About Hunter Wallace 12407 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. They say that female voters are going for Romney over Newt. That will probably be the determining factor is Romney wins.

  2. Really, what kind of moron takes this freeper seriously?

    Anyone with normal intelligence can see “there’s not a dime’s worth of difference” between Lizard and Smarmy Romney.

  3. Romney has some dark looking keeds….the Freepers need to change the site to Free Base Republic. They are INSANE

  4. chicks will vote for Romney because he’s better looking and has money. They almost always vote for who ever gives them the tingles which is why they shouldn’t vote

  5. John Thomas, “racist” is THEIR word, not OURS!

    Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.

    The word you want is “pro-White”.

  6. Yeah he may be “controlled by the Jews”, I just don’t understand why the media hates him so much. A guy who wants to give amnesty to illegals and bomb Iran next week. Are they still mad about Clinton’s impeachment ?

  7. Latest USA Today poll has Romney at 48% versus Obama at 47% in the general election. Romney may not be the strongest candidate, but he is the best on immigration in the Republican field and if he won the general election he could spark race riots across the country.

  8. 1) Why does the GOP fail to represent the white Americans who vote for it? Well, for one thing, Meyer Lansky made a deal with the Republicans in the mid 1940s, and the GOP has been a total puppet of organized crime ever since. Google “mafia wall street”, “vegas wall street”, and “vegas mafia” to understand some of what is really going on.
    2) Why do the Democrats want open borders and export of American jobs to China?
    According to U.S. Secret Service logs, Huang visited the White House 78 times while working as a DNC fund-raiser. … Immediately prior to joining the DNC, Huang worked in President Clinton’s Commerce Department as deputy assistant secretary for international economic affairs. His position made him responsible for Asia-U.S. trade matters. He was appointed to the position by President Clinton in December 1993. His position at the Commerce Department gave him access to classified intelligence on China. While at the department, it was later learned, Huang met 9 times with Chinese embassy officials.

  9. More of the same: OK Pro-White. Romney does not put WHITE RACE FIRST. He will obey Elite Bosses and follow their orders to the tee. Nothing Changes, just different words but same thing in the end….

  10. Results by Region

    ‘North-Florida/Panhandle’, as is my impression, is an extension of Alabama and Georgia, and not much influenced by the ‘other’ Florida of rootless hyperdiversity.

    Why is old Dixieland falling for Gingrich?

  11. HW wrote:
    pull for the Yankee.

    I read you to mean Romney.

    In fact, only 28% of Romney’s ancestral-stock is Colonial-Yankee. Most of his ancestors were in Britain in the 1830s, and for some reason they converted to Mormonism, and went to the western USA with the Mormons. I looked at this in some depth here: Mitt Romney’s Ancestry.

  12. ‘The White Party’

    It’s a year in which there is no Democratic nomination process and Florida has an open primary. In other words, if you are interested in politics enough to vote in primaries, your only choice is to vote in the Republican one.

    16.0%: Florida Blacks [Census’10]
    1%: Republican FL Primary Voters, Black Share [CNN]

    22.5%: Florida Hispanics
    14%: Republican FL Primary Voters, Hispanic Share

    2.4%: Florida Asians
    1%: Republican FL Primary Voters, Asian Share

    The Multicultural masses stayed home, presumably because they were victims of racism.

    57.9%: Florida Whites [2010]
    83%: Republican FL Primary Voters, White Share

  13. Well, that’s what we’re seeing here–the last hurrah for the old Yankee Empire before it meets its multiculti demise. Nothing in this at all for any true Southern man, aside from the rather pleasing spectacle of seeing Jew tool Gingrich getting taken to the woodshed. We simply don’t have a dog in this fight. Gingrich is no Southerner; he is carpetbagging trash of the worst sort. It is rather amusing seeing Romney dominate the Newt by out “morally superior-ing” him on every count.

    Deo Vindice

  14. For some reason, even though I can admit that he might fix a thing here and there (though I’m not certain), the idea of a Romney presidency depresses the hell out of me. First a black, and now a non-Christian. I can’t endorse Romney. Even reluctantly.

    Nor Gingrich or Santorum for that matter. I don’t think I can vote in November.

  15. Romney will not beat Obama.

    Also, Mormons don’t steal. They are trustworthy enough.

    I just have not see Romney say why he is running.

  16. @Landshark and everyone else

    Here is the choice you have come November:

    A white man, or a nigger. It’s that simple.

    If you hate Romney because he’s rich, because he’s a Yankee, because he’s pro-choice, fine. Whatever. You don’t have to like him, you don’t have to agree with him. But for Christ’s sake, just vote for him if for nothing else than to remove this abomination that now desecrates our country.

  17. I am going to write in Ron Paul no matter WHAT – even if I am the ONLY person in the country to do so. I will not ever vote for the lesser of 2 evils, again. I don’t care.

    Romney will win against Obama. My left sock would win against Obama. The Toad of Satan Newt would win. Every-one just wants that effete cokehead to go back to Kenya.

    I despise Romney – he is Newt is Barry is Rick is Juan McInsane is Herman Coon is Dubya. etc. They are all the SAME

    It comes down to this; As the SS Titameric (Titanic =America. I had very little sleep last night. I’m not too clever right now) cracks on the Black Ice, breaks apart, and sinks into history – at least I won’t want to stab my eyes out everytime I turn on the TV “news”, and open up a computer screen, of old Middle Aged Ken Doll Mitt, and his brood, appear. As Chris said, on another thread – at least we will go down with a shred of dignity. And the Grand Mal Nationwide Fin de Seicle Mahogany Mob Chimp Out to End All Chimp Outs will be loads of fun!

    Little things matter.

  18. I think if Romney wins, it will be that image of his sons and grandsons that gets him through.

    The sneering reaction of the liberal minded press to that photo was disgusting. I have to admit I’m new to the right side of political discourse, but everyone likes a big happy family. That reaction to his family photo made no sense to me.

  19. I may be with Denise on this.

    You know I am so tired of looking at these sorry candidates who intend to do nothing for real Americans who at one point loved the country.

    But then I look at how fast this country is being destroyed, then I think anybody but that nigger, and I don’t know what to do.

    Denise love the “effete cokehead”, I but it’s too polite, “faggot crackhead” is more suiting in my opinion.

  20. So Gingrich referred to Obama as the “entertainer in chief” because of his singing and MSNBC found it wildly racist. LOL

  21. RJP – I am less pre-silver strike Molly Brown – and more…the post silver strike Unsinkable Molly Brown, as the Titanic America takes on water…we must Remember Who We Are…..

    ….like those lovely lovely musicians, that played elegant, beautiful European airs, as the Titanic went down….

    Oh – I’ll scramble to my little lifeboat -and I’ll get aboard – but I am going to try to dust off my ancient manner, as I do so. For a change….

    (And let’s see how long this mode lasts ; } )

  22. Look 313; Romney is a White man but that doesn’t mean a damn thing. He won’t put the White race at the top of his list. He’ll get in office and then start courting the non-White vote. Like Bush did

    I don’t think anyone in the GOP is a sure win. To win, the GOP needs to fire up White men. The folks they have running don’t do that. Even the typical middle class White man who is not 100% racially aware has some feel for it. My guess is they won’t vote at all, but negros, mexicans, DWL’s and women will rush to vote for a black man. Got to show the world how cool they are.

    From a lessons learned/ long term point of view, it would be better for the White race if America collapses with a negro as POTUS. On the other hand, negros rioting over a Romney win would wake up some White men as well. But if Romney wins and the chimpout goes down, Romney and the GOP will bend over and kiss all the negro ass they can in an attempt to win over negros, DWL’s etc. Which will also be a wake up call to some White men

  23. I spent most of January in White Mormon land of Utah… lot’s of healthy, good White folks there. And they have good gun laws – locals can buy guns they want. But the Big 5 Sporting Goods store wouldn’t sell a 1940s Russian field riffle to me – a White guy from Chicago…. well, can’t really blame them there.

    I like the White LDS folks in Utah – but, don’t think I will make the plunge to marry this gal from Bountiful Utah – she and her mom managed to make me do 4 hours of LDS church IN ONE DAY!

    Here’s a great song by the Dwarves on this same theme – a regular American White guy who has some LDS gal that wants him to go to Salt Lake City.

    The Dwarves – I’m not going to Salt Lake City


    But, the good news is that Romney and his LDS heritage is fine – he’s a solid White guy – will be like Gerald Ford only better. Relax folks, we’ve got solid White folks winning elections.

  24. Well, we definitely don’t have to worry about the EBT cards shutting down until 2017 now.

  25. @Roots

    Then that gives white people 5 years to prepare. Time that most white Americans sorely need.

    Nothing is set in stone, though. It’s still a long primary cycle ahead, and any contest that Gingrich wins, (and he WILL win some of those Southern states, maybe even Texas) and you’ll see the media magnifying the result to try and elongate the process and paint Romney as yet divisive to his party. Should Romney survive that, the MSM will slam him like a category 5 until November.

    It’s too early to predict anything, other than that this summer will be the most violent yet for white people, here and in Europe, and the world economy will continue to deteriorate.

  26. Romney is better than Gingrich. Buchanan dislikes Gingrich, that’s a red flag in itself. He tried emotional appeals and sentimental ritual-shaming on immigration, just like Perry and with similar results.

  27. Y’all be more gentle with the Gingrich voters. You have to give at least a bit of credit to people who’ve been TVed all their lives and still don’t trust Romney. And frankly, I’d rather they vote for Grinch than Santorum. Paul supporters actually need Grinch in the race in order to keep Romney from running away with it. Keep in mind that Grinch can’t get near winning. Paul has now suffered his two biggest hits and they were both expected hits. His numbers will now begin to climb as Santorum drops out and Newtie declines. As long as Newtie lasts he will be drawing support from Romney, not from Paul, and anyone who knows much knows that Romney is the GOP’s man. So it’s Santy’s voters you want to kick in the ass at this point. Well, and Romney’s, of course.

    Per the White man vs. the black man in the “White” House, obviously I’d prefer to see Paul elected, but I’d rather see Obongo win it than any of the other Republicans. Eight years of flag-waving insanity during the Bush years was practically suicidal to the morale of anybody who wants the whole regime destroyed. I don’t believe the hyped nonsense that Obongo’s defeat will spark major TNB, so long as the EBT card still works. And if the dollar fails, as it is on track to do, I’d rather have Obongo “in charge” at the time.

    To tell the truth, for the past four decades I’ve been under the impression that each succeeding generation would be worse than its predecessor. There was plenty of evidence for such belief. Now, along come the Paulites of my children’s generation. I don’t think they’re going to take what my generation did. I hope I live to see the changes they make.

  28. John Thomas wrote, “He will obey Elite Bosses and follow their orders to the tee.” Whoever “He” is, he will represent the crime bosses of the Clinton/Obama gang or the neocon gang.
    (1) Christianity is the one true religion.
    (2) The White race is essential for the survival of Christianity.
    (3) If the White race becomes completely mongrelized then that will mean that Satan has appeared on Earth as the Antichrist.
    (4) Lincoln was the first criminal president of the U.S.A.
    Is point number (4) wrong? Read “Lincoln Unmasked” and “The Real Lincoln” by Thomas DiLorenzo.
    “The union of the founders was voluntary, but it was no longer voluntary after 1865.” – Thomas DiLorenzo
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nbFty9nZUac Abraham Lincoln | Thomas DiLorenzo
    Does the current liberal hegemony rest upon 4 basic myths?
    (1) Lincoln myth, (2) MLK myth, (3) Christ-as-Jew myth, (4) black African equality myth.
    History proves that rich people have always exploited poor people. Stalin, Mao, and Fidel Castro claimed to represent poor people, but they inhabited palaces. History proves that prostitutes, pimps, con artists, and homosexuals have always flocked to the cities. For the past 2,000 years Jews have flocked to the cities and played the role of usurers.
    “Thanks to Thomas DiLorenzo and others of his ilk, the 16th president is now viewed in neo-Confederate circles as a paragon of wickedness, a man secretly intent on destroying states’ rights and building a massive Federal government.” – H. Beirich and M. Potok
    http://www.splcenter.org/intelreport/article.jsp?pid=844 The Ideologues | The Southern Poverty Law Center
    Is the SPLC a great resource for alerting us to our heroes and allies?

  29. Yancey – I don’t want Obongo in. I understand your premise – but I think Fo’ Mo’ years will kick up the White Genocide in EARNEST. Whites are starting to rouse now; it’s gonna be bad enough without an extended African Dictatorship. The dollar’s gonna crash regardless. The EBT will stop working. The Black Attacks are ramping up now, even with loads of Bruthaly EBT infusions. I GENUINELY believe that Fo Mo Years will send Holder’s Urban Youf Troops out directly to Kill Whitey. What will stop him?

  30. First off, so many of you are already voting for the candidate the Jews want, it really doesn’t matter if it’s Mitt or Newt, or Michele, or Rick or…….

    Paul was kept from winning in Iowa. That should have been your first effing clue that it is OVER.

    Secondly, do you REALLY want a ‘chimp out’? The vast majority of Whites in my neck of the woods would still vote for whoever the Dems trot out, becuase they are LIBERALS. (Read- satanically demon-possessed shells of humans, who gave up their heritage, their lives, and their souls long ago). And Washington West of the Cascades and Oregon in toto, are WORSE than MN!

    So, if the country is going down (and it is) I would rather the blood-stained dagger be held in the hands of a bisexual, crack-smoking, down-low, uppity nigger…. than ANY white man. SO that history WILL NEVER FORGET.

    I’m back on my quest to find an offshore place to ‘retire’ to, as soon as I throw the switch for Der Negerfuhrer. The wrath of God is falling on this nation, for her utterly antichrist actions. This is May 69 AD, and y’all are living in Jerusalem… before the gates were shut. Only starvation, carnage, and utter destruction await this nation.

    Misericordie Domine.

  31. “Paul has now suffered his two biggest hits and they were both expected hits. His numbers will now begin to climb as Santorum drops out and Newtie declines. As long as Newtie lasts he will be drawing support from Romney, not from Paul, and anyone who knows much knows that Romney is the GOP’s man. So it’s Santy’s voters you want to kick in the ass at this point. Well, and Romney’s, of course.”

    Anybody see this? Paul won the Kentucky Straw Poll.

  32. Fr John – shame on you. I love your posts – but shame on you.

    Yes I want a chimp out. That is the ONLY thing that wakes Whites up. Also – the local GOP folks are getting very disgruntled at the GOP failures. It’s not time to move them along……look – waving the flag doesn’t work any more. why is that? How’s the voting for Israeli firsters working out? Is God blessing us?

    I do not have the means to move offshore. I wouldn’t do it if I did. That White flight thing is a total cop out. If Whites had literally stood their ground decades ago – none of these things would be happening. I’m stayng til the bitter end. But you run along Fr John. FYI – the Dark Hordes will be right along after you.

  33. It’s odd that nearly half of the people in the Tea Party groups prefer Gingrich over Romney. Could that be because they are older folks who actually remember the days when Newt was taking names and reaming asses, so they don’t have to rely on one-liner soundbites to form their basis for comparison.

    This primary race reminds me of this quote that was flying around the internet a couple of years ago:

    “The danger to America is not Barack Obama but a citizenry capable of entrusting a man like him with the Presidency…Blaming the prince of the fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince. The Republic can survive a Barack Obama, who is, after all, merely a fool. It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools such as those who made him their president.”

    In the unlikely event that Romney manages to beat our Mongrel Alpha Dog in November, in a couple of years we will be reading similar, and accurate, quotes about him and us.

    When I was looking for that quote I found a great article at American Thinker that I recommend to all of you:


  34. Denise: The chimpout got cancelled the minute Obomney took Florida. If that Massachusetts pivot man manages to beat the Kenya Kid, you can bet that he will continued the time-honored D.C. practice of giving the cannibals food, shelter, clothing, protection and hand jobs.

    Newt would have very likely picked up where he left off when he was making Moon Cricket and Negrophile heads blow up in the 90’s. He wouldn’t have worried about a chimpout. That’s what the National Guard is for.

    Our successful business man from Massachusetts will order a cost analysis before taking action. The bean counters will determine that it is less expensive to continue to feed, house and clothe the Negros than it would be to contain, control AND feed, house and clothe them.

    Good math. Big letdown.

    May as well leave the special ammo sealed in the gas purged containers and take the batteries out of those night vision goggles.

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