Django Unchained: Quentin Tarantino’s New Anti-Southern Racial Revenge Film

Quentino Tarantino's new movie Django Unchained takes hatred of the American South to a whole new level

Antebellum South

It was only a matter of time.

Black Run America has become so thoroughly and casually hostile to White people that we have lived to see the advent of the anti-White racial snuff film.

The first sign of this was Quentin Tarantino’s Inglourious Basterds (2009) which was unambiguously a Jewish fantasy revenge film on Germans, an escape valve for savage anti-German feelings among Jews, that had no basis in fact or history.

Then came Machete (2010) which was about Hispanic illegal aliens in the Southwest fighting with and triumphing over corrupt American nativists and border vigilantes. That one struck a little closer to home.

Briefly going outside of this particular anti-White sub-genre, the negro Idris Elba was recently cast as Heimdall, a Germanic god, in the new Thor (2011) movie which is now in theaters. The CofCC has organized a Thor boycott. snarkly described Idris Elba as “our favorite Nordic god.”

In case you think Hollywood only picks on Nazis and White pagans, the actor Jim Caviezel who played Jesus in Passion of the Christ (2004) recently told the Daily Mail that Hollywood has blacklisted him and destroyed his career for having the audacity to play the Savior in one of the most fervently Christian nations in the world.

Mel Gibson – who went outlaw – is the most hated man in Hollywood on account of his “anti-Semitism.” He reportedly told Caviezel: “You’ll never work in this town again.” Caviezel responded, “We all have to embrace our crosses.”

Hollywood and White People

It has been obvious to us for the longest time that Hollywood has racial scores to settle with a number of different White groups: Christians, Germans, pro-Whites, and White males in general who are almost always depicted in Hollywood movies as buffoons, Jack Black in Tropic Thunder (2008), or as villains, Agent Smith in The Matrix (1999).

Who can forget Clint Eastwood’s martyrdom for diversity, multiculturalism, and tolerance in Gran Torino (2009)? The sheer racial and ideological antipathy toward White people in Hollywood movies is now so overwhelming that I all but quit watching them a long time ago – perhaps a mistake, considering the focus of this blog.

All this goes hand in glove with Hollywood’s relentless promotion of non-Whites, especially blacks, as geniuses, heroes, and positive role models: Will Smith saving the world in Independence Day (1996), Morgan Freeman playing God in Bruce Almighty (2003), or more recently, the utterly implausible Danny Glover as President of the United States in 2012 (2009)

There is so much material to work with here that someone could do a Black Run America website on nothing but anti-White racial stereotypes and clichés in Hollywood movies. Hint: we need more collaborators.

You could start with Guess Who Is Coming To Dinner? (1967), a “groundbreaking” film about interracial marriage starring Sidney Poitier and Katharine Hepbern, and track the evolution of the portrayal of blacks down to Will Smith in The Legend of Bagger Vance (2000), where he plays the quintessential “magic negro.” has a great new book coming out on Friday called “Hollywood in Blackface” that explores the depiction of blacks in movies in Black Run America. It will be a great addition to your racial library. Buy a copy.

Hollywood and The South

Of all the White groups that Hollywood dislikes, it is clear that White Southerners have long held a special place in their heart. We have always been one of their favorite targets for demonization.

In A Time to Kill (1996), Matthew McConaughey, Sandra Bullock, and Samuel Jackson star in a film about the fictional gang rape of a 10 year old black girl by “white supremacists” in Mississippi.

In Mississippi Burning (1988), William Dafoe and Gene Hackman play heroic federal agents from the Justice Department who descend on Mississippi to fight “hate” and “racism” and the Ku Klux Klan.

In Cold Mountain (2003), Jude Law and Nicole Kidman starred in a film that demonized the Confederate Home Guard.

In Glory (1989), Matthew Broderick led Denzel Washington and Morgan Freeman in the 54th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry in the War Between the States, where the Confederates kill Broderick and Washington and bury them together in a mass grave.

I will never forget Hollywood’s demonization of Gods and Generals (2003) which, virtually alone among films, depicted the Confederacy in a positive light and Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson as heroes.

Compare the treatment of Gods and Generals and The Passion of the Christ to the cooing over Brokeback Mountain (2005), which was about gay cowboys in Wyoming, or The Blind Side (2009), Sandra Bullock’s cinematic return to Mississippi where she adopts that negro football player, or either with Hancock (2008), Will Smith’s casting disaster as a superhero.

It is only in hindsight that all these films, which are seemingly unconnected, can be seen and interpreted in light of a common pattern – Black Run America – that reflects the anti-White, anti-Christian, anti-Southern zeitgeist of our age.

We live in a world where someone like Morris Dees who makes $304,000 a year, one of the highest salaries in Alabama, is invited to speak at universities to lecture others about the “white privilege” of people who live in trailer parks and support their families with food stamps.

Meanwhile, Jared Taylor of American Renaissance cannot rent a hotel conference room in Charlotte, North Carolina. Yet American academia is convinced that our society is so hobbled by “white privilege” and “institutional racism” that black people (like Will Smith, Denzel Washington, Morgan Freeman, President Barack Obama, etc.) cannot possibly succeed in such a racist environment.

Django Unchained

In the course of writing this article, I have drifted far off course, but I felt the historical context of this film was needed.

In many ways, Django Unchained (2012) is the culmination of the American imagination in Black Run America: an anti-White, Hollywood produced racial revenge movie distributed by the Weinstein Brothers (I don’t even have to say it) and set in the American South where a runaway slave becomes a bounty hunter who murders evil plantation owners.

The racial situation in America has swung so far to the other side of the pendulum that Hollywood is now making racially inflammatory movies to cater to the bloodlust in an emerging market of anti-White racial snuff films.

Needless to say, if the racial roles were reversed here, the American Left and the SPLC would be screaming bloody murder about “racism” and “hatred” and “stereotypes,” but because everyone knows that Germans and White Southerners are at the bottom of the racial totem pole in Black Run America, you can get away with making a movie about murdering White Southerners as White Southerners, or Germans as Germans, and make yourself a huge fortune off of it.

There isn’t a “racial double standard” here: it is a single standard that blacks and Jews are noble beings and Southerners and Germans are savage beasts who occupy another rung of the racial ladder somewhere below them.

Shabbos goy, Quentin Tarantino says:

“The title character Django is a freed slave, who under the tutelage of a German bounty hunter (Christoph Waltz) becomes a badass bounty hunter himself and after assisting Waltz on taking down some bad guys for profit, is in turn assisted by Waltz in tracking down his slave wife and liberating her from an evil plantation owner. And that doesn’t even half begin to cover it! This film deals with racism as I’ve rarely seen it handled in a Hollywood film. While it’s 100 percent pure popcorn and revenge flick, it is pure genius in the way it takes on the evil slave owning south. Think of what he did with the Nazis in Inglourious and you’ll get a sense of what he’s doing with slave owners and slave overseers in this one. It’s violent and funny and full of great Tarantino monologues and shoot outs (and slave rapes and slave tortures) and the center piece of the script is this fantastic relationship between Django and his Obi-Wan Waltz and it all just f*cking works in the way only Tarantino makes it work.”

It “f*cking works,” man.

No one in Hollywood has ever taken on “racism” in Nazi Germany or the “evil” American South before. The Pianist? Schindler’s List? Defiance?

We are breaking new ground here: the ground being that playing the Son of God in an American movie ruins your career, but hatred and demonization of White people, Christians, Germans and Southerners is now so mainstream in Hollywood that you have to murder us now (or eat us) to be edgy and take it to the next level.

Freddy Goldstein writes at YouTube:

“This is truly? a wet dream for me. All neo-nazi white supremacists deserve far worse than this. But this is ine of the greatest scenes ever in one of the best films of all time. Hail Bear!”

The Thor boycott was a good idea. We need to take it to the next level and boycott all Hollywood movies though.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent




  2. White southerners didn’t build this country. This country was built on free labor. It is really easy to create wealth when you’re not paying laborers. It is amazing that you consider yourselves religious yet discriminate based on the color of a man’s skin. I feel sorry for your children. You wreak of ignorance.

  3. There a clear and present nature of discrimination against, esp, white males in the usa. A black man/woman can make racist comments to whites and you will get other whites that will back the negro up, either with silence or laughter. Is this fear on the trader whites in this culture? I am proud to be white. I am proud of my heritage.

    There is definitely an unconscious war on, with no head to this spent, for the white ethnicity. I say to scribe that may read this. Be proud of your heritage, be dignified, take no quarter from the assailants that are many and proliferating with younger, evermore brainwashed

  4. ***revised. I apologize for initial comment. There was a technical issue with the comment box through my phone***

    There a clear and present nature of discrimination against, esp, white males in the usa. A black man/woman can make racist comments to whites and you will get other whites that will back the negro up, either with silence or laughter. Is this fear on the trader whites in this culture? I am proud to be white. I am proud of my heritage.

    There is definitely an unconscious war on, with no head to this serpent, for the white ethnicity. I say to that may read this. Be proud of your heritage, be dignified, take no quarter from the assailants that are many and proliferating with younger, evermore brainwashed

  5. My phone is not cooperating with the text box. I hope I made a point with my previous comment. Be proud. Hold your head high.

    The best approach is to remain dignified and relentless in our approach to a fair and balanced world. Do not fear confrontation. In fact, confront predjudice against us with knowledge to the inferior, brainwashed culture we live in. inform the uninformed about the mass and calculated design via media and the like to pit the whites against dark ethnicities and within our own ethnicity. We can rise.

    With much strength, courage and intelligence we will prevail.

  6. Every act of racial violence in this film needs to be taken in the context of a world where white people murdered black people with impunity. Under slavery whites could kill black people, rape them, and split up families on a whim. A passionate revolt against that truly revolting context is compelling and powerful and I can’t wait to see this movie.

    As a white person I am truly embarassed by your ignorance and urge you to learn some history and get some compassion and decency.

  7. JS,

    We live in a world today where blacks can murder and pillage whites with impunity. I’ll go further, the movie itself is set in a period where blacks were infact murdering whites with impunity in America and in Africa. Blacks are bongo drum thumping savages wherever you find them. They ought to be exterminated as a matter of pest control.

  8. “I can’t wait to see this movie” I didn’t and don’t plan to see it. Movies, TV and similar entertainment are worse than a waste of time. Let’s disconnect from the cultural influence.

    I agree with “get some compassion and decency” here — including decent English language free of vulgarity, profanity and urbanisms.

  9. I encourage all OD readers to take strong, personal action to resist this defamation of the Southern White Americans. We are dealing with dark, satanic forces. OD is certainly not an anti Semitic, Jew scapegoating blog. And I am confident the editor of this blog/web site and most of OD’s readers are firm but fair with individual Jewish Americans – some good, some not so good – as:

    “The Jews are like all people only more so.”

    That said, in this instance we have a clear, unmistakeable instance of extremely rich and powerful Hollywood Jews – the Weinstein Brothers deliberately producing and distributing sadistic, inciteful propaganda designed to incite poor Blacks/Negroes to commit murder and mayhem against White Southerners, White Americans, White Gentiles.

    In this case, sadly, yes it is true:

    “If the shoe fits”.

    Present present the simple, true facts about this horrible, satanic, anti White snuff film produced by powerful, evil, anti Christian Jews – the Weinstein Brothers.

    Please do your activism in your local area, use the appropriate level of force (boycotts, protests, letter writing campaigns). Please do note target innocent, Jewish people in your area that have nothing to do with this satanic, hate propaganda.

    We live in rough, dangerous times.

    In Christ’s name.

  10. Django Tarantino, DiCaprio, Weinstein… A depressing recurrent pattern of ethnic resentments there, me thinks? Lincoln, a Yiddish Director and an Irish-Jewish star actor. Could this stuff be more transparent?

  11. This is for Bobby,

    I don’t care about your skin color, but i am concerned about your stupidity, ignorance of American history and bigotry toward my people. What sickens me is that creeps like yourself can make hateful and callous remarks against my people with impunity while some callow White children may buy it. I refuse to have this Anti-White dogma brainwashing my young brethren into thinking that Whites are evil. Whites have been the most munificent race since the beginning of mankind. Hate on me and I’ll hate you back.

  12. I had been a big Tarentino fan. After the ridiculous Inglorious Basterds scene where the leading actress smooches/hugs her black male accomplice and then proceeds to incinerate a few hundred German men and women, I began to have my doubts. Now with Django, Tarentino once again goes to the well and loads-up with his cannon fodder of choice…….Caucasians.

  13. What about the fact that the bounty hunter/mentor character is a German guy? If Germans and Southerners inhabit a lower rung on the social ladder, what does it mean that Quentin Tarantino is pitting a German against the Southerners?

  14. research and you’ll find that not a single slave was brought in on a southern ship ,only northern vessels, in columbia sc where i live,northern soldiers left a # of BLACK women lying about the city unclothed and ravised, burnt down houses and even were burned up in some they were so drunk, the north raped the land and women of the south and it is said more were black rather than white, mr qt didn’t tell u this in his south hating ignorant movie did he, i must say i’m ashamed of him. for going after the south with such hatred when all 13 colonies owed slaves . Look up racist quotes from lincoln and you’ll see the hero that hollywood has made him,one day they will regret the lies to suite their own sick agenda!

  15. Here’s the deal- Race Sells… race is sexy and “racey” in that pr/marketing kind of way. It gets everyone all riled up. We now have a generation of white kids, like Tarantino, who talk just like him, in that snarky, hipster, over-analyzing race, race, race all the time, bashing other whites etc way. This is the culture we live in. It’s 24 hour a day Race, Race, Race, in your face. I can’t turn on a new channel or open up or any other major news website without some article on racism or white privilege.

    Upper Middle Class hipster Whites eat this stuff in some kind of creepy, masochistic, way. It’s almost like by chattering about this in that snarky Tarantino way, they remove themselves from it and can say, “look, I’m not a racist, I write articles about race and chastising others for their white privilge”. IDENTITY POLITICS, whether it’s about gays , blacks, whatever, rules the day. Liberals rule the country and the media, and they love endlessly obsessing about “power” and “privilege” and victimhood. IT’S LIKE A BIZARRE, CREEPY, INCESSANT OVER PSYCHO-ANALYZING OF THE AMERICAN PUBLIC AT ALL TIMES. They have built an entire sub-culture around this. It’s ALL that goes on now in NYC poetry clubs and comedy shows. Endless white-bashing, endless whining, endless charges of racism if whites even breathe, endless “I’m more of a victim than you”, whether it’s class/race/gender/sexuality. Totally pathetic, totally annoying to be around, totally mentally exhausting, total waste of energy, always meant to incite and piss people off.

    Tarantino is a dumb, unintellectual hipster filmmaker.

  16. Tarantino is another Narcissist who only cares about making money and his ego. Forget right and wrong.

    Also, I liked Pulp Fiction as a kid , but thinking back on it, the only thing interesting about it were the visuals and “funky” use of over-the-top stuff.

    He’s really over-rated.

  17. @Brian

    “A black man/woman can make racist comments to whites and you will get other whites that will back the negro up, either with silence or laughter. Is this fear on the trader whites in this culture? I am proud to be white. I am proud of my heritage. ”

    Many of those same whites are just laughing because they don’t know what to do and the situation makes them feel awkward and uncomfortable. They make a mental note after awhile to just avoid blacks.

    I see the same behavior you’re talking about a lot at poetry readings where blacks and other non-whites constantly exploit the situation as a way to read poems where the white characters are evil, re-enact slavery, etc, and be “the most provocative” (because that’s all that matters anymore) to get kudos from their fellow angry blacks and clearly as a way to psychologically disarm and intimidate whites, and yeah, some of the whites clap and cheer… because this has become “the norm” in our culture. It’s now “normal” to see blacks behave this way. It’s almost expected of them.

  18. I’m wondering about the film’s “take” today. I’ve bene extremely busy, of late. Jack – I did complain to the local movie house. I was very polite. I did not “Race Bait”any-one. I spoke to the manager. The Mgmt was already aware of the calls for protest. I explained “why” I had a huge problem with this film. I went into a sort of thumbnail sketch of global slavery, and Black on White violence, and why I took a “joke” about “killing all the White people” very very very seriously, in view of world history, and recent social trends. I told him to research everything we discussed, on his own. He was interested; he knew nothing about violence stats, etc. He was no dummy. He understood why I was voicing my concerns. It was interesting, yet depressing. So many Whites are completely oblivious.


  19. So E – since you are “half-Jewish” perhaps you can offer some insight into the White Privilege meme. I’d be curious to hear (read) your POV.

  20. I think Tarantino is completely round the bend. I saw a brief interview, last weekend, as he was promoting this racist snuff porn. He was practically droolling. Really. I’m not exaggerating. Also – his eyes were doing really strange things. The left eye seemed to be operating independently of the right, as well as incongruent to other emotional facial effects. His features – his facial expressions – seemed to be going off and doing their own thing, in relationship to his words. It was really strange. There seems to be real neurological damage at play.

  21. Shows the grip they have like octopi. You see it every damn where and sometimes wonder if you were better off before you knew Jew-ops.

    I know how you feel Gem, and I empathize. There is almost no TV show now where the ‘agenda’ doesn’t come shining through, in one form or another. I think the best description of the TV today truly is “the Electric Jew”.
    But no, we were most certainly not better off in ignorance, despite how depressing it can be to see what we now do. We have to keep pointing this stuff out to as many good people as we can, in as many ways as we can. The Truth is on our side, and we are not alone.

  22. I find it humorous that Americans hide from the stark brutality of their past and the history of how this nation rose to preeminence. Perhaps Tarantino will do a Native American piece next.

  23. Brian, there’s no point in arguing with a racist on an internet message board I’ve seen the movie myself and its excellent it doesn’t demonize anyone America already despises the slavery institution it just feeds the revenge factor of a freed slave of that time period so that being said leave these people alone America has already passed them by

  24. Brian, there’s no point in arguing with a racist on an internet message board I’ve seen the movie myself and its excellent it doesn’t demonize anyone America already despises the slavery institution it just feeds the revenge factor of a freed slave of that time period so that being said leave these people alone America has already passed them by

    English comp so passed you by. America has yet to reconcile with the black. And it will be a Terrible reckoning for blacks.

  25. Germans pretty sided with the yankee and negro to kill Southron Whites. that the negro would have a german side kick makes sense

  26. Suna and Tibato – when will the various Black run Nations of the African Continent establish an Abolition Movement? Slavery is thriving and expanding now, with the advent of Islam. Slavery has existed in Africa for ever….

  27. The German side kick seems like he might as well be a crypto if not a barely veiled reference to the Wake Awakes or the Turners.

  28. Stonelifter

    Helping the North was the worse mistake Germans ever made a divided Anglo Saxon North America would have been a benefit to the rest of White Humanity, the Southerners would have gotten there beloved slave empire the North would have gotten rid of 90% of its blacks and Europe would have been spared all the bombings and negro occupation troops post 1945.

  29. My theory is that if the Confederacy had won the Second Reich would never have come into being. The Reich was a copycat of the Union.

  30. The South wasn’t that important in the 19th to change anything on the European mainland. The wheels towards German unification were moving way before the Civil War began. Germany’s role is to be the leading nation of Europe it’s been opposed by the Anglo Jewish Empire with dire consequences for the White world. The South being independent is not really that important, only in the sense that it would hasten the break up of Anglo-Judea.

  31. Tibado Blunderslut: What nation has’ t? Answer: probably none, but it’ s only White nations that need to “come to grips with the past”, right? Ever read what happened to the inhabitants of Constantinople when it fell by Turk conquest? Where’ s your outrage? What about Atilla and Ghengis Khan terrorizing whit and Muslim nations alike? What about the Aztecs who terrorized their cousins and neighbors to such an extent that they sided with the Spanish?
    So give it a rest, you anti- white moron.

  32. JS: you are a brainwashed idiot. Slavery as it was carried out in the South was probably the most humane in all history. There were laws, and besides that, a slave was a considerable investment. You wouldn’ t buy a prize horse just to kill it, would you?
    Owners were responsible for their sustenance, board, health and employment. No expense was transferred to the taxpayer, unlike free labor. Compare that with what we have now, taxes pay for all, without the employment.
    Bobby, you poor indoctrinated fool, skin color is but one aspect of race. Race determines culture and civilization. I respect all the civilizations of the world, but especially love mine, which is Western. Western civilization was built of, for, and by white people, regardless of how much you would like to deny it.
    The real problems with people like the two I’ ve addressed here are envy of white civilization by non- whites, and white guilt by stupid gullible whites.

  33. John, I haven’t seen the movie, and won’t – but Django is the German bounty hunter’s sidekick. He, and his “Broomhilda” (I don’t think I’ve heard a more absurd name for a character in any movie ever) are apparently the secondary characters

  34. Wayne – Europeans kept slaves, in various eras. The slaves had rights. I recall reading about a legal dispute between a slave, and his mistress, in Italy. This was sometime in the 15th Century, if memory serves. He brought charges against her. She was being unreasonable, or something. Too many duties, or he was expected to perform tasks that were not under his aegis. He was some kind of older house slave. It had something to do with kitchen duties. I think he won, and she had to pay damages. I’ll try to dig this up.

  35. John says:
    December 27, 2012 at 5:52 am
    “My theory is that if the Confederacy had won the Second Reich would never have come into being.”

    A bajillion percent right.

    “The Reich was a copycat of the Union.”

    Wrong. Completely and utterly.

  36. Another self-hating, brain-washed, pig ignorant drone checks in.

    Every act of racial violence in this film needs to be taken in the context of a world where white people murdered black people with impunity. Under slavery whites could kill black people, rape them, and split up families on a whim. A passionate revolt against that truly revolting context is compelling and powerful and I can’t wait to see this movie.

    As a white person I am truly embarassed by your ignorance and urge you to learn some history and get some compassion and decency.

  37. This stupid anti-German, anti-Irish schtick, etc. is tiresome.

    Western civilization’s last hope may very well have gone down with Germany. Somebody on Counter Currents found a nice quote from Julius Evola (Italian) to the effect of whatever the problem with the Germans, no price would have been too high to destroy that wretched Anglo-Jew alliance’s grip on the Western world.

    Filthy, good- for-nothing scum, Anglo elite on both sides of the Atlantic (elite not ordinary Anglos peoples) destroyed their own homeland and the rest of Europe in collaboration with Jewry.

    Jews played them for fools. Look at the England now. You have all manner of non-Whites stomping up and down the land that gave the world Shakespeare, Newton, Blake, Byron and so many others. It’s a god damn shame.

  38. Michael Hoffman has put forward the idea of The Revelation of the Method.

    As Jews increase their grip on a host culture, they increasingly revel in openly taunting and humiliating the host.

    Lincoln and Django Unchained. Cases in point.

  39. Tamer, I love everything about Britian, British high culture, British law, British scientific achievement, and all the other British contributions to world civilization. In makes me sick, literally ill, to look at Britian today.

    Is it the German’s or the rabble’s fault large parts of London have been ceded to the rising tide of color? How?

    The 19th, 20th and 21st century British leadership, the British elite class not the people, have done a lot to destroy western civilization, their own kin, and Britian’s legacy to the world.

  40. Is it the German’s or the rabble’s fault large parts of London have been ceded to the rising tide of color? How?

    Britain ran itself ragged trying to control the damage in Europe and the Caribbean immediately following the French Revolution. Britain later lost the Germans as an ally when they started turning against their Aristocracy in the 1840’s and the masses started to demand things like overseas colonies purely for prestige that put them in direct material and ideological conflict with Britain. Not to mention the erosion of tradition that whittled German states into little more than vectors of revolution with the germs going back and forth between France and Russia. The German Aristocracy would fully succumb to the proles after failing to bargain with them for decades after WWI.

    The failure of Germans to keep a rein on their people was disastrous for all European people because they had until 1848 been a crucial ally against barefoot revolutionaries to the west and oriental hordes to the east.

  41. I really want to explain this without making a day out of it. So basically Germans and Britain can have great relations but never ‘GERMANY’ and Britain. The Germans after unification demonstrated they had less use for their own aristocrats than the British did. In fact, they were rabidly anti-monarchy and the Social Democrats can be thanked for obstructing what would have been a KPD driven regicide. Anglo-Norman and continental Saxon relations were impossible as Hitler was snuffing out aristocrats that dared to oppose him and cajoling the rest into obedience by calling them borderline traitors, jew-lovers, slav-lovers (because they employed slavs on their farms during planting and harvests), etc and most importantly by turning himself into a one man mob by representing the class envy of a new, artificial nation.

  42. The only artificial nation I see is “Great” Britain that early multicultural experiment of Scots English Welsh Irish etc thankfully the old nag will be put to sleep in 2014 when the Scots vote for independence. The UK shouldn’t even be considered a part of Europe but just one of several island off the coast of Europe. The Anglo Saxon is inferior to the German and that resentment led to its alliance with the Jew and the destruction of Europe.

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