Wyoming is the ideal destination for any serious effort at a Northwest Migration. This post is a rough sketch at pitching the Wyoming heresy to White Zionist circles.
(1) Aesthetic Beauty – If I were to ever move anywhere out West, I would pack my bags and head toward the Tetons, where Old Faithful blows and the buffalo roam. Few other places in North America can compete with Wyoming in terms of sheer natural beauty. The discovery of Yellowstone caused mankind for the first time in history to stop, pause, and preserve a piece of nature for the enjoyment of future generations.
(2) Population – Wyoming has the smallest population (544,270) of any state in America. It thus has the smallest hurdle to political power to clear for aspiring White Zionists on the make.
In the Wyoming House of Representatives, each district represents about 9,000 people. In the Wyoming Senate, each seat represents around 17,000 people. The number of registered voters who participate in Wyoming state elections is much smaller in each district. A simple majority is sufficient to acquire representation at the state level.
In Wyoming, White Zionists have their most favorable political map for a BNP-style breakout into mainstream politics. It is easier here than anywhere else. If White Zionists can’t win in Wyoming, they are far less likely to win on more challenging terrain in the Pacific Northwest.
Governor-Elect Matt Mead of Wyoming won the Republican nomination for Governor with only 30,272 votes. Wyoming has 2 U.S. Senators (the same as California and New York) and 3 votes in the Electoral College.
In Wyoming, each vote in the Electoral College represents 164,594 people. In California, each vote represents 627,532. Whether it be on the federal or the state level, White Zionists can have their greatest impact on the American political landscape in Wyoming.
(3) Favorable Demographics – Wyoming is the most conservative state in America. In Wyoming, 53 percent of residents identify as conservatives. By comparison, 53 percent of residents in Mississippi and 49 percent of residents in Alabama are conservatives.
Wyoming is effectively Alabama or Mississippi without blacks. It is Utah without Hispanics. In Wyoming, 86 percent of residents (2009 Census) are Non-Hispanic White. The concentration and political hegemony of “Reds” in Wyoming provides White Zionists with a far more receptive local population to work with than the SWPL-dominated Pacific Northwest.
52 percent of Wyoming’s population lives in 5 major cities. The population in Wyoming is more dispersed across the countryside than in other Western states like Nevada. This is one of the major reasons Wyoming has proven so much more resistant to leftwing ideas.
As of 2009, Washington is 74.6 percent White. There are roughly 25,903 blacks, 686,412 Hispanics, and 466,493 Asians living in that state with Harold Covington.
As of 2009, Wyoming is 86 percent White. There are roughly 7,619 blacks, 14,151 American Indians, and 44,140 Hispanics living there. Most of the Hispanics are illegal aliens that can be driven out with an Arizona-style immigration law.
Demographically speaking, Wyoming is clearly a more favorable state than Washington: there are far less total non-Whites, Whites are a higher percentage of the population, the Whites who live there are rock ribbed conservatives, not SWPLs.
(4) Nordic Reservoir – If you are a Nordicist, Wyoming is an attractive state to relocate to. By ethnicity, the White population of Wyoming is 25.9% German, 15.9% English, 13.3% Irish, 6.5% American, 4.3% Norwegian, and 3.5% Swedish 3.5%. Wyoming is a healthy mix of Americans of Northwestern European ancestry.
(5) Taxes – Wyoming has far more attractive land prices and tax rates than Washington.
Property Taxes:
Wyoming – $1,012, 1.57% of income
Washington – $2,595, 3.52% of income
Excise Taxes – Cigarettes:
Wyoming – 60
Washington – 202.5
Excise Taxes – Beer:
Wyoming – $0.02
Washington – $0.26
Excise Taxes – Gasoline:
Wyoming – 14
Washington – 37.5
State Sales Tax:
Wyoming – 4.0
Washington – 6.25
State Income Tax:
Wyoming: No State Income Tax
Washington: No State Income Tax
Wyoming has lower property taxes, lower excise taxes, a lower state sales tax, and no income tax. Land is cheaper.
In Wyoming, there is no corporate sales tax. There is no sales tax on food or inheritance tax on estates. There is no tax on out-of-state retirement income. Personal property for personal use is tax exempt. There are no taxes on intangible assets such as bank accounts, stocks, or bonds.
Wyoming has the most “business friendly” climate of all 50 states. If you are a White Nationalist small business owner, it is relatively easier (and might actually be more profitable) to relocate to Wyoming.
Wyoming’s cost of living is 7.60% lower than the national average.
(8) Education – Under the Wyoming state constitution, the state government is prohibited from establishing curriculums and textbook selections. This is the prerogative of local schools boards. The public schools in Wyoming could theoretically be hijacked by migrating White Zionist families.
Wyoming public schools spend $7,447 per student. The average school expenditure in the U.S. is $5,678. Wyoming ranks last among the states in terms of students enrolled in private schools. The low numbers of non-Whites in Wyoming (combined with local control of school boards) translates into a stronger public sector.
The University of Wyoming:
(9) Low Crime – The Whiteness of Wyoming is reflected in its crime statistics and national ranking: 47 in total crime, 32 in crimes per 100,000 persons, 43 in violent crimes per 100,000 persons, 45 in murders per 100,000 persons, 36 in rapes per 100,000 persons, 49 in robberies per 100,000 persons, 30 in aggravated assaults per 100,000 persons, 43 in burglaries per 100,000 persons, 22 in larcenies and theft per 100,000 persons.
(10) Grievances – Wyoming has ready made grievances against Washington that can easily be exploited. 48 percent of land in Wyoming is owned by the federal goverment. 6 percent of land is owned by the state government. Over 50 percent of land in Wyoming is effectively closed to private development.
What’s more, Wyoming is an energy intensive state like West Virginia. It is America’s largest coal producer. It is the second largest producer of natural gas and the fifth largest producer of oil in the United States.
“Cap and Trade” is a mortal threat to Wyoming’s economy. In West Virginia, Joe Manchin literally had to shoot a target of Cap and Trade to get elected to the Senate. A future Democratic Congress even more in thrall to environmentalist groups would provide a useful foil in stirring up anti-government sentiment in Wyoming.
(11) Climate – The climate in Wyoming is not as bad as some have made it out to be. Wyoming is a dry state with warm summers. The wind could be harnessed as yet another energy source. It has a better water supply than California, Nevada, Arizona or other parched Southwestern states which are more populous. There is plenty of land for cattle ranching and growing wheat.
If White Zionists relocated to Wyoming, they would adapt to the climate like they have everywhere else: Iceland, Norway, Russia, Rhodesia, etc. It is far easier to live in Wyoming today than in the Deep South (with its hurricanes) during the nineteenth century before refrigerators and air conditioning.
(12) Anti-Blue – Wyoming is not a “fun state” with a lot of flashy cities like Seattle or Portland. Greg Johnson would never move there. This is another advantage that Wyoming has over Washington. Like Nebraska or Kansas, it has not yet become an attractive destination for SWPLs migrating out of California and the Heartland, who are adverse to the rural conservative mores of Wyoming.
(13) Successful Model – There is already a successful model of a White Zionist migration to the Interior West: the colonization of Utah by the Mormons.
If the Mormons can create a civilization in the Great Salt Lake Valley, why can’t White Zionist homesteaders enjoy similar success in Wyoming? Is the climate of Utah more or less hospitable to colonization?
(14) Ready Made Cities – Instead of carving cities out of the wilderness, there is nothing stopping White Zionists from relocating to Wyoming’s five largest cities or its smaller towns:
Cheyenne – 57,618 (population), 79.2% (non-Hispanic White)
Casper – 54,874 (population), 94.03% (non-Hispanic White)
Laramie – 28,850 (population), 90.81% (non-Hispanic White)
Gillette – 28,726 (population), 95.50% (non-Hispanic White)
Rock Springs – 20,905 (population), 91.75% (non-Hispanic White)
By way of comparison, there are 602,000 people in Seattle, 68.4% of whom are non-Hispanic White, 3,407,848 in the Seattle metropolitan area.
There are 529,121 people in Portland, 74 percent of whom are non-Hispanic White, 2,217,325 in the Portland metropolitan area.
It goes without saying that the vast majority of Whites in Seattle and Portland are SWPLs, not “Reds” like in Cheyenne or Casper, and that White Zionists would have a far greater impact in Wyoming than in Washington or Oregon because of the smaller, more conservative population.
In the second tier of Wyoming cities, you have Sheridan (population, 17,461), Green River (population, 12,149), Evanston (population, 11,781), Riverton, (population, 10,032), and Jackson (population, 9,806). Now how hard do you suppose it would be for White Zionists to get elected mayor, sheriff, or city councilman in those cities?
Undoubtedly, it would be a A LOT easier to raise your head above the water on that kind of political map.
(15) Attractive Neighbors – Wyoming’s neighbors share many of its favorable characteristics: Idaho, Montana, South Dakota, North Dakota. A successful White Zionist free state project in Wyoming could inspire a real Northwest Migration to Idaho, Montana, and the Dakotas.
(16) Jobs – As of September 2010, the unemployment rate in Wyoming was 6.2 percent, well below the national average. By comparison, the unemployment rate in Washington state (dominated by SWPLs who favor higher taxes and bureaucratic red tape) is 8.6 percent.
(17) Fiscal Responsibility – Wyoming has a small budget deficit of of $31.8 million in FY 2010. It is in great shape compared to Blue States like California, Illinois, New York, and Connecticut which are tottering on the brink of a Greek style fiscal meltdown.
The same is true of North Dakota which has a budget surplus and the lowest unemployment rate in America. It is easy to imagine a future scenario where fiscally responsible states like North Dakota and Wyoming go their own way, repudiate the national debt, and refuse to bailout the Californias of America.
(18) The Jewish Question – Jews are 0 percent of Wyoming’s population. By comparison, Jews are 1 percent of Washington state, which translates into about 66,641 Jews on the ground. Ron Wyden, U.S. Senator from Oregon, is Jewish.
(19) Non-Religious – In terms of religion, 79 percent of Wyoming residents are Christians. 18 percent are non-religious. For White Nationalists who can’t get over their aversion to Christianity, Wyoming is a more attractive destination than the Deep South.
(20) Realistic Strategy – Wyoming is a more realistic destination for White Zionists. The definition of a tactic is what you can do with what you got. Decades of experience has shown the following:
– White Nationalists are adverse to social ostracism and employment discrimination. They will not go public with their beliefs in a setting in which they are outnumbered.
– Aside from unhinged vanguardist lone wolves like James von Brunn, White Nationalists are adverse to physical violence, and favor lawful methods of resolving their disputes. This fact alone rules out the fantasy of an IRA-style terrorist rebellion that Harold Covington advocates.
Taking these critical facts into account, a White Zionist migration to Wyoming could succeed where Harold Covington’s Northwest Migration is doomed to failure.
In the second tier Wyoming cities like Sheridan, Green River, Evanston, Riverton, and Jackson, the population is small enough to allow a critical mass of White Zionists to take over the public schools, city governments, and local law enforcement positions with a simple majority. In such a context where White Nationalists are an outright majority, the stick of social ostracism and employment discrimination wouldn’t work.
White Nationalists could seize power without firing a shot. Such an experiment (wholly theoretical and still highly unlikely) would be interesting to watch. It could potentially demonstrate the efficacy of the White Zionist model. If White Zionists are going to uproot themselves in pursuit of their racial ideal, it stands to reason they should at least go to the place where they are most likely to succeed.
(21) Objections – The most common objection to the Wyoming scenario is that the state is landlocked and that it is an unviable destination as a White homeland. This is not as persuasive a criticism as it seems at first glance.
SWPLs dominate the Pacific Coast. Any success that a Northwest Migration would have would be in Idaho or Eastern Washington and Eastern Oregon where the population is more conservative and receptive to pro-White ideals. In other words, where the population is more like that of Wyoming.
If every White Nationalist in America moved to Eastern Washington or Eastern Oregon, they would still be outvoted by the SWPLs in Portland and Seattle, and if they launched a rebellion (an even more unlikely scenario), the SWPL dominated state governments would quickly call for the White House to dispatch federal troops which have legal authority to suppress any insurrection.
This type of thinking is also symptomatic of thinking in terms of light years instead of inches, yards, and miles. The biggest problems facing the White Zionist model is that (A) most White Nationalists are not convinced it can work, (B) it is currently based on unrealistic vanguardist expectations (i.e., successful armed insurrection) and (C) the mainstream media is suffocating the White Nationalist movement through lack of positive publicity.
These are all problems where the Wyoming model shines through: (A) the small population of Wyoming, especially in the second tier cities, sets the lowest bar anywhere in America for White Zionists to achieve the small victories necessary to build confidence, (B) the method of acquiring power (voting with your feet and at the ballot box) is completely legal and can be done anonymously, and (C) the success of White Zionists in Wyoming (say, taking over a city and then parts of the Wyoming state legislature) would draw the publicity that is the indispensable, life giving oxygen that a Northwest Migration would require to succeed.
Within a matter of two or three years, White Zionists in Wyoming could show the White Nationalist movement that it is actually possible to acquire political power and live a healthy White life in a community setting in the Interior West. That would be a far more persuasive argument than browbeating people who live in Illinois and North Carolina to drop everything they are doing and uproot themselves to migrate to a SWPL-dominated Blue State in the Pacific Northwest.
Finally, if White Zionists by some miracle were successful in taking over the State of Wyoming, they could use the unparalleled energy resources of the state (coal, natural gas, petroleum, and possibly wind) as a bargaining chip to negotiate their sovereignty and independence in a decaying America living in the aftermath of Peak Oil.
By that time, the neighboring states of Montana, Idaho, North Dakota, and South Dakota would be overflowing with White Zionists. Wyoming is unlikely to go out alone. Its potential lies in demonstrating the success of the White Zionist model and building the critical mass of momentum necessary to propel White Zionists to victory.
(22) Perks and Political Representation – Aside from all the above advantages to White Zionists, Wyoming is already a solid Red State and a pretty good place to live out West (low taxes, low unemployment, low crime, good public schools, low cost of living, cheap land, few non-Whites, no Jews, fiscally responsible government, conservative neighbors, great scenery, favorable political demographics) if you just want political representation and a healthy environment (lots of wide open space outdoors) in which to raise White cowboys and cowgirls in masculine and feminine virtues.
Fantasy fiction aside, that’s enough to satisfy most White Nationalists.
Republicans have controlled both chambers of the Wyoming state legislature for decades. Cynthia Lummis, Wyoming’s lone representative in the House of Representatives, is opposed to amnesty. She has a “B-” from NumbersUSA. Senator Michael Enzi and Senator John Barrasso both get an “A” on their report card.
Final Thoughts
If a White Zion is going to be created anywhere in America, Wyoming presents the most favorable map for making progress toward that goal. A few thousand White Zionists could migrate to Wyoming like the Mormons in Utah or the Jayhawkers in Kansas and demonstrate the success of the PLE model. That would provide the necessary catalyst and exposure to spark a real and sustainable Northwest Migration.
Personally, I think the State of Wyoming can make its own case. It doesn’t need me to convince you to move there. If an endangered species like the bison can be reborn in Wyoming, so can the White man.
They are already butchering English. At least with English only we make it relatively harder for them subsist here. Right now all they have to do is push a button for Spanish.
No, you want to continue to push a pointless divide because it gives you an identity of being strong enough to “oppose” something.
Otis is absolutely right. If being pro-White(White Nationalism to be more precise) means pushing positions that will have you fighting just as many White people as you could possibly save, then what’s the point? I’m 100% pro-choice, and practically everyone I know who holds some kind racialist position is pro-choice or neutral to some extent. Even the people I know who are pro-life only take that position as their personal “choice,” and not as a way to push their views on others. You’re not going to increase the White birthrate by playing this game, you’re going to increase the chances of a White individual being opposed to, and actively fighting, pro-White people.
Like I’ve said before, far Right positions are a perfect breeding ground for the rise of the far Left. Without some control freak using religious dogmas in order to define “White Nationalism,” there would be less resistance to a pro-White position.
What exactly do you mean by amending divorce laws? Have you ever been married?
Celestial Time,
I agree with Hunter here. Abortion and contraception, is a big part of the ongoing genocide of our race and divorce isn’t helping either. People have to learn to put duty in front of self, like they did in the old days, or our free choices will be the end of us.
Perhaps there are better solutions….
Get control of the media and put on shows that brainwash people into have families, instead brainwashing them to be sterile.
Offer tax incentives to those that have more children. Every child you have, the tax you pay permanently drops by a quarter.
You are right that expressive individualism, materialism, feminism, contraception, abortion on demand, and liberalized divorce laws have the effect of depressing the White birthrate. We are in a demographic rat race.
Immigration is the other side of the suicide coin. White Nationalists often forget that we are facing a two pronged attack. Strangely enough, they also completely ignore the fact that 1.) pro-natal policies and 2.) immigration restrictionism is completely mainstream.
As for Celestial Time, he has admitted to being a leftist here before. His allies are Chuck Schumer, Barack Obama, and Nancy Peloi.
DingoBob says: “Its very clever you are associating Zionist with a White homeland…
I also think the name Zionist would repel the cultists, so you would definitely attract a more mainstream Pro White…
However, I wonder if that name would attract the brainwashed Christian-Judaics and their associated baggage, which could be counter productive in the long run.”
White Zion is not a new term or concept, and it doesn’t necessarily apply to migrants, as “Hunter” suggested. Here are links to the two-parts of a speech by that title that Dr. William Pierce gave 25 years ago:
DB, it’s doubtful that Dr. Pierce’s White Zion model would appeal to the “brainwashed Xian Judaics” you mention, or to the “cultists.” Many racially conscious “mainstreamers,” however, might find healthful, orderly White Zion communities appealing alternatives once they’ve had a bellyful of the chaotic, Judaized, JOG-enforced, racial polyglot mess that has been imposed on them by JOG.
“What political program would a WY WN have that would differentiate him from the standard FOX News Republicans… If you mainly go around calling yourself “pro-white” most people will probably think you have a screw loose.”
If enough WNs moved, WNs could take control of the local media and could partially reverse the anti-white influence. Once that was done, anyone going around and calling themselves “pro-white” would be seen as normal.
The important thing here is that whites could form communities, proper — this would allow for the accumulation of social capital. And with state control they could nullify federal attempts to destroy those communities (through forced diversification).
Just another example of Hunter Wallace’s desperate need for attention, and willful neglect of prescribed medication.
I have kids, Hunter. Do you? Have you ever been married? Are you, uhhh, depressing the White birthrate on purpose, or is it just from a lack of interest from those of the female persuasion? Inquiring minds, ya know.
Celestial Time has admitted in the comments to being of the “Center Left” persuasion. Please note that he has not disputed this characterization. That’s because it is true.
Thanks for the plug for Wyoming, Hunter. Your information is correct, though it is presented with an optimistic spin, some of which is warranted, some not.
As one who has lived in Wyoming for 30 years, I can vouch for the Republican/libertarian credentials of the state – which is not always the same as what we would consider conservative. Wyoming is certainly fiscally conservative, we believe in small government (except in Cheyenne ;-), low taxes and the personal freedom to shoot off your guns and your mouth whenever and wherever. In addition, Wyoming is a strong home schooling state. But when it comes to actually being conservative, as in conserving anything, including our race, against the onslaught of ‘progress’ so-called, Wyoming tends to go liberal.
While it’s true that local school boards control the curriculum theoretically, public schools are written into our state constitution and the education lobby is quite formidable here. And I speak as the father of 4 home-schooled kids, who has stood nose to nose with these progressives and fought them for 30 years. Homeschoolers have held their ground here, but they haven’t taken any ground from the enemy, nor are they likely to in my life-time. Maybe my children will have more success – if I can convince them to settle here and put down roots.
Wyoming seems evenly divided on the abortion issue – probably because me-first white cowboys don’t want to be confronted with raising their illegitimate white kids any more then black men in the ghetto want to stay home and raise theirs. Abortion on demand is a selfishness problem brought about by the general demise of christian morality within our country. Selfishness afflicts our race just as much as others, and just as much in Wyoming as elsewhere, unfortunately.
Affirmative action isn’t much of a problem in Wyoming as far as I can see. Except within government, of course. Reverse discrimination when it occurs, doesn’t sit well here, and people are vocal about it, dreaded ‘R’ word be damned. We’re not called the ‘equality state’ for nothing however, and there does seem to be a general disconnect concerning the incompatibility of true liberty with a comprehensive devotion to equality. The two are oil and water, and to the extent you have one, the other will be lost, but I doubt too many here think about it that way – if they think about it at all.
There aren’t too many rabid environmentalists here, except in Jackson and Laramie, but plenty of ‘wise use’ conservationists. Wyoming frequently locks horns with the feds over land and water use and control. If this state had more control over it’s oil, coal, uranium and water, I can guarantee we’d have a booming economy, a growing population, and the ravages of ‘peak oil’ would hardly be noticed here. And there’d be fewer wolves and grizzlys outside of Yellowstone Park as well.
Nobody likes illegal immigration here; but we won’t go for a national I.D. card or other such invasive nonsense, either. This is probably where Wyoming’s implicit whiteness is most noticeable.
Wyoming’s climate is very challenging, to say the least. Topsoil is scarce, irrigation is mandatory virtually everywhere in the state, and the wind never quits. But we Wyomingites believe the climate is a small price to pay for all the elbow room here. Just buy a green-house, warm clothes and truck in some top-soil from neighboring Nebraska and you’re all set. And don’t forget to drill a deep well.
Gerard and barb,
Any further information you can provide about Wyoming would be helpful. It is tough to get a sense of the mentality of a state from such a considerable distance. You have to live there. I only have the numbers to look at.
Some topics of interest:
(1) The SWPL threat. Are SWPLs moving into Wyoming (i.e., Cheyenne) and taking over like they are in Colorado and Virginia?
(2) How racially conscious are Wyoming natives?
(3) Wyoming has a reputation for being a fiscally conservative state with a libertarian streak. In the long term, how would Wyoming react to the escalating fiscal irresponsibility of the national government? Is Wyoming willing to come to the rescue of California with a bailout?
(4) Any news about an Arizona-style immigration law in Wyoming? I can’t find much information.
(5) What is the job market like on the ground?
(6) How is Wyoming responding to illegal immigration? The White population of Wyoming and Idaho has fallen since the 2000 Census largely because of Hispanic migrant workers.
When juxtaposed with the ramblings of the moral zealots that ooze from the crevices of White Nationalism, I’m absolutely, positively, 100% proudly Center Left. That’s a far cry, though, from the claim that my allies are of the Marxist variety. Were I to try and ally myself with them, they would claim I was far Right.
I’d still like to know whether you claim to have ever been married or passed your genes on to the next generation. What’s your story this year?
This post is really one of Hunter’s best: thoroughly researched, well-written, well-argued. Which makes it all the more astonishing that it is entirely written in bad faith, that it is merely a malicious attempt to throw a spanner in the works of Harold Covington’s Northwest Migration, because Covington hurt Good Ol’ Hunter’s feelings.
Whether or not you think the Northwest Migration plan is well conceived, whether or not you believe all the terrible things people say about Harold Covington (or whether or not you care), his plan is a sincere attempt to make sure that there are white people left on this continent 200 years from now. And in the end, that is really the only thing that matters.
Hunter wants to spike the Northwest Migration simply out of spite. For him, the only thing that matters in the end is momentary ego gratification. That’s sick.
That’s nonsense.
I am writing a post about Idaho right now. I have been moving across the map for weeks now.
The likes of Heath Shuler in North Carolina, Jim Webb in Virginia, and Jon Tester in Montana do nothing but empower House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid.
Lawrence O’Donnell made a convincing argument about this a few weeks ago on Morning Joe. He expanded on this theme in his own show a few days later. It is impossible for liberal Democrats to win either the White House or a House or Senate majority in Congress without electing so-called “Blue Dogs” in moderate to conservative leaning districts.
A voter for Heath Shuler in Western North Carolina is effectively a vote for Zoe Lofgren on the House Immigration Subcommittee and Chairman Barney Frank on the House Oversight Committee.
What do you have your panties in a wad about? Isn’t your kind slated for extermination in the Northwest Republic? I could have swore I just heard Covington say something to that effect in the two hour podcast he mentioned on this blog.
“(1) The SWPL threat. Are SWPLs moving into Wyoming (i.e., Cheyenne) and taking over like they are in Colorado and Virginia?”
The SWPLs are corralled in Jackson, Cody, Laramie. (Jackson and Cody because, having ruined CA, they fled to the next-most-beautiful place in Am. Laramie because it’s the only university. When a loony-lefty, paid through a private grant, at UW tried to bring Bill Ayers for a speaking engagement, real Wyomingites raised holy hell and got it cancelled.)
“(2) How racially conscious are Wyoming natives?” Implicit White for the most part. In Fremont Cty. is the Shoshone/Arapaho reservation, so the cty. has a sizable alcoholism-treatment industry. Whites there don’t like being taxed to pay for it.
John Barrasso and Enzi can advocate while campaigning for closing the border, denying illegals drivers’ licenses, etc., without catching flak. Just nodding assent from the audience.
“(3) Wyoming has a reputation for being a fiscally conservative state with a libertarian streak. In the long term, how would Wyoming react to the escalating fiscal irresponsibility of the national government? Is Wyoming willing to come to the rescue of California with a bailout?”
I’d say, nuh-uh. Reading Letters to the Editor in the statewide paper, the Casper Star Tribune these last ten years, real Wyomingites do NOT appreciate the transplanted-to-Jackson-fleeing-their-ruination-of-CA SWPLs who bring their nutty ideas along.
Bail out CA? Whatthehellfor?
“(4) Any news about an Arizona-style immigration law in Wyoming? I can’t find much information.” Not yet. Possibly because the gov for last 8 years was Dem. (Don’t freak out. Freudenthal is Dem like McCain is Repub.) With Matt Mead coming in, wouldn’t surprise me.
“(5) What is the job market like on the ground?” Good, from what I can tell from the help-wanted ads in the Casper Star Tribune. WY Med Ctr is always recruiting for phys., nurses, PAs, allied health. Not as fantastic as 3 yrs ago, but darned good in comparison to rest of country. Housing prices have slid at most a few percent from the peak in 2008.
“(6) How is Wyoming responding to illegal immigration? The White population of Wyoming and Idaho has fallen since the 2000 Census largely because of Hispanic migrant workers.”
Most of the illegals in WY are in Jackson because of tourism industry. Because the Billionaires in Jackson are squeezing out the Millionaires, the piss-poor mestizo maids and gardeners ride the bus to Driggs ID every night. Truly, the modern version of Sundown Towns.
No illegals hanging around Home Depot in Casper. The school system here has one ESL class at one school. I’d say rest of WY, excepting Jackson and Cody, we’re about where CA was in maybe the early ’80s before amnesty, so pretty much just beginning to notice and say WTF is this? Meanwhile, few loony-lefties here to have suppressed our good sense.
Celestial Time writes:
Without some control freak using religious dogmas in order to define “White Nationalism,” there would be less resistance to a pro-White position.
I have not had any experience with pro-religious WN, in fact, quite the opposite!
I am feel one of the most repulsive elements of the ‘typical’ WN from days gone past were the in-your-face anti-Christian messages carried by so many. For me (and for quite a few others that I have been talking to) the current discussions regarding Christianity on here (and I must mention Mindweapons in Ragnarok.–I absolutely love what Kievsky is up to) have been very attractive.
I will also throw in ‘Cambria Will Not Yield’ as another blog where White Christians will find beautiful and challenging (yet) nourishing content.
I am not questioning the experience that has shaped your thought here, as we most likely live in very different environs.
I am only sharing my own.
Barb beat me to the punch, and I basically agree with her. I would only add that everyone I’ve talked to is supportive of Arizona’s anti-illegal immigration law, and would favor a similar law here. This is even in Cheyenne, a town I would consider to be center-left on some issues.
As for bailing anyone out, especially other states, I just don’t see any support at all for that here. NOBODY likes the way the Feds have handled our economy, bailed out bankers and car-makers and devalued the dollar. Even whites who voted for obamanation are back-stroking big time right now. Few of us liked big-spending GW, especially during his last term, and very few are now fooled by the current administration; unless they live in Jackson, Laramie or Cody, as Barb said.
Barb, it’s nice to know other Wyowhites come here. Enjoyed your comments, sis.
I don’t know enough about Covington’s NW migration to be for it or against it, but I do know racially aware whites are few and far between anywhere I look. Maybe it’s time to stop trashing each other? Let those who want to go NW do it, and more power to them. Covington may well be right about one thing: we may some day find we have to concentrate our numbers in one geographic location just to survive as a people. But, others who like the PLE model should also pursue that, and more power to them. The bottom line is, we all need to do something to give white kids a country of their own and a future in it. Each passing year shows us more and more unwilling to sacrifice for their sake. We have learned well to pursue our own happiness and let the kids pay our debts. Whatever we can do to defer our present gratification and become more future oriented will some day cause our children to honor our memory, instead of cursing us as the ones who caused their bondage. Please, have lots of white kids, natural or store-bought, I don’t care which, and teach and equip them well.
Someone mentioned the Mormons above. The fact that the Mormons (with their high birthrates) are now expanding their empire into Wyoming, Colorado, and Nevada ought to tell you something.
Are now expanding? The Mormons have been in those places for over a hundred years. As a matter of fact they are losing influence, My uncle lived in Vegas since the 60’s and he said until mass migration into the Vegas area in the 80’s the state was as demographically Mormon as Utah. They’ve been in Southern Idaho and Western WY and CO since the frontier days as well.
If you translate White Nationalism into actual policy positions, you will see that the the gap between pro-Whites and the conservative mainstream isn’t nearly as big as WNs imagine it to be,
Not if they call themselves “White Nationalist” that label sounds looney, someone will just have to campaign as a hard line Republican like Tancredo. This whole talk of “WN mass migration for an ethnostate” is not rooted in reality, the only solution is if what is left of the traditional American power structure figures out they are marked for extinction by the hostile elite and take power through the existing system. There is a reason the High Plains are losing population, they are resource frontiers like the Falkland Islands or Iceland, not the home of a viable population base to form a nation that can defend itself in a hostile world. If America were a board game like Risk, I’d want land centered around St Louis that is warm and fertile and can support a lot of people.
“Barb, it’s nice to know other Wyowhites come here. Enjoyed your comments, sis.”
Thanks. Yeppers, good to meet you.
I’m a Wyoming native. Lived in San Diego in mid ’80s to mid ’90s. Saw firsthand what was becoming what and came back home. I really believe the ethnostate, if we get one, will have as its starter-leavening the mountain and western plains states, the cowboy states — MT, WY, ND and SD, Western CO, Eastern NB, OK, AZ — and some of Texas, too, maybe — which would solve our landlock problem.
I like the term “white zionist’ too, thanks brother Wallace.
(1) It took me several months to wrap my mind around the idea of calling myself a “conservative.” That’s pretty much what I do now.
I just tell people: I am a hardcore conservative, a border hawk, an opponent a multiculturalism, a strong supporter of “family values” and pro-natal policies, an opponent of “big spenders” who waste taxpayer dollars on “foreign aid,” and liberal hypocrisy and double standards on racial issues.
Eventually, I realized that I could campaign for most of the policies that I desire by adapting my rhetoric to the experience of my audience. Labels matter. When people get the sense that you are on their side, they tend to respond well, especially when they already agree with you on the issues.”
(2) There is a subset of White Nationalists who are migrants. These are people are going to move anyway. I call them “White Zionists.” In fact, I knew one such White Nationalist from Wyoming when I lived in Virginia.
(3) Mizzou is a state like Alabama where the natives can solve their own problems.
(4) The Mormons in Utah have the highest birthrate in America. They will out last the flash in the pan SWPLs and grow in number relative to other groups in the Western states.
This is one reason (which I will address in my Northwest post) that I am not ready to cede Washington and Oregon just yet. The SWPLs can’t reproduce themselves. In a few generations, I suspect their numbers will diminish.
Covington believes there are no serious theoretical objections to the Northwest Migration. He says all the time that no one else has a plan. He is mistaken on that point.
Towards a New White Ethnostate Using Genocide and Any Other Weapon Available
Eastern Wyoming is even drier than West River South Dakota. The land in Eastern Montana is covered with sagebrush, that hardly anything but goats and deer can eat.
Northwestern Wyoming is full of jews around Jackson Hole. That and gliberal whiggers. Much of Wyoming has hardly any trees, a different place than Alabama can hardly be found in the ZOGland.
However, none of the native Wyoming people like the Native Indians overmuch, as they are nearly like South Dakotans in that sense. The niggers are pretty scarce in that Wyoming winters can kill them and make them extremely uncomfortable.
So yes, when ZOG falls apart, certain places in the Northern Plains will be cutting off contact from rapacious hordes of refugees.
However, most Whigger Nutsionalists don’t like living in places like Midland, South Dakota where my worthless thieving brother has my mother parked and you can eat all the cracked wheat porridge you feel like eating. The prices of everything, especially gasoline, is higher than back East and South.
But to give one to Covington, the Northwest Republic is at least an idea which is attainable, perhaps soon, given determination and leadership. What Christian Identity views as being done on a ZOGland-wide scale during the Great Tribulation as a sort of Spanish Reconquesta in a short time can also have a sort of IRA colonial war in the Northwest. I have no fight with Covington wanting to do with 1,000 warlords in three and a half states the same thing I want and think entirely possible with 10,000 warlords in 49 states.
So, what difference does it make as to what state becomes an ethnostate? First what must happen is for ZOG/Babylon to fall apart in order to not be able to force the periphery in rebellion back into the fold. The notions of a ‘peacefool, voting secession against ZOG/Babylon by whiggers is ridiculous. Rebellion by Whites against ZOG will end up being a bloody thing because no parasite, be they whiggern regime-criminal or mud or jew will want to stop living off of Whitey. Until Whitey wants to live and is ready to survive by slaughtering without remorse whigger regime-criminal traitors and muds and jews galore, then no successful Revolution is possible.
So thus Covington has the advantage in actually thinking and writing and planning it, and in the past year or so, what with the podcasts and forums and blogs and Obamanation, has made strides towards his goal. Thus trying to change the focus to some other state simply because you don’t like Covington has a sort of silly petty pattern to it. Even if portions of Washington and Oregon don’t secede, as ZOG falls apart and places from Montana to the Dakotas decide that they want to be part of a regional ethnostate, then will Covington or anyone else who is a successful bigger warlord decide not to take in those who want a unified to some extent government? Probably not. Throughout the history of mankind, be it at the end of the Greek Dark Age from 1200-800 BC, Western Civilization’s Dark Ages from 476-1492 AD and from China being ruled by 14 warring nations to reunification through imperial warfare, empires have fallen apart and once stripped down to a common denominator of nationalism, re-arose to form new empires, which in turn fell apart.
Remember: Since whiggers are no longer able to support theysselfs, and the niggers and beaners never were able to feed themselves, a White Revolution in which whiggers and muds are ruthlessly exterminated by biological and conventional weapons with nuclear weapons used as available, can be successful and upon clearing out all the whigger traitors and mud dross, a population of a few million White survivors can resume anew. But not wanting to survive because of idiotic scruples which serve as a disguise for cowardice is the mark of the whigger, and bitching about it is the jewb of the edjewmacated intellectual.
Hail Victory!!!
Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri
Very true Hunter. As you know I was very hesitant about being called a “conservative” at one time. Now I just do or more commonly an “American patriot” and people listen more now.
Labels do now.
Labels do matter*
I’ll have what he’s having…
Nothing says bat-shit crazy like the guy who ends a Nuclear Holocaust endorsement with “Church of Jesus Christ Christian.”
Hail Clozapine!!
If you enjoy ‘cambria will not yield’, you might also enjoy ‘Spirit, Water, Blood’. Kievsky is doing good work as well, though eastern orthodox christians are harder for me to decipher… still, the more the merrier.
Thanks Gerard, I will check it out 🙂
Is Kievsky writing on Eastern Orthodox Christianity these days? I thought he was a Mormon.
Lord of the Rings & Enoch Powell
Following Hunter’s reference to marriage reform, I think White Advocates should support the abolition of No Fault Divorce where ever they find it. If a guilty party (oftentimes female) was punished for their transgressions, what we would see is men starting to become interest in marriage again once it was a more attractive contract. The rate of women interested does not change but we have seen a “marriage strike” in recent decades over marriage really ceasing to have any desireable attributes for a man that he can’t get cheaper outside of marriage.
Alimony should be illegal in cases where a woman works outside her home. Furthermore, divorce courts, as courts of exchequer, should be unconstitutional. The unconstitutionality of such courts should be an effort we should work towards.
As for abortion, criminalizing it would increase the White birth rate. If we abolished the welfare state and allowed the NAMs to simply starve to death and not receive medical care, we could way overcompensate for any increases in their numbers through abortion criminalization.
Well now I’m confused. I confess I don’t really know Mr. Kievsky’s religious affiliation for sure. I tend to associate Russian/Ukrainian sir-names with the eastern orthodox, but I could be wrong this time. Perhaps we can get Mr. Kievsky to comment?
“I just tell people: I am a hardcore conservative, a border hawk, an opponent a multiculturalism, a strong supporter of “family values” and pro-natal policies, an opponent of “big spenders” who waste taxpayer dollars on “foreign aid,” and liberal hypocrisy and double standards on racial issues.”
My strategy too. And every word gains a respectful hearing and lots of nods in Wyoming.
I’m all for ending abortion on demand and the welfare state, but when that happens, white people better be willing to step up to the plate and help poor whites. There are more poor honkies in this country then any other demographic. And lots of them have been sucked into the govt. welfare/social security lie. But it will be good for them to relearn how to work, and for those of us who are still working, to relearn how to give back responsibly to our less fortunate brethren, personally. Nothing builds community and mutual understanding like personal charity dispensed with tough love. Just understand that ending these bad policies won’t make poverty go away among our people.
And I’m not worried about NAM’s starving to death on a large scale. They tend to take care of their own much better then we do. Whatever they can’t provide for themselves, they will steal from old wealthy whites who are busy spending their children’s inheritance like the popular RV bumper sticker says. Prosperous whites better decide now who they’re going to help when the economic shit really hits the fan, because they can’t defend it by themselves, and they sure as hell can’t take it with them to the grave.
Robert Campbell says: “Is Kievsky writing on Eastern Orthodox Christianity these days? I thought he was a Mormon.”
Kievsky used to be a Creator. He’s experimenting, still searching, apparently.
Kievsky is married to a Russian and studied over there. He himself is not Russian, as far as I know.
“White Zionist” is tacky, Hunter. Just tacky. Please let’s forget you ever tried it.
Wyoming is not a “fun state” with a lot of flashy cities like Seattle or Portland. Greg Johnson would never move there. This is another advantage that Wyoming has over Washington.
Bwahahahahaha. I’ faith, son!
These are great posts. Who else in the blaghosphere is analyzing where best for WNs to live in Kwa2011?
Between WY and ID, I’d go with WY for lack of direct propinquity with SWPL-landia. Federal ownership of half its land is worrying. Bleakness also worrying. I may, before permanently jumping ship on this titanic “jungle encampment” of a state, have a look at WY. We could all do much worse as a gang than to experiment with regionalism.
Those with strong prejudice against this sort of thing are those you want to avoid, I find. Too selfish. Too old. Too macho. We actually need a bit of “SWPL” sensibility to do anything more than comment white-powerfully at each other on the net.
That’s one endorsement for criminalization and starving kids to death.
Nuclear Holocaust – 1
Criminalization and starving to death – 1
I also think the landlocked isolation of Wyoming would be a great destination for Hunter and others. You’d share a common strategic characteristic with other powerhouse economies of the world like Ethiopia, Chad, Laos, Bolivia, Nepal, Afghanistan, and many of the other poorest developing countries in the world. Hunter could even lead this great migration in a 21st century Trail of Tears.
I’m still waiting on Hunter to come out of his bunker and speak about his personal involvement with depressing the White birthrate.
The “metapolitical” warriors could write a book explaining how the divorce laws, feminism, abortion, and expressive individualism contributed to the rise of the uninhibited, free range, fat of the land SWPL plague.
The female incarnation of the SWPL is closely linked to abortion and feminism. Outlawing abortion would certainly reduce their numbers.
Here’s something I hadn’t considered: if abortion was devolved back to the states, the Red States could pass anti-abortion laws that would be a strong SWPL deterrent.
Again, are you personally depressing the White birthrate? If so, why? Any of your personas are welcomed to answer.
I just wanted to say that I liked Gerard Bonneau’s response to my post and I agree with him about helping less fortunate Whites. We would be indeed better people if we stopped being so selfish and cared about our fellow whites.
Wyoming is not a “fun state” with a lot of flashy cities like Seattle or Portland. Greg Johnson would never move there. This is another advantage that Wyoming has over Washington.
The “fun” of these trendy places the kids talk about is very overrated. In college I worked with a bitchy girl at a Pizza Parlor who always whined about how “there’s nothing to do in this town” and she ran off to Chicago every weekend. But to do what? It’s not like these people spend all their times at the Opera or the Museum, all they do is sit around an apartment drinking and eating potato chips, you can do that anywhere. What these people really mean about “nothing to do” is that they HATE the local people and some of “the grass is always greener on the other side.”
The problem with rural areas is everything is so far away you have to drive and then end up getting DUI’s. I do like some town large enough that there is a bar and people you know within walking distance, living 10 miles from your nearest neighbor might be fun for a month, but in the long run it would prove problematic, especially if you had a medical emergency or recovering from a broken leg or something. A place within a town of 25,000 is livable, but way out on a ranch? Another thing about moving in general is it is best to stay under 800 miles from where your family is from, somewhere that if you get an emergency phone call from home you can set out in you car in the morning and make it there in a day. Living out on the West Coast and having family in the midwest you’d need to spend $1500 on a last minute airline ticket or spend three days in your can each way. Now I like 150 miles from the folks and it’s far enough for some breathing space but close enough so I can visit any day I feel like it, let alone without taking two weeks vacation.
I’m still waiting on Hunter to come out of his bunker and speak about his personal involvement with depressing the White birthrate.
This is how women argue. Hunter may be a useless scrivener in your view, but your view evidently excludes the raging abortion-happy cunts who happen to be white and not in the least interested in any of our very grave concerns, being empty and deracinated. In short, not his fault. I’m sure he has tried. As we all have. Construing his or any WN’s failure to breed as sharing in birthrate depression is truly an exercise in bad faith, usually by WN females, as brainless & petty as their non-WN counterparts. But because you get behind abortion, you can spare your judgement of the aborting white nigger female and turn on Hunter as though he’s the fucking cause of falling white numbers. Grow up, dude. Or go read that asshole Guessedworker, he also relies on his daughter as an arguing point against the childless. You shouldn’t be MOCKING a white man for not having sons, but WISHING him better fortune, asshole.
What these people really mean about “nothing to do” is that they HATE the local people and some of “the grass is always greener on the other side.”
Once upon a time, there was “nothing to do” anywhere for thousands of miles. Then more cities, and railroads and highways. Then cities became run-off receptacles for women, weak for bright lights, variety and lotharios. “Nothing to do” is code for modern discontent, the mantra of those who have no sense of the past and no interest in their ethnic future. “To do” is: movies, niggers, bars, sushi restos, malls. Any female hot for “to do” is thus already a nigger.
You know, it’s like people think one can just swing by a store and pick up a good-looking or even homely chick willing to breed and be coached into racialism. A world in which women aren’t principally out for money and group validation. Doesn’t work that way. That I or anyone must explain this is surreal. Being challenged that way is absurd, like arguing with children or one’s parents, or with women, all of whom erect funhouse mirrors to stymie plain reporting of the obvious.
“It’s the Jews.”
“No IT ISN’T!”
“Women love niggers and abortion.”
“You know your chihuahua isn’t a person, right?”
“Shut UP he is SO!”
“Um. God … doesn’t … exist.”
And so on. That is how one ought to view Celestial Time’s catty blame-game.
“Nothing to do” = neurological shallowness. Avoid.
The “metapolitical” warriors could write a book explaining how the divorce laws, feminism, abortion, and expressive individualism contributed to the rise of the uninhibited, free range, fat of the land SWPL plague.
Don’t give them any fucking ideas! That one sentence is sufficient. Although, Jones’ Libido Dominandi is in that vein.
“How women argue,” then immediately speak about “cunts”…..”usually by WN females, as brainless & petty as their non-WN counterparts.” Been jilted much?
I’m not mocking a White man; I’m mocking a little boy who has a history of jumping from one position to the other, incessant straw man fallacies, and being the Sybil of the pro-White scene. I wouldn’t wish that burden on any White woman, maybe because I don’t view them as being a “cunt” for walking their own paths.
Has Hunter “Sybil” Wallace ever claimed to have been married? Is he married? Has he ever claimed to have had kids? Does he have kids?