Amren 2011

Leftists are once again attempting to shutdown an Amren conference

North Carolina

There are conflicting reports that the 2011 Amren conference in Charlotte has been cancelled due to anti-racist pressure.

I got a phone call about this last night from a reliable source who said that some black city councilman got the hotel to cancel the reservation. There is nothing about a cancellation on the Amren website though.

Matt Parrott claims that Jared Taylor has personally assured him that the conference will go on as scheduled. Until I hear otherwise, I will take his word for it.

A few thoughts:

(1) This is exactly what happened last year.

The 2010 conference was cancelled. Then it was on again. It was cancelled again as I walked into the door of that Washington hotel. Then it was on again.

(2) Jeffrey Imm was the culprit last time around.

Last year, I personally confronted and denounced Imm in the streets of Washington on two separate occasions. It was a early lesson in the unwillingness of “rhetorical radicals” on the internet to stand up for their beliefs in public.

(3) At the last conference, there was a lot of talk about lawsuits.

What happened to the lawsuits against the hotels that cancelled the 2010 conference? I never heard anything further about the matter.

(4) The ability of our enemies to cancel our hotel reservations is a sad reflection of the hopeless disorganization that prevails in the White Nationalist movement.

The idea of a pro-White “Legal Defense Fund” has been floated for decades now. This is something that should have been acted on forty or fifty years ago.

(5) This is a natural consequence of “rejecting the system.”

We don’t have the political power to defend even our most basic civil liberties anymore. No one has any incentive to rush to our defense. By rejecting the system, we only reinforce the ability of these thugs to push us around.

(6) The vanguard has worked itself up into another frothing rage at Jared Taylor and Amren in the TOO comments.

There are idiots over there denouncing Jared Taylor as the enemy for not being anti-Jew enough for their tastes. This only reinforces my belief that these people are an embarrassment to White Nationalism.

(7) We need to seriously reflect upon why we lack the resources to defend ourselves.

Another year has gone by now that was largely wasted from an explicit standpoint. The focus on rhetorical radicalism and abstract ideas has come back to bite us in the ass once again.

About Hunter Wallace 12408 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. There’s way too much philosemitism and asiaphilia on that site for my tastes. Lots of people think American Renaissance is part of the controlled opposition. I really don’t think Jared Taylor is trying very hard in seeking recompense for last years debacle. The Gifford shooting and linking it to AMREN when there were more jucier, anti-semitic targets raises my suspicions even further. I’m also puzzled why he keeps holding these conferences in America’s liberal bastions of niggerism and progressive thought where the city can make a concerted effort to shut them down. Why not hold it somewhere like Spokane WA, Springfield MO or Knoxville TN? I predict next years will be in Detroit, Fort Wayne, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, Baltimore or Queens.

  2. If Jared goes off into solemnly droning on like a Jr. Mommy Prof about crime and IQ stats he might as well head home because his conference will be cancelled. (my guess is that is what he will do)

    If he notes the anti-White (there is that phrase again) double standards, the violence of the anti-White types and repeats this as his talking point it stands a chance of prevailing.

    As for the screamers of “muds and kikes” they have failed for decades, these incompetants have roiled the waters and to show for it they have a small band of News & Jews obsessives, part of whom are the anti-White orgs and law enforcement provacateurs.

  3. Yes the question is how do you get millions of whites to identify with a movement? Scream in esoteric fashion about kikes or find similarity with your targeted audience.

    Any of the jew obsessive feel free to answer and give us your stories of success.

  4. I disapprove of the way Taylor will not articulate what he really thinks about Jews – he only articulates his desire to ignore the question – I find it sort of opportunistic. I agree that he should not necessarily use the issue as a litmus test, but on the other hand, he could say what he believes in without banning people.

    By the way I am somebody who rejects putting to the blame on Jews and yes, I use the Marxist-Leninist method of class conflict to explain most of our problems from imperialism to immigration. I really don’t care if this comes off as “out of the regular line.”

    That being said, I hope he does prevail. It’s annoying that a business can so easily be made to alter its mind with a few phone calls.

    If that’s the case, next time I get a job, I better make sure “my net enemies” don’t figure out where it is.

  5. There were far better targets for the JDL to go after. They did this to draw the public’s attention to AMREN in the same way they attack other people to muster up public sympathy for them like Sarah Palin. It’s called herding.

  6. The JDO is not the JDL.

    The JDL is a big time organization.

    The JDO is a few people on the internet.

    And another organization – the JTF – is against immigration and makes strong anti-black comments, yet it still thinks Taylor is “a nazi.’

  7. Do you think a legitimate White Nationalist organization would promote race mixing and diversity? Use your heads people.

  8. I think American Renaissance is great and is often a perfect “first step” for Whites considering the dangerous heresy of White nationalism.

    It simply doesn’t work to throw the whole world of White racialism with NAMING THE JEW as the source of all evil in the world at regular Whites in the first contact, or with most White ever. One must “finesse” the issue.

    American Renaissance is very effective and that is why the anti White forces spend a lot of time and money attacking Amren. It shouldn’t be a surprise that folks in the Department of Homeland Security used their connections to Fox News to slander American Renaissance Magazine as being connected to the Arizona Shooting.

    That said, American Renaissance has to come up with some better responses to these successful efforts by antis to intimidate, shut down American Renaissance conferences. These disruptive tactics of the Left work, they work on American college campuses where any alternative views, even mainstream conservative views are not allowed, denied by the power of the Left’s mob.

  9. I would agree that AMREN is a first step on the road to White Nationalism. That’s where I got my start but don’t be suckered into it. Jared Taylor used to date an oriental woman and many speakers showing up at these conferences bring their non-White spouses. What’s that all about? Use some common sense. Your a fool if you don’t think our elites and the media are using reverse psychology to shape opinion.

  10. Good observations. One of the strongest arguments for participating in the system is that every other group does it. In the meantime, we are so poorly organized we can’t even defend our most basic rights. It’s pitiful and disheartening. As much as I would like to support Jared Taylor and enjoy some fellowship with White racialists in the real world, I have no plans to attend because I don’t want to travel and end up wasting my time.

  11. Jack you effed up there with the “antis”, that is SF and VNN jargon which allows the “antis” to play the moralizing good guys and the vanguard to play the bad guy radicals who want to incinerate little Anne Frank.

    Careful with your language one word can ruin whole works.

  12. The fact is, it’s not only these Jews, it’s everybody.

    The hotel is listening to a small group of Jews and a congressmen.

    If the JDO (not the JDL) was despised, they’d be told to shut up. I don’t see anyone important telling them that.

    In this case there is a Jewish cause, but not a “single Jewish cause.”

  13. I think the matter still needs to be addressed as they set a presedence for any future organization under the banner of pure explicitly white groups. Yes Jared is clearly a philosemite for what ever reasons he justifys even with the mass genocide and take over of our lands clearly brought on in part due to the jewish efforts. If we can fight them in the court room then we can set a presednce for any future white organization to meet up.
    I say we start a legal defense fund along with TOQ, TOO, Alt-Right, VDare, cess pool, COCC, and others I am ready to donate right now lets rais forty grand and get to haveing attorneys file civil rights violations law suits and clearly there could be a class action and even make some of dat black money day make in dem civo suitz..

  14. Iceman – the JDO is claiming that THEY got other to do their bidding, as they proclaimed last year.

    Would ANY of this be happening if we never allowed Hebes to infest our worlds?

    This is the essential question.

    Why are you, and others, trying to mitigate the source of this oppression?

  15. I emailed AmRen last night to thank them for broadcasting the 2011 conference on-line – I received a reply this morning from the assistant editor, Stephen Webster, thanking me for my gratitude.

    I hope this conference is not cancelled.

  16. If you are compelled to defer to another group – that group has ALL the power.

    The fact that Taylor refuses to fight the source of his issues is despicable. He was handed those slander lawsuits on a silver platter – and did nothing. Why?

    I was seriously cheesed at Taylor and Co last year – but he’s had a year to get his act together. What is going ON with him? The questions about his choice of venues re more important, than even the way he’s (not) handling his attackers.

    I think it really comes down to the fact that he and his cohorts still believe this is a game. A gentleman’s game. He is not serious about what he is doing at all. He’s a dilenttante, in the end, as fr as I can tell.

    I believe this will be the Last Hurrah for the AmRen conferences. They are going out with the proverbial Whimper.

    Oh well. Time for serious Whites to act.

  17. let’s imagine a world where only Jews opposed Jared taylor.

    how far would they get?

    though I do agree that Jews, and apparently a congressman too, got the ball rolling.

  18. A tectonic shift is taking place right now, and in addition to money and poverty and power issues, it is much involved with anger toward Israel and the forces supporting Israel. Various coverage including sometimes extended live of the riots, fires, fighting, tanks, etc, throughout Egypt, can be seen at
    which i have been watching.
    Protests have also been in Yemen in the last few days, and today also starting in Jordan (Jordan and Egypt are big supporters of the US role in the Middle East [spell that I-s-r-a-e-l], or at least relatively for the US). Or Course, the old Tunisia has already fallen. The rulling parting of Egypt’s main building in Cairo has 6 stories of it engulfed in flames. On one of the live Aljazeera inteviews, a guy standing in front of the US capital is talking about, of course, concern, with dominos all falling over, and the issues of Israel.
    There are even reports of the military going over to the support of the demonstrators (but it is hard to know what is really going on). Some video is arial view of vast crowds pushing police lines aside.

  19. On any other political movement’s site, people would be lining up to support a figure like Taylor. They’d be volunteering their efforts, writing checks. They’d come up with legal strategies. They’d figure out a disruption-proof way to hold the conference.

    The last thing they’d be doing is piling on Taylor and blaming the problems on him for not being ideologically pure enough. *shakes head*

    But I’m just a caveman. Your “white nationalism” confuses me.

  20. What annoys me about this is the principle. If you just bitch and moan enough to gullible people, you can get them to alter their business practices out of fear of controversy. Because the media hates white activists, the controversy would be greater then if it was done in the name of another cause. Therefore the motive for people to impulsively alter their business practice is greater then for other causes. These people I think are afraid of negative press. They should not be because the JDO is a tiny organization with little influence.

  21. Iceman: “The fact is, it’s not only these Jews, it’s everybody.”

    But the leading role is played by Jewish activists. And they are targeting Amren because it tries to play a leading role in the anti-immigration movement. It’s not only Amren who is against immigration, it’s everybody. But it makes sense to go after the leaders. It is the most effective strategy.

  22. Its not “muds and kikes” who are ruining Mr Taylor’s Crime and IQ stats conference it is the anti-Whites.”

  23. Yeah, it would be nice if AmRen sued everyone that did this to them. Definitely the way to go.

    So here’s an example I would like to relate, from my own personal experience, of the wonderful benefit that accrues from suing.

    My local parish church had it to its eyeballs with the kooky, left-wing commies of the “national church” and told them to take a flying leap. As you might imagine, the rector got fired by the bishop, little things like “due process” or “labor law” not withstanding.

    So the rector sues the bishop in state court.

    After six years and $500,000 in legal fees and expenses — mostly but not entirely “eaten” by the lead attorney who was a parishioner and a willing soldier for The Cause but which was also covered by many, many “Widow’s Mites” — THEY LOST.

    Not only lost but CREAMED. MINCE MEAT. PULVERIZED.

    It seems the state judge simply agreed more with the thinking of the Soviet-inspired “national church” more than he did with explicit state labor laws.

    My parish is loaded with Blue Bloods. It was endowed by the founder of one of the world’s gigantic pharmas and there is a century of trust funds in its coffers. It had one of the state’s top litigators at its disposal, and all of his juniors let alone the partnership.


    Any of you guys want to rip AmRen some more because they didn’t go piss in the wind over this?

    Any of you want to cough up your inheritance to fund the opening salvo of what is a waaaay more controversial and waaaay broader law suit than some obscure parochial dispute?

    I thought so.

  24. Since we are witnessing an actual revolution underway that at least appears to be popular and somewhat successful so far, lets take a look at what they are saying. This is from an actual leaflet being passed out by the organizers of the protests.

    1. Assemble with your friends and neighbors in residential streets far away from where the security forces are.

    2. Shout slogans in the name of Egypt and the people’s freedom (positive slogans.)

    3. Encourage other residents to join in (again with positive language.)

    4. Go out into the major streets in very large groups in order to form the biggest possible assembly.

    5. Head toward important government buildings-while shouting positive slogans- in order to take them over.

    Did anyone note what it said–positive slogans i.e. not the Egyptian worlds equivalent of infusing Holocaust revisionism, 911 conspiracy, and talk about “muds” etc. into the protest. They know everybody there hates Mubarak and blames him for their poverty. No need to go over the top and appear so radical that they lose support from members of the security apparatus who are wavering as to which side to support.

  25. What have any of these conferences ever achieved for white nationalists or even for Jared Taylor besides stroking his ego? The really sad thing is that it will probably make no difference to the white nationalist agenda whether this conference goes ahead or not. The Jews will continue to use tools such as Jeffrey Imm to further their own agenda while fools like Jared Taylor will continue to pretend that Jews are our friends.

  26. The last thing they’d be doing is piling on Taylor and blaming the problems on him for not being ideologically pure enough. *shakes head*

    Why on earth would any sane white nationalist want to donate time, money or energy to help a man who will just turn around and pretend that Jews are our friends? I just don’t like helping idiots whether they are ideologically pure or not.

  27. let’s imagine a world where only Jews opposed Jared taylor

    Who ever said that only Jews oppose Jared Taylor? My problem with Taylor is that he refuses to acknowledge that Jews are the enemies of the white nationalist movement. This does not mean that I believe that Jews are the only enemies of the white nationalist movement.

  28. Joe – your church should have LEFT the national Commie HQ – and started up again. That’s going on around my parts, cause people are sick of the Commie BS. The Church is the congregation – not the building.

    The American Episcopalians have done this; alas, the congregants are fighting over Real Estate.

    Jared Taylor had a silver platter handed to him over the Loughner issue. I think he would hav won, over this, by suing Fox. The author of the slander. Never mind the dispruptions w/ the conferences. After ALL the DC authorities refused to do a bloody thing over death threats – I ws one of the folks beeyaching about changing the venue. Never mind the disruptions – the fact that the FBI et al did NOTHING about the death threats to hotel staff is the chilling, and instructive part.

    We have to be SMART about how we do things. It’s not merely about tossing fiat script around.

    He could have chosen a place where he would have a better chance of the Local Powers assisting in helping the AmRen crowd – and I am one of the folks scheduled to show, this year – enjoy their Constitutionl rights to free assembly, and free speech.

    Charlotte is BRA. That ought to have been the END of ny consideration to that locale. The AmRen crowd who intends to attend will go anywhere. I’d rather drive to MethLab WV, where the local yokels are more inclined to fight the revenoo-er, or fly to Butt-end, MT, in the Freemen terrain, than worry about posh, charming accomodations.

    Taylor has a long history of pander

    I’m still scheduled to go. I was gonna drive. The folks I know who are going are still going.

  29. Will the defenders of Jared Taylor please explain what he has achieved for the white nationalist movement in all his years of pandering to the Jews? Besides these silly conferences where people treat him like he is some kind of rock star.

  30. It’s pretty embarrassing to make the same mistake two years in a row. Couldn’t he get some Likudnik faction to guarantee a venue for him?

  31. “I believe this will be the Last Hurrah for the AmRen conferences. They are going out with the proverbial Whimper. Oh well. Time for serious Whites to act.”

    Have at it. Show us what you can do. The most likely result is that you will never organize one conference, one monthly publication or even one talk radio appearance. You won’t even reveal your real name(s).

  32. “Will the defenders of Jared Taylor please explain what he has achieved for the white nationalist movement in all his years of pandering to the Jews? Besides these silly conferences where people treat him like he is some kind of rock star.”

    1. Started a monthly publication, kept it running for over 20 years and never missed an issue. He did all this while working a regular job that has him out of the country for 3-4 months of the year.

    2. Appeared on C-SPAN, Fox, CNN, MSNBC and literally hundreds of national and local radio shows to debate blacks and leftist whites in person and on camera – often while outnumbered 4-5 to 1.

    3. Went to numerous colleges and meetings (often on his own dime) to talk about race and advocate for whites.

    4. Assembled academics, scientists and journalists from around the world who have made great sacrifices to speak the truth on race.

    5. Assembled at least 4 special reports on race, crime and immigration which he distributes to the media.

    6. Serves as a source of information for at least 3 well known conservative columnists.

    7. Threw away a lucrative career in finance to advocate for people who look like you.

    8. Uses his real name despite getting death threats and threats to his job.

    9. Runs the organization – including the conference as part of a two-man group. This “rock star” deals with catering staff, takes pictures for the publication, introduces speakers, gives a talk and does media interviews all while the conference is going on. All without paying himself a salary.

    10. Wrote a best selling book on race and has self published 4 others over the last 20 years.

    Quite obviously, Joe Walker and Denise have accomplished much, much more for our people. But hey, maybe we should give Taylor a slight bit of credit for his meager efforts.

  33. Any of you guys want to rip AmRen some more because they didn’t go piss in the wind over this?

    Yeah, because it’s a slam dunk. You have a contract; you have a breach; and you have a breaching party that says that it was induced to breach by the bad guys you want to punish.

  34. Tell me if I’m wrong here, but how is this NOT representatives of the United States Government intervening to shut down a legal and private gathering of citizens because those citizens advocate rights for an oppressed ethnic group (whites) and have unpopular but protected views? I bet there are laws for this. Like Mighty, I’m happy to donate.

  35. Wanna bet that if Egypt and other countries go batsh*t crazy and turn into Iran, Israel is going to cry for – and get – way more “civilian” aid that you’d ever thought possible? God forbid that there’s a war; then Obongo will mimick Nixon in -73 and start flying in ammo and spareparts. We are living in interesting times…

  36. A few thoughts on the observations listed in this posting:
    1) Yes, the fact that no one is attempting legal action over this is frustrating. This is a clear case of breach of contract with the hotel. I do not understand why Jared Taylor refuses to sue these people. Or why he did not sue last time. Or why he did not sue Fox News for the Tucson massacre smear.
    2) Blaming Jews for everything and screaming about Jews may not be a useful tactic, but does it really matter? Jared Taylor goes out of his way to appease Jews yet he is still constantly smeared as an “anti-semite” by the media. Where are his Jewish friends and supporters? Why are none of them standing up for him?
    3) I am beginning to think that the Vanguardists are right about AmRen. What has the group done in its entire existence except publish a monthly magazine and hold conferences? It seems as if they are content to hold conferences and divert the attention of white nationalists while time runs out on us. In 10 or 15 years, America will be hopelessly lost. We don’t have time for polite conferences. Jared Taylor’s refusal to resist the trampling of his most basic rights reinforces my suspicions about him.

  37. Jared Taylor has his audience, which believes that Blacks are inferior to Whites, and his magazine approaches that issue from both a biological and a socio-statistical point of view. His message seems to be tailored for well-educated Whites, people who are convinced by facts and figures, and fear crime, bad schools, and high tax rates. What’s wrong with that? Better to start people on the road to racial awareness with the simple and easily documented facts of Black and Mexican wretchedness, than to scare them off with the whole package. Once Whites begin to feel comfortable thinking racially, they will then notice the differences between themselves and the Orientals and Jews. How many racists that you know are not down on the Chinese and Jews as well? The leftists who accuse Taylor of trying to put a respectable suit and tie on racism are right. Good for him.

  38. Jared Taylor has his audience, which believes that Blacks are inferior to Whites, and his magazine approaches that issue from both a biological and a socio-statistical point of view. His message seems to be tailored for well-educated Whites, people who are convinced by facts and figures, and fear crime, bad schools, and high tax rates. What’s wrong with that? Better to start people on the road to racial awareness with the simple and easily documented facts of Black and Mexican wretchedness, than to scare them off with the whole package. Once Whites begin to feel comfortable thinking racially, they will then notice the differences between themselves and the Orientals and Jews. How many racists that you know are not down on the Chinese and Jews as well? The leftists who accuse Taylor of trying to put a respectable suit and tie on racism are right. Good for him.

  39. Joe of the Mountain: The land and buildings owned by the “mainstream” protestant denominations are the pension funds for the leftists who control them. The hierarchies will fight tooth and nail to keep the property. They don’t care anything about the parishioners, except for their wallets. And when the time comes that nobody is sitting in the pews anymore, they’ll have carte blanche to sell it all off.

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