Alabama: The Color of Crime (Interracial Rape)

Who gets raped in Alabama?


It has gradually become clear over the past few days that I am going to have to spend a lot more time on “The Color of Crime: Alabama” than I had originally planned.

I will have to make time for that this weekend. In the meantime, I have managed to track down the numbers on interracial rape that will be of most interest to our readers.

In the course of our investigation, Occidental Dissent has uncovered the “hate truth” about interracial rape in Alabama:

(1) Black men are more likely to be rapists than White men.

(2) Black men are more likely to rape White women than the other way around.

(3) Black men are consistently a majority of rapists in Alabama.

(4) The White women who end up getting raped by black men are typically acquaintances who are raped either in their own homes or at the homes of the black rapist.

(5) Black men rarely use guns and knives to rape White women.

(6) Rape is more common in the summer than at any other time of the year.

(7) Drugs and alcohol are usually involved in rapes.

Occidental Dissent is reporting that White women who party with African-Americans and let them into their homes to drink alcohol or smoke weed in the summer months of the year are far more likely to get raped in a 365Black situation than White women who avoid social contact with other races.

Black males are 13.1 percent of the population of Alabama. White males are 35.5 percent of the population of Alabama. From 1995 to 2009, there were 2,577 Black-on-White rapes and 217 White-on-Black rapes.*

In other words, 12 White women are raped by black men for every 1 black woman who is raped by a White man. Do you sense any inequity in that number?


Black-on-White: 156
White-on-Black: 12

Source: Crime in Alabama, 2009


Black-on-White: 163
White-on-Black: 21

Source: Crime in Alabama, 2008


Black-on-White: 176
White-on-Black: 15

Source: Crime in Alabama, 2007


Black-on-White: 174
White-on-Black: 8

Source: Crime in Alabama, 2006


Black-on-White: 181
White-on-Black: 12

Source: Crime in Alabama, 2005


Black-on-White: 206
White-on-Black: 22

Source: Crime in Alabama, 2004


Black-on-White: 194
White-on-Black: 10

Source: Crime in Alabama, 2003


Black-on-White: 186
White-on-Black: 12

Source: Crime in Alabama, 2002


Black-on-White: 148
White-on-Black: 18

Source: Crime in Alabama, 2001


Black-on-White: 139
White-on-Black: 19

Source: Crime in Alabama, 2000


Black-on-White: 152
White-on-Black: 11

Source: Crime in Alabama, 1999


Black-on-White: 172
White-on-Black: 17

Source: Crime in Alabama, 1998


Black-on-White: 190
White-on-Black: 19

Source: Crime in Alabama, 1997


Black-on-White: 190
White-on-Black: 19

Source: Crime in Alabama, 1996


Black-on-White: 150
White-on-Black: 13

Source: Crime in Alabama, 1995

*The actual number of interracial rape victims in Alabama is much higher than the reported number because so many of the offenders fall into the “unknown” category.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “blacks are 12x more likely to rape…”

    Wouldn’t it be 35x when difference in population % is considered?

  2. I agree with comment above. The FBI’s numbers are closer to 100X more likely. And as for overall more likely, you have to also look at the large number of black girls raped by black men. They simply rape a lot more.

    Also the “white on black” numbers seem misleading, as whites typically include “Hispanics” for statistical purposes.

    Indeed look at this “White” offender in Florida’s state prisons. It speaks volumes:

  3. The data you are compiling HW is incredible. The problem is that such fantastic athletes that predominately white alumni desire to see on Auburn and Alabama football (and basketball) teams hail from these communities.

  4. Can you really call it rape when a White woman voluntarily puts herself into a situation that anyone with an ounce of sense would avoid? Getting loaded with Blacks behind closed doors is asking for it. The “rapist” is only acting upon the dumb White woman’s implied consent.

  5. I extrapolated from your statistics is that males of the Negroid subspecies are over 32 times more likely to rape White women than White male humans are to rape females of the Negroid subspecies.

  6. Hispanics are a victim category but not perpetrator, they are included with Whites as perps.

    Color of Crime has black-on-White interracial rape at 38x more nationally than White-on-black (crime per 100,000 population). The difference in crime is staggering.

    A rational society would ban negro citizenship. It’s black privilege that they’re even allowed in White countries.

    I got a kick out of this. “Nigga stole my bike!

    It’s not White privilege, it’s a much higher black crime rate.

    I’d like to see them do a more thorough study with other non-Whites, but of course we all know these things are engineered and edited to go along with their agenda. The White man at the end actually helped the negro kid steal it!

  7. Mark,

    A rational society could also get all its people together, and have them all shake hands and say, “Diversity didn’t work — let’s work together to end it.”

    Just a thought.

  8. Some Asians like the Japanese are the exception. They’re even lower crime than Whites and are educated and successful. That’s why I personally don’t obsess over crime rates, because if that is your main argument well you just shot yourself in the foot regarding Asians and Jews. Having an ethnonationalist identity and advocacy is needed beyond crime statistics, that is more of the White problem than logical arguments, IQ and crime rates.

  9. “Can you really call it rape when a White woman voluntarily puts herself into a situation that anyone with an ounce of sense would avoid?”

    White people have been conditioned not to be “racist.” They use that as a weapon.

    “Why don’t you want to talk to me, is it because i’m black?”
    “Why don’t you want to go on a date with me, is it because i’m black?”
    “Why don’t you want to sit in my room, is it because i’m black?”

    Blame the multicult brain-washing that leads girls to put themselves in dangerous situations they wouldn’t otherwise be in.

    Real world example:
    White girl and Asian friend visiting the big city from the country. Black man talks to them and tries to get them to come to his apartment. Asian girl can tell he’s bad news and tries to pull friend away. White girl originally backs away too. Black man keeps hitting her with the “racism” angle. Asian girl ignores it because that **** only works on White people. Eventually the White girl gets guilt-tripped enough to go with him on her own. Raped and killed.

    Blame the school teachers and the media vermin first.

    nb One of the stats you don’t see that much is the average age of the victims. That’s something else to bear in mind.

  10. “That’s why I personally don’t obsess over crime rates, because if that is your main argument well you just shot yourself in the foot regarding Asians and Jews.”

    There’s some truth in that but crime rates can also be relate to how the media constantly lie and distort reality and always in an anti-white direction.

    The second angle with the crime and IQ stuff is it can be used to undermine “race is a social construct” which is the first step towards ethno-nationalism.

  11. Mark: “if that is your main argument well you just shot yourself in the foot regarding Asians and Jews”

    You are the one shooting your credibility by writing that nonsense. Black crime is an obvious argument for racial separation. It doesn’t follow that White people need Asians and Jews to replace them in order to lower the crime rate. Only Jews would use that kind of absurd reasoning.

    There are several good reasons for racial separation :

    – Main reason: White people don’t want to be replaced by non-whites

    – Other good reasons: White people don’t want to be killed, raped, mugged, burglarized…

    Wandrin: “There’s some truth in that but…”

    What’s true is that we don’t want to give the impression that the desire to protect our collective existence is simply a matter of protecting ourselves against Black crime. Anyway, we don’t have to explain why we want to live.

  12. White people have been conditioned not to be “racist.” They use that as a weapon.

    “Why don’t you want to talk to me, is it because i’m black?”
    “Why don’t you want to go on a date with me, is it because i’m black?”
    “Why don’t you want to sit in my room, is it because i’m black?”

    You’re kidding yourself if you think that’s the only reason.

    Maybe it’s too painful for you to think about but the fact is that plenty of whites (and people of all races) voluntarily and enthusiastically go off with blacks. Of course there are plenty (hopefully plenty more) who do not and never would, but the point here is that there are plenty who do.

    Also, whites may be conditioned not to be racist, but it doesn’t mean they’re all cowed by “that’s racist!” niggerwhine. For example, there was a nigger in front of me waiting to get into the club last week (in a city that’s less than 1% black; Australia, remember). He was trying to pretend that he’d already been in and so he shouldn’t have to pay again. The white girl at the counter tried explaining to him calmly that if he’d been in he would have been given a stamp; since he didn’t have a stamp he’d have to pay. That set the nigger off whining in his ooger-booger African accent about how it’s all a racist plot to keep him out. This kept up for a good two minutes (which doesn’t sound like much unless you’re stuck waiting behind it) until the girl called security. At no point did she look like buckling. When it was my turn at the counter and I said to her in jest, “Too bad that didn’t work. I was thinking of trying it myself,” a look of disgust came across her face as she rolled her eyes and shook her head (ie “these people…”). Now, it could be that she’s a seething white supremacist underneath that pleasant exterior, or it could just be — which I think is infinitely more likely — that whether she’s “supposed to be” antiracist or not, there’s a strict limit on how much bullshit she’ll swallow. And I bet that holds true for many more people than not.

  13. Slither,

    “You’re kidding yourself if you think that’s the only reason.”

    Straw man. You lose.


    “What’s true is that we don’t want to give the impression that the desire to protect our collective existence is simply a matter of protecting ourselves against Black crime.”


  14. In a fight for survival, any good weapon will do. Crime stats or welfare stats or IQ stats might all be convincing to different people, but don’t we want as many as possible to be on our side? And once you’ve convinced somebody that Blacks are dumb, it’s a very short step for them to see that Mexicans are pretty dumb too, and that both groups are violent tax consumers as well. Some Whites will then claim that by those criteria, Orientals are OK, but they already believe that anyway. Turning a multicult into an anti-Dark Asiaphile is an improvement. You’ve got them thinking racially, and some will soon allow themselves to notice that an awful lot of the Yellows don’t seem to want to get along with us either. And of course, once Whites have figured out the Darks, they may start to wonder about the tribe that actually created “BRA”. It’s all good for our side.
    One caution: Throwing IQ stats into the faces of decent White people with IQs of 90 is insulting, it’s essentially calling them “Niggers”. Know your audience. Decent Whites of all levels of intelligence still don’t like rape and robbery.

  15. Brett,

    Why would non-Whites, especially blacks, want to shake hands and leave the best thing that ever happened to them in the history of their backwards race.

    Just a thought.

  16. Armor: You are the one shooting your credibility by writing that nonsense. Black crime is an obvious argument for racial separation. It doesn’t follow that White people need Asians and Jews to replace them in order to lower the crime rate. Only Jews would use that kind of absurd reasoning.

    You wouldn’t know the first thing about reasoning as you’re obviously incapable of it and chimp out like a nigger.

    You have no credibility, you don’t even sound White. What’s your ancestry? Got something in the woodpile for sure.

    Wandrin: “There’s some truth in that but…”

    What’s true is that we don’t want to give the impression that the desire to protect our collective existence is simply a matter of protecting ourselves against Black crime. Anyway, we don’t have to explain why we want to live.

    And then after your mental breakdown when you’ve had your childish tantrum you end up agreeing with exactly what I said. You god damned idiot.

  17. Blame the school teachers and the media vermin first.

    No, blame the parents for not teaching her the truth and how to protect herself.

    Dysfunctional people come from dysfunctional families.

  18. Mark,

    “No, blame the parents for not teaching her the truth and how to protect herself.”

    The parents are internal. The schools and the media are external.

  19. Racial differences in crime statistics and intelligence are useful tools for undermining ideological egalitarianism and breaking through the propaganda that most White people have been taught all their life.

    Of course it is beyond obvious that I am a Southern ethnonationalist. That point doesn’t really need to be made here.

    Just this week, I went to a Sons of Confederate Veterans meeting here in Alabama and roused the locals with fiery talk about how the South needs to secede again. I’ve also recently gotten involved with a Southern woman who thinks the same way that I do about race and conservatism.

  20. white men rape more than any other race in the world, they’ve been doing it forever

  21. Just this week, I went to a Sons of Confederate Veterans meeting here in Alabama and roused the locals with fiery talk about how the South needs to secede again.

    Good, just make sure they understand the racial angle. I was surprised that some don’t understand this. However, I quickly educated them and swayed them to the racial cause.

    I’ve also recently gotten involved with a Southern woman who thinks the same way that I do about race and conservatism.

    That’s always a big morale booster. I’ve found that Southern women, even the slightly liberal/feminist ones, are racialist and conservative down deep.

    Yankees, Californians and Canadians are the worst. European women, Afrikaners and Australians are good.

  22. white men rape more than any other race in the world, they’ve been doing it forever

    The big difference with Africans is not only their much higher rape rate, but for them it is a cultural norm. It is more of a normal reproductive strategy, like animals.

    Some insects for instance actually perform traumatic insemination, they pierce the abdomen of the female and leave a wound.

  23. John steve (Butt Slave): Non-White women want White seed to make better babies. No need to rape.

  24. I’ve also recently gotten involved with a Southern woman who thinks the same way that I do about race and conservatism.

    It isn’t that hard. Just the other day I met a cute young southern lass who announced to the room that she hates niggers. I responded that I didn’t hate them so much as I hated being forced into proximity to them. She responded, “hmm, no, I pretty much just hate niggers.”

  25. white men rape more than any other race in the world, they’ve been doing it forever

    Data point #3491910431 indicating that statistics are useless when it comes to blacks. Blacks don’t give a shit about, well anything but themselves, but they really don’t give a shit about statistics.

  26. Yankees, Californians and Canadians are the worst. European women, Afrikaners and Australians are good.

    Yankees are clueless. They come down here and swagger around like their shit doesn’t stink. They’re so clueless they try to impress us with their “anti-racist” bona-fides. WTF?

  27. With Yankees, “white guilt” seems much more strongly in effect. Not that they feel any actual guilt over “historical wrongs” – in that sense, “white guilt” is a misnomer. No, they feel “guilty” having any politically incorrect thoughts. White southerners generally have a lifetime of experience with blacks, so they’re much less given over to the indoctrination. I’d say the majority (easily) of southerners are “racist” against blacks. And the vast majority of southern males.

  28. Have you ever met a person that abuses their own family but is a sycophantic flatterer to strangers? The Yankee is the epitome of that type of personality.

  29. Data point #3491910431 indicating that statistics are useless when it comes to blacks.

    I agree, but really most people in general don’t understand statistics. They think in more absolute terms. So if they know good blacks and/or bad Whites, well that completely voids the fact that blacks commit far more crime.

    Yet, I don’t think they’d be buying a type of car that had even a 10% failure rate.

    If we can recall bad products why can’t we recall (repatriate) a bad race.

  30. I responded that I didn’t hate them so much as I hated being forced into proximity to them. She responded, “hmm, no, I pretty much just hate niggers.”

    Proximity as in on the same planet, yes.

  31. People, I’m a Yankee. Born and raised in Detroit. Lived here my entire life. I grew up working class, we didn’t have much money, and we were one of the last white families in our neighborhood. I’ve been around blacks my entire life, so listen to me very carefully: I. HATE. NIGGERS. More than I could ever express in words.

    Not all Yankees are brain-dead.

  32. Oh, I don’t believe they are.

    In fact, I just explained to some of my friends in the Sons of Confederate Veterans that White people who live among blacks in Northern urban areas like Detroit and Chicago understand race more than many Southerners do these days.

  33. Indeed. Sadly, or maybe fittingly, Detroit is sometimes called “the South’s revenge”– because most of our niggers were enticed up from Mississippi by Henry Ford, and well, the rest is history. So the North destroyed the Confederacy, and what went around came around. I say all of us Yankees and Rebels should just call it even, shake hands, and deal with our common enemy. Togethor.

  34. People, I’m a Yankee. Born and raised in Detroit. Lived here my entire life. I grew up working class, we didn’t have much money, and we were one of the last white families in our neighborhood. I’ve been around blacks my entire life, so listen to me very carefully: I. HATE. NIGGERS. More than I could ever express in words.

    Not all Yankees are brain-dead.

    Too true. In college I had a roommate from Newark. I remember even now, many years later, how he visibly sighed in relief the first time I said “nigger” around him. He couldn’t stand ’em.

  35. Chris, I have no more problem with racially-aware Yankees than I do racially aware Irish-Americans. It’s the standard Yankees and Irish-American types I can’t stand. I shit you not, just last weekend I met this Yankee girl from Mass who, in the ten minutes I was talking with her, managed to name-drop with an anecdote about her negroid Costa Rican friend with “Boston police connections” (whoop-de-fuckin-doo) who didn’t like her treatment at the hands of benighted southern cops (they referred to her “black” donchaknow – never mind that if you look black, you ARE black) who dared question her immigration status, AND offend everyone within hearing by asking, “if the south is so great, why did you lose the war?” I was too far in my cups to ask her the obvious, “if the north is so great, WTF are you here, bitch?”

    That said, I’ll take racially aware Yankees and Irish-Americans over libtard southerners any day of the week.

  36. On the other hand, I did manage to actually answer her stupid question in a straightforward way: “Actually, if you look at the casualty rates, the south kicked the living shit out of the north, and the north simply won by being wealthier and more populous.”

    But I will be asking her my espirit-de-escalier question next time I see her.

  37. That said, I’ll take racially aware Yankees and Irish-Americans over libtard southerners any day of the week.

    I’ve never met a “libtard” Southerner. You can’t count slimy politicians.

    The liberals I’ve met in the South have almost always been non-Southerners who live here.

    By Southerner I’m talking about people who have family in the South going back many generations, real ethnic Southerners.

  38. Just out of curiosity what was the racial makeup of the high schools everyone went to? Mine was about 80% black. Yeah, it was a zoo.

    Whites find each other very quickly in that hostile environment. We had a group that got together after school nearly every day.

    What’s funny, when there are that many blacks, all the non-blacks congregate together to fight the greater evil.

  39. Prior to the Civil Rights Act of 1964 the area around here and the schools were all White. Very rapidly things changed since the 1970s. My parents’ schools all White, my schools majority black.

    Civil Rights Act of 1964
    Vote totals

    Totals are in “Yea-Nay” format:

    By party and region

    Note: “Southern”, as used in this section, refers to members of Congress from the eleven states that made up the Confederate States of America in the American Civil War. “Northern” refers to members from the other 39 states, regardless of the geographic location of those states.

    The original House version:
    Southern Democrats: 7–87 (7%–93%)
    Southern Republicans: 0–10 (0%–100%)
    Northern Democrats: 145-9 (94%–6%)
    Northern Republicans: 138-24 (85%–15%)

    The Senate version:
    Southern Democrats: 1–20 (5%–95%)
    Southern Republicans: 0–1 (0%–100%)
    Northern Democrats: 45-1 (98%–2%)
    Northern Republicans: 27-5 (84%–16%)

    Here’s a nice video of black culture in action.

  40. That’s interesting, Mark.

    I didn’t know we shared that in common. We got to find all the other people who went to integrated schools in the South and emerged with the same racial views.

    As it happens, I have been running into people left and right who went to Auburn who share my racial and ideological views, who I didn’t know while I was going there.

    In fact, I have recently met a girl who lived across the street from me in Auburn, who was there the whole time I was there, who was interested in all the same things that i was, and who also thought she was alone.

  41. That’s a great story, glad you two found each other.

    Just goes to show you, never know until you try. More racialist White men just need to engage White women, they assume the negative too much.

  42. Mark: My high school had one Black, named Reginald, out of over 2000 kids. Whites who fancied themselves to be open minded were very anxious to be his friend. Nowadays, there are enough Blacks that the anti-racists no longer have to stand in line to befriend one. In fact, the Blacks outnumber the anti-racists.

  43. MAKES ME WANNA HOLLER by Nathan McCall [born 1955]
    Prof Afro Am studies-Emory U. Published 1994 page 44

    “Different groups of guys set up their own trains. Although everybody knew it could lead to trouble with the law, I think few guys thought of it as rape. It was viewed as a social thing among hanging partners, like passing a joint. The dude who set up the train got pats on the back. He was considered a real player whose rap game was strong.

    I think most girls gave in when trains were sprung on them because they went into shock. They were so utterly unprepared for anything that wild that it freaked them out. By the time they realized that they’d been set up, they were stripped naked, lying on a bed or in the backseat of a car, with a crowd of crazed looking dudes hovering overhead.

    I always wondered what went on inside girls’ heads when that was happening to them.

    Afterward, most girls were too ashamed and freaked out to tell.

    They knew that if they snitched to the cops, the thing would become public news and their name would be mud. But every now and then, some chick squealed, and somebody caught a charge. Then guys got their buddies to go to court and testify that the girl was a footloose ‘ho’ whom they each had boned.

    Most girls seemed to lose something vital inside after they’d been trained. Their self esteem dropped and they didn’t care about themselves anymore. That happened to a girl named Shirley, who was once trained by Scobe and so many other guys that she was hospitalized. After that, I guess she figured nobody wanted her as a straight up girl.

    So Shirley let guys run trains on her all the time. …. end quote

    Must read for anyone interested in how USA got into its present precarious race relations condition.

    SOUL ON ICE by [the late] Eldridge Cleaver also sheds light on how current American racial relations came to be. Cleaver explained why raping White women was a good freedom fighter activity.

  44. MAKES ME WANNA HOLLER by Nathan McCall [born 1955]
    Prof Afro Am studies-Emory U. Published 1994 page 45

    “It was the first day of summer vacation. I was fourteen years old and had just completed the eighth grade, marking the end of my junior high school days. I was sitting at home, watching TV, when the telephone rang. “Hello,” I said.

    “Yo, Nate, this is Lep!”

    “Yo Lep, what’s up?”

    “We got one. She phat as a motherfucka! Got nice titties, too! We at Turkey Buzzard’s crib. You better come on over and get in on it!”

    “‘See you in a heartbeat.”

    When I got to Turkey Buzzard’s place a few blocks away, Bimbo, Frog Dickie, Shane, Lep, Cooder, almost the whole crew about twelve guys in all were already there, grinning and joking like they had stolen something.
    Actually, they had stolen something:

    They were holding a girl captive in one of the back bedrooms.

    Turkey Buzzard’s parents were away at work. I learned that the girl was Vanessa, a black beauty whose family had recently moved into our neighborhood, less than two blocks from where I lived. She seemed like a nice girl. When I first noticed her walking to and from school, I had wanted to check her out. Now it was too late. She was about to have a train run on her. No way she could be somebody’s straight up girl after going through a train. End quote

    “Vanessa was thirteen years old and very naive. She thought she had gone to Turkey Buzzard’s crib just to talk with somebody she had a crush on. A bunch of the fellas hid in closets and under beds. When she stepped inside and sat down, they sprang from their hiding places and blocked the door so that she couldn’t leave.

    When I got there, two or three dudes were in the back room, trying to persuade her to give it up. The others were pacing about in the living room, joking and arguing about the lineup, about who would go first……..end quote

  45. MAKES ME WANNA HOLLER by Nathan McCall [born 1955]
    [Prof Afro Am studies – Emory U] Published 1994 page 49

    That train [gang rape] on Vanessa was definitely a turning point for most of us. We weren’t aware of what it symbolized at the time, but that train marked our real coming together as a gang. It certified us as a group of hanging partners who would do anything and everything together. It sealed our bond in the same way some other guys consummated their alliances by rumbling together in gang wars against downtown boys. In doing so, we served notice mostly to ourselves that we were a group of up and coming young cats with a distinct identity in a specific portion of Cavalier Manor that we intended to stake out as own.

    After that first train, we perfected the art of luring babes into those kinds of traps.

    We ran a train at my house when my parents were [page 50] away. We ran many at Bimbo’s crib because both his parents worked And we set up one at Lep’s place and even let his little brother get in on it. He couldn’t have been more than eight or nine. He probably didn’t even have a sex drive yet. He was just imitating what he saw us do, in the same way we copied older hoods we admired. …….. End quote

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