About Hunter Wallace 12407 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Antisemitism LOL. This site is only possible thanks to the internet, which incidentally is a Jewish invention. Were you not aware?

  2. Denise, you have a lot in common with the Norwegian communist government. They also are anti Semites and very pro Muslim. I think you belong in a socialist country, what do you think?

  3. Denise, your support of the Russians and Ukrainians (Slavs) does not correspond with the views of your idol, Mr Hitler. He hated the Slavs and thought of them as subhuman.

  4. I belong in a White Nation. You do not, Jude.

    Hitelr may not have bene in love with Slavs – but he did not systematically torture, starve, or murder Slavs, or any-one else.

    Jews did that. Jews DO that.

    You have no right to accuse Hitler, or any-one, of anything.

    Answer Holomodor, Jude. Answer for THAT.

  5. Maybe Denise is not an eccentric white woman at all, perhaps her true identity is not Denise but something like Aafreen or Manha, yes I think maybe she is a nice moslem girl. After all, she loves Arabs(-:

  6. Comment on the Jewish genocide of Christian Armenians, and Christian Russians, Jude .

    Stop trying to avoid answering depraved Judaic bloodlust, and psychosis,

  7. Remember this: Christians have committed genocide plenty as well;

    1) The Holocaust 1938-45

    2) Spaniards in Mexico and Peru used to baptize Indian infants and then immediately dash their brains out; by this means they secured that these infants went to heaven

    3) Christian civilization, by virtue of its exclusivist heresy and monotheism, became the self-justifying destroyer of all non-Christian culture

    4) By 1570 the Inquisition had established independent tribunals in Peru and the city of Mexico for the purpose of “freeing the land, which has become contaminated by Jews and heretics.” Natives who did not convert to Christianity were burned like any other heretic. The Inquisition spread as far as Goa, India, where in the late 16th and early 17th centuries it took no less than 3,800 live

    5) In the first few decades since 1492, it was thought that Indians did not have souls because they were “animals” in human form. Therefore, it was believed they could be hunted down like animals, which they were

    6) A total of maybe more than 150 million Indians (of both Americas) were destroyed in the period of 1500 to 1900, as an average two thirds by smallpox and other epidemics, that leaves some 50 million killed directly by violence, bad treatment and slavery. Though the Christians raped and tortured the Indian women, it was noted that the Native Americans did not do the same

    The list goes on, but Denise is surprisingly(-:unfamiliar with these particular historical facts.

  8. The Holohoax never happened. Global Spawn of Satan populations ROSE in the Death Camp years. Huh? Were Yids screwing like Mestizos, or Congoids, while they were hiding out from Da Knaaaazeees in those “death camo” latrines?

    We aren’t discussing Christians.

    We are discussing historical, 100% consistent attacks, aggression, hatred, slander, and SLAUGHTER, that Jews condone, celebrate, and COMMIT against all Gentiles.


    P.S. – Palestinians ARE Natives. Not those vile Khazar millinial congenital criminals.

    PPS – Hunter has done brilliant work on actual history. Research what happened in Virginia. The Land Bridge Asians couldn’t keep to a treaty, no matter how much cargo they rcvd from friendly, gentle, honest CHRISTIAN Europeans. Kept raiding and slaughtering the White reclaimers of White lands.

    Whinesy is not familiar with archeologival research – or reality. Must be the Jew cretin DNA. Tsk tsk.

    And who is here 24/7?

  9. Denise the Rug Rider(-: And if you were a man you`d be Dennis the Camel Fucker(-: LOL, just kidding Denise. And I`m not a Jew, I guess I have to repeat that until my fingers turn blue….. If I were a Jew I would be spending my time elsewhere doing more intelligent things than hang around this braindead forum(-:

  10. My mother is a Lutheran Norwegian and my father a German Catholic. I grew up in Norway. And I am not a racist nor an anti Semite. I am an atheist because everyone I know besides my parents are atheists in Norway.

  11. No, on Friday… The only thing about me that I`ve lied about here is my attitudes to USA. My dad was born in the USA, and to be honest I think the USA is a fantastic country. I love it, the diversity, the culture, the music, the pulsating feeling of people, foods and music etc. It

  12. “I am an atheist because everyone I know besides my parents are atheists in Norway.”

    It’s atheist because everyone it knows is.

    It can’t think for itself, the poor dear.

    It’s no doubt anti-racist because everyone it knows in Norway is anti-racist, too (or at least mouths the pious platitudes).

    But yet, it calls *US* the ignorant hicks. Screamingly funny. Too bad it’s far too incapable of independent thought to get that the joke is on it.

  13. I only disagree with US politics, that`s all. I was using the anti American profiling to try to expose you all for being a bunch of unpatriotic thugs with n love of your country. You`ve got the best place here, don`t imagine other places are better, they aren`t. Americans whine too much, they are a bit spoiled.

  14. Enjoy the diversity of Muslims overrunning your country. Diversity will be your greatest strength.

    I’m being sarcastic in case you couldn’t tell. 😛

  15. “Antisemitism LOL. This site is only possible thanks to the internet, which incidentally is a Jewish invention. Were you not aware?”

    Nobody “invented” the internet much like nobody “invented” the space-shuttle. It’s a combination and culmination of many inventions and patents. It’s a construction, not and invention. I doubt you are capable of grasping the sublime so the point is likely lost on you.

  16. Trike wants to bicker with us, but it can’t stand being despised for long, so it tries to ingratiate itself in its own queer way.

  17. And I got the answers I was after, you far right people are not good Americans. It seems like you love to destroy what the US stands for. Have you ever read the US constitution? The Fifteenth Amendment (Amendment XV) to the United States Constitution prohibits each government in the United States from denying a citizen the right to vote based on that citizen’s “race, color, or previous condition of servitude” (for example, slavery). It was ratified on February 3, 1870.


  18. Sometimes irony is a good tool to get the truth out of people. The last version of myself is the true me, Dirk is not me at all.

  19. Aww… So Swine really IS jealous of Americans after all. LOL, have fun in your Islamo-Communist nigger shit-hole, you little euro-trash eunuch! No place like home, right? And remember, Mecca is east by southeast, cocksucker.

  20. You haven’t been here long, have you Trike. Please familiarize yourself with some of the Confederate history posts.

    Interesting you favor the non-canonical Amendments.

    Treason you say?

    “Truth is treason in an empire of lies.”

    -Jim, Proud traitor to the empire of lies.

  21. So do you guys ever get tired of talking trash about everyone and everything except yourselves? How about talking music, art, movies? Anyone? So besides Triumph of the Will, do you have any favorites films?

  22. You`ll probably be pleased to know that the greatest movie ever made is created by a gentile, Citizen Kane. And it`s a hell of a movie, my favorite.

  23. Hi Lily, you certainly seem to be a bit less aggressive among this bunch. Mad Men is a good drama series, I`ve seen a fee episodes.

  24. You know why I love “Mad Men”? Aside from it being well-written and made, it represents a time when decent society wasn’t overrun with blacks and other minorities. Although in the current season, the ad agency in the series hired a black secretary and Jewish copywriter. The black secretary is pretty inoffensive, the Jewish guy, well, he’s really annoying.

  25. Hey, for those who are wondering. I think criminal blacks and street thugs are a menace, a horrid and awful thing which should be dealt with in a strong and harsh way. I`m not defending any of that, I hate it as much as the next person. And I would never approach these areas, or even drive in those neighborhoods.

    But the fact is that there are many decent people of all ethnicities, I meet them on a daily basis. Helpful blacks, polite and hard working. And I have a Jewish friend as well, very atypical Jew I`d say. Even her name is un-Jewish, Olivia. Very thoughtful, very smart, and very hospitable. She`d do anything to help me if I need a favor.

    Therefore I only ask that people don`t generalize about everyone, every black isn`t a degenerate and every Jew isn`t a this or that or whatever…..

    This I`m 100 % sure of, and it`s not leftist bull I`m preaching here. It`s just common sense.

  26. I guess you guys never watched Seinfeld or Curb Your Enthusiasm? I find them to be hilarious shows, especially CYE. But alas, Jewish.

  27. Trine says:”
    …But the fact is that there are many decent people of all ethnicities, I meet them on a daily basis. Helpful blacks, polite and hard working. And I have a Jewish friend as well, very atypical Jew I`d say. ..
    Therefore I only ask that people don`t generalize about everyone, every black isn`t a degenerate and every Jew isn`t a this or that or whatever…..”

    Trine is exactly right except for one thing. An enormous amount of Blacks are criminals. An enormous amount of Jews for some reason wish to destroy Western civilization. More than we can control. The shear mass of negative behavior of both groups is swamping our civilizations ability to clean up the mess. They also have children and their children act like Trayvon and the Rothschilds.

  28. Trine says:
    May 2, 2012 at 1:09 am
    So do you guys ever get tired of talking trash about everyone and everything except yourselves? How about talking music, art, movies? Anyone? So besides Triumph of the Will, do you have any favorites films?

    Jack Ryan replies:

    Sure – here are some of my favorites:

    The original Brit version of… The Wicker Man (Christopher Lee’s greatest film)
    Roman Polanski’s Macbeth, also Chinatown (yeah, I know Polanski was a Jew director that drugged and raped a 13 year old White girl, but these movies are outstanding).
    High Noon – writer was a Communist – had a very negative view of White Christian western society – but awesome film.
    The Man Who Would be King – Kipling and Sean Connery at their best.
    A Room With a View – very romantic. Merchant Ivory Film, E.M Foster
    Breaking Away – small town Indiana “townie” dreams of Italian bicycle racing romance.
    Mr. Smith Goes to Washington – what we would all like to do.
    The Quiet Man – Irish American heaven.
    They Call Me Trinity – Italian spaghetti western – very funny.

  29. “Trike wants to bicker with us, but it can’t stand being despised for long, so it tries to ingratiate itself in its own queer way.”

    I think our wee one’s libtard implant is starting to itch.

    I think it naively assumed it could drop in, call us all drooling inbreds, declare victory and go back to Dem Underground to collect its congrats.

    But I suspect its finding to its horror that ITS the one drooling now.

    But it’ll be okay, Tyke, the drooling is just a side effect of the extreme dizzyness you’re feeling as all the liberal truth-twists begin to unwind in the face of the honest facts you’be been reading here. It’s okay, Squidgms. The drooling stops in time.

  30. Jack, those are some awesome movie picks. Really, I`m impressed. I like all of those choices you made there, great selection of films. I`m a huge movie buff and you have very good taste in film. I love Ford, have you seen The Searchers? Polanski is great, I love Chinatown. Have you seen Rosemary`s Baby? Redemption? The Tenant? I even have some of his early Polish films on dvd, very good. Capra is amazing too, one of my favorites. His films are naive but always genuinely effective and moving. High Noon, great movie.One of the best, personally I love the way he disses the town at the end and leaves. Pretty controversial actually. The Quiet Man is brilliant, what a masterful portrait of Ireland, by the great John Ford.

  31. Oh, and Spaghetti Westerns are a favorite category of mine, One Upon A Time In The West and The Good The Bad And The Ugly are masterful. Great scores too.

  32. Darn, I forgot to comment on The Wicker Man, another awesome awesome awesome choice Jack. Just incredible, one of my favorites. What an incredible mood in that film, unforgettable. One of the great horror/suspense films.

  33. We don’t believe that every Jew is trying to undermine our civilization or every black is a criminal. It just so happens that large numbers of Jews and large numbers of blacks fit that description. Including them has a negative distorting effect on our culture.

  34. Mr Smith had me in tears, I`ll never forget how Stewart`s voice actually sounded warn out at the end there, cracking and stuff. Awesome film, Capra again.

  35. “Rug-runner”? I don’t understand the foul-terminolgy that Kikes use. Was that something you learned from your Mommy Rebekah? When she hosted all those Dark Mac Daddies, in Miami? You know – your very first memories…

    You are a greasy, dirty – as in literally (Marx has boils, due to never washing, all over his repulsive body. He even had boils on his wee wee.) – nappy Jew kinky fro’d Kike. It screams off of every post.

    As Barb said – enjoy Arab Muslims crawling all over you. When the USA falls – Israel goes down too. Buh bye!

  36. Oh – when ARE you going to post your name, address, and email addy, Hymie? We’re still waiting.

    Will you do this before or AFTER you comment on the monstrous behavior of Jews, towards their host populations, everywhere they go? Holomodor. What are you trying to avoid?

  37. Exactly. The probabilities that a Jew is anti-white and that a black is a criminal are both extremely high, too high in all populations to be chalked up to random chance. It’s only common sense to point out the obvious. Those who deny any link between race and the above probabilities are either deluded, or purposefully deceptive.

  38. I love the Boondock Saints. That scene, at the end, where the Irish Catholic men blast the head off the Kike gangster – genius.

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