The Carter Strange Beating: SPLC Silent on Columbia’s Black Hole

In Columbia, South Carolina, Carter Strange was assaulted and nearly beaten to death by a black mob

South Carolina

South Carolina has been shocked by the brutal mob beating of Carter Strange in the Five Points area of Columbia.

Here’s what happened: Carter Strange, an 18-year-old White teenager, was jogging home through the Five Points neighborhood.

Strange had spent the evening helping a friend. A good boy, he was just minding his own business, and was trying to get home in time for his curfew.

Carter Strange couldn’t have known that 19-year-old Tyheem Henrey, the only adult charged in the incident, had spent the past several hours assaulting and trying to rob other innocent pedestrians in Columbia, with a pack of eight other black juvenilles, albeit unsuccessfully.

OD and SBPDL readers know how this story goes: it is the summer time, which means it is peak robbery season, and Tyheem Henrey and his negro gang were loitering in Five Points and causing chaos in their usual 365Black way, which is exactly what goes on in Chicago, Atlanta, and every other American city with a similar black hole.

Tyheem Henrey and his pack of eight African-American juveniles saw a White boy jogging down the street by himself. That is when their black synapses started firing and they collectively had a “eureka” moment: let’s rob this “White muthfucka,” beat the shit out of him, kill this “cracka,” and show him “this is a Black World.”

And that is exactly what happened.

This black lynch mob beat Carter Strange so bad that he required emergency brain surgery and still has to undergo several more facial reconstructive surgeries. His mother recognized him by his hand and his hair.

After the beating, Strange managed to run a block down the road, where a passerby found him two hours later and called 9/11. He must have collapsed there in a pool of his own blood. The lynch mob had stolen his cell phone.

“Editor’s note: Because of the abusive nature of many comments on this story, the commenting feature has been disabled.”

The DWLs who control The State website have predictably closed the comments: this is a black-on-white mob assault, which doesn’t fit the politically correct narrative of poor victimized minorities, and is thus unfit for discussion, because it draws attention to unsavory facts that make black people look bad.

Tellingly, the SPLC has nothing to say about the Carter Strange beating either. That is because Carter is White and his attackers were African-Americans. The SPLC hates White Americans.

Thus, the SPLC reported that the KKK passed out fliers in Dothan, and that Texas is debating licenses plates with the Confederate flag, and that someone hung a “noose” in a doorway in California, but “Hatewatch” is not interested in the lynch mob in Columbia that almost killed this White teenager.

When the black lynch mob almost killed Eric Loznicka in North Carolina, the SPLC wasn’t interested in that story either. Just like they weren’t interested in the Chrissy Lee Polis beating in Baltimore until it came out that the victim was a transssexual.

Like the Knoxville Massacre, the Carter Strange beating in South Carolina won’t become a national story unless it turns out he is gay or something, and his victims were motivated by “homophobia.”

If it is just a White guy who is almost killed by a black lynch mob, DWLs will flush this story down the memory hole like the MARTA train beating in Atlanta. They tried to censor the racial context of the Chicago flash mobs and it backfired on them.

I cannot stress enough that this is not an isolated incident. What happened to Carter Strange in South Carolina was entirely predictable.

In 2005, 1,888 people were arrested for robbery in South Carolina.  Of those, Whites committed 359 robberies and African-Americans committed 1,380.

African-Americans were responsible for 78 percent of robberies in South Carolina. Whites/Hispanics committed 22 percent of robberies in South Carolina.

In 2005, 64 percent of robbery victims in South Carolina were White people like Carter Strange, even though Whites/Hispanics were responsible for only 22 percent of robberies.

Black thugs like Tyheem Henrey have been terrorizing White people in South Carolina for years now.

Source: Crime in South Carolina, 2005

In 2005, there were 24,685 aggravated assaults in South Carolina. Of those arrested, 42.7 percent were White/Hispanic and 56.8 percent were African-Americans.

In fact, the typical aggravated assault in South Carolina is committed by a black male, 13 to 35 years of age, in June and July, with “hands and feet,” and sometimes with other weapons, and then with guns and knives in that order.

Source: Crime in South Carolina, 2005

Who could have ever saw this coming? Anyone familiar with the facts about The Color of Crime in South Carolina, which the DWL media refuses to report, because it shows that black holes in cities like Columbia, Greenville, and Charleston are a threat to White residents.

In case you were wondering, rape and murder in South Carolina are also black:

Although we don’t have any data on interracial rape in South Carolina, we know that in 9 out of 10 cases, it is black-on-white in Alabama and North Carolina, and that summer is the peak season.

Consider this a public service warning: there are African-Americans at large, who will rob, rape, and kill you. The threat level is high and rising.

For your own safety, avoid contact with African-American males between the ages of 13 and 35, especially at night and in the summer month, and especially when they are in groups, and when they wear baggy pants or dress like thugs, and appear to be in attack formation.

These people are the residents of the black holes who commit the majority of violent crime in South Carolina. They are a danger to you and your family.

Update: SBPDL and CofCC have the story.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Hey Tuashboona – I sure am impressed with the reply, since you obviously “…actually am a teacher have a cdl and drive a shool “.

    Oh yes. Dazzling. I’m just awe-struck! I see oyu brought you fellow SheBoon ghetto Apes here. The depth of thier colllective IQ is truly impressive, since they are chiding me for my spelling, when…oh forget. Why even bother with creatures that don’t have the average intelligence of the hideous fake blond hair theur glue to their ugly nappy mis-shapen chicken neck “haids”

    One of them stated, “P.S. I LOVE BEING A BLACK WOMEN ”

    Mutiple identy issue there?

    You lard-assed Ghetto holes are attempting to run your fat flapping lipped motor mouth – but you pethetic Niggers back down at the FIRST sign of a real White person. Which you ARE GOING to meet, sooner than any of you Sheboons can ever imagine. I’ve made Niggers like YOU obey me before – you are nothing. Kizzie’s going to learn to repesct the crak of Mr Whip, once more….

    One og my dear pals married an Arab, from Morroco. He used to play with the chains on the wall, in the slave quarters, of his family’s home. as a child. Perhaps that family could use a new supply…hahaha!

    And fellas – these Sheboons are real. Trolls could not be that stupid.

    And Ghetto Ape s- I’d never compare you, or that moron Ty-Nigger – to actual animals – because animals are worthy wonderful creatures, deserving of love, respect and kindness – and NIGGERS are NOT.

  2. Jesus wasNotGay- ButAntifasARE – most likely all the Niggers will kill YOU. A pal of mine noted that your type will be skinned and eaten first. Good riddance!

  3. First of all i would like to say my heart goes out to carter strange and his family. I would also like to say Tieem Henry is innocent until proven guilty. If he is guilty then he should obtain proper punishment;But people there still has to be a complete investagation(that is the law!) So judge not,because at the end of the day only GOD can judge him.In reality nobody except those nine individuals and god know’s what happen that night. So please let’s restrain from being judge and jury until we know all the facts. There will be no more responses coming from this laptop to these outragous comments, this is ridiculouse!Wit that being said i pray that god bless you and keep you.

  4. Dear Hunter Wallace:

    It was yesterday that I saw a television report regarding the beating of Carter Strange. My interest in the case caused me to search for more information, and this is how I happened across your blog.

    I must say that I first thought that you were handling the issue comically, I was disheartened to realize that you were serious in your and assertions. Normally, I would have just continued my search to find a more balance news report, and in fact that is what I did. However, I was moved to write you and those who curse at you and at your assessments.

    Your desire to point out unrighteousness is good. The beating was horrific and evil. Of that, there is no question. The young men who are alleged to have perpetrated the crime are without honor and without love of their fellowman (also not in question). If they have done this because of something as foolish as their hatred of someone that they had never encountered, simply because of the color of Strange’s skin, they have sinned against The Most High God.

    Racism shows dishonor to the One who created Mankind. It dishonors The Most High God Himself. As a given, those men have done evil.

    Both Torah and New Testament verses make a hatred of a person abundantly clear as sin.
    What does the Bible say

    In your desire to be an American Rebel; one who points out unrighteousness by those we call Negros, you have fallen into the same unrighteousness.

    I don’t know if you profess yourself to be a follower of the Christ, but if you do, I pray that the Spirit of God will purge your heart of this unrighteousness as it will lead to suffering and separation from the goodness of the Creator.

    Acts 10:34- And Peter opened his mouth and said: “Truly I perceive that God shows no partiality,
    35 but in every nation any one who fears him and does what is right is acceptable to him.
    36 You know the word which he sent to Israel, preaching good news of peace by Jesus Christ (he is Lord of all),

    I pray that you will come to an understanding of the evil that you foster in your heart, so that you will not be separated from God, either presently or eternally.

    Regarding those who curse you, I ask ALL of you not to allow Wallace’s evil to cause you to hate and to sin.

    Instead, allow yourself to be rewarded:

    Proverbs 25:21- If your enemy is hungry, give him bread to eat; and if he is thirsty, give him water to drink;
    22 for you will heap coals of fire on his head, and the LORD will reward you.

    Wallace, you need not reply to this post. Anything that you need to say, need be said only to the One who provides you life each day. It is against Him that you have fallen short.

    I will not return to your blog. Instead, I will be praying for you and for those to whom you have linked your blog.

    1 John 2: 7 – Beloved, I am writing you no new commandment, but an old commandment which you had from the beginning; the old commandment is the word which you have heard.
    8 Yet I am writing you a new commandment, which is true in him and in you, because the darkness is passing away and the true light is already shining.
    9 He who says he is in the light and hates his brother is in the darkness still.
    10 He who loves his brother abides in the light, and in it there is no cause for stumbling.
    11 But he who hates his brother is in the darkness and walks in the darkness, and does not know where he is going, because the darkness has blinded his eyes.
    12 I am writing to you, little children, because your sins are forgiven for his sake.

    Know this also: There shall be only one thousand year reign on the Earth, that of Christ Jesus. “The LORD shall reign forever and ever.”

  5. AChristian,

    You have been misled.

    (1) First, the term “racism” didn’t exist until the 1930s. It first appeared among European communists and self described “anti-fascists” groups, none of whom were Christians, in the 1920s before it was imported into this country.

    (2) Second, the church never claimed that “racism” was a sin until the twentieth century, probably because the very term “racism” didn’t exist, and it was communists who came up with the idea that “racism” was immoral.

    (3) Third, please scan through your Bible and tell me specifically where Jesus or any of the apostles specifically condemn “racism” or “racial prejudice” or tribalism.

    (4) Fourth, the reason Christians didn’t consider “racism” a sin for over 1,900 years is because there was nothing in the Christian tradition that suggested that acknowledging the existence of racial prejudice was wrong.

    Once again, it was communists who came up with the meme that “racism” was a sin. The New Testament is silent on the subject of “racism.”

  6. AChristian,

    You seem to believe that Marxism is Christianity.

    If racism was a “sin,” something that is evil, as you claim, then surely the topic would have been discussed by Jesus himself, or St. Paul, or Aquinas or Augustine or any of the Church fathers.

    The Southern Baptist Convention announced that “racism” was a sin … in 1995!

    If “racism” was considered a sin, then American colonists would have never created the United States in the first place. They would have stayed in Europe rather than commit “racism” by dispossessing the Indians of their lands, and the slave trade would never have existed either.

    It wasn’t until the twentieth century that the idea became widespread that “racism” was a sin. That idea was coined by communists who hated Christianity and it was spread by communists who infiltrated the media and the churches.

  7. AChristian,

    You are the one who is anti-Christian.

    When Jesus talks about “love your neighbor” and “love your brother,” he was talking about your real neighbors, your real brothers, which in that setting undeniably meant love your co-ethnics.

    Where did Jesus say love black people? Where did Jesus say “racism” is a sin? Where did Jesus say that black people are your neighbors? Where did Jesus say that non-Whites are your brothers?

    He didn’t say any of those things. There is no proof he ever said any of those things. “Love your brother” and “Love your neighbor” means stick up for Carter Strange, not “Tyheem Henrey.”

    If God himself believed that “racism” was a sin, then surely he would have made that clear? Don’t be a racist would have been included in the Ten Commandments. It would have been the Golden Rule.

    No, that is not what happened, is it?

    On the contrary, this idea that “racism” is a sin didn’t even exist until the 20th century when communists who hated Christianity came up with the idea, and you have swallowed it without anything resembling critical thought.

    “Tyheem Henrey” is not my brother. He is not your brother. He is not the brother of Carter Strange. Were it not for slavery, he would not be your neighbor, and when Jesus said love your neighbor, he was not talking a multiracial society which had no precedent in Judea.

  8. Once again, “love your brother” means love your real brother, your co-ethnics. It is good advice. It means keep conflicts within your family and within your ethnic group at a minimum.

    Jesus was preaching White solidarity.

    It does not mean this Unitarian bullshit that “AChristian” is peddling here.

  9. Mom101,

    All the suspects have confessed. They were caught on multiple cameras. Tyheem Henrey is going to prison. Unless he dies of a heart attack or is struck by lightning or Eric “My People” Holder interferes in the case.

  10. What happened to this young man was so horrible and violent, that In my opinion every involved person 16 or older should be locked away for life. There may be some hope for the younger ones, although honestly, I doubt that. All siblings of these offenders should be taken away and placed in protective custody until they are 18. Fix the parent’s? sigh. What parents allow their children to roam the streets at midnight? I have 2 teens so maybe they could sneak out. They know better to even attempt such a thing though. If somehow, they had an idiotic desire to do so….I can assure you they wouldn’t be out trying to kill another human being. I have read others making comments on the victim’s midnight curfew. There were comments on MSNBC from a poster asking what young adult calls his/her parents from only 5 minutes away, as if this part of the story is a lie. (this would be from people who have no concept of parent’s it seems) They further stated there MUST be more to the story of what he was doing. Maybe he sneaked up on those 8 thugs and attacked them? Things like this piss me off. So now to Mr. Wallace. I would like to be nice and polite but it’s late so so the only thing I can come up with is……………….WOW you are eat up with the dumbass

  11. I hope that everyone here understands that there is a difference between a “nigger” and a black person. Niggers come in various shades ranging from alabaster white to ebony; and the connecting trait is hate, ignorance and immorality. Please do not judge every dark skinned person for the disgusting actions of SOME of their ‘group’. What they did to him is despicable, unforgivable and nauseating. I don’t care what excuses are used, it was wrong and they HAVE to be punished. If they are not, then thee is something seriously wrong with our judicial system. This is just as much a hate crime as anything that has EVER been done to a black, Asian, Indian American, gay etc individual. If those ‘young men’ walk free; then may God have mercy on their souls because i know come judgment day their fates will turn hellacious.! As a female college student of color who usually frequents five points with friends of various backgrounds; i am legitimately scared to go near it! There are always creepy men sitting around staring at us and others as we walk by; also on USC campus it’s not much better. We have the stragglers of five points going through campus and i myself have had to call the Police numerous times on other people of color. So don’t think it’s a white vs. black thing; it is a civilized,compassionate god fearing individuals vs. heathens thing. They would do that to their own probably faster had they had the chance. I hope they are locked up and NEVER hurt anyone again; and that the young man injured has a full and speedy recover, and that God remain by his side during this ordeal.
    – a USC student of color

  12. To Tyheem’s family: First of all Carter never said he just wanted to forget it. What he said was that he doesn’t think about them because he didn’t need to give them that much thought – they didn’t deserve it, but that he was gonna do what he could to make sure this didn’t happen to someone else. Please do not discredit Carter by trying to trivialize this vicious attack on him. These eight are guilty – the videos prove it. If they were so upstanding they would have not tried this on four other occasions prior to successfully beating Carter. The person you know around you is not the person that has been on the streets because his prior criminal record proves that. Of course, the guilty party’s would like all this to go away that’s natural – no one wants to be called on their mistakes – however, the crime was actually committed and for you to ask for sympathy is disturbing because sympathy was not given to Carter. I would like to ask – where is your humanity to think that this incident is no big deal and that the media is making a mountain out of a mole-hill. It is a mountain, it’s been going on to long, it just so happens that these eight guy’s actions have finally caught up with them and it time to pay for their actions. I do wish this would have never happened for Carter or your family and friends, but it did, and so, must be dealt with. Previous criminal records will have a bearing on this case because it proves habitual characteristics. All this name calling doesn’t change the situation – it happened, its being dealt with, the courts and the laws this country and state have adopted will hopefully judge them according to the crimes committed and the laws written for the punishment. Unfortunately this site will not take down the hateful messages being left so we all have to deal with them. My prayers are for Carter and these eight guys to be able to come to some personal, emotional, and mental healing over this, but please also understand that I do believe that a crime deserves punishment. I pray for your families as I pray for mine.

  13. @USC student

    No. Niggers are black. Period. Niggers come from Africa. They have nappy hair, flat snouts, shit-colored skin, a sloping forehead were there would be brain on any other race, they can’t speak properly, have no hygene, can’t control their violent impulses, and are clinically proven to be borderline retarded. Niggers are black, blacks are niggers.

  14. @Chris-
    noun \?ni-g?r\
    usually offensive; see usage paragraph below : a member of any dark-skinned race

    i am not going to bother with the likes of you trying to speak in logic; Voltaire said it best when he said “Prejudice is the FOOL’s attempt at logic”, logical people can’t reason with bigots. I just pray to God that one day you find redemption, because you my friend are a lost soul. Your hatred, rage and nasty words will NOT undo what happen to that innocent young man; he should be foremost in your thoughts in the form of prayer. If he doesn’t even bother to use such nasty generalizations, what makes you think you have the right hmmm? People like you and like those kids that hurt him make me sad and scared for this world; too much hate in this place and not enough love or understanding. I guess my professor was right about South Carolina. First to secede, last to realize the South lost the war. Still living in the primitive 19th century will get you nowhere. I pray for you, your soul and other hateful people such as yourself. May God hold you tightly under his hand; and guide you.

  15. fal·la·cy
    ? ?[fal-uh-see]
    –noun, plural -cies.
    a deceptive, misleading, or false notion, belief, etc.: That the world is flat was at one time a popular fallacy.
    a misleading or unsound argument.
    deceptive, misleading, or false nature; erroneous.

    Because i know you won’t know what a fallacy is otherwise, your argument Sir Christopher is a HUGE fallacy.

    Irregardless, i hope those boys get the punishment they deserve and that Carter heals wholly and rapidly. I think those boys should have to pay for their damages to his body, mind and spirit as well as the torment they put his family through.

  16. @USC student

    “I just pray to God that one day you find redemption, because you my friend are a lost soul.”

    I’m not your friend, and like the rest of my abused, battered race, I have never been more clear to purpose. So don’t pray for me, boy. Pray to God that you can find passage out of the U.S. after big collapse, and you find yourself surrounded by 180 million bloodthirsty, righteously vengeful, heavily-armed white people who no longer give any shit to being called “raysiss”.

  17. Wow!!!! It looks to me that the family(sister and probably one of many “baby mamas”) of the predator has just shown how the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. I guess they are not educated enough to realize when NOT to threaten someone on a public post.

  18. USC student of color, your post is spot on! I recommend everyone read her comment and understand it.

  19. The SPLC hates White Americans.
    Consider this a public service warning: there are African-Americans at large, who will rob, rape, and kill you. The threat level is high and rising.

    For your own safety, avoid contact with African-American males between the ages of 13 and 35, especially at night and in the summer month, and especially when they are in groups, and when they wear baggy pants or dress like thugs, and appear to be in attack formation.

    thank you for this blog entry, for saying what needs to be said. ignore all thegutless, spineless liberals. I believe in GOD too, and I am not impressed with those who think racial consciousness is a sin.

  20. [quote]USC student says:
    July 2, 2011 at 6:42 am
    I hope that everyone here understands that there is a difference between a “nigger” and a black person. Niggers come in various shades ranging from alabaster white to ebony; and the connecting trait is hate, ignorance and immorality. Please do not judge every dark skinned person for the disgusting actions of SOME of their ‘group’. What they did to him is despicable, unforgivable and nauseating. I don’t care what excuses are used, it was wrong and they HAVE to be punished. If they are not, then thee is something seriously wrong with our judicial system. This is just as much a hate crime as anything that has EVER been done to a black, Asian, Indian American, gay etc individual. If those ‘young men’ walk free; then may God have mercy on their souls because i know come judgment day their fates will turn hellacious.! As a female college student of color who usually frequents five points with friends of various backgrounds; i am legitimately scared to go near it! There are always creepy men sitting around staring at us and others as we walk by; also on USC campus it’s not much better. We have the stragglers of five points going through campus and i myself have had to call the Police numerous times on other people of color. So don’t think it’s a white vs. black thing; it is a civilized,compassionate god fearing individuals vs. heathens thing. They would do that to their own probably faster had they had the chance. I hope they are locked up and NEVER hurt anyone again; and that the young man injured has a full and speedy recover, and that God remain by his side during this ordeal.
    – a USC student of color[/quote]

    tis is the commet I meant sh was right about, not the one wherin she says “I guess my professor was right ” your prfessors are wrong, they are COMMIES!

  21. Yup! Chris is right!

    Debra- if you are still reading this blog – and you ought to be – stop trying top convince yourselg that Niggers are human, and worthy of compassion, and on second’s worth of care, or concern, or prayer. They are not. Your sole concern should be the welfare of the White Race. This concern should animate your every moment of existence, be the fundament of every thought you think, and be the very oxygen you breath.

    Blut and Boden, Debra. Learn it live it love it.

  22. I am appalled by so many of these posts. What happened to Carter was wrong on every level. If those who did this are not punished in this lifetime they will certainly be obliterated in the next.
    God bless Carter, his mother and family.
    For those who do not recognize the severity of wrongdoing here, you are no better than the perpetrators. It does not matter what color you are…..this was wrong and deserves punishment.
    Wake up.

  23. Cyn – please get the FVCK over yourself. Dear little Carter gotten beaten within an inch of his life, because of his race. Niggers, Cyn, NIGGERS – are attackig Whites, and everything else they run across, for fun, Cyn. They do it for FUN. Because mindless violence is the Hallmark of the the Niggers.

    We DO recognize the severity and the NATURE of the wrong-doing, Cyn.

    YOU do NOT.

    Race is EVERYTHING.

    Instead of running your suicidally ignorant mouth – spend some time on the other threads. LEARN something, why don’t you?

  24. it’s funny to me when folks do these drive by postings. They spout a few bleeding heart liberal bullshit lines, thinking they’ve taught us a lesson and we’ll all behave then off they go. What exactly do they think they will accomplish?

  25. In these instances, try to develop a personal contact list of political, media people in the area of the attack – go for Congressional assistants, younger reporters, state representatives and then develop a dialogue before asking why the double standard on racial hate crimes?

    We want this meme to spread:

    Racism cuts both ways and there is a double standard on hate crimes.

    When it’s White on Black – it’s a hate crime.
    When it’s Black on White it’s…. not to be discussed in polite society.

  26. It Is Soooooooo Sad That We Live In A Society, Where White Inbreed Trash In South Caroline Are Allowed to Drive Cars,Vote And For Sure Leave Dumb Ass Racist Comment About A Situation In Which They Did Not Reside.What Happen Was Horrible, But Let,s Let The Police Do There Job And Investigate.We Know What Happen When White Lynch Mobs Form, Look Up Some Of Horrible Things Done To Blacks Over The History Of This Country.For That Dumbs Ass Chris@ USC!Wow!You Might Visit The Biology Dept. @ That Fucked Up Neanderthal Cave You Call A School and Ask A Head Neanderthal”If You Can Get Him To Stand Upright” Who Has Dominant Gene And Who Has Tht Watered Down Recessive Gene!

  27. And Yes! I know The Difference Between There and Their and Carolina And Caroline, Just Could Not Write Fast Enough To Respond To All Those Fucked Up Racist Comments!SOUTH CAROLINA SUCKS! THE BIG GIANT WALK BY IT,S SELF DILDO!

  28. and another ridiculous, hate-filled, logic lacking drive by post. it’s second post sort of makes sense. it’s 1st post, I can’t cipher at all

  29. Let Me Break It Down So Those Two Dumb Ass Wipe From That Primative Fucked Up State Can Under Stand!You Have Been Told A Lie Asswipes and if it Wasn,t For That”Nigger” DNA Your Stinky White Inbreed Trash Ass Would Be Somewhere is the Swiss Alp eating Frozen Rodent And Having The Verbal Skills Of Common Lemur.

  30. ah double downing on the insults but yet no logical reason why we should change our opinions.

    common gemmy, you should be able to do much, much better if you are so much smarter that us.

  31. D’accord!!Neanderthal Stonelifter!WFT!What Logic Could Their Be In A Lie That Was Served Up To A Brew Of Baby Cretins,Who Devour Such Cerebral Rot Like The Fucked Up Bunch Of Sewer Trash You Are.The One Thing That Is Logical Is You Will Make Some Higher Life Form A GREAT NEANDERTHAL STONELIFTER PET.

  32. LOL, tripled down on the insults and back to nonsense. And why all the capitalization?

    I ask for logic, and it cannot be delivered. It’s isn’t to blame though. Logic is on the side of us racist who want to be free and clear of an under performing demographic group who in very large numbers only excel in crime and breeding more criminals.

    Their isn’t a negro alive that could make me it’s pet. Grenada; Panama; Iraq round one; Somalia; the Drug War; keeping nerds safe in africa; 5 years of working Iraq round 2; and 2 years in the A-stan has been me and other White men vs negros, latinos, and hajjis. They are worm food and I am still here.

    I have a 28 year track record of putting “people” of color in the ground.

    negros hold there guns funny, do drugs like the devil spawn they are, incapable of producing or maintaining tools or organizations, kill each other like it’s their national sport and prey on week White folks.

    My eldest son has 4 years in Iraq; three tours as a Paratrooper, two as a sniper/ Paratrooper and 1 year as a private military contractor. My younger kids know how to operate as a fire-team and can hit a man sized target at 600 yards.

    Lets play lead tag nigger

  33. Just The Thought That The Spawn Of A Fucked up Piece Of White Gutter Trash Like You And That In Breed Brew You And Your Neanderthal Bride Littered This Beautiful Planet With Is Enough To Make Me Throw The Fuck Up. Do I Hear A Hint Of Bullshit Threat By You Using That Waste Of Bio-matter That Poured From Your Old Nasty Ass Shit Pocket.You Are A MONGOLOID ! And No Matter How Much Education You Your Fucked Kind Steal From Our Society This Will Never Change.Understand Quantum Physics You Fucked Up Old Relic, Guns Are For In Breed Hicks Like You And Your Asswipe Kind.Knowing That The Possibility That That Filty Moleculars Dust Of Yours Can Be Scattered To The Far Ends Of The Universe Without you even knowing what the FUCK Hit Your DIRTY WHITE ASS.Gives Me Great Great Pleasure.LET PLAY BIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIOTCH!And Your Kind STEALS They Just USE PENCILS,SUITS AND TIES INSTEAD OF GUNS!ASSWIPE!

  34. Point And Case!! You Don,t Understand! Proof That That Small Nut Size Neanderthal Brain CANNOT COMPREHEND !VIVA LA NUBIANS!!BIIIIIIIIIIIIIOTCH!

  35. What is that thing? Is that a Nigress, or a Jew? I don’t think it’s a Nig. Too hysterical. I think it’s a really crazy Kike. That Rabbi Yosef has set up shp in Brooklyn. Did any of you see that video of the loonue tunes Kikess – a really ugly example – ranting like a mental case, on a NYC bus? The posts of this Gemmy/Cyn thing sound like that nutty Kike.

  36. I think it’s a nation of islam negro. it seems to “think” some magic death ray negro super weapon will overcome good ol boys with rifles

    which is typical “logic” for that variety of ape

  37. I can’t find my links on the noi negros however, if memory serves

    noi negros believe there are magic space negros who will come to earth and gives us White folks our comeuppances with high tech magic space negro weapons that are beyond the White mans scope of learning. Notice how it made no claims to actually fighting on its own behalf, only that its quantum physics would over come rifles

    noi negros are spun up with the idea Whites stole our our technology from the ancient magic negros and the theft is part of why the magic high tech negros had to jump on their space ships and hide out on the far side of the moon

    noi negros seem to be spun up on the idea Whites will end up as there pets and servants after our day of comeuppances

    they also believe two things at one time; 1) Whites were created by a mad negro scientist to punish the other negros 2) and something or another about Whites only evolving because of the ancient magic negros messing with our DNA. Guess it depends on which brand of noi negro one’s dealing with

    noi negros also like to go on and on about us being inbreed, trash etc.

    something tells me this particular feral negro isn’t a full fledged noi member though. it’s inane ramblings lack the right style.


    it’s not a threat nigger but an iron clad guarantee to you and any other niggers reading this that violence will be met with violence and a promise that I’m better at it then you and your kind

  38. OMG!!!Now We Have A Disease Ridden Dirty White Cave BITCH!!Denise!You Dirty Fucking White Fucking Whore Bitch Slut. Go Get Some Teeth Bitch And Have Some More Dumb Ass White Neanderthal Babies With That Dumb Shit Stonelifter. Go Fuck Your Bother Whore Like ALL YOU NASTY WHITE BITCHES DO!!YOURE PUSSY PROBABLY HAVE HERPES SORE ON IT!SKANK!!

  39. Old dirty Stonelifter!!Go Take Your Meds And Sit On The Porch With The Rest Of That Dirty White Trash In Your Family. Who Knows Maybe That Toothless Redneck Dirty Bitch Deinse Can Join You. And You Are The Crazy One Talk about Death Ray You Stupid Fuck!!

  40. If By Any Means You Think Blood Lines From Millions Of Year Will Be Out Tech By Some Watered Down GENETIC ABOMINATION CAVE THINGS With Primative Weapons!You Are Sadly DISILLUSION!You Will Be MEET WITH FULL FUROR!You low life NAZI PIECE OF TRASH!!

  41. RETALIATION!Is Not Always An Obviuos weapons, You Dumb Huge Forehead Hairy Dirty Cave Beast!Use Your Imagination OOPS!! I Forgot You Dirty Cave Things Cannot Create ONLY DESTROY!And If We Get On The Subject Of Crazy Rants, Maybe An Airbourne Virus That Will Turn On Every Dormant Disease Cell In That Filty Body Of You And Your kind!But That Is Just Sci- Fiction Right!!

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