It has been a running theme here that BRA was anticipated by Antebellum Southern secessionists and Jim Crow Southern segregationists who accurately predicted the future direction of the egalitarian fanaticism of their Northern enemies.
Sen. Theodore Bilbo predicted that the Civil Rights Movement would open “the floodgates of hell” in the South and that the daughters of Dixie would be “raped and outraged” by African-Americans.
William Lowndes Yancey predicted that the federal government would place the Southern White man in a position inferior to the Northern free negro and he would rather crawl into a grave like the Spartans at Thermopylae than live under Black Run Amerika.
In the Northern states, the South’s allies in the Democracy, who were often Scots-Irish in the Midwest and Irish Catholics in the Northeast, perceived the threat to White America posed by The Yankee Question and lynch mobs often pounced on the abolitionists for that reason.
In the Great White North, the egalitarian disaster ahead that these delusional Yankee social crusaders had charted was clearly anticipated and it was a source of much bitterness and controversy in the North itself among the Whites who lived there.
Here is a preview of Yankee Month:
“An anti-abolition wood engraving, printed and circulated in the North, featured the heading “THE RESULTS OF ABOLITIONISM!” and depicted the edifice of a building under construction, with black craftsmen and a black employer exerting authority over white menial laborers. Such an image dramatized both the widespread fear that emancipation would bring an influx of former slaves to the North to compete for white men’s jobs and the fear that abolitionism connoted not just social equality but black dominance. A second Northern anti-abolition lithograph, called “PRACTICAL AMALGAMATION,” pictured the couch of a middle-class parlor on which a black man embraced a white woman and a white man kissed the hand of a black woman. Obviously this image was intended to associate abolitionism with the social taboo of miscegenation. Northern newspapers such as the New York Commercial Advertiser hammered away at the abolitionists with charges that they were “traitors” who wanted to reduce white men “to the condition of mongrels”; if slaves were freed, they would of necessity “displace the whites.”
The Southern press, for its parts, excelled in “verbal violence” and hyperbole. The image of abolitionists as insurrectionists predominated. A Georgia newspaper warned that the abolitionist mail campaign was calculated to “destroy the lives of our whole white population – men, women, and children, and lay waste the country.”
“A Georgia newspaper warned that the abolitionist mail campaign was calculated to “destroy the lives of our whole white population – men, women, and children, and lay waste the country.”
And tehy were correct too. It took about 145 years for this to occur but it is here on our doorstep now. And I don’t beleive there is anything we can do to stop this train wreck. It’s all down hill from here. Not just in America but for all white people in whatever country they reside, be it England, UK, Germany, Switerland, etc….
A frightening example is former Rhosedia.
To Global Minority: There is a solution, hope and victory—check out on google Truth From God.com Who Is God the click OTHER ARTICLES and you will see articles from BATTLE AX NEWS of The National Emancipation of White Seed. Also check this out on google BIBLE BELIEVERS NEWSLETTER 037 —- World Genocide by a Self Styled Mutant Master Race! Dont feel so bad, THE GOOD NEWS is back! NEWS was before Aryan Nations and more militant. The Powers That Be freak out over the NEWS FLAG! Its all a MATTER VOF RACIAL WILL!
OK, HW, look at your new banner picture. It’s a great choice. But let’s all be adults here.
Look at the guy on the far right. Look at his smirk. He was probably flirting with those girls before this picture was shot. Notice the look on the other guy to the left, how “serious” it is.
The picture was STAGED. This was the South attempting to do a “media coup” against the Yankee Corporate Media that was currently engaged in demonizing us. The Feds may have “federalized” the National Guard in Arkansas and Alabama, but that doesn’t mean anything when it’s a local boy and a local girl. This was our attempt to do a “run around” on the New York Media. It worked. It’s a testament that we can’t be fooled. When you realise that the “Civil Rights Movement” was a Television advertising campaign, you can understand what happened.
Snap out of it, Hunter Wallace. We don’t have to play pretend anymore. You know exactly what I mean. We’re Christians, we don’t have to subscribe to the Television Religion. Also, 9/11? Come on – inside job. Three buildings don’t get blown up by two airliners.
Secede already.
The last thing that the Arkansas National Guard wanted to do was integrate the schools. The same was true of the Mississippi National Guard. Their sympathies were wholly with the people.
As it happens, the general who led the integration of Central High School in Little Rock was on the scene in Oxford where he attempted to lead the White students there who were participated in the riot into battle.
“Such an image dramatized both the widespread fear that emancipation would bring an influx of former slaves to the North to compete for white men’s jobs and the fear that abolitionism connoted not just social equality but black dominance. ‘
Can we say EEOC, OCR, boys and girls? Here’s the byline for just ONE job in just ONE university, in just ONE state… which happens to be Ole Miss, just to rub it in….
“The University of Mississippi is an EEO/AA/ADA/ADEA/Titles VI & IX/Section 504 employer.”
To hell with this BS.
Kroll Associates has it right- “Secede already.” I would like to be in charge of hiring ONLY heterosexual, Christian, WHITE FOLKS for EVERY SINGLE UNIVERSITY FACULTY POSITION. Why not? The Jews, fags, and Jewish Faggot Liberals have done same, for over a generation already!
The countdown has already begun, or haven’t you guys (and gals- Denise) been reading SBPDL lately?
Deo Volente. I am buying guns and ammo as soon as my back tax refund is done….
I recommend all to read: World Genocide by a Self-Styled Mutant Master Race! Also Looney Tunes Whacko Blenders Push Genocide by H. Millard. H. Millard has three excellent Fiction Books. The most powerful Red Neck Cracker movement is Truth From God.com click OTHER ARTICLES. NEWS is the solution! Also CHRISTMARKVIEW is correct about GMO foods and products and is a great danger! Read on James P. Wickstroms site about Pepsi and how they put aborted baby element in Pepsi as flavor enhancement. Coca Cola puts Bat droppings in their formula of coke. The Witches in Europe used Bat droppings in their spell curse mixes! Not only is RACES being mxed up and mongrelized, but foods are GMO now! Great Mother Babylon the Whore will fall thru natures course of action! Hunter Wallace: your web site is great and keep up the great work!