Restoring Sanity

Jon Stewart swallows the bait.

District of Corruption

Ever since Glenn Beck turned out hundreds of thousands of supporters at the “Restoring Honor” rally on the National Mall, the progressive nutroots have been campaigning on sites like Reddit to persuade Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert to hold their own rally in Washington. It looks like they will finally get their wish.

On October 30 the Comedy Central tag team will be holding two rallies (or one, it isn’t clear) at the Washington Monument. Stewart’s “Rally to Restore Sanity” will be met by Colbert’s “March to Keep Fear Alive.” Progressives will get their chance to mock the White Americans who showed up with Beck and Palin at the Lincoln Memorial in August.

The Stewart and Colbert events, which are effectively Blue America’s response to “Restoring Honor,” will stereotype Red America as loud, irrational, insane, afraid of change, and driven by absurd conspiracy theories. “Restoring Sanity” will reflect every aspect of the bigotry and contempt that urban progressives have toward rural conservatives.

Hopefully, the event will draw a large crowd with incendiary political signs ridiculing the Tea Party and Red America, which their sympathizers in the media will televise and discuss favorably. The attacks on Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin will work to their advantage. It will raise their stature in the eyes of their audience and further galvanize conservatives to punish the political class in November.

A key Saul Alinsky insight is that it is the job of the organizer to provoke his opposition into overreacting. The polarization that ensues does the job of the organizer by radicalizing his supporters and increasing their identification with their leadership. This is what gives the organizer the power and authority to move his community in his chosen direction.

The “Rally to Restore Sanity” and “March to Keep Fear Alive” will widen the gap between Red America and Blue America. It will increase the polarization between the American Heartland and the American political class. The further erosion in the legitimacy of the establishment will work to our advantage.

Success to Stewart and Colbert! Thank you Reddit for making our job easier!

About Hunter Wallace 12411 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. It will be interesting to see the state of the grounds after this rally. Even if the organizers make a special appeal to their people to clean up after themselves, do they have the discipline to do it?

  2. The reason Beck’s rally had a large turn out is because so many people are pissed off enough to travel hundreds of miles. No one is going to travel hundreds of miles to see a couple of comedians.

  3. Stewart, just your average leftist jewish hatemonger, isn’t going to inspire people to come from across the country.

    Hopefully we get a good picture of the filthy hatred that is the modern left. The more picrutres we have of them screaming and hyperventialting that everyone who doesn’t worship Obama is “worse than Hitler”, the better.

    Keep on hating, left. Keep emptying the filth of your entrails for all to see. Your power is breaking over whites, and it’s a great time to be alive.

    Whites, wake up! There is a bright day ahead of it all!

  4. And I would bet groups of them will be in costumes (clowns, mimes, antifa) to mask their identities as jews recruited from local synagogues and jewish organizations.

  5. I was really mad about this until I read this take and the comments people have left. These are all very good points, they will show themselves to be frothing at the mouth type hatmongers, and the polarization will be more drastic than anything anyone from our side could have dreamed up. Not very many people will come, but by bringing people in or fancy camera shots it will look like there were more than have ever been at any “right-wing” rally. I wonder how they will make it look? A Whiter crowd than a tea party might work for them or maybe they will make it look like it was all wonderfuly mixed up…however they do it, keep your eyes open to what the crowd looks like. It might be important.

  6. This thing is going to be so huge.

    It is going to bring out all of GW, AMU, Catholic U, Corcoran School of A&D, all the MD and VA schools, and then the fans….

    This was not supposed to be the big Dem shindig, the Oct 2 rally is supposed to be the big PDA/UFPJ event, and this is going to dwarf them, as well as dwarf the Beck rally.

    This is going to be a fun rally, people are really psyched!

  7. Spock: it’s really amusing to compare your comment with the accurate assesments preceeding it. Either you don’t get it, or you’re just as interested in polarization as we are…

    PS: again, congrats on picking a moniker that’s either one of America’s most overrated loony liberals or an emotionless TV-character.

  8. Erik- There are really no facts in this situation, only estimations.

    Hunter believes I am probably right, he might be on the wrong side of the debates *grin*, but he has a grasp of the reality of this situation.

    You have no bases of these “accurate assessments” accept of your own opinion of two of the most popular TV shows on cable presently.

    I will be upfront and honest, I don’t even watch these shows.

    I might be a leftist (an Anarchist to be exact), but I find Stewart a self absorbed limousine liberal, and I cannot stand his show.

    Colbert, on the other hand, is a very talented entertainer and a highly intelligent satirist, and still I rarely watch his show.

    Yet, if we look at the data which would be the ratings of these shows, the demographics of their audiences as well as the overwhelming reaction to the announcement of this march and rally, this will probably bring the largest crowd into DC of this decade (sans the 2009 inaugural).

    Now, you are welcome to disagree with my conclusions and I could very well be wrong, but, I doubt it.

  9. They are fools.

    If it turns out bigger than the Tea Party rallies, it will just amp up the tension and widen the split. The Tea Party will stage a counter-rally, and it will just escalate.

    If it fizzles, they look weak and stupid.

    Either way, they lose.

  10. Riley- you are taking this way more seriously than we are.

    It is a big spoof and a satirical party sort of a political “Carnaval” , not about marking goal posts.

    If you all can’t see the humor and fun, then stay home and mope.

    If your concerns are about closing the divide, then why not come out and party with us?

    We are not all that bad and scary.

    Who knows, you might meet some Jews, Muslims, blacks, Latinos, gays, hetros…that you like and enjoy having conversations/beers/jokes with.


  11. I just got here and I knew immediately what I wanted to say, but MossadDid911 beat me to it. The stage will have its quota of non-Whites and their allies and sponsors, but the audience will be Whiter than a country western show. That is, if you count Jews as White. It will actually be an implicitly Jewish crowd.

  12. Spock: I disagree with you on the main facts (a shock, I know), but I agree 100 % with your opinion on Stewart and Colbert.

  13. Can two comedians with a modest audience turn out the cults of the Left?
    My guess is no. And the poster above is right the turnout will be whiter than the TP since the Left’s cults are rigidly segregated so as to not cause conflict in the PC heirarchy, and the audience for these two guys is about 100% white. Of course that is never brought up by “respectable conservatives” since they beg for scraps, and refuse to bite the Left’s hands.

    We should tag this with a name, how about; “White people hating white people while standing in a small sea of white people” march?

  14. When I was a kid the TV had “The Three Stooges” on one channel and “Pop-Eye” cartoons on another other channel at the same time. The TV stations used to do all kinds of tricks to promote their kiddie shows to the top spot. Jewish comedians played their part in getting the kids’ attention. Did it matter to America which show the kids watched? I don’t think so.

    Beck is Pop-Eye, Palin is Olive Oyl and the other side is minus a Stooge.

  15. “Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right…………….”

    The religious zealots and American Taliban rally on DC. It only makes sense to have the other side of the coin doing the same thing.

    I can honestly say that nothing has changed after all the puppetry of the Tea Party. Still two parties controlled by mostly White people who publicly declare themselves to be against racism, and people who will trot out their non-White BFF just to prove it.

    Hunter, no amount of you dry-humping cyberspace when talking about goalposts, implicitness, and polarization has changed this. The only thing that will possibly change is that now that the Tea Party(GOP V2.0) is starting to go Fred Phelps on everyone, you’re going to see a large swath of White people move back toward the Left, instead of where they need to be — the Center. The kind of people I know will fight religious zealotry harder than they will just about anything else. Good for the Left, very bad for people like you and The New Right.

  16. “Spock”:

    You are a fool.

    You play with fire.

    You tempt fate.

    Your kind was barely tolerated in America, and that by Christian sufferance alone.

    Your humiliation of the common, decent American is all but complete.

    Now your existence is in peril.

    You think your offenses and humiliations mere “Carnival” – a festival of “meat”.

    By the blood of the Martyrs, heed this advice: stop now.

    Soon you will have no choice.

  17. MD911- I live in one of the most racially diverse areas on the planet.

    I have become even more of a multiculturalist from doing so.

    Everyone meets people they like or dislike, people who hurt or help them, but take them as the individual not the race.

    I honestly believe all people are good, yes, even you “race haters” (joke!).

    I am not blind to the problems of our society, but dividing up into tribalist teams does not appear to me to be the solution, an open dialogue and communication makes more sense.

    What happened when Hunter ventured away from his computer and actually met Jeffrey Imm and his friends?

    I was actually impressed by that video.

    Imm is a racist Zionist douchebag who pals around with Robert Spencer and Pam Geller, hardly an “anti-racist”, I would never go near the guy, but Hunter actually shook hands with him.

    What was even more impressive was Hunter exchanging dialogue with the folks from Africa, who appeared to be genuinely nice and good people.

    When you venture out into the world and give people half a chance, even if you had a bad experience with a certain ethnic group in your past you can overcome your fears and connect with really good people who can bring good things into your life such as friendships, laughs, jokes, good times.

    The life of a human being is so short compared to the life of our planet.

    Do you really want to spend your sort time on here obsessing about who is a Jew, fears of black boogiemen, and seeing terrorists under your bed?

    There is a whole planet of people out there, the majority are very good souls and worth knowing.

    Give it another shot or two to get to know others.

  18. ” I live in one of the most racially diverse areas on the planet”

    – Sure you do, lol. We believe you, honestly we do! And you probably feel safe when you drive home to your gated community home at night, or out to the suburbs wherever you really dwell.
    If it were possible, to do so, I would love to drive you to the center of North Philadelphia and drop you off (unarmed, of course) and wish you good luck getting out alive with your lily-white skin (assuming you ARE white; you are, aren’t you?). I would bet a month’s pay (that I cannot afford) that you would never be seen or heard from again.

  19. White diversity lovers live in enclaves of civilization, whether they be gated communities, high rise condos with security guards and electronic keys for entry, or cool bohemian neighborhoods among their fellow bohos and a sprinking of well-behaved and amusing Darks. The homosexuals are the gatekeepers for the boho districts, quick to call the cops when darkness threatens. I think Homos have sensitive antennae, it’s like having guard chihuahuas next door.

  20. OT- North Philly is not a diverse neighborhood, it is a black neighborhood.

    Single homogenized racial make ups of any racial make up for society living space is a failed system.

    The neighborhood I live in is far from gated or of a single racial or even a financial make up.

    50% of my block is from either Africa or Central America and are ESL.

    The income, workforce and educational make up is also quite diverse.

    We have cab drivers, day laborers, yuppies with fancy office jobs, hospital techs, students, contractors, hotel maids, car mechanics and even a personal trainer for a fancy gym.

    All people of all racial make ups and backgrounds.

    The problem with Philly is it is a severely corrupt city on every level, with very little to no accountability and elected officials who have no business being in office as well as chief Ramsey who is a POS (used to be ours now he is yours?) which makes up a very poorly run police force with a reputation of poor community relations.

    The black community in Philly has some very good community leaders and activists, but the problems still lies in a lack of communication between the separated communities. Philly is really quite behind the curve in this kind of population progression as compared to more advanced approaches to populace living planes around the country.

    Which proves to me how the separatist approach to how society lives encourages a more violent and unlivable situation than a society who can work and live together in a diverse environment.

  21. Stewart and Colbert will draw a large crowd. It won’t be near as big as Restoring Honor in August or the March Against America earlier this year though.

    In those cases, the organizers bused thousands of angry people into DC from all across America. That is unlikely to happen this time.

  22. I’ve gotten a lot of flak from White Nationalists for shaking the hand of Jeffrey Imm and Mohammad Yahya. I explained to Yahya in DC that I don’t personally hate him. I simply think that what goes on in Sudan isn’t any concern of ours.

  23. When you venture out into the world and give people half a chance, even if you had a bad experience with a certain ethnic group in your past you can overcome your fears and connect with really good people who can bring good things into your life such as friendships, laughs, jokes, good times.

    The life of a human being is so short compared to the life of our planet.

    Do you really want to spend your sort time on here obsessing about who is a Jew, fears of black boogiemen, and seeing terrorists under your bed?

    Time is really only relevant to your reality, and your reality only. You seem to be obsessed with how others spend their time, which is certainly more neurotic and psychotic than an individual who obsesses over how they spend their own time. Quite the paradox when one claims to have an understanding of the brevity of life and how wasteful it is to spend that time on meaningless things.

    The Leftists of today are nothing but fanatical idealists who believe everyone is, or at least should be, chasing the same rainbow. They’ll try to convince you that there is a pot of gold at the end of that rainbow, if only you invest enough of “your Time” in following it. No matter how many instances of finding nothing at all or finding a pot of shit at the end of the rainbow, the Leftists will invariably call into question your ethics and morality as a human being. They will spend their time ridiculing you and questioning you about why you call their pot of gold a pot of shit.

    Your skewed version of reality seems to consist of a world where everyone must come to the same conclusion about intermingling with other racial and ethnic groups. I’ve been there, I’ve done that, and I CHOOSE to live around and associate with White people. It doesn’t mean I’m blind to the world or scared of change, it just means it’s my fucking decision and how I wish to spend my time.

    For a group of idealists who clamor on about diversity, you sure don’t handle diversity of opinion very well.

    Dear Jew,

    While following your map through Gehenna, I came across a pot of gold. This pot of gold smells an awful lot like shit. I forgot to read the instructions…was I supposed to be holding my nose while looking for it?

    Yours tragically,

    Tempus Rerum Imperator

  24. MD911- The nationalist supremacism of Zionism is just as evil as other murderous nationalist governments of past and present.

    It is a very frustrating battle to combat the wrong doings, oppression and holocausts the Israeli government and IDF are inflicting on other human beings.

    I don’t know of the situation you experienced where you lost so many close to you.

    It sounds horrific and deserving of the anger burning within your heart from it.

    But, please do not turn your eyes from the fact that there are more Jews than you can imagine who are against Zionism and stand with those who are the victims of that tyrannical government.

    Are we going to solve this problem by running into our separate tribal corners and festering in hate?

    Or, can we connect on the human level and tackle these issues as a unified front?

    Separated we accomplish nothing, a large united community working together for the goals of betterment of all mankind can move mountains.

  25. What are Jewboy Stewart & Colbert going to talk about? How paying more for healthcare is going to set you free? There is no such thing as a free lunch or free anything from the government.

  26. CT- I am not interfering in the way your choose to live your life or where.

    All I am trying to do is offer other solutions to the issues that appear to bother you about how our society is in it’s present state.

    If you choose to not face society, then don’t.

  27. Hello Spock.

    I’m from South East Asia. I want to add to something to this discussion because multiculturalism and mass immigration are quickly becoming a problem of many countries, including mine (yes, the cancer has spread even here). This is partially due to the ideas being proposed by Western governments and by people like you.

    “Everyone meets people they like or dislike, people who hurt or help them, but take them as the individual not the race.

    I honestly believe all people are good, yes, even you “race haters” (joke!).”

    Then you are a fool. You think that the whole world perceives the notion of “good” like you. What may be good for you may be evil for me and others.

    As for treating people as individuals, that is also more western foolishness. People from my part of the world (as well as many others) are tribal by nature. We like our community and we like thinking in terms of groups. If Westerners want to be individualistic that’s fine, but your ideas of individualism is spreading all over the world, including mine, undermining our traditional social and cultural structures to the point of collapse.

    “I am not blind to the problems of our society, but dividing up into tribalist teams does not appear to me to be the solution, an open dialogue and communication makes more sense.”

    Singaporeans and Malaysians (along with various other groups) tried “open dialogue and communication” a long time ago. It didn’t work. It resulted in open conflict and race riots.

    “What was even more impressive was Hunter exchanging dialogue with the folks from Africa, who appeared to be genuinely nice and good people.”

    Keyword is “appeared.” I know plenty of people in my country who will smile and greet a Westerner or foreigner and then snicker jokes and slurs behind his back.

    “When you venture out into the world and give people half a chance, even if you had a bad experience with a certain ethnic group in your past you can overcome your fears and connect with really good people who can bring good things into your life such as friendships, laughs, jokes, good times.”

    I have traveled throughout Asia and all I can tell you is that you are dangerously naive as are most people in your country.

    “The life of a human being is so short compared to the life of our planet.”

    Our families, clans, nations and yes races will last longer than our individual lives. And all people – every individual – owe it to their progeny and their ancestors to try and keep these things safe and sacrosanct. Just as it is the duty of every human being to try and preserve the planet.

    So as you can see, there are a few more important things in this world than the life of a single individual.

    “Do you really want to spend your sort time on here obsessing about who is a Jew, fears of black boogiemen, and seeing terrorists under your bed?”

    I worry about the the latest Pakistani immigrants who have set up shop in my recently exclusively Chinese neighborhood.

    “There is a whole planet of people out there, the majority are very good souls and worth knowing.

    Give it another shot or two to get to know others.”

    You are a silly American.

  28. “Separated we accomplish nothing, a large united community working together for the goals of betterment of all mankind can move mountains.”

    My country accomplished a lot of things without reaching out to foreigners or the rest of mankind.

    I don’t care what the rest of mankind does. I don’t care if children die in the middle east or Africa. I don’t care if the Western economies are falling apart. In short, I care more about my “tribe” than the rest of humanity, but of course people like you will hate me for that.

    What I want is for Western ideas and foreigners to leave my country alone.

  29. MD911- I understand that trust is hard for you, so I will not force the issue.

    But, I will share with you that I have been spat on, yelled at, threatened by and harassed by the Zionist community as a result of the collective opposition I have been active in against the Israeli government.

    FYI, I had to goggle “tikkun loam” because you guys always seem to know more about the various religions than us devout atheist secularists.

    I don’t see myself as a Jew, I have no connection to or care for any kind of ethnicity or religion because it encourages emotional separatism, which I choose not to participate in.

    I am human, you are human, on many levels and on several subjects we will agree and disagree.

    I believe our communicating with each other improves the quality of life for all of society.

    You are free to disagree with this ideal, I will not haunt or harass you to agree with it.

    But, if you do change your mind I and many others like myself will aways have an open channel.

  30. Spock as 4:57 PM: Funny, many of us grew up with “single homogenized racial make ups”, that is White communities, and they they were not “failed systems”. Nor are homogenous Chinese or Japanese communities “failed systems”. But an all Black community is a “failed system”? Why it that?

    Yuppies with fancy office jobs and contractors live on the same block as day laborers and hotel maids? How do the maids and laborers afford it? Or why would contractors and yuppies choose to live in a slum? What’s wrong with the picture?

    From his grammar, I’m going to say that Spock is not American, but perhaps African. From an African perspective, American squalor is high living, a man with a full tool box is a contractor, and a window dressing affirmative action hire is a yuppy with a fancy office job. He’s living off America’s dung heap and thinks it’s Paradise. Diversity benefits Darks, so of course they support it. Living big on the White Man’s dime.

  31. 50% of my block is from either Africa or Central America and are ESL.

    The income, workforce and educational make up is also quite diverse.

    We have cab drivers, day laborers, yuppies with fancy office jobs, hospital techs, students, contractors, hotel maids, car mechanics and even a personal trainer for a fancy gym.

    You know, I have a hard time believing you’d enjoy living in such a community. Not because of the race of the immigrants, but because people like that tend to have tons of children wandering about and bohemian, liberal types usually prefer child free environments. I know myself I can’t stand children and could never live in any neighborhood with children constantly under foot wandering all around the apartment complex. I myself purposely live in one of those “all twenty-something, all singles, bohemian type neighborhoods” because I can’t stand to be around “family type” people of any race. It’s just not a cool scene, I prefer the party life. And I also noticed that only whites for the most part seem to have such a scene.

  32. “OT- North Philly is not a diverse neighborhood, it is a black neighborhood.”

    How long did it take to Google that? Or did you have a mind-meld with one of your 3rd world neighbors? Of course it is an all black neighborhood! That is the whole point. It was NOT originally an all-black nighborhood.
    First it was an all-white community, and then the trash started to move in, understand? Same as with the town that I live near. 40 years ago it was all white. Now it is a 3rd world slum. The blacks who move in are not engineers, doctors, nurses, professionals (unless you count selling drugs as an “unlicensed pharmacist”). That is the pattern that was set into motion back in 1924, and finalized in 1965.
    They have double-digit IQ’s, are violent, rape anything that moves or breathes (and I am not too sure that even cessation of breathing would dissuade some). What do they inevitably bring with them? Crime and half-way houses. The group-home agencies won’t even put their retarded in that town.
    It is telling that you never responded as to your ethnicity. Either you are white, or you are not. If not, it is hardly surprising that you are comfortable in a mixed-race society (which would be true also if you are one of the “Chosen”). If you are white, then you are among the truly brain-washed who were affected by the school system’s indoctrination as established by our resident Hebrew Nationals (not the hot dog manufacturers, Spock), or you have the money to avoid the lower class blacks and are dreaming that this could be the norm for everbody.

  33. Beck and Palin vs Stewart and Colbert, battle of the network celebrity stars. LOL. This country needs a real rally with speakers like Pat Buchanan, Ron Paul, James Edwards and Chuck Baldwin with real conservative issues being addressed not MLK slobbery or unamusing Jewish comedy. Whomever is in charge of this website, something has gone terribly wrong and your articles are really starting to take a dive. I can’t put my finger on it but it’s just a feeling that although the site says “Occidental Dissent” it feels like I’m reading

  34. Saith Vulcanian:

    “North Philadelphia is a black neighborhood”.

    Oy vey.

    First of all, it is not a neighborhood it is a regional No-Man’s Land. It has many neighborhoods, most of them formerly White (which is why they are neighborhoods in the first place).

    Secondly, is is about as “diverse” as you can imagine. Every African tribe is represented to some extent. As heard by my own ears, from the lips of a very Jewish former city controller, “We have more than 200 African tribes living in the city of Philadelphia. We consider it a victory every day we keep them from going to war with each other.”

    Tell me, does “diversity” extend only to major skin colors? Which of these tribes do you consider homogeneous enough to dismiss as merely “Black”?:


    I suppose we aren’t supposed to notice the only homogeneity you despise is of the melanin-challenged.

    Be that as you may. Washington, D.C. is not a place I’d brag about — nor broadcast — given the current political climate. You people have nothing to show anyone about anything except the corruption of power.

  35. Most who responded to “Spock” should go reread the Mantra post. Honestly the responses given to him could have come from Limbaugh et al.. It is he who must answer to us. As if the “diversity” he speaks of cares for anyone outside of their group, or if we take his word for it.

  36. “Spock” is a Jew. Leonard Nimoy is a Jew. He may actually be a real Semite, based on his physiology. (William Shatner is obviously an Ashkenazi ).

    The Split Finger thing, that “spock” used to sign, is a Jewish symbol. Nimoy has spoken of this. He saw this sigh as a child, in synagogue.

    “Spock” is Jew. This should be obvious. In every word he writes.

  37. Considering the loathesome subversion of BEK’S rally – I call it the “Restoring Negro Worship Rally” – these other 2 could hardly be any worse. The Lefties are what they are.

    BEK/Palinsky – they have wholly distorted and subverted the original purpose of the Tea Parties.

    If the Colbert/Stewart rallies do draw large crowds, and divide us even further – all the better. They are doing more for us thna BEK could ever do.

  38. LOL @ Spock.

    We’ve tasted freedom in white awareness. We’re not going back, because it’s way too good!

    He calls this “tribalism” or “emotional separateness”. Look at the comments from the Southeast Asian poster. He said it all: “You are a silly American.” He’s right, only brainwashed idiots think like that!

    Einstein, it isn’t emotional isolation to be more emotionally fulfilled than ever before, which is what we are when we are with our own people.

    Everyone with a grain of common sense knows people want to be with people like them. It’s only whites who are denied this opportunity, and encouraged to hate themselves while at the same time validating non-whites by virtue of their skin color alone.

    His comment that he doesn’t acknowledge any ethnicity, whether he’s lying or not, is very telling. If you don’t desire such a thing, it’s no surprise you don’t mind living in a mudpit mash that has nothing holding it together but its hatred of the white race.

    So congrats, Spock! You are an evolutionary dead end. May more and more of our enemies become like you are!

  39. Spock wrote,

    Imm is a racist Zionist douchebag who pals around with Robert Spencer and Pam Geller, hardly an “anti-racist”, I would never go near the guy…

    Spock, you may have figured that the goyim wouldn’t bother to research whether this statement is true or not, but did it not occur to you that a Jew could be reading this thread who would bother?

    In fact, Imm is an anti-racist, and is hardy a Zionist. And in fact, he has done everything in his power to harass Pam Geller and Rob Spencer.

    Imm’s targeting of Jews for browbeating has gotten so out of hand lately that he has earned the enmity of the anti-jihadists.

    As for your never going near the guy, that is a hoot and a holler, considering you worked side by side Imm in shutting down the AMREN conference, as your organization, Lady Liberty’s Lamp, makes it its mission to deny people the right to peacefully assemble.

  40. NYC R&R: Good work. You’ve solved the mystery for us. I try to make sense of people according to what they say, but it seems that Spock is simply a liar. He’ll have to make two co-payments next time he visits his proctologist.

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