About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “is also untrue because I offered an alternate solutions, produce White children with science. 30k isn’t that much money to save up if you don’t have to support a woman, spend your cash trying to impress them, etc.”

    You ARE anti-White. Babies need human milk. Artificial formulas cause a panoply of detrimental health effects, including, for some, a decrease in manifested IQ as adults.

    And baby *BOYS* are most susceptible to the negative effects of formula.

    Babies also want their mothers. Children want their maternal parent. It’s the nature of the creature. Children don’t want to be in daycare. I spend a great deal of time helping young couples figure out how to live on less so to get kid out of daycare. But that requires two people.
    Single parents (male or female) MUST work. So unless Gramma and Grampa live with and do the child care, the child spends most of his day in the company of indifferent, underpaid “caregivers” who don’t love him. This is tragic for White children. This is what your hi-tech stuff ends up as. This is anti-White.

  2. “I can understand their motivation because I strive to reject all modern thought and morality. I think the we should condemn our society that drives those men elsewhere more than the men themselves. Especially since most of the time those mix-breed kids are raised White and the men do not reject Western Civilization on the whole. Unlike women who seem to reject White society when they marry outside our race and their children are not raised White and from what little I’ve seen don’t marry White people and don’t raise the next generation as White. That’s a small sample size so I may be way off”

    See, I see it exactly the opposite.

    Since it’s not Western Civ, per se, that is my first consideration but preservation of the Genome, the Race that produced Western Civ, the greater damage is done by the race-mixing man who brings IN the mixed child, than the race-mixing woman whose defective genes that lead her to coal-burn are ejected, and therefore the Race is rid of her and her blood-polluted child.

  3. MRAs are the reason most women stay far far away from any type of WN or Alternative Right scene. THere are some real weirdos in the MRM. Most of them take their own personal experiences and project it onto ‘evil womyn everywhere’. THey are garden variety misogynists.

    It is laughable some guy is on here advocating looking for a wife in a third world shithole where the wife is FORCED to stay with the husband. Pathetic.

    Stop blaming others for your own personal problems. And Stonelifter posts on the misogynist mecca, The Spearhead. Taking relationship advice from him is like listening to George Sodini.

    Here is a novel thought: maybe your personal problems are of your own making and no one is to blame but yourself. If women choose not to be with you maybe it is because there is something wrong with you, not them.

  4. My claim on divorce is statistics. Yes it is my story, but it’s also a common one backed up by research. If it were only my story I would not warn men away from marriage.

    Yes White men and women need each other. However, White women by and large have bought into the enemy lies of cultural marxism. They are not our ally. If they were out ally, the things I mentioned, like divorce law, sit-coms etc would change. They do not change because White women still soak it up.

    and yea, I’ve not yet heard any of you try to hold White woman to a higher standard of behavior, no one has shown a real knowledge of the topic, its been gut reaction and one version of man up White men after another.

    yea I’m a stubborn bastard but no one has yet made an honest and logical reply. Doesn’t that say it all?

  5. I’m not perfect by any imagination, yet meena you haven’t offered anything but another lame ass shaming attempt. No counter facts, nothing.

    It should be easy to set me straight if you folks are right and I am wrong

  6. Another thing,

    You will hear MRAs/PUAs whine and whine about ‘shaming’ or ‘shaming tactics’ and they always attribute this to the ever present feminism.

    You will notice however that any criticism of their worldview is labeled ‘shaming’ rather than what it actually is, criticism.

    Shaming implies that the ‘shamer’ is saying negative things about the person in order to get them to change. The emotion ‘shame’ is to illicit a change in the ‘shamee’s’ behavior. But most of the time, the ‘shaming’ is only ridicule and mocking (and rightly so). Ridicule means you are criticizing and making fun of the person or their worldview because it is either funny or ridiculous, but you have no desire for them to change. They are something to laugh at or shun.

    MRAs are free to ride off into a bitter and resentful sunset with their pet ethnics or artificial wombs. However, it is annoying when they show up on WN or ALt Right sites to spew their bitterness. Hopefully, they will take their own advice and end their white genes.

  7. “Yes White men and women need each other. However, White women by and large have bought into the enemy lies of cultural marxism. They are not our ally. If they were out ally, the things I mentioned, like divorce law, sit-coms etc would change. They do not change because White women still soak it up.

    and yea, I’ve not yet heard any of you try to hold White woman to a higher standard of behavior, no one has shown a real knowledge of the topic, its been gut reaction and one version of man up White men after another. ”

    Here’s your logical reply that ought to warm the cockles of your misogynistic heart:
    Women do what men tell them.

    Today’s women that are acting like shits are doing so because society gives them approval. But guess what? Society is what it is because MEN have made it so.

    Sure, the feminazis made demands — but it was MEN they were demanding from. It was MEN who had the power to grant those demands. It was MEN that granted them sexual freedom and it was MEN who enjoyed the ensuing free and easy sex.

    Women are not leaders; they are followers.
    Get it?

    Women won’t change until MEN change the zeitgiest. When MEN, as Denise tried to point out, start being MEN again (since they are the only ones who do it well) then WOMEN will shape up — in order to be attractive to men.

    But a marriage strike, which is what the MRAs advocate — hurts CHILDREN. And White children are the future of the race. SO just as feminazis are anti-White because feminism hurts White children, because they want their mothers, not a daycare lady, MRAs are ALSO anti-White.

  8. “MRAs are free to ride off into a bitter and resentful sunset with their pet ethnics or artificial wombs. However, it is annoying when they show up on WN or ALt Right sites to spew their bitterness.”


  9. Barb – I’ve been MIA – but I want to thank you for your intelligent posts.

    Sometimes I think we are DOOMED, because of BS whining typified by the self-pitying jerks on this thread.

    Every-one’s been screwed over at some point. The idea that some of the guys (Stonelifter FOR SHAME) have been jerked around, ans they are slithering up to an OBVIOUS troll like Rancid of Ass-rapia – pitiful. Simply pitiful .

    Were we in the same oom I’d kick his old teeth in, just for fun. A BITCH like that deserves to be “emasculated” – and I’d enjoy it.

    These little pussies can’t stand up to White women – they’ll never stand up to Hebes.

    Ugly greasy little kikes outmaneuver them every time.

    The thing is – I know loads of worthy White men and women who love one another, and fight with one another, and pull all kinds of stunts – and then make up, and move on. The rub together – and manage. The people I know in the real world are the ones that are worth the effort.

  10. Meena’s no Hebe. I’ve read too many of her posts.

    Barb – Brava.

    Fellas – are oyu all on the rag, or something?

    I was just telling a friend I like this site because Hunter’s posting GREAT stuff – important data, and arguments, and thought processes – and that rancid troll Rancid of Ass Rapie comes in and does a number on YOU.

    The little bitch is NOT doing a number on the ladies here – he’s screwing oyur heads over.

    He scratches the surface just al ittle bit – and all your lunacy emerges.

    You fellas love to BITCH about women, and BLAME women (and women of OTHER RACES behave EXACTLY the same way as the horrid White She Devils you are reviling, when they get to Jew World. I’ve seen it again and again and again) – but ou never DO anything about women. You NEVER listen to one word we WN dames ever say.

    Barb and I are older, and we’ve seen a lot. Meena – I think she’s a younger gal. We keep TRYING to give you something to think about – in order to FIX THINGS – cause as Barb and I have tried – all the “sluts’ are only doing what they are ENCOURAGED to do, and are REWARDED for doing.

    You boys – ad that is what oyu are – want Stepford Wives. You have wholly bought into all the BS The Jews has concocted.

    Jews don’t love one another. They know how to crerate families, in order to coninue to exist. Jews are horrid – crass, selfish, vile, grasping, filthy minded and obscene.

    They embody Nature, red in tooth and claw. They marry, mate, and create the next generation of hatchlings –


    They care about whatever thier personal obsession is. The men and women go their seperate ways, as far as what they do AFTER they’ve spawned the next generation. Sometimes they divorce, sometimes they do stay married, One in awhile they actually love one another.

    What they have an absolute SUPERIOR genius for is knowing how to survive. They know HOW to keep the Collective Jew going. Generation after generation.

    And they know how to sell rancid fantasies to their ethnic enemies. To their competiton. Sure – women of all Races have been snookered by their “feminist” BS. They appeal to the worst of human egoism.

    They got YOU, Men of the West, too. They got you FIRST. And worst.

    They’re still selling oyu the porn fantasies they created for you.

    YOU want an eternally young, eternally firm blonde hottie, who will be a chef nthe kitchen, and a whore in the bedroom, who will never utter a word in protest at whatever stupid thing you are about to do, that could derail your family. Nope. You just want her to replicate Mommy’s praises, unto eternity.

    If she gets sick, or old, or has a bad day, or makes a mistake, as all humans do, and screws up – you don’t forgive, or help, or tel her she’s pretty, even if she’s not, anymore, and but she stl needs to hear it. Nope. You don’t want a real live flawed woman, with good qualities, and bad – you want the poisoned fantasy. That some-how never works out.

    That hot young gal played you for oyur money, and then done ran off? NO WAY. Whatta bitch! Who would have EVER guessed that the young hot cheerleader/starlet type just wanted money from aging wonderful you. Wow. Whatta bitch. What a gold-digger.

    Who’d have thought that gold-diggers are just gold-diggers?

    Women are all bitches.

    Except those nice Asian gals. They NEVER gold-dig. And so what is the kids are hybrids. So what? The White Asian hybrids are “raised White “- so it’s all good. Who CARES?

    Asian is the New White.



  11. Denise,

    There isn’t anyone here that doesn’t love you.

    But let’s be honest, any man born in the last 50 years has been either living in a vacuum or has been a victim of the gender war. It’s a war. Let’s call it what it is. Actually like a holocaust of the Patriarchy. I don’t want to live in a women’s world. Really don’t. I don’t like the chaos, the emotionalism, the littleness or any of the things honest women will admit are characteristics of their gender.

    I’m the first to admit there are many good women out there. At least three or four. But damn men have been taking it on the for decades. In the workplace, in government, in academia. The feminist tripe that spews from every orifice of this sickened nation is disgusting. So yeah, I can say that it feels good to tell a screaming gash like Meena to go fuck herself. May she end her years in a pile of old newspapers and cat feces.

    In my imaginary day of the rope, the first to go are the pro-choicers. We’ll just take care of that right off the bat. Then we can move on.

  12. Landshark
    “But let’s be honest, any man born in the last 50 years has been either living in a vacuum or has been a victim of the gender war.”

    So the main problem is women?

  13. I will say this, the same war the Jews carried “into Africa” (the South), they carried also into women, and I’ll speak no less vociferously on either topic.

  14. Landshark – Rancid of Ass-rapie doesn’t love me. I don’t love him/it. He doesn’t love you either.

    Dear God.

    For Barb’s sake, and Meena’s – and YOURS – I’ll try it again……….


    Women can’t do it. White men must decide if they want a White Race, or not. And then LEAD.

    The women will follow.

  15. Denise,

    White women need to learn to love white men, because it’s the unconditional love of white women that can turn the tragic state of white men around. Shite, give us something to care about, love us, and see what we can become. Every instrument of domestic policy is used to strip us of our balls from the day we are born, yet we’re supposed to know about how to take back our nation?


    Of course my wife is the most golden hearted, sweetest woman on earth. But she just about peeled me off the inside of a cave, God Bless her. Lord knows what got into her.

    Shit women, cut the BS and give us a chance!

  16. Landshark – I do love White men. So does Barb. So does Meena. Yup. She does. When will the love be reciprocated?

    You go to various White web sites -and it always devolved into the men blaming women for everything.

    Robert does not love us, Land shark. Not at all.

  17. I think there is a generational gap that keeps the topic from being understood. Denise is probably in the generation where women were mostly one way vs what they are today. My ex-wife was in the van guard.

    Wanted I wanted was a godly woman who was kind, a good mother, height weight proportional and on team stonelifter family. I went from having a woman who was all I ever wanted, to one who increasing bought into the feminist movement. Standing up and being a man has never been an issue for me. Women generally find that attractive, on the short term.

    And therein lies a big problem. The other lies with the laws that given women every incentive to bail.

    Realistically what should White men do? The divorce numbers are what they are, the laws are skewed to favor women over men in every possible way etc etc etc.

    If I were to start a business, and ask you to join me, invest in it with me, with the same rules and failure statistics as marriage, meaning it stands a 50% chance of failing, that I will almost certainly will be the one to dissolve the business, I will get the assets, you will get the liabilities and you will owe me money for years after the business failure, would you do it? Would you tell your sons to do it?

  18. “I went from having a woman who was all I ever wanted, to one who increasing bought into the feminist movement. ”

    Yeah, maybe. I’m skeptical, though, because being a radical-traditionalist who agrees that what our forebears said is generally what the truth is, People Never Change. To go from truly loving to hateful and vindictive sociopathy, for no reason whatsoever, well, frankly, is as unlikely as the Whore who is saved by the Love of a Good Man.
    Likelier explanation is: It’s quite possible that love/lust for her pretty face had you blinded to her true character.
    This is a *very* common mistake men make.

    That, or she became mentally ill.

    And it’s NOT that I’m unsympathetic that you were screwed over. The divorce laws suck. Do remember, though, that No-Fault divorce, which enabled this, was passed by legislatures composed of men.

    Anyway, what about the sons? How to protect them financially from a gold-digger?
    Pretty much the same way it’s always been done in families with means since time immemorial. Go into business with them where YOU own everything, and they just work for you. YOU own the house and they rent. If son wants a new car, YOU put your name on it, and they make “lease” payments to you.
    Put some of the wealth you and your sons generate into trust funds for the issue of your sons’ marriages.

    Why take the risk, you ask? Because YOUR GRANDCHILDREN deserve a happy homelife, which means mom nursing them at home until at LEAST age 3.

    Much better use of your money than spending many thousands on a rent-a-womb, risking that that Indian woman, when she gets hold of that lovely squirmy newborn, decides, sorry, and you get screwed again.

    Or even if the hand-over does happen, that poor, pitiable child, YOUR GRANDCHILD, has to suffer the ill effects of no breastmilk and the joyless life of daycare.

    See? I’m not all about just you and *your* happiness. I’m all about what in service of Securing a Future for White Children:
    1. Increase the White Birthrate. (Because the first thing you must do to give children a future is see to it they get conceived.)
    2. Grow happy White kids who can then maintain this wonderful Western Civ., even if the grownups have to “eat it” about some things.
    3. Then think the grownups’ feelings.

  19. I think the comments section is going down in to White female bashing and that’s not a good thing.

    I don’ t have solutions to American male/female relations but here’s a suggestion:

    Do much less arguing/talking and try to do some physical activity that’s fun for both sexes. I highly recommend partner dancing. Women love to dance and American White men and White women were once good dancers back in the 1940s.

    I do a dance that is like Swing, only not so fast and not as hard to learn. Partner dancing is a male led dance, so the women follow the man’s lead. Those of you men longing for the 1950s where the man was supposedly the “king of the castle/home” can actually do a fun activity where the women like a man who takes the lead.

  20. Jack Ryan – I haven’t always agreed with everything you’ve ever written, and oyu haven’t agreed with me – but I now declare you to be Number ONE Genius Deluxe.

    You are RIGHT. About the dancing.

    Fellas- he’s a gadjillion % RIGHT.

    I Am an obnoxious, opinionated “strong” woman – so are my sisters – and I will only follow a man if he:

    1) Making sense
    2) Is not a total pain in a assetts
    3) He DANCES!!!!!!!

    I LOVE DANCING!!!!!!!

    I’d follow ya anywhere, on a dance floor!!!!

    Jack – I’ve been listening to big band/swing/MICHAEL BUBLE for days…years actually, but I’ve been on a Buble/Sinatra kick for almost a week.

    Wow, Jack – serendipity. Your gal is a very lucky woman!

  21. One of the biggest idiots I know gets women five times the quality he deserves. Why? Because he can dance.

    Yeah, that’s a real gold star for white women. Damn I’m so glad I don’t have to deal with you dumb fucking whores anymore. That’s a real high level you’re expecting from men. For God’s sake you’re all as daft as the day is long.

  22. Landwanker
    “White women need to learn to love white men, because it’s the unconditional love of white women that can turn the tragic state of white men around.”

    You gotta be a troll. No one could be that pathetic for real.

  23. “When are you going to get into your sisters’ heads that this ISN’T A DAMN GAME???”

    I’m confused what you mean Landshark. What are you referring to as us playing a game? Are you talking about the suggestion that White men learn how to couples’ dance and then go dancing with their lady?

    How is that playing a game? I agree with Denise — it’s bloody ingenious.

    Think about it: Couples dancing is about romance, it’s about the man leading, and it’s — essentially — foreplay. Women love it. We lament that our men won’t go dancing with us.
    TV show Hot in Cleveland said this, and there was a lot of truth to it: You have to get a gbff (gay best friend forever) to go dancing with. Yeah, you WANT to go with your guy, but it’s like putting a hat on a dog. It’s fun, but you know they don’t really like it.

    So, a woman quits asking. But she still wishes.

    A woman thinking about leaving her husband who dances with her, for another man?
    Is going to think, but the new guy, for all his good looks and money and charm, doesn’t dance. My guy dances with me. I don’t want to give that up. I’ll stay.

    And, unlike Game, which is full of a bazillion subtle, esoteric rules (most of them invented on-the-spot by Roissy to suit his particular blog post) couples’ ballroom dancing is defined, structured, laid out step-by-step, precise, mathematical even. A total nerd, introverted and awkward at parties, can practice alone until he’s mastered it, go to the Ballroom and utterly conquer the place — without ever having to utter more than 3 words to the lady. Meanwhile, she’s imagining, as he dips her, being kissed.

  24. Dancing, barb?

    This is what I want: I want marriage to be a one-shot deal, not a game to be played based on how you feel on a particular night when you’re dancing (as the world collapses around you.) And a woman who forms relationships with men based on how she feels when she is dancing is not a woman I’m inclined to think takes her relationships seriously. It’s not something I’m interested culturally forwarding: that eligible bachelorettes be taught to confuse the seriousness of a relationship with the fleeting emotions on a dance floor.

    I guess I don’t care how it goes along, as long as it only goes along once. One shot and you’re done. If you think dancing is the best way to measure that shot, great. But if you screw up, there’s no divorce, no remarriage, no nothing. Just shame.

    So is dancing still how you want to play it to your sisters? That’s all we’re talking about.

  25. Landshark – you are HOPELESS. Jack suggests dancing, Barb and I think it’s GREAT BRILLIANT GENIUS HURRAH!!! – and you beeyich a bout a cad and a dolt that – direct quote – “One of the biggest idiots I know gets women five times the quality he deserves. Why? Because he can dance.”

    And then you howl about how stupid women are.

    OMG. THAt is WHY you are having issues. Did is EVER occur to you that it IS a game?

    Let”s sit around and sulk and bite our fingernails and bewail the horror of our ethnic peril – or let’s go dancing.

    Do you have ANY idea how popular dancing is, and always has been/ Queen Elizabeth 1 – 1 of my icons – chose her courtiers and advisors ON the dance floor. Elizabethan court dancing was very athletic, fyi – lots of complicated steps, lots of jumping around , lots of hoisting the pretty ladies, who weioghed half a ton. Not because they were fat, but because their clothing consisted of yards heavy fabrics, corseting made out of whalebone and steel, and as much jewelry as their families could afford to pile on. Keep in mind that the ladies danced whilst wearing all that tonnage. Elizabeth made conversation, and discussed political matters on the dance floor. Her rationale was that is a fellow was intelligent and fit enough to engage in astut commentary WHILE essentially competing in a physcal marathon – he’s be worthy of High Office. Elizabeth’s managed one of the most successful, stable societies in world history.


    And as Barb sez – all YOU have to do is say 3 words, while you dip the lady. And she thinks she’s with the second coming of Valentino.

    If you and OTHER fellows would simply make a wee bit of effort – maybe….didja EVER think – that mayne jusy maybe you’d get 15 times the dazzling dames that your jerky guy gets. If you knew how to trip the light fantastic? You don’t even have to be that good……my Sweetie tries to take me dancing. He’s….ahhhh…learning shall we say. (Barb – I know how to lead – but make the guy look like he’s leading. Until he actually learns how to do it). My hubby does his best – and I love him all the more cause he’s willing to try. Even though he gets embarrassed, and feels “silly”.

    FYI – White men know how to dance. Fed Astaire (Ahhh! Ill know I’ve gone to Heaven when I get a whirl with the sublime Mr. Astaire, on the Pearly Dance Floor!), Gene Kelly – I’ve just made a new Internet pal over our mutual devition to one Donald O’Connor, who was TOTALLY HOT – although he always played comic relief, gene Kelly, TONS of STRAIGHT ballet dansuers, and a horde of excellent ballroom, and Latin dancers. I want to to do the Tango (my honey is decades away from that splendid and divine endeavor. Sigh) The Waltz is PERFECT – and any-one can waltz – and look beautiful doing so. ANY lady will feel that she’s an exquisite princess, anywhere, in any setting. if she’s being waltzed around a floor by her Handsome Charming Prince. Several folks I know like my idea of learning old fashioned European court dances – men and ladies in line, executing stately movements, whilst engaging in (hopefully) witty repartee.

    But this is all too horrible to even consider, isn’t it?


    Barb, and Jack Ryan, I am about to quote a Negro. Louis Armstrong, on Jazz “There are some people that if they don’t know, you can’t tell them.”

    This applies to Landshark, and dancing.

    FYI – Barb – when I was a mere sprig of a girl, I used to go dancing with my gay pals. We’d have a wonderful time! I was never a Fag Hag. I always had a fella of my own (who would not dance) So I’d go out with my gay pals. EVERYONE knew I was there to dance. I had tons of partners. It was terrific. I finally met a totally good-looking, well-to-do blonde n’er do well CAD, and put up with him for a year, because he danced like a dream. I’ll ever regret that wonderful terrible year….!

  26. For Barb, and Jack, and LandWhiner,

    Jack – one of my very favorite music viddies. Watch the second couple. They come in at 1:59. Barb – dig the totally totally hot move they do with each other’s heads at around 2:59. ANY-ONE could do that move. These dancers are excellent pros, and it would take years of training to do 99% of this little dance – but that one little teeny move is EASY. And it looks AMAZING. This is just pure fun!


    This is my FAVORITE dance routine of all time. Fred Astaire and the divine Rita Hayworth. It’s a deceptively simple routine -and it’s….Fred Astaire and Rita Hayworth – but some of these steps are steps ANY-ONE could learn to do. They start dancing around 2:27 – and LAND SHARK – I could TEACH YOU TO DO THE ENTIRE SEQUENCE until about 3:40. ANY-ONE COULD LEARN TO DO THOSE STEPS AND LOOK GOOD – LOOK GOOD LAND SHARK – with 3-6 practices. (Yes. Ya could. They are just walkng back and forth, essentially. Fred’s leading Rita, and she’s so graceful. She hold her arms and bens back ril purty.). I COULD TEACH YOU THAT ENTIRE SEQUENCE LAND SHARK. 2:27 -3 :40


    You’d have ANY dame you want in town. I PROMISE. (FYI – one of the fundamental elements of Fred Astaire’s GENIUS is that he made it look so effortless. Hours and hours of effortless. HOURS and DAYS of practice. He’d rehearse so hard, that his partner’s feet would bleed. And they all did it. All those gorgeous movie stars accepted bleeding FEET – because Fred wasn’t satisfied until everything was PERFECT. It takes tons of work to do PERFECT. But that’s for pussies, right? Stupid women….)

    I adore this dance because it looks like they are just…improvising. Ahhhh!

    Barb – luv – for you. Enjoy.


    I found this this past weekend, and it’s one of my FAVES. It’s La Cumparsita- a traditional well known tango. Chico – the male dancer, is flat out WEIRD looking. He’s NOT Caucasian. I’m not entirely certain about his species at all. He’s DUMPY. But he’s a GREAT daner. His blondish partner is taller than he is. HE’S A TERRIFIC ORIGINAL DANCER. Ya don’t have to be a handsome as Gene Kelly. I love their freaky footwork. Note to LANDSHARK – dumpy Troll guy is leading like a man is supposed to. He’s completely CONTROLLING the dance. He’s terrific!


    For someting more traditionally and uniquely European – from Heaven:


    This is what I plan to do in Heaven. For EVER. Kaffee, und waltzing.

    Landshark. Ya’d better learn to dance the waltz or you won’t LIKE Heaven. (These are professional dancers – but a lot – a LOT of the moves are do-able, for mere mortals. I could get you, if you are NOT a quadraplegic, up to speed on a waltz in a week. )

    Finally – the most erotic display vertical romance I have yet encountered. They are WHITE. The man’s got light brown hair. He’s WHITE. Watch the way the move together. This is the Platonic Ideal.

  27. The Fred Astaire of Tango World – old dumpy Carlos Gavito

    He’s spectacular. Sublime.


    This is what I love about dance. It’s not always the prettiest that are the BEST dancers. Genius – a divine gift – it’s just obvious immediately.

    Land Shark, alas; this can not be taught. Or bought. Or smoked and mirrored. Ya gotta be born with it. Yes – you need years of dedicated practice – but ya gotta be born with it.

  28. “It’s not something I’m interested culturally forwarding: that eligible bachelorettes be taught to confuse the seriousness of a relationship with the fleeting emotions on a dance floor.”

    Ah, fer pete’s sake. It’s about *bonding* land shark. It’s about setting up the environment to facilitate those good feelings, so the happy memories are there as a stalwart fortress against despair when times get tough (and they do, in any marriage). A man and a woman who spend their married lives dancing once a week, enjoying the exercise and romance and music and fun together, are much more solidly bonded when financial setbacks or the petty annoyances that come with living with another human who farts and makes messes come up.

    It’s also about hormones. Sex is a bonder — so if you’re not attracted to the lady are you going to want to marry her? Of course not. If you ARE attracted, you’ll fall on your sword.
    Well, for girls, orgasm is a great bonder, but that’s not all there is to it. There are other hormones. Some of them most likely to be released by the hypothalamus when the clothes are on.

    Men have relationships to get sex. Women have sex to get relationships.

    A man is aroused by what he sees. A woman is aroused by what she sees, yes, AND what she imagines.

    Why are mammal mothers so fierce in protection of their young? The release of oxytocin while nursing. Oxytocin is the “love hormone.”

    Sure, contracts are important. But you want to sneer at an idea that will lessen the
    chance your lady will split? You hate dancing that bad?

  29. Barb – I have a long post stuck in Moderation. I think it’s because it contain a lot of links to videos. My post, directly above, that is showing has one link to a brilliant tango dance, and that got through. So I’m goiung to try to take me post apart piece by piece.

  30. Pieces of long post Number 1:

    For Barb, and Jack, and LandWhiner,

    Jack – one of my very favorite music viddies. Watch the second couple. They come in at 1:59. Barb – dig the totally totally hot move they do with each other’s heads at around 2:59. ANY-ONE could do that move. These dancers are excellent pros, and it would take years of training to do 99% of this little dance – but that one little teeny move is EASY. And it looks AMAZING. This is just pure fun!

  31. This is my FAVORITE dance routine of all time. Fred Astaire and the divine Rita Hayworth. It’s a deceptively simple routine -and it’s….Fred Astaire and Rita Hayworth – but some of these steps are steps ANY-ONE could learn to do. They start dancing around 2:27 – and LAND SHARK – I could TEACH YOU TO DO THE ENTIRE SEQUENCE until about 3:40. ANY-ONE COULD LEARN TO DO THOSE STEPS AND LOOK GOOD – LOOK GOOD LAND SHARK – with 3-6 practices. (Yes. Ya could. They are just walkng back and forth, essentially. Fred’s leading Rita, and she’s so graceful. She extends her arms, and bends back ril purty.). I COULD TEACH YOU THAT ENTIRE SEQUENCE LAND SHARK. 2:27 -3 :40


    You’d have ANY dame you want in town. I PROMISE. (FYI – one of the fundamental elements of Fred Astaire’s GENIUS is that he made it look so effortless. Hours and hours dedicated to creating “effortless”. HOURS and HOURS and DAYS of rehearsal. He’d rehearse so hard, that his partner’s feet would bleed. And they all did it. All those gorgeous movie stars accepted bleeding FEET – because Fred wasn’t satisfied until everything was PERFECT. It takes tons of work to do PERFECT. But that’s for pussies, right? Stupid women….)

    I adore this dance because it looks like they are just…improvising. Ahhhh!

  32. The above post about the Fred and Rita dance contains my most important point – that it’s easier than it looks – but Barb – luv – just for you. Just for fun….


  33. I found this this past weekend, and it’s one of my FAVES. It’s La Cumparsita- a traditional well known tango. Chico – the male dancer, is flat out WEIRD looking. He’s NOT Caucasian. I’m not entirely certain about his species at all. He’s DUMPY. But he’s a GREAT daner. His blondish partner is taller than he is. HE’S An AMAZINGLY ORIGINAL DANCER. Ya don’t have to be a handsome as Gene Kelly. I love their freaky footwork. Note to LANDSHARK – dumpy Troll guy is leading like a man is supposed to lead. He’s completely CONTROLLING the dance. He’s terrific!

  34. For someting more traditionally and uniquely European – from Heaven:


    This is what I plan to do in Heaven. For EVER. Kaffee, und waltzing.

    Landshark. Ya’d better learn to dance the waltz or you won’t LIKE Heaven. These are professional dancers – but a lot – a LOT of the moves are do-able, for mere mortals. I could get you, if you are NOT a quadraplegic, up to speed on a waltz in a week.

    Note one of the comments, on the video “Ooh! It looks just like a fairy tale!”

    Do you realize how profound that reaction is? Do oyu have ANY idea how much that means?

    Europeans CREATE fairy tale worlds. No one else does that. No other Race. Once we’re gone – this is gone forever.

  35. Finally – the most erotic display of vertical romance I have yet encountered. They are WHITE. The man’s got light brown hair. He’s WHITE. Watch the way the move together. This is the Platonic Ideal. Embodied. And set to music.

  36. Daft I say. Daft. Thank God I found the last woman in America with a lick of sense. The Jews filled all y’all’s heads with all the same kind of nonsense they did with the blacks. It’s sad, really, to see such beautiful minds going to waste. We don’t expect blacks to grow up, but we can hold out hope that white women will. May God Bless you all on your journeys.

  37. My ex-wife is not mental. She absorbed all the anti male bullshit from our liberal culture. the Bible tells us to watch what we let into our heart, mind soul because it will poison your thinking. And that’s what happened.

    Why in the hell would a woman want some fairy dancer? How much will that help her during a chimp out? Or when the car breaks? Or when life gets hard and the bills stack up? If that’s what women want my sons better run, and run fast.

    The bottom line is, until White women act better there is nothing of value in marriage for men that they can’t get else where. There has to be more to induce men into marriage then it’s what best for your face. Most men don’t work that way.

    And once again, the stats on children raised by single dad’s are very good. there is no quantifiable down side.

    On top of the marriage, White women treat us poorly. Everything y’all like in TV, books, etc shows it. Here’s a perfect example from my life and work about what I’m talking about regarding White women and their treatment of White men.

    Today we have to move a group of people from one point in country to another. They’re getting pulled out until things settle down. Some White American men and women and one hajji chick initially from Kuwait. The only women we’ve seen in weeks have been wearing burkas and some of the guys were looking forward to it.

    We arrive 30 minutes early. A guy is already waiting on us. He’s actually watching everyone’s baggage while they eat. The men eating bring the guy a to go plate. The men are typical SWPL goobers, or at least what I think of as SWPL goobers. Some pretty young, the project manager is 40-sih. They shook our hands, paid attention to my briefing, engaged in small talk while we waited, and tried to help the ladies load their luggage. Business casual dress. Most seem like decent guys. I’d drink a beer with them. Hell might even buy them one, wouldn’t tell them my real name though. They all promised to have a beer for us when they get back.

    The 2 White women were late, because the line at the coffee shop was too long. No apology, just the line about the long line from the ring leader. They are all college grads, but under 30, dressed down, sporting mean mugs. No makeup, no jewelry, hair pulled back, no perfume, no femininity. They don’t pay attention to my brief, kind of demanding about help loading their bags, no sign of gratitude when some of the nicer goobers help them load up. Part of the job is putting them at ease. They are rude/ curt when we make small talk. They bitch about me insisting they wearing their body armor. They bitch about us being late and getting stuck behind a big ass convoy leaving ahead of us after being late themselves. Extra bitchy when called on it, stink face, head and eye roll. They worried, A LOT about missing their flight because we’re running late. Once again, no thought we’re late because they had to have starbucks style coffee. No thanks for getting them from point A to point B safely when the job is done. None of us want to see them again.

    The hajji woman ate breakfast with the other men and was on time. She is well groomed, modestly dressed, smells nice, small gold stud ear rings. She pays attention to my brief; she lets us know she knows what’s expected of her if things go bad. She is over 30, maybe 40. She understands our hands must be free on the other side of the wire. She shakes our hands, her skin is soft. She is grateful for the help with her bags. She engages in polite small talk with all the men before and after the brief. She complements the men, tells them she feels comfortable/ safe with us as her security detail when we reassure them and thanks us when we’re done. Most of the men are smitten to some degree. The Kid is ready to marry, but he’s a goof ball and is in love with a new chick every couple of weeks.

    The men on the detail are the type of men women say they want. We all make over 6 figures for part time work, very fit, smart, “dangerous” etc etc. The two chicks acted like we were the worse part of their trip.

    My guess is ladies, if you filmed yourselves and your lady friends you’d find a boat load of shit you dish out on the men in your life. Think about the shows you watch, books you read etc and pay attention to what type of messages those books etc say about men. It affects the way you think and treat others

    And still no woman here has criticized our culture’s anti men message or behavior of women in any way. team woman 1st

  38. Barb – those 2 comments above this one exemplify the REASON Whites are lost.

    Sorry fellas – I’m done with this. The problem is YOU. Not White women.

  39. Barb – I’m actually done with this. I’m still going to comment on this blog, cause Hunter’s doing brilliant work, on history.

    I’ve pretty much given up on the White Race. I have. White men don’t want to be White anymore. They want to be Sand Niggers. You know what I mean. Fuck’ em. They’re not worth. I’m going to enjoy my life as best I can. It’s all over. Everything dies. So do we. No one will miss us when we’re gone.

    I care about the White children I know, and love dearly; they are going to face a Hellish existence, as the USa collapses into South African mayhem. I’ll do as much as I can to prepare them, in order to mtigate whatever horrors they may facing. But that’s it.

  40. Correct. Stonelifter. Women share NO RESPONSIBILTY. NONE.

    I’m not going to explain why I’ve written that. Barb, and myself, and tons of other women have done so ad infinitum. NEVER gets through. Never. Nothing is thicker than an alleged WN makes skull. Nothing. Thickest substance in the known universe.

    But you and Land Shark, or whomever else, yo ugo right ahead making up any excuse you choose.

    And run along and get yourself a little Sand Nigress, or an Asian. Buh bye!

  41. Hunter, I think it’s time to get a ‘Live Thread: Michigan & Arizona Republican Primary’ up and running. Too much acrimony around here.

  42. Denise,

    The imaginary worlds the West creates come from the harsh and total acceptance of brutal reality. They emanate from peoples engaged in self denial, asceticism, and love of objective truth.

    My white wife and I create more Western fantasy world in our small neck of the woods than 40 million sobbing white Cinderellas and their men prancing around in golden bedecked halls. That’s a fact.

    “Faerie Worlds” emanate from people touching the permanent and the lasting, striving for it, and suffering for it. Not from dancing. It’s shocking to me that you of all people don’t understand this. Knowing all you know, you still don’t get it. Because “getting” it would entail revealing to yourself your true nature. And that’s what the Jew has taught you and the negro to avoid. And so you will never enter the imaginary world. You will suffer.

    Want to know the best way to make sure you don’t end up living in a faerie tale?

    Believe in them.

  43. OMG. Un-freaking-real.

    All Barb and I, and thankfully Jack Ryan, have been TRYING to tell you is how to draw people in. How to Make Friends and Influence People. and you and Stonedlifter are aghast, and outraged, and fighting like crazy and I do mean CRAZY against something as traditonal, and lovely, as dancing. Something that Europeans have ALWAYS done. Nope. That’s just crazy

    Of course – YOU whine and demand that White women give you unconditonal love – like a BABY. ???? No one get unconditional love. No one. Babies are entitled to unconditonal love. But adults are NOT. However – Barb, and Jack, and I are simply stating that a fun, BONDING activity like dancing is a great way to make friends, and woo ladies. But tha’ts crazy and daft.

    Mass unconditional love is demanded.

    A night of dancing is daft.

    uh huh.

    And now Stonedlifer is writing paens to some raghead Sand Nigress, because she is SO very very sweet, and soft spoken, and grateful oh so GRATEFUL for the great big stoic men doing jobs they are obviously well paid to do – very well paid to do – because actually DOING a job one is well paid to DO is a VERY Big Deal, and all the little females should just be AWESTRICKEN that the Great Big Men are DOING the Job they are VERY well paid to do.

    And any female that doens’t coo over some-one doing the job they are paid to do it just an ungrateful selfish spoiled bitch. (Hhhmmm……..that niggerization Effect is seeping into al;l kinds of venues.)

    Demands for WhoeSale Unconditonal Love = not crazy. Females are BITCHES for not giving unconditional love.

    An occasional request for a night out, dancing = daft and mad.

    Why aren’t women just rushing to become WN? Hhhmmmmm…….it’s just inexplicable!

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