Caribbean Project: Rent a Rasta


This is unquestionably the single most disgusting aspect of modern Jamaica: every year as many as 80,000 Western mudsharks, mostly the fat, old, and ugly women from Europe, travel to Jamaica alone to participate in sex tourism with the local beach boys:

Note: This documentary seems to be more about the Rastafarian cult than European sex tourism.

About Hunter Wallace 12412 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I don’t see that as “the single most disgusting aspect of modern Jamaica”. I see it as “the single most disgusting aspect of modern Europe”. If rich white women want to fly in from Europe and pay a niggabeast good money to give them a f***, are we to call the niggabeast ‘disgusting’ for taking them up on the offer? I find the white woman disgusting for making the offer.

  2. Rent a rasta, only $49.99 ( + tax + surcharge fee + tourist fee) per hour. HURRY TODAY!… and we’ll throw in a lifetime of disease free of charge.*
    * tell your friends back home

  3. to be fair though im pretty sure they have the reverse system going on in west apefrika, why anyone would sign up for a 800 dollar AIDs ticket is beyond me, too much reggae and rap music, too much TV bullshit is what I say. hopefully we can find out who traveled on these Ape-ventures and send them to re-education camp in the future, as in .38 caliber re-education

  4. I was wondering why they speak differently Haitians, Bermudians, etc..

    The Irish accent is obvious in their speech.

    Jamaican English or Jamaican Standard English is a variety of the English spoken in Jamaica. It melds parts of both American English and British English dialects, along with many aspects of Irish intonation.

  5. who would even consider that ‘boon in the picture a remotely attractive human being. I also know that in all the white tourist areas they have plenty of kept nogs that they shine up all metrosexual and TV like so they can “entutainz da white wimmenz”, of course this means predatory niggershines abound. nothing like hearing your uncle tell you stories about trying to explain to some boon how his daughter is 14 when he has been following her around offering her drinks.

  6. The Rent-a Rastas can’t be too fussy.

    A female prostitute only has to lie on her back and fake it. But a male prostitute can’t fake it – the draw bridge has to be raised and when you’re looking at a fat/ugly/old women it ain’t easy. And these guys were doing this before Viagra. Obviously “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.”

    And the Rastas say they are the “true Israelites”? But, there’s no mention of that on Widepedia’s “Children of Israel/Israelite” page. May be the Rasta’s need to sharpen up their computer skills and edit the Wiki page?

    “Desmond Dekker-Israelites”

    BTW, Desmond is a Jamaican Rasta who moved to the UK. He was part of the reggae chart invasion of 1969 in the UK.

  7. These are desperate women. They’re not getting laid back home. It’s really a matter of economics. If white men wont fuck these women, then who will? I don’t disagree that it’s disgusting, but even fat women want to get some. From somebody or something.

  8. Rastas…… boring. Now CofCC has got your nigratainment that tops it all, cannabalism from Africa in the great state of Maryland.

  9. Don’t immediately assume that many of these women can’t “get it at home”. “Getting it at home” means the european woman has sex with someone of her own kind who may be superior (i.e., “genetically attractive”) to her. In such a situation she risks the possibility that she might develop an attachment to her natural superior leading to a ltr and children (i.e., “an enduring subservient and demeaning position” according to the feminist drivel that they have been taught). Many of these liberal/left women view these Jamaicans as little more than bestial stud males whom they can take advantage of for some fun and games – there is little or no risk that they will develop a romantic attachment to these men. Keep in mind that some woman have a very low standard regarding who they will sleep with in a fling and a ridiculously high standard regarding who is allowed to escort them in public where they may be seen by acquaintances and family members.

  10. “A female prostitute only has to lie on her back and fake it. But a male prostitute can’t fake it – the draw bridge has to be raised and when you’re looking at a fat/ugly/old women it ain’t easy.”

    Consider that in Africa today, witch doctors tell their “patients” who are infected with AIDS to screw a goat (yes, this is true) so as to be cured of AIDS. And they do it. A black man can and will screw anything. Normally they like their partners to be alive, but they have been know to dabble in necrophilia as well.

  11. These Europeans who are on sex tours should wake up to themselves and get real about the issues of life: which are faith, justice, mercy, family and kin and serving the community: its life and mission.

    Poon-Tang bars in the sex capitals of Asia and Rasta men in the Carib is when we come to the part about ‘and now the moral of this story is’. Europeans of their age group should be serving their communities and helping their people. The moral of this story is absolutely crystal for the young people.

    The reason why these women are not married with families to serve is because they went with the Jew talk and blew off their youth and the good men on careers and me, myself and I and all the Jew pursuits designed to degrade their culture. Now they are hooked.

    Rasta men for the old fuglies is the end of the line. If these women could return to the holy faith they could still serve their communities through the Church.

  12. “If these women could return to the holy faith they could still serve their communities through the Church.”

    Funny. The Irish church is dealing with pederast sex scandals, as E. Michael Jones notes all too well in his book on Bp. Williamson, “L’Affaire Williamson.” I don’t think women figure in too much in the RC clergy’s line of sight, if all of this is as true as Jones notes.

    And frankly, the biblical penalty for such whoring around is public stoning. Jesus even noted it in the Gospels- and no, don’t say he abolished the Mosaic Law. Matthew 5:17ff. calls that a lie. But I don’t see that desire to uphold ‘good old fashioned morality’ in ‘Catholic Ireland’ either- Britain either, but then, Britain is now a multiculti antichrist state.

    Isn’t it amazing how departure from Biblical morality just gives us inculturation from the hands of the Papal Synagogue, and utter judaization of the faith, or mass consumerism as a replacement idol? O’Meara is right. Secession from this apostate culture is all that we can legitimately hope for.

  13. I think most people would know, ‘Fr’ John, that the Roman Catholic Church has always and everywhere condemned the rape of children. The Catholics who are adhering to the faith of Tradition reprove these “works of darkness”. The fact of the anti-papacy in Rome does not mean that the Church supports or ever has supported pederasty. Ireland is a no-go area for Benedict and they have bounced the Nuncio out of Dublin. He was sent packing back to the Vatican. And the senior bishops of the SSPX have finally outed the mole – the appropriately named bishop Fellay and kept the Society out of the sell-out deal with Rome.

    It is the Catholics adhering to Tradition and outside the jurisdiction of the anti-papacy (as at the time of the Arian Crisis) who are building the parishes and schools.
    What exactly are you doing, rabbi, besides shyte on the blogs?

  14. The reason why these women are not married with families to serve is because they went with the Jew talk and blew off their youth and the good men on careers and me, myself and I and all the Jew pursuits designed to degrade their culture. Now they are hooked.


  15. Russia is kicking around the idea of revoking the citizenship of Russian women who marry foreigners (i.e. non-white). May be that’s an idea for this Rasta situation and the west in general – if one wants to screw a black, or whatever, move to a 3rd world country of one’s choice PERMANENTLY.

    “Black men in Russia” with Russian mudsharks and coalburners

    Russia, Poland and the Ukraine seem to be leading the way as they are anti-multicultural and not afraid to say it or show it.

    “Russia protects itself from refugees and African immigration!”

    The EU, on the other hand, has criminalizes racism and holocaust denial, but that may change soon when the EU and the EU economy collapses and then the EU human rights law and immigration laws won’t apply. At the moment, there is extreme tension building that has been suppressed by the heavy-handed laws, and once they are no longer things are going to get very intense. In Europe, Muslims, blacks, etc. should make plans to leave ASAP, sell their houses at the top of the bubble and move back home and live like kings before its too late- and take their white spouses with them, PERMANENTLY.

  16. The fact that there’s no way those porkers would ever do anything as close to exercising as actually going into the Jamaican water is probably a good thing…at least for them.

    Why? Here’s a story about a sewage treatment plant that stopped working sometime in the early ’80s, and has been dumping raw sewage into the ocean ever since…

    Judicial Review – Harbour View Sewage Treatment Plant

    The funniest part of it all being that 30 years later they’re just getting around to figuring out how to fix the thing. So the glistening turds keep wending their way out to sea, unmolested, in the meanwhile. I’m guessing this “Harbour View” sewage treatment plant is not in or near a tourist area, but (a) this stuff has a tendency to move around, and (b) this case doesn’t exactly fill one with confidence re: the Jamaican Water Commission, who theoretically monitors and fixes these issues.

    Actually, I take that back. The funniest part of all is that quite a few of the sewage treatment plants in operation today in Jamaica were built before 1938 by the British. (1938 being when Jamaica got self-rule, I’m guessing.) But this one ain’t one of ’em. It was built in the early ’70s, broke down in the early ’80s, and may or may not be back on-line. So it was (or still is?) out of service for three times longer than it was in service.

  17. Fr. John, do you really want to start throwing stones? Sex abuse is hardly unknown in the Orthodox Church. It’s fueled in part by its decentralised organisation in the US. It is the same within Protestant communities. There is no shortage of sinners in any Christian church or community.

    It must be kept in mind that the Orthodox population in the US is 0.6% of the population. There are nearly three times as many Mormons as there are Orthodox Christians. The reason you don’t hear about it in the Orthodox Church is because relatively there are so few Orthodox Christians.

    My question is why are you attempting to divide whites on sectarian lines? Are you seeking to advance WN or impede WN? I’m starting to wonder. I accept that you reject the Catholic Church but you appear to want to drive Catholics out of WN. I’ll work with any white so long as it advances WN or race realism whether they’re Catholic, Protestant, Orthodox, some quasi-Christian sect, Buddist, Odinist or just an old fashioned atheist like HW. Why won’t you?

  18. Where is Courtney from Alabama demanding that we not criticize these European women, since it may turn women away from the cause?

    I can’t even watch the video. It’s just so disgusting. I’m guessing these are the same type of European women who vote for the jewish led leftist parties who are bringing in blacks and arabs into Europe.

  19. fat, old, and ugly women

    What’s really cute is how the media leaves this part out, thus folding this narrative into their racist (anti-White) Narrative. Hey, never let a good weapon go to waste, I guess.

  20. I don’t see that as “the single most disgusting aspect of modern Jamaica”. I see it as “the single most disgusting aspect of modern Europe”. If rich white women want to fly in from Europe and pay a niggabeast good money to give them a f***, are we to call the niggabeast ‘disgusting’ for taking them up on the offer? I find the white woman disgusting for making the offer.

    It’s a two-way street. These women are so fat, old, and ugly that only sub-Saharan Africans will service them; sub-Saharan Africans are so base they’ll service anything.

  21. don’t say he abolished the Mosaic Law.

    He obviously did not. What part of “not a jot or a tittle of the old law will pass away” is hard to understand?

    Libtard faux-Christians hate that bit, of course.

  22. I have viewed this practice before in various docs (Channel 4 in the uk is big on this kinda thing). It disgusts me so much I can hardly piece together words to express it.
    The last one I saw featured grannies sleeping with young negros—-some even 40 years their junior. Some of them even go into debt making repeated trips back to see their ‘pets’.

    These women make me feel very ashamed. And angry.

  23. White & Confederate and Lynda,

    It is best just to ignore Fr. John’s writings on religion. Fr. John doesn’t represent Occidental Dissent or the other posters here. Fr. John just represents himself.

  24. I asked a friend from the UK about this. He verified going overseas to fuck niggers is a big fetish among some Euro women. And not just in Jamaica. Africa too.

  25. Another interesting thing to watch unfold here is the sexual double-standard. White men chasing young yellows in SE Asia for sex: creepy, perverted, low-status, etc. White women chasing young blacks in Caribbean or Africa for sex: empowered, liberated, sensual, etc.

  26. White & Confederate

    My question is why are you attempting to divide whites on sectarian lines? Are you seeking to advance WN or impede WN? I’m starting to wonder. I accept that you reject the Catholic Church but you appear to want to drive Catholics out of WN. I’ll work with any white so long as it advances WN or race realism whether they’re Catholic, Protestant, Orthodox, some quasi-Christian sect, Buddist, Odinist or just an old fashioned atheist like HW. Why won’t you?

    If I may, Fr. John isn’t trying to divide on sectarian lines, he’s stating all Xtianity that exists today is garbage religion that exists in a manner contrary to the text of the Bible as originally written and translated and that Xtianity has been corrupted to be inclusive of all, which it was never meant to be …… but god (I mean, IRS) forbid it be in conflict with the rules for a 501(c)3.

  27. I share your thoughts, Mary. I saw a group of young Jewed Whites from the U.K. yesterday at the mall panhandling for some Communist front – the WWF, I think. Later, I thought to myself reading this post, if only we could get young Whites with their energy and enthusiasm to meet these fuglies at the airport in Jamaica and shame them. Photograph them and upload them to YouTube. That would probably put paid to these fugly sex tours of the Carrib.

  28. @Lew

    Yes Lew, there are regular horror stories about this in the UK media. Wealthy older women, often divorced, travel to say, Jamaica, meet the ‘love of their life’ (usually a lot younger than them).

    They buy, or build a house. Their new partner turns out to be violent/already married/con man etc etc. The local community turns against the women too – voodoo style. Family at home are in despair.

    Woman ends up penniless and often dead.

    Next one gets off the plane. Repeat cycle.

  29. Outlier: Great idea! I’ve thought of that myself but didn’t ever put it out there because I thought maybe it was a bit overboard. Yes, women are abusing the Western Civilization created by their fathers and spitting in their eye when they shack up with a third world exotic. Their citizenship should be immediately revoked, as well as the citizenship of any offspring. They choose the third world, let them live in it and amonst it. They forsake their white fathers, let them also forsake his civilization.

  30. I am truly amazed that I was raised to treat everyone equally. I hit 42 and I’ve done a 180. I have embraced my inner unreconstructed self and there’s no turning back. Thanks for the wake up over the last year.

    To stay on topic……they can keep the rich, fat ones.

  31. if only we could get young Whites with their energy and enthusiasm to meet these fuglies at the airport in Jamaica and shame them. Photograph them and upload them to YouTube. That would probably put paid to these fugly sex tours of the Carrib.

    I like the way you think Lynda 🙂

    This would be HIGHLY effective as a deterrent I am guessing.

  32. “Another interesting thing to watch unfold here is the… double-standard”

    People have got to cease thinking this.

    Keep in mind: there is NO double standard. There is a single standard, and it is this: “Fuck you, whitey. No matter what the facts are, Fuck You.”

    That is the single standard. Once you get that straight, everything becomes a lot clearer.

  33. Some of these post sound like something I would say about women… excellent
    In africa, the cure for AIDES is screwing a virgin, not a goat. To find a virgin they have to go very, very young and groups of AIDES infested negros rape small children, boys and girls to death

    “These Europeans who are on sex tours should wake up to themselves and get real about the issues of life: which are faith, justice, mercy, family and kin and serving the community: its life and mission.
    Poon-Tang bars in the sex capitals of Asia and Rasta men in the Carib is when we come to the part about ‘and now the moral of this story is’. Europeans of their age group should be serving their communities and helping their people. The moral of this story is absolutely crystal for the young people.
    The reason why these women are not married with families to serve is because they went with the Jew talk and blew off their youth and the good men on careers and me, myself and I and all the Jew pursuits designed to degrade their culture. Now they are hooked.”
    Lynda that’s spot on but returning to faith means nothing. If it’s a genuine return they will still pay the price for their actions and what thinking man or woman would want the baggage in their life? And who can tell if it’s genuine? I saw the reformed whore in church thing often when I went to a mega church. They just ruin the lives of Godly men who don’t have a clue/ what to look for. And I’m fair certain the same would be true in reverse expect you don’t see lifelong cads get off that road. They don’t have the same wall to smash into

    I too see Fr. John’s post as a slam on what passes for Christianity today. I think RC’s get the brunt of it because many of them keep trying to defend what shouldn’t be defended but I have no doubt he’d go after anyone trying to defend Evangelical hearsay too

  34. Lynda makes good points about, Fr. John. I can’t say he is on my jewdar, but she may be on to something.

  35. “the film ended on an optimistic note about Jamaicans who wanted to be repatriated to Africa”

    Interesting that you use the passive voice here. Is that how they express it in the film? Wouldn’t be surprised. Why can’t they “repatriate” themselves? Everything is passivity, everything is something that someone else must do for them.

  36. I chased Fryer John off the main page of VNN few years ago. Along with New America, who now is “Fourmyle of Ceres” at some other site (CC).

    I don’t care any more.

  37. Heh, I was convinced that “Fourmyle of Ceres” was an HAC sockpuppet. He was always promoting NW migration, to the point where even Greg Johnson got tired of it and removed his signature from his posts.

  38. “This is nothing compared to what goes on in America in bars every weekend.”

    Most women will fuck a billy goat if some other good looking woman fucks it first. That is the way they are. I used to go to bars a lot. There would be guys who probably hadn’t had a woman speak to them in a year, much less been laid, then if a certain woman took a shine to him and took him home one night or started dating him, all the sudden you would think he was Brad Pitt. Suddenly he was The Item. All the women had to have him.


    There is another thing different about women. Most guys who go to a bar to pick up a shag for the night if they haven’t had any in awhile will usually at least be discrete and even try to sneak out with the fat or unattractive woman without anyone seeing them. But a lot of women will take the dog home and then take him to the family get together the next day. They will start dating him for awhile.

    There are way too many women with no sense when it comes to picking mates. Not ALL women, but many.

  39. I knew a German woman back in the 90’s who told me one of her girlfriends had a black man because she heard Negroes have different looking penises. Now, maybe this was just “womanspeak” for -yeah, black guys have big dicks- but I couldn’t help thinking how increduously stupid that statement was.
    As far as Scripture goes, it is typical people like Svigor would misquote what Jesus said. Finishing the quote;…”until all is accomplished” leads directly to the crucifixion and the fullfilment of the Law by Christ. So, yes, the Mosiac Law is dead and stoning people to death for miscegenation or whatever is not following God.
    This documentary shows unequivocally how destructive the so-called holocaust narrative is for the European. Now the black man wants what he thinks the White man owes him. If you drink the Kool-Aid, you will die.

  40. “John Lennon – Woman is The Nigger of The World ”

    Well, not all, but may be in this case.

    The Frankfurt School influence shines through in the lyrics.

    It all started with the Sergeant Pepper album with a photo of Marx, Freud, etc.. on the cover with the 50 influences of the Beatles.

    John and Ono think a women’s nature is a social construct.

  41. @Brutus
    “There are way too many women with no sense when it comes to picking mates. Not ALL women, but many.”

    Just about all. The few who don’t are nowhere near enough to compete against the tidal wave of dumbass. They too will be overwhelmed or at least their kids will be as there will be less quality for them to choose from and they will be forced into idiocy.

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