BRA Illustrated: James Harrigan on The Lost Cause

James Harrigan advocates the removal of Confederate monuments in Richmond


James Harrigan, an economics professor at the University of Virginia, had the following to say on Kevin Levin’s website Civil War Memory this morning.

I’m posting this here for the benefit of people who think that I might be a little over the top in my criticism of the Yankee and defense of the Confederacy.

Here is what our opposition sounds like in their own words:

“One of the problems with Kevin’s approach is that in Richmond, the white supremacists have taken up most if not all of the good memorial spots. The Arthur Ashe memorial is a perfect example of this: it is literally at the end of the line, behind a string of white supremacist icons. The civil rights memorial at the capital is another: it is in a corner of the grounds, and though it is a beautiful and successful piece of public art, it is overwhelmed by the rest of the grounds and the interior of the building. There is even a statue of Lee right on the floor of the old House of Delegates meeting room. The overall impression is of a city and state completely dominated by white people, with a couple of small concessions to African Americans on the fringes.

Here in Charlottesville it is the same story: Lee and Jackson Park with their heroic, militaristic equestrian statues dominate downtown, along with a statue of a Confederate soldier. At UVa there is now a really good installation documenting and commenting on the history of African Americans at UVa, but the central grounds are still dominated by a lily-white version of the University’s history, complete with plaques honoring UVa Confederates attached to Jefferson’s iconic rotunda. There is one very small, easily missed marker in the pavement that alludes to the workers “both free and enslaved” who actually did the labor to build “Mr. Jefferson’s University”.

My point is that a truly balanced, honest public accounting of the Civil War, slavery, Jim Crow, and the Civil Rights movement in Virginia and elsewhere in the South is going to require removing some of the old monuments built to celebrate and cement white supremacy. I don’t expect this to happen in my lifetime if ever (I’m less optimistic than Larry Cebula), but I can dream, can’t I?

To be specific, here’s my dream: the statue of Lee at the head of Monument Avenue is removed to The Museum of Racism, and is replaced by a statue depicting USCT troops marching into Richmond in April 1865. In Charlottesville, Jackson Square becomes Emancipation Square, with Jackson’s statue replaced by a piece of public art that celebrates the end of slavery in the Commonwealth of Virginia. The confederate soldier stays, but is shifted over a few yards to make way for his new neighbor, a statue of a freedman in his USCT uniform.”

I want to use James Harrigan’s comments to make several observations.

(1) First, Jefferson Davis and Alexander Stephens were clearly right when they said that slavery was the “occasion” of secession and the war, not the cause. The fundamental cause of the war were the irreconcilable differences between two antagonistic ethnic groups which were forced under the terms of the Union to live under the same government.

(2) Second, James Harrigan provides a flawless illustration above of the whole BRA mindset: a society that is explicitly run for the benefit of African-Americans at the expense of Whites, where the promotion of black people as an object of pity and sympathy has become the measuring stick which is used to evaluate every conceivable social practice and institution.

(3) Third, I have similar dreams of removing all the “civil rights memorials” and renaming all the streets that have been named after Martin Luther King, Jr., Rosa Parks, Ralph Abernathy, etc. In fact, I would go far beyond that and advocate the removal of the Black Undertow and all other unassimilable ethnic groups from Dixie, starting with Yankees in the mold of James Harrigan who have no business teaching in our universities.

150 years later, you can see in these comments why Preston Brooks felt compelled to cane Charles Sumner, and why the South seceded from the United States. The same people are still to this day clearly distinguishable from other Americans by their trademark characteristics of arrogance, hypocrisy, greed, moralizing fanaticism, negro worship, and a pathological inability to mind their own business.

It is because of people like James Harrison that Black Undertow predators like Jerome Isaac have been unleashed in our communities.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Debating a loon like Harrigan is about useless, they are religous fanatics, best just to respond first by calling him “yet another silly anti-white” then go on to make your point if you feel you must.

  2. Denise says: He must be clinically INSANE. Is Harrigan some type of a Negro Loving Homo?

    I think you nailed it, Denise. There is no rational reason for wanting to have descendants of cannibals living among us, so people like James Harrigan must be motivated by an irrational reason. As we all know, the most common irrational reason is sexual attraction.

    I think that Harrigan and his ilk are driven by the same sick needs that made Jimmy Swaggart pick up skanky nigger crack whores.

    Only a sick sexual attraction could compel a reasonably intelligent White person to view the carnage and mayhem of nigger neighborhoods and believe that society can benefit from bringing some of that to EVERY neighborhood.

    It is a disease that can only be cured by death.

  3. What strikes me most about Harrigan is how totally alien he is to his surroundings in Virginia. He is an alien there. He is a foreigner.

    When I was living in Virginia, I felt a sense of connection to the White people who live there. My home county in Alabama is named after James Barbour. Alabamians are descended from Virginians and North Carolinians.

    There is a Macon County and a Lee County and a Henry County in Alabama. The place names here reflect the fact that lots of Virginians settled Alabama. There is a Lowndes County which shows that South Carolinians settled Alabama.

  4. Harrigan is the spitting image of the type of Yankee that has always been despised in the South.

    It is a peculiarly Yankee trait to go about molesting the graves of the dead or insulting the natives while visiting a foreign country. It reflects a grandiose sense of moral superiority and intolerance and an inability to mind their own business.

    Jefferson Davis called them “the disturbers of peace in the world.” How true.

  5. What a freak. Another demonstration of the fact that our universities have been completely lost. Any reasonable society would call this guy clinically insane. Instead he gets tenure and the right to indoctrinate our youth.

  6. This is the sort of Bolshie Bastard that infects every single college campus in America!

    While being milquetoast themselves, they feel emboldened to H8 everything that reminds them that they are not men, but pansies. I doubt he’s a sodomite- he doesn’t have that much backbone! But I do know that he has had to kiss some liberal/black behind to get tenure, retention, and a spot not teaching ‘Intro to basketweaving’ to the all-black basketball/football teams that can’t even add 2+2, but are given ‘free ride’ scholarships, while I and every other ‘cracker’ had to PAY for our ‘education.

    Come the Restoration, every single one of these bastards must be fired, and ALL-WHITE, Christian, right-thinking professors installed with full tenure and professor status replacing them…. along with the utter abolitiona, and book-burning of Gay Studies, Feminist Studies, Black Studies, and the assorted hanger-on disciplines, along with ‘Diversity Officers’ and ‘Civil Rights Officers’ – all of whom swell costs far beyond what EVER the kids are being taught!

  7. The worship of negroes is one of the cornerstones of their culture. It has been that way ever since perverts like William Lloyd Garrison and Harriet Beecher Stowe deified blacks.

  8. My dream — no more paychecks for this tenured cushy, and that’s what I call these creatures “tenured cushies.”

    Professors need to fear and/or respect ordinary people whose work makes their salary possible.

    It will be interesting to see what the tenured cushies do when the economy collapses and their paychecks, if they still get them, dont’ buy much.

  9. The old line southern institutions have been over run by scalawags and carpetbaggers.
    Remember the controversy over the renaming of Simkins Hall on the UT Campus?
    William Stewart Simkins who the resident hall was named after in 1954 is sometimes credited with firing the first shot of the war for southern independence. He was a cadet at the Citadel when he fired a shot at the Star of the West. He was also a legendary law professor who wrote several textbooks on law and established the Peregrinus as a mascot that is still used by the law school today.

    For more on Simkins and his brother see:

    Another example of Harrigan’s ilk is Sanford Levinson a Law Professor at UT who has been advocating the removal of the Confederate Monuments on the grounds of the Texas State Capital and the University of Texas. He wrote an article for the Austin Un-American Statesman ‘What does the Confederate statuary on the Capitol grounds say about us?’ (Feb 7 2000) and latter published a book entitled ‘Written in Stone’ in which he lambasts the South for clinging to its ‘racist’ past.

    I have recently been reading about Ben Tillman and Hamptons’ Red Shirts. Too bad we can’t exercise those prerogatives today.

  10. I’m not sure that monuments to Lee and Jackson are a good idea- they made a poor choice to support the rebellion and ultimately lost the war- but it’s not like any black person deserves to have a monument in their place. Arthur Ashe was a famous tennis player who died of AIDS. How does that rate a memorial?

    But really, nobody much cares. These foolish fellows can and will be safely ignored.

  11. The monuments are appropriate in light of the fact that every fear that was invoked to justify secession, especially those related to race and federalism, later proved to be absolutely right on target.

  12. “…It is a peculiarly Yankee trait to go about molesting the graves of the dead or insulting the natives while visiting a foreign country. It reflects a grandiose sense of moral superiority and intolerance and an inability to mind their own business….”

    They have no sense of people or history. They are not ABOUT people. People are things to be used, if only to build MORALIZING, putting others down (in whatever way), to act like that makes them look good, moral, etc.

    The “south” is not real people. IN this way, they can’t comprehend the death, destruction, vilification, incentivizing of criminal behavior toward others, etc, their MORALIZING has done.

    Doesn’t this make them complicitous in murders, really? A commandment is ‘don’t murder,’ so how moral are they, really?

    They can’t comprehend PEOPLE exist.

    It’s like when Ron Paul said bombing others causes “blowback,” the crowd was confused and angry, lol. They do not understand others EXIST, feel pain as they feel pain, and so on.

    The “south” is a just something they beat, thinking it elevates them as grand, moral, etc.

    To southerners— it’s names, ruined families, people harmed, confused kids turning to drugs, etc, etc. Real Humans.

    People do not matter. And so HISTORY does’t matter. “History” is about beating people and getting their stuff (like a primitive village raid). Not about everything that’s happened, and recording it.

    Once they get stuff, they want any evidence buried. (It interrupts the ‘we’re the morality of the universe” self-concept.)

    That’s the real reason they need to remove the monuments. They interrupt their self-concept and fantasies.

  13. Yes, it is very weird to see graverobbers!

    Reminds me of a passage in one of Milan Kundera’s books, where he talks about seeing someone, then a picture, as the party airbrushed them out of history.

    But traces of history still exist— the trotskyite fantasy is silly. History is everything that happens. How can you erase everything (the only thing that would satisfy them really).

  14. Going to a foreign country for the express purpose of insulting the natives and disturbing the peace is probably the most typical of all Yankee behaviors. Their sheer rudeness of the disrespectful behavior is often shocking to Southerners.

  15. I don’t think that has much to do with it. The French, Spanish, and Italians are not like that. The Yankee superiority complex goes back to the Puritans. It was rooted in their religion.

  16. Virginia and South Carolina were founded as commercial colonies. New England was founded as a utopian religious experiment. It was a City on a Hill that the whole world was supposed to want to emulate.

  17. Third, I have similar dreams of removing all the “civil rights memorials” and renaming all the streets that have been named after Martin Luther King, Jr., Rosa Parks, Ralph Abernathy, etc. In fact, I would go far beyond that and advocate the removal of the Black Undertow and all other unassimilable ethnic groups from Dixie, starting with Yankees in the mold of James Harrigan who have no business teaching in our universities.

    Smear all the “civil rights memorials” with animal feces. They are shitstains on the former working social construct of America.

    James Harrigan ….. and Keith Harris were probably on the “down low” together when both were at UVa.

  18. I’m confused again.
    The people involved in this story are Yankees (Northerners). So far, so good; that’s what I’ve been saying is the definition of ”Yankee” — someone originating from a Northern state, north of the Mason-Dixon line.
    However at other times, on this blog, the term ”Yankee” is synonymous with Puritan descendant, New Englander.
    The people involved in this story seem, by their names, to be Ellis Islanders, Northerners, but not seemingly descended from the New England Puritans.

  19. This evening I saw a little East Asian guy at a convenience store who spoke with a perfect Kentucky hillbilly accent. He had firewood in the back of his pickup.

    Here we had a second generation guy whose uneducated folks had been plucked out of a jungle and transported to a strange and complicated land and they just took it all in stride and assimilated perfectly. As soon as the guy opened his mouth I quit seeing a foreigner and saw a fellow ridge runner. I’m sure it’s about the same for many of those folks no matter where they ended up.

    On the way home my happy thoughts about immigrants who succeeded in becoming full-fledged Americans quickly turned to the thoughts of the self-serving asshole that I really am.

    It occurred to me that we missed a real good opportunity when the Montagnards and Hmongs first arrived in the U.S. after the rubber war in Vietnam ended.

    If we had told them that niggers were good to eat, then none of us would be spending our time on sites like this, wondering what will become of all of us poor old non-Yankee White folks. Hunter would be running a site about history or hog hunting or something and a lot of us would still be living in those once fine neighborhoods that we White-Flighted out of.

    We may still have one last chance to pull that off. Anybody got any good nigger fajita recipes? Tacos? Tamales? Anything?

  20. Yankees created the public school system in large part to imprint their own culture onto the minds of European immigrants. In some cases, they were successful. In other cases, immigrants rejected assimilation.

    In the South, there are Germans and Irish who have become indistinguishable from the indigenous population. At the same time, there are immigrants in the South who have preserved their own culture.

  21. “Harrigan is the spitting image of the type of Yankee . . .”

    Harrigan is an Irish name.

    “William Lloyd Garrison”

    As I’ve pointed out before, only one of Garrison’s grandparents had New England ancestry. The others were born in England or Ireland.

    “Harriet Beecher Stowe deified blacks.”

    Harriet Beecher Stowe exiled the heroes and heroines of “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” to Africa; further, when asked to contribute to a school for free blacks, she refused and condescendingly wrote, “Will they ever learn to walk?” Powerful anti-slavery politician William Henry Seward remarked in 1866, “The North has nothing to do with negroes. I have no more concern for them than I have for the Hottentots; they are God’s poor; they always have been and always will be so everywhere.

    “It was a City on a Hill that the whole world was supposed to want to emulate.”

    As I’m pretty sure I told you years ago, that’s absolutely not how John Winthrop used the phrase. Google “A Model of Christian Charity” and read it instead of relying on the speechwriters of Irish politicians JFK and Ronald Reagan for context.

  22. Playing roots backwards: Many years ago there was a wrestler named Bull Dog Brower and he was the bad guy and would beat up everybody. So Mil Mascarus a Mex wrestler wanted to fight him. Brower called him Taco Man, Bean Man and insulted him in every way. On TV today they will not show anything that is like Browers comments, but they will show negative crap against whites.. In the 70s Wild Bill Sickles of Adamic Knights of KKK had Konvict Killer Korps and they would ride buses and subways and attack blacks. Robert Depugh in Deguello said Sickles was an ADL Agent and that J.B. STONER worked in the Miami ADL office in the early 50s in Miami. Sickles use to say–to hell with negative crap—how about news like this—WHITE VIGILANTE strikes back! On Truth From Other Articles there is an article from Battle Ax News entitled: The Army of God! A much needed positive article for our race…..

  23. “Professors need to fear and/or respect ordinary people whose work makes their salary possible.”

    Kievsky- what I hear in that comment is ENVY. Envy of those whose intelligence, IQ, and dogged determination alone, to study for sometimes ten years to master their discipline, is brushed away by some Yahoo, who can’t even make change in the grocery store, without the computer assisting him. And that sort can be black OR white.

    No, let those of us who STUDY history, who STUDY music, art, religion, etc. call the names, make the charges- for we have been in the belly of the beast, and KNOW the evil that exists. Y’all have allowed these jerks to dominate for over forty years, and none of you even saw that the ‘march through the institutions’ was going on, as early as the 1950’s. Scholars like Gatto, Isserbyt, etc. warned us twenty, thirty or more years ago, and yet, it didn’t change things. Now, when the Texas Board wants to ‘revise’ the ‘revisers,’ the Juden are all up in arms, and the NEA is claiming ‘censorship’ and ‘indoctrination.’ Yeah, but WHOSE is the question I want to pose?

    Sitting in your double-wide, watching ESPN, does NOT qualify you for making decisions such as this. At least know your place, as the darkies once did, and stop creating conditions that would merely factionalize us against the PTB, for they will NEVER work at cross purposes against their Chiefs.

  24. 1866 was the year that the Republican Party led by Thaddeus Stevens in the House and Charles Sumner in Massachusetts passed the Civil Rights Act of 1866 which overturned the Dred Scott decision and made blacks into American citizens.

  25. @Landshark “…It’s true. Yankees are crass. You get that way when you’re forced to do your own labor….”

    This is a really typical Yankee meme born out of Hollywood. And out of the success of Trotsky (erasure of real history). Landshark is exactly why monuments ARE torn down. So that he can be treated like a Tabula Rasa and a new false history given to him, where he will condemn whatever the state wishes him to.

    For whatever reason, they are often also just crude. Like how he changes my name to Dixieblimp. Until schooling in the Northeast, I could not have known people over the age of four did things s/a that, lol.

    One piece of fallout since Vat II, the 60s, etc., is how many southerners have educations from the northeast, and few seem to have returned with much good to say.

    The Yankees— are the ones running the Welfare State. (Welfare-Warfare).

    Actually—IT’S NOW THAT NO ONE WORKS, (obviously). Literally 60% of the public are on Warfare or Welfare. Service folk, in turn, are using their recycled government money (any time they call an electrician, a plumber, a hair stylist, or get their nails done), and folks s/a the “pundits” may get real money, it’s only to support the status quo (and do shows on the importance of ripping down statues and history and the like for Daddy Trotsky).

    It’s NOW that no one works.

    Ripping down statues TAKES AWAY your ability to THINK. It ensures cause-and-effect reality will be obscured from you. That’s the point. Your total inability to even THINK in terms of cause-and-effect, in terms of reality, in terms of history.

    Did you really mean to imply you think I’m fat in the real world, lol. Do you think that hurts me, lmao. Lord.

  26. Seward was the grand ringleader of the Radical Republicans in Congress when he was a Senator from New York. After the assassination of Lincoln, he became a moderate Republican and a supporter of Johnson.

    As for the notion that the North didn’t care about blacks, it had just finished arming 1 out of 5 black males to fight the Confederacy. New York City was desegregated by the Union League. When the topic of black suffrage came up after the war, New York Republicans voted overwhelmingly for it.

  27. The blacks in Uncle Tom’s Cabin move to Liberia to escape racial prejudice. No book in all of American history did more to romanticize blacks than Uncle Tom’s Cabin. It’s only rival in that respect is Alex Haley’s Roots.

  28. @ “Professors need to fear and/or respect ordinary people whose work makes their salary possible.”

    Kievsky- what I hear in that comment is ENVY. Envy of those whose intelligence, IQ, and dogged determination alone, to study for sometimes ten years to master their discipline, is brushed away by some Yahoo, who can’t even make change in the grocery store, without the computer assisting him. And that sort can be black OR white.

    No, let those of us who STUDY history, who STUDY music, art, religion, etc. call the names, make the charges- for we have been in the belly of the beast, and KNOW the evil that exists. Y’all have allowed these jerks to dominate for over forty years, and none of you even saw that the ‘march through the institutions’ was going on, as early as the 1950?s. Scholars like Gatto, Isserbyt, etc. warned us twenty, thirty or more years ago, and yet, it didn’t change things…..

    I’ve read Kievsky and do not think he is in the least motivated by ENVY.

    Another fact is, the “Long March Through the Institutions” you cited from Gramsci WORKED to a very large degree. In fact, some believe those who “speak out” from that position are quite suspect (b/c they saw so many who attempted it pushed out, so they must be bought and paid for men).

    Arun Ghandi was brown—and still pushed out of Ghandi’s foundation for anti-semitism, so everyone has come into this attack within the institutions— many factions with agendas playing in that “infiltration” way for control.

    It is very hard —when one has worked so hard— to really assess your education, especially in the humanities (the main target of the “new left”).

    Only now is the intellectual “right” beginning to formulate responses to the thinking underlying so much of the humanities educations, and Vat II religious ecumenicism forced on the then majority protestant public in the u.s., (work that goes on now in non catholic seminaries not saddled with ideas of papal infallibility).

    Kievsky is not coming from Envy, am very sure.

    As long as one uses the incredible education in the ‘left’ from studying humanities, and becomes very clear about the different schools of thought and who they belong to, who controls them—- humanities educations cannot only be overcome, but those who have them (b/c they have read principle texts) can become useful in critiquing. So, the educations can be useful and transcended.

    My own ed was way left (we had to read everything Marx ever wrote, as well as the Frankfurt school, many others, and the marriage of Marx and Freud, people s/a Foucault, Lacan, etc.).

    Even Althusser!—- he admitted before he died that he was just f-ed up and nothing he said even made sense to him, right up until he strangled his wife, and the other faculty ran him off to the insane asylum (“so his career would not be ruined” as our teachers put it)—so truly, how seriously can you take the students who sweated and moaned about the great Althusser, and how difficult he was to understand (a doped up guy who killed his wife and admitted he was just rambling).

  29. maybe the word Antebellum should be rejected.

    Or we should speak of Antebellum America (for the post WWII years, the 60s overseen by Vat II, the jewish-catholic coalitions, Hart-Celler, rise of catholic created “Liberation Theology” in S. america to incite against “anglos,” then opening the border so the effects could be well-felt, the romanization of the u.s. and on and on, as well as rise in communist-think-tanked theory under-writing social systems in coalition with that system…”

    People are so accustomed to using “ANTEBELLUM” for the CW alone, they don’t even know what it means. They have never heard it, in America, in any other context, lol.

    It should be pre-war south. Antebellum America, for post WWII.

  30. one last thought, since I went off on it–

    Althusser was catholic in French communist party and married a jew, the one he strangled, (Helene Rytman, think her name was). This seems a great part of the 60s ethos, such marriages— It’s the Northern Euros who seem parsed out as the “enemy,” whether they are degraded as “Puritans” or “southerners” or “appalachians” or the “stupid myth of the cowboy” (that must be degraded in movies s/a Brokeback Mt.), the ‘fat “BLIMP” flyover country people, (as landshark says,) etc.

    Southerns were the first vilified. But the net seemed to grow, also, to include northern europeans, then to mean ‘white.’

    Degradation became how to make money. That’s the business that grows.

  31. that comment about someone knowing their palce and not making comments reeks of yankee elitism, as if all wisdom in the world is only granted on those who have attend formal higher learning. .i have a degree in military science and electrical engineering. I think most college educated folks are the enemy of liberty and their voting record backs up my statement.

    a hundred and fifty years ago, when honor meant something I could meet Dixegirl’s name caller with sabers at dawn. the lack of honor is one more thing we can lay at the feet of the damnyankees.

  32. Hunter,

    Years ago I used to watch a TV show called “Wiseguy”. The show was about a “deep undercover” Federal Agent, who would destroy “crime organizations from within” . ( There was a period in my life – approx 10 years, when I did not watch any TV at all – but there have always been a few series that caught my attention, and devotion. “Twin Peaks” Wiseguy” “Pan Am” for approx 3 episodes, and now “American Horror Story”) “Wiseguy” is notable for 2 elements – the show introduced the concept of a story arc – a story that plays out over number of episodes, a televsion serial, vs a news story every week, which was par for the course, on the Electic Jew. The other notable element was the launchng of Kevin Spacey’s career. (I am a huge fan of character actors. I find their work more interesting, oft-times, than the “leads”) Spacey played a character that was a multi-millionaire criminal matermind – highly unstable – and a drug addict, names Mel Profitt (Very subtle naming of characters – rolling eyes) The show alluded to his incestuous relatioship with his sister, Susan . The show was interesting – Vinnie Terranova, the Hero, got deeply immersed in the Profitt’s world. He had an affair Susan. He did “bring them down” – but ths storyline was memorable for the fact that Profitt was a real charmer (due to Spvey’s work) – and the Profitts were both deeply sympathetic. Terranova has a huge hissy fit meltdown, after they are crushed – “I’ve turned friendship and loyalty into a sick joke”, and nearly left the “agency”.

    Any-one who watched that show will not EVER forget that story. It was Grand Tragedy. Truly. None of the other story lines ever reached the heights that this tale did. I have now arrved at my point – ta DA! The reason I’ve cited this show is that the Profitt character had a deep, huge, mythic taboo against ANY-one from Virginia. The CIA, Fed. Government (Which I now call ZOG). He goes apeshit when one of his people gets involved with a woman from Virginia. Profitt is a GENIUS, remember this – and he panicks, and goes into a full blown freak out. I wish I could recall, or find, the sppech Profitt makes – but it’s always stayed with me. The absolute vital need to avoid anything from VA.

    I do not think the Average Citizens of Virginia are bad news. Far from it. I lived in DC for a number of years, and the Virginians I met were lovely. I mean anything related to Da Gubmint. ZOG.

    This guy Harrigan is a Creature of ZOG. ZOG rewards and elevates only the truly pathological Goy. The ones that will wreak the most destruction. The ones that will kill their own people. They’ve been doing this ever since the Rothschild’s pioneered the employee stratagem, with Napoleon.

    Re: Wiseguy” -the show tanked, after the Profitt arc. The next story involved Vinnie’s brother being murdered by a “White Supremacist”. And then NEXT story arc revolved arooud some nice Jewish clothing manufacturers, being squeezed and poisecuted by “Italian Gangters”. I was still watching, at that point (although I have NO recollection of the White Supremacist idiocy). Jerry Lewis and Ron Silver were the father and son devout, good, kindly, honest Jewish mensch’s. The element that I remember is that Jerry Lewis, the father, dumped his lovely, loyal, wonderful ,selfless, kindly, warm-hearted, sweet. docile, supportive Jewish help-meet. for a cold, distant, grasping, but physiclly glorious icy Blonde Shiksa Goddess. The only thing I recall was the rant Jerrty Lewish went off on, railing about his stupidity for dumping his lovely, loyal, wonderful, selfless kindly warm-hearted, sweet. docile, supportive Jewish help-meet. for a cold, distant, grasping, but physically glorious icy Blonde Shiksa Goddess. The whole rant struck me as odd, at the time.

  33. I forgot to mention that this whole discussion is being conducted on Kevin Levin’s website. So go figure. Jews are again found at the scene of antagonizing White Southerners.

    I believe I mentioned this in the Eric Foner discussion last month. As a rule, I assume this always to be the case until evidence is produced that shows otherwise. There are rare exceptions like Murray Rothbard but there are oddballs in every community.

  34. Dixieblimp,

    “This is a really typical Yankee meme born out of Hollywood. And out of the success of Trotsky (erasure of real history). Landshark is exactly why monuments ARE torn down. So that he can be treated like a Tabula Rasa and a new false history given to him, where he will condemn whatever the state wishes him to.”

    What am I condemning, besides you? You sound exactly like every other Northeast educated liberal snob that pretends to champion the working class. It’s so transparent it’s ridiculous, which is why you sound like a Jew. I’m sorry Vatican 2 made you leave the South to get educated. I’m happy you’re trying to connect to the people again.

    I can’t wait for the South to secede. I wish you all the best of luck. As a strictly legal matter, the Civil War was wrong. As a cultural matter, it was inevitable. I wonder if poking Yankees with a stick was as much a part of Southern culture before the war as it seems to be now. So, you didn’t like the north. Move on. Or is it okay for elitist, educated southerners like yourself to stomp on northern graves, as long as it’s in the name of the little people? Did you get spit on in Boston or New Haven or something?

    You disgust me. Your voice is not genuine. The South is no longer your home. And the north doesn’t want you either. Of that I can assure you.

    Ah, the story of the wandering Jew.

  35. Harrigan…an Irish Roman Catholic clown.

    Next you will see him on MSNBC, or Fox on one of the Catholic clown news shows like O’Really, Hannity, Matthews, O’Whatever etc. etc.

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