White Zion

The case for Wyoming.


Wyoming is the ideal destination for any serious effort at a Northwest Migration. This post is a rough sketch at pitching the Wyoming heresy to White Zionist circles.

(1) Aesthetic Beauty – If I were to ever move anywhere out West, I would pack my bags and head toward the Tetons, where Old Faithful blows and the buffalo roam. Few other places in North America can compete with Wyoming in terms of sheer natural beauty. The discovery of Yellowstone caused mankind for the first time in history to stop, pause, and preserve a piece of nature for the enjoyment of future generations.

(2) Population – Wyoming has the smallest population (544,270) of any state in America. It thus has the smallest hurdle to political power to clear for aspiring White Zionists on the make.

In the Wyoming House of Representatives, each district represents about 9,000 people. In the Wyoming Senate, each seat represents around 17,000 people. The number of registered voters who participate in Wyoming state elections is much smaller in each district. A simple majority is sufficient to acquire representation at the state level.

In Wyoming, White Zionists have their most favorable political map for a BNP-style breakout into mainstream politics. It is easier here than anywhere else. If White Zionists can’t win in Wyoming, they are far less likely to win on more challenging terrain in the Pacific Northwest.

Governor-Elect Matt Mead of Wyoming won the Republican nomination for Governor with only 30,272 votes. Wyoming has 2 U.S. Senators (the same as California and New York) and 3 votes in the Electoral College.

In Wyoming, each vote in the Electoral College represents 164,594 people. In California, each vote represents 627,532. Whether it be on the federal or the state level, White Zionists can have their greatest impact on the American political landscape in Wyoming.

(3) Favorable Demographics – Wyoming is the most conservative state in America. In Wyoming, 53 percent of residents identify as conservatives. By comparison, 53 percent of residents in Mississippi and 49 percent of residents in Alabama are conservatives.

Wyoming is effectively Alabama or Mississippi without blacks. It is Utah without Hispanics. In Wyoming, 86 percent of residents (2009 Census) are Non-Hispanic White. The concentration and political hegemony of “Reds” in Wyoming provides White Zionists with a far more receptive local population to work with than the SWPL-dominated Pacific Northwest.

52 percent of Wyoming’s population lives in 5 major cities. The population in Wyoming is more dispersed across the countryside than in other Western states like Nevada. This is one of the major reasons Wyoming has proven so much more resistant to leftwing ideas.

As of 2009, Washington is 74.6 percent White. There are roughly 25,903 blacks, 686,412 Hispanics, and 466,493 Asians living in that state with Harold Covington.

As of 2009, Wyoming is 86 percent White. There are roughly 7,619 blacks, 14,151 American Indians, and 44,140 Hispanics living there. Most of the Hispanics are illegal aliens that can be driven out with an Arizona-style immigration law.

Demographically speaking, Wyoming is clearly a more favorable state than Washington: there are far less total non-Whites, Whites are a higher percentage of the population, the Whites who live there are rock ribbed conservatives, not SWPLs.

(4) Nordic Reservoir – If you are a Nordicist, Wyoming is an attractive state to relocate to. By ethnicity, the White population of Wyoming is 25.9% German, 15.9% English, 13.3% Irish, 6.5% American, 4.3% Norwegian, and 3.5% Swedish 3.5%. Wyoming is a healthy mix of Americans of Northwestern European ancestry.

(5) Taxes – Wyoming has far more attractive land prices and tax rates than Washington.

Property Taxes:

Wyoming – $1,012, 1.57% of income
Washington – $2,595, 3.52% of income

Excise Taxes – Cigarettes:

Wyoming – 60
Washington – 202.5

Excise Taxes – Beer:

Wyoming – $0.02
Washington – $0.26

Excise Taxes – Gasoline:

Wyoming – 14
Washington – 37.5

State Sales Tax:

Wyoming – 4.0
Washington – 6.25

State Income Tax:

Wyoming: No State Income Tax
Washington: No State Income Tax

Wyoming has lower property taxes, lower excise taxes, a lower state sales tax, and no income tax. Land is cheaper.

In Wyoming, there is no corporate sales tax. There is no sales tax on food or inheritance tax on estates. There is no tax on out-of-state retirement income. Personal property for personal use is tax exempt. There are no taxes on intangible assets such as bank accounts, stocks, or bonds.

Wyoming has the most “business friendly” climate of all 50 states. If you are a White Nationalist small business owner, it is relatively easier (and might actually be more profitable) to relocate to Wyoming.

Wyoming’s cost of living is 7.60% lower than the national average.

(8) Education – Under the Wyoming state constitution, the state government is prohibited from establishing curriculums and textbook selections. This is the prerogative of local schools boards. The public schools in Wyoming could theoretically be hijacked by migrating White Zionist families.

Wyoming public schools spend $7,447 per student. The average school expenditure in the U.S. is $5,678. Wyoming ranks last among the states in terms of students enrolled in private schools. The low numbers of non-Whites in Wyoming (combined with local control of school boards) translates into a stronger public sector.

The University of Wyoming:

(9) Low Crime – The Whiteness of Wyoming is reflected in its crime statistics and national ranking: 47 in total crime, 32 in crimes per 100,000 persons, 43 in violent crimes per 100,000 persons, 45 in murders per 100,000 persons, 36 in rapes per 100,000 persons, 49 in robberies per 100,000 persons, 30 in aggravated assaults per 100,000 persons, 43 in burglaries per 100,000 persons, 22 in larcenies and theft per 100,000 persons.

(10) Grievances – Wyoming has ready made grievances against Washington that can easily be exploited. 48 percent of land in Wyoming is owned by the federal goverment. 6 percent of land is owned by the state government. Over 50 percent of land in Wyoming is effectively closed to private development.

What’s more, Wyoming is an energy intensive state like West Virginia. It is America’s largest coal producer. It is the second largest producer of natural gas and the fifth largest producer of oil in the United States.

“Cap and Trade” is a mortal threat to Wyoming’s economy. In West Virginia, Joe Manchin literally had to shoot a target of Cap and Trade to get elected to the Senate. A future Democratic Congress even more in thrall to environmentalist groups would provide a useful foil in stirring up anti-government sentiment in Wyoming.

(11) Climate – The climate in Wyoming is not as bad as some have made it out to be. Wyoming is a dry state with warm summers. The wind could be harnessed as yet another energy source. It has a better water supply than California, Nevada, Arizona or other parched Southwestern states which are more populous. There is plenty of land for cattle ranching and growing wheat.

If White Zionists relocated to Wyoming, they would adapt to the climate like they have everywhere else: Iceland, Norway, Russia, Rhodesia, etc. It is far easier to live in Wyoming today than in the Deep South (with its hurricanes) during the nineteenth century before refrigerators and air conditioning.

(12) Anti-Blue – Wyoming is not a “fun state” with a lot of flashy cities like Seattle or Portland. Greg Johnson would never move there. This is another advantage that Wyoming has over Washington. Like Nebraska or Kansas, it has not yet become an attractive destination for SWPLs migrating out of California and the Heartland, who are adverse to the rural conservative mores of Wyoming.

(13) Successful Model – There is already a successful model of a White Zionist migration to the Interior West: the colonization of Utah by the Mormons.

If the Mormons can create a civilization in the Great Salt Lake Valley, why can’t White Zionist homesteaders enjoy similar success in Wyoming? Is the climate of Utah more or less hospitable to colonization?

(14) Ready Made Cities – Instead of carving cities out of the wilderness, there is nothing stopping White Zionists from relocating to Wyoming’s five largest cities or its smaller towns:

Cheyenne – 57,618 (population), 79.2% (non-Hispanic White)

Casper – 54,874 (population), 94.03% (non-Hispanic White)

Laramie – 28,850 (population), 90.81% (non-Hispanic White)

Gillette – 28,726 (population), 95.50% (non-Hispanic White)

Rock Springs – 20,905 (population), 91.75% (non-Hispanic White)

By way of comparison, there are 602,000 people in Seattle, 68.4% of whom are non-Hispanic White, 3,407,848 in the Seattle metropolitan area.

There are 529,121 people in Portland, 74 percent of whom are non-Hispanic White, 2,217,325 in the Portland metropolitan area.

It goes without saying that the vast majority of Whites in Seattle and Portland are SWPLs, not “Reds” like in Cheyenne or Casper, and that White Zionists would have a far greater impact in Wyoming than in Washington or Oregon because of the smaller, more conservative population.

In the second tier of Wyoming cities, you have Sheridan (population, 17,461), Green River (population, 12,149), Evanston (population, 11,781), Riverton, (population, 10,032), and Jackson (population, 9,806). Now how hard do you suppose it would be for White Zionists to get elected mayor, sheriff, or city councilman in those cities?

Undoubtedly, it would be a A LOT easier to raise your head above the water on that kind of political map.

(15) Attractive Neighbors – Wyoming’s neighbors share many of its favorable characteristics: Idaho, Montana, South Dakota, North Dakota. A successful White Zionist free state project in Wyoming could inspire a real Northwest Migration to Idaho, Montana, and the Dakotas.

(16) Jobs – As of September 2010, the unemployment rate in Wyoming was 6.2 percent, well below the national average. By comparison, the unemployment rate in Washington state (dominated by SWPLs who favor higher taxes and bureaucratic red tape) is 8.6 percent.

(17) Fiscal Responsibility – Wyoming has a small budget deficit of of $31.8 million in FY 2010. It is in great shape compared to Blue States like California, Illinois, New York, and Connecticut which are tottering on the brink of a Greek style fiscal meltdown.

The same is true of North Dakota which has a budget surplus and the lowest unemployment rate in America. It is easy to imagine a future scenario where fiscally responsible states like North Dakota and Wyoming go their own way, repudiate the national debt, and refuse to bailout the Californias of America.

(18) The Jewish Question – Jews are 0 percent of Wyoming’s population. By comparison, Jews are 1 percent of Washington state, which translates into about 66,641 Jews on the ground. Ron Wyden, U.S. Senator from Oregon, is Jewish.

(19) Non-Religious – In terms of religion, 79 percent of Wyoming residents are Christians. 18 percent are non-religious. For White Nationalists who can’t get over their aversion to Christianity, Wyoming is a more attractive destination than the Deep South.

(20) Realistic Strategy – Wyoming is a more realistic destination for White Zionists. The definition of a tactic is what you can do with what you got. Decades of experience has shown the following:

– White Nationalists are adverse to social ostracism and employment discrimination. They will not go public with their beliefs in a setting in which they are outnumbered.

– Aside from unhinged vanguardist lone wolves like James von Brunn, White Nationalists are adverse to physical violence, and favor lawful methods of resolving their disputes. This fact alone rules out the fantasy of an IRA-style terrorist rebellion that Harold Covington advocates.

Taking these critical facts into account, a White Zionist migration to Wyoming could succeed where Harold Covington’s Northwest Migration is doomed to failure.

In the second tier Wyoming cities like Sheridan, Green River, Evanston, Riverton, and Jackson, the population is small enough to allow a critical mass of White Zionists to take over the public schools, city governments, and local law enforcement positions with a simple majority. In such a context where White Nationalists are an outright majority, the stick of social ostracism and employment discrimination wouldn’t work.

White Nationalists could seize power without firing a shot. Such an experiment (wholly theoretical and still highly unlikely) would be interesting to watch. It could potentially demonstrate the efficacy of the White Zionist model. If White Zionists are going to uproot themselves in pursuit of their racial ideal, it stands to reason they should at least go to the place where they are most likely to succeed.

(21) Objections – The most common objection to the Wyoming scenario is that the state is landlocked and that it is an unviable destination as a White homeland. This is not as persuasive a criticism as it seems at first glance.

SWPLs dominate the Pacific Coast. Any success that a Northwest Migration would have would be in Idaho or Eastern Washington and Eastern Oregon where the population is more conservative and receptive to pro-White ideals. In other words, where the population is more like that of Wyoming.

If every White Nationalist in America moved to Eastern Washington or Eastern Oregon, they would still be outvoted by the SWPLs in Portland and Seattle, and if they launched a rebellion (an even more unlikely scenario), the SWPL dominated state governments would quickly call for the White House to dispatch federal troops which have legal authority to suppress any insurrection.

This type of thinking is also symptomatic of thinking in terms of light years instead of inches, yards, and miles. The biggest problems facing the White Zionist model is that (A) most White Nationalists are not convinced it can work, (B) it is currently based on unrealistic vanguardist expectations (i.e., successful armed insurrection) and (C) the mainstream media is suffocating the White Nationalist movement through lack of positive publicity.

These are all problems where the Wyoming model shines through: (A) the small population of Wyoming, especially in the second tier cities, sets the lowest bar anywhere in America for White Zionists to achieve the small victories necessary to build confidence, (B) the method of acquiring power (voting with your feet and at the ballot box) is completely legal and can be done anonymously, and (C) the success of White Zionists in Wyoming (say, taking over a city and then parts of the Wyoming state legislature) would draw the publicity that is the indispensable, life giving oxygen that a Northwest Migration would require to succeed.

Within a matter of two or three years, White Zionists in Wyoming could show the White Nationalist movement that it is actually possible to acquire political power and live a healthy White life in a community setting in the Interior West. That would be a far more persuasive argument than browbeating people who live in Illinois and North Carolina to drop everything they are doing and uproot themselves to migrate to a SWPL-dominated Blue State in the Pacific Northwest.

Finally, if White Zionists by some miracle were successful in taking over the State of Wyoming, they could use the unparalleled energy resources of the state (coal, natural gas, petroleum, and possibly wind) as a bargaining chip to negotiate their sovereignty and independence in a decaying America living in the aftermath of Peak Oil.

By that time, the neighboring states of Montana, Idaho, North Dakota, and South Dakota would be overflowing with White Zionists. Wyoming is unlikely to go out alone. Its potential lies in demonstrating the success of the White Zionist model and building the critical mass of momentum necessary to propel White Zionists to victory.

(22) Perks and Political Representation – Aside from all the above advantages to White Zionists, Wyoming is already a solid Red State and a pretty good place to live out West (low taxes, low unemployment, low crime, good public schools, low cost of living, cheap land, few non-Whites, no Jews, fiscally responsible government, conservative neighbors, great scenery, favorable political demographics) if you just want political representation and a healthy environment (lots of wide open space outdoors) in which to raise White cowboys and cowgirls in masculine and feminine virtues.

Fantasy fiction aside, that’s enough to satisfy most White Nationalists.

Republicans have controlled both chambers of the Wyoming state legislature for decades. Cynthia Lummis, Wyoming’s lone representative in the House of Representatives, is opposed to amnesty. She has a “B-” from NumbersUSA. Senator Michael Enzi and Senator John Barrasso both get an “A” on their report card.

Final Thoughts

If a White Zion is going to be created anywhere in America, Wyoming presents the most favorable map for making progress toward that goal. A few thousand White Zionists could migrate to Wyoming like the Mormons in Utah or the Jayhawkers in Kansas and demonstrate the success of the PLE model. That would provide the necessary catalyst and exposure to spark a real and sustainable Northwest Migration.

Personally, I think the State of Wyoming can make its own case. It doesn’t need me to convince you to move there. If an endangered species like the bison can be reborn in Wyoming, so can the White man.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. wyoming rests on the words largest supervolcano, and it is overdue to erupt. the article has superb analysis and is right on the money about everything. but settling on a patch of earth that will eventually be thrown 2 miles into the air should be thought about thoroughly.

  2. Of course Hunter is not serious about encouraging migration to Wyoming. He is just angry at Harold Covington and seeking to harm Covington’s NW migration project.

  3. The only thing stopping me from moving to Wyoming is loyalty to my co-ethnics in the South. Few White Nationalists are going to uproot themselves to move anywhere. For those without such attachments or inhibitions, Wyoming is the most sensible destination, especially out West.

  4. I think Hunter Wallace has made a strong argument here and I really don’t have any quibbles with what is written here concerning Wyoming.
    My only side note is that I think the peak oil crisis some expect is an illusion, just as William Howard Kunstler’s claims about “Y2K” were just a way of getting money from survivalists and Neo-Luddite misanthrope fantasists. When it comes to non-transportation based technology, besides many possible present and future options, if we had the worst case peak oil scenario, we would switch to nuclear power which would last between 2 and 14 billion years. As for transportation, there are countless possible scenarios: oil shales, oil sands, methane, natural gas, fuel from corn and sugar ethanol, fuel from the kudzu vine, electric cars (powered by nuclear if need be), nuclear powered cars (plans for this were developed in the 1950s), coal gasification, alcohol as fuel, the conversion of animal carcasses into fuel (see http://forums.randi.org/showthread.php?t=44821 and http://www.spiegel.de/international/zeitgeist/0,1518,654916,00.html), waste gasification, and even technologies that seem impossible or primitive that could come about such as cold fusion nuclear, advanced solar, and the use of water or air as fuel sources.

  5. Ed,

    If the U.S. had something resembling a competent federal government and a functional political system, then yes, it could probably navigate the Peak Oil crisis, which is bound to hit within the next twenty years.

    Instead, we have a federal government that refuses to build nuclear power plants, invested billions in the ethanol scam, recently shutdown offshore drilling in the Gulf of Mexico, and has all but declared war on coal with Cap and Trade which is the one fossil fuel America possesses in abundance.

    The U.S. federal government was helpless when Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans and the Gulf Oil Spill struck the Gulf Coast earlier this year. Keep in mind the Obama administration can’t even balance the federal budget.

    The U.S. will go bankrupt long before it can develop the technologies necessary to migrate the rough waters of Peak Oil.

  6. Of course Hunter is not serious about encouraging migration to Wyoming. He is just angry at Harold Covington and seeking to harm Covington’s NW migration project.

    Don’t be such a stick in the mud, Johnson. Brokeback Mountain was set in Wyoming.

  7. Have you ever visited there? At a minimum read up on different states on City-Data.com and go through the discussion boards, it’s full of all kinds of stories of people relocating to other states and their trivails. I heard a lot of stories on how specialized the economy is and if you don’t have experience growing up on a cattle ranch or working oil rigs you won’t have much luck.

    Jackson Hole is reputed to be VERY expensive, the vacation home destination for the rich, the scenic areas are not cheap like the sagebrush or plains. Yellowstone and most of the pine tree scenery spots are only habitable for a few brief months in the summer, even the Bison leave Yellowstone during the winter and come down lower elevations. That is the source of the Brucelosis fear from cattle ranchers.

    Rock Springs and Gillette are energy boom towns where people are rather transient with both families and single men comming and going. Those towns are also reputed to attract a significant Meth element.

    Everything west of Rock Springs is Mormon country where economic opportunities go first to their own. Evanston, Green River, Kemmener, this is the Mormon Area, it’s all desert at about 7000ft elevation.

    Another frequent complaint is how difficult it is to rent housing, there are very few apartments in the state, most rentals are rural homes that a single individual probably couldn’t afford. I also heard it is virtually imposible to find a place that will take pets, people with dogs had to leave them with family out of state.

    Everything west of I-25 is very, very desolate, high, and dry, it’s like you landed on the moon. However Casper is said to be a good sized town that has jobs. Sheridan and Buffalo are very scenic, however they also attract transplants for that reason and jobs are scarce. Cheyenne is large, but home to a large colony of retired military. They are great people, BUT you have a large number of very skilled 50 something White Males who are competing for part time jobs to augment their pension. Laramie is home to the University and also a good destination, the road to Denver (the nearest commecial airport and shopping) can be very dangerous during the Winter. Long commutes or unnecessary driving is not recomended during the winter. My grandmother is from Bismark ND and she described the trecherous blizzards they get on the plains that last for days with furious blowing snow that limits vision to just a few yards. She said you needed to tie ropes from the house to the Barn and Outhouse or otherwise you could get lost and freeze to death just a few feet from your door, and people did! These are spectacularly beautiful places for their stark, desolate glimpse of what the prairie was like back in the days of the Bison, but people should know what they are getting into before thinking a move to Wyoming is the same as moving to Ohio. Only Alaska is more of a frontier state.

  8. Don’t be such a stick in the mud, Johnson. Brokeback Mountain was set in Wyoming.

    You seem to be more infatuated with this angle than anyone else. Were you front and center for the premier?

  9. I investigated Wyoming several years ago. There are very desirable elements in WY. . Small population White. Loadsa minerals, etc. The desolation is appealing.

    I’m staying right where I am, though. The first American Revolution began in PA. I am a Pennsy to my core. I’ll stay here, to the last.

  10. Hunter,
    You make a very persuasive argument for the state of Wyoming both in terms of your physical description and the stats. While I understand what you are trying to convey with the term “White Zionist”, is there any chance you could coin another? To me the noun “Zionist” invokes visions of Shabbats-Goyim who worship Israel and everything to do with it and is inseparable from its founder Theodore Herzl and his ilk.

  11. Thanks, Hunter,
    I LOVE Wyoming.
    I live here, guys.
    Yeah, Jackson has SWPL-ized. So? Seattle’s bigger, and a bigger percentage of Washington. The pop of Teton County is only 18,000.

    Desolation: Yeah, Rock Springs (and surrounding area) is known as the Armpit of the Earth. So? Parts of CA are ugly.
    Which parts are beautiful and not SWPL? Douglas, WY has made lists of Best Small Towns to Live in in America. Buffalo, at the base of the Big Horn Mountains. Lander is lovely, no wind, and near Sinks Canyon — stunning. Far enough from Riverton for the drunken Indians who wander off the reservation looking to get likkered up to be not a problem. Thermopolis is sited at the world’s largest hot springs and a couple hours’ drive from Cloud Peak Wilderness, Togwotee Mountain, Tetons and Yellowstone.

    I love Casper. Nearby Casper Mtn. and Muddy Mtns. for camping. No Indians. A few illegal alien mestizos are showing up here, now, too, but we’ve got fewer here than pretty much anywhere else. Alcova and Pathfinder reservoirs for boating fishing swimming camping.
    But if you come, put rocks in yer pockets. We live in a “wind corridor,” windier than Chicago, most notably in Nov. and March. Oh well. And remember, the air is thin here. So high winds are less damaging than at sea level. We just grin and bear it and buy new hats. Summers are delightful. Apts. are available again, since the massive energy boom of 2000 has dropped back down some. Plus, the building of needed units is starting to catch up.

    To consider: Cheyenne, the capital, is on the prairie. Not desolate. More like Kansas. Tornado-prone, though. Had an F5 in 1980. Yeah, meth goes through. Sigh. But nonetheless, WY has one of, if not the, lowest violent crime rates in the country. Couple hours’ drive to Denver.
    Gillette is exceedingly boom and bust, but Sundance is gorgeous.

    Work: Yeah, we’re oil and gas and coal. We’ll train you. Highest paid jobs without college that I can think of that exist. (50 K for roughnecks, 100K for directional drillers. 70K for heavy-equipment operators in the coal strip-mines.) Hard work. Mind yer safety habits. Small business owner? You betcha. Can you work on the internet? Then you can work here as well as you can in LA.

    Yellowstone? That’s your hesitation? If Yellowstone blows, EVERYTHING in a 1000-mile-radius will die. Better to be at ground zero and die instantly.

    Oh, and we’ve ALSO got tons of uranium for when Peak OIl truly begins to bite. Peak Oil is true. Salt Creek Field was one of the giant oil fields ever discovered. Despite billions in research by the University of WY, production has, indeed, followed Hubbert’s curve. Anadarko injects CO2 into Salt Creek Field in its tertiary recovery program. That got a bit more, but production has NEVER exceeded the peak from the 50s.

    Coal-to-oil IS the answer. And oh boy does WY have coal.

  12. Its very clever you are associating Zionist with a White homeland. I assume its so the Jews can’t comfortably campaign against European Zionism, as it would be a little too close to home?

    I also think the name Zionist would repel the cultists, so you would definitely attract a more mainstream Pro White, which seems to be your goal.

    However, I wonder if that name would attract the brainwashed Christian-Judaics and their associated baggage, which could be counter productive in the long run.

  13. “The above post has been updated with violent crime statistics.”

    You mean Dale Crisco’s post has been updated with statistics regarding the greater incidence of domestic violence in homosexual relationships?

  14. “Of course Hunter is not serious about encouraging migration to Wyoming. He is just angry at Harold Covington and seeking to harm Covington’s NW migration project.”

    Yes. Hunter does not himself believe Wyoming to be viable as ethnostate, however suited to raising cattle, cuz it is landlocked. Nor Alaska, whose climate is too harsh to enable autarky – which an ethnostate would certainly need at least in the short run. And that was the premise under which Hunter (merely rhetorically) encouraged migration to those locales – to form an ethnostate – in the first place.

    What a pitiable collection of follies butthurt can lead one to.

  15. Good article. Wyoming has real potential. So does North Dakota, and with a capital named ‘Bismarck’, that’s a bonus point.

  16. An ethnostate will never get off the ground in the Pacific Northwest because of unfavorable demographics and a completely unrealistic vanguardist strategy which is unsuited to White Nationalist capabilities. The only place in the Northwest where White Zionists could possibly make headway is Idaho which is a larger version of Wyoming.

    If White Zionists were to migrate to Wyoming, they would at least be settling in a state where they can live a quiet life in a relatively White environment. It is easier to “opt out” of the system there anyway because of the lower taxes and cheaper land.

    If every White Nationalist in America (estimates range from 30,000 to 300,000) were to move to Washington at this very moment, they would still be dwarfed by the sheer number of SWPLs in the Seattle metropolitan area.

    In the short run, demonstrating that the White Zionist model has a plausible chance of success is far more important than whether or not Wyoming is landlocked. You are going to be “landlocked” in Washington too unless you can figure out how to expel upward of a 1 million SWPLs in that state.

  17. Colder climates — like in Wyoming or Montana – may be better options for whites, as it is more difficult for darkies to live in colder places.

    From Sailer:

    Assuming that these Neanderthal introgressions in non-African modern humans exist (the technical problems Paabo has had to deal with — in particular, avoiding contamination by modern human DNA — and the analytical problems are daunting), they probably aren’t neutral or junk genes, which would tend to disappear over the last 1,000 or so generations. They are probably useful genes that give some Darwinian advantage or advantages in some environments.

    But, what do they do? I don’t know. (I haven’t read the papers, so I don’t know if anybody knows yet.) If they haven’t spread back into Africa, that might suggest they aren’t that useful in Africa. For example, they might be cold weather adaptations. For instance, one reason slavery faded out quietly in Northern states after the American Revolution was that slaves weren’t all that profitable because their immune systems weren’t attuned to cold weather diseases. As I wrote in VDARE in 2003:

    Indeed, as Brandeis historian David Hackett Fischer pointed out in his famous Albion’s Seed, these racial differences had an enormous impact on the history of America. He notes that the cold climate of colonial Massachusetts:

    “proved to be exceptionally dangerous to immigrants from tropical Africa, who suffered severely from pulmonary infections in New England winters. Black death rates in colonial Massachusetts were twice as high as whites’ – a pattern very different from Virginia where mortality rates for the two races were not so far apart, and still more different from South Carolina where white death rates were higher than those of blacks. So high was mortality among African immigrants in New England that race slavery was not viable on a large scale, despite many attempts to introduce it. Slavery was not impossible in this region, but the human and material costs were higher than many wished to pay. A labor system which was fundamentally hostile to the Puritan ethos of New England was kept at bay partly by the climate.”


  18. I used the phrase “White Zionists” to refer to that subset of White Nationalists who are migrants. I actually had the Mormons in mind. The success of the Mormons in Utah is why I think White Nationalists have a plausible chance of success in Wyoming.

    Someone mentioned the Mormons above. The fact that the Mormons (with their high birthrates) are now expanding their empire into Wyoming, Colorado, and Nevada ought to tell you something. You can even find them in Alabama now.

  19. Covington does not want liberals, or queers I might add, in his ethnostate. Those more obnoxious of the former, whom cannot be re-educated, or be encouraged to keep their mouths shut, will be liquidated or expelled – according to Covington’s expressed plan. I suppose every one of the latter, as they cannot be re-educated, and Covington does not care if they keep their mouths shut, will be liquidated or expelled.

  20. “Why not a reservation for White people?”

    Now that would truly be, as In Mala Fide called it, a White “Bantustan”.

  21. This talk about an ethnostate makes for interesting discussion and speculation but is definitely premature. All we can do is speculate, and my speculation is there will never be a planned ethnostate, and certainly not one based on mass migration which is just too impractical for any but the young, mid 20s and lower.

    If the system collapses suddenly, it will be every community and man for himself, and an ethnostate, if there is going to be one, will spring up somewhere spontaneously, probably under the direction of whoever controls the weapons and the military. If the system collapses slowly, I suspect the process will be the same. The only parties who are ever likely to decide where an ethnostate will be established will be those who control the military because they will be the only ones who can force people into cooperating whether they want to or not.

    In the meantime, WN migration to Wyoming does make sense for those few who are willing and able to migrate. All of the various factors HW has cited indicate that even a few determined WNs could make political headway in that state. As HW has pointed out, the Mormons could be the model. And one normal looking, credible, legally elected WN state rep or Congressman might be all it takes to light a fire all over the country and make many more people aware of WN ideas.

  22. Well, the high plains states will for sure be among the first to secede when we hit System Collapse. By default they will be the focus for an IMPLICIT White Republic; but no more than that for whatever amount of time it takes to defeat the Zionist central regime. Certainly that will require some kind of trans-midwest linkup to the southern states which will also be taking leave of the ZOG. After that, we’ll just follow our instincts, see what develops….In the meantime, I’ll make my stand where I am. I prefer earthquakes to sitting on top of the biggest volcanic caldera in recorded history.

  23. If the system collapses suddenly

    You mean “when”?

    The solution to me is pretty simple. Dump Hawaii, New Mexico and SoCal and forcibly expel all of the Hispanics back to their new Atzlan. Allow the whites still living in those areas to immigrate to the new America and legalize all the Irish and Polish illegals currently living in America. Get rid of welfare and medicade and the black population will start to decline while the white population will boom. Adopt a Japanese style immigration policy.

    No reason America can’t be over 90% white by 2050. I don’t see the need for a white ethnostate.

  24. All of the various factors HW has cited indicate that even a few determined WNs could make political headway in that state. As HW has pointed out, the Mormons could be the model. And one normal looking, credible, legally elected WN state rep or Congressman might be all it takes to light a fire all over the country and make many more people aware of WN ideas.

    What political program would a WY WN have that would differentiate him from the standard FOX News Republicans ? More and tougher anti-illegal immigration laws and that’s it? If you mainly go around calling yourself “pro-white” most people will probably think you have a screw loose.

  25. I don’t see why a state can’t work in the North West. The way the PLE prospectus describes it, the unwanted peoples will willingly leave the area, because they won’t want to associate with those they despise.

    This I assume is where the cultists will be most useful. If there are torch light parades, as well as cross burning festivals, it would repel non-Whites and White Anti-Whites, just as quickly as the gays repelled straights from their target zones, when they started kissing each other in the streets.

    So I don’t see a need for Whites to be trapped in a landlocked Indian style reservation and I don’t believe we need to join Covington’s army and get slaughtered. All we have to do is think big and camp it up.

  26. Within a matter of two or three years, White Zionists in Wyoming could show the White Nationalist movement that it is actually possible to acquire political power and live a healthy White life in a community setting in the Interior West.

    Again, it’s not clear to me what WY WN’s in power would do that is different from what the GOP’ers currently in power are doing already.

  27. Under the Wyoming state constitution, the state government is prohibited from establishing curriculums and textbook selections. This is the prerogative of local schools boards. The public schools in Wyoming could theoretically be hijacked by migrating White Zionist families.

    Thee’s a possibility here: try to introduce the old McGuffey’s Readers into the curricula along with other material used by traditionalist home schoolers. Maybe even mandate a course on US intervention-especially in the two world wars-requiring even-handed treatment of anti-interventionists. Include Vietnam, but leave out the Mexican War due to the low body count.

    We have to remember-of course-that all public schools are ultimately under the thumb of the centralized government. Try to get someone like Paul Gottfried to design the history and social science curriculum.

  28. If you translate White Nationalism into actual policy positions, you will see that the the gap between pro-Whites and the conservative mainstream isn’t nearly as big as WNs imagine it to be, and that the major problem we are dealing with is just a poorly conceived rhetoric and the lack of a realistic strategy. Both are a failure of White Nationalist intellectuals.

    (1) Immigration – militarize the border, build the fence, deport illegals, no guest worker programs, punish employers of illegal aliens, deny social services to illegal aliens, end birthright citizenship, cut legal immigration.

    (2) Multiculturalism – English only, defunding ethnic studies programs.

    (3) Affirmative action – Abolish affirmative action. Oppose political correctness.

    (4) Pro-Natal – emphasize family values, end abortion, oppose gay marriage, amend divorce laws, anti-feminism.

    (5) Gun Rights – Strongly protect our right to own firearms.

    (6) Free Speech – Protect our First Amendment rights at all costs.

    (7) Foreign Wars – Oppose military spending.

    (8) Free Trade – Oppose free trade policies.

    (9) Education – oppose public schools, expand private schools, local control of school boards, home schooling.

    (10) Taxes and spending – fight tax increases and the redistribution of our wealth to minorities.

    (11) Israel – cap the foreign aid budget.

    ^^ These are all areas in which you can work within the mainstream right now to advance White Nationalism. Specifically, fighting immigration, using racial double standards to inflame and polarize implicit Whites, and boosting the White birthrate can have a direct impact on our numbers which is the bottom line.

  29. This I assume is where the cultists will be most useful. If there are torch light parades, as well as cross burning festivals, it would repel non-Whites and White Anti-Whites…

    They’ll also repel 90% of the general white population.

  30. There is a recent Charles Blow column in The New York Times that cites a poll which shows Whites are clearly waking up to the existence of racial double standards. That is the most important gateway to White Nationalism.

  31. Here’s what I was referring to above:


    The latest evidence of this comes in a poll released this week that was conducted by the nonprofit, nonpartisan Public Religion Research Institute and financed by the Ford Foundation. The poll found that 62 percent of whites who identified as Tea Party members, 56 percent of white Republicans, and even 53 percent of white independents said that today discrimination against whites has become as big a problem as discrimination against blacks and other minorities. Only 30 percent of white Democrats agreed with that statement.

  32. [quote]end abortion[/quote]

    You want more blacks and hispanics? Cause that is the practical impact of ending abortion. There is a reason blacks and hispanics are so anti abortion.

    It also is a wedge issue that divides whites. The key to getting what we want to make the Republicans focus on going after blacks and hispanics and ignore or play down the issues that divide whites like abortion and gay marriage.

  33. We don’t need torchlight parades, or cross burnings. We need music, and beauty. White music. White beauty.

    We can highlight that the conservation and protection and excellent management of the Earth’s resources is a WHITE thing. We have so many rich cultural traditions and practices fromwhich to draw – we don’t need torchlight parades, or cross burnings.

  34. So does North Dakota, and with a capital named ‘Bismarck’, that’s a bonus point.

    Also, in ND the state constitution can be amended by initiative and referendum. For what should be obvious reasons, it would be a good idea to elect one house of the state legislature by open list PR. PR-assuming sufficient proportionality- allows anti-regime outsiders to be elected to office. The polls for the last election showed that the R’s are just as unpopular as the D’s-the R landslide being simply an anti-Obama vote- so a lot more people might be ready for a true multi-party system than one might expect.

    Approval Voting , which also works to undermine duopoly,would also be a good idea for all the other offices. But it’s uncommon, not widely used across the planet like PR is.

  35. Denise
    >We don’t need torchlight parades, or cross burnings. We need music, and beauty. White music. White beauty.

    That won’t get the White liberals and coloreds to leave. You have to figure out how you are going to get them to go and Covington’s way will get everyone killed like Waco.

  36. I don’t see the point in migrating into an ethnostate area that can easily be destroyed by whoever controls the Army, assuming enough racially conscious Whites could ever be gathered into an agreed upon location — and that proposition itself is dubious. The more theoretical discussion we have on this issue the more unlikely a planned ethnostate seems to me. Nations are established by right of conquest, and without the means of conquest there will be no nation.

    A more viable approach might be for us to fight like hell to get some control over existing governmental institutions that afford real power. This would suggest engagement with electoral politics whatever it’s drawbacks. I bet this is the path Sam Francis would recommend were he still alive. Late in his career, Francis denounced small government and limited government conservatives because he understood one of James Burnham’s main points, that the managerial state is here to stay. Francis understood that we can’t fix things without the power big government affords.

  37. HW: “(2) Multiculturalism – English only, defunding ethnic studies programs.”

    I disagree on English only. The mestizos have already butchered Spanish. Do you want them butchering English too? The wider variety of a people who speak a language, the more a language becomes dumbed down. We should actually discourage Third Worlders from learning English.

  38. One other thing regarding English only.

    It’s a case of what Sam Francis called anarcho-tyranny.

    ESL programs cost states a fortune. In my state, ESL programs are now the single largest departmental cost in secondary and primary education. It would be easier and cheaper either to not let the immigrants come here or to deport them. By teaching them tax-payer funded English, we are empowering the managerial state.

  39. The U.S. Navy and Air Force can’t reach Washington and Oregon? That’s another point in favor of “landlocked” Wyoming. At least the Navy will be at some considerable distance.

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