About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “Hunter Wallace says:
    April 29, 2012 at 7:55 pm
    Trine, Dirk, and Kari are all coming from the same IP address … in Central Florida, nowhere near Norway.”

    No shitsky. It’s Legion. (PLEASE look up the reference folks). It’s a goddamned ugly little greasy Kike. Some shit-sniffing cross-eyed lox-sucker degenerate Rent Boychick – subsidized by his Hollowhoax Reparations sucking Bubby, and his pedophile rabbi- both of whom he services, in order to avoid working in his uncle Hymie’s cell phone store, in the mall.

  2. BARB AND EVERY-ONE – WHy is ANY-ON still clinging to a shred of belief that this kikenvermin overn-dodger is IN NORWAY? Miami has more Kikes than JooYork City. IsrHell, JooYork City, Miami.

    Jew nests. In that order. Now you all know where to deploy Muslims.

    My Jewdar is better than Hitler’s EVER was. Jayzuz tap dancing Keerist.

    I need to give a seminar on how to smell a Jew. See the Jew. Hear the Jew. Read the Jew.

    Smell the sulphur.

  3. @Laconphile

    While Vag Vikernes is a little bit dark for me, sort of a Norwegian Charley Manson, I don’t think one has to resort to murder and arson. Words are powerful of their own, as is music.

  4. “Kari says:
    April 29, 2012 at 6:15 pm
    What a gang of fucking stupid hick motherfuckers on this site. Thank goodness I live in a good socialist country with good welfare and a high standard of living unlike your piece of shit capitalist shithole USA. My friend Trine referred me to this site, we live in Norway. In Norway we don`t believe in fairytales about GOD. You are a bunch of dumb American idiots, while we are the master people , we hate USA in Norway because you are so goddamn fucking stupid.”

    Korrected Kike Translation:

    Deborah says:
    April 29, 2012 at 6:15 pm
    What a gang of fucking stupid hick motherfuckers on this site. Thank goodness I live in a good socialist country with good welfare and a high standard of living unlike your piece of shit capitalist shithole USA. My friend Elliott referred me to this site, we live in Israel. In Israel we don`t believe in fairytales about GOD. You are a bunch of dumb American idiots, while we are the master people , we hate USA in Israel because you are so goddamn fucking stupid.”

    Now does the most make “sense”, in terms of the way Kikes vs. actual Norwegians “sound”? Folks – learn “tone”. Learn tone, and semiotics. The syntax is PURE Americna Kike. These posts do NOT – DO NOT “read” like a Caucasian Norseman, or woman.

    There are other tip-offs. What are those tip-offs? They can’t help themselves – they always do it. It’s easy to provoke the hissing and spitting. What are the trigges? What are the indicators? All the posts contain them.

  5. Jews are the first to throw out the term “inbred”, but no ethnic group on earth has more married first cousins, per capita.

    Trine, what’s it like being your own grandpa?

  6. Jim – when I lived in DC, years ago, eons before I knew about racialism, the peril our race is in, the Frankfurt School of Poisonous Jew Marxism, te planned destruction of the West, et al 0 my plas and I used ot play a game. We’d sit in spme public space, and guess where people were from. Not merely the Race – the Nation of origin. People from all over the world were in DC.

    We got to be very, very good, at figuring out the Nation of origin. We’d observe, and than ask people, as they walked by. We got to be very very good at guessing, because of the way people walked, moved, and dressed. We could tell by behavior, and if that person had companions, how the members of the group interacted.

  7. No, but they were NORSE. And no Norseman would let their women talk like a whore and a slut. as this ‘Trike’ does. She’s no norse. She’s not even a woman. She’s a shiksa.
    A Jewish Shiksa. An animal.

  8. I’ve competed against a number of modern day Norse men and a few are my friends. They most certainly do not look down on americans even when they don’t understand how things work here

  9. Jim says:
    April 29, 2012 at 9:40 pm
    “Jews are the first to throw out the term “inbred”, but no ethnic group on earth has more married first cousins, per capita.”

    They say Whites are inbred and to fix it, they demand all White countries and only White countries, must have massive immigration and forced integration, until there are no White people left, anywhere on the planet.

    So they are making an argument for White Genocide.

    Stop tailgating the Jews and point out they are publicly advocating for the genocide of Whites.

  10. Yes. The Bagle has landed on Occidental Dissent.

    Norway is keenly aware of the Judaic Imperium and the entire spectrum of nation wrecking activities. Probably why the Brevik false flag was staged over there. As usual Jewish Canadian writer and researcher has called it

    “Brevik a False Flag to Discredit the Right” April 26, 2012

  11. FedUp,

    You know I am not shy about Naming Die Judenvermin.

    FYI – the Kikes did Fukushima. YES they DID. They go after everything and every-one.

  12. BTWS: I don’t want this negro marrying my sister or daughter either. Even if I agree with some of what he is saying.

  13. “My ip is fixed to mislead. I`m using a proxy server.”

    Sorry, that’s not how it works. It is not a good idea to bullshit on technical matters, or any matter or subject, on internet forums as too many people are knowledgeable on too many subjects and you are only going to get exposed.

    A proxy server is no good for hiding or misleading if you make multiple actions, e.g., multiple posts on a forum like whoever this “Trine” is doing. In fact, a proxy server is pretty much a waste of time if anyone wants to know.

  14. ‘Trine’ is just following Ferengi Rule of Aquisition 239 – ‘Never be afraid to mislabel a product’. The Grand Nagus said it himself on Star Trek. But why read quotes when you can view all the great ‘Rule of Acquistion’ moments on YouTube.

    “StarTrek Rules of Acquisition Actual Footage”

  15. I think I figured out who that Dirk person is and why he had the same area ip as I did. I travel around, all over the world, including the US. A few days ago I was in Brevard and I remember I argued with a catholic man about religion at a hotel there. I told him about this internet site. His name was not Dirk though.

  16. Jewish Accomplishments

    Given that Jews comprise a mere 1/4 of 1% (13 million) of the world’s population (6 billion) and that 99% of the world is non-Jewish, the following list of accomplishments by Jews is quite impressive.

    Of the 660 Nobel prizes from 1901-1990, 160 have been won by Jews. Jews have won more Nobel prizes than any other ethnicity. They have won 40 times more than should be expected of them based upon population statistics.

    Great Thinkers

    Albert Einstein, the most famous scientist of the 20th century, proposed a groundbreaking theory of relativity (including his famous equation e=mc²). Einstein’s work laid the foundation for much of modern physics and had a profound impact on everything from quantum theory to nuclear power and the atom bomb.
    Karl Marx, German philosopher, economist, and revolutionary, wrote The Communist Manifesto and Das Kapital, with the help of Friedrich Engels. These works greatly influenced modern socialism and all social sciences. Marx is considered one of the founders of economic history and sociology.
    Dr. Sigmund Freud, an Austrian physician, was the founder of psychoanalysis and father of psychiatry. He theorized that the symptoms of hysterical patients represent forgotten and unresolved infantile psychosexual conflicts. His psychoanalytic theories profoundly influenced 20th-century thought.

    Science and Medicine

    Dr. Jonas Salk created the first Polio Vaccine.
    Dr. Abraham Waksman coined the term antibiotics.
    Casmir Funk, a Polish Jew, pioneered a new field of medical research and coined the word “vitamins.”
    Dr. Simon Baruch performed the first successful operation for appendicitis
    Dr. Paul “magic bullet” Ehrlich won the Nobel Prize in 1908 for curing syphilis.
    Dr. Abraham Jacobi is considered America’s father of pediatrics.
    Dr. Albert Sabin developed the first oral polio vaccine.

    Business and Finance

    Haym Solomon and Isaac Moses are responsible for creating the first modern-banking institutions.
    Jews created the first department stores: The Altmans, Gimbels, Kaufmanns, Lazaruses, Magnins, Mays, and Strausses became leaders of major department stores.
    Julius Rosenwald revolutionized the way Americans purchased goods by improving Sears Roebuck’s mail order merchandising.
    Hart, Schaffner, Marx, Kuppenheimer and Levi Strauss became household names in mens’ clothing.
    Isadore & Nathan Straus – “Abraham & Straus,” eventually became sole owners of Macy’s, the world’s largest department store, in 1896.
    The fortunes of English-Jewish financiers such as Isaac Goldsmid, Nathan Rothschild, David Salomons, and Moses Montefiore helped England become an empire.
    Armand Hammer (Arm & Hammer) was a physician and businessman who originated the largest trade between the U.S. and Russia.
    Louis Santanel was the financier who provided the funds for Columbus’ voyage to America.
    Levi Strauss invented durable pants first used by Forty-niners during the Gold Rush. These “wonderful pants of Levi’s” were made of a heavy blue denim material called “genes” in France. The pants he created, called levis or jeans, have become an emblem of the American West and an emissary of the Western lifestyle — egalitarian, utilitarian, independent — around the world.

    Entertainment Industry

    Samuel L. Goldwyn & Louis B. Mayer (MGM) produced the first full-length sound picture, “The Jazz Singer.”
    European Jews are the founding fathers of all the Hollywood Studios.
    Adolph Zukor built the first theater used solely to show motion pictures.
    George and Ira Gershwin & Irving Berlin are three of the most prolific composers of the 20th century
    Harry Houdini (Weiss) is considered the father of Magic.
    Sherry Lansing of Paramount Pictures became the first woman president of a major Hollywood studio.
    Flo Zigfield of “Zigfield Follies” is the creator of American burlesque.
    Steven Spielberg is the most successful filmmaker since the advent of film.


    Theodor Judah was chief architect and engineer for the American Transcontinental railroad.
    In 1918, Detroit, Max Goldberg opened the “first” commercial parking lot.
    In 1910, Louis Blaustein and his son opened the “first” gas station, eventually founding AMOCO OIL.
    In 1909, four Jews were among the 60 multi-cultural signers of the call to the National Action, which resulted in the creation of the NAACP.
    Emile Berliner developed the modern-day phonograph. The machine he patented was called the gramophone. Berliner made possible the modern record industry. His company was eventually absorbed by the Victor Talking Machine Company, now known as RCA.
    Jewish Louis B. Mayer (MGM) created the idea for the Oscar.

    Art and Literature

    Marc Chagall (born Segal, Russia) is one of the great 20th century painters.
    The famous poem of Jewish Poet Emma Lazarus – “give me your tired…your poor…your huddled masses,” – appears as the inscription on the Statue Of Liberty.

    Plus endless amounts of great music, art and literature can be added.

    Denise and your likes will never be included on any list of great achievers. You will however probably make it on another list, in contrast LOL. Are you married? Was Strauss Wedding Waltz played at your wedding? That`s Jewish as well.

  17. Hey Trine,

    You’re bragging that Karl Marx and Sigmund Freud were Jews and gave the White European world the wonderful benefits of Communism and Freudian psychoanalysis?

    Most White Europeans, White European Americans would prefer that you Jews had just brought us bubonic plague!

  18. Trine – I’m sorry I snapped at you for bragging that Karl Marx was Jewish and helped bring Communism to Europe, the world.

    But, you are right that Jewish intellectuals were leaders is bringing Revolutionary Marxism, Communism to Europe. British leader Winston Churchill also noticed this – he wrote that this was a bad thing.

    CHURCHILL, WINSTON. 20th c. British pohtician. In
    1920, he wrote a long newspaper article on the recent
    Bolshevik seizure of Russia. After praising what he called
    the “national Jews” of Russia, he said:

    “In violent opposition to all this sphere of Jewish effort rise
    the schemes of the International Jews. The adherents of this
    sinister confederacy are mostly men reared up among the
    unhappy populations of countries where Jews are persecuted
    on account of their race. Most, if not all, of them have
    forsaken the faith of their forefathers, and divorced from
    their minds all spiritual hopes of the next world. This
    movement among the Jews is not new. From the days of
    Spartacus-Weishaupt to those of Karl Marx, and down to
    Trotsky (Russia), Bela Kun (Hungary), Rosa Luxemburg
    (Germany), and Emma Goldman (United States), this
    worldwide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilisation and
    for the reconstitution of society on the basis of arrested
    development, of envious malevolence, and impossible
    equality, has been steadily growing. It played, as a modern
    writer, Mrs. Webster has ably shown, a definitely
    recognisable part in the tragedy of the French Revolution. It
    has been the mainspring of every subversive movement
    during the Nineteenth

    Century; and now at last this band of extraordinary
    personalities from the underworlds of the great cities of
    Europe and America have gripped the Russian people by the
    hair of their heads and have become practically the
    undisputed masters of that enormous empire.

    There is no need to exaggerate the part played in the creation
    of Bolshevism and in the actual bringing about of the
    Russian Revolution by these international and for the most
    part atheistical Jews. It is certainly a very great one; it
    probably outweighs all others. With the notable exception of
    Lenine, the majority of the leading figures are Jews.
    Moreover, the principal inspiration and driving power comes
    from the Jewish leaders… In the Soviet institutions the
    predominance of Jews is even more astounding. And the
    prominent if not the principal part in the system of terrorism
    applied by the extraordinary Commissions for combating
    Counter Revolution has been taken by Jews, and in some
    notable cases by Jewesses. The same evil prominence was
    obtained by Jews in the brief period of terror during which
    Bela Kun ruled in Hungary. The same phenomenon has been
    presented in Germany (especially in Bavaria), so far as this
    madness has been allowed to prey upon the temporary
    prostration of the German people. Although in all these
    countries there are many non-Jews every whit as bad as the
    worst of the Jewish revolutionaries, the part played by the
    latter in proportion to their numbers in the population is
    astonishing. (“Zionism Versus Bolshevism: A Struggle for
    the Soul of the Jewish People.” Illustrated Sunday Herald,
    London, February 8, 1920).

  19. I`m just saying there is no doubt Jews are superior to everyone else as intellectuals…. I believe it`s been proven that they have a larger amount of brain synopsis compared to other people which makes higher levels of thinking possible. I guess it comes as a part of the deal of being GOD`s chosen people. And I`m an anti Israeli liberal to boot…. go figure.

  20. The problem with Marxism is that it appears “morally superior” and many young people buy into to it – in particular, those going to university. But Marxism is an insidious disease that weakens society.

  21. Euler, Gauss, Riemann, Cauchy, Laplace were not chosen people and still they were the brightest that ever lived( there are many more).

    Please Trine, explain!

  22. Trine :

    “I guess it comes as a part of the deal of being GOD`s chosen people. And I`m an anti Israeli liberal to boot…. go figure.”

    Jack Ryan responds – Trine the “God’s Chosen People” thing is a huge turn off for non Jews. The response is going to be along the line of:

    “Oh, you’re God’s chosen people huh? What does that make us – chopped liver? Cattle/Goyim to be exploited, enslaved, abused? If you Jews are God’s Chosen people, how come the only Olympic medal Israel ever won was in women’s karate? I guess God’s Chosen people get to sit on their as***** all day and get us goyim to do all your work, fight all your Neo Con Jew wars – well ****$*#**% you.

    Maybe God’s Chosen people should do some honest work like other people, or is doing honest work against your religion?

  23. wow that trine chick’s hamster is spinning at light speed over the being called out on the ip

  24. Trine the KIKE just gave me a marvelous gift. I am busy today – but I am going ot have a field day exposig all th Kike frauds and EVIL.

    A little taste – Einstien is an already debunked THIEVING Kike fraud – promoted strictly be Kike Liar Thief Media. HGe was practically a retard. Eistein = Marchin Lootin Coon.

  25. Poincare as a child was a “monster” in mathematics while Einstein had big problems passing high school mathematics.

    Einstein stole Poicare’s theories, aided by Jewish media.

  26. If you’re a Christian or religious Jew…..It’s funny that God chose white non Jews to spread his word and what we all know as civilization… through four white empires. Until conquering white nations decided out of mercy to give Jews a home they existed only like parasites off other cultures the last few thousand years. In fact, the Israel you see today wouldn’t even exist if not for a gentile nation so not much as changed on that still. If God is consistent…makes you wonder if Christ was really a Jew at all? Speaking of God’s chosen and if you believe any of it at all.

  27. “Check out this story on Russian CHRISTIAN Heroes. Fr. John and Stonelifter ought to find this story to be of particular interest.”


    OMG. This is not a picture of Orthodox monastics, more like Pravoslavniye Harleymen.
    Laughed real hard. Excellent. We need this sort of ‘muscle’ in American Orthodoxy, not the GOA liberal bootlickers in Taxachusetts…. Thanks, petite one!

  28. Trine says:Jewish Louis B. Mayer (MGM) created the idea for the Oscar.

    ROTFL. What an accomplishment.

  29. actually Fr John, they look a lot like I do; they are better dressed and have less facial hair but similar

  30. “Pravoslavniye Harleymen.”

    See? FABULOUS!!!!!! THAt is what I am tlakign aobut. No dithering. No hand-wringing. No pussifiewd castrati “nuance”.

    Those Russians are RIGHTEOUS men.

    They are not going to allow deranged Pussy riot loonies to defile their beloved and RIGHTEOUS Church. No excuses.

    They didn’t start the fight – but they will finish the fight.

    They, btw – ARE Israel. TRUE Israel.

    You know what I’m sayin’………

    I love them. I wish I was THERE.

  31. I love it when jews say there is no such thing as race and whites have no right to embrace their racial heritage because the races are all the same and their is nothing intrinsic to any of them, then they immediately switch horses midstream and proclaim the racial “superiority” of the jews. I guess you can get away with such double-talk in conversation, but on the internet their is a written track record of what you said a minute ago.

  32. Trine

    Unwise to enter a knife fight wielding nothing but a limp weinerschnitzel.

    You’re out of your depth here.

    If you’re really European, piss off and stop embarassing my continent.

    If you’re really Floridian, piss off and stop hassling my friends.

    In short. Just piss off. You’re not welcome here.

  33. Jim – and every-one – I don’t have time now to declaim and coment on my most, very favorite-est subject in the history of the world – but Jews, century afte century, are apparently absolutely genetically incapable of comprehending WHY everyone hates them – and boots them OUT – precisely for the reasons you and Jack Ryan have elucidated.

    The awards – it’s all nepotism.

    The Chosen thing was cancelled with the Advent of the Christ.

  34. Outlier says:
    April 30, 2012 at 4:55 pm
    ” If you Jews are God’s Chosen people, how come the only Olympic medal Israel ever won was in women’s karate? ”

    Not really.


    Jack Ryan replies:

    I’m only looking at the modern Olympics and was just counting Jewish Israeli athletes. Yes, American Jewish athlete Mark Spitz was very good. But, for Israel – God’s Chosen People in God’s Chosen country – I just see a couple medals in judo, sailing, wind surfing.

  35. Every last one of the Kikes the Trinesky cited either copied or stole the owrk of a Gentile, or simply trod in the stops of a Gentile GENIUS

    FYI – my hubby and took ENORMOUS pains to have a Yid free wedding, on every front. NO Kikenvermin music was permitted.

    I’m not kidding about this.

    I checked out the sources of EVERY single element. I used an artisan jeweler for the rings. I used a coutoure dressmaker for my gown, etc. Not one kosher hand polluted my wedding. There are places that are free of the touch of the Spawn of Satan, still. Seek and ye shall find.

  36. larger amount of brain synopsis

    larger number of brain synapses. . .

    Amount vs. Number Entry #318060

    One uses the word amount to refer to the quantity of something that is measured as a whole—not by its individual contents—while number, as the name suggests, refers to something that has a clearly defined count associated with it. There are certainly a definite number of salt grains in any batch of salt, but to count all of them would be an exhausting and pointless task. Instead, we refer to the overall amount of salt. The individual components of liquids are even less clearly defined than grains of salt. We could measure the number of cups of water, but we would need to look to the level of atoms or molecules to measure water’s contents individually.

    In addition, different words are used depending on whether one is describing amounts or numbers of things. The first word in the following pairs is associated with amount, and the second word is associated with number.

    Little – Few
    Less – Fewer
    Much – Many


    The amount of food wasted in the United States each day is appalling.
    The number of pounds of food wasted in the United States each day is appalling.
    You offered me little recourse.
    You offered me few alternatives.
    Americans spend less money each year on foreign aid than on diet products.
    Americans spend fewer dollars each year on foreign aid than on diet products.
    He has too much free time on his hands.
    He has too many hours of free time on his hands.

    As you can see, it’s often quite simple to switch between describing things in terms of amounts and numbers, but one form usually sounds better and/or makes more intuitive sense.


  37. @ jack ryan

    Given Israel’s relatively small population and climate, they’re not going to get many or many in the winter Olympics.

  38. Outlier says:
    April 30, 2012 at 8:07 pm
    @ jack ryan

    Given Israel’s relatively small population and climate, they’re not going to get many or many in the winter Olympics.

    Jack Ryan replies:

    God’s Chosen people aren’t doing very well in warm weather sports like the Summer Olympics or World Cup soccer, tennis or really any warm weather sport. Maybe God – Jehovah, the Jewish tribal God only cares about the sport of wind surfing. God’s Chosen people also don’t do well in international beauty contests. Maybe Israel should petition the Olympic committee to add Ponzi scheme, financial derivative scams as a sport, Jews would certainly dominate there.

  39. LOL, sports is completely unimportant for human superiority and progression. Sports is on an animalistic level, pointless competition for the chance of shallow victory. Jews are concerned with science, art, medicine, literature, not sports. Sports are for the rest of us hahahahaha. I wonder: Leftists as we know, have always has had anti Semitic views, where as conservatives seem to adore and worship the Jews. But once you reach a certain level of conservatism then you all turn rabid anti Semites with one goal and that is to wipe them off the face of the earth. LOL, it`s quite pathetic! All your conservative pres candidates are staunch Israel supporters, including the Tea party.

    Explain please…

  40. Denise, your hatred is irredeemable. It`s hard to believe that anyone can believe they`re acting in accordance to GOD by spreading hatred in the foulest ways like you do. It`s because of people like you that I actually do hope there is a GOD so he can punish you relentlessly when the afterlife begins. And it`s senseless to continue insisting that I`m a Jew because I`m not. And I am a Norwegian, and I am a leftist. I can`t understand why that is so hard to believe, Norway is a liberal socialist country, obviously we vote for red governments so there are many of us… This is simple math.

  41. @Trine

    I thought you said you were an Atheist? Why are you all the sudden lecturing about God?

  42. Jews seek a sign. Greeks seek knowledge. Said by their own Jewish god. So much for Jews being in pursuit of philosophy.

  43. Why would a Nergwegian be so obsessed with defending The Spawn of Satan?

    I HATE that which is UnGodly, perverted, and evil. My hatred is RIGHTEOUS – so therefore – my righteousness is iredeemable.

    So THANKS!

  44. Attention Humans,

    Please cite WHY Trinesky has revealed It’s Judaic-ness. You must learn to identify the clues.

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