RIP Dave Lynch

Earlier today, Dave Lynch of Sacramento was raised to the Halls Of Valhalla.

For those unfamiliar with Dave he was a lifelong advocate of white people and worked tirelessly to bring justice to our people.  Lynch was a driven and highly motivated leader and charismatic man that led a turbulent yet increasingly effective community of men and women in the skinhead scene and beyond.

Raised in San Francisco during the 1980’s, he is survived by two daughters and an unborn child.

Dave was a great man.  I knew Dave as a tough, street smart, and passionate man who deeply loved his family, the future of our people, and the legacy of white advocates such as Bob Mathews and surviving members of The Order.

I will miss his guidance and laughter like the loss of my own brother.

9-26-1970 / 3-2-2011


  1. The 1st time I met Dave, he spoke to me as if we’d been friends for years. He had a big passion for life and a bigger heart.

    Speaking of him in past-tense is not something I thought I would have to do, not in this decade anyhow.

    He was a brave warrior, a loving father and a top notch friend.
    He’ll be missed by many!

  2. Unity is everything, community is more. What can you realistically hope to achieve? Keep reaching for the stars, strive for greatness one day you might get there.

  3. I will miss him he was one of the few who were still willing to play it safe and put it out there realizing he was one of only a few true remaining elders not fearful of death who could make an impact and his life was truely a shining example.
    I am very upset at the Zionist, ADL and SPLC etc trying to make this man a monster never lived the sort of life they could bludgeon and distort.
    When I first met Dave I was a crazy drug addicted skin who had been a nazi punk as the new AF type skin scenes made there way to socal.
    They told me drugs werent to be tolerated nor the type of behaviour I had engadged in at that time. Dave and the others in the crew were right and like many of my comrads steered far from the course. Dave always tried to steer folk right.
    I am a few years older than he is but to this day when he would see me he would say I am glad you finally woke up..

    Youll be greatly missed , Always remember and never forgotten.
    We have lost many of brothers in a short time and may all take their sets in Valhalla

  5. Read how my local northern California paper (from AP) reports this: To me it reads like: “This is no big deal since he was a “white supremacist organizing against minorities. There was a person of interest but he wasn’t arrested.” Perhaps the shooter will be the new hero of the sick MSM – it wouldn’t surprise me. Any why in the hell is the SPLC notified that he was killed? So they could have a party? GRRRRR………
    HEIGHTS — A man fatally shot in a suburban home outside Sacramento is believed to be a longtime white supremacist leader known for organizing skinhead groups against minorities.

    Citrus Heights police say they arrived at a home early Wednesday morning to find a 40-year-old man shot dead with wounds to his head and upper torso. A woman also had been shot in the leg.

    Police did not release the victim’s identity, but The Sacramento Bee reports that the home is owned by David Lynch, founder of the white nationalist group American Front.

    The Southern Poverty Law Center, a hate group watchdog, says law enforcement sources have confirmed to them that Lynch is the victim.

    Citrus Heights police interviewed a man as a person of interest in the case but did not arrest him.

  6. Here’s hoping that Dave’s soul has just now been reincarnated in to a kick as* White baby, who’s ready for a great life of fighting and winning great things for our people.

    I think we all should get over this “rest in peace” thinking as it leads to encouraging white Americans to

    live in peace

    never fighting for anything, always just trying to get along, not get in to any conflicts, always agreeing with whoever is in the room.

    Yeah, let’s encourage White people, especially White youth to

    cause some trouble

  7. According the papers the shooter was a former employee he may have fired, and also a meth user/dealer. Anyone hear anything else about the circumstances of the shooting?

  8. See you in Vallhalla brother. Definately saddened to hear this news, especially as I am also from SF only quite a bit younger. It’s hard to imagine any form of resistance here now! Let’s let the news reporting of this event be a wakeup call to the face that we are surrounded by enemies all around and to die in battle against them is the greatest honor a man can know!

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