180 Degrees False South


Connie Chastain, blogger at 180 Degrees False South and the personification of the “granny” type that has suffocated Southern Nationalism for fifteen years, holds forth on the evils of “blatant racism,” “white supremacy,” and yours truly:

“Wonder which Confederate “heritage” advocates he’s talking about. I haven’t noticed that many of us feeling uncomfortable about Wallace’s acceptance of the role of white supremacy in the Old South and the Confederacy. I think, quite the opposite from what Simpson suggests, it’s that most Confederate heritage advocates do not share his blatant racism and resent his using Confederate heritage to promote it.

Most of us know quite well that white supremacy existed in the Old South and the Confederacy. We also know it existed in the north and the USA as well, and we simply don’t relate to folks like Brooks Simpson and his Dixie-bashing brethren giving the north a pass by ignoring its white supremacy and its crucial role in slavery to focus their total evilization campaign on the South.”

Lincoln was the real racist!

Connie is like a dinner bell: whenever she rises to speak, it is the signal for the men to stop listening, rise from their seats, and exit the building.

Who wants to hear granny’s lecture on the evils of racism, slavery, and white supremacy? Thousands of “Black Confederates”? How Jim Crow forced poor innocent black people to live in rags and hovels until LBJ built housing projects for them?

Not me.

When I first heard about Southern Nationalism in 2001, I thought it was a great idea and read everything I could about it until I started running across all the statements about “racism” that had been adopted to appease the granny types like Chastain.

I doubt my reaction was unique: initial excitement, quick onset of disillusionment, followed by plunge into WN-dom.

I can remember reading LewRockwell.com at Auburn before it was popular. I was around before even Stormfront was popular. Libertarianism and White Nationalism soaked up all of the growth in the last decade.

Southern Nationalism could have been pro-South, pro-White, pro-liberty, and pro-conservative. The original version was potent because it drew strength from all these themes and offered a coherent vision of Southern nationhood. The racialist argument was the most powerful appeal used by the Confederate commissioners.

Now we have schizophrenic “Confederate heritage advocates” like Chastain who condemn Southern heritage for its “racism” and “white supremacy” while chiding Northern liberals for their consistency!

About Hunter Wallace 12411 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Hunter, alas most Whites will not awaken until they’ve suffered terribly, at the hands of the Jew Owned Pet Darkies.

    Creatures like Chastain are irredeemable. Hopefully some Nigra pack attack will take her down ASAP.

  2. Denise my guess is that woman lives far from the negro. If you go to lefty blogs the craziest women who demand diversity and hate the white man most explicitly usually you find out they are lesbians living out in the country with their gal pals far, far from the diversity.

  3. We might not be winning but the liberal establishment is dying. If I remember right they unveiled MLK’s statue in this election year with about an est. 10,000 in attendance. If King Kong’s deification can draw only that, it is my guess that in a couple of years a retooled SN where all the orgs stop debating the details on page 256 of some really important book could outdraw that figure on a slow day.

    Sailer’s blog had a commentator make a salient remark on liberalism, math and tax monies. Boiled down to someone is going to have to be thrown from the entitlements bus for the beast to live, and the Ds are gonna shove little white granny onto the pavement. Now think of all those DWLs/SWPLs having to listen to granny whine?

  4. Hey! That lovely righteous gal Connie is doing what all of white America is doing today. She’s exhibiting that premier item of goodness, enlightenment, and righteousness – anti-racism. This is most vital to “feeling good about yourself.”

    When I was very young this was a good piece of my “goodness.”

    Funny how today’s most salient take on goodness can be so damn murderous.

  5. Harry it is not “anti-racism” that is but a fiction, a non-white or a white can spew all the invective against whites in general and the woman would not say boo.

    Its like the reactionairies who take feminism serious, god that is dumb. The non-whites given enough time will be auctioning off white women (feminists). Only dumb whites take feminism serious, and the feminists themselves subordinate themselves totally to the non-whites.

    Two years ago some Femgals posted a story about South African corrective rape of lesbians at Daily Kos (cult central), well one enterprising man from “Black Kos” (yes folks they have Black Kos) came onto the thread and pronounced this story “rayciss”, and that was that. From there is spiraled out of control, the whites wimmin nearly all had an online breakdown, hundreds of posts denying “racycism”, pleading begging posts.

    My god the anti-whites are cruel, I still marvel at people who view them as morally superior.

  6. “Boiled down to someone is going to have to be thrown from the entitlements bus for the beast to live”

    The next step after another “crisis” would be to seize 401k’s and IRA’s and roll them into some kind of Government Backed Instrument, payable to you in retirement. A big knife into the back of the white middle class. They will not go after old, minorities, or the students until there is literally nothing left to steal from the white middle class.

    This seizure idea is already being floated around Washington, and there is historical precedent for this from other collapsed governments.

  7. Sometimes asking Connie this will help: “Who TOLD YOU to say that?” Why do you want to make your money with that message? When you WERE TOLD/ taught to say this, (names, dates, times, places)— why did you decide to be a tool for the repeater? What in your personal experience, brought you to your conclusions? etc.

  8. Robroy,

    Was yee a Kossack? One interesting thing there was the rise of the black commentariat.
    As soon as Obama showed up they swamped the place. All the Likudnik’s there seemed to back Obama very quickly too. They had purges and show trials and all sorts of mad shit that year.

  9. White women do not believe in white supremacy. They believe in black supremacy (although not all of them).

  10. The next step after another “crisis” would be to seize 401k’s and IRA’s and roll them into some kind of Government Backed Instrument, payable to you in retirement. …

    Yep they float that idea around of a regular schedule, which is why my wealth is tied up in real property

    White women believe in feminism and the anti White male cultural marxism. They will believe in White Supremacy if and when we win. Until then they will support BRA/ WRA

  11. Connie Ward is not “White.” She’s of self-admitted mixed ancestry (Native American). This alone is enough to explain here rabid anti-White supremacy.

  12. One can believe in white supremacy without singing Dixie. Evryone forgets that Abe Lincoln was white supremacist, too. Without in any way wishing to see the Confederacy ressurected, I would very much like to see blacks back in chains. They were, and are, totally worthless. And yes, Stonelifter is still right about women siding with the enemy.

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