The Real Deal

Nathan Deal defeats King Roy in the Georgia Governor race.


Georgia is a state that I know well.

My family is originally from Central Georgia. I have lots of relatives on the other side of the Chattahoochee River. My ancestors are buried there. I still travel frequently in the state. In my mind, the fate of Whites in Georgia is second in importance only to the Whites of Alabama. This is my home turf we are talking about here.

It was the invasion of Alabama and Georgia by illegal aliens that led to my own “political awakening” in 2001. This is why I got involved in the pro-White movement. The stakes are high.

King Roy vs. The Real Deal

It was thus particularly gratifying to see Congressman Nathan Deal defeat Roy Barnes in the Georgia gubernatorial election. For those who are unfamiliar with Deal, he is the Tom Tancredo of Georgia. While Deal was in Congress, he introduced H.R. 698, the Citizenship Reform Act, which would have abolished birthright citizenship for illegal aliens in the United States. This is a race that everyone involved in restrictionist politics was following very closely.

In contrast, Roy Barnes was the former Democratic Governor of Georgia. “King Roy” is infamous around here for gutting the Stars and Bars out of the Georgia state flag. That slap across the face to White voters cost him re-election in 2002 and led to the Republican ascendancy in Georgia state politics. It won him the John F. Kennedy “Profile in Courage” award. Barnes has been a hero to “progressives” across America ever since.

After leaving office, Roy Barnes remained a thorn in the side of Whites in Georgia. In 2005, Georgia passed a “Voter ID Law”  (it was widely denounced at the time as a “Jim Crow law”) to discourage criminals and illegal aliens from voting in state elections.

“King Roy” litigated the Voter ID Law before the Georgia Supreme Court arguing that it was “unconstitutional.” The Georgia Supreme Court ruled against Barnes, but the Democratic Party of Georgia has repeatedly filed new lawsuits to challenge it on constitutional grounds. They still haven’t given up hope of reversing this small victory.

In this Georgia race, there was a clear and stark contrast between the “system politicians” who are running for office. In the “Red” corner, Nathan Deal was running whose debut campaign ad was a broadside against the Obama administration on immigration. In the “Blue” corner, his opponent Roy Barnes is widely despised as one of the worst enemies of White people in the South.

“Sue Us Too”: Standing Like a Stonewall

Nathan Deal, the victor in the Georgia gubernatorial election, has promised to sign Arizona-style immigration reform into law:

“I agree with the Arizona governor and Legislature that the federal government has failed miserably at protecting our borders and enacting sensible solutions that would protect our states, counties and cities from bearing the enormous costs associated with illegal immigration, from emergency room visits to public schools to the criminal justice system. As governor of Georgia, I’d work to pass and sign similar legislation.”

In fact, Deal went even further than most “system politicians” on the issue. During the campaign season, he issued a challenge to the Obama administration:

“We’re outraged that the Obama administration’s answer is to sue a state that’s trying to enforce the law. Well, I have a message for the president when I’m governor: You can sue us too, because in Georgia we believe in the rule of law and we believe in protecting taxpayers.”

In a debate before the Forsyth County GOP, Nathan Deal highlighted his record of fighting illegal immigration over the past fourteen years:

According to NumbersUSA, the choice in the Georgia gubernatorial election was between Deal a certified “true reformer” candidate and “King Roy” who released a campaign ad said he was “really listening” to voters this time around.

He even went so far to say that he would sign an Arizona-style immigration law himself. In 2001, Barnes told President Vincente Fox of Mexico that Georgia’s colleges and universities were authorized to waive out-of-state tuition for illegal aliens.

I’m glad that guy lost.

Red Revolution in Georgia

If Nov. 2 was a bad day for Democrats in the Heartland, it was a nightmare for the Democratic Party in Georgia. Republicans swept all statewide races: governor, lieutenant governor, attorney general, secretary of state, school superintendent, and the commissioners of insurance, agriculture and labor.

In the House races, Republicans won 7 out of 13 seats, including 1 pickup in Georgia 8 at the expense of Jim Marshall. The Democrat Sanford Bishop squeaked out a victory in Georgia 2. His opponent, Mike Keown, was a NumbersUSA “true reformer” candidate.

Heading into the 2010 midterms, Republicans had a 34-22 edge in the Georgia Senate and a 105-75 margin in the Georgia House. They retained control of both chambers of the state legislature. The “shellacking” of Georgia Democrats was so bad that the rats are jumping ship (three so far) in party switches. The final numbers in the state legislature still haven’t shaken out but Georgia Republicans are closing in on the supermajority necessary to amend the state constitution.

In a U.S. Senate race, Johnny Isakson A- defeated Mike Thurmond to win reelection. In Georgia 2, Austin Scott (true reformer) beat Jim Marshall, flipping a Democratic seat to the Republicans. In Georgia, Rob Woodall (true reformer) won an uncontested election.

The other Republican winners are ranked: Phil Gingrey, A+; Jack Kingston, A+; Paul Broun, A+; Tom Price, A+; Lynn Westmoreland, A; Tom Graves, B+. The Democratic winners are ranked: John Barrow, B+; Sanford Bishop, C; John Lewis, C-; David Scott, D; Hank Johnson, F.

There is a near perfect correlation between the number of Whites in a Georgia congressional district and their position on immigration. In North Georgia, there is an almost solid slate of anti-amnesty stalwarts. In Atlanta and South Georgia where blacks are more numerous the strength of incumbents tapers off in lock step with the non-White vote.

Blacks in Georgia are a larger percentage of registered voters (30 percent) than Hispanics in California (21 percent). Yet the Republican Party now rules with an iron fist in The Peach State.

How do they do it?

I can’t find any exit polls to confirm my suspicion, but the “wave election” that swept across Georgia was undoubtedly driven by enormous White turnout and a depressed black electorate that suffered because Obama was not on the ticket. Whites in Georgia are also far more polarized than those in California and bloc vote like they do in Alabama.

Do we live in a “post-racial” society? Georgia state politics suggests otherwise.

Georgia and Illegal Immigration

There are an estimated 480,000 illegal aliens in Georgia. In fact, Georgia is neck and neck with Arizona (battling for sixth place) in terms of the number of illegals infesting the state. Those numbers have likely changed for the worst since Arizona passed SB 1070 this spring. 100,000 illegal aliens have fled Arizona this year alone.

The U.S. Census Bureau has shed light on the magnitude of the problem:

“The greatest percentage increases in the unauthorized population between 2000 and 2009 occurred in Georgia [115 percent], Nevada [55 percent], and Texas [54 percent],” the report noted.”

In other words, illegal aliens were invading Georgia at a faster rate in the last decade than the Southwestern border states. Ten years ago, there were 330,000 illegal aliens in Arizona while Georgia had only 220,000. This shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone who is at all familiar with the formerly booming construction industry in the Atlanta suburbs.


In Georgia, the vanguardist “worse is better” program lost. As a result, Georgia now has a Governor in the mold of Tom Tancredo and Jan Brewer, two U.S. Senators against amnesty, a congressional delegation in favor of ending birthright citizenship and cutting legal immigration, and a state legislature with a solid restrictionist majority. “King Roy” is also looking for another job.

Georgia state legislators are already working on passing the restrictionist comprehensive wish list on immigration in January 2011:

– An Arizona-style immigration law.

– E-Verify

– New criminal penalties for employers of day laborers including enticing illegals to move to Georgia and harboring illegal aliens.

– A ban on driver’s licenses for illegal aliens.

– A ban on all illegal aliens from attending public colleges and universities.

Wouldn’t it have been better if the vanguardists had gotten their way and the Democrats had swept all the statewide and congressional elections? Wouldn’t Georgia have been better off with Roy Barnes for the next four years? Wouldn’t your state be better off if the Democrats were in charge of redrawing Georgia’s congressional districts in the wake of the 2010 census?

I think we all know the answer.

Parting Shot

In celebration of “giving the bayonet” to “King Roy” and his mongrel army of blacks, illegal aliens, communists, homosexuals, and SWPL carpetbaggers in the Atlanta metropolitan area, I think I will play a little video for the edification of my friends over at Imagine2050:

Drive ’em to Washington!

About Hunter Wallace 12409 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I very much enjoy the state-by-state details on the elections series you’ve been publishing. Thanks!

    I think you are beating on a dead horse with the continual ‘vangardist’ stuff. We get it. Many of us agree. The few who don’t won’t be convinced through your writing.

    It’s interesting to contemplate the election victory in Georgia given the large black population. If the realignment is permanant then you will arrive back at a situation much like the pre-Civil Rights era: blacks have relatively little political power in the state. Their party can only win in gerrymandered Congressional districts and various local contests.

    However the state itself is still going to suffer the outrages of the large minority, whether or not they have political power. In fact were the USA to be turned into ethnostates, as some suggest, it still seems that Georgia, Alabama and Mississippi would be the places most likely to form the future center of the black homeland.

    The model of a powerful, united White ethnic political party ruling with an iron fist over a disruptive, angry, disenfranchised minority has proven time and again to be a failure. For one thing it is extremely costly. For a second it is hard to imagine that FedGov will not continually fight to impose their will on Georgia, as they have successfully since The Civil War, especially in matters of racial “injustice”.

    It will be interesting to see how it plays out this time.

    Again, thanks for some really excellent political analysis. You are the Michael Barone of white racialists.

  2. Alabama, Georgia, and Mississippi are far more racially polarized than other states. As minorities grow in numbers and become more assertive, Whites will become even more reactionary than they are now.

    Arizona, Florida, and Texas seem to be headed in this direction as well. All these states are growing more assertive. They are striking out in various ways.

    The lesson of the Jim Crow era shouldn’t be forgotten. When Whites in the South felt threatened enough by the growing negro population, they started adopting the Jim Crow laws. Once upon a time Mississippi and South Carolina were black majority states.

    By the 1960s, half of America’s black population lived outside the South. It is not a far fetched scenario to imagine all the Southern states adopting restrictionist immigration laws and the illegal alien population fleeing to more hospitable territory in the North.

  3. “By the 1960s, half of America’s black population lived outside the South. It is not a far fetched scenario to imagine all the Southern states adopting restrictionist immigration laws and the illegal alien population fleeing to more hospitable territory in the North.”

    Should this occur – I’m heading South. My gorgeous neck of the woods is very very White. I am plagued by naive, feckless, dripping-with-Hubris Whites that have *never* endured existence near large “diverse” populations, and are damned and determined to prove how wonderfully “tolerant” they are .

    They are hell-bent on ruining my lovely, dearly beloved Neck of my Woods.

  4. Unfortunately Hunter is right about “the North” being more welcoming of nonwhite immigrants.

    Some Lost-Causers may attribute this to an undying Yankee Perfidy. The truth is that Northeastern-Yankees were overwhelmed by Ellis-Islanders (including large numbers of Jews) and their spirit broken. It became very hard to mount the kind of populistic-nationalist self-defense that manifested itself many times up north, notably in 1776 and in the 1910s-1920s Anglo-Saxonist organizations. Colonial-stock Yankees and kindred peoples are a small minority in the northeast, and have been for a century.

  5. Should this occur – I’m heading South. My gorgeous neck of the woods is very very White. I am plagued by naive, feckless, dripping-with-Hubris Whites that have *never* endured existence near large “diverse” populations, and are damned and determined to prove how wonderfully “tolerant” they are .

    It’s a terrible thing, isn’t it? My town is slowly getting darker and is definitely getting more of a “latin flavor” as well.

    I’m pretty sure though that when all the SWPLs lose their jobs that they will turn on their minority pets.

  6. I’m taking a hard look at the consequences of the election on the state level. The evidence keeps showing that there are actually clear differences between “system politicians” on immigration. Compare the negro congressmen in Atlanta to the North Georgia delegation or Nathan Deal to King Roy.

  7. Don’t count the Yankees out.

    Hope I don’t offend too many of my Confederate brothers and sisters, but MY paternal ancestors fought on the Union side of the War Between The States.

    Contrary to divisive left-wing propaganda, when us Yankees went in to EMANCIPATE the slaves, it was NOT with the goal of EMANCIPATING but REPATRIATING their black behinds back to Africa.

    They loathed the idea of having a large population of millions of Negros and saw them as a permanent underclass that they would have to compete with for jobs. (Not even in their worst nightmares did they ever imagination the paternalistic Southern welfare system that the Texan LBJ imposed during his Great Society). They preferred a free White working class and the reason why there was strong anti-Southern sentiment by the Yankees over slavery was their resentment that all these Negros were imported into the country to begin with.

    I will say this. If the South had threatened to emancipate all its slaves and drop them off at the Mason-Dixon line to migrate to the North if they weren’t released from the Union, they could have won the whole thing without firing a shot. You can bet if there was a mass exodus of Negros coming from south of the MD line, they would have been repelled by bayonet.

    There is the old story of this Negro who had moved up North and returned to visit his relatives in the South. When asked by them how it was for Negros in the North, he said, “In the South, Whites don’t care how close you get as long as you don’t get too high. In the North, Whites don’t care how high you get as log as you don’t get too close.”

    Yankees never had this warm, fuzzy Antebellum relationship with Negros. They are totally repulsed by the idea of miscegenation and I guarantee that you will see a lot less of it up North then you do down South. Until the USA started importing Somalis, most Yankees lived in lily-white towns that had no amenities that would appeal to the urban Negro. They preferred it that way. I imagine they are pretty damned pissed off about it and it wouldn’t take much of a push to make them go WNist.

    Many Yankees have relatives who vacationed in Florida during the winter who they visit. They have a good idea what multicultural diversity is all about and they don’t like it. A number of Yankees in the northernmost parts of the country are active in the KKK.

    Unlike the South, most Yankees feel NO White guilt whatsoever for Negro slavery and have NO intentions of making amends to Negros over it. There were attempts at multicultural “diversity is our strength” indoctrination replete with lectures about White privilege and the Yankees just scoffed at it.

    If you look at TIm Wise’s travel agenda, I am sure you will find that he rarely to never lectures up there in most New England states. He targets the South and Southwest. You can’t hold seminars about White Privilege to poor, working class Yankees and you can’t beat them anyone who has never been involved with Negros (regarding slavery OR Jim Crow Laws) to feel White guilt.

    In any case, I am more hopeful where the Yankees are concerned than I am for the New South regarding WNism.

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