Why Racialists Must Join Twitter


Everything that John Nolte says here about discourse poisoning is equally true for racialists. We recently harassed Touré to the point where he had a meltdown on The Dylan Ratigan Show about “racist tweets.”

“More and more news narratives start on Twitter. Nothing is more dangerous to the left than everyday Americans talking amongst themselves, and today, more and more news narratives start in these conversations, not in MSM editorial meetings.

What’s especially revolutionary is that this new reality means the news media can’t start narratives at will like they once could. They can seed the clouds and hope to make rain, but if everyday Americans dismiss or, better yet, shoot down these offerings, chances are it’s not going anywhere.

Furthermore, the only way the MSM can even attempt to filter or control Twitter memes not started by them is to cover whatever it is we’re talking about. And this, my friends, is how stories are now able to jump over the fire break of Media Matters and those corrupt fact-checkers. . . .

Because we’re tireless and relentless and no longer stuck behind a blog or inside a confining comment section, these battles take on a life of their own and, in a situation like that, the liars (the MSM) always lose.”

Sign up a Twitter account and follow @occdissent.

The MSM exploits symbols like Trayvon Martin which are woven into narratives like “Race In America.” These narratives are then fed into myths like the Civil Rights Movement which provide legitimacy to politicians like Barack Hussein Obama to pass anti-White legislation.

Twitter is the perfect tool for shooting down symbols, propagating counter-narratives, and destabilizing myths.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “It is utterly superb Fr John, 11 out of 10, but for me a site more to read, study and learn from rather than make (dumbass) comment.”

    Don’t worry, I usually delete those. That’s what being a moderator of one’s own blog entitles one to, right?

    but thank you very very much. Please send some thinking C of E people my way- they need some ‘via media.’

  2. Tumblr is a blogging platform that seems best suited for images or quick posts. Sometimes it’s called a ‘microblogging’ platform. One drawback is that it is not set up for commenting or much real interaction. Most tumblr users are younger people and most tumblrs are not political in nature, with some exceptions:

  3. Re: the linked article, I didn’t think even dedicated neocons still fondly recalled Kerry’s being swiftboated as a victory for truth and justice.

  4. Two tips for using twitter to get more visibility. You can direct a tweet to a specific person by including his username, for example including @occdissent in your tweet will make it show up in Hunter’s feed. Keep in mind that the tweet is still public.

    You should also use hashtags as much as possible, since that is how Twitter tracks what is trending. For example, any tweet that includes #tcot (which stands for “top conservatives on twitter”) will show up in the feeds of people that follow that hashtag.

    Hunter, you should come up with a set of standard hashtags to use in your tweets, depending on their content, such as #BRA, #NegroFatigue, #Secession, #SouthWillRiseAgain, etc. When people retweet, the recurrence of the hashtag will cause that hashtag to trend up. If you use only plain text, then it will not be included in the trends.

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