much? Abraham & Moses were both pimp daddies. Abraham even pimped his old lady. LOL.

    Judaism & Islam were both founded by a Jewish pimp. LOL.

  14. I have a good ol’ American free market idea. I’ll purchase the property on either side and open a BBQ Pork Joint on one side and a Dog Park on the other. What? Offensive? Don’t trample on my Constitutional rights!!!

  15. @ Brutha Reggie

    You can get a real feel for pimp daddy gangsta Moses in Numbers 31 in general, and Numbers 31:17-18 in particular.

    New York is a non-White, Jewish & other pagan hell. I can’t figure how a White man who can live in that enviroment?

  16. When American Jews take the Muslim side against White America.

    Pat Buchanan wrote and excellent piece on this terrible insult to White Americans.

    Buchanan slams NYC Jew Mayor Bloomberg – for supporting the invading Muslims of the Cordoba House Mosque on the sacred 9/11 hallowed ground.

    Most White Americans would have no clue trying to understand why a powerful American Jew would take the side of invading Muslims against White Americans – after all the Muslims are supposed to be the arch enemies of Israel, the Jews.

    But historical realities are that powerful Jews have often conspired with Muslims to attack Whites, destroy White civilizations. Bloomberg is taking the Muslim terrorist, Muslim mass immigration side against White America, and Jews did the same thing in Spain for 700 years, before they were given the boot by victories White Catholics in 1492.

    Here is a great history lesson on Jews taking the Muslim side against Whites in Spain. The good news is that Whites won in Spain, won against both the invading Arab Muslims and the hidden anti White powers of the self proclaimed Chosen people of God – the Jews.

    Spain 1492: White Christians vs Arab Muslims and the Jews.
    Spain might have had a good reason to expel the Jews in 1492.

    Instauration Magazine November 1992

    Every schoolboy is or should be familiar with the year 1492, the year of the (re)discovery of the New world by Christopher Columbus, a Genoese in the service of the Spanish monarchs, Ferdinand and Isabella. For Spain, 1492 was to be the most important year in its history, as well as one of the most important in world history. it was the year the Spanish nation was consolidated, the year it said adi6s to the middle Ages, the year when the splendorous Spanish State took center stage in the political evolution of the the beginning of the year, on January 2, after a long siege, the army of the Spanish monarchs marched into the city of Granada, thus reconquering the last of the real estate seized by the Arabs and moors seven centuries earlier. Then, on March 31, the Catholic monarchs signed a royal edict that ordered all Jews in Spain to convert to Christianity or ship out. Five months later Columbus sailed out of the Spanish port of Palos hoping to discover a new route to the Indies. His tiny fleet passed boats loaded with Jews sorrowfully complying with Ferdinand and Isabella’s expulsion order.


    In this 500th anniversary of Columbus’s epochal voyage, much of the celebration has been marred by media inspired attacks on Spain for her “cruelty” and “foolishness” in expelling Jews. No one seemed to care what was done to the Muslims, who were also given the choice of conversion or expulsion a few years later, just as no one these days seems to care much about what was done to non-Jews in WWII German and Soviet concentration camps, where the death toll of Gentiles was probably ten times greater than the number of Jewish fatalities. Actually, any Jew who converted to Christianity was perfectly free to stay in Spain. Those who left could take all their earthly possessions with them, except gold and silver coins and trinkets.

    The current media story line is that the Spanish, in a fit of blind religious fanaticism, cut off their noses to spite their faces by kicking out the clever and enterprising Jewish community. Having heard these tearful tales over and over again, history buffs could be forgiven for thinking that only mass insanity could have led Spaniards to commit such an enormous gaffe. Jews, today’s spin doctors insist, were the cultural and economic backbone of Spain, the most educated and verbal segment of the population. Only greed, envy, ignorance and Christian bigotry could possibly explain this act of pure folly. once again, a peaceful, unoffending people were driven out into the cold because of the heartlessness of their wicked neighbors. But that is not the end of the story! As is almost always the case, there was a price to be paid for persecuting the Jews. The price for Spain, according to the Jewish version of history, was its decline and fall, following the loss of so much Jewish brainpower and the economic and cultural benefits which Spain’s rivals, Portugal and Holland, received from swarms of Jewish refugees.

    Per usual, when it comes to Jews, the story they tell is, shall we say, at variance with the facts. Fourteen hundred and ninety-two was the year Spanish civilization took off like a rocket. Within a century or two, Cervantes was writing Don Quixote; Velasquez was painting his incomparable portraits; Calder6n was writing his brilliant plays. it al most seemed as if the presence of the Jews had kept Spanish culture under wraps and their forced removal unloosed tremendous bursts of artistic, literary and economic energy. (Might it be possible that the same unshackling of cultural forces would produce similar results if the Jews left the U. S.?) In A History of Medieval Spain, Professor Joseph F. O’Callaghan provides us with perhaps the most scholarly and precise treatment of Spanish history in the time between the Arab conquest and the moors’ surrender of Granada. Spain had its origins in the Roman Empire. The Roman provinces in what is now Spain and Portugal furnished the Empire with some of its greatest emperors. with the fall of Rome, Spain was transformed into a kingdom of Visigoths, one of the German tribes which had inherited remnants of the Empire. The Visigothic kings were Christianized and ruled over a population comprised partly of Nordics and largely of mediterraneans, with a heavy sprinkling of Jews. Later, when the Arabs imposed Islam on Spain, the composition of the population was not greatly changed. The overwhelming majority of Arabs and Spaniards belonged to the Mediterranean race, though Nordic racial traits, such as fair complexions and blue eyes (Isabella had them), were discernible in the ruling circles of both peoples. Some Nordic genes had been implanted by the Vandals who swept through Spain before the Visigoths and fought their way as far as Tunis in North Africa. Here, it might also be noted, that the Muslim rulers and caliphs of Spain were not exactly cultural throwbacks. The Alhambra Palace in Granada is the most beautiful and most graceful pleasure dome to be found on any continent. In 675 the Muslims launched their first raid on Spain, which was repulsed by the Visigothic fleet. By 711, the Arabs had conquered North Africa and were ready to invade Western Europe. in only 21 years they penetrated as far north as Tours in France before being defeated and thrown back by the Franks under Charles Martel.

    The reasons for the woefully poor showing of the Visigoths vis-A-vis the Arab invaders had to do with treason in high places. As O’Callaghan remarks, “Certainly the Jews and others who had suffered under Visigothic rule welcomed the invaders as liberators and collaborated with them.” As O’Callaghan also points out, perhaps to avoid endangering his academic standing, the Jewish renegadism was justified by the “disorder” of the Visigothic Kingdom. The reconquest of Spain started in the rugged mountains’ of Asturias in northern Spain. There a Visigothic knight, Pelayo, refused to bow down to the Muslims and won the first battle in a 700-year-war between Islam and Christianity. The Reconquista, as it is known, was a glorious era in the history of the West. A proud and fierce people would be tried and tested in a thousand battles. The Jews, as is their custom, quickly burrowed into the Arab fabric of Spain. Generally preferring Muslim to Christian overlords, the People of the Book were allowed to practice their religion without interference and became key elements in Muslim society. it need hardly be added that the Christians who had suffered from Jewish moneymen in Visigothic times, came to loathe them more than ever in Muslim Spain.

    By the 11th century the situation in Spain had become fluid, with the Christians slowly nibbling back parts of their lost lands, while constantly under the threat of fierce Muslim counterattacks. It is not surprising that the eternal “middlemen” should rise to the surface in these troubled times. In both the Muslim and Christian parts of Spain, Jews engaged in all their age-old occupational specialties: usury, the slave trade, prostitution, tax “farming” (contracts to collect taxes for the kings and nobles), the law, medicine, administration and any other type of employment that required little or no physical labor. Worst of all from the point of view of the pious Christian population, they were able to infiltrate the church in large numbers. it was this last activity that led to their downfall. As Muslim power waned, Jews relied more and more on the expanding Christian kingdoms of Spain to provide them with their customary perks. Employed by Spanish monarchs in the most sensitive matters of state, especially in finance, Jews never had it so good since the good old days of Solomon. The Chosen, however, could not enter the church without converting. It was not too long before true Christians realized that the Christianity of most “New Christians” was only skin deep. That converted Jews mocked the Christian religion, celebrated Jewish feast days, and were slowly and subtly introducing Talmudic themes into Christian theology were open secrets. It was no wonder they came to be viewed as a hostile element, busy weakening the Christian nation in the very face of the Muslim enemy.

    High-Octane Religiosity

    In the Middle Ages religion was the fault line of the world. In the same way that the West fought communism in this century, so the Christian West fought the power of Islam in those crucial years. Religion was central to all aspects of life, there being no such thing as a secular state. It is a waste of words to argue that Christian Spain should have made room for Jews and Muslims. Such an accommodation was quite out of the question in the Age of Faith. When Spain expelled the Jews, England, France and other European nations had long since sent them on their way, for approximately the same reasons. The main difference was that the number of Jews and their influence and affluence in Spain were vastly greater than elsewhere in Europe. Ironically the European nations that would later condemn Spain for expelling Jews were the first to voice suspicion of Spain’s “purity” because it had been “defiled” by the presence of so many Jews and Muslims. Queen Isabella agreed up to a point. She knew very well that as long as Jews remained in her kingdom they would constitute a political, cultural, philosophical and theological fifth column, not to mention a military liability in the event of a Muslim attempt to retake what they had lost-a scary scenario that was always a possibility.

    Isabella and her husband, Ferdinand, knew in their hearts that only by building one undivided and indivisible Spain could they carry out the tremendous task they had set for themselves. They understood what we seem to have forgotten: You cannot build a nation out of disparate population groups widely separated by culture and religion. Either Jews and Muslims would leave or renounce their faith, or Spain, as a united Christian country, would never endure. Although Jews are not a race, they act like a race and should be treated as one. Anthropologically speaking, they are various mixtures of the Nordic, Alpine and Mediterranean races, with a few distinctive facial traits showing up in many of them. Isabella’s relying on religion to define a Jew may have been adequate in her day, but it would be wide of the mark in 1992. Today, in the U.S. about 70% of Jews are non-religious. To use Judaism as a basis for expelling Jews would allow the more intelligent and more devious Jews to remain in our midst.

    The Jews in the Christian Spain aborning were not fools. They were quite aware that popular sentiment was rising against them. Fighting back in any way they could, they bribed powerful and corrupt nobles and worked their way into high positions in the government and church. All in vain. In 1391 massive anti-Jewish pogroms broke out across Spain. In that year, thousands of Jews were killed in Aragon and Castile. in the words of O’Callaghan,

    Hostility towards the Jews had often been manifested in the past, chiefly because of their involvement in money-lending and tax-farming. Complaints about Jewish usury and Jewish tax collectors occur again and again in the records of the Cones [the Spanish parliament or assembly] . . . . Though the Crown usually promised to attend to these complaints, Jews continued to figure prominently in the management of royal finances. The riots of 1391 spelled the beginning of the end for Spanish Jewry, although it would still hold on for another hundred years. The simple truth was that Spain had outgrown Jews, just as it had outgrown Muslims. The Jews, as stated previously, had no part to play in Spain’s great years, which, some cynics say, is why Spain had its “great years.” The Encyclopaedia Britannica (1963 edition, vol. 2 1, p. 122) adds: “The tide of national enthusiasm, religious fanaticism and indignation at Jewish financial operations reached its high-water mark about three months after the fall of Granada. . . .” Apparently there were early-bird milkens and Boeskys in the ranks of Spanish jewry. Professor Philip W. Powell, in his book, The Tree of Hate (published in 1985) attributes the expulsion of the Jews to a religious conflict between Judaism and Christianity. He is not afraid to meet the issue of anti-Semitism headon: ‘The very misleading term of ‘anti-Semitism’ is so carelessly, or malevolently, tossed about these days that it virtually has no meaning except as a convenient rock to hurl in anger–but, like a rock, it can hurt.” He goes on to say: The Jews’] impassioned opinions hamper the writing of fair and unbiased accounts of Spain. Jewish emotion, when aroused by historical memory of [the] Spanish Inquisition and expulsion, exaggerates and distorts, and certainly gives little shrift to the Spanish side of the story …. Jewish writers are aided by a popular opinion, much of it created by themselves, which for centuries has influenced writing upon these themes.

    Powell points out that while it is true that all the 165,000 or so Jews who refused to give up Judaism were expelled in 1492, many more chose to stay and converted. Those who only converted superficially underwent various forms of capital punishment. Jews and other writers of anti-Spanish tendencies, have preferred to focus attention upon these Spanish crimes as a means of demonstrating Spanish cruelty and bigotry. The usual groundwork for this is a morality of later centuries applied to 15th and 16th century historical situations, without that sense of justice so essential to historical interpretations. Or, sometimes more simply, it may come from the well-known Jewish propensity for cultural replenishment out of martyrdom. Professor Powell gets to the nitty-gritty in these words: But the majority of the Spanish people, witnessing [all the] evidence of Jewish-Converso influence . . . . and simply the numbers of Jews daily discernible in the population would, and did, view the situation with antagonism.

    Explaining that this antagonism sometimes led to mob attacks on Jews, Powell dryly adds, “If there was anything uniquely Spanish in all this, it was not intolerance or bigotry, but rather a notable forbearance in comparison to the ways the Jewish problem was handled elsewhere in Europe.”

    Inquisition Hype The chief purpose of the Spanish Inquisition, established in 1480, was to ensure that Jews did not create a “state within a state.” The Inquisition was a defense of the monarchy and a defense against treason. Many European states applauded its creation as a needed step to rein in Jewish power. Whatever the Inquisition was to become once the Jews had gone, it served its primary purpose in ridding Spain of a hostile force of infiltrators and subversives at a time when the church and nation were in grave danger. The ferocity of the Spanish Inquisition may well stem from the fact that it was in large part staffed by Jewish converts, who amply demonstrated that they had lost none of their innate venom by switching religions. Jewish converts who fell all over themselves to prove their loyalty to their new faith were the driving force behind the grim and fanatical persecution of other Jews. Tomas de Torquemada, the ferocious inquisitor General, who sent so many of his brethren to the stake, is said to have been of Jewish descent. No less an authority than Salvador de madariaga, one of modern Spain’s leading intellectuals, holds to the view that the peculiar intolerance of the Spanish Inquisition can be traced, in part, to the presence of Jewish converts in its highest ranks. Madariaga, by the way, made up for this “anti-Semitic” opinion by stating that Columbus was a converso, but not necessarily a Marrano (pig in Spanish), a derogatory term for a convert who practiced Judaism secretly. Several Jewish scholars, including the non-scholars of Time magazine, have accused King Ferdinand of being “part Jewish,” though they never satisfactorily explain where the Jewish genes came from. To sum up, Spain’s expulsion of the Jews was logical, rational and, for the times, not overly cruel-far less cruel than what modern Jews have done and continue to do to the Palestinians. The Spanish have no need to apologize for their actions in freeing their nation from a harmful internal enemy. The Jews resented their expulsion, as they have resented other forced exoduses in their history. The truth is, contemporary Jews should not blame Spain for their ancestors’ misfortunes five centuries ago. They need only to look in the mirror.


    N.B.F. and W.

  17. Pat Condell is a race traitor: in other videos he has stated vehemently that there are no races and that he wouldn’t tolerate going back to the times when in USA negroes had to take the back seats in the buses. Condell has also stated that he spares the Jews from his anti-religious diatribes because in his opinion the Jews are decent people.

    @ The other day someone left a comment here about how they started off as a “counter-jihadist.”

    I have stated this too. Since the JQ requires a little of intellectual effort to wrap our minds to get it, and since virtually all of westerners’ minds have been infected with liberalism, counter-jihad speakers like Condell and Robert Spencer are doing a great job to disabuse a few Body-Snatched Pods (a movie metaphor) against at least some of the viruses that the system has programmed in their minds. Counter-jihad might be a preliminary work toward white nationalism, and it worked on me and on another regular poster of this site.

    Nonetheless, mixing movie metaphors I would say that the likes of Condell and Spencer epigones have taken the blue pill. Yet a few counter-jihadists are not as cowards as them and have dared to take the redpill (once you awake on the JQ there’s no way back to more sleeping in the Matrix).

  18. “Judaism & Islam were both founded by a Jewish pimp. LOL.”

    And according to you, Christianity was founded by someone who had a very positive view of a Jewish pimp:

    >“If you were Abraham’s children,” said Jesus, “then you would do the things Abraham did. As it is, you are determined to kill me, a man who has told you the truth that I heard from God. Abraham did not do such things.

  19. Perhaps it’s a case of cutting of my nose to spite my face, but I feel joy whenever something bad happens in New York City. After all, it’s not a White city and symbolizes so many things we hate. Hunter says this is an example of spitting in the face of Red America, but aren’t they really spitting on New Yorkers (jew, black, yellow and white) themselves? Red America hates NYC and most of them will never even visit. Meanwhile, think of all the non-Muslim population of New York that will see this every day and think of their loved ones dying at Ground Zero in a fiery heap.


  20. Yes, the muslims knocked ddown the Twin Towers..9/1 conspiracy theorist. If the 1965 Immigration Reform
    ACT had not been 9/11. 9/11 conspiracy theorists are retards. They have been destroyed in debate. They have resorted to dirty tactics during these debates at the point at which they were crushed in the debates. You are f….g retards..Alex Jones is a retard..THE MUSLIMS DID IT..but Alex Jones..chubby putz…is onboard with the race-replacement of the of the Native Born White Majority through LEGAL IMMIGRATION-muslim variety..Alex Jones is a goddam traitor!!!!

    The muslims did it you retard…you f….g retard…you were given a fair hearing of your nuuty conspiracy theory and were blown out of the water..that’s why no one pays attention to you retards.

  21. @ Chechar, I’ve never heard of this guy before. Thanks for letting us know.

    Before I became racially conscious (thanks to OD’s redpill, e.g., what a year ago you all said about counter-jihadists here), I used to be a fan of Pat Condell and watched all of his videos. I even added a couple of them in my blog, like this one.

  22. I’ve entertained similar thoughts in the past. It comes from the alienation of traveling in these circles. I later came to my senses.

    There are plenty of good people in New York and the Northern states. No one deserves to plunge to their death from the top of a skyscraper.

    Normal people are rightly horrified by 9/11. They saw it as an attack on their country. The 9/11 attack would have elicited the same visceral response from any American generation past or present.

    If Islamic terrorists had massacred 3,000 Americans on American soil, George Washington and Thomas Jefferson wouldn’t have hesitated to declare war.

  23. New Yorkers oppose the Ground Zero Mosque. I want to say Lower Manhattan supports it though. You can’t judge New Yorkers by New York City, Georgians by Atlanta, or Texans by Austin.

  24. Food for thought: Rhode Island is the most liberal state in America. In Rhode Island, 32% of Rhode Islanders describe themselves as “liberals.” That’s their high water mark.

    Blues and Reds aren’t synonymous with Democrat and Republican voters. In the Democratic Party, self-described “liberals” are a minority in the coalition.

    The Blues are the “Political Class” and the Reds are the “Country Class.”

  25. I am not going to open my mouth here on this subject, except to state that the Jews really pulled one over and it is amazing how the lie has taken hold even with WN’s. I have no hope.

  26. Whoever posted that Jerrod Nadler is a Jew…uh, wrong. He’s an Arab.

    I’m sure you think Helen Thomas is a Jew, too.

  27. BTW, didn’t none other than Abe Foxman come out against building the mosque recently? I thought he was the modern-day King of the Jews, and yet even he can’t shut this thing down?

    Do Bloomberg, King Fahd, and CAIR have a “Lemon Party”-type thing going on, or what?

  28. Jacob–eh, even if “Jews did WTC,” who cares, shut down the damn mosque anyway. Just because I’m mean-spirited, and it’s fun to piss off those easily-offended, hair-trigger temper, pederasty-oriented, swarthy camel-raping bastards and the Prophet they rode in on.

  29. “BTW, didn’t none other than Abe Foxman come out against building the mosque recently? I thought he was the modern-day King of the Jews, and yet even he can’t shut this thing down?

    Do Bloomberg, King Fahd, and CAIR have a “Lemon Party”-type thing going on, or what?”

    More like playing us from both sides.

  30. “If Islamic terrorists had massacred 3,000 Americans on American soil, George Washington and Thomas Jefferson wouldn’t have hesitated to declare war.”

    According to the Constitution, that’s the Congress’ power. But I doubt Washington would have sat on his ass for half an hour reading to schoolkids. And he probably would have had a real investigation into who really was behind it, which no doubt who have resulted in some treason trials and hangings.

  31. I don’t really think this is a big deal. I mean, with all the other garbage going on in America, why this?

    The mosques is not at ground zero, it’s two blocks away, which in Manhattan is a big distance. Also, that neighborhood is filled with Muslim workers during the day: taxi cab drivers, store clerks, IT workers and others. The real issue is the huge friggin’ number of Pakistanis and Indians who have completely taken over the IT departments of every Wall St. firm and the whole taxi industry. If it weren’t for all those people, there wouldn’t be a mosque there. The mosque is only a symptom of the third world infestation. We can’t allow millions of Muslims to come here and not have mosques start popping up, but almost none of the critics of the mosque will say anything about immigration.

    This is a phony Faux News distraction as far as I am concerned.

  32. It is a big deal because the Ground Zero Mosque is offensive enough to stick out above the water and grab the attention of ordinary people. Of course there is a much larger iceberg below the surface.

    Note: The current building on the site was damaged in the 9/11 attacks.

  33. Chechar,

    Your transformation is proof that people will come around if you are patient with them, expose them to the right ideas, and give them the time to draw their own conclusions in light of experience.

  34. I honestly don’t see the big deal when you look at this from a Nationalist(White) perspective. The whole of this country’s political, economic, and cultural identity is rotten to the core. White people in this country are just not going to run through the mental maze that some people seem to think is a logical outcome from being inundated with religious, cultural, and even racial conflicts. The idea is that one hotbed issue will lead them to the next, more important issue, which will then lead them to think with more racially unPC attitudes. This has never really worked and, considering the fact that two planes flew into two buildings and caused them to fall down, killing 3,000 Americans in the process, which then caused our lingering situation in Iraq and Afghanistan, I’d have to say that there’s a really good chance it will never work. Maybe if the Mosque is built that will be the final straw to cause enough resentment for an attack on Iran. That’s always the course that these batshit crazies take when you try and lead them to a little enlightenment without holding their hand and smacking them on the back of the head the entire way there.

    Why get offended or waste energy on an issue that, even if the result is millions of people saying no to a mosque, would give nothing back in practical terms to White citizens that actually need help today?

  35. @ Brutha Reggie

    Can’t you read? Genesis 12:14-19

    When Abram came to Egypt, the Egyptians saw that she was a very beautiful woman. 15 And when Pharaoh’s officials saw her, they praised her to Pharaoh, and she was taken into his palace. 16 He treated Abram well for her sake, and Abram acquired sheep and cattle, male and female donkeys, menservants and maidservants, and camels.

    17 But the LORD inflicted serious diseases on Pharaoh and his household because of Abram’s wife Sarai. 18 So Pharaoh summoned Abram. “What have you done to me?” he said. “Why didn’t you tell me she was your wife? 19 Why did you say, ‘She is my sister,’ so that I took her to be my wife? Now then, here is your wife. Take her and go!”

  36. @ Brutha Reggie

    I guess Abraham’s Jewish “hoe” Sari had an STD or some form of VD?
    17 But the LORD inflicted serious diseases on Pharaoh and his household because of Abram’s wife Sarai.

  37. If I learned anything from years of interacting with White Nationalists, it is that they don’t have the patience to deal with ordinary people, or to work with them to gradually lead them in a more radical direction.

    Instead, White Nationalists always judge reality on the basis of their fantasy world, and reality always comes up lacking. Ordinary people aren’t ready to praise Adolf Hitler, lynch the race traitors, and exterminate the Jews with silver bullets. Thus, White Nationalists write off engaging the political mainstream.

    Another common habit of White Nationalists is to judge people on the basis of their words, not their actions. An extreme rhetorical position sounds pleasing to White Nationalist ears. This has led to a situation where people who bark loudly, but don’t bite, are evaluated more positively than people who bite modestly, but don’t bark.

    In the near future, I will have more to say about “rhetorical radicals” and “radical realists,” or the barkers and the biters.

  38. Jacob C and others-

    The matter of who was responsible for 9/11 is not relevant to the subject of this post. What is relevant is the slap in the face by our multicultural elites against the entirety of implicitly white america (for whom muslim responsibility is not in doubt), and the effects of that slap. These effects may have implications for our own movement and interests. Make that leap. Look past your own nose.

  39. Chechar writes:

    “Counter-jihad might be a preliminary work toward white nationalism, and it worked on me and on another regular poster of this site.
    Nonetheless, mixing movie metaphors I would say that the likes of Condell and Spencer have taken the blue pill. Yet a few counter-jihadists are not as cowards as them and have dared to take the redpill (once you awake on the JQ there’s no way back to more sleeping in the Matrix).”

    This is exactly what happened to me.
    It is like entering a whole new world…..and is proving to be quite the experience.

    I am however glad to see some bridge building between the ‘counter-jihad’ aims and (some) white nationalists, as no matter how pressing other matters are (I am in Eurabia currently) Islam is a massive and growing problem and is literally putting many white women’s/girls lives in imminent danger.
    This mosque is indeed a massive slap in the face to us all…… and it ought to be noted that there are even other Muslims risking their safety in coming forward to oppose this monstrosity:

  40. Mary and Hunter,

    Our latest posts at Gates of Vienna (GoV) attest that both Tanstaafl and I have tried to communicate patiently with the major intellectuals in counter-jihad such as Fjordman and Baron Bodissey (Robert Spencer is not properly an intellectual but an Islam scholar). I suspected that our anti-Semitic posts would be deleted but the GoV administrators played fair and didn’t remove them: we were just shunned. It is true that a Romanian teenager who posts there and Fjordman himself tried to engage us a couple of times, but most of the times we were shunned. The Matrix film with mestizo and negro characters may be quite silly, but it illustrates my point when Morpheus tells Neo:

    “You have to understand that many people are not ready to be unplugged, and many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system that they will fight to protect it.”

  41. The Ground Zero Mosque is without a doubt the most outrageous surrender to political correctness and multiculturalism that I have ever seen in my lifetime.

    RE: Unforantly, there is nothing you can do about. See, even conservatives support property laws. As long as they have the money and the proper zoning, they could put up a Church of Scientology, a Church of Hitler, or anything else. Pesky freedom…

    It is a 13-story monument to Islamic terrorism that will be built as a tribute to 9/11 victims on a national graveyard. The groundbreaking ceremony is scheduled to take place on September 11th. The Ground Zero Mosque will open its doors on the tenth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks.

    RE: According to the organization, they are trying to improve Western-Islamic relations. Are they doing it in the proper way? Perhaps not. But there isn’t a shred of evidence that they are extremeists.

    The audacity of these people and their calculated symbolism is breathtaking. I’ve never seen a bigger slap across the face of White America.

    RE: Your acting like Whites were the only victims of the 9/11 attacks. But so were Blacks. And Asians. And…Muslims! And those Muslims have the right to worship in a large chruch, even if it is near ground zero.

    This represents a historical milestone in our collective national decline. It is one of those moments that White Americans will look back on in old age and vividly recall as a point when the downward spiral began to accelerate.

    RE: The crime rate going down is going down in America and New York City. Our collective IQ is slowly going up, and the problems that exsist are more of a structural problem with our school systems than social causes. The only other real problem that exists is the philosophy of “I don’t like this, therefore it will ruin this nation”!

    In a healthy society, one ruled by a self confident elite, such a national insult would never be tolerated. Instead, Michael Bloomberg*, the Mayor of New York City, went on national television to accuse his critics of surrendering to terrorism.

    RE: I would point out that there are moderate Muslims that build moderate churches, like moderate Christians, but I figure you would not accept that point at any cost. I love the fact that you NEEDED to point out Bloomberg was Jewish. Because when Jews do something you disagree with, its proves that Jews are evil! But when its a Christian, nah, it ain’t that bad.

    1). The Ground Zero Mosque exposes the true nature of multiculturalism and political correctness. White Americans are told they must police their language and walk on eggshells in order not to give offense to minority groups. As we recently saw with Mel Gibson, we live in a world where uttering an offensive racial slur in the privacy of your own home can end careers.

    RE: Its called civility. Most people don’t respect a man who blabbers on about other people like an idiot, showing no respect. Sounds crazy, I know…

    It is hard to imagine a more provocative and insensitive act designed to offend White America than building a monument to the 9/11 terrorists on Ground Zero.

    RE: Please show me a quote where the builders of the mosque supported the terrorists, with 100% certainty. I’m not saying that they don’t exsist, I’m just asking. Show me.

    The critical point to be made here is that liberals who insist on “diversity training” in the workplace and an elaborate code of racial etiquette designed to avoid giving offense to “people of color” do not hesitate for a second to defend the insensitivity of this calculated insult to the White majority.

    RE: Again, minorities were also killed by the 9/11 attacks. But of course you don’t care if their feelings are hurt by the construction of the mosque: You only care about the white’s feelings being hurt. Just saying.

    2.) Lawrence Auster once made the acute observation that every time the “protected classes” misbehave, as Muslims did on 9/11, those Americans who are infected with multiculturalism and political correctness will redouble their efforts to make excuses for the atrocity and redirect their criticism at the victims.

    RE: No, Islamic extremism is a big problem and it wasn’t the victim’s fault. The only people who say otherwise are so far from mainstream that they are rarely taken seriously.

    The Blues are using the Ground Zero Mosque as an opportunity to flaunt their moral superiority and social status over the Reds. It is just another example of twisting their nose and waving the flag in front of the bull.

    RE: Um, no, we believe in freedom for absolutely everybody. If we didn’t, then we would be trying to force every KKK and similar organization to shut down. But we generally don’t: Its their right to say what they say and they can build what they want to build, and the same goes for Muslims, regardless of views.

    They are deploying all their usual insincere rhetoric about nativism, racism, xenophobia, hate, bigotry, and intolerance. The Blues preach inclusiveness and universalism, but only as a boundry marker, as a way to exclude and distinguish themselves from the Reds.

    RE: Says the person who hates forginers and other races.

    The Blues see themselves as towering above the Reds whom they consider their social inferiors. As their social inferiors, it is perfectly acceptable to show gross insensitivity, offense, and disrespect toward the Reds, which is why all the Blues are defending the Ground Zero Mosque.

    RE: Every political group sees its opponents as infior, including yours. And again, this is about freedom, not an attempt to form an insult.

    Flying the Confederate Flag in South Carolina? That’s offensive to African-Americans. Haul it down.

    RE: The Confederacy was founded mainly on slavery, although other factors were involved. People who use the icon generally share the same views. Islam, while debatable on how it was founded, is split up to the point where it has many different interpretations. Most Muslims in America do what Christians do: ignore the parts of their religion that they don’t like to endorce their world view. And most of the time, that world view is AGAINST terrorism. At least in America and other 1st world countries.

    Naming a building at the University of Texas after a Klansman? That’s insensitive to African-Americans. Rename the building.

    RE: The KKK has a history of intimidation and senseless murders. America generally does not want to respect members of such a group.

    Indulging Strom Thurmond on his 100th birthday? That’s insensitive to African-Americans. Trent Lott must resign.

    RE: Again, America hates people who were against civil rights. You know, equal rights so that two men, all else equal, remain equal in the eyes of the law. We hate those that respect such a man. We’d do the same to a black man (See Jeremiah Wright), but there aren’t very many examples in the mainstream.

    Building the Ground Zero Mosque at the World Trade Center site and opening it up on the tenth anniversary of 9/11? That’s offensive to White Americans. Proceed.

    RE: There is little, if any, evidence that the Muslims building it supported the terrorist attacks. Again, there are moderates. This is like complaining about a Catholic Church being built near the Oklahoma City Bombings. Not to mention that the last group of examples were minor compared to this: There is also a difference between changing a name or resigning due to popular opinion, with ones own will, and forcing a group to not build a church because other people are offended.

    Spit in their face.

    RE: Depends. Some Americans support it, others don’t. Some victims support it, others do not.

    I’ve spent a lot of time lately writing about how White America is stirring and waking up from its slumber. The alarm clock is going off after forty years of multiculturalism and political correctness. In the previous thread, I pointed to recent polls which show a collapse in the legitimacy of major institutions.

    RE: And after all these years, things are generally fine, peaking in the 70s and 80s and going down since then. Hell, it would have been all around better if it weren’t for a certain few banks…

    Granted, this is retarded and kosher, and misses the real enemy by miles, but there is a larger significant point being made here which is not lost on our enemies: a cultural identity is being asserted and another identity is being declared incompatible with that identity.

    RE: Cultural idendity is for those who are too lazy to form their own culture.

    The message being sent is that America is more than “freedom of religion” and “property rights.” It is not a mere geographic space where anyone can do business and no one cares who will live here a hundred years from now.

    RE: Or that the “real” America is just filled with a bunch of paranoid, intolerant idiots.

    Like black criminals and illegal aliens, Muslim terrorists are highly visible soft targets. They are the thin edge of the wedge or the tip of the iceberg which can lead to a greater understanding of more important issues, namely, the impending demise of White America and the tyranny that will be established over our descendants.

    RE: So, just because a group rises, the other group is automatically under tyranny. Wow.
    The Ground Zero Mosque is stirring a polarizing debate over American identity. A blunder of this magnitude shouldn’t be allowed to go to waste.

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