Southern Heritage Quotes: Nathaniel Macon on Thomas Jefferson

North Carolina

Nathaniel Macon on Thomas Jefferson:

“What ought surely to be inferred from Mr. Jefferson’s notes and life, is, that he thinks slavery is a curse, but thinks it is a greater curse to emancipate in his native Virginia. His democracy like that of his great countrymen who have been before mentioned, appears to be of the white family.”

Note: This excerpt about the Jeffersonian-Jacksonian ideal of “Herrenvolk democracy,” which is the foundation of Dixie as the White Man’s Country, comes from Disunion! The Coming of the American Civil War, 1789-1859, which I will be reviewing here shortly.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. The sad fact of the matter is that the Southern planters imported the vast majority of the niggers and it is therefore the South that bears responsibility for the ruination of this country. The only Southerners that escape condemnation for this are the non slave owing Scots-Irish hillbillies in East Tennessee and West Virginia who showed their courage by opposing Confederate rule by armed resistance against her armies.

  2. The sad fact of the matter is the America’s national decline is synonymous with the triumph of Yankee utopian social reform movements:

    (1) Abolitionism – Yankees demanded the immediate abolition of slavery where it existed on moral and religious grounds. Abolition shouldn’t be confused with anti-slavery.

    Abolitionists were Yankees like William Lloyd Garrison who were convinced that the Constitution was a pact with the Devil and that America was a wicked country that would be punished by a wrathful God unless slavery was immediately abolished as opposed to being phased out gradually.

    William Lloyd Garrison and his black allies condemned African colonization. In fact, it was the rise of radical abolitionist movement in the Northern states that crippled the anti-slavery movement in the South, which had existed since the time of Jefferson.

    The state legislatures of Kentucky, Maryland, and Virginia had been resettling free blacks in Liberia for quite some time before the rise of abolitionism. Garrison and his followers believed that slavery should be abolished where it existed, that blacks should become American citizens, and that racial differences were a myth.

    Abolitionism was implemented with Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation in 1863 and the passage of the 13th Amendment in 1865.

    (2) The Civil Rights Movement – It was Yankees who created the Civil Rights Movement. After the abolition of slavery, Southern state legislatures passed black codes which denied “civil rights” to the freedmen which were enjoyed by White citizens, things like the right to own firearms, the right to testify against White people in court, the right to access public accomodations and hotels.

    The War Between the States had led to the abolition of slavery, but the status of blacks was left unsettled. The Yankees responded with their plan: the Civil Rights Act of 1866, the first federal civil right bill, which extended American citizenship to the freedom.

    The Civil Rights Act of 1866 was vetoed by President Andrew Johnson who opposed the Yankee plan to “Africanize the Southern states.” The Yankees passed it over his veto and impeached Johnson.

    The 14th Amendment and the 15th Amendment disenfranchised the Confederate leadership, made blacks American citizens, overthrew the Constitution of 1787, empowered the federal government to rule the states as administrative units, and guaranteed blacks “equal protection of the laws” and the right to vote.

    The Civil Rights Act of 1875 and the Force Acts of 1870 and 1871 and the Federal Elections Bill of 1890 were all intended to establish racial equality nationwide. Fortunately, the Supreme Court intervened and overthrow Reconstruction, which allowed the South to construct the Jim Crow system.

    (3) Women’s Suffrage – This was another Yankee utopian social reform movement that kicked off in 1848 in the Burned Over District in Upstate New York. It involved many of the leading abolitionists like William Lloyd Garrison and Frederick Douglass.

    The Nineteenth Amendment sailed through Congress and the Northern states. It became part of the Constitution in 1920. This was the culmination of a seventy year crusade by Yankee women to assert themselves as the “equals” of Yankee men.

    (4) Prohibition – Prohibition was a Yankee utopian social reform movement from the beginning. The same people who were heavily involved in abolition and women’s suffrage were also involved in the “temperance movement.” This is especially true of Northern Protestant White women.

    Prohibition was in many respects an attempt by Yankees to impose their values and utopian worldview on European Catholics who had settled in the Northern states. This utopian social reform movement ultimately failed because there was too much resistance against it among Northern ethnics.

    (5) The Second Civil Rights Movement – The second civil rights movement was an attempt by the Northern states to destroy Jim Crow and extend integration nationwide.

    The Northern states had repealed their anti-miscegenation laws and integrated almost every aspect of their society by the 1880s in compliance with the 14th Amendment and 15th Amendment. Blacks were citizens in New England before the War Between the States. New England had integrated public schools by the 1870s.

    The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was passed 9 to 1 by a Northern supermajority in Congress. It was also the Northern supermajority that passed the Voting Rights Act of 1965 and the Immigration Act of 1965. The Northern majority on the Supreme Court struck down our anti-miscegenation laws in the Loving decision.

    (6) The Counterculture – The Counterculture was the ultimate Yankee utopian social reform movement. It thrived on The Left Coast, the Upper Midwest, and the Northeast. Kent State was in Ohio. Woodstock was in New York State. San Francisco was the epicenter the movement.

    There is an unbroken string of radical Yankee utopian social reform movements that stretches back all the way to abolitionism in the 1830s. The same people who were involved in abolitionism moved on to temperance, civil rights, and women’s suffrage. The generation that followed moved on to the labor movement, “anti-imperialism,” and progressivism.

    William Lloyd Garrison’s grandson was a founder of the NAACP. Adelbert Ames’ daughter was a tireless campaigner for women’s suffrage. These people always just moved on from one movement to the next reform movement.

    And where are the Yankees today? Saving the world from “global climate change” and pushing for the repeal of the “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell Policy” and supporting the DREAM Act and Barack Hussein Obama and pushing for gay marriage from Vermont to Massachusetts and New York and New Jersey.

  3. “Fortunately, the Supreme Court intervened and overthrow Reconstruction”

    A majority Yankee court intervened to declared the civil rights legislation unconstitutional. How do you figure? “Yankees” created the CRM monster and then drove a stake through its heart. How does that work? Does it suggest the emancipation, like that supported by Lee and Davis, was a desperate measure by a desperate man in order to win a struggle that was fundamentality a desire to preserve the Union?

    The pro-life bible thumping Yankee suffragettes who wished equality or freedom? There is a difference.

    “Prohibition was in many respects an attempt by Yankees to impose their values and utopian worldview on European Catholics …” And this is a problem because…? Part of the value system, of the Northern Klan, was protecting the ethnic genetic interests of founding Americans. The utopian Yankee view, as expressed by Representative William N. Vaile of Colorado, was

    “What we do claim is that the northern European and particularly Anglo-Saxons made this country. Oh, yes; the others helped. But… [t]hey came to this country because it was already made as an Anglo-Saxon commonwealth. They added to it, they often enriched it, but they did not make it, and they have not yet greatly changed it.

    “We are determined that they shall not…It is a good country. It suits us. And what we assert is that we are not going to surrender it to somebody else or allow other people, no matter what their merits, to make it something different. If there is any changing to be done, we will do it ourselves.” [Cong. Rec., April 8, 1924, 5922]

    The counter culture, writes Kevin MacDonald, was disproportionately Jewish.

    The Jewish “contraculture” continued to sustain a radical, specifically Jewish subculture into the 1950s – long after the great majority of Jews were no longer in the working class (Liebman 1979, 206, 289ff). The fundamentally Jewish institutions and families that constituted the Old Left then fed into the New Left (Liebman 1979, 536ff). The original impetus of the 1960s student protest movement “almost necessanly began with the scions of the relatively well-to-do, liberal-to-left, disproportionately Jewish intelligentsia the largest pool of those ideologically disposed to sympathize with radical student action in the population” (Lipset 1971, 83; see also Glazer 1969). Flacks (1967, 64) found that 45 percent of students involved in a protest at the University of Chicago were Jewish, but his original sample was “‘adjusted’ to obtain better balance” (Rothman & Lichter 1982, 82). Jews constituted 80 percent of the students signing a petition to end ROTC at Harvard and 30-50 percent of the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) – the central organization of student

    Jews also tended to be the most publicized leaders of campus protests (Sachar 1992, 804). Abbie Hoffman, Jerry Rubin, and Rennie Davis achieved national fame as members of the “Chicago Seven” group convicted of crossing state lines with intent to incite a riot at the 1968 Democratic National Convention. Cuddlhy (1974, 193ff) notes the overtly ethnic subplot of the trial, particularly the infighting between defendant Abbie Hoffman and Judge Julius Hoffman, the former representing the children of the Eastern European immigrant generation that tended toward political radicalism, and the latter representing the older, more assimilated German-Jewish establishment. During the trial Abbie Hoffman ridiculed Judge Hoffman in Yiddish as “Shande fur de Goyim” (disgrace for the gentiles) – translated by Abbie Hoffman as “Front man for the WASP power elite.” Clearly Hoffman and Rubin (who spent time on a Kibbutz in Israel) had strong Jewish identifications and antipathy to the white Protestant establishment.

  4. Alot of the big people we think are for us, and they play a good game, they are not REAL! They are phoney Wevils! Look at the hand for the Scot Rite Ring, its a true mark of who they really are.

  5. Rudel,

    LOL— @ the Scots-I of West Virginia. It was STILL Virginia for half the war, and had no intention of becoming “West” Virginia. And Virginia was the capital of the confederacy. The meeting that made WV “go union” was held in the Northern Panhandle (look at a map). You will see a slender peice of land, five miles across, that runs up through the industrial North. It has nothing to do with West Virginia, in a sense, and never did. It was occupied territory. The Northern and Southern parts of the state differ— and many Virginia people (who still saw it —as it was through much of the war—as Virginia) went there, to the hills.

    West Virginia would not be nearly as persecuted and defamed, (and impoverished), if it were not Virginia.

  6. Desmond,

    (1) First, several of the justices on the Supreme Court who sided with the majority on the Plessy decision were nominated by the Democrat Grover Cleveland, among them Edward Douglas White (later Chief Justice of the Supreme Court), who was a member of the White League of New Orleans.

    (2) Second, the business Republicans on the Supreme Court who were behind the Plessy decision were more interested in advancing the pro-business agenda of the Republican Party than refighting Reconstruction with the South.

    (3) Third, Northern support for Reconstruction was in full blown retreat by the 1890s, when issues like immigration and economic depression were on the minds of voters, which opened the door for the Plessy decision.

    (4) The last push for civil rights in the nineteenth century at the federal level was Henry Cabot Lodge’s Elections Bill of 1890 which was the forerunner of the Voting Rights Act of 1965.

    Lodge later made a name for himself as a nativist. There is no contradiction between the two. In the 1860s, most of the Know-Nothings later joined the Republican Party.

    (5) As for defending the “ethnic genetic interests” of Anglo-Saxons, Yankeeland was being overwhelmed by a tidal wave of European immigrants: Irish, Germans, Poles, Scandinavians, Italians, Jews, Russians, Greeks, Slovaks, etc.

    Whose fault was that? Just like the decision to make negroes into American citizens, it was their own fault. It was the North’s manufacturing industries and its capitalist economy that had created such an insatiable desire for cheap labor.

    (6) The whole discourse of “civil rights” appears in America in 1866 as a response to the Southern black codes.

    (7) The Yankee suffragettes were notorious for their interracial activism across the color line. Many of these Yankee school marms later came to the South during Reconstruction to create public schools for negroes.

    (8) The “free love movement” emerged in the 1850s and had been around in some form or another for a hundred years before it triumphed in the Counterculture of the 1960s.

    Similarly, temperance and women’s suffrage had been around since the 1830s and 1840s before the triumph of Prohibition and the Nineteenth Amendment in the 1920s.

  7. what yankees don’t get on the nigger question is this; we keep them in check and they were not a problem in the South until the yankees interfered. Twice

  8. Before the Yankees interfered with slavery, Maryland, Kentucky, and Virginia were selling their slaves to the Deep South and their state legislatures were appropriating funds to resettle free negroes in Liberia.

    The solution to slavery was economic diversification, gradual emancipation, and African colonization. The solution to slavery was not a fanatical utopian social movement that demanded the immediate abolition of slavery on moral and religious grounds and their integration into American society as American citizens.

    If the South had been left alone, we could have dealt with the slavery problem in our own way.

  9. “Whose fault was that? Just like the decision to make negroes into American citizens, it was their own fault.”

    You make anymore slurs against my Swedish and Irish ancestors and you’re likely to end up flat on you ass you shit for brains peckerwood.

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