White America
A Pew Study on the ideological composition of the American electorate has been released that is fascinating on countless levels. It includes a detailed analysis of American attitudes on race and immigration.
Here’s something we didn’t know: SWPLs are very divided on Black Run America, with 61 percent of “Solid Liberals” attributing black failure in our society to “racial discrimination” while 79 percent of “Post-Moderns” believe that blacks are responsible for their own predicament.
91 percent of “Post-Moderns” believe that “homosexuality should be accepted by society” and “the country should do whatever it takes to protect the environment.” Yet 69 percent of them believe that America “has made the changes necessary to give blacks equal rights.”
Who knew that Black Run America was such a polarizing issue among environmentalists and gay marriage supporters? In fact, SWPL-PMs are a full 20 points less likely than the general public to believe that more needs to be done to uplift blacks.
Oddly enough, SWPLs are split down the middle on black people, but reunify on homosexuals and immigrants. “Solid Liberals” are the only people in America who believe that “racism” is responsible for the plight of blacks.
Libertarians are even more opposed to Black Run America than “Post-Moderns.” “Staunch Conservatives” are the most opposed group of all with “Main Street Republicans” and “Disaffecteds” coming in behind the “Post-Moderns.”
White people are able to grasp blacks much more readily than other issues like homosexuality and immigration. Jews are not even mentioned in this study.
The Pew Study shows that environmentalism aligns “Post-Moderns” with “Solid Liberals” against “Staunch Conservatives” and “Libertarians.” Homosexuality aligns “Post-Moderns” with “Libertarians” against “Staunch Conservatives.”
Black Run America unites Whites against “Solid Liberals” unless polarizing dealbreakers like homosexuality and economics are brought into the equation. This data suggests a course correction might be prudent here.
We can expand our audience by narrowing and deepening our focus.
A correction? NO KIDDING. Due to my background, I’ve know plenty of gays, in the past. It’s not a healthy lifestyle – most of my old pals died long ago, due to aids contracted by their choices. The handful of gay folk I still know are more socially conservative (and functional) than loads of straight Whites. Ya see – AIDS actually kills off the more outre and deranged types.
When I “came out” as a White Nationalist, several years ago, most of my old pals dropped me like a burning rock. I have 3 gay pals left, from the “old days”. They have been constantly supportives of my racial beleifs -altohugh wary. One of them has been aghast by my beliefs, and assertions – but stuck by me – and is now comng around.
One the worst problems in the WN Movement (and I cringe when I use that term, due to th history of general lunacy, there-in) is the absolutely hopeless inability to strategize, and form beneficial alliances.
Many White gays are more “racist” than avowed WN. they are wary of this scene, cause they know they are NOT accepted, nor tolerated. The people I know are highly regarded in their circles, very well-off, and could be very very very helpful and beneficial, in achieving our aims.
It’s all about “divide and conquer” Jewry has used gays, and non-Whites,to destroy White society. I have told various gays I know, that in the end, they will have to “come home” to their Race. That predatory non-Whites don’t *see* hip, fun Gays – they see White prey.
I use differnt strategies and argument with different people. Wouldnt’ it be nice to break off a segment of well-heeled “conservative” gays, who who know how to organize, and “market” ideas, to back us up?
Now – regarding the Post Moderns – talk about a brilliant chance to “divide and conquer”. It’s ALL about fashion, with the Gay and Post Modenr crowd. We must emphasis that WHITES care about Protecting the Earth, and Parks, and Slow Food, and pretty safe clean – and look what happens when the Negroes and Mestizos move in….ewwww….
It’s all about knowing your audience, and appealing to your audience.
Denise might waste her life naming die jude, but on this post she is 100% correct. Gay white men do not take crap, they might take dick but not crap. You want a neighborhood gentrified you call the gay boys, they are the shock troops of the urban scene.
If you have a young daughter who wants to see the big city then you point her to boystown for an apartment. Friend of mine worked for a very large company out of Chicago and when they would hire new white girl meat from Sticksville they would be explicit in their instructions that when she moved to Chicago she would move to Wrigleyville. There they would be safe, from the other Democratic voters.
I have to agree with Simmons that gay White people have been solid urban pioneers for a long time. This is not to endorse or promote open homosexuality, just recognizing certain realities. Conservative, GOP White Christians just don’t do well in urban environments – their excuse is that the City is just too corrupt and they are supposedly moral, honest, God fearing folks who “OBEY THE LAW”, pay their taxes are for traditional FAMILY VALUES etc, hate liberals, artists, music, anything that happened after 1960. But the reality is that these Conservative, GOP White folks just don’t know how to live, succeed in a city and they certainly don’t know how to handle the non White underclass – they try to share their conservative, pro life, free market economics, self reliance, gun rights (let the NW underclass have full gun rights – completely CRAZY) Republican program with the NWs and it never works – there are a few photo ops with some mau mauing Black demagogue like Rev. James Meeks here in Chicago and the White Republicans are supporting school vouchers for Rev. Meek’s civilization destroying little gang bangers – the idea is that hundreds of thousands of failing poor Black public school students will be giving “vouchers” to attend White private and Catholic schools and proceed to terrorize White private school students and teachers, ethnically cleansing these schools the same way they ethnically cleansed our public schools.
When you live in American urban areas (half my life) you learn basic urban survival skills and White gay people have these skills. Sadly, most White Conservatives do not have these skills and they just don’t go for urban living – they need suburban amenities, need to live on lots and lots of land where the neighbors are not down the hall or a floor away. When you are White and live on 200 acres in Wyoming you can justify some public policy where everyone is free to own and use SKS riffles, not have any police or fire department, where folks are self reliant and vote for libertarians who will leave folks alone, not tell people what to do.
When you live in a big urban American city with hundreds of thousands of non Whites, Black underclass – you learn that you can’t leave everyone alone to do what they want to do, you can’t let everyone own lots of guns, let the free market determine housing and education and be for the pro life program….. ah no – it just doesn’t work well here in urban America – we have severe problems with over population… over populations of criminals, welfare abusers, polluters too many cars, we want bike paths, no car zones, schools and cops that force certain people to do lots and lots of things they wouldn’t choose to do on their own, like even go to school.
We’re green bigots, prefer nature to most humans.
The majority of SWPLs and Post-Moderns live outside the American South. They are typically found in suburbs in the Northeast and on the West Coast.
There are more Staunch Conservatives, Main Street Republicans, Libertarians and Disaffecteds around here. I have also seen other polls which show that immigration is a much more pressing issue in the South than it is in the Northeast.
In Texas, immigration is considered the most important state issue. I’m willing to bet the majority of Post-Moderns and Libertarians who are opposed to immigration live in the South or Southwest.
In any case, Black Run America is a winning issue among White Southerners, who tend to unite around their hostility to government and resentments about black people. More posts about this are coming in the future.
In any case, Black Run America is a winning issue among White Southerners, who tend to unite around their hostility to government and resentments about black people. More posts about this are coming in the future.
Are Southern whites more hostile to blacks or to immigrants?
SWPLs are not really people, they are a social construct. Whites, whatever their professed politics, do not really want to be around Blacks except for the few tame ones. They pay dearly to keep their distance.
Parents, whatever their professed views, don’t want their kids to be homosexuals. Why bother to make are the effort and sacrifice to rear a child, who will not have your grandchildren in turn? And why hold up homosexuals as models for society if you don’t want your offspring to adopt that model?
The people most susceptible to the decades of Hollywood propaganda, aside from the stupid, are people who really want to think of themselves as good and decent. They’ve been taught that in order to be caring, concerned, and compassionate, they must believe certain things. That non-White immigration and environmental preservation are completely at odds with each other, or that racial equality and good schools cannot co-exist, are facts that a SWPL must ignore in order to keep their self-respect, and their job as well. They are sheep, but they are our sheep, and we need to recover as many as we can.
It varies.
Blacks would be more of an issue in Mississippi. Hispanics would be more of an issue in Texas. Georgia is a state where blacks and illegal aliens are about equal in stoking White resentment.
Discard wrote:
“SWPLs are not really people, they are a social construct. Whites, whatever their professed politics, do not really want to be around Blacks except for the few tame ones. They pay dearly to keep their distance.”
That is the funniest thing I have read in a long, long time. And it’s true. SWPL white people might cry and bemoan the lack of diversity in Portland and Seattle, but they don’t seem to keen on moving to Atlanta, Memphis, Birmingham or Charlotte to be around Black people.
Some clarification is in order. How are “post-moderns” and “solid liberals” defined and what’s the difference between them?
Blacks would be more of an issue in Mississippi.
Now this I never understood. Don’t Southern blacks generally keep to themselves and not really bother anybody? Oakland Raiders quarterback Jason Campbell once said that blacks and whites in Mississipi (where he grew up) don’t really have any issues with eachother. But then I always hear in the media and online that Mississipi whites can’t stand blacks.
That is the funniest thing I have read in a long, long time. And it’s true. SWPL white people might cry and bemoan the lack of diversity in Portland and Seattle, but they don’t seem to keen on moving to Atlanta, Memphis, Birmingham or Charlotte to be around Black people.
Steve Sailer once wrote that the main reason SWPL’s like Hispanics so much is because they want them to get rid of the black people. I don’t agree that that is the main reason, but I think he is on to something. If any of you ever read Mathew Yglesias, clearly he is hoping that more hispanics will come to DC to clear out the blacks an raise his property value.
I’m not sure about “Black Run America.” Blacks have little power in this country.
Most whites under 40 are sick of black bad behavior and excuse making. It’s mostly older people who see blacks as victims.
This hasn’t been true in my part of the South for a long time. Blacks are a menace here who can and will beat, rob or kill you, although, in fairness, it’s the really the young Black males who are the problem. Black women and older Blacks generally don’t bother anyone.
The definitions are on page two of the Pew study. Follow the link. It is a very good read.
Simmons -I am decidely not wasting my life in Naming of Die Jude. Die Naming of Die Juden is coming along quite nicely, in fact, thank you, in my own little sphere. It’s all about establishing trust and credibilty. Kievsky’s always been right, on that issue. And it’s ALWAYS important to :
1) Know your audience
2) Present your info in the right manner. Truth is on our side. We are Truth-tellers. We must always be MORAL. We must appeal to morality. Whether is Christians (my demo), Earthy Crunchy Post Moderns, Really Cheesed of Millenials, wot have suffered the worst by he policies enactd by their delusional Elders…..I even know what to say to Elders.
The gay thing is tricky. Gays have advocated for all sorts of social destruction, and depravity. Mental illness and pathology runs rampant, in that segment of society. As I wrote earlier – the really off the hook ones tend to off themselves, early on, because of their lifestyle choices. Sexual degeneracy thins the Herd fairly quickly. However – the ones that do make it past 35 tend to be more stable, and love their beautiful lives. Gay men are worship physical beauty, above all things. Gays have advocated for “minorities” – because they erroneously believe that the Poor Darkl People have been stunted due to “racism”. These past 2 decades have taught a lot of gay men that…that’s not the case…really…and when hordes of Darkies move in – the lifestyle goes straight to Hell.
Aethetics are a huge element in gay world. That the reason for all th Urban Renewal. Gay men see fantastic, brilliant architecture – all gone to ruin – snap up cheap properties, and then restore restore restore. Lesbians go for comfort (I’m talking about the Lisptick, educated, iupscale variety). They aren’t as focused on the ne plus ultra in chic – but they want “nice” and reasonably hip digs. When they begin to ghave their Turkey Baster babiers – they want SAFE SAFE SAFE and any-one that whispers a WORD about “tolerance” is sent to oblivion, by any means necessary. Lesbian women couldnt’ give a FUCK about “social correctness”, when it comes to their Designer Babies. Seen it with my own eyes . That’s target, for co-option. We don’t; want all the Gays – we want the smart, functional ones.
And Discard – most gay men don’t want to be gay. The women don’t really care – but just about every gay man I’ve ever known told me, at one point or another, that he would not ever have chosen that life for himself, that he’s sorry about all the things he’s going to miss (wife, kids, “normal life” – and they’ve all been near tears, or crying, at this point) – but it’s what they ARE.
We must all find ways to to present our moral cause to other Whites, Must go, will expound later.
BRA is the idea that America is run for the benefit of black people. If Jim Crow America was a “White man’s country,” Black Run America is “a black world” where “bottom rail is on top.”
It doesn’t necessarily mean that blacks themselves are running the show. Instead, they are objects of pity and sympathy – noble savages, magic negroes – who are lionized and elevated over Whites by our rulers.
Barack Obama is the ultimate symbol of Black Run America – someone who was a nobody as recently as 2004, but who was elected president by White people purely on the basis of portraying himself as the leader of the great BRA cargo cult of uplifting black people.
Remember, “we are the ones we have been waiting for.”
I selected Barack Obama’s victory celebration in Grant Park as the new banner for this website. It was where the man of destiny met his moment and rose to the challenge of governing the country – only to fail miserably and disillusion the true believers.
Not to worry.
Hermann Cain and Allan West will give it another shot.
If any of you ever read Mathew Yglesias, clearly he is hoping that more hispanics will come to DC to clear out the blacks and raise his property value.
Does anyone else here believe this?
I live outside of Los Angeles and Hispanics, working in their assigned role of Useful Idiots, have been clearing out the black population neighborhood by neighborhood, block by block, via unmitigated violence — and, given a pass by the local media and political structure.
One could not imagine Whites in this role — especially in light of the fact that Whites have fled S. California in droves and are now a clear minority, voting and otherwise — driven out by satanic taxes, onerous regulations, wretched, Mexican-dominated/ non-White schools, decimated quality of life and the destruction of White areas due to 40 years of unfettered non-White illegal AND legal immigration.
The White demographic category in S. California is puffed up by adding and counting Armenians, Iranians, Egyptians and other Middle Easterners as “White.”
Make no mistake: Hispanics hate and despise Whites. They believe and are taught in the local government schools and told by their activists that this is THEIR land and WE Whites are the colonists and interlopers. Some of their activists call for White clearances:
Mario Obledo (former California secretary of health and welfare and co-founder of Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund: We’re going to take over all the political institutions of California. California is going to be a Hispanic state and anyone who doesn’t like it should leave. If they [Anglos] don’t like Mexicans, they ought to go back to Europe. [interviewed on radio station KIEV, Los Angeles, June 17, 1998.]
And, he is not alone
Hispanic cleansing of blacks does not mean that property values have risen or that these areas are necessarily better — or that a large Hispanic parasitic underclass is an asset to Whites living in S. California.
Hispanics are mortal enemies of White America and should be considered such.
If you want to see what the US will look like in 50 years, come to S. California.
This BRA stuff is an interesting tactic; might open a few whites’ eyes, at least so long as the White House is occupied by a Black Family. In the longer run, more productive will be a continued focus, as per Denise, on the Enemy of Us All: organized Jewry. As for the Gay Community…..ah, dinner about to repeat, ‘scuse me.
BRA is the idea that America is run for the benefit of black people.
It’s actually catchy and something that the average White person can understand, accept and remember much more than discussion of Jews.
The reaction to blacks is far more visceral and obvious. They can’t hide among Whites, they aren’t subtle or deceptive, it’s all plain as day, they’re niggers, they’re ugly, they’re loud, they’re obnoxious, they’re stupid, they’re vulgar and they commit a lot of crime.
Really if we can’t make Whites understand why we should separate from blacks then why bother with the more complex issues.
Barack Obama is the ultimate symbol of Black Run America – someone who was a nobody as recently as 2004, but who was elected president by White people purely on the basis of portraying himself as the leader of the great BRA cargo cult of uplifting black people.
Let’s not give him too much credit though. He was groomed for a long time by Marxist Jews, just like all black leaders have been (perhaps with the exception of Malcolm X). Blacks didn’t win their freedom on their own. If it weren’t for Jews, their money (taken from Whites), and SWPL collaborators blacks would still be segregated from us.
Jews and SWPLs are the key ingredients to black success, the former more than the latter. If Jews don’t approve of a black candidate he won’t have any chance at all, or really any White candidate either as long as they have disproportionate power in government and media.
Don’t Southern blacks generally keep to themselves and not really bother anybody?
This would be true except for Yankee and Jewish intervention on behalf of negroes.
Most Southern blacks are content with segregation, except for the fact that some of the better negroes have to live around the worst of their kind.
Blacks are the first to tell you openly and honestly how bad other blacks are and how much they despise them. Chris Rock for instance made that a point of his comedy. Reverend Manning’s broadcasts are filled with Uncle Rukus-type sermons. They may call such blacks self-hating or Uncle Toms, I call them honest. In fact such blacks, if they’re not just using it as a ploy to integrate with Whites, are ones that want to improve their people.
The problem with negroes in general, even if they do keep to themselves socially, is that they’re just degenerate. Their crime rate is much higher, but further and more to the point the ones that aren’t criminal have personality disorders. They’re rude, impulsive, loud, obnoxious, dishonest, they litter and have low standards of hygiene. It’s not like okay their crime rate is a little higher, but other than that they’re just like Whites, no. It’s a broad spectrum of disorders.
2) Present your info in the right manner. Truth is on our side. We are Truth-tellers. We must always be MORAL.
Many of those in “your sphere” are the anti-thesis of that, in fact they advocate lying and deception as a strategy, similar to Jews.
Despite some people professing to go against the great herd, they merely serve a smaller herd. They sacrifice truth and justice to fit in with their cliques, and will cowardly bow before peer pressure all the same.
“Parents, whatever their professed views, don’t want their kids to be homosexuals. ”
A couple of years ago I had a conversation with a young homosexual. I asked him how his parents reacted when he “came out.” What he told me about his father’s reaction and feelings is about what you would expect. It is instructive about his mother’s reaction. It was clear from his description that she is square in the SWPL camp and a strident “Progressive” Liberal. She had long supported and defended homosexuals, etc., etc.
So what was her reaction to the news junior is a homo?
“She went apeshit” (his words). Immediately wanted to take him to a doctor to be cured! Went to pieces upon finding out her boy was queer.
This didn’t surprise me and shouldn’t surprise anyone. Remember when Brokeback Mountain came out? A LOT of white women swooned over it when asked or discussing it, of course. But I also noticed something else. All of these women who said how much they liked the movie also added something to the effect, “but whew! That tent scene was a little much!” Yes, it was. I’ve seen the same thing more than once with other television shows, movies, pictures, etc. For example, remember that show that was on for a little while a couple of years ago, something about a celebrity gossip magazine? It was a fiction, drama show. I can’t quite remember the name of it. “Smut” or something like that. It was on AMC or TNT, I think. It was only on for about one season I guess. I haven’t seen it since. Anyway, I watched it a couple of times and one show was about some popular actor, a Brad Pitt type character, who was also a closeted gay. Well, A woman I was dating at the time was with me and we was watching it. She was like a lot of white women and sympathetic to queers. But then there was a scene on the show where the closet fag was out by his pool with a loverboy and getting down on his knees. Well, my girlfriend quickly turned her head away and shouted the “Oh my God!” I said well what? I thought you liked gay men and that is what they do? lol.
As I said, I’ve seen that same thing happen more than a few times. It is only abstractions white people like and not really the real thing. When confronted with reality they no more like queers and non whites than hardcore Stormfronters.
“Dirt” was the name of the show I was talking about. Courteney Cox was in it.
Denise said something insightful about appealing to the SWPL and gay contingent; namely, to frame it in terms of aesthetics.
“A friend of mine adopted a baby from Africa. i guess it was a nice thing to do and all, but the kid just doesn’t match the furniture. And family pictures? Fuggedaboutit — one of these things does not match the others. There’s just something odd about seeing mixed race family pictures — I can’t put my finger on it. Maybe I’m a racist or something.”
So you sort of confess to being a racist in private, as though it’s a guilty pleasure and you know you aren’t supposed to be that way. That is a better way to “pace the experience” of SWPL’s rather than sounding like Archie Bunker. Always pace your interlocutors and go into their world.
Firstly – sorry about all the typos. As always. I’m usually rushing to do things at once. It’s been like this for ages….and it’s going to stop – cause it makes my posts appear to be written by an idiot.
Now – I am a woman. I started off as a baby, and grew into a little girl. I had TONS of Barbies, throughout childhood. Talk about a Cargo Cult! I, and my little pals, gave every ounce of our attention, energy, and devotion to acquiring every Barbie Doll, piece of clothing, Barbie car, Barbie house, Barbie EVERYTHING, that we could wheedle or weep our parents into paying for. WE LOVED BARBIE! She was so much fun – such pretty hair, such amazing clothing! I remember pouring over every detail of a red evening gown – “Evening in Paris” the dress was named – and absolutely marveling over the the flawless, tiny tiny little stitches, in the hem (Good workmanship is a SWPL passion! I’m relating all this for a reason.). I still remember the stitches, and the feeling I felt, as a tot, decades later. I didn’t have the words then – but I was in awe of the construction,. I was marveling over the craftsmanship. And Mattel put a lot of effort into Barbie, when she was first introduced.
I put away Childish Things, as I move into Teenhood. My sisters inherited my extravagant collection, and lost almost everything. (Those dolls and dresses are worth a small fortune, nowadays. However, years later, Mattel began releasing editions of the original Barbie dolls, and a pal gave me a doll, as a gag birthday gift. Like Proust with his madelines – a world of memory was reborn…..I began a 2 year reverie, and research project, about Barbie.
Well – Barbie, and all her clothes, and artifacts, have dropped to the basement, in terms of quality, and aesthetic, in the ensuing decades. I read up on the origins and history of All Things barbie., She’s quite the icon, fellas. And she was not well-received by mothers of mall girls, in the year of her launch 1959. Little girls ADORED her – but Moms were horrified by this tiny little painted sexpot. She was created by Ruth Handler – Jewess – when Handler was touring post-War Germany. A cartoon character named Bild Lilli was made into a gag doll – something that a man would hive to a girlfriend as a sexy gift. She was a blond gold-digger, using her very generous endowments to extract wealth from men. A young harlot, doing what-ever it took to “make it” in a devastated Germany.
Lilli was the “mother ” of Barbie. Handler cleaned up and softened Lilli’s rather harsh appearance – but still. Barbie was to embraced by White Christian American motherhood. They saw the signals she sent out. But Barbie was marketed into acceptance. The story is really insidious. Mattel used highly trained, devious Jewish psychologists, to get little girls to get their mothers to accept Barbie int their homes.
And it worked. To an astonishing degree.
We can learn a lot from how Barbie was marketed. We do not have the resources and networks that Handler and Mattel had. But we can use people’s motivations and desires, and learn to appeal to their deepest motivations, in order to “market” our ideas.
And please remember – we are not tricking any-one, in order to abuse and exploit. We are trying to undo all the damage done, to our people.
We must be Truth Tellers – for we are telling the truth. We must use moral arguments, and appeal to aesthetics. And then design effective “marketing” to our various “target audiences”
In short SWPLs are fading clones of Mommy Professor. Cloistered in a PC paradigm so out of touch with reality that it is way beyond being a joke. Culturally they are total opposites of BRA, BRA for lack of better terms is not even human if compared to SWPL culture. Second the SWPLs who love red hair never thought to ask the beloved Asians what the Asians think of red hair.
“When you live in a big urban American city with hundreds of thousands of non Whites, Black underclass – you learn that you can’t leave everyone alone to do what they want to do, you can’t let everyone own lots of guns…”
@Jack Ryan–just to satisfy my curiosity, what exactly is your idea to prevent these undesirable elements from owning “lots of guns”? For all intents and purposes Chicago now has gun prohibition and that has been about as effective as similar laws against possession of heroin and crack cocaine. Of course gun prohibition has been VERY effective in preventing the law-abiding from owning firearms. Perhaps that was the law’s real intent.
This is not a rhetorical question. I really would like to know what your REAL WORLD solution is to keeping guns away from undesirables.
BRA is an interesting acronym. In fact, the southern states were black run for 14 years (1863-1877) after the end of the American civil war or, if you like, the war of northern aggression. We’re not fighting over the proper label.
However, it is instructive to note that for 14 years, the diverse white southerners were denied voting and office-holding rights in the rebellious southern states. Throughout those years, the county sheriffs, state legislators, municipal office-holders were black.
It’s strange that not much attention is paid to how they ran the cities, counties, and states they were entrusted with by the federal government during those 14 years, but knowing about this period of black rule in the Deep South gives us lots of information for rebuttals.
Here’s an example. We often hear songs of woe from blacks (backed up by self-hating white people) asking “Where is my 40 acres and a mule?” It’s an insidious bit of passive-aggressive propaganda, and knowing about their 14 years of rule in the Deep South provides a ready answer, namely, “You had 14 years to bring that about during the years after the Civil Way when the diverse white people were barred from voting and holding office. You tell me where they are.”
@Jack Ryan–just to satisfy my curiosity, what exactly is your idea to prevent these undesirable elements from owning “lots of guns”? For all intents and purposes Chicago now has gun prohibition and that has been about as effective as similar laws against possession of heroin and crack cocaine. Of course gun prohibition has been VERY effective in preventing the law-abiding from owning firearms. Perhaps that was the law’s real intent.
This is not a rhetorical question. I really would like to know what your REAL WORLD solution is to keeping guns away from undesirables.
JR responds:
This is a fair and honest question. Here’s my answer.
The (white) urban realist finds all kinds of ways to make things work, to finesse what looks like overwhelming, criminal and racial doom, to confront and survive in or near places with say > 90% Black illegitimacy rates, where most public schools for students older than 11 are no go zones for Whites, the natural instinct is for the remaining Whites to go in to survivalist desperation mode, hunker down with guns, amo and freeze dried food and await, invite the final crash of White civilization and racial apocalypse. But it doesn’t play out that way. Good location neighborhoods get gentrified, all kinds of forces come in to play to make this happen.
All kinds of other, alternative ways of living, networking, policing, educating develop and they are not right wing, conservative, guns and guts stuff. They are much more SWPL, hypocritical liberal elites who get together with many different racial groups, many mixed race – to get away from, keep down the Black poor, Black criminal underclass. It’s done by elite educational institutions like the University of Chicago buying up real estate and working to ensure that destructive poor Blacks can’t afford to live in the neighborhood. Things other Americans take for granted – like having lots of movie theaters, 7-11 convenience stores, easy access of cars and free parking – these “liberal” elites work behind the scenes to take these things away, because certain types of NW people come to the neighborhood and cause problems.
When the only movies being played in a 10 mile radius are foreign films at a university film club, there just aren’t problems with Black flash mob attacks after a movie theater blow off.
Things like playgrounds with cement basketball courts – these get taken down and out and instead there are big programs to put in natural prairie restoration projects when the only type of activity people can do is go on a nature walk, bird watch – which is something that low class Black criminals types just don’t do.
Urban areas with large Black ghettos very close by have their own private security forces, huge amounts of PR and community relations work go in to putting out the idea that the area isn’t a Conservative, right wing RACIST police action, instead it’s all about building bridges, programs, but it still amounts to the same thing of always bothering Black males in the criminally prone years, messing with them, seeing that they aren’t out trashing the community – and 2nd amendment rights to cary guns are just not granted to lower class Black males or really any Black males or anybody besides the Police.
So the whole American libertarian Conservative idea of free Americans living personal lives of liberty with the 2nd amendment rights – it just doesn’t operate in these areas where there are rules, customs, culture and just about everything is controlled including parking for 15 minutes on a street. So you don’t have a car and live by walking, bicycling – stuff White Europeans can do very easily, but poor Blacks can’t so they just kinda stay away. People don’t like to hang out in places they don’t feel comfortable, and lower class Blacks just don’t feel comfortable in elitist, Lib, SWPL like areas.
It’s hard to understand if you haven’t lived in this world for a long time – it’s just a completely different culture and it basically works. If you understand the rules of the game. It something like living in “socialist” Eastern Europe in the 1970s – sure there are posters of Marx and Lenin and official state propaganda media expressing solidarity with some Black African marxist revolutionary group in Angola, but the reality there was that everyone was White and there were few if any problems with Blacks robbing and raping anyone and if the regular White citizen in Eastern Europe just didn’t cause any problems or make a huge deal about trying to overthrow the system – he was fine and the cost was just having to put up with some banners of dead Communist Jews that nobody really cared about anyway.
I could have lived fine in East Germany in the 1970s, 80s. Check out the film Goodbye Lenin about the final days of Socialist East Germany and the nostalgia of “Osties” East Germans after German reunification.
Racially conscious American Whites living in the Bible Belt have to make similar adjustments, to live within that system and they can be made – you’ll just have to put up with having dead Judeo Christian Jews like St. Peter and St. Paul showed in your face all the time – seems almost identical as having dead Jew Karl Marx and Lenin forced on you in Eastern Europe.
I hope that long winded, rambling answer helped a bit.
SWPLs and gay are Jewish extended phenotypes. They’re basically castrated Whites living sterile, meaningless, empty, hedonistic lives.
Bon of Babble
“If any of you ever read Mathew Yglesias, clearly he is hoping that more hispanics will come to DC to clear out the blacks and raise his property value.”
“Does anyone else here believe this?”
Yes, not for property values obviously, but for clearing out blacks yes. They’ve been trying to use blacks as their cossacks for 60 years but blacks are too blunt a tool so now they’re trying to get rid of them.
BRA is the idea that America is run for the benefit of black people
I reject this because Hispanics clearly rank higher on the “favorite demographics” list of both the government, media and SWPLs. Hispanics are allowed to murder blacks with impunity in places like LA. If blacks (or anybody, really) were killing Hispanics en masse you can bet something would be done about it.
An interesting idea by Jack Ryan, a sophisticated & silent neighborhood conservancy project. Needs some thinking, but don’t forget the use of classical music in strategic places.
The use of a central institution with a role in property development, management, and ownership can also play a key part, much as universities already play.
The way houses are placed on lots, neighborhood watches. and the use of cul de sacs & sound walls matter.
The number one thing is to avoid notice. A picture of Che Guevara over the sound system wouldn’t hurt….after all, he was well known as a “white Argentine” whose family on both sides was descended from white Spanish, Irish, and Basque families.
Here’s a link to a story in the San Jose Mercury News today (page B9) which tells the story in the context of an obituary of the development of a “privately owned town now featuring subdivisions and a golf course, all owned by three dozen family shareholders.”
It seems a good number of whites haven’t learned anything from the lesson of the Obamination and are still infected with some form of “niggermania.” Hence all the fawning over Herman Cain after that irrelevant debate of the second tier Republican Presidential candidates the other night.
My foster parents were black and I alone made up the white population of the neighborhood. That being said, I was hoping to provide some insight but I see that’s not necessary. Most of your assessments are spot on.
You know they are, (in general) an emotional people.
(The emotional are those most predictable. Those most predictable are those most easy to persuade and if you can persuade them then you can lead them.)
If you know what makes a man angry, If you know what he fears, then you know all you need, to convince him who his enemies are and to those enemies, what he must do. Anger is motivation, fear is motive.
You know they lag us in intelligence.
(Fight the brain not the sword.)
Black rage is the weapon of “You know who”, but is the weapon the distraction or the threat. IMO, the BRA is “the distraction” and only becomes “the threat” to those who allow themselves to be distracted. This does not mean that they (the BRA) are not dangerous but simply, that they are not (as weapon) as powerful as they are credited with being.
You know their values, beliefs and their culture are often in direct conflict with the politics of “you know who”.
(There is a story about a man who brought down a mighty wall by chipping away at a crack in it‘s foundation)
Unlike White America, Black America is a minority and like all minorities they know strength lies in unity and all members count. Thus, there are consequences for acting or thinking outside of the group (Uncle tom, Sale-out). Couple the consequences with the fear of facing the world as a sole outcast, this is how they keep the pack together.
Black America is like a small town in that word travels fast. In this small town, ideas are reinforced threw repetition in the form of preachers (black churches), community leaders (black leaders), music (black music), books (black literature) etc.. Now you understand why the views amongst them are so redundant, because they are ingrained (That which can be said of blacks, can be said of Latinos as well).
With the right strategy, you’ll find all of this to your advantage. Persuade them and lead them.
Anonymity is not weakness, it is the element of surprise. Organizing under it’s veil, much can be done. Ever disguised yourself as one of them? They’re more likely to listen to their own.
I’ve heard strategy after strategy but no talk of subversion, espionage or spies. We often criticize there tactics but never adopt them? You’re here, you’re reading this now because those tactics work. Most peculiar to me, their play-book is open for all to read. From Marx to Alinsky, books and debates, all free and all just a search away.
I can’t provide a good solid link to back all of this, but for those interested, do try google.
About The Gay’s:
Gay men are protected and some what controlled by the feminist. Thou most (female) feminist are gay, they seem to view themselves as separate from, and above gay men. Allowing gay men and the few gay women independence from feminist may sway them to our side but… we will have to back them if they are to back us.
About Feminist:
Most feminist are white. I read a story criticizing the white feminist because of a long history they have of turning a blind eye to the abuse “women of color” face at the hands of “men of color“. There are quite a few stories of Asian women and Black women who claim white feminist are un-accepting of them and there are a few white feminist who back up these claims. Also white women who are not feminist have made claims that feminist are un-accepting of them as well. Some have said that the fem’s flat out refused to help them in case’s where they were raped because they were either Christian or not hardcore enough. This has lead many to the belief that their agenda is not about defending women.
Paganism, Feminist and The Gay’s:
Paganism (this does not apply to Odinism) and witchcraft also suffer under feminism. In paganism and witchcraft, women are or tend to be dominate over men. Goddess are giving preference over gods and a rift is brewing over the treatment of men as equals and their limited ability to participate and have say in activities.
lot’s of gay men are turning to paganism and are being directed there by feminist only to find themselves bullied and humiliated. Some female pagans are speaking out. Concluding that, feminist care nothing about the religion and are only interested in pushing the idea of dominance of the female over the male.
Pagans vs. Minorities:
Most Pagans are white and why wouldn’t they be, paganism started in Europe. Pagans believe in many god’s and that each land holds it’s own set of deities. Sometimes pagans will adopt these foreign gods and sometimes they will adopt the customs and ceremonies originally used to pray to them. This has lead to conflicts between white pagans and native peoples who feel there culture is being stolen or made a mockery of.
To know their weakness is to know your advantage.
I apologize if my comments were to winded.
I spent all night dealing with Hispanics, the Republican Party, and immigration and was so impressed with the final product that it would have been a waste of my talents to publish it here.
Hermann Cain, Allen West, Tim Scott … the latest versions of Alan Keyes, Condoleezza Rice, Colin Powell, J.C. Watts … great examples of BRA philosophy on display there.
Even White conservatives have come to believe that promoting black people on the basis of race is the best way to demonstrate their moral virtue.
See also the conservative love affair with Bobby Jindal and Marco Rubio. Glenn Beck wanted Allen West to be on his “dream ticket” in 2012 even though he hasn’t been in Congress six months!
BRA is a powerful concept because the more you think about it, the more it makes sense, the more things that were seemingly unconnected click and fall into an intelligible pattern.
Jews will even tolerate violent assaults on their own kind like Lauren Burk because their commitment to uplifting black people over Whites is even more powerful than the obvious points in common they have with Whites like their self interest in physical security.
This is also why they support Muslim immigration and opposed the “Islamophobia” over the Ground Zero Mosque.
If you look at Hollywood, BRA philosophy is so entrenched there that it really doesn’t matter whether the directors and movie stars (for example, Tarantino and Matt Damon) are Jewish or Gentile. The Gentiles like Matt Damon and Sean Penn are just as committed to Black Run America as the Jews are out there.
Even though Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin perform fellatio on the Jews over Israel, they are still hated by liberal Jews because they are seen as White populists who are stirring up low caste White rabble against Black Run America.
Glenn Beck could convert to Judaism, but the same people would still hate his guts.
And we msut always ask “Why”? What’s so GREAT about BRA? What does it prove? Why?
Demand answers.
Hermann Cain, Allen West, Tim Scott … the latest versions of Alan Keyes, Condoleezza Rice, Colin Powell, J.C. Watts
Not at all. Keyes, Rice and Powell were atleast intelligent. Cain, West and Scott are retards.
I personally like and respect intelligent self hating blacks like Keyes, Sowell and Chris Rock. Booker T Washtington was a good man as well.
BRA is a powerful concept because the more you think about it, the more it makes sense
Do you spend anytime on left wing websites? If you go to DailyKos or Pandagon you will find that they care much, much more about Hispanics than blacks. Mexican Mafia gangbangers murdering 16 year old black girls in cold blood is okay by them.
I like BRA as an emotional slogan, but it isn’t accurate. We are much more NAM run America than truly BRA. BRA existed in the 90’s but we have switched into NAM run America once the Hispanics reached a critical mass in the aughts.
(1) Alan Keyes is a rabble rouser on the same level as Allen West.
(2) I just don’t see Hispanics being portrayed as holier than blacks in the temple of victimhood – Luis Guiterrez doesn’t have anything near the cultural halo over his head that someone like Martin Luther King, Jr. does.
White people have much more sympathy for blacks than Hispanics because of slavery and segregation.
(3) Blacks remain the ultimate symbol of pity for White people – contrast the response to the Haitian earthquake with Hurricane Mitch hitting Honduras. Hollywood also doesn’t promote Hispanics nearly as much as blacks either.
Can you name the Hispanic version of Will Smith, Morgan Freedom, Denzel Washington, etc? What about the Hispanic version of Barack Obama or Nelson Mandela?
(4) BRA was the original model. Someone has already pointed out above that BRA was pioneered in the Reconstruction South. These other groups like Hispanics are trying and largely failing to imitate the success of the Civil Rights Movement.
(5) The BRA pecking order of resentment groups goes something like this: Blacks then Hispanics then Asians then LGBTs. The unmentionable Jews are at the top of the BRA pyramid, but they generally don’t like to style themselves as a resentment group.
It seems pretty clear that blacks are holier than gays and that Hispanics are seen as more aggrieved than Asians. I suppose you could argue over whether Hispanics are as aggrieved as blacks, but the vast majority of White people don’t buy it.
I will see your Mexican gangbangers and raise you a fashionable Hollywood black orphan. 🙂
“If you go to DailyKos or Pandagon you will find that they care much, much more about Hispanics than blacks.”
Even if true it’s like an oil tanker. It takes time to turn around. Personally i think the way depictions of black people in the media have gone so completely over the top is actually a sign that their usefulness may be coming to an end and they’re on their way out but time will tell.