The Cost of the Union – To The South


(1) Obama’s election – In 2008, Obama lost Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, South Carolina, Louisiana, Texas, Oklahoma, Missouri, Tennessee, Arkansas, Kentucky, and West Virginia. If the 2008 presidential election had been held exclusively in the South, Obama would have lost the election.

Obama won Florida, North Carolina, and Virginia. He lost the White vote in all three states: 42 percent in Florida, 35 percent in North Carolina, and 39 percent in Virginia. Obama won three Southern states by putting together a coalition of White carpetbaggers, White scalawags, non-White immigrants, and enfranchised blacks.

Were it not for the Voting Rights Act (voted down in the South) and the Immigration Act of 1965 (voted down in the South), Obama would have lost Florida, North Carolina, and Virginia in 2008, even with record turnout among the carpetbagger vote.

(2) DREAM Act – In December 2010, the DREAM Act passed the House and was defeated in the Senate. In the Senate, 7 Democratic Senators from the South (Lincoln, Landrieu, Nelson, McCaskill, Rockefeller, Warner, and Webb) voted for the DREAM Act, but 21 voted against the DREAM Act.

In the House, 1 out of 4 representatives from Arkansas, 1 out of 4 from Mississippi, 2 out of 6 from Louisiana, 1 out of 7 from Alabama, 4 out of 13 from Georgia, 3 out of 6 from South Carolina, 13 out of 25 from Florida, 12 out of 32 from Texas, 0 out of 5 from Oklahoma, 4 out of 9 from Missouri, 4 out of 9 from Tennessee, 1 out of 6 from Kentucky, 0 out of 3 from West Virginia, 4 out of 11 from Virginia, and 5 out of 13 from North Carolina voted for the DREAM Act.

The final vote in the House was 44 for the DREAM Act and 98 against or not voting. Most of the districts that supported the DREAM Act from the South were black holes or brown holes created by the Voting Rights Act.

The White majority from the South in the House and Senate was solidly against the DREAM Act. Yet it passed the House and was narrowly defeated in the Senate. It doesn’t matter now because the president who was elected by non-Southerners has signed an executive order to enact the DREAM Act.

Every single House representative from New England supported the DREAM Act.

(3) Obamacare – Here’s the vote on Obamacare in the South:

In the House – 1 out of 4 from Arkansas, 0 out of 7 from Louisiana, 1 out of 4 from Mississippi, 0 out of 7 from Alabama, 4 out of 13 from Georgia, 2 out of 6 from South Carolina, 9 out of 25 from Florida, 11 out of 32 from Texas, 0 out of 5 from Oklahoma, 3 out of 9 from Missouri, 3 out of 9 from Tennessee, 1 out of 6 from Kentucky, 5 out of 13 from North Carolina, 4 out of 11 from Virginia, 2 out of 3 from West Virginia.

The final vote in the House was 46 for Obamacare and 108 against or not voting.

In the Senate – 10 Democratic Senators from the South voted for Obamacare. 19 voted against Obamacare.

With one exception, every single House representative from New England supported Obamacare.

(4) DADT repeal – Here’s the vote on Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell Repeal:

In the House – 1 from Arkansas, 2 from Louisiana, 1 from Mississippi, 0 from Alabama, 5 from Georgia, 2 from South Carolina, 12 from Florida, 12 from Texas, 3 from Missouri, 0 from Oklahoma, 3 from Tennessee, 2 from Kentucky, 6 from Virginia, 7 from North Carolina, and 1 from West Virginia.

Every single representative from New England voted for DADT repeal. They are all Democrats.

In the Senate – 10 Senators voted for DADT repeal. 18 voted against DADT repeal.

Note: If the South were an independent nation, Obama would not be president, Obamacare wouldn’t have been passed, DADT repeal wouldn’t have passed, and the DREAM Act wouldn’t have been enacted today.

Instead, we have Obama as president and now the Obamacare, DADT repeal, and the DREAM Act which was defeated over half a dozen times, and we have all three because of the existence of the Union.

About Hunter Wallace 12412 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “With one exception, every single House representative from New England supported Obamacare.”

    Here we are supporting a (white!) Lincoln Partier of the chief state of New England, who pioneered Romneycare, and has said “we NEED a REPUBLICAN Dream Act.”

  2. do people really support Romney is it that they vote for them because they buy into the silly notion you have to vote and Romney isn’t BHO?

    I don’t know any who thinks Romney is the best choice, but the “best” out of a sorry lot.

  3. Here is a GOOD dream act dream: If only the good half of this state could secede from the wicked “city” half…. Who’s to say that states themselves can’t be broken up, and re-formed into new states, as conservative counties that are nullifying unjust “city” laws band together and con-federate.

  4. “If Romney picks Rubio, there is no way that I am voting for him in November.” There is a limit! Thanks, Hunter, for the courage of your convictions!

  5. Romney should make the bold (very bold for moderate him, anyway) move to pick an extremely, notoriously conservative running mate, and let the electorate see a CLEAR line drawn in the sand, to let them choose this day which side they are on and whom they will serve, God or Mammon. Moral clarity is good, and resulting polarisation is good; and extremism, in the defense of our liberty, is no vice.

  6. But Hunter, we should vote for the White candidate because he looks like us. He understands us and will look after our interests. Everything will be okay when Romney is our president.

  7. The southern states had every right to secede and form an indipendant confederate nation. Someday the north will answer for criminally forcing our states into a “union”!

  8. @MosinNagant
    Maybe the people in the middle ages weren’t all wrong about everything.
    They had city-states. It’s what many Northern Italians always wanted but the powers in the world, the force of history, would not allow it.
    Many Italians were opposed to the unification of the Italian peninsula during the 1860’s.
    There was internal domestic turmoil in Italy during the 1860’s as well. (Not on the same scale of the american war between the states). Those Italians who wanted unification and be ruled by Milan ( via the rubber-stampers and paper-pushers in Rome ) pretty much pounced on those Italians who wanted independent regions.
    The pressure wasn’t done through war as here in America during the 1860’s, the pressure was done through economic policies.
    The smaller the state, the better chance you have of truly knowing what’s going on, and the easier it is to put an end to problems. One has a greater say the smaller the state.
    As long as we’re dreaming…..
    Your post could have been written by a 12th century Tuscan. lol/ That’s a compliment. They just wanted to rule themselves and be left alone by the popes and monarchs of Europe.

  9. Robama (romney) is the lesser of two evils. Might as well vote for chuthulu. I have said “Ron Paul or bust!” but given the political circumstances of the day, assuming we should vote, who should we vote for? Not rubio, allen west nor rick perry.
    If only we could have David Duke …sigh

  10. “But Hunter, we should vote for the White candidate because he looks like us. He understands us and will look after our interests. Everything will be okay when Romney is our president.”

    Tell me this is sarcasm. Please.

  11. Even the most cursory glance at this website is sufficient to belie the notion that this is a “we’re gonna take back America” blog. I’ve said repeatedly that disunion is the solution. It is obvious that I don’t trust Republican politicians like Mitt Romney.

  12. Mitt Romney is just a CEO who wants to be president. You hear him say, “I am a businessman” and “I am going to create jobs,” and you just want to laugh because it is so stunningly inadequate as a response to the terminal crisis we are facing.

    He won’t be as bad as Obama. All things considered even Bush wasn’t as bad as Obama because he at least appointed Roberts and Alito to the Supreme Court. Voting straight ticket R isn’t a real solution though.

  13. If we could emancipate the South from the rest of the United States, we could turn things around through voting. At the rate we are going now, the South is just becoming more submerged within America, and correspondingly the weight of the despotism we live under is becoming heavier with our declining political power.

  14. Mosin,

    I’m sure you know what it is like to be submerged within the consolidated despotism that is Pennsylvania. There are plenty of areas like that in the North. Downstate Illinois is such a place.

  15. Here is a GOOD dream act dream: If only the good half of this state could secede from the wicked “city” half…. Who’s to say that states themselves can’t be broken up, and re-formed into new states, as conservative counties that are nullifying unjust “city” laws band together and con-federate.

    Somewhere online a man has drawn out a plan for the USA to break apart buy red vs blue counties, into a patch work red vs blue version of the USA. Wish I could remember the link because I think you’d enjoy reading it. I don’t think it is workable solution though because I don’t think anything will change until the usa breaks.

    Romney the ceo broke up companies and shipped jobs overseas. That’s going to kill his chances with the White working men in my county. I suspect most will not vote at all. I do think Romney will win the county regardless

    Romney should pick someone like Pat Buchanan with a solid idea of what working class White men like as a running mate or top adviser. No one is going after the working class White man vote

  16. “Tell me this is sarcasm. Please.”

    No, I was having a conservative moment. A moment when panic and denial set in and I grasp for straws, hoping beyond hope that we still have a country.

    In other words, having a 313Chris/Stonelifter moment.

  17. I want the usa to break up so I’m not sure what you’re referring to. Same about Chris…

  18. The South tends to vote alike across the region of historic Dixie. What I would like to see is unity among southern governors to recall representation to the common government, but on what grounds? As far as I’m concerned no issue is too small, but it would preferably be over an issue which evokes a matter of principle, such as the right to govern at the state and local level apart from a tyrannical, national majority. The time to fight back against phases II & III of Reconstruction are long past. I am late to the fight. I am a recovering reconstructed Southerner.

  19. It’s more than simple geographic divisions

    Re: the Scott Walker Recall Trouncing – listen to Crying Commie/ The radio interview, with Vicki McKenna, as the Hostess. That PATHETIC retrograde gotta-be-a-fag Crying Commie guy calls in to her radio show. Watch the pics.

    The REFUSE depicted in the Teachers/Occupy pics are our Racial Enemies – and I’d warrant the majority of the “Whites” are White. *(There are always Hebes, slithering about)” Yet the majority of woters – gotta be White, due to the demographcs of the State. This vote was magnificent real-world illustration of Keven MacDonald’s Implicity White Theory. I’m sure, that is polled, most of the White voters, that trounced the Commies, would abjure “racism” – but they soundely defeated Communism,

    Communism is the Mother Lode of Anti White.

    The Crying Homo seems to be White – but He/It is what I refer to as UnWhite.

    There needs to be a divorce. Pro White Whites vs every-one else. It’s coming. The divorce is underway – and it’s gonna be UGLIER than anything ever.

  20. Hunter, you have laid out a solid case of why America must crack-up for our race to survive. You have correctly pointed out that this crack-up will seem impossible right until the moment it becomes inevitable. How? Minds will change, people will no longer have their consumerist opiods to dull the pain of the Brown Out. The average white, who is a go-along-to-get-along type, will do so until just before the bitter end when primordial survival instincts will kick in. There has to be a scare, though.

    What is Romney’s agenda? To do multi-racial America “right”, unlike Obama, who does it “wrong” (too ! which is exactly what we want and need!). Romney does something that Obama cannot do, which is divide whites! When Romney is the face of the collapse, fence-sitting whites will blame Upper Class Whites and go over to Leftist and Libertarian snake-oil salesmen.

    The collapse of Upper Class White party politics will lead to to a chance to rebuild white politics along populist and most critically anti-democratic lines. The 50-50 electoral battles of the last decade will yield to the Brown Invasion in as little as 18 years when the new brown majority baby cohort registers to vote.

    My few encounters with the GOP machine have shown them to be old and interested primarily in comfort, even the young ones are far to comfortable. The road ahead will make Omaha Beach look like Malibu and Hotel Rwanda look like Holiday Inn. Don’t go down failed roads (GOP, Christianity) out of the comfort of nostalgia, do as you you have done with America and consign them to the dustbin of history.

  21. “. . .Pro White Whites vs every-one else. . .”

    That could be the basis for a cartoon: The final battle- in the boxing ring- for the REAL world championship-

    Ladies and Gentlemen- in this corner the undefeated Dave “Popeye” Whiteman. And in the opposing corner- The Rest of The World!

  22. @orion14

    “No, I was having a conservative moment A moment when panic and denial set in and I grasp for straws, hoping beyond hope that we still have a country.

    In other words, having a 313Chris/Stonelifter moment.”

    For your clarification, I do not entertain any sentimental illusions about the future of this country. I will vote for Romney because I will not vote for a nigger, ever. And a vote for Romney, whatever you think of the man, is still a vote against Obama.

    I’m not a fool, and I realize that the United States is ultimately an untenable situation. But I’m still American, and it’s my natural instinct to fight to preserve my only homeland, however doomed I may know it to be.

  23. There is no real upside for Mitt to pick Marco Rubio, and a lot of downside. Mitt will get pretty much every anti-Castro Cuban vote regardless, while most Jews, all negroes, almost all city dwelling homosexuals and metrosexuals, every other Hispanic (PRs, some Central Americans and Mexicans), plus most government employees will never vote for a Republican even if the Great Emancipator himself were running..

    Even with Rubio on the ticket, my guess is that Florida will go Obama. Hell, the South Florida Democratic machine can come up with as many votes as might be necessary (hanging chads and other vote-stuffing ways), so it might not even be close. In fact, Rubio would probably mean that a certain needed percentage of whites would stay home, or vote for a 3rd party, since a minority of whites are starting to wake up to the game.

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