About Hunter Wallace 12412 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Painting is a great occidental European tradition. Lascaux, Altimera, Pompei, Rembrandt, Raphael, Van Eyck, Durer, Vermeer, Reynolds, Constable, David, Delacroix, Turner, Hogarth, Monet, Manet, Degas (dixie) Thomas Cole, Benjamin West, George Caleb Bingham…no other group comes close.

    Absolute geniuses every single last one of them.

  2. Denise,

    the Irish have a different distinct relationship to their soil. Their Current crop of anthropologists and historians consider the label celt to be too broad, and to be a label given first by roman/Greeks and then by the Germanic English.

  3. Yes. SF. TV and dancing are the ONLY activities I engage in.

    Ye Gods and little fishes.

    FYI – I WATCH TVto see what the enemy is up to. I wanmt to know how to counter-act “popular entertainment” whgne I talk to people who do only get their “facts” form TV.

    You are not very strong in your racial faith, are you? If one viewing of some stupid TV show corrupts you immediately….are you hot for Dark Meat, or something? A touch of Yellow Fever perhaps? Methinks the StonedLifer doth protest too much.

    PS – Jack Ryan’s suggestion of dancing is GENIUS. I can’t play the piano that well. Too bad about your lack of coordination and 2 left feet. Bummer.

  4. John – that bit you told me about the Irish – that’s fascinating. Thanks. An “on the gound” perspective. Excellent. Ya know what – I’m for it. I want to promote racial identity to a fine degree. The more humans separate into “in-groups” the better. This countermands the Talmudic strategems of trying to convince people that We (They the Goy) are All Alike”, in order to blur all the Goyishe into one “blended” ahistorical mess.

    The more people distinguish themselves as being a part of a specific ethnic group – the better.

  5. FYI Joh,

    I just want you to know that I have genuinely enjoyed watching the tone of your posts evolve, from a polite, rather rueful mode of expression, to a mode of full on dripping with contempt, confident racial acid. No one does the studied, cutting insult better than Limeys do. It’s GREAT!

    One of the ways of attacking the DWL sense of self-righteousness is to disdain them as stupid, deluded fools. Their “love o’ diversity” is based in their egoism. Not a genuine humanitarian concern. Insulting and disdaining their disastrous POV, my making them FEEL stupid, is critical. Confident, “superior” racialism, who calls them out on every stunt they pull, is a wonderful tactic in undermining their belief-system. You express yourself beautifully; your “attitude” is now up to speed.

    Ill-educated Lower Class Whites have taken in the neck, for decades, because of the “lofty” dismissive attitudes of the affluent DWL Race Traitor crowd, who, until very recently, have not suffered any daily effects of their grotesque betrayals. The well-to-do have been able to dismiss the Lower Orders, becaus the pooor, or working-class Whites do not know how to eloquently express their suffering, and the outrages perpetrated egainst them. Lower Class Whites are written off , and serve as the scapegoats for the sins of the DWL’S.

    When a person like you comes Home to your Race, and advocates for your Race – well – you can’t be so easily dismissed, can you? Bravo, John.

  6. go to hell denise. I’ve avoid the personal. Until now. you are a used up fag-hag who IIRC, hasn’t added children to our ranks. Which is probably best for our people. You’ve done nothing for our people but run your mouth, and hang out with the kind of people at war with my kind of people. Running your mouth equals nothing.

    your praise of the tv show demonstrates you watch it for much more than gathering intell. Perhaps you wish you were the strung out bisexual chick sleeping with a negro?

    Why would I want my daughters ( or sons for that matter) to see the type of behavior TV models? Whites chase after non-Whites because they see it modeled to them on tv, in music videos etc. Same goes for the other stuff Whites do that we supposedly don’t agree with.

    If you take in a constant message, that message will corrupt you over time. It’s why our enemy has taken control of our schools, the media, tv etc. I’ve protected my children and done my best to deny the enemy my money which they use in their war on us.

  7. I find commercial TV to be virtually unwatchable.

    A sliver of PBS, Discovery, some movies. That’s about it. It cuts you off from the real world.

    One issue though Stonelifter. The TV does provide a window onto TNB at a safe distance. We can see local blacks and their mayhem. We can see Africa in it’s squalor. These things are great warnings.

  8. Avoiding immorality by avoiding immoral people, places and things has been a cornerstone of Western thought for generations. Same applies for the questionably moral. Our Wise men have been preaching that for ages, back to our pagan days. Wise men across all traditions and faiths have preached the same idea. And it works. It does take commitment and self sacrifice though.

    We didn’t spin out of control as a people until we started swallowing tv filth in mass. Not that we were problem free before tv. Our childern didn’t spin out of control until tv became s filthy, and tv became vile only after a generation parents raised on tv and BRA.

    We can see those things right here on the internet with out exposure to the anti God, anti White, anti West message of our enemy, and without enriching our enemies. Not am I sure it’s necessary to see it. Don’t we all experience it enough in our day to day lives with out having it in our house? My guess is, the gathering intell is a bravo sierra excuse to justify it to herself and others. I mange to be up to speed on all those those things you mentioned John, without regular TV viewing.

    What carries more weight, the words of wise men from ages back, or a woman who spent her youth in the company of sexual deviants, and still praises them today?

  9. Good points. However, I used to absolutely avoid local news. Once I started looking at it, I became quite racist.

  10. That Kyle bloke reckoned European whites stand a better chance of survival. The nationalist parties there are a political bulwark. Expressions of “volk” if you want to get German.

    The GOP does not fit that bill.

  11. Screw you stonelifter. I don’t praise homosexuals. I deal in REALITY. I deal with the world as it is.

    I’m not a fag hag. I’m married. I didn’t have kids because my mother – my “good White Christian mother – was a DRUNK. An executive’s spouse DRUNK. Who hs in our pretty house, in ur beautiful White neighborhood, and drank herself shitfaced. I’m the eldest and my VERY earliest memories are cleaning up after her, and searching out her liquor bottles, and dumping them. And I mean I was 5 or 6 years old. I remember expaing to my younger sisters, one night, when I was 9 or 10, that Mom was having the DT’s, that those people that Mom saw on the lawn, at 2AM, were not really there – but Mom was imagining them, so don’t be afraid…..

    I didn’t want to turn into her. I was AFRAID to have kids, cause I raised hers.
    I was afraid to become HER.

    So I didn’t.

    I didn’t know about racialism until YEARS later. Well done on the WN establishment, on getting the word out.

    I’ve lawys been interested inthe Arts. since I was a wee girl. As far as who I deal with, or what I read, or watch – NO ONE tells me what to do. I make up my OWN mind. You are as much of a fascist as the ADL. “Don’t read what Hitler really wrote”. I try to alert all kinds of people about the peril my Race is in. I don’t just preach to the choir. I cast the White bread on the waters.

    So screw off you tedious BORE.

  12. John, have you ever heard of Marshall McLuhan ? The “medium is the message” guy? I’m almost soley concerned with getitng out information. To as many folks as I possible can. You never know what seed will be planted where. In the USA -“culture” and “education” now consists of Talmudvision, and Kosher radio. I like to survey TV, so I know what the enemy is up to. When I’m talking to young kids – who are looking for answers – I can “deconstruct” what they are seeing on TV, in order to let them know I understand what THEY are experiencing.

    Works for me.

  13. “None but maybe books adds anything to the enemy. ”

    Well, one more, teensy thing: The cars.

    You see, United States is no longer the world’s petroleum producer. It is Saudi Arabia ( Arabs, therefore coincidentally the jews’ enemy). It is meeting the American car-lovers’ need that the Holy Oil Must Flow in order that the Holy Gas Tanks May Be Filled, that keeps us American-Americans in thrall to the shenanigans in the middle East.

    It’s that oil-dependancy that lets the jews sneak in their propaganda that they are our friend, our “ally” in the middle East. They lie, and say that they are there as a “stabilizing” influence for “us.” They say they are an “unsinkable aircraft carrier” so the oil will flow. (An aircraft carrier that has NEVER been used.) Our people believe this shit and, because driving motor cars is so much fun, send young White men to die in the desert (and coincidentally further Israel’s interests). Taxpayers hand over $20k / jew per year to Israel as foreign aid so our “best friend” will continue its “stabilizing influence.”

    Were Americans to give up their 0-to-60- nothing-flat muscle cars and accept driving natural-gas powered automobiles (i.e., underpowered gutless wonders) or ammonia-powered or electric go-carts (charged by liquid-flourine-cooled thorium burning nuclear reactors) we could tell the Arabs and the jews, both, to go pound sand. And we’d be halfway to having our country back.

    But the go-fast carboys ain’t gonna sit still for THAT.

  14. what’s your point harpy? My mother beat me so often, my ex-wife cried the the 1st time she saw the scars

    Good points barb, and for sure one I’m guilty of to a large degree. I would gladly drive a natural gas powered full size truck. They seem to work very well. However, smaller trucks wouldn’t get the job done for me. A 4 cylinder truck/ suv would not pull my horse trailer, do farm work or have the space for my kids.

    There is no shortage of oil here in the USA, but environmental laws keep us from using the resources.

    Personally I’m in favor of using all domestically produced energy sources natural gas, sugar based ethenonal, oil etc. The notion that there is only one soultion to the problem makes no sense to me

    I’m also in favor of ending all foreign aide of all types.

    Finally finished the video. It was worth the investment of time and effort. Our people were far from primitive. The cave art alone should but that meme to rest.

  15. Re:energy

    Geography dictates our overall usage of cars as a culture, But our oil comes from America, Canada, Mexico, and a smattering of South American/African producers. Likewise Coal and synthetic oil from coal are the only really viable, off the shelf, substitutes for oil(and we just so happen to have a ton of it here), but the environmentalists will scream bloody murder at that. One final point, one that PK has written extensively about, is that commuting to avoid living in “bad” neighborhoods is a major driver of oil demand, and that more sensible and environmentally friendly policies could be restored.

    Middle-eastern oil goes to European and Asian interests. It is their interests that we chose to take up post-WW2, and they are the ones that we’d need to tell to look to their own interests. That does ultimately happen, and it will have the side effect of toppling the European welfare states provided they have not already fallen.

  16. Stonedlifer – your mother didn’t beat you enough. Keep up your winning ways. You approach is WHY WN is such a raging success.

    Fucking pussy.

  17. “Good points barb, and for sure one I’m guilty of to a large degree. I would gladly drive a natural gas powered full size truck. They seem to work very well. However, smaller trucks wouldn’t get the job done for me. A 4 cylinder truck/ suv would not pull my horse trailer, do farm work or have the space for my kids.”

    I live in WY. Ranchers don’t “enjoy” their horse-pullers, nor tractors. Using petrol to do work is reasonable, if that is the ONLY reason you’re burning it.

    Although, have you looked into growing your own biodiesel? Then you could feed the enemy even less.

    But what I’m talking about, the “enjoyers” — which you implied you are one. Are you not? — are the ones using toy-haulers for fun and race cars and driving 90 down the freeway because they can, and driving a 4-wheel-drive SUV on California freeways to commute to work. (Note that CA NEVER gets snow and so the extra gas used to turn all 4 wheels is just compensation for…)

    I’m just saying, if you are a car-enjoyer, you are at least as guilty of enabling the enemies as TV watchers. (Particularly if the tv-watching is done for intel purposes, as Denise claims.)

    “There is no shortage of oil here in the USA, but environmental laws keep us from using the resources.”

    False. Consider: The Jack discovery off the coast of the Gulf, the drilling is so deep that the pressures are so unimaginably intense, the inevitable well blowout destroyed the gobsmackingly expensive Deepwater Horizons rig, and killed the Gulf fishing.
    The Bakken in North Dakota? Requires exceedingly expensive horizontal drilling and fracking techniques to get those wells to produce. And, even a good well often only produces for a year or so.
    If oil were easy to get — (Remember, offshore drilling = spills and spills kill fishing — not good for White fishermen) — BP et al wouldn’t be doing these technically difficult, exceedingly expensive drilling processes. If they could just stick pipes in ground and the oil bursts forth, like the good ol’ days, they’d be doing so and we wouldn’t be having this conversation.

    So all these expensive ways to get oil only work with oil north of $100 a barrel. But that means $5 gal gas. Pain at the pump for the gofast carboys causes howls, which politicians respond to by invading middle East countries (which, just coincidentally, of course, also generally happen to be Israel’s enemies).

    WN, if we are serious about defunding the enemy, WN men, turn off the niggerball. WN women, turn off the Sex and the City. And everybody, reduce your gasoline burning to the absolute minimum you possibly can to survive.

  18. “But our oil comes from America, Canada, Mexico, and a smattering of South American/African producers”

    No, oil is fungible (one barrel is like another, provided grades are the same) and oil is a worldwide market. If Arab oil stops flowing those Asian countries will pay out the nose for Mexican and others’ oil (America is no longer a huge producer) raising the price through the stratosphere for Americans.
    Pain at the pump = war to keep the oil flowing.

    “commuting to avoid living in “bad” neighborhoods is a major driver of oil demand”

    Yes, and that’s why I think Peak Oil will be the salvation of the White race. When White Americans no longer can retreat to the exurbs to avoid the darks because they can’t afford, or can’t even get, the gas to commute, THEN will we as a people will finally deal with our anti-White problems.
    (When we all MUST ride city buses because that’s the only entity that can get the rationed gas, all those darky encounters on previously sheltered White people, those Whites will make. it. stop.

  19. Barb – there is no place left for Whites to go. The Nons follow us EVERYWHERE. I think you are correct about Peal Oil.

  20. “No, oil is fungible (one barrel is like another, provided grades are the same) and oil is a worldwide market. If Arab oil stops flowing those Asian countries will pay out the nose for Mexican and others’ oil (America is no longer a huge producer) raising the price through the stratosphere for Americans.
    Pain at the pump = war to keep the oil flowing.”

    Oil is not quite fungible, the reason the Canadians want the keystone pipeline is to be able to take their oil to the world market for example. I think Venezuela likewise is dependent on our oil refinery tech. Finally America itself does have production, to the tune of ~10M barrels a day, though that perhaps would not be viable a 1$ gas. The amount that they’ll be able to drive gas up will probably be around the 150$/barrel mark that they got it to last time(followed by the prompt collapse down to 30$/barrel in the “dark” days when the banks might actually have gone under), so the upshot of all this is that Europe will have to secure her interests if we will not.

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