What Would It Take To Get You To Fight?

South Carolina

It is an interesting question: what would it take to get you to fight?

My answer is that we have a long campaign of moral persuasion ahead of us and that violence done in the name of our communities without legitimacy in the eyes of the people of our communities is counterproductive and plays into the hands of the enemy.

The Black Undertow is responsible for most of the violence in the American South. These criminals are engaged in violence against White people on an everyday basis. This Visible Hand has made our great cities uninhabitable for taxpaying, civilized, law abiding White people. The Left is also presently engaged in a campaign of violence in the name of anarchy and social revolution in the Occupy Wall Street protests.

I think that we need to claim the moral authority of non-violence. We need to turn MLK’s narrative world upside down and practice non-violent witness of the reality of the situation on our opposition. The tools of social media (such as WordPress, Facebook, YouTube) can be used to create a discourse and an adversary culture that challenges the legitimacy of the racial, cultural, and political status quo.

What would it take to get you to fight? The answer is nothing more than a moral consensus and legitimacy in the eyes of our own communities. Before we can fight and win though, we have to start changing minds.

Note: I will watch the video below when I get back from the gym.

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. In our current weak and disorganized state I can only concur with Louis Beam that LEADERLESS RESISTANCE http://louisbeam.com/leaderless.htm is the best strategy at the present time.

    I would also state that I disagree 100% with Hunter Wallace that weak kneed non-violence is the appropriate strategy.

  2. “It is not “weak kneed” to eschew violence when the enemy possesses overwhelming force and when we lack legitimacy in our own communities.”

    Perhaps you are right and wiser than I. Unfortunately I actually like violence. And individual will is all the legitimacy one needs. (Just don’t get caught red-handed.)

  3. What would it take? Like most people with common sense and some measure of situational awareness, the presence of an imminent physical threat. Self-defense is a god-given right. Keep observing Hunter, but for pity’s sake sharpen your sword.

    Nonviolence only works when a powerful third party exists that can overpower either of the principals involved in the conflict and thereby acts as arbiter. Nonviolence worked for MLK because the threat of federal government coercion or violence was ever present in the background.

    Organized resistance to a superior power can only work with widespread local support of the population. Discontent with the existing regime would have reached critical mass, along with a much more threatening climate of discourse from the powers that be. In short, we ain’t there yet.

    Now when the EBT card stops working, federal insolvency ensures chaos and social unrest, or some set of circumstances ensues whereby the risk of inaction is higher than the risk of action, then it’s game on.

    Like if the President were to mobilize 75,000 federal troops to prevent some of the states from the exercising their rights…oh wait, that has happened before, hasn’t it?

    Given the decrepitude of the federal beast, it is only necessary to watch and prepare. When the time is ripe, events will take on their own momentum. The establishment or restoration of a new order from a chaotic situation is a much different (and more amenable) task than rebellion against a failing centralized authority.

    I think it is best to let what is rotten fall on its own, protecting what is near and dear as one may best. Restoration of order provides the better opportunity for foundation. Regardless, the tyrant possesses the first initiative; the response to tyranny is the work of divine providence. Violence is only justified in defense.

    Si vis pacem, para bellum.

    Deo Vindice

  4. Violence without the sanction of our communities will backfire. It will get us nowhere and will likely setback our cause. The key observation here being that violence is the prerogative of communities, not individuals.

    What does violence accomplish?

    (1) I’m not sure how many times the Klan bombed MLK’s home. It must be somewhere around half a dozen times.

    (2) In the last three years of his life, MLK’s star was fading and Americans were reconsidering their support of the Civil Rights Movement. MLK’s assassination turned him into a saint and a martyr.

    (3) The Civil Rights Act of 1968 was passed for the sole purpose of appeasing blacks in the wake of the MLK assassination. It had previously been defeated.

    (4) Violence against blacks always worked to their advantage in a media saturated context.

    (5) The two great failures of the Civil Rights Movement were the Albany campaign and the Meredith March for Freedom. The two great successes were Birmingham and Selma.

    (6) Americans turned against the Civil Rights Movement in 1965 when “the Blacks” launched the Watts Riot and black power radicals like Stokley Carmichael became the public face of the movement.

    (7) MLK gained the sympathy of Northern Whites by positioning himself as a champion of “non-violence.” The Civil Rights Movement lost its legitimacy when it began to resort to violence.

  5. The left are going to hang themselves with their hatred of everything normal. When they realize they are about to stretch the rope, they will go violent, just like they always do. OWS is the start. The best strategy is to not fall automatically into the opposite camp, which will of course be controlled, and which of course will be filled with people with freaky ideas of their own. The best strategy is to spend your time with like-minded people, and screw the rest. Everyone is a possible infiltrator, so don’t hesitate to exclude. Radical exclusion is the answer to radical diversity (communism). The Southern Ethnostate is the perfect strategy. Do your thing, and screw the rest. They will self destruct with hatred, and when they pick up arms to prevent it, there is your justification.

  6. We must call the propagandists what they are- LIARS. I’ve been starting to see that ‘www.city-data.com’ is a v.g. meeting place for those who want to talk about their cities, and their neighborhoods, but it has been dominated by leftists, liberals, and all those fools who preach ‘tolerance and diversity.’ I’ve started saying that it’s all bs, and the n***ers are coming out of the wood pile, so to speak. Call them when they talk about ‘good schools’ or ‘safe areas’ or ‘balanced school districts’ and say the REAL words for what they are alluding to= all-balack ghettoes, lower IQ’s between blacks and whites, Crime stats, names of books to refute liberal BS, etc.


    And you keep hammering away, and bit by bit, to make them doubt the sanctity of ‘the ONE’ ‘EEOC,’ ‘the DREAM,’ or even the bs of Emma Lazarus’ crappy poem!

    Once the crack of incredulity is there, you just keep amassing data, acting like Satan (yes, be as shrewd as the devil and as innocent as the angels- use the tools WE were given, in the first place!) and, when the time is right, give people the right books.

    I gave a Jewish Christian friend of mine Arthur Koestler’s ‘The Thirteenth Tribe,’ for instance, to keep him/her from thinking that he/she had ANY valid claim to ‘biblical people’ status. For they don’t. It’s this sort of propaganda UN-brainwashing that will take time. That will continue even AFTER the SHTF post-Obamanation.

    But yes, a move to an all-white neighborhood/city/county, self-sufficiency, going ‘off grid’ (if need be) and finding like minds on matters racial, religious, and political are all necessary steps we must undertake, in order to be the Ones who SURVIVE any conflagration- which WILL happen, as Chittum wrote about in CWII, so long ago.

    Self-defense is the only valid use of firearms, until civil order breaks down. Then, be SURE to volunteer for your local sheriff, (get to KNOW your local sheriff- he’s the only VALID authority on the local level) to help him ‘keep the peace’ …and in the meantime, watch for infiltrations by the enemy if you live in a ‘safe’ (i.e., WHITE) neighborhood- for they WILL bring trouble. Talk amongst your friends, at the coffee shops, at the local hardware store, etc, to get them to SEE YOUR POV- but slowly..

    Some ideas. Some thoughts.

  7. “I gave a Jewish Christian friend of mine Arthur Koestler’s ‘The Thirteenth Tribe,’ for instance, to keep him/her from thinking that he/she had ANY valid claim to ‘biblical people’ status. For they don’t. It’s this sort of propaganda UN-brainwashing that will take time.”

    As I’ve posted here, the idea that Askenazi Jews are converts from Khazakstan has been disproved by modern genetic analysis. All Jews have Semitic genes with Northern European Jews having a goodly mixture of Germanic blood to boot.

  8. Listen, you can make a virulent Jew of anyone, no matter what their genetic makeup, by telling them they are a Jew and feeding them Jewish religion and culture from childhood.

    Not saying the genetics isn’t an interesting scientific endeavor, but with regards to what people believe, it is irrelevant.

  9. “Not saying the genetics isn’t an interesting scientific endeavor, but with regards to what people believe, it is irrelevant.”

    If what a person is capable of learning is determined by their native intelligence then genetics is hugely relevant.

  10. “If what a person is capable of learning is determined by their native intelligence then genetics is hugely relevant.”

    Sure, but not with regards to who is a Jew.

    Furthermore, the guideposts of sound culture are valid regardless of genetic argument. If certain moral imperatives were embraced nationwide, like freedom of association, ones genetic makeup would land them about where they should be.

    The genetic argument is a means to an end, but it is not an end in itself.

  11. FR John – don’t “bury” em with facts. I have discovered, through deep and bitter personal experience – that WE are the only people – we WN/Advocacted/HunterWhatever Term are the ONLY people that care about FACTS.

    We must use emotions, to get trough to most people – no matter what the Race. Especially women. The BUGS folk are 110% dead on target when they advocate picking a simply, straightforward message – and STAY ON MESSAGE. Allow nothing to derail you. Stay en pointe.

    I have fought on City Data. I take a self evident tone. The truth about “good schools” means almost no Blacks. Admit it. Stop being a hypocrite. I of course, have been booted.. No matter – get back on. I HATE to have to admit this – but it’s ALWAYS trhe blody women, that start howling about “racism”. I once got into a vicious onlie cat fight, wit Jewess, and some Germanic/Polish babe. The Jewess finally backed off when I caller her out o nthe composition of he area – we traded general info, before the fight – but the German Babe fought the HARDEST over my “racism” – and REFUSED to ADMIT that she was an absolute hypocrite. This was over towns in OH. She was mewling about schools. The BITCH.

  12. When one asks what it will take for people to fight he must consider Stalin and the Ukraine, where he took the food the people had grown themselves and literally forbade them to keep enough to avoid starvation. Millions died.

    So the answer to the question sadly must be, “under what circumstances?”.

  13. “What would it take to get you to fight? ”

    Lower probability of being caught? It will never be legitamate to 90% of any group. At least not until the last baby boomers are duuuust in the wiiiind. I was thinking about this today while listening to an interview about a documentary called Farmagedon (premesis: Nanny state (i.e. yankees) using SWAT teams to serve 3rd degree misdomeanor warrants on family farms that….gasp…don’t pasturize milk sold to their neighbors!) and decided I am ready right now. I’d risk it all ….right…now.

    HOWEVER, a necessary condition is a support network of similar souls. Just like a bayonette charge, it only works if enough people do it at once. Otherwise, the first person to lead by example gets their ass blown appart which then sets the example. So how does one a) find allies and b) organize them without 30% of the group being some type of BRA informer? I don’t know. Even the green berets have to know they have allies on the ground before training them. I think the only group that knows anything about formeting revolutions for their own purpose is the CIA and they work for BRA.

  14. “FR John – don’t “bury” em with facts. I have discovered, through deep and bitter personal experience – that WE are the only people – we WN/Advocacted/HunterWhatever Term are the ONLY people that care about FACTS.”

    True. Humor is the best weapon to create the first cracks and then to wedge it open to the point where a civil discourse can take place with facts. Facts are only useful when a belief system is discredited but a new belief has not been latched onto yet.

    That is why the only people that can tell the truth spouted here in public are comedians. Denise needs a comic strip for this reason.

    Short of that, everyone should try spending a few hours a week trolling main-stream internet sites. Sarcastic remarks at news sites, youtube, etc will begin to chip at the dam of BRA.

    And a dam is a good metaphor I think. If I called the Hoover dam BRA and the water its holding back “the truth” then what good is 100 lbs of C4 on the side of it? None at all as the forces are just dissapated into the air. What if it cracks a little, the seeping water erodes a hole and then I stick my C4 in there? The pressure is contained within the damn, it breaks open like one of Gallager’s waddymelons and the water behind it flows through with enough force to destroy the rest of the dam completely.

  15. “All Jews have Semitic genes with Northern European Jews having a goodly mixture of Germanic blood to boot.”

    First they were marginally Semitic, then they were Germans, now they have “Semitic genes” and a “goodly mixture of Germanic blood”.

    You don’t see why you hurt my head? You play with evidence. You interpret too freely according to your preferred vision. You’re nearer the truth, but you fuck around with it just as Fr. John does well away from it.

    I’d really love to see this “Khazars — Not Khazars” dispute go away forever. Genetic analysis has resolved this issue with total empirical certainty: Jews are not “Turkic” (Turks and Turkmen at least are, however, heavily Mediterranean / Levantine as the Osman tribe were a culture-bearing elite who colonized a larger racial mass, precisely as Indo-Europeans colonized the eastern half of the same mass, and Western Europeans). The Khazar idea was a just-so story seized upon by a Jewish fiction writer that hints at real history, but attributes it wrongly to one discrete invent; this sort of historiography may be found throughout the writings of Herodotus and so on.

    Jews … are not “Khazars” … because peoples are not created by religious conversion.

    Jews … are not “Germanic” … merely because they absorbed northern European genes in diaspora. (Though Rudel’s point that the such absorption occurred by Jewish males marrying Gentile females is very important.)

    Jews … are a hybrid people … basically Levantine, with a large admixture of northern European genes. They were probably hybridized to a degree before the Rhenish diaspora and even the Jewish Quarter at Rome. It is well known that *habiru referred to Canaanite bandits, not to a discrete folk.

  16. Sarcastic remarks at news sites, youtube, etc will begin to chip at the dam of BRA.

    I’ve been following that shite for years. I don’t see any dam bursting. I see whitey, women especially, digging in their heels about race and everything else — they welcome every fresh torment, and gloat over it. Sarcasm never decided politics, LOL.

  17. If sarcasm decided politics, the United States of America and Israel would have collapsed years ago from the collective rancor of Alex Linder, Chuck Pearson, and Il Ragno.

  18. Uh you should really learn to read. Not all Jews have non-semitic blood. Many Middle Eastern Jews have entirely semitic DNA as they never travelled very far away during the Diaspora. It’s the Ashkenazi (German) Jews that have the Germanic blood just as Sephardic jews have and in-mix of Italian and Spanish genes.

    Please read my posts and links more carefully before you make a further fool of yourself.

  19. “Please read my posts and links more carefully before you make a further fool of yourself.”

    I think what’s happened here is that you just discovered all of this and are still trying to put it in some order that represents your ideological preference: hence the shifting emphases.

    You’re probably old. That’s all right.

    “It’s the Ashkenazi (German) Jews that have the Germanic blood just as Sephardic jews have and in-mix of Italian and Spanish genes.”

    Ah, so, how did these future Ashkenazi Jews — who migrated to the Rhineland straight from Rome avoid “in-mix of Italian genes”?

    You have some more homework to do, looks like.

  20. “Jews … are not “Germanic” … merely because they absorbed northern European genes in diaspora.”

    You mean Askenazi (German) Jews And unfortunately they absorbed more than just DNA. They have plenty of cultural affinities with Krauts too.

    1) They spoke Yiddish which is a dialect of German.

    2) They have an affinity for schmaltzy 19th Century German and Austrian music of the most deplorably sentimental kind.

    3) Worst of all their brain functions have been thoroughly scrambled by Continental schools of philosophy, most notably Hegel and all the balderdash resulting from it.

    PS – a large percentage of them still insist on driving German instead of Japanese cars despite all their relatives having been cremated in those Deutsch ovens.

  21. I’m glad to see you’ve dropped the attitude.

    “They have plenty of cultural affinities with Krauts too.”

    With Krauts of two centuries ago, perhaps. I wager you take some Yiddish-speaking Jews of today and put them in Koeln, they’re going to feel mighty strange despite being able to order krullers and chat about their illnesses.

    “They spoke Yiddish which is a dialect of German.”

    This is, and I mean no disrespect, a skewed interpretation that relies on semantic valence — by calling it a dialect and not what it really was, an argot, Ashkenazi-American scribes have given this gutter German some linguistic respectability in their construction of a post-German “identity”, as they might say.

    “They have an affinity for schmaltzy 19th Century German and Austrian music of the most deplorably sentimental kind.”

    You find? They might have. I’ve never encountered it. Here in Miami, they have an affinity for tacky 80’s furniture and ultra-thin cigarettes.

    “Worst of all their brain functions have been thoroughly scrambled by Continental schools of philosophy, most notably Hegel and all the balderdash resulting from it.”

    No argument there, bro.

  22. “Ah, so, how did these future Ashkenazi Jews — who migrated to the Rhineland straight from Rome avoid “in-mix of Italian genes”?”

    As was pointed out in the links that I provided and that you obviously didn’t read, Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews have now been shown to be closely related genetically since they were essentially from the same stock that after the fall of the temple migrated westward through the Roman Mediterranean prior to a subsequent split after the fall of Rome.

  23. “With Krauts of two centuries ago, perhaps.”

    How about with Krauts right now. I worked with a Jew whose German Jew father would insist on driving nothing else but Mercedes Benz motorcars despite having been a survivor of the concentration camps.

  24. ““I gave a Jewish Christian friend of mine Arthur Koestler’s ‘The Thirteenth Tribe,’ for instance, to keep him/her from thinking that he/she had ANY valid claim to ‘biblical people’ status. For they don’t. It’s this sort of propaganda UN-brainwashing that will take time.”

    As I’ve posted here, the idea that Askenazi Jews are converts from Khazakstan has been disproved by modern genetic analysis. All Jews have Semitic genes with Northern European Jews having a goodly mixture of Germanic blood to boot.”

    What, you don’t think they can manouver DATA to their own advantage? What firm controls all internet access outside of the US? Verint? Where is it located? ISRAEL.
    Who runs most of the publishing houses, and most (if not all) of the major media empires? Jews. The historical veracity of the Khazarian thesis has NOT been disproved. The Jews were DYING out, even before the conversion of Khazaria, and only the very small Sephardim maintain the lineages of purity, as commanded in the Torah. The AshkeNAZIS may have some DNA in common with the other Arabs around them, but who’s to say that THAT DNA is ‘Semitic’? If one realizes that all facts can be SKEWED to the VICTOR’S advantage, how could any SANE MAN even think that the most vile, the most corrupt, the ugliest, and meanest race known to the planet, could even claim lineage with King David, or Jesus Christ?

    No, the Jews are accursed forever, as St. John Chrysostom said, in the era when their very numbers were dwindling for lack of valid partners. I believe, instead, that what Michael Bradley noted is truer- What ‘passes’ for Jews today, are the remnants of the Neanderthals, whose completely different genetic lineage is masquerading as the ‘fair, noble’ Adamic seed, that God created AFTER the pre-Adamites. jews are little better than niggers on the anthropological scale, and the CHURCH/Christendom is Israel, now.

  25. ” The Jewess finally backed off when I caller her out o nthe composition of he area – we traded general info, before the fight – but the German Babe fought the HARDEST over my “racism” – and REFUSED to ADMIT that she was an absolute hypocrite. This was over towns in OH. She was mewling about schools. The BITCH.”

    Denise- who TAUGHT the German Babe her propaganda? Find that answer, and you know who the REAL ENEMY is. Start with a “Jewgle” search for ‘Morgenthau Plan.’
    Fifty years of Jewish/AshkeNAZI propaganda, on ALL fronts. I’m done with it all.

  26. Uhhh- here we go again?

    ” Jews are not “Turkic” (Turks and Turkmen at least are, however, heavily Mediterranean / Levantine as the Osman tribe were a culture-bearing elite who colonized a larger racial mass, precisely as Indo-Europeans colonized the eastern half of the same mass, and Western Europeans). ”

    But who says TODAY’s “Turks” are the real inhabitants/racial norm for that part of the area now known as Turkey!??!?

    Boundaries in Europe have shifted numberless times since the days of Christ, the early Church, and the subsequent invasions by the Mongols, the Huns, etc. As I’ve noted on my blog, even GREEKS don’t see themselves as the heirs of the Athenian Greeks, precisely because they AREN’T!


    So, why should you (and Judel) believe that the GENETIC MARKERS of invasive, population-displacing FOREIGNERS, should now, therefore, give ‘IDENTITY’ to those who AREN’T the populations noted in the History Books? That would be like calling all Amerindians, Chinese, since they share genetic links, irrespective of their geographical positioning. But what I mean by a Chinaman, and what I mean by an Indian (even confusion reigns here, because an Indian from INJUH, is not the same thing as the slow, barely vocal Indian from his reservation, here in the US)

    So, when Greeks can’t even determine their own ancestry (diluted by over two hundred years of Ottoman [sic] Turkish rule) how can we figure out who are the “Jews” unless we take our clues from the Bible, the early descriptors on ancient stone monuments, and the iconographic pictures on Egyptian stele, if all of this ‘genetic research’ is so filled with mis naming, PRECISELY because Jews (who control media, publishing, film, etc.) will stop at NOTHING to preserve the FICTION that they are ‘God’s Chosen People’???


    You are fighting more than an intellectual battle. You are also fighting an IDEOLOGICAL battle, and ANYTHING that de-legitimizes the DEICIDES, is TRUTH, as far as I am concerned.

    For, if we act as though the Jews are ‘worthy’ or ‘able to think dispasstionately’ we are basically doing to ourselves what we have done for the last two thousand years- believing the non-Elect are Adamkind…. when they are TOTALLY OTHER.
    And damned thereby.

  27. “2) They have an affinity for schmaltzy 19th Century German and Austrian music of the most deplorably sentimental kind.”

    Rudel, I don’t consider the height of the Austro-Hungarian Empire (1860-1914) to be of a ‘deplorable’ ANYTHING as far as Culture is concerned.

    But I do find pontificating clods who haven’t read enough to know how to talk to their betters, deplorable. And isn’t it a coincidence, that is was the Jews who found Strauss (both Johann and Richard) to be the ‘last dying gasps’ of the First Viennese School, and it was a JEW (Schoenberg) who gave us the most blatant UGLINESS in music in all of Christendom’s history? (12-tone, Atonal CRAP) And then DARED to call it ‘the SECOND Viennese School? It was the Music from HELL, as are they. [John 8:44]

    You sound like his/their minion, frankly, the more I read of you. As I’ve noted before……

  28. “Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews have now been shown to be closely related genetically since they were essentially from the same stock that after the fall of the temple migrated westward through the Roman Mediterranean prior to a subsequent split after the fall of Rome.”


    The firstpart of your sentence has merit, but then the second part TOTALLY NEGATES IT ALL. The PRESUMPTION that AshkeNAZI and Sepharvim are SEMITES is your first mistake. Who says? They do? Please… They call down their own corrupt lineage when their own Talmud says that they are the heirs of the Pharisees, and Edomites, sons of Esau, sons of Satan. They are accursed. The “Chosen People from the Caucausus” has more merit as a scientific study than your fallacies.

    “Chosen People From the Caucasus focuses on the two separate groups of people who came from the Caucasus Mountains of the Middle East: the Biblical Hebrews who emerged from the southern Caucasus between 3000-2000 BC to invade Palestine, and the northern Caucasus “Khazars” who were converted to Judaism about 740 A.D. The Khazars were pushed into Central and Eastern Europe by Mongol invasions, and their descendants comprise the vast majority of modern Jewry. Both peoples, ironically, are considered to be “Jews”– although they have no direct historical or genetic connections with each other — except as they shared a Neanderthal origin in the Caucasus Mountains in the far distant and ancient pre-Judaic past.” – http://www.michaelbradley.info/books/iceman_chosen.html

  29. Fr. John: Great info on Khazars. The Khazar Bankers and mixed Royalty are the real controllers. If we do not identify them as Serpent Seed we will never win. I believe Buddy Tuckers messages are the best followed by Richard Kelly Hoskins. Oh yes. Fr. John you remind me of Father Coughlin!

  30. “Sarcastic remarks at news sites, youtube, etc will begin to chip at the dam of BRA.

    I’ve been following that shite for years. I don’t see any dam bursting. I see whitey, women especially, digging in their heels about race and everything else — they welcome every fresh torment, and gloat over it. Sarcasm never decided politics, LOL.”

    Well, A) A few loud individuals do not represent a majority. We are discussing legitimacy in the eyes of enough people to create a tipping point.

    B) What was it that Ghandi said? First they ignore you, then they laugh, then the fight you and then you win. Trolling is perfect for this task. Silent readers see a funny but uncouth remark and then somebody wigging out about it. Who looks to have have a weak argument in that case?

  31. Years ago I had a friend deliver a box of super expensive champayne to the owner of Carnival Cruse Line and Miami Heat Basketball Team on Miami Beach. My friend said when he went into the mini castle he was stunned to see Gargoyles all over the place. Think for a moment—how many is there like this? Go to Singer Island in Palm Beach, Florida and thats the OLD MONEY, they dont even like TRUMP! Then a little north is Jupiter Island were Smokey and the Bandit Actor lives. The houses start at 10 million and up and these are only vacation houses for the North East Liberal Ectablishment! I wonder what there houses look like up North? Damn! Check out INTERVIEW WITH ALEX CHRISTOPHER – Author of Pandoras Box. HUNTER – HILL DOES NOT IDENTIFY THE SERPENT SEED IN HIS SPEECH?

  32. Fr.John writes:

    “What firm controls all internet access outside of the US? Verint?”

    Isn’t that the same firm that faked the moon landing?

    “it was a JEW (Schoenberg) who gave us the most blatant UGLINESS in music in all of Christendom’s history?”

    Worse than the Bee Gee’s? (I actually prefer Corelli and J.S. Bach myself!) 🙂

    “Chosen People From the Caucasus”

    The chosen people from the north of the Caucasus from 3000 t0 2000 BC were the Indo European speaking herdsman who populated Europe as the Latins, Balts, Celts, and Germans. Read “The Horse, The Wheel, and Language” by David W. Anthony for the latest research straight from the Eurasian plains.

    The direct evidence lies in our R1B1 Y-chromosome haplotypes. (That’s us white guys. I’m not so sure about you.)

  33. uh says:
    November 26, 2011 at 4:02 pm
    Yea. Calling people “Serpent Seed” is the way forward.

    Spawn O’ Satan? Seed of Old Scratch?

  34. For God’s sake, will people give up on Koestler and his Khazar tripe already? It’s like cribbing from the defense’s arguments when you’re the prosecutor.

    As for violence, well, I think it’d be foolish to jump into that prematurely. So many lovely innovations and inventions are right around the corner. Give Moore’s Law and the Internet a few more years.

    Plus, there are so many lovely mind-war campaigns to wage in the meantime.

  35. violence is my profession. I wonder about those who think its fun, or like it. I wonder how many fire-fights have they been in. How many of their friends are dead or maimed, how many of their friends wives are widows and kids are orphans? How riffles do they have stored? Ammo? Mags? Medical supplies and food? How many tactical shooting classes have they been through? Do they know docs to patch them up? Do they have men they can trust to protect their loved ones and property while they”re gone. Have they formed their own cell groups? Do they know how to set up an ambush? Or how to react to ambush?

    and the list goes on, and on. White folks should have all those things, &know how to do all those types of things before the skills are needed. Or before they run off at the mouth

  36. CompassionateFascist: On Seductive Jewess: They are fanatic and obsessed for silicon big tits, silicon asses, nose jobs, and Tummy Tuckin, fat scrapping…..and hair dying, eye contacts, looks can be deceiving……

  37. Rudel – all movies from Jewllywood are “multi-culti”. Sigh. At least the “Singin’ in the Rain” cast was White. Although Debbie Reynolds spawned with a Hebe.

  38. Denise,

    The thoroughly delightful “Singin’ In The Rain” (which is a hilarious spoof of Hollywood) came out when I was a young child and in glorious wide-screen Technicolor and at a time that America was 90% white. It truly was a better country back then. Alas, it’s all gone with the wind…

    Unfortunately, play-acting the role of some disgruntled old Southern Colonel as seems to be the purpose of this website is not an appropriate or effective response to our present day problems. However much fun it might be for you all to act the part.

  39. stonelifter writes:

    “Do they know docs to patch them up?”

    You best to know how to apply an effective field dressing your own damn self. There isn’t always and corpsman or medic right at hand when you absolutely, positively need one right now.

    As to those who actually like it? I know a few and I’ll bet you do too.

  40. The Obama reelection strategy consists of rallying the base in the Yankee states (65 percent of Democratic voters are White, the overwhelming majority of them Yankees) and relying upon transplants and changing demographics in the Sunbelt to win reelection:


    Dissolve the Union.

    There is nothing remotely attractive about the Union anyway. BRA is a repulsive despotism lorded over by President Barack Hussein Obama. We defeated that guy here, but because we are part of the Union, we get to live under Obama and Holder.

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