About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “Trine” is actually PROUD of Marx?

    Regarding Marx, Trotsky, Zinoviev, Kaganovich etc. The Black Book of Communism estimates 21 million people were murdered by the communists in Europe 1917-1957, and 100 million people were murdered by communists world-wide. That is 16 times more murders than the holocaust, and “Trine” is actually PROUD.

    Absolutely fucking amazing.


    I wonder: Leftists as we know, have always has had anti Semitic views, where as conservatives seem to adore and worship the Jews. But once you reach a certain level of conservatism then you all turn rabid anti Semites with one goal and that is to wipe them off the face of the earth. LOL, it`s quite pathetic! All your conservative pres candidates are staunch Israel supporters, including the Tea party.

    Explain please…

  3. USA has a black president, with notable Jewish members of government. This will always be the case. 50 % of USA are Dems, the rest are GOPs. 1 % of USA are people like Denise, thankfully.

  4. For the love of pete please ban the troll. He/she/it ruins the otherwise outstanding comment feed of this site. Thanks in advance.

    Molon Labe

  5. You are definitely going to have to work on that whine – Trine. The goal of ‘wipe them off the face of the earth’ is the Judaic goal for Palestine and Iran and whoever else their Imperium names as ‘Amalek’.

    The Jews always project their own agendas and behaviours onto others. The genocide of White Russia after 1917 was a Judaic operation.

    The idea of the goyim to be free of the Judaic Imperium need not entail ‘wiping Jews off the face of the earth’. It does entail getting them off the backs of the Gentile nation. And I’ll bet there do exist a lot of assimilated Jews who would like to get the Big Machers off their backs too. This is a natural coalition. Probably the reason why you and your team are busy trying to get the goyim all riled up and hateful against the Jews as a population.

    Hasbarat Cadet Trine, I think you should get back to your team leader and the mindfuck manual. There has to be a section in there anti-semetics vs anti-semantics and anti-septics.

  6. “Jews seek a sign. Greeks seek knowledge. Said by their own Jewish god. So much for Jews being in pursuit of philosophy.”

    Judaism is kabbalisitic oogah boogah. It’s one step removed from shamanism. They wiped their ass with the Torah years ago, the Talmud is their new golden calf.

  7. I have a very interesting question, coming out of the whole “Poor Palestine” comment above. What is your stand (the supporters of this site) on the 9/11 attacks on the US? Do you support them or oppose them? I`m serious, I`m aware I`m dealing with genuinely crazy people here, so I ask crazy questions…

  8. It’s no surprise then why the jew-loving charismatics have tried their damnedest to turn Christianity into a voodoo ritual.

  9. Trine says: USA has a black president, with notable Jewish members of government. This will always be the case. 50 % of USA are Dems, the rest are GOPs. 1 % of USA are people like Denise, thankfully.

    Ha Ha…so far you are right. Things haven’t gotten bad enough yet. When they do, you will find out quickly just how racialist most whites actually are. We already know Jews, blacks, hispanics and etc are and group together and vote together to prove it. The only reason half cater to the Politically Correct garbage now is they have a dog in the hunt somewhere. Either group acceptance or money or something else. When it’s dog eat dog things will change. They did in Germany. Do you think America is somehow exceptional and subject to such things?

  10. Agree again Jim. They have emasculated themselves in the process. Even the SBC wants southern out of it’s name and a black as it’s next president.

  11. Trike, how do you feel about the fire-bombing of Dresden? How much joy does the thought of German children and women being burned alive with fuel oil bring you? A lot of joy, or a TON of joy? I’m aware I’m dealing with a genuine jew here, so I ask jewy questions.

  12. Vox, most young whites have already divested from active support the PC system. They see it as useless to them. If and when then get their bearings there will be hell to pay.

  13. Vox, it`s clear to me that what you`re saying is: Jews are created by Satan, ergo GOD and Jesus are both Satanic of nature?

  14. “. I travel around, all over the world, including the US. A few days ago I was in Brevard and I remember I argued with a catholic man about religion at a hotel there. I told him about this internet site. His name was not Dirk though.”

    WOW! Are you a world traveling secret agent? Say hi to M for me!

    “The name’s Trike, Jew Trike. As a baby I was shaken, never held…”

  15. In the end you all prove yourselves to be a bunch of degenerate and hypocritical misfits. Here`s one you can`t wiggle yourself out of. Who is accredited for initiating the idea of the Internet? The medium of which you all cling to day and night to spread your twisted thoughts and misconceptions? I`ll give you a hint, it ain`t a hick.

  16. “Vox, it`s clear to me that what you`re saying is: Jews are created by Satan, ergo GOD and Jesus are both Satanic of nature?”

    You tell us, does your birth mark spell out a place of origin? If it spells “hell” sorry, you’re fucked.

  17. I ask yet again, what is your stand on 9/11? I think the FBI would like to know… You`re probably all on their Most Wanted List(-:

  18. Trike, everyone here is just playing with you. The fact you take everything literally only makes it all the more fun.

  19. Denise:

    Thanks for the link to that uplifting story and website. I want one of those t-shirts!

    And kudos to your Jundefrei wedding. A real Triumph Of The Will you might say!

  20. Kikes did 9/11/01 – along with their Shabbos Goy Psychos. Keerist. even my Tea Party group is getting his pt THAT fact.

    I had a very busy day. But I wound up on a long and delightful confab with me dear pal Annie Oakley. Among other things – we traded “Jews are effing PSYCHOS” stories.

    Lots of folks are getting hip to Die Juden.

  21. Landsknecht,

    Thankee! It can and should be done. I’m telling you – every time a new detail or wrinkle arose – I made SURE of Juden-free creds. You have no idea. We had a big trauma over the invitations. Jews have their claws in everything.

    My hubster and a very talented printer/artist pal wound up doing the invites, and programs, by themselve. The turned out beautifully. We got loads of compliments. The only thing with JewTaint was the rental of the tuxes – and some booze and soft drinks A lot of distilleries, and soft drink companies, are owned by Jews. So we had to deal with that – but we got wine and juices from local wineries and farms. Those folks thought we were merely being curious, and charming, when we grilled ’em on their “fascinating family history/what Church does your family attend”?

    We got FABULOUS food from a local butcher and, again, local farmers. We had a caterer – but we were VERY VERY VERY “fussy” about where the ingredients came from – so the caterer was fine with us delivering ingredients. And a lot of the local ladies brought desserts. A good German girl made my cake. My flowers were done by a GENIUS Italian Catholic lady. My bouquet consisted of cream, peach, and deep golden orange roses. and ivy. Dark ivy. Beautiful. Besides the music -my bouquet was my favorite detail.

    I LOVED my rose bouquet. Gorgeous. Flawless.

    Perhaps I’ll snag a pic and put my bouquet in my Avatar.

    We had a a Celtic band of musicians. We had a bagpiper. We didn’t have the Wedding March. We had Scottish marches.

    Your Will CAN Triumph, lol, if you try! Any-one can find these resources, with a little effort. Seek and ye shall find!

  22. Oh – there’s more that 1% of me. HAHAHA!!!!

    Oh JudenWhines – Ameircans, and Whites in general, are live and let live sorts. They dont’ bother others if others aren’t bothering them.

    Jews, however CREATE the hatred they inspire in others. Jews have worked so hard to destroy Christendom. The dominoes are starting to fall, though – and when people are up against it, and can’t feed themselves and thier own kids – they look for real answers. REAL ones.

    Not JewSpew.

    Oh man. The only way out is through the Jew.

    Some-one I know, who is not a racialist, just found out FROM a racialist – not me, this time – about EBT cards. And what the Pet Niggers of Die Jude GET with those Jew Managed Dimon EBT cards.

    This person was acid spitting MAD, over Nigs getting free gas.

    There will now be a bunch more racialists, due to the Judenfraud. We White Racialists didn’t create this mess. We point out who HAS done it. See – we always make sure the fingers point in the right direction.

    The clock is runing down now – and this time it’s global.

  23. “…where as conservatives seem to adore and worship the Jews. But once you reach a certain level of conservatism then you all turn rabid anti Semites with one goal and that is to wipe them off the face of the earth.”

    LOL, a textbook example of a non sequitur if I ever saw one.

  24. @TRINE

    I blame Congressman Emmanuel Celler and the organized Jewish community for 9/11

    Before 1965, Muslim Arabs could not immigrate to the United States under the old quota system. The only reason Mohamed Atta and so many other Muslim Arab terrorists are even able to enter the US in the first place is because of the Hart-Cellar immigration act of 1965, which was strongly supported by American Jewish organizations.

    Please educate yourself: MacDonald, Kevin. “Jewish involvement in shaping American immigration policy, 1881-1965: a historical review.” Population and Environment: a Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, Volume 19, Number 4 (March 1998): 295-356

    By the way, you are right, only 1% of White (i.e., of European Christian descent) Americans are anti-Semites.

    Unfortunately, 99% of Jews are anti-White.

  25. Yes, Whites Unite – you are right that the American Jewish community played a leading role in changing our immigration policies after 1965, opening up the flood gates to the entire NW world, including the NW Islamic world. Kevin Macdonald does a good job of documenting this incredible fact.

    But way too many American “Movement” WN/Vanguard types are obsessed with THE JEWS to the point that they can’t communicate with regular White Americans even on such a basic question as opposing/ending massive NW Muslim immigration in to the US/the White West.

    Q: Do we want America to be flooding with the dark, swarthy, hateful Muslim hordes of Pakistan, Algeria, Yemen, bringing in the likes of Mohammed Ata and Osama Bin Ladin?

    A: (for 90% plus of mainstream Whites) is NO – an easy answer.

    But for too many Jew obsessed WN “Movement” types nothing is easy, they have to dive off the deep end in to paranoid conspiracy theories that 9-11-01 never happened and Muslims never hi-jacked the airplanes and crashed the planes in to the WTC – 9/11 was some kind of “inside job” done by the CIA and Mossad and we wouldn’t have any problems with NW Muslims except for US support of Israel etc.

    There is no trying to use reason with these CT kooks and they are deal killers with mainstream Whites. When discussing the current Jewish question, always present the simple, easily documented truth that virtually all US Jewish Congressmen and US Senators are for open borders immigration, including NW Muslim immigration – all Jewish Congressmen and US Senators receive failing or D- grades from NumbersuUSA.

    Please read our article “Yes, Virginian, Jews Suck on Immigration”


  26. I agree, I do believe that if the US refrained from involving itself militarily in all those Arab countries and stopped supporting Israel so openly, then the US would never have been attacked. This is true, and I agree. I support staying out of these places completely, just stay out and let others do the work for once. Who the heck cares anyway if those animals kill each other, who cares about Syria? If we intervene there then they will eventually turn on the US as they always do and commit terror acts for getting involved, it`s a lose lose situation.

  27. HAPPY 1st of May. In Norway this is a huge day of celebration for the working man. Only in the old Soviet Union will you see a similar assembly of communist supporters. Jens is in the forefront of course(-:

  28. Your comment is awaiting moderation they say… I EXPECT OF YOU THAT YOU DO NOT CENSOR MY MESSAGES.


    I wonder: Leftists as we know, have always has had anti Semitic views, where as conservatives seem to adore and worship the Jews. But once you reach a certain level of conservatism then you all turn rabid anti Semites with one goal and that is to wipe them off the face of the earth. LOL, it`s quite pathetic! All your conservative pres candidates are staunch Israel supporters, including the Tea party.

    Explain please…

    Explain your assertion that you’re not a Jew, please. Are you ashamed of your identity?

  30. Your comment is awaiting moderation they say… I EXPECT OF YOU THAT YOU DO NOT CENSOR MY MESSAGES.

    Why? Your kind doesn’t reciprocate.

    Typical of a socialist to demand what they don’t reciprocate. That’s what they do – they infest other people’s territories, communities, and institutions, and destroy them. They only stop moving when there’s nothing left to destroy, at which point, they set upon one another.

  31. Svigor, I have the pleasure of knowing that you`re nuts. What are you saying, that every leftist is a Jew? Wrong, today a tens of thousands of leftist communist gentiles are marching in celebration of May first in Norway. Ok?

  32. Awaiting Moderation, for what? What I say is far less offensive than the rest on this forum. Freedom of speech allows you to express diseased ideas, but my freedom of speech is not permitted? You are fascists and no better than communists in any way. You are opposed to freedom and human rights, your ideal is a system of dictatorship.

  33. “but my freedom of speech is not permitted?”

    Your freedom of speech is plenty permitted — over at Democratic Underground.

    Trot on over and regale ’em with tales how you pwned us inbred hicks. Just imagine the virtual high fives and flattery and “you go grrrrl”s you’ll get!

    Or, on second thought, maybe you better not, at that. Could be, somebody might get curious, come over here — and start getting an immune reaction against their libtardic brain implant. You wouldn’t want that. It would be a shame to mess up 50 years of brainwashing.

  34. The posting that was censored were links showing tens of thousands of Norwegian gentiles marching for communism on May 1st. Waving Norwegian and red hammer and sickle flags with pride.

  35. moslems would have attacked any way. Read history and learn islam. war against non believers is mandated; truces can only last 10 years.

  36. Ravbis anti-Gentilism is the REAL problem, and has been for centuries. It’s just HORRID the way that Kikenvermin monsters just want to kill everything and ever-one that opposes their depraved and selfish impulses.

    Hitler was the good guy, after all.

    Those Norwegian Schmoos prove Breivik’s instincts were correct

  37. Tranny, since you’re all slobbering about Norway, why don’t you go post on a Norway blog.

  38. By the way Tranny this website is PRIVATE PROPERTY and thus it is moderated and further to the point you and I and the rest are here at the grace and favor of the owner.

  39. Why are you guys trying to educate that anti-white crackpot? Pigs will fly before a cultist like that becomes a good white person.

  40. Awaiting Moderation, for what?

    Moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue- Senator Barry Goldwater

  41. If socialism in Norway isn`t very strong, then how come Norway has never had a conservative government (they only had a moderate one for a short period). The far right party is a laughing stock and have no real power, and they are the only party in Norway incidentally, who supports Israel in everything they do. Which goes to prove that 99% of conservatives support Israel, it`s the leftists who are the anti Semites of today (and the crackpots on this site of course).

  42. Norway:

    Hogre (right party) is not conservative. trust me, they are far more liberal than Obama.

    Frp (progressive party) are the closest thing to conservatives, but people never vote for them at elections.

    All the rest of the many parties are mostly far left.

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